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Severus P.O.V

Dear Merlin what have I done? I can tell Harry is very upset over what I said in the headmasters office. I saw him leave with tears in his eyes and he was visabaly shaking too. I told him I would lay off the insults and not make them as harsh but it seems like I failed at that. I just hope he can forgive me.

I floo down to my office and make my way over to my classroom. First period of the day if first years. Great. In all honesty the first years are the best classes. Since they are new to potions they do try to follow directions as closely as possible. Unlike older years who think they know everything and do what they want.

The day passes by much in a blur. Harry's class is the last class of the day. God I'm so nervous to face him. Why? I'm an adult, I should not be afraid to face my mate. The bell rings to signal the last class of the day. I can hear my students talking outside. I unlock the door and sit down at my desk. Today I'll take a more, gentler approach.

The students all sit down at their desk and I tap the board with my wand.

"This is the potion you will be brewing. This is a more tougher potion then the ones you all have been previously working on. For every uncompleted potion will be two points form your house. Begin." All the students scramble to gather there ingredients. Except Harry. He stays seated and has his eyes glued to the board. Or me. I don't know which.

It's like that for the rest of class. He only glances up occasionally and I don't know if it is the board or me he is looking at. When the class ends, Slytherin is at a minus eight points and Gryffindor is at a minus six points. They gather up there stuff and Harry is one of the few left. I don't know if he did that on purpose or not. Luck have it, he was the last one in the class.

"H-harry?" I ask my voice cracking like a hormonal teenager. He turns to me his expression blank.

"Yes?" He says. I can tell he's trying not to let his emotions come through.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I take a small step forward.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" He half shouts at me. I take a few more steps forward.

"Because of what I said. I know I hurt you because of it." Now he starts to hyperventilate.

"No, why would that bother me? I'm fine. I-Im cool. I don't need an-any-anyhting!" He falls forward crying. I run and catch him before he can hit the floor. He tries to fight me at first but the just goes limp in my arms. I hold him as he cries into my chest uncontrollably. I run my fingers through my his hair as I whisper declarations of love to him.

"Merlin kitten I'm so so so very sorry. I know you asked me to go lightly on the insults and I didn't. I understand if you hate me, or never want to see me again but know I am deeply sorry for what I said to you." I nuzzel my nose in his hair.

"P-promise... promise me that you will try harder. Or maybe you could just not comment and just give me a glare instead?" He asks his voice braking every other word.

"I promise kitten, I will try my very best. Tell me, is there any area your more sensitive to?" I ask as I kiss his forehead.

"J-just don't compare me to my father." He says.

"Then from now on I won't." I say. I pick him up bridal style and take him to my desk. I sit in my chair with him on my lap. I gently stroke his ears and run my hand up and down his tail. First he purrs his head still on my chest. Next he is lightly whimpering and moaning. He looks up at me with lust filled eyes.

"What, you trying to make to make it up to me?" He asks giving me his innocent eyes.

"Maybe." I say as I nip at his ears. He let's out a louder moan and I drop my head down to his neck. I leave little love bites and run my fangs over his mark. He arches his back and grabs onto my robes. I slip my hand from his waist to begin lightly stroking his member through his pants.

"Oh god sev..." He whispers in my ear breathlessly. I sit him on the desk as I go to my knees. I undo his button that holds his trousers closed and opened the zipper with my teeth. I suck of his cock through the fabric of his boxers.

"P-please Sev, don't tease." He begs me. I comply with his wishes and take his member out of his boxers and kiss the tip that is already dripping with pre-cum. I make my tounge dance around the head. He arches his back and runs his fingers through my hair. I let him set the pace. He controls the speed at which I move my head, how far down and up I go. Soon he is moaning about how close he is. This is when I take over.

I begin to bob my head faster and suck harder. I elongate my fangs and lightly scrape them up the underside of his cock. I feel his body shiver in pleasure. Soon he spills himself on my tounge. I stand up and he collapses in my arms. We stay like this for a while till he regains his strength and stands. That's when I hear a knock on the door.

"Enter." I say. Harry takes a few steps away from me and stands in front of my desk while I sit in my chair. Hermione and Ron enter. Something feels off but I can't place my finger on what.

"I came to collect my book sir." Weasely says. He left his book here so I kept it on my desk. I point to it, not giving a verbal answer. I look up and I see they both have a look in their eyes. This concerns me. Harry hasn't noticed yet. He nods to me saying he'll see me tomorrow and goes to pass the two on his way out. Weasely purposely bumps into him and causes him to hit a wall, and shouts freak down the hall but Harry keeps walking.

"What was that for?" I question as I stand and move in front of them.

"Deserves it for being a freak." This time it was Granger who said it. I was about to snap at them when I notice something.

"What do you two think of Harry?" I ask.

"He's a freak and shouldn't be here. All he is, is a spoiled brat." Weasely tells me.

"Mrs. Granger, what do you think about Mr. Malfoy?" I question her.

"He's revolting! That is one snake that should slither in a hole and never come out!" She says.

"What is that on your robes?" I ask. On their robes, near the house crest is a pin. This pin is the Hogwarts crest.

"Oh, these? This is a pin to show that we are the students who transferred houses." Granger replied.

"Well, Harry doesn't have one of them. Nor any other student who switched houses." Albus had his name all over this. "Remove that pin."

"It can't be removed. We tried when Colin asked to see it." Weasely tells me.

"Then remove your robes." I say as I cross my arms over my chest.

"WHAT!" They both shout at me. "We are not stripping! That is absurd!" Hermione screamed at me.

"I only asked you to remove your robes not all of your clothes!" They immediately strip out of their outer robes. Now, I can begin my test.

"Now, tell me how do the two of you feel about Harry Potter?" I ask.

"He's our best friend. We would do anything for him." Weasely informs me.

"And you, how do you feel about Draco Malfoy?" I say as I point to Hermione.

"I love him. He's the best." She tells me.

"You know, I asked you these questions earlier and your answers were very different." I say as I turn to my desk and set the robes down.

"What, you can't be serious." Ron says.

"Oh I believe I am Weasely. I believe these pins cause you to muster up negative feelings for certain people. I would need time to confirm it though. But for now, borrow someone else's robes that don't have this pin on it, understood?"

"Yes sir." They both answer me.

"Good, I'll have Lucius take you robe shopping over the weekend so you won't have to borrow robes for the remainder of the school year. Oh and by the way, you might want to apologize to Harry." I say.

"Why?" Hermione asks me timidly.

"Because when he left here Weasely may have pushed him into a wall and called him a freak." I tell them.

"Oh Ron we really must go find him and apologize. Thank you professor for telling us and helping us. Come on." She says as she takes Weaselys' hand and drags him from my classroom. I sigh and sit down and my desk. For hours I look through different books and run many different spells on the pins. I'm still at a loss. It wasn't until around ten when I decided to head to my chambers and get some rest. I just enter my quarters and find Black sitting on my couch.

"What are you doing here?" I say without venom in my voice.

"Came to talk to you. Harry spoke with us and said Ron and Hermione talked to him like he was worthless. Any idea why?" I grab two glasses and a bottle of firewhiskey. I sit down on the couch near him and pour him a glass.

"Well, I gathered Albus put these pins on Hermione and Ron. When I questioned them about them, they said it was to show that they were the children who switched houses." I say.

"Really? But Harry doesn't have one." He spits as he takes a sip.

"Yeah, but I gathered over the pass few hours that this pin gathers up negative emotions towards a certain object of person." I was about to take a sip of my drink when something hits me. "How did you get here?"

"Oh, well, the house elf showed me and Remus to our rooms. After Harry's visit I knew I had to talk to you. So I turned into padfoot and made my way down." He tells me.

"Okay, but that doesn't explain to me how you got in to my quarters."

"Oh. The portrait let me in. I told it I was here to see you about Harry and he swung right open." He laughed.

"I'm gonna burn that portrait right off the wall." I mumble into my glass as I down the liquid. Black and me sit on the couch for a while talking and drinking. Suddenly the fire roars to life in a green. Black, for some unknown reason, flips over the couch and lands on the floor. But I get my reason. Albums sticks his head in the fireplace.

"Severus, are you there?" He calls.

"Yes, what do you need Albus?" I growl out.

"Can you please come up here? We have a problem." He says. He sounds worried.

"What is it?" I ask as I stand and straighten out my robes to look presentable.

"Its Harry.I believe his nightmares are becoming more of a problem now. Please just come up when you can." He then disappears into green flames. Black stands back up.

"You had to be that dramatic?"

"What I panicked. So here comes you and the occulmency lessons." He says.

"Yes so I should be going. I'll see you Friday in the Room of Requirements." I turn and step into the fireplace and floo to the headmasters office.

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