Chapter Forty Two - When it Rains.

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I got Fiona's permission to use her bike to get to Dad's old summer home. As I got nearer it started to drizzle and soon, in true London fashion, the rain was all out pouring. It didn't matter much as I had arrived at my destination.

It was looking a little worse for wear, the sand colored bricks had darkened with age, and moss had crept up the staircase. 

I closed my eyes momentarily as I remembered the sweet times Dad and I had had here when mum was alive... Or rather, before she faked her death.

Times spend swinging on the swing in the back yard or climbing trees as the sun shone down on our smiling faces. Times before my life turned upside down.

I shook myself out of my reverie as I turned off the ignition and walked up the stone steps to poison the only safe place left in my childhood memory... To stain the marble flooring with Jim Moriarty's blood.

I looked down at my feet and noticed... it seemed somebody had beat me to it.

Blood stained the stone steps outside the door and a sick feeling filled my stomach. My eyes flickered over to the door and I extended my hand to open it.

The door swung open with an eerie squeal, as Lightning shot through the landscape behind me with a loud crack. I jumped and shivered as I made my way into the dark mansion. I closed the door behind me and turned on the lights witch.

The warm yellow light from the chandelier comforted me until I looked on the stairs.

The bloody puddles grew in size as they made their way up the stairs. My pulse hammered. I followed the red path into the Kitchen and my heart leapt out of my chest as the lightning flashed again to reveal a body on the floor. My hands trembled as I flicked the switch and saw Liem's blood covered face and chest.

"Liem?!" I exclaimed in horror.

"key...Keyland?" He answered weakly.

"Liem it's me... I'm here... Oh my word...." I breathed.

I looked at the wound in his chest and realized he had been stabbed.

"Oh my Word...."

"Keyland! Run!" Liem panted.

"No I'm not leaving you... I'll get help I'll-I'll call Sherlock..."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and activated my distress beacon.

"Keyland listen to me..." Liem panted weakly.

I nodded as tears filled my eyes.

"I love you.       You need to run.       Save yourself."

"I'm not leaving you." I replied, as the tears drenched my cheeks.

"Keyland!" The strength in his voice pulled my attention back to his face. "He's still here."

The light was fading out of his eyes as I pushed with both my hands onto the wound to stop the bleeding.


"You need to Run run-." He breathed.

And then he was gone. I checked his pulse and his heart... it had stopped.

"No...No... Liem no! Don't you leave me!" I demanded as I desperately tried to... I tried to restart his heart. But it was too late.

I collapsed on his form sobbing as the last person from my past died.

"Hello Angel..."

The voice sent shivers down my spine. And I was dimly aware of Jim' footsteps coming slowly toward me. I reached forward and gently closed Liem's glassy eyes.

"You know, usually I don't like getting my hands dirty, but for him I thought I would make an exception." the sound of his voice was accompanied by the booming of thunder. I tucked my phone into my back pocket as I stood quickly to my feet.

"You utter bastard. You murderous snake. You evil, vile, filthy... bastard!" I spew. 

"You done?" Jim asked as he cocked his head to the side.

I glared at him.

"Good, my turn. Obviously you are coming home with me. I've got a friend who can make your amnesia permanent. And we can move somewhere and start over. Just like we were always meant to be." He smiled.

"We were never meant to be!" I snarl.

"You'd be surprised, in fact I'd better tell you now ...considering you will have no Idea what I'm talking about in a few hours." Jim stated nonchalantly. 

"Tell me what?" I ask, biding my time. 

"I killed your father."


"I paid your brother, you didn't seriously think he did that by himself did you?"

My jaw drops.

"How did you think he got past your father's security? Magic?!" He scoffs.

I clench my fists and as he monologues, I piece together a plan.

"No Darling, you see your father was as, you know a crime-lord, well so was mine. Professor James Moriarty. My namesake. They called me junior," He shuddered, rolling his eyes. "You see Arabella, your father and my father needed to make an alliance, but for some reason. Your father dissaproved of you marrying me. (Although I can't IMAGINE why!) So you see he had to be removed from the picture. Just like my dear old dad. They were in my way..." Jim says as he gestures to Liem's body. "...So I got rid of them." He smiles.

"You killed my father." I clarify.

"Yup." he chirps. 

"And yours."

"Yes ma'am." He grins. 

"So why not me?" I ask. 

"I beg your pardon?"

"I am speaking to Jim right? Not Richard." I clarify. 

"Clever girl."

"So if all you want is my father's side of London's underworld why not kill me?" I ask. 

"Well I must confess at first it was because Richard had developed quite a crush on you. He would not shut up about you! But as I looked at you and saw how you reacted to the situations I put you in, well you earned my respect. You are clever and, If I may flatter myself almost as crazy as I am. So, I suppose, My dear. I've fallen for you too. By the way if I might add It was very smart to trigger Richard by kissing me. If only your little friend had listened to you, he might not be dead." he muses. 

I somehow restrain myself from launching at him.

"Anyways, think about it Keyland, Join me, marry me and together, we will turn London... The world upside down."

"You're proposing?" I gasp.

"Yeah, I guess I am." Jim shrugs.

I stare at him.

"...Well what are you waiting for? I'm not going down on one knee! What do you say Keyland?" He smiles. 

"First off It's a bad Idea to mention world domination on the first date, Secondly if you think for a second that I have Stockholm syndrome you are dead wrong. Thirdly. I plan to kill you so... Sorry I guess?" 

"That does put a damper on our relationship. Ah well, I guess I'll just do this the hard way." Him smirks, pulling the needle out of his pocket.

He rushes at me syringe in hand. But as he does I access my mind palace. And Sherlock guides me through the steps. 

I dodge out of his way and grab a chair smashing him over the head with it. As he lies there on the ground momentarily stunned I try to go out the back door. The door wont open so I smash a window and rush out into the garden.  I run through the opened gate.

The thick mud causes my shoes to squelch and I loose one in a huge mud puddle. I look behind me to see Jim following me closer than i expected and I rush over and climb a tree.

"Seriously?" Jim giggles.

I pant as he looks up into the tree.

"Really Keyland? You think I can't climb a tree?" Jim asks mockingly. 

I'm majorly out of breath, so in response I throw my other shoe at him. After taking my inhaler.

The muddy shoe hits his white dress shirt.

"This is WESTWOOD!! Mind the suit!!!!" Jim exclaims exasperatedly. 

I shove my inhaler back into my pocket.

"It's over Moriarty! I have the high ground!" I shout. 

"Star wars?" Jim sighs heavily, and takes off his suit jacket. Immediately getting drenched by the rain.

He makes his way to the tree.

"Stay where you are!" I demand. 

"Or what? You'll throw your other shoe? I saw it in the puddle back there." Jim scoffs. 

I cross my arms.

"You know if you hadn't just MURDERED my best friend, I'd laugh at the absurdity of this situation!" I growl. 

Jim laughs then sighs. "Are you coming down or am I coming up?"

"Go die in a hole!" I scream. 

"I guess I'm coming up then." Jim sighs. 

I watch straight faced as he struggles up the tree his boots slipping on the bark.

I only have one chance to make this work. I climb up once more onto a sturdy limb above the one I was resting on before.

"Oh come on Keyland! You are going to run out of tree sometime!" Jim shouts. 

I waited until he was on the branch below me then I grab onto the limb I crouch on.

Then I channel all my fury and swing down, my feet aiming for Jim's weak leg.

I knock his feet out from under him and he grasps wildly for the branch missing by inches.

His eyes widen as he falls down onto his back the air leaving his lungs.

I scramble down the tree, and while he tries to catch his breath, I rush into the hedge maze. It's very lucky for me that I know this place like the back of my hand.

Secret passages and all, dad always did love a secret passage.

All to soon, I hear heavy footsteps behind me. In my hurry my asthma medication slips from my pocket, as I head through a secret passage to the building in the middle of the maze. I clamber to the top of the building to get a better look but all I can see is the thick dense gray fog as it swirls eerily across the maze.

It's quiet. The only sounds, my heart beating, and the rain splattering against the rotting white wood of the building under my feet.

A scraping noise sounds from behind me. I spin round to meet Moriarty's cold dead eyes.

"There is no use in running Keyland. Anywhere you go I'll find you. Just give up." Jim snarls. 

"Never!" I exclaim. As I rush over to the statue in the middle of the building, and relieve her of her massive metal sword.

Jim's face is a mixture of awestruck and dumbfounded. He raises his eyebrow.

"You wouldn't kill me." He tempts. 

"For my father and Liem. I would." I glare. 

Jim's eyes widen and he rips a sword length piece of the rusty railing off of the balcony on which we stand.

"Keyland don't make me do this." He begs. 

"You can walk away right now James... Leave and never return." I demand. 

"Wow, you don't know me very well do you?" Jim says awkwardly. 

I heft the massive broadsword to the side with a determined glint in my eyes.

It happened so fast. I swung at him. And he replied quickly Hoisting his arms over his head with the bar held tightly in front of him he blocked my hit and dodged out of the way.

My arms were shaking. Partly from the weight of the sword, and partly from the adrenaline.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted the rain making my grip on the weapon precarious.

"No! I just want what's best for you!" Jim yells back. 

"Well it's not you!" I screech as the sword slips from my hand and clatters to the ground. Jim eyes me then pounces I clobber him in the face with my elbow as we both struggle. I shove him toward the stairs and he takes me down with him. We land at the foot of the stairs and Jim kneels quickly the syringe in his raised hand.

"I promised you Keyland nobody would ever hurt you again!" He announces and plunges the syringe into my neck.

"You are hurting me..." I manage to squeak out.

Jim's eyes grow softer.

"What?" He asks. 

"You have done nothing but hurt me... you broke your promise." I say weakly as the grey fog swirls around in my head.

Then all is still, all is quiet.


Richard Brooke dropped the needle his eyes scanning Keyland's resting face.

"What have I done?!" He exclaimed.

The rain had slowed to a drizzle as Richard stood up and looked around him like he was seeing the world fresh again.

He blinked twice then turned back to Keyland where she lay sprawled at the bottom of the stairs bruises covering her face and arms.

Gently as he could he picked her up and carried he over to a nearby bench laying her down as softly as possible.

He gazed at her longingly then with great effort he walked back the way he had come. He made his way to the car and stated at the steering wheel before taking out his phone and typing...

"I suppose then Keyland, this is where I say goodbye. I know Sherlock Holmes is a good man. And he will treat you like how you deserve... But if he ever treats you wrong. There will be hell to pay. And I will know... Goodbye my Angel. Thanks for the memories. - J.M."

Richard waited till he had drove a good two miles away before he pressed send.


Despite the doctor's direct orders and John's disapproval Sherlock was on his way to rescue Keyland. 

"I can't stop you but I'm not letting you go alone." John sighed. 

After getting the address from Fiona, they hurried, John driving like a bat out of hell.

Sherlock's footsteps pounded on the muddy green grass, the sun was glaringly bright and every breath he took felt like fire in his lungs but it was nothing to him. He was so worried about Keyland. His breath came in frantic bursts as he burst into the house nearly slipping on the blood that had pooled in the entrance-way.

Sherlock's hands shook and he looked over to John with horror written on his features.

"Sherlock calm down..." John said extending a hand out to him.

Sherlock scrambled up the stairs like a startled deer and he raced toward the kitchen.

John plodded quickly behind him.

"Oh! Thank God!" Sherlock exclaimed as he saw the body was not Keyland's."

"Still where is she?" John asked as he checked out the body.

"John!" Sherlock exclaims from where he stands shattered glass around his feet.

The two men quickly unlock the door and Sherlock jogs out into the maze nearly tripping on Keyland's shoes and following the footsteps into the maze and through it to the secret passage where Keyland's inhaler pointed him into the right direction.

Sherlock emerged at the white building rushing up the steps and immediately spotting Keyland's phone.

"Her phone is here but where is she?!" Sherlock panics spinning round in circles. 

"Sherlock... SHERLOCK!" John replied grabbing his anxious friend and turning him till he saw Keyland laying on a bench decked out in flowers.

Sherlock scrambled down the stairs and rushed to Keyland's side.

Her face was covered with bruises and she was holding a bouquet of flowers with flowers spread through her hair.

Sherlock took her pulse and sighed as he felt the steady beating of her heart.

Sherlock...Look what just came thought.

Sherlock read the message his brow furrowing...

"Sherlock?" Keyland asked softly.

"Keyland! Your voice is music to my ears!" Sherlock grinned practically throwing the phone at John. 

She beamed at him.

And He had the hardest time restraining himself from kissing her.

"As beautiful as this is you both need to get to the hospital..." John stated disapprovingly, his hands on his hips like a mother hen.

And so the happy trio headed back to the car, and off to the hospital.

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