Chapter Sixteen - Not. Amused.

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 Needless to say John was less than happy. We got to the car and he was silent. I looked over to him to see that his face was turning purple with rage.

"Uh John... you missed the turn." I pointed out quietly.

"We aren't going home." He stated plainly. My heart started to pound.

"Oh... why not." I gulped, trying to steady my breathing.

"Because you and I need to have a talk." John growled.

"...Okay." I squeaked. Mycroft's voice haunted my thoughts...'He would go very great lengths to protect his friend...VERY GREAT LENGTHS.'

John's knuckles are white on the wheel.

"John... whatever you think just happened..." I began tentatively.

"Are you working with him?" He ground out.

I let out a sigh as I realized why John was mad, then my Irish temper kicked in."No! Why the hell would you think that?" I hissed.

"Why else would you meet him?" John rallied pointedly. 

"I'm trying to get some answers John! It's not like they are going to be dropped on my doorstep!" I exclaimed.

"Well you shouldn't have met him there alone." John replied gruffly.

"I wasn't alone I had you there." I reply, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Yeah but I didn't know who you were meeting." John frowned.

"If you had would you have stopped me?" I ask pointedly.

"You think?!" John sasses.

"And if you had stopped me, he would have come to baker street. He wanted a meet up. I wanted to keep Sherlock, Mrs. Hudson and your baby safe!" I shout, offended that John would ever think I would betray Sherlock.

John is shocked into silence by my outburst. After a moment, he calmly replied.

"How did you know he wanted a meet up?"

"He sent me a message through our Chinese food last night." I responded.

John thinks for a moment. "...The gummy bear? What relevance-"

"It's a long story. But do you see where I stand John?" I ask hopefully.

John pulls the car over.

He looks at me.

"No I don't. Do you want to get captured again? Because what you just did was stupid." He replied

"Don't you see John?! I'm not important if I dissapear sure people would grieve... but the world would move on." I say my voice breaking. 

"Keyland..." John says softly. 

"But if Sherlock died... for real. . . That's not a world I want to live in." I admitted quietly. 

John sighed and started the car again. He turned the car around and headed back to 221b.

"Keyland. You deserve better than the life that was handed you." He sighs. 

I manage a weak smile.

"We will get you through this." John vows.

"Thanks John." I smile.

"Your welcome." He replied pulling up to 221b.

I noticed first.

"Oh my word. Liem!" I shouted, opening the car door as John parked.

"Keyland what are you-" John asked looking out the open car door. "Oh gosh." He got out of the car and rushed to the doorstep where Liem lay against the door, bleeding.

There were bruises all over his face he was breathing heavily and holding his side.

"Liem!" I exclaimed rushing to give him a hug.

He groaned as I touched his side.

"Liem what happened?" I gasped.

"It's nothing." he grunted.

"Nothing?! I exclaimed puling back his leather jacket to see him bleeding through his light blue shirt.

"I'm fine." He insisted non convincingly, as his eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed. John hurriedly opened the door.

"Sherlock!" John cried up the stairs. Even footsteps sounded above us.

"Sherlock!!" I called. The footsteps pattered faster as Sherlock ran to help me. He arrived breathless on the stairs in front of us.

"Keyland are you alright what happened?" He panted, worry painting over his handsome features.

"We" I replied gesturing to my unconscious friend.  

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