Chapter Ten - Homecoming.

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I got tears in my eyes as the cab pulled up to baker street. The cab stopped and as Sherlock paid the cabbie I caressed the smooth black door.

John smiled at me as I raised my hand to the knocker and knocked.

The door was immediately opened by Mrs. Hudson who promptly pulled me in for a hug.

"Oh Keyland!" She exclaimed as the tears fell down both our faces.

Sherlock's and John were smiling I could feel it. I finally felt safe, I was home.

"Keyland! Oh look at you!" She said pulling back and looking at me.

"You are so thin!" "Come in and I will get you a cuppa and some biscuits!" She exclaimed wiping her tears and dragging me by the arm into her house.

A few minutes later, I was looking at a plate stacked with goodies and Sherlock was calmly talking to Mrs. Hudson about sleeping arrangements.

I watched him just enjoying being in his presence.

"You really like him don't you." John remarked.

"I beg your pardon?" I whispered furtively.

"You like Sherlock." John taunted. 

"Of course I do. What's not to like." I said dismissively. 

"Severed heads in the fridge." John remarked with a haunted stare. 

"What?!" I gasped. 

"Yeah, but you know what I mean. You like like him." John says nudging my arm. 

"You can't prove that." I deadpan. 

John gave me a threatening smile as Sherlock came up behind me.

"So you are going to sleep in Mrs. Hudson's guest room for a while. Alright Keyland?" He says laying a hand awkwardly on my shoulder. 

"That sounds great... If I can get to sleep..." I mumble.

"Uh, dinner... I mean for dinner, how does Chinese sound? You must be starving." Sherlock rambles. 

"Yeah, sure. That sounds great." I smile.

"I need to feed Rosie anyways." John says.

"Great." Sherlock responded grabbing my hand and pulling out of 221b. 

Mrs. Hudson looked from me to John with a shocked face, as Sherlock dragged me out.

John shrugged and went to get Rosie. 

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