Chapter Thirty Four - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

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I sat under a patio umbrella at the meeting place where Jim had left me. I shivered and watched the cabs passing by for Sherlock. Soon enough a cab pulled up and Sherlock got out.

"Keyland! You are okay!" Sherlock said rushing to me and taking me in his arms.

"Yeah, I'm fine... In fact I'm better than fine... I think I have a lead! A way we can stop Moriarty." I beamed. 

Sherlock's eyes raked over my face.

"What is it!?" He exclaimed. 

"Even walls have ears Sherlock. We can talk at baker street... Plus I need to check something." I replied. 

"Aright... Are you sure you are okay?" He asks pulling away and looking me over.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"You aren't cut or bleeding?"

"No why?" I puzzled. 

"This coat has blood on it..."

I took the coat off and handed it to Sherlock.

"Can you analyze it?" I ask hopefully. 

"Sure but it will take a bit...Let get you home safely first." Sherlock said as he shepherded me back to the awaiting cab.

We arrived at 221b and the house was quiet, Rosie had gone for a nap, Mrs. Hudson was out shopping and John had finished work, and was on his computer.

"Hey guys... What's up?" John asked as we walked in. 

"Fill him in Sherlock, I need to find that book." I stated setting down the red jacket on the table and heading downstairs to my bookshelf.

I finally found my psychology textbook and brought it up the stairs with my computer.

"And you took my gun... I don't even know why I bother anymore." John sighed.

"Well I had to defend myself." Sherlock argued. 

"What I don't understand is how did you know Keyland would be with Moriarty?" John asks, as I walk up the last few stairs. 

"I made an assumption based on previous evidence. Please John, you know my methods." Sherlock sulks. 

"I've figured out what happened in Richard's brain to make him become like this." I stated, earning a shocked glance from both of the boys.

"Well?" John prompts. 

"I believe he has DID dis-associative identity disorder... More commonly known as... multiple personality disorder."

"What?" John blurts. 

"John, you're a doctor." I sigh. 

"I'm a medical doctor not a psychologist."

"Fine then I'll explain it to you... When a person goes through a traumatic event in their childhood certain behaviors can be an outcome. Basically it makes it easier to develop a mental disorder. In some cases it can be a dormant disorder, one that sits under the surface and only causes slight trouble but when another traumatic experience occurs.-" 

"Like finding out you don't feel the same way about him." Sherlock supplied. 

"Yes. It makes the disorder stand out... Also it is common that mental disorders are passed down but I wont go into the whole of that..." I state looking at John's face. 

"Why DID?" Sherlock asked.

"His hands... 'Richard' is Right handed and 'Moriarty' is left handed." I state. 

"Ah." Sherlock smiles.

"I still don't understand." John pipes up. 

"I didn't see it until today but he has a few distinct tells. Hie eyes his hands and his voice."

"Oh... I get it now... Moriarty is left handed, you can see the crazy in his eyes and he uses that voice, almost like an accent of crazy." John said. 

"Yes and Richard, is sweet right handed and softer." I remarked. 

"I've grown rather fond of Richard's little pet." Sherlock quotes, the understanding dawning on him.

"Exactly it's my theory that Moriarty was developed to protect Richard." I smile. 

"Sort of like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." John puts in. 

"Precisely." I agree. 

"So how do we use this to our advantage?" Sherlock asks. 

"Easy we just find out what turns Moriarty back into Richard." I smile.

"How do we-" John starts.

John was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Lestrade." Sherlock and I say together.

Sherlock opens the door.

"Keyland, Sherlock we need your help. A little girl was just murdered." Lestrade says grimly. 

"Boring." Sherlock sighs going to close the door. 

"Wait! You git! She was tore apart... It looks like a wolf got her." Lestrade says pushing on the door. 

"A wolf in London?!" John exclaims.

Sherlock smiles at me. "The game is on!" 

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