Chapter Two - With Friends Like These.

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"I love you too... Wife." Sherlock's voice echoed in my brain. Then came the images.

Blood, so much blood. Sherlock, Mortimer, Daniel, The Russian man, and standing to the side of it all, smiling. Was Moriarty. Jim Moriarty, or Richard Brook the man who ruined my life. The man who killed the man I love...Loved. Suddenly there was a knife in my hands. Without hesitation I ran at him.

"Keyland? We are here." Rachel said softly.

I was shocked out of my sleep and in turn reacted by violently sitting up only to bash my head on the ceiling of the truck.

"Hey. Are you okay?" She asks as I hiss in pain.

"Sorry...I had another nightmare." I say groggily. 

"Well that is understandable... Come on there is more food inside." She smiles helping me out of the truck. 

I got awkwardly out of the vehicle as my limbs were heavy still from the...Whatever it was Moran gave me. I stumbled inside and let Rachel go ahead of me. 

"Rachel would you mind getting us something to eat. I need to talk to Keyland." Liem said as we entered the living-room. 

"Okay." She says sending me a smile. 

She left the room, and I turned to face Liem. 

"What do you want?" I spat. 

"Keyland, I get it you don't trust me. And you shouldn't... Damn it Keyland! Moriarty is going to find Moran's truck soon. I am sure they can track it or something. So, I'm going to drive it far away from here." He says violently. 

"You are leaving me again?!" I ask my voice cracking. I sit down heavily on the couch. 

"Yes. But it is for the best." He sighs. He comes over and sits beside me. "Look I can always tell Moriarty that you girls ran away. He might believe me." He says optimistically. 

"He is not that stupid." I say realistically. 

"That's a chance I have to take." He sighs. I stand up in a fit of rage. 

"Liem! You are being crazy! This is suicide!" I gasp and shudder out an emotional breath as I realize what I just said.

"Keyland I love you."He stands up and grabs hold of my hands. "I understand that you will never love anyone but him.Sherlock. So just let me do this...For you and out of respect for him." He sighs looking down at my hands. "You and I both know that Sherlock didn't kill himself. So find out everything you can about Moriarty's ring... And end him."

"Liem I ..." I start.

"Keyland. I'll never forget you." He kisses my cheek than heads off to the truck. I sob as I hear the engine start up and fade from my hearing.

"Where did he go?" Rachel asks running back into the room.

"Ad mortem." I reply gravely.  

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