Hours and Times

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***Warning! Some crude language in this chapter***

Lucy POV:

3 hours left. 3 hours till I meet him. 3 hours of waiting, choosing if I should go. Right now Levy is picking out a shade of blue for her nails. Something we like to do when we are visiting each other is paint our nails. A perfect bonding experience for best friends. I really want to tell her about Natsu, but I thought if anyone knew that I met a dragon, and is going to see him again, I wouldn't like my punishment. 

Though even seeing a dragon should count as punishment. The mere thought of a dragon use to make me want to hurl, yet two seconds with one and I want to see him again! 


I want to see him again.. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING LUCY!? Wanting to see a dragon. You must be crazy! Ugh, I'm arguing with myself again.. I need someones opinion.

I looked over at Levy, Levy's head is down and focused on the nails. 

No. I can't. It's too risky. I have to figure this out for myself. 


1 hour. The tick's and tock's of the clock are getting on my nerves as I sit at my desk chair. Spinning myself to the point of dizziness. 

Go or not to go, that is the question. 1 hour to decided. 

"Think of logics Lucy..." I try to pep talk myself, "Pro: I'd get to see him again. No wait, Thats a con.. No I guess it would be a pro since I want to see him again..." I groan, "And there you go saying you want to actually see a dragon again!" 

Taking deep breaths, I rub my temples stressfully. It wouldn't be very hard to sneak out of the house right now since my parents aren't home, but still.. It would be sneaking out of the house to see a dragon. And If I got caught... Ok No! I've made my decision I'm not going.

"Ugh.." I groan getting another headache. "I wonder what Natsu's doing right now.."

------------------------------NATSU POV----------------------------------------


I groan. Why me.. I was just about to head down to the border line to see Lucy, But my stupid-ass friends won't get the fuck away!  

"What?" I said in the most pissed off tone I could muster. 

"What's wrong with you?" One of my friends asks. I say 'friend' loosely. The only reason I hang out with these guys is because I don't wanna be alone. 

Gajeel snorts. I don't know what his problem is, but he always seems to be off in the corner. Gajeel is the second Emperors son, and I'm the first Emperors son, so we kinda were forced to hang out with each other. He has long black hair with metal studs all over his body. And although he has lots of muscle on him, he's a weakling when it comes to fighting me!

I give him a glare then look back at the guys. "Nothin' I just have something to get to." Since living in Dracul was so boring I've lost interest in lots of things. Especially being happy. I just don't get excited about anything anymore.. although I guess you could say I'm kinda excited to go see Lucy. My mom thinks its some kind of problem since I was a 'very happy child'. 

Before my friends could ask where I was going I started to walk away, soon being able to duck behind an alleyway. If I ran all the way to the border, I could be able to get there just in time for midnight. 


Lucy walked slowly down the trail. Her heart kept skipping a beat whenever she heard a sound or someone's lights turned on. Like if they saw her, they'd automatically know she was going to the border line. 

Lucy ran and hid behind a trash can, peeking over it to see if she could see Natsu. 'This was a bad idea..' She thought. "I should go back" She whispered to herself. 

"Nah," a voice from behind her said, she yelped and spun around to see a pink haired boy slightly grinning. "Then I'd be all alone."

Somehow in the back of her mind she thought this meeting would go a little differently. 

Trying to keep her cool she whispered, "Hi, Natsu"

"Oi, you remembered my name." Natsu talked as if they weren't sworn enemy's.. which somehow relaxed Lucy.  

"Um, Yea..." Lucy looked down at her fingers which she twiddled nervously. 'Probably because I couldn't get you out of my head for the whole day' Lucy thought dryly. 

Natsu noticed her nervousness.. More like smelled,  and he asked, "Something wrong, Luigi?"

Lucy looked up and glared. "It's Lucy you idiot!" She angrily said, trying to keep her voice down, not knowing why, the closest house to the border was far away, so it's not like anyone could hear them. 

"Ohhh Right!" Natsu snapped his fingers as if he forgot what her name was, which insulted Lucy, then he looked back at her with an intense stare. "Hmmmm, you look more like a Luigi though, no wonder I mistook it as your real name." 

An anger mark appear on Lucy's forehead. And she pushed him.

Yes, she pushed a dragon. 

She touched a dragon with her own hands.

Although it wasn't very hard, Natsu stubbled back a couple of feet. "Idiot!" She crossed her arms and turned away from him. Somehow feeling like he was just an old friend. 

"Oi, Luigi, I'm sorry ok!" Natsu held up his hands in surrender. 

Lucy spun around on her heels and smacked him on the head, having him face plant on the ground in front of her. "IT. IS. LUCY!" 



Oh, how much I love cliffhangers... 

Anyways, I'm sorry for not updating for a long time. My wifi is crap right now and it blocked wattpad XC So I couldn't go on it for a while. 

71 followers!?!?!!?!? Is this real! I can't say how much it means to me that all these people enjoy reading my stories! I am so thankful. 

Also, a couple people might be wondering why 2 new stories just suddenly appeared on my account with multiple chapters already completed. I used to have an account called Tfanfics, but I recently terminated that account to put all my attention to this account, and so I moved those stories to this account. So now i'm fully committed to only this account ^-^

I think thats all I wanted to talk to you guy about... Anyways,

Until next time! <3 

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