The meeting

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Lucy POV:

Another beautiful day in Breena (AKA Fairy Land). The flowers blossoming, The people humming, the aura of Fairy's fluttering in the wind.

I sighed happily as I put a basket of bread down on the counter I just got fresh from the market. I smoothed out my beautiful summer dress. A nice light blue colour decorated the dress, Sequins of flowers along the trimming coming down just above my knees. The strapless top going along perfectly with my thin necklace. I also tied a ribbon around the bust to give it a little bit more beauty. Wearing my usual shoes, white flats with pink dots, along with my side pony tail.

My chores were almost finished. My mother and father promised me that I could play with my best friend, Levy, after everything was finished. I rushed through the morning chores, now I only have 2 left to do. Deciding on saving the best for last, I picked up the trash. Usually people bring it too their front door and the Garbage man picks it up, but my family is so close to the border that I only need to walk a couple minutes to drop it off.

Just thinking about going so close to where Dragons live gives me the chiles. They're not actual dragons, but they sure act like them. Their all smelly, and gross, not to mention ugly. I wouldn't be caught dead even seeing one of them, let alone talking to one. We have a strict rule in Breena about Dragons. Well.. Actually we have a whole list about those greedy things. But there's one rule that trumps them all.

Do Not Go Over The Border.

As long as you follow that rule, you can't get their slimy hands on you. The war between the Fairy's and Dragons has been going on for thousands of years. I heard it all started when one of the dragons tried to kill a fairy. After that, it all went into chaos. Of-course, it was all the Dragon's fault. Everything's always the Dragons fault. We fairy's do nothing wrong, yet we have to go through this ongoing war just because the stupid Dragon's are to stubborn and thick headed. I've never met, nor seen a Dragon in my life. And I'm thankful everyday for it.

As I walked up to the border, I looked around then down at the red line that went around the territories, Indicating that the stupid Dragons were on the other side of that line. I huffed and walked along it to discard my trash and hurry home.

La La La

I heard a faint noise around where I was... Like someone was singing..

I tried to ignore it and dumped the bag of trash in the box.

La La La

It was louder this time as I walked right up to the red line and listened to the majestic voice on the other side. It sounded like a boy.. yes.. very like a boy. I kept listening, but made sure not to cross the line.

La La La      La La La    La La La

Natsu POV:

Oh My god... I'm so bored! Getting kicked out of my house is not fun. Especially when your little sister's the one who did it... That little cry baby... I'll get her back for it later.

La La La

I started singing out of boredom, Kicking some empty can's out of the way as I walked down a deserted alley way. I peered out at the faint Red line I saw in the distance. I know how lots of people here hate the fairy's.. but I don't see whats so bad 'bout them. Its not like they've cause me any trouble. Dragon history states that the Fairys started the war thousands of years ago. Something about killing one of the highest ranked Dragons in Dracul, where I live. But since we are still at this war.. wouldn't that mean that we are creating more war? Of-course, I never tell Dragons that I don't mind the Fairys. I'd get exiled for sure. And I don't want to die at 17, that would be a pretty pathetic life.

La La La

Normal POV:

Lucy found the source of the sound. In a back alleyway a couple feet from the line. The only problem is, its on Dracul territory.

La La La

The sound was driving her crazy. Wanting so bad to cross that line and see who was singing. 

'I'm going to do it.' Lucy said in her head taking one step across the line.

Nothing happened.

Lucy took a deep breath, her mind at war with herself. One side of her hating herself for breaking the most valuable rule, the other side patting herself on the back for being so brave. She would just sneak into the alley way, see who was singing, and then run back across the line.

That was her plan. No one would see her.

Lucy tip toed into the Alley, hiding behind a pile of cardboard boxes. Her eye widened.

"A dragon!" She whispered to herself, peering at the teenaged boy who was, at the moment, stepping on something. 

La La La

He sang again. 

Lucy was surprised how normal and.. cute.. he looked. With his black and gold vest, showing his toned abs perfectly. His white baggy pants and brown belt, and a white and black scaly scarf. Lucy also noticed his thick Pink hair sticking out everywhere. He didn't look gross.. or smelly.. or ugly. No definitely not ugly. Lucy crouched down when the boy turned in her direction, feeling a little scared as his eyes darted around, as if he noticed her. But all he did was shrug and turn back around. Lucy sighed. 

'I should get back' She told herself, backing away slowly, keeping her eyes on the Dragon just in case. 


Lucy froze in her step, noticing that she stepped on a twig. The loud noise caught the boys attention and he swirled around, locking eyes with the blond. Lucy's heart stop beating as she turned around and started running as fast as she could towards the Red line. 

'Don't die. Please Don't die.' 

A hand grabbed at her wrist and she prayed for her to survive this as she swirled around to meet onyx eyes. Lucy was shaking in fear as the boy's eyebrows knotted in confusion. 

'I'm going to die.. I'm going to die..' 

"You're a fairy." The boy stated rather bluntly. His eyes softened to Lucys amazement and he let go of her wrist. 


"What is a fairy doing on Dracul grounds?" He asked. 

"I-I heard someone singing.." Lucy answered shyly, still wondering why he hadn't killed her yet. "So.. I came to see who it was." 

"You must be pretty stupid to come on our grounds with some stupid reason like that." He snapped. Lucy flinched and took a step back. 

"P-Please.." Lucy whispered out in desperation. "Don't kill me.." 

"Why would I kill you? Wierdo." The boy arched his eyebrow. 

Lucy sighed in relief, somehow trusting the boy in front of her. "S-So.. You're not going to kill me?" 

The boy scoffed. "I didn't see you do anything wrong. You were curious, 'Can't blame you for that." 

Lucy smiled slightly. "T-Thank you so much. Your the nicest Dragon I've ever met." 'And the only..' 

"Giving out compliments like that ain't gunna make me go easy on ya' Weirdo." The boy chuckled, making Lucy relax a bit. "You gotta repay me for letting you go so easy." 

Lucy felt the fear come back in her. "W-What kind of repayment..?" 

"..Meet me here at midnight tonight. I wanna get to know you. The name's Natsu by the way." Natsu said before disappearing in the alley way. 

"I'm Lucy.." She said to the air. 'Midnight huh?' Lucy smiled down the alley way where Natsu disappeared from. 'Natsu.. I like that name..' 

Lucy jumped when she remembered where she was, turning around and running the rest of the way across the Red line. 

'Ok Natsu. Midnight it is. I just hope this isn't some kind of trap...' Was Lucy's last thought before walking back home. 

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