36. Mistake

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Light glares in through the window. I turn away but I'm trapped. Trapped within the scent of safety.

Slowly opening my eyes, I'm faced with Grey's naked torso which my face is smashed against. His arms are wrapped around me holding me tightly while I drool on his chest. This is embarrassing.

Gently easing his limbs off me, I scuttle across the bed and dart into the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, my face is flushed, my lips red and tender from our kissing session before I allowed him to comfort me and then fell asleep in his arms like a broken needy fool. I would have managed without him. I've learnt from experience how to prevent myself from completely deteriorating into a mess.

There's only two occasions I haven't been able to keep myself together. Two internal collapses which caused me to fall over the edge into an empty void: unable to move, endless wordless hours, unable to muster the slightest movement.

It's only happened twice but it's two more than I want. It was enough to scare me into clinging onto everything as tightly as I can to reduce the chances of it happening again. I never want to fall into that pit of despair again because if I do, part of me thinks what happens if this time I don't make it out. What if this time is my last and I just fade away or worst? Because the worst almost happened before. I nearly lost everything.

Splashing cold water on my face, I rinse my mouth out. The clothes I dumped on the floor last night have gone. This T-shirt barely covers me and the confidence I felt last night when initiating the kiss has been replaced by a spectrum of inhibitions.

What was I thinking? Distraction or fun? It was both. It was also stupid. As Grey bluntly pointed out, it was a mistake. Kissing me was a mistake.

Shaking my head, I ignore the instinct to run which is strumming through me, firing up every nerve and activating my muscles.

First, find clothes. Second, ensure Grey has somewhere to go. Third, run and never look back.

Creeping out of the bathroom, my eyes are drawn to Grey laying on his stomach. His markings across his back are exposed. Bold letters cover his shoulder blades, the family tree is now completely visible along with the square-shaped charred flesh which covers half the names.

Drawn in, I move closer until I'm perched on the edge of the bed, entranced by the labour camp brands. My fingers hover above them. What did he do to receive them not only on his wrist but also across his back?

It seems so cruel to burn the names away, eliminating the connection to half his family. My fingertips rest on the smooth raised discoloured skin, Grey flinches and I quickly retract my hand.

"I don't mind if you touch them," Grey's voice is muffled against the pillow.

I hesitate before allowing myself to lower my hand onto the marks. They have a similar feel to my mother's yet his skin is softer and tauter, it doesn't sag or wrinkle under the pressure of my touch.

"They removed my father's side of the family when I entered the Labour Camp. It was his final request before I was sent there. He wanted to ensure they removed any evidence of our relationship once I was sentenced," He says quietly.

I can't imagine why a father would order such a cruel punishment for his son but I don't understand many human behaviours. Why does The State kill people? Why did I kill an Official? Why did my mum leave me unmarked? Why did Teddy lie to me? Why did Lena betray me? Humans don't make sense.

"You still haven't asked what crime I committed." Grey turns on his back causing my hand to trail over his chest.

His eyes are still droopy with sleep, his dishevelled hair makes him look like an innocent boy. I catch a glimpse of the boy he would have been previously: unaware of a corrupt and illegal world he would end up relying on later, the same world I was brought up in. Except he's not a boy anymore, he's definitely a man.

Aware of the proximity of his body to mine and his bare torso pressed against my hand, I can't stop my mind drifting to last night's kiss. A kiss Grey thinks is a mistake.

"It's not my business to ask. If you want to tell me you will." I shrug, shifting backwards but Grey's hands wrap around my wrists, stopping me from retreating. His thumbs stroke the thin scars covering the circumference of my wrists.

"What are these from?" He asks inspecting the near-identical thin strips of healed flesh on both my wrists.

I swallow hard. "A few months ago, I walked into one of our clients establishments whilst they were under a management changeover or more commonly known as being forcibly taken over. Apparently, being on the premises automatically included me in the goods being seized. They bound our wrists with plastic cable ties and it took a while, and a lot of effort from me, to get them off once I managed to escape. Unfortunately, it also took a slice of my skin off at the same time."

Grey jerks up, his face contorted but I'm not quite sure with what emotion, "That's... I'm sorry."

'No need to be sorry, you didn't do anything." I force a smile, standing up. "Anyway, it's like a free marking, so they're wrong when they say I'm Unmarked. I've got these."

Grey is still holding onto my wrists and he pulls me back down to sit on the bed. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't pretend everything is fine and nothing bothers you. It's ok to get angry and upset at what has happened. You're allowed to get mad."

"What good will that do?" I pull my wrists away. "If I got angry, upset and dwelled on all the bad which has happened to me over the years I'd be rocking back and forth in the corner of a room unable to function. I need to function otherwise I get caught and if I get caught, I get sold off to the highest bidder or strung up on a platform."

Grey runs his hands through his hair. "I just meant-"

"Where are my clothes?" I ask, standing up.

"Hanging on the back of the chair." Grey sighs standing up from the bed.

Collecting my clothes and heading towards the bathroom, Grey follows me. "This fell out of your pocket."

I turn to stare at the piece of paper in his outstretched hand. "What does it say?"

Grey unfolds the paper. "Ten am, Central Park, North Gate. Who are you meeting?"

I remain confused until it dawns on me it's the note Teddy slipped into my pocket.

"No one. I wasn't planning on going," I respond which isn't quite true. I'd forgotten. Technically, I'm not lying.

"That's your decision. I assume it's the same person who gave you the tip-off about the Official's raid at the restaurant yesterday?" Grey asks.


"If they helped you evade the Officials yesterday, they could have more useful information. If you want company, I'll come. Otherwise, I'll get a coffee at a nearby cafe. I'm enjoying this whole pretending to be part of normal society even if it is only temporary."

'I'm probably too late," I say lamely.

The thought of confronting Teddy makes me feel sick. I trusted him. I thought he was a friend but everything had been a lie.

"It's only nine we've got time." Grey tilts his head to the side, his gaze drifting over my features. "You're getting the 'I'm going to run' look again..."

"No, I'm not," I snap. "You're right, I may find out something useful. We can get some food on the way too. I think my stomach is starting to eat itself."

I force a smile, casual and relaxed. Do I pull it off? I'm not sure.

Grey shakes his head, a look of disappointment. What is he expecting from me and why do I care? I don't have anything to prove to him. And meeting Teddy might be helpful, he may know where to find my mum. But after yesterday's revelations, how can I simply return to my old life?

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