47. Guilt Ridden

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The distraction worked. It was also fun. My afterglow, however, is overridden by a lump of guilt growing and burrowing into the pit of my stomach which is ridiculous. I'm partly doing this to keep Grey safe.

Tugging at the hem of my clothes, I ignore Jas's look of contempt as I pass him in the hotel corridor and head towards the stairs.

"You smell like sex." Jas wrinkles his nose in disgust, stepping in-line with me.

"And you smell like cheap cologne. Is your business struggling?"

Jas laughs. "You've changed considerably in the last six months. You were more friendly back then."

'A lot has happened." I shrug, descending the stairs.

"You really shouldn't feel guilty. The Official got what he deserved," Jas's voice is low, soothing and gentle. He's trying to comfort me, reassure me but I don't want it. Not from him. "Anyone in your position would have done the same."

Would they? Because after the first stab, after he dropped to the floor, I kept going. Over and over uncontrollably, only stopping my stabbing frenzy once it was too late. I shake my head trying to disperse the images. "What do you want? I'm meeting someone and I'm already running late."

"I'll give you a lift.' Jas grabs my elbow, guiding me through the hotel foyer we exit through the double doors onto the street and into a waiting car. "Same boy and location as yesterday?"

"Yes," I say slowly, looking out the window to hide my surprise.

Jaz did warn me I was being watched. Does he also have someone watching me in my room? I shudder at the thought. He wouldn't, would he? "Jas, you haven't set up cameras in my room have you?"

"Don't flatter yourself." Jas smirks, adjusting his suit jacket. "So why are you meeting the boy again?"

"He's promised to get me into State Headquarters."

"Why would he promise such a thing?"

"We're friends and he can get me access to the building." I try to sound casual.

Jas laughs. "Oh, Cady you do like to pick them. An Official and a labour camp escapee. Don't look so shocked, the only reason someone would have access is if they were an Official. As for lover boy, I noticed the labour camp markings on his wrists this morning."

I inhale sharply. "Don't tell anyone, please."

"Of course I won't. I am rather intrigued as to how he got out. Successful labour camp escapees are very rare indeed. He will be more of an asset than I anticipated," Jas says. "But right this moment, I need to know exactly what you've told the Official, every detail. What reason did you give for needing to access State Headquarters?"

"I said I wanted to access private files on Talbot's computer about other Unmarkeds and my mother."

Jas presses his lips together before speaking. "And he agreed? He is willing to risk everything for you?"

"He promised to help me get in."

"Is he also going to help get you out?" Jas arches an eyebrow.

I don't respond because I honestly don't know.

He clears his throat. "Have you mentioned anything about us, about our organisation?"

"No. I didn't mention or refer to any of you. He won't help me if he knows the real reason I need to go in."

"Good. Although I'm sure your intentions having nothing to do with my protection and everything to do with saving lover boy back there."

"His name is Grey and he's just a friend."

"Sure he is. I guess you'll also claim that's not a hickey on your neck but a birthmark which has magically appeared overnight." Jas tugs on the collar of my top pulling it a little higher. "You're doing the right thing. If you're successful, we are one step closer to overthrowing The State and making the start of a new world a viable prospect. So remember, now is not the time to let your emotions cloud your judgement. You and Grey have no future in this world. The State are searching for you both and his continuing association with you only further guarantees his final resting place will be hanging from a platform in the future."

Jas pauses allowing his words to sink in. However, these are all familiar thoughts, sentiments I already know to be true.

Jas continues, "I assume this Official has a soft spot for you. Use it to your advantage to ensure he not only gets you safely into the building but also helps you gain access to Talbot's computer. It's no good if you're caught before you carry out the task."

"Try to live until I insert USB device in computer. Ok, great incentive," I say sarcastically.

"I would like to see you safe, Cady. You must have noticed how often our paths would cross. I was keeping an eye on you. I always thought one day maybe you would join the rebellion so I took it upon myself to give you advice, guide you until you were ready to find out about us."

I had always suspected our meetings were not a coincidence and I didn't mind because I'd enjoyed having him as a father figure. Always polite, never stepped over the mark. He seemed genuinely interested without the creepiness or vulgarity I usually experienced.

"After seeing you kill the Official, I saw you were unmarked and I realised it was time to tell you everything but you disappeared. I was rather surprised when Gloria informed us of your whereabouts."

"Gloria was part of all this?" I ask stunned.

"Yes. Our members span a variety of both illegal and legal domains within society."

'If Gloria is part of your organisation, why did she not help me escape?"

"Members must never reveal their connection unless absolutely necessary. She needed to be able to continue within her role and directly helping you would have comprised her position. She initially tried to have you transferred to another establishment for your auction so we could intercept you during the move. Unfortunately, her request was rejected by the manager so we decided to wait until you were purchased and planned to intercept you when you were being reallocated to your new owner. Gloria contacted us saying there was a problem and you had to escape immediately so someone needed to be waiting. I assumed she had decided to help you get out."

Gloria told Grey in the hope he would tell me. It was a risky tactic but it worked and I'm startled by the pang of sadness for a woman I barely knew. Gloria who I had deemed as a harsh and heartless dragon had been part of this rebellion the whole time. It explains why she protected Grey and if I'd told her I was unmarked privately, everything would have been different. That's the great thing about hindsight, it only enforces how much you've messed up.

"The problem she mentioned was me being drugged by a man who tried to force himself on me. The only reason I got away was because Grey found me before he could..." My voice cracks. I grit my teeth and try to relax my facial expression. I look out of the window at the river. "Is there anything else you need to say, Jas?"

Jas pulls out a small white cube and holds it between his thumb and index finger. "Place this in the USB port of Talbot's computer located in his office on the third floor."

I take the small device and inspect it, less than half the size of my small finger I don't understand how this can be so crucial in enabling a new society to be implemented.

Sensing my doubt, Jas closes his hand around mine, securing the small cube firmly in my palm. "Talbot is in charge of identifying and ordering the arrests of those considered to be involved or linked to rebellious activities. If this is placed in his computer and he logs on, we will have access to everything he does. The State have always been able to anticipate our moves. We can't have gatherings of more than four or five people without being questioned. They know our whereabouts, the people we associate with. If this works we will be the ones who are one step ahead."

Jas releases my hand, a serious expression settles over his face. "Cady, you have evaded The State for a long time. You've perfected the art of hiding in broad daylight, you can talk yourself out of almost any situation and you look confident even when your insides are quaking in fear. You're the perfect candidate for this task. I know you can do this."

"And once I do this, you'll keep Grey safe and help me disappear?"

"If you're sure that's what you want."

"Yes." It's what's best for everyone.

"I promise." Jas nods. The car has already stopped and he leans over to open my door. "Charlie wants to talk to you. She works at the Fortune Fashion factory near where you used to live. She's expecting you to go after you're finished here. Be prepared, she wasn't happy when I informed her you'll be attempting to gain access to the State's Headquarters. She'll do her upmost at trying to dissuade you."

"Don't worry, I'm not easily swayed." I step out the car, tucking the small device into my pocket.

Teddy is waiting at the river edge, leaning on the metal railing. As I walk towards him, I don't glance at the departing car but when Teddy's arms embrace me, I allow myself to lean into him. I don't pull back when he kisses me on the edge of my mouth. The entire time, I sense Jas's smile whilst my insides constrict with conflict. Because if I'm honest with myself, I want to keep Grey safe but I also don't want to die. I'm not ready for these to be my final days so I'll let Teddy think this is more than it is. I have to for self-preservation.

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