6. Pretending

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The smell of cut grass, picnic food and sweat saturates the hot, thick air. The grassy bank is crammed with families and couples. It's too warm to be indoors.

Sitting next to Teddy, I eat an ice-cream cone and watch the small rowing boats glide across the lake. This feels almost normal. I feel almost normal.

Teddy wipes his brow. His short-sleeved t-shirt and shorts expose his arm and leg markings but the fading light has washed their colours away; dulling them all to a uniform blackish colour.

I always notice Teddy's engagement seal on his left wrist. It is his fiancé's family emblem with his birth brand identification number incorporated into the border which symbolises how he is now part of her family. The design is amazing. Intricate curves and swirls which feature a range of birds surrounded by words which he read out to me once, 'The righteous will flourish and prosper'. Teddy's engagement seal tells me he's marrying into wealth, words and designs like that cost extra.

A simple design is offered free of charge by The State but few opt for the basic option. Even the less wealthy will scrimp and save to add some detail. No one wants their family emblem to show their true financial status. His family embelm will feature on her wrist as her engagement seal and when they marry they will create their own new family emblem to represent the joining of their two families.

"You know it's hot when a lake full of duck waste looks appealing," Teddy says.

"I'm game if you are? Let's strip naked and jump in. Maybe no one will notice," I whisper conspiratorially. "On a count of three?"

"Very tempting." Teddy laughs softly. "If only I'd thought to bring towels."

"No towel? Well, that ruins our swimming plans because we would definitely be questioned for getting dressed without drying ourselves properly and not for the naked part." I wink as I pop the last bit of the ice-cream cone into my mouth. I lay back on the blanket and close my eyes. It's really nice to feel ordinary.

"And there's the risk of catching a cold which could potentially be fatal," Teddy adds jokingly.

"Ahh...yes, I forgot about the death induced cold. I've heard there's been a rise in reported cases recently. Must be the temperature," I say sarcastically. My long-sleeved top and trousers itches against my hot skin. Seventeen years of covering myself head to toe and I still find summer difficult.

Teddy's lips press against mine. It's unexpected, we shouldn't kiss in public. We're not married, we're not even engaged. In private they may be harmless kisses but in public they can lead to serious actions. However, I don't stop him because this is unlike our usual kisses. This is impulsive, urgent and also much nicer somehow.

The heat around us, the rustle of the leaves, the distant splash of water all adds to the sensation. My mind doesn't drift instead I notice how good he tastes, the smell of him, his body against mine and my stomach starts to flutter.

My hand reaches into his hair pulling him closer which I've never dared to do before because this can't happen, we can't go anywhere so why do this now? The answer to my own question quickly reforms my internal walls within seconds. My finger untangles from his hair, dropping to his left wrist, I stroke his engagement seal, the mark claiming him as belonging to someone else.

Teddy stops kissing me. Touching his engagement seal always works. It reminds him what we're doing is wrong. I feel unkind in my approach but there's no point in us getting attached.

Teddy rocks back on his elbows and inhales deeply. Turning onto my side, I admire his skin covered with marks highlighting his achievements. Educationally he's done well, all his subjects and grades etched into his skin show he's clever and hard working. Yet, it's his sporting abilities where he excels most. Numerous awards for fencing, basketball and swimming are marked around his arms and shoulder which peep out from the neckline of his t-shirt.

Sometimes Teddy tells me about them, even though the dates and places are all recorded for me to see. He likes to elaborate on them: the almost lost games, the mistakes made, funny anecdotes. I like listening to his life and imagining I'm in the crowd watching it all happen or a fellow student who hugs him in congratulations after a game.

While he speaks I'm there, feeling and experiencing what he did but when he finishes I box it away. I don't like to dwell on what I never had, it's a waste of energy.

"I've got you a present," I say, pulling out a small package. "From me and my mum, to say thank you for all your hard work."

"Thanks, Cady." Teddy looks genuinely shocked.

Unwrapping the paper, his eyes light up and I know instantly I chose the right present. It's a small branding pen, one you can use to permanently mark your friends, family or yourself. Suitable for small freehand designs, anything bigger usually looks messy.

"It's got all the nibs and colours. This is amazing but it's too much." Teddy looks stunned.

"You deserve it. You've worked hard and it's been great having you around. My mum said to take care of yourself and she thinks you'll do well in anything you put your mind to." I smile.

Neither of us mentions my mum can't speak. He thinks she's deaf but can lip read. In reality, her hearing is perfect, it's just her mutilated vocal cords and tongue which are the problem.

It was part of her punishment for being a traitor I guess. Based on the gnarled insides of her mouth, my bets on the torture carried out sway between some sort of molten metal poker or acid being forced down her throat. Whatever the method, the end result is no speech and living on a liquid diet without the ability to taste.

I confirmed the lack of taste buds once by blending a handful of chillies into her meal, she didn't even bat an eyelid as she ploughed through the spicy liquid. Her toilet activity for the next twenty-four hours, however, was pretty horrendous. She refused to acknowledge me for a week after that incident. I did feel bad once I'd stopped laughing.

"So will you be my first victim?" Teddy smiles broadly, turning the small device in his hands. For a moment, I think yes cover my whole body, please I beg you and while you're at it give me my birthright. The first brand I should have received on the day I was born. The Birth Brand I am desperately saving up for but my only problem is no one does it.

Forged qualifications and fake awards are all possible. Hand over the correct amount and they'll be marked onto your skin, every fake qualification will be paired with your Birth Brand just like the real ones; the ID number incorporated into every so-called State applied markings. Authentic looking, they'll fool even the most rigorous Official.

However, the government Birth Brand is unlike the others. Raised and defined with a beautiful blue metallic shimmer. Not only does it differ to all the other markings, it corresponds with The State records. It's impossible to forge and even if it wasn't, no one would bother to go into a profitless market. Everyone is given one at birth for free. So buying a government allocated Birth Brand equals no, not happening.

"Create me a special design and then you can mark away. No buildings though. I know you're going to study architecture, but I don't want some random building permanently etched into my skin. Also, nothing laundry related." I don't mention I'm leaving tonight so he will never see me again. His design will remain on paper never to be transferred to my skin.

Once I go home and tell my mum about the man at the hotel earlier today, we'll be leaving. I've delayed informing her, otherwise, this evening would not have been allowed to happen and I wanted one final time with Teddy. A proper goodbye. He deserves it even if I don't.

This is my life, always running. For a person who doesn't technically exist, I have to work hard at not being noticed.

"No buildings and images of laundry, I promise." Teddy smiles mischievously. "Do I get to choose the location?"

"Depends whether the location is going to distract you from the task. I don't want you messing up because you can't concentrate."

Teddy laughs, his finger rubs the material of my high neckline. "I'll finally get to see what you're hiding under all these clothes."

"If you wanted to look all you had to do was ask, Teddy." I smile innocently.

He takes a large gulp and his face drops slightly unsure if I'm joking or serious. I know Teddy wouldn't ask, he's too much of a gentleman. It's the very reason he rarely mentions my clothing selection: long-sleeved tops with high necks almost touching my chin, long trousers tucked into ankle boots. Everything fitted, tight and tucked in so it never sags or gapes. A second skin which never droops to expose my bareness.

Most important life lesson: Never let anyone know you're Unmarked.

Years of watching children play outside, I'd finally mustered up the courage to sneak outside and attempt to join them. The nervousness and excitement of playing with other children had been overwhelming. I knew I was different, I wasn't like them. I didn't know how or why but I had to be. Why else would I be confined indoors unable to leave? Running up to the children, I'd asked to join. They'd accepted, quick friendships formed due to innocence. The sun was blazing, all of us huffing and puffing, a parent had brought buckets of water for us to play with. I copied the children who were stripping down to their underwear. Standing in the street, my body on show with no marks and no Birth Brand, the world had gone still until the silence had finally been broken by gasps punctuating the air, wide eyes and an onslaught of questions proceeded. I couldn't decipher the exact emotions of the adults around me, I was too young to understand, but it wasn't good, I could tell that much. My mum had grabbed me, dragged me away while I limply hung from her arms in shock watching the friends I'd made being pulled away from me like I was contagious and dirty. 

I was tainted. 

We left immediately, no packing, no organising. We just run away and never came back. I don't remember what we left, the material possessions are long forgotten. What has remained is the look of horror on people's faces as they recoiled from me. I remember the crushing shame of my appearance. I will never be accepted not like this.

I force away the memory as I spot a pair of Officials in the distance walking along the path. Their green and gold outfits almost blend in with the lush park landscape but I always detect their presence. A sixth sense I developed early on because of what I am and my line of work.

"We should make a move." I sit up watching the Officials move slowly from group to group, scanning Birth Brands on collar bones, checking couples wrists for seals, ensuring everyone is following the rules and behaving morally.

Teddy follows the direction of my gaze and shrugs unfazed. "Ok."

Teddy grabs my hand and pulls me up to standing; I'm surprised he doesn't question the reason I want to go. But he's always been good at not probing, and now I can't help wonder if he knows something more about me which is a stupid thought. He can't, I've been so careful.

Teddy noticing my hesitation says, "We can stay here if you want? We're friends hanging out, they can't do anything."

"Friends who kiss? Our engagement seals don't match or have you forgotten that we're promised to different people?" I tease jokingly, breathing a sigh of relief. He doesn't know anything otherwise he wouldn't suggest we stay here. I'm overthinking everything as usual.

Keeping the Officials within the edges of my vision, I monitor their movements, watching them come closer. I could outrun them if I needed to, and I'm leaving this place tonight anyway.

"Let's hire a rowing boat for a bit of space," Teddy says. "My treat?"

"Sounds good," I say, allowing him to sling his arm over my shoulders.

Sinking into his side, I enjoy the feel of him against me. I'll allow myself one evening of pretending I can have this. When it's over I'll lock it away and move on.

Usually, when I disappear and vanish there are no goodbyes, no fond farewells. Pack, leave and we're gone. I've never had people to say goodbye too before. Acquaintances formed through my encounters are easy to come by but a true friend is rare. I've only cared about two people in my life, my mum and Teddy.

"Thank you, Teddy," I whisper.

"Don't get too excited, it's just a boat ride." He smiles, squeezing my shoulder gently not realising my gratitude expands much deeper. It's much more than taking me on a boat and giving me an evening of normalcy. It's for the laughter and fun, showing me true friendship and allowing me the experience of being a semi-teenager.

"I'm just excited about the fact you're paying," I quip. "I can take or leave your company.'

"Oh really," He laughs. "No need to play games, Cady, I know you're going to shed a few tears once I'm gone."

"It's true, I'll be a blubbering wreck by tomorrow night but that will probably be more due to the fact my workload will have doubled, and I'm going to have to resort to kissing my hand once you're gone." I pretend to kiss my hand. "It's not really a satisfactory replacement for your lips."

"I'll be back to visit." Teddy dips his head and brushes his lips across mine. "I'm going to miss you, Cady."

I lean into him and enjoy the last time I'll get the pleasure of being like this with him. When Teddy returns our building will be empty, the only signs of us ever living there will be a few leftover machines and two mattresses. He won't find us, no one ever does. We're good at covering our tracks.

Author's note
Please vote if you're enjoying it.

Hope all the emblems and seals aren't getting too confusing. Please let me know if you think anything needs to be clearer xx

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