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These are the roles:

Detective—the detective can choose one person to investigate and will know the person's team. This is similar to the sheriff role in other mafias. This is a nightly action

Photographer—the photographer can pick a role and 'take a picture' of that role. This 'picture' will give the photographer options for potential suitors for that role. This is a daily action.

Rebel—the rebel can choose one person to kill at any point in the game. This can only be done once in the game. This is a nightly action.

Defender—the defender will defend one person a night. If they choose someone to defend that was chosen to be killed, the target will be protected. This is a nightly action

Ghostbuster—the ghostbuster can communicate with a fallen member of the group. The fallen group member can choose whether or not to cooperate. This is a nightly action.

Motivator—the motivator can pick someone to give double-power to. This person will be able to do their nightly/daily action twice. This is a daily action.

Mediator—the mediator can stop someone from completing their nightly/daily action. This cancels out both actions from the Motivator if the two choose the same person. This is a daily action

Scientist—this is similar to the doctor role in other mafias. The scientist can recall past biology knowledge and choose to use it to save someone every day. This is a daily action.

Traitor—the traitor starts as an indifferent role and has no particular ability to start. After the first killer is eliminated, the traitor will assume the position of whoever passed away. The traitor cannot be detected.

Intimidator—the intimidator chooses one person to intimidate a day. Doing this, they can learn the others' roles. This is a daily action

Contemplator—the contemplator chooses who to kill. They are the brains behind the operation. This is a daily action.

Completer—the completer is the one who kills the target. They can refuse if they would like. This is a nightly action.

Loud Mouth—the loud mouth can choose to 'talk over' someone. This mutes the chosen player for any one given day. This is a nightly action. The same player may not be mute twice in a row.

Murderer—the murderer chooses one person to kill a day. They do not need validation from the other killers to kill anyone. This is a daily action.

Suspect—the suspect wants to die. If they get killed by a particular role, they will kill the person behind the role. The suspect loses if the group decides to kill them.

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