Rules and Form (Round 1)

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1.) Unlike most Mafia games, PMs are allowed. You may PM another player through me (See info chapter for more explanation). Still, you are not allowed to personally PM anyone. You also cannot tell anyone about your role.

2.) If you see this, PM me a mafia role you've had in the past or one you would like to have in the future.

3.) You cannot give up your teammates' roles. The killers work together and will all know each other's roles. Killers may not betray each other.

4.) Don't get mad at anyone out of the game. This is a game. This game includes deception, lies, and heated discussion. Don't get mad at anyone for this. If someone is being rude to anyone else or threatening, I will take care of it.

5.) Please be happy with your role! Everyone gets to do something and all roles matter. Besides, you can always join in another round and get a different role.

6.) Have fun! this is the cliche one, but I really hope you enjoy the game!

Form: To join, just give me a name and a gender!

Ex: Steven, Male

plz taggggg

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