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I'm working trying to elaborate in my writing, so if you see anywhere that you think could use more detail, please let me know!!

Biana left to go to her room. Fitz said, "Do you want to go outside? I just realized that we haven't talked in a while." 

"Sure," Sophie replied. 

They went outside, holding hands, and just walked for a while. As they were walking past the reception hall, Fitz said, "Do you remember that day?" "Yeah, how could I not?!" Sophie asked. 

They kept walking, until they reached the pool. "I have an idea," Fitz suddenly exclaimed. "We should go swimming!! We should see if Keefe, Dex, Tam, Linh, and Marella also want to come. That way you don't have to think about you-know-what." "Ooh, that sounds fun!!" Sophie agreed. "Let's go ask Biana if she wants to do that. And, tomorrow, I'll come with you when we go talk to Mr. Forkle. Oh, speaking of that, are you going to tell everyone about you being unmatchable?" "Yeah, I probably will. They will eventually find out, and I don't want them to think that I was hiding something from them." "Okay, that sounds good."

They went back inside, and climbed up the stairs to Biana's room. "Biana!!" Fitz said as he knocked on her door. "Sophie and I were thinking we could have a few more friends over and swim. What do you think?" "Okay, just let me get ready."

I hate to do this to y'all, but I'm going to end that right there since my mom's making me get off of the computer. I'll try to update tomorrow or the next day. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to give me feedback. PLEASE DON'T SPOIL LEGACY, BECAUSE I HAVE TO WAIT TEN MORE DAYS UNTIL I GET TO READ IT. Thanks!!

A/n - so sorry, I thought I published that yesterday. I'll try to write another one today!

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