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"What movie are we watching?" Austin asked the group as we walked into the theater.

Bob shrugged. "I don't know. Something scary, I think. That's what Mark, Sean, Wade and I agreed on before Alli joined the group. Are you two okay with that?" Austin nodded his head at the same time I shook mine.

Sean laughed, placing an arm around my shoulders. "You'll be fine. You have your boyfriend here with you!"

I blushed madly. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Not yet." Mark winked.

Austin was covering his face with his free hand. "Can we change the topic please?"

Wade grinned, putting his hands on Austin's shoulders. "Someone has a crush~" he teased.

Austin pushed his hands off. "No I don't."

"Uh, yes, you do." Bob agreed with Wade.

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with."

We took our seats just as the movie started. We were in the very back row, and we could see the whole theater. Austin was on my right side, and Mark was on my left.

The movie was okay for the first few minutes, until there was a jumpscare. I yelped and took the closest hand to me, burying my face in our clasped fingers. I heard laughing, then Austin's voice.

"It's okay, Alli. It's just a movie. You can look."

I slowly looked up, just in time to see another jumpscare. I immediately buried my face in Austin's shoulder, and he put his arm around my back. I immediately felt safe and comforted, and was able to watch the rest of the movie without getting scared again.

The movie was over too soon, and we left the theater. I stared out the window for a long moment before realizing we weren't going back home.

"Where are we going?"

Mark grinned at me through the rearview mirror. "A hair salon."


"Sean and I have an appointment. We didn't tell you?" I shook my head. "We're dying our hair."

I sighed. "Nice. Have fun."

Sean turned in his seat. "You okay with it?"

"I guess."

He put his hand on my leg. "No. Tell us."

I sighed again. "I've wanted to dye my hair for a long time."

"Really?" Sean grinned. "What color?"

"Well, when I was younger I wanted to dye it pink, but lately I've been wanting it to be blue."

Sean glanced at Mark. "That's cool! Maybe you can dye your hair with us!"

I smiled. "Really?"

He nodded. "Sure! It shouldn't be much of a problem."

Mark's phone went off. "It's probably Bob, asking about plans for tonight. You can answer it, Sean."

Sean nodded. "Alright." He took the phone and began typing.

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