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"My only question is how you were able to keep this all a secret until now."

Jax handed the huge salad bowl over to Mark, smiling. "It was difficult, believe me. I honestly thought I'd never see Alli again. When my dad offered me the opportunity to come back to this school, I just had to take it. I needed to see her again."

"But why hide it?" Bob asked.

Jax shrugged. "I wanted to play a game. See if she could tell who I was without me telling her. Austin found out and confronted me about it. I just can't believe I had to spell it out."

Jack was smiling. "Well, it's great to finally meet you- well, meet you knowing you're her childhood friend."

I was blushing madly, and I stabbed my chicken breast with my fork. "Can we talk about something else now and stop obsessing over her?"

Mark laughed. "Of course, Alli. What would you like to talk about?"

I smiled. "Well... how about the Spring Formal? Isn't that coming up next month?"

"Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that." Jack muttered. "I'm supposed to be a chaperone."

"What's that?" Bob asked.

"A school dance." Jax spoke up, taking a bite of her food. "The biggest one of the year for middle schoolers. Also the only formal dance we have, until homecoming and prom in high school."

"Sounds nice. Anyone you two are planning to invite?"

"Not really." We said at the same time.

"I swear to God, you two are twins." Mark muttered with a smile.

"I was planning to go alone." I shrugged. "Maybe meet up with Austin, and maybe you, Jax. It could be a night just for us three."

Jax grinned. "Sure, but on one condition."

"Oh no, what is it?"

"A little birdie told me that the high school's choir teacher is holding auditions for her show choir."

I dropped my fork. "What?"

Mark, Bob, and Jack all stared at each other. "What's so special about it?" Jack asked.

I ignored him, instead turning to Jax. "I thought she wasn't holding auditions this year. She got, like, five last year, and there's only two seniors leaving this year."

Jax nodded. "Yep. Rumor has it, though, a couple of the juniors got knocked up, and they have to leave the class."

"Oh. Wow. How many spots does she have open?"


I stared. "One? Just one?"

"You said it yourself- she got five last year. And it's a small class."

"Girls." We finally turned to Jack, who seemed like he'd been trying to get our attention since the first time. "What's so special about this?"

"The high school's show choir is only, like, the most prestigious thing in the whole school." Jax told him.

I nodded. "Get in that class, and you're automatically invited to every big party for the rest of your high school career."

"Leads in the school plays and musicals."

"Available scholarships to the most prestigious theater and art schools."

"State and national vocal competitions."

"They've gotten gold status for the past seven years at the national level."

"So what's the catch?" Mark asked.

"It's extremely difficult to get in." I pointed out. "The director holds auditions every year, but only a handful of people get chosen. You have to be able to sing, dance, play at least one instrument, and write your own songs. Everyone goes to them since they're open auditions, so you have to be able to perform on stage, in front of a crowd."

"Which," Jax interrupted, "is something I know you can do. I already signed you up."

I spun back to her, eyes wide. "Jax-"

"Come on, Alli! You need to get out of your shell more! And now that I'm back here, I get to help you do just that."

"No, I can't..."

"And why's that?"

I glanced at Mark and Jack, speaking more quietly. "Jason's in choir this year. He's definitely going to go for the spot. If he finds out I am, too, I'm done for. When I don't get the spot, and he does, I'm dead."

"What do you mean, 'when you don't get the spot'?" Jax softly punched my shoulder. "You're totally gonna get it! You're so much better than that jerk, anyway."

"You should go for it!" Bob spoke up. "It's something you enjoy doing! I know you, and I know if you don't take the opportunity, you're going to regret it."

"I... I..." I gave up, instead pushing my chair back and standing up. "I'm going to bed early."

"Alli, wait-"

I tuned Mark and Jax out as I marched upstairs, locking my bedroom door so they wouldn't come in after me.

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