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"You don't have to do this if you don't want to."

I stared at Jax as we walked to the choir department. "Why this, all of a sudden? You're the one who pushed me to do this."

"Just... I don't know. If you ever want to back out of this, there's no pressure. Okay?"

"I know that. I want to do this."

"We're here with you."

I turned to Austin, who had a small smile on his face. "Thanks, Austin. I'm glad you're here."

"Friends support each other, right?" He shrugged.

We reached the door, and I took a deep breath. "Wish me luck, guys."

"You don't need it." Jax reached over, squeezing my shoulder. "We'll wait right out here for you, alright?" I nodded, then took a deep breath before opening the door to the choir department.

There were already four people there, one of which was Jason, who glared as I slid into the seat farthest away from him. I noticed that the three other auditioners were girls, and they looked as nervous as I felt. I watched the clock as it moved, eventually hitting 3:30. On the dot, the doors opened again, and the director walked in, gliding toward the piano and taking a seat right in front of us.

"Is this everyone?" She asked in a bell-like voice. We all nodded, and she smiled. "Welcome, everyone, to auditions. As you all have probably heard, there's only room for one more person on this team. Because of this, we're going to be changing the audition process up a little bit. Instead of the three-song audition, and I pick the one who gets the position, we're going to have five songs, and a cut after each round. There will also be themes for these songs, which I will decide and talk more on in a few minutes. Your songs can either be written by you, or you can choose to sing a cover. My only request is the last song you plan is one you wrote, no one else's. Are there any questions so far?"

Jason raised his hand, smirking. "Yeah, we have a mute girl, and I don't know why she's even here."

I slid in my seat as his and the three other girls' eyes turned to me. "Who?" The director asked, her eyes landing on me. "You?" I nodded, and her smile grew wider. "Ah, yes, I've heard about you. Aren't you the girl Mark and Jack adopted? Sorry- Mr. Fishbach and McLoughlin?" I nodded again. "Well, in my choirs, we respect anyone and everyone, no matter what. Are you prepared to sing, though? In front of everyone?" I nodded again.

"She hasn't said a word since kindergarten." Jason muttered.

The director snapped her fingers, and Jason sat up straight. "We will have none of that during this audition process. This is a safe space, and I will not tolerate bullying of any kind, or talking down on one another in order to get the spot. If I hear you talking like this again, you will be cut immediately. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am." Jason practically whispered.

"Good." She turned back to me. "Usually, we announce the songs we're choosing in front of each other, so no one picks the same song. Instead, for you, you will tell me each of your songs in private. You will also pe rehearsing those songs in private, with only me in the room with you. But you will have to sing in front of people for the actual audition. Does this sound fair?" I nodded, and she stood to her feet. "We start tomorrow, at this time. The audition is this Sunday, in the high school auditorium. Come prepared with your five songs. I will see you then."

As she walked out, the three girls quickly picked up their things and left. As I was standing up, Jason spoke up, still on the other side of the room.

"You better watch your back, Mute Girl. Keep going down this route, and it won't be pretty."

I stood still as he walked out, not turning to look at him. I waited a few moments before picking up everything and leaving the room, as well. Austin and Jax were immediately around me.

"So? How was it?" Jax pressed.

"Nothing even happened." I muttered. "We start tomorrow. The audition is on Sunday. That's all that was said."

Jax and Austin shared a glance. "If that's what you say." Austin whispered. Then, his expression brightened. "Hey, you guys want ice cream?"

"Hell yeah, let's go!" Jax yelled. She took my arm, dragging me down the hallway.

"I have to stop at my house first!" I laughed. "Jax, slow down!"

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