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"The meetup is tomorrow, Allisun." Bob said to me through the video call. "Just please say something there. Just one word. I'm begging you." I shook my head at the camera, and Bob sighed. "Alli, I love you like my own daughter. You know that, right?" I nodded. "I want to protect you. I want to help you. Just... think about it." He hung up.

I shoved my phone in my pocket as I walked into the school and to my locker. I put my book bag inside, then headed to Jack's classroom. Mark and Jack were inside, whispering to each other. I knocked quietly on the door, and Jack looked at me, grinning.

"Allisun! Great timing. We wanted to talk to you about something." I walked further into the room, sitting in the closest desk to the two.

Mark started. "So, we know that you're meeting up with some friends tomorrow." I nodded.

"Well, we wanted to invite you to hang out with us on Saturday." Jack said. "We and three of our other friends were planning on going to a movie and eating out somewhere. If you're interested, you can tag along and have some fun with us. How's that sound?" I smiled, nodding again.

"Perfect. We'll just tell our buddies later tonight. They'll be so happy to meet you."

Mark nodded. "Especially Alli. I think she's your age. Also a lot like you. You'll have a lot in common." I gave him an "okay" sign.

Jack sighed, daydreaming. "I can't wait for tomorrow. We haven't seen them in years, and finally our schedules match up."

Mark nodded. "I can't wait to meet Alli, too. She seems really cool."

My phone went off, and I quickly got it out of my pocket. Bob was video calling me again. I rolled my eyes.

"Who is it?" Jack asked. "Your uncle?" I nodded. "Why don't you answer it?" I sighed, accepting the call.

"I know I'm bugging you, but I have a favor to ask of you. And it's not to say something by tomorrow, I promise." I nodded at him. "I want you to to try and look for a family this weekend. And don't try and argue about this with me. I know you haven't been looking. I just want what's best from you. I don't want you spending the rest of your teenage years in an orphanage. You deserve to have a family again."

I glanced up at Mark and Jack, biting my lip. It seemed like they were deep in their own conversation and didn't hear anything Bob had just said. I looked back down and flipped the camera, pointing it to the two.

Bob's face softened. "Are they it? Are they your family?"

Jack caught my eye and grinned at me. "Are you filming us?" I smiled back and nodded. "Still talking to your uncle?" I nodded again, and he waved at the camera. "Hey, Uncle Bob! Allisun's told us about you and your plans to meet up tomorrow! I hope you two have fun together."

Bob's eyes were wide. "Oh my God. You're... she's..." I flipped the camera back over, letting Bob see my worried face. "I can't believe that they're... I gotta go. See you soon, Alli." He hung up.

I put my phone down, raking my fingers through my hair. Jack tilted his head. "You okay, Allisun?" I looked up at him and shrugged. "Did he say something that's making you worried?" I nodded.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Mark said. "Now come on, get over here and talk with us!" I giggled with Jack as I walked up to them, enveloping in the warm conversation they dragged me into.

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