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"So the answer to the equation would be x=7." Mark said to the class, putting the cap on the marker he was using. "Now, do the next two problems."

I came up with the answers rather quickly, then stared off into space, fidgeting with my pencil. The meetup was in less than an hour, which meant that soon I'll be able to see Bob again and finally meet Mark, Sean, and Wade.

Mark approached me, smiling. "Someone's distracted." I looked up at him and smiled back. "Excited for your meetup?" I nodded. "I'm sure it'll be great."

The speaker in the room turned on. "Mr. Fishbach?"

"Yes?" Mark yelled.

"Could you please send Allisun Vorhees to the office?"

Mark looked at me. "She's on her way."

"Thank you." The speaker turned off.

"You better get going. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I smiled and nodded before packing up my stuff and walking out of the classroom and to the office.

The lady behind the desk smiled at me. "You're needed in the guidance counselor's office." I nodded at her, quickly walking down the small hallway and into the correct office.

Ms. Spunk was sitting behind her desk as Jason, Austin, and Brody stood in front of her, glaring at me. Ms. Spunk smiled, gesturing for me to sit in the only chair in front of her. I did, setting my stuff next to me on the floor.

"Allisun. Mrs. Drevis, Mr. McLoughlin, and Mr. Fishbach have brought it to my attention that these three boys behind you have been bullying you for some time now. I understand that you don't talk, so I will only ask you yes or no questions. Alright?" I nodded. "We're off to a great start. First of all, is what they said true? Have they been bullying you?" I nodded again. "Did this just start recently?" I shook my head. "So it's been going on for a while now. Would you be happy if I told you that the administration will punish these boys for what they've done to you?"

Brody stepped forward. "Ms. Spunk, is that really necessary? I mean, it was all in good fun!" Ms. Spunk glared at him, and he shrunk back.

"Before I send the three of you to the principal to receive your punishment, I believe you owe Allisun an apology."

Jason rolled his eyes. "I don't owe the worthless Mute Girl anything."

"Jason." Ms. Spunk said sternly. "I believe you were the leader of this. You will have the bigger punishment. Apologize, or else it will be worse."

Jason rolled his eyes again, groaning. "I'll be in the principal's office." He walked out of the room.

Brody looked at me, a sour look on his face. "Sorry, Allisun." He followed Jason.

Austin was rubbing his neck nervously. "Allisun, I..." He took a deep breath. "Everything that I ever did or said to you, I... I didn't mean it. I wish I could take it all back. The only reason I did it was to fit in and actually be friends with those two. They never treated me like that, though- they always treated me like their pet. I hope that eventually you can get over what I did to you, and maybe even become friends?" He gave me an unsure smile.

I stared at him for a moment before turning back to the desk and grabbing a pen and a Post-It note, writing down my Discord name tag and phone number before handing it to him.

He read it, smiling. "Really?" I nodded. "Cool. Great. I-I mean... thank you. So much." He looked at me one last time before disappearing from the room.

Ms. Spunk was sitting in her chair, grinning. "I think someone has a little crush on you." I turned back to her, blushing madly and shaking my head frantically. She laughed. "Whatever you say, Allisun." The bell rang, and she sighed. "That's the end of the day. I hope you have a safe trip home. And please know that you can come talk to me anytime about anything." I smiled briefly at her, nodding before picking up my stuff and racing out of the school and to the bus.

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