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I wait until everyone else leaves so I can say goodbye. Millie wasn't my favorite person, but I cared for her all the same. She was basically a sibling to me. I push her ombre blonde hair out of her face and sit beside her for a moment. "Goodbye, Millie." I smile, closing my eyes to hide the pain inside them. "I'll make sure to find out what you got on that last English test for you. It's the least can do considering--"

"Daniel? Are you okay...?"

"Jasmine! Hi! Yeah, I'm fine. I barely knew Millie anyway." I look over at her, smiling. She smiles a little back, but it's forced.

"Okay, I saw you talking to her, so I wasn't sure if you were friends." She sounds unconvinced, but it doesn't look like she's going to pry.

"I can't say we weren't, but I like to think I'm friends with everyone." I laugh a little. it's a bit forced, but Jasmine doesn't seem to notice.


"Come on, let's go join up with the others. I've been dying to see them." I stand, walking over to her.

"Weren't they just here?" She asks.

"It was a... never mind." I shrug, but then she gets it.

"Oh, Very funny, Daniel." She smiles.

"What can I say? I'm hilarious!" I laugh, leading the way out of the room. Jasmine follows.

"Daniel?" she says before we reach the others.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Are you really okay?"

I turn to face her and smile a little more. "I'm as good as I've ever been."

"If you're sure..." She smiles another forced smile and walks away.

"I'm not..." I whisper as she walks over to Caspian. She doesn't hear me.

"Daniel! Are you looking ahead with a straight face?!" I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn. Kelvin stands there in front of me.

"I'm just thinking," I reply, smiling at my... acquaintance.

"About the killer, right? well, you're in luck! I have found her!" He grins.

"Her?" I ask.

"I don't know her name yet, but I figured it out! It's the girl with the brown hair." He scans the room.

"Uh... which one?"

"I don't know! well, I do, but she's not here right now."

"Your sister has brown hair you know." I point out carefully.

"Yeah, but it's not her! It's the other one." He says. "the one with the brown eyes!"

"Sorry, Kelvin, but you're just describing your sister."

"The one with the weird mask over her mouth!"

"Oh, Mia, why Mia?" I say, referring to one of the quieter people with us.

He places his hands over my eyes and leads me down the hall. We come to a stop maybe two minutes later, and he removes his hands. "ta-da!" He says, pointing into a room where Mia lays silently sleeping on the floor.

"She's sleeping...?"

"On the floor. With Sebastian." He points at the golden eyes staring at me from a nearby chair.

"What does that have to do with it?" I ask.

Sebastian leaps off the chair. He walks over to us. He stares into my eyes, almost like he's judging me. He takes a deep breath while flattening his hair a little, then speaking, "Leave her. She's trying to sleep."

I nod, taking a small step back.

"But she's the killer!" Kelvin cries.

"No. She's not. Leave us." Sebastian turns, walking back to his chair. He glares at us from his place in the room.

I am about to leave when Mia shakes her head and sits up. Sebastian glares at us another time before closing one of his eyes. He approaches her, quietly telling her something.

"Come on, Kelvin, let's go," I whisper. I slowly back away from Sebastian and Mia. Kelvin reluctantly nods, following me out of the room.

Once out of earshot, Kelvin turns to me. "I trust you, Daniel," He says. "So, I'm going to show you my proof that something's up with Mia."

"Okay..." I reply.

He leads me to a room not too far from the main group. He knocks on the door in a weird rhythm, and it opens. His sister, Lyra, stands on the other side of the door. She smiles a little.

"Is he on board with your theory?" She asks Kelvin.

"Not yet, but he will be!" He leads me into the room and points to the stereotypical cork board with red strings all over it.

I look at it carefully; the entire thing is covered in pictures of people. "Where did you get all these pictures?" I ask.

"Lyra took them!" Kelvin exclaims. I turn to Lyra, and she shows me the camera.

"So you guys are just hardcore stalkers?"

"No...?" Kelvin says with a shrug.

"He likes to think he's a detective," Lyra says. "This is his way of following all leads." She smiles at me, and I nod.

"Everyone is a suspect except you, me, Lyra, Millie, and the first guy that died." Kelvin sits down on the bed in the room.

"Why am I excused so easily?" I ask.

"Look at yourself, Daniel. Anyone who thinks you could kill someone is an idiot in their own right." Lyra sits beside her brother on the bed.

"I appreciate that... but I could kill someone if I wanted to..."

"Sure you could, Danny-Boy," Kelvin says, holding back a laugh.

"Please don't call me that."

"See, if Kelvin did that to anyone else here... well let's just say they probably wouldn't just ask nicely for him to stop." Lyra pats my back.

"I doubt they would be rude..." I say.

"You'd be surprised, buddy," Kelvin replies. "People aren't as nice as you think." He moves over to his cork board. He points at the 'incriminating' evidence of everyone on the board. "I have something on everyone except you, us, and the girl I saw you with earlier."

"Which one? Please don't say the one with the brown hair or something like that."

"The one with the scared face and the dark hair."

"You really need to work on your descriptions."

"We can practice later."

I sigh, thinking of who looked scared recently. "Well, I might know who you're talking about. Do you have a picture of her?"

"Actually, no. She's one of the few that we don't have any pictures of because she never leaves the group." He looks over at the board, searching for any sign of her.

"You must mean Jasmine," I say, thinking of the new girl.

"Probably! I don't know her name so..." Kelvin laughs a little. "She's not definitely cleared, but I don't have any evidence to link her to the crimes."

"So wait, Jasmine aside, why do you think it's Mia?" I ask, looking at the cork board. There are quite a few pictures of the mysterious brunette, but nothing really stands out.

"We didn't get a picture, but I heard some really unsettling noises from another room. I went to check it out but I couldn't see anything in the dark. Sebastian was there. He sat on top of a really high shelf. He growled at me and then next thing I knew, I was knocked out." Kelvin looks quite convinced.

"I believe he fainted when he saw Sebastian so high up. Kelvin is afraid of heights." Lyra whispers to me.

"Okay, I understand," I say, winking at Lyra. "But I still don't get how that makes Mia the murderer."

"Mia and Sebastian are working together and they tried to kill me that day but were unsuccessful! I will get vengeance!" He laughs. "I'm just kidding. I just don't want anyone else to die." His mood goes from 1000 to 10... out of 100.

"It's okay, Kelvin," Lyra says. She smiles at him. "We can keep an eye on her."

"I just hope it's enough..." The usually happy brunette becomes dejected.

Lyra turns and mouths 'sorry' to me. I shake my head trying to show her it's okay.

"I should head back to the group..." I say.

"Good idea." Lyra agrees.

"I'll come get you again later. Then we can figure this out." Kelvin looks back over at me.

"Okay," I say with my signature smile.

He buys it. "See you later, Daniel."

"See you, Kelvin." 

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