08 | stranger things happens

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While Natasha was about to enter her house and suddenly saw a young girl with short blonde hair staring at her with sad blue eyes, she was wearing ripped, old and dirty clothes. the girl's other half was hidden in the shadow, this what makes Natasha not see what she's hiding.

She approaches her. "Hey, Do you nee- oh my god! oh my god."

Covering her month is a shock, Natasha could help but widen her eyes at the sight of her young self with a red eye that was covered in the shadow.


Young Natasha raised her hands to give her old-self something. "You must keep this save, And only use it when you think it's time."

Then she disappeared. Natasha looked at what she took from her. It was a green liquid inside a tiny bottle that written outside of it 'the future'.

She walked inside not believing in what happened as blood covered her clothes from feeding on the drunk human.

A dark-brown haired man was giving Natasha his back with she bumped into him, while she was looking at her clothes.

The dark-brown haired man turned at her, at let out a yelp of surprise and fear, taking a step back. He eyed her as she walked to the stairs not before she turns at him and rolls her eyes.

"Watch where you going, asshat."
She snapped at him and turns to walk up to her room.

"Ex-squeeze me? You bumped into me so you watch where you going." He pointed at her with the hand that holds a glass of wine, which causes the drink to spill on the floor.

Natasha rolled at her again at him, and whispered. "yup that's the Klaus that I know."

She was about to continue walking up the stairs but Klaus stopped her.

"Hey! Don't go away, Stop! You need to tell who are you, And how did you get into my house and why your dress is too damn bloody?" He shook his head in disbelief.

Natasha let out a tired sigh, with an annoying face gazes at Klaus. "I am so tired Klaus and I don't want to explain who am I twice, so how about you go to your siblings, sober up and wait for me till I come back and tell you everything you need to know?"

"How can I trust that you're
not going to run away?"

"Just go, Klaus."

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