Chapter 12

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Unofficially Yours

Chapter 12

Akira was advised by the children to wear clothes that will be appropriate to wear when picking berries. The only outfit that she could think of was the clothes she wore the night she went hunting with her father on the forest. She was wearing a pair of shorts, a camouflage jacket and a normal green shirt at that time. And her father didn’t make any sounds of disagreement when she came trotting down the stairs to meet him. She also found her shoes under the bed, just like Ann said she would find them. They were just simple hiking boots she bought for herself.

      Ann came into the room later and gave her a bundle of clothes. It was folded tight and nicely she was afraid to mess it up. She unfolded it and saw that her outfit was newly washed and neat. The color was brighter even.

      “Thank you, Ann.” Akira told her. “It’s very nice of you.”

      “It’s the least I can do. I also included a pair of socks in there, in case you might need them.” she squeaked and began sauntering out of the room.

      “Ann,” Akira softly said. Her head turned back to meet her eyes and she raised her brows, making a questioning sound from the back of her throat. “Do you know when I can leave?”

      “Akira,” Ann spoke, a sigh escaping her throat. She redirected her down on the floor. “I don’t know. That depends between you and Alpha Adam. As far as I know, you cannot leave until the bond is completed.”

      “Completed? What do you mean?”

      Ann’s face paled. “I shouldn’t say anything now. I’ll leave you to dress. Call me when you need anything.” her hand outreached and clamped on the door knob. She tugged on it while leaving the room, shutting it close once she’s out.

      Great! She muttered sarcastically on her mind while throwing her hands in the air in frustration. She clutched the newly washed shirt in her fist and raked her free hand through her hair. She grabbed the clothes she previously placed on the bed and entered the bathroom, slipping out of Jessica’s clothes and changing into hers.

      Completed? Heck, she didn’t know what Ann meant. So Adam marking her isn’t enough? What does she need to do so that she can leave? Her fingertips traveled up from her bare arm until it grazed on the soft spot of her mark. Warm tingles erupted from her gentle caress, catching her by surprise. Her eyes widened at the sensation. She never thought of herself this sensitive.

      She quickly slipped her shirt on and jacket, startled. It was going to be hard adjusting to this. In fact, she was getting freaked out. She was starting to feel cranky because everyone seemed to be avoiding about answering her questions. Just because Adam was the oh-so powerful alpha-leader of them all, everyone seemed to be afraid of blurting anything out of line.

       No. It isn’t right. She has the right to know what’s going on. It’s only been two days but she was starting to get attached to everyone—especially the children. And she stupidly blurted about them being her weakness.

      Akira knows her past actions had gotten her to so many troubles. Her father used to tell her how stubborn she was and usually asked himself what he’s going to do with her. Her recklessness and disobedience had put her to different dilemmas like quicksand, and it wasn’t easy to get out of.

      She does everything her own way. And now she’s starting to regret the fact that she didn’t listen to her father. She used to exclaim about her life being boring. She was supposed to be a rich man’s daughter—going out with friends, shopping for shoes, soaking on the pool behind their house. But she had to be that girl who thinks life’s too short to be a good girl. And now, she’s getting more of what she wanted. She wanted excitement not something that involved supernatural beings that will most likely drive her out of her sanity.

      Blowing the hair out of her face, she trudged down the stairs. The girls told her to meet them at the training yard. They would get their baskets from the shack and find an extra basket for Adam and Akira. Just the thought of Adam carrying a basket caused her to crack a laugh. Maybe she could get him to slip something about the bond-thingy. She hasn’t known much of their ways yet.

      She stepped onto the training yard and tried finding the girls. She saw them by a wooden shed. The little, brown-haired, cutie named Daphne was giving out baskets to the other girls. There must be seven of them in total, nine, including her and Adam.

      As if on cue, Junín ran towards the girls and jumped up and down. Daphne talked animatedly towards her before looking down at the bundle of baskets. She looked back up at her, shaking her head and shrugging. There were only two baskets left. Junín’s back slouched and her eyes became tear-filled.

      She walked towards her instinctively but Adam suddenly appeared out of nowhere and crouched beside Junín. She took tentative steps forward, their voices becoming more evident by the second. Junín’s soft sobs can be heard while Adam reached out and gave Junín one of the baskets. She figured that Daphne might’ve been reserving them for her and Adam, but he generously gave his to her.

      “Here,” he said. “I’ll just share with your Luna.”

      And instead . . . yup. Akira slightly shook her head, but then smiled as Junín’s face brightened. She took the handle of the basket in her hands and crushed Adam into a bear hug. Adam grunted from the sudden action, struggling to keep his balance but chuckled and patted her back.

      “Hi, Jun.” Akira spoke, catching both Junín’s and Adam’s attention.

      “Luna!” Junín giggled and broke away from Adam’s embrace, running towards her and hugging her waist. The child tilted her head up to look at Akira. She gave her a toothy grin, making Akira laugh at the sight of her toothless.

      “Your tooth!” she exclaimed.

      “I placed it under my pillow, Luna! When I woke up I found money!” she said, pulling away.

      “Well congratulations, Jun.” she patted her head with a wide smile. “So did you decide to come with us today?” she placed her hands on her knees, crouching low so that she met Junín’s eye level.

      “I asked mama if I could come, she told me yes. Except there are no more baskets! But Alpha Adam is so nice he gave me his! He said he’ll share with your basket. Will you let him please?” her eyes brightened into puppy dog-eyes, making Akira sigh and erect her back. She was about to tell him off, but that plan would have to be erased and replaced. How could she even resist?

      “That would be okay with me.” she patted Junín’s head and the child automatically burst into cheers. Daphne and the other girls were watching them curiously, sharing looks. Junín jogged towards them and stood in the line.

      Adam picked the basket up and handed it to Akira. She snatched it from his hand and turned to meet the girls. “What are we waiting for?” she asked.

      “Okay girls!” Daphne marched forward, but abruptly turned and gave Adam a look. “And gentleman!” she added. “Turn to the left! One more time!” the girls obeyed until they faced the forest. “Right! Left! Left, right, left! Right! Left! Left, right, left!”

      As the children marched like soldiers towards the layer of trees, Akira and Adam casually walked behind them. Akira watched them with a smile on her face while Adam was merely watching Akira with his hot gaze. Then as if she felt his eyes on her, her head whipped towards his direction. She continued to surprise him like no other woman had. He found her weakness with kids quite amusing.

      “I never really thought you liked picking berries.” she told him smugly.

      “I’ve got my reasons.”

      “Like what?” she asked, stepping over a log as they went through the first layer of trees.

      “You can’t go farther than mile away from me, or you’ll experience an inconsiderable pain. I don’t want you getting hurt again.” he glanced at her while sweeping aside a bunch of leaves, keeping a close distance to the kids. “Besides, you don’t know these woods. You might get lost. There are also a bunch of wild animals. I don’t want you getting killed.”

      Akira felt a warm, fuzzy feeling on her stomach that she started loathing. Her heartbeat literally skipped a beat and her hold on the handle of the basket grew tighter. She wiggled her toes inside her shoes, willing for her scalded cheeks to cool down. She mentally scolded herself about her reaction. It was just a simple confession, nothing much.

      “I can handle myself, thank you.” she was relieved she had retained the usual icy tone on her voice. “As much as I know, picking berries with the kids is not what you signed up for.”

      “I came willingly for other reasons.”

      “You always have ulterior motives, don’t you? What are they?”

      “I only have one motivation. And that’s you.”

      Akira’s face grew hotter and she urgently tried composing herself to her usual persona. She didn’t blush at a boy’s compliments. Heck, why now? She forcefully scoffed. “Whatever. Can’t you even leave me alone for a minute?”

      “No, actually. I won’t give anyone the opportunity to take what’s mine.” he answered.

      “In your dreams. I’m not anyone’s to be owned. You should plant that in your head.”

      “Am I dreaming, then?”

      Akira stopped at her tracks and glowered at him. “What do you mean?”

      He moved forward, causing her to take a step back. Once she felt herself hit the tree, he raised an arm and placed a hand against the bark, completely trapping her. He was so close Akira can feel his body heat. Her breath was literally stuck on her throat. The rapid beating of her heart was loud, pounding into her ears. He leaned close to her ear, his breath caressing her skin. Her grip on the basket was tighter than before, causing her palms to sweat. “Because you’re already mine.” he whispered, low and assertive.

      Akira blinked once before she swept his hand aside, getting hold of herself. “You may have me physically. But you won’t ever be able to take hold of my very heart and soul.” she then turned and walked towards the children, they were yelling about finding a bunch of raspberries.

      He stood still, shocked. Her words had stricken him like a thousand bricks. She was right. He knew that she is right. But the truth had hurt him like a dagger itself just pierced his heart. His head snapped towards Akira, she was walking confidently towards the girls as they grabbed numerous, fresh berries hanging delectably on long, green stems.

      Akira’s hand was abruptly encircled by warm, calloused hands. The familiar sparks had erupted, bringing about goosebumps to rise on her skin. “I may not have you right now, mi amour. But you must remember that I want you, not only your physical self, but I promise I’ll never give up until I have you entirely—heart and soul.” he swore, and then planted a gentle kiss on her shoulder.

      She never realized that he had gotten hold of the basket, until he spoke up. “I’ll get this for you.”

I do hope you liked it!

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