Chapter 29

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Here's the update as promised! I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 29

Adam and Akira made their way through a big hole on the wall with Kathrynne acting as their lead. It was ironic to think that the person Akira was trying to get to was the one she was running away from now.

      It wasn’t nice feeling like all the things that she believed were true were all lies all along. It almost seemed like the foundations of her very being were shaken, and she felt like she would collapse from everything any minute now. She wanted to just curl up at some room and block everything around her. It took almost all of her willpower not to scream. And although she felt like crying, she struggled to keep up a calm exterior. Truth was, she wanted to scream very much . . . but knew that she couldn’t. Deep within her, her emotions were in turmoil.

      To think that those images of a happy ‘family’ her father kept telling her about . . . and all those bull-crap about being a loving ‘husband’ to his ‘wife’ were nothing but lies and pure delusions, Akira fought the urge not to shudder.

      How could she have been with this man all along? Akira loved her father very much. Deep down she knew that he was a good person . . . but to think that he went astray and did all of those stupid things because of something crazy like what he calls ‘love’ . . . she didn’t know what to think of him anymore.

      She was starting to have a feeling that if Kathrynne were to ask him to do something for the sake of love—something like to jump out of the cliff—he would do it with no second thoughts and no questions asked.

      Adam watched his mate’s trembling hands as they escaped, and instantly intertwined his hands around her small ones. He tightened his grip comfortingly and felt the unsteady shaking of her hands to ease slightly. Akira still refused to look at Adam, but she wouldn’t deny the feeling of reassurance he made her feel.

      It must be hard, he thought. That all along . . .

      He shook the thoughts away and focused on Akira. He knew that she was trying to keep a strong demeanor, although deep inside she was already struggling with her emotions.

      It wasn’t easy to run away from the person who you were keen on getting back to. Adam felt it—her confusion and restlessness about the idea.

      “Alpha Adam! Akira!” A shrilly voice exclaimed.

      Both of them turned to see Ann jogging towards them with a look of relief and happiness in her eyes. A smile curled its way to Akira’s lips—the first one Adam saw in a while—as the girl wrapped her arms around his mate’s waist.

      She was being tailed by a few more of Kathrynne’s men as they slowly made their way out of the area to rejoin their leader once more.

      “I’m so glad you’re both alright!” Ann said before pulling away. “I’m so sorry that because of me . . .”

      “Don’t worry.” Akira told her firmly before she could even finish. “None of this is your fault. My father caused all of this . . . because of me . . . so I should be the one apologizing.”

      “Excuse me,” Kathrynne said, clearing her throat. “This is no time to be emotional. We really should be going.”

      “Oh . . .” Ann stared at the woman and doubted for a second. “Luna, you kinda look like her . . .”

      “She’s my mother.” She stated, rather bluntly, which shocked the girl.

      “Oh my gosh!” She squeaked. “Nice to meet you, ma’am!”

      Adam turned towards Kathrynne and politely began to speak, “Excuse me, uh . . .”

      “Call me Kathrynne.” She replied, before a teasing look in her eyes appeared. “Or mom if you would prefer.” She winked.

      Adam cleared his throat with discomfort. “Um . . . I was thinking. Maybe I could borrow your phone to contact one of my own to help us out?”

      “Nah, sure.” She waved her hand dismissively at him before turning to her subordinates. “Logan! Gimme your phone!”

      “Sure thing, Alpha!” Logan replied, and fished a phone out of his pocket before handing it to Kathrynne.

      Kathrynne snatched it from his hands and passed it to Adam. “Make your call along the way. We don’t have time to sit around.”

      Akira realized that the house was surrounded by a thick forest that seemed to stretch for miles. It almost seemed like they were in the middle of nowhere, but surely it was no match for the pack-house.

      They headed for the thick line of trees and disappeared shortly among the broad columns of heavy plant life. They all ran towards one direction, and not once did Akira feel like Adam was going to let go.

      “Hello, Marcus?” Adam said into the phone, breath puffing out of his mouth. “It’s me. I need reinforcements as soon as possible. I’m not exactly sure where I am, but I’m sure I’m still somewhere near.”

      “Gimme that!” Kathrynne snatched the phone out of his hands. “Hey! We’re in the middle of the forest north to your current territory. If you continue to move in this direction, you’ll get here in no time. Who the hell cares who I am, anyway? Just get here before your alpha becomes beef jerky!”

      Adam stared at Akira’s mother in amusement as she yelled into the phone.

      “No! I meant the forest in the north, you deaf! You’ll come across it soon if you just do as I say! Nah! Kids these days are stupid! Can’t they understand simple instructions?”

      “I think it’s better if I take the phone, alpha.” Logan told her. “You’re not really good at directions!”

      “Who are you calling directionally challenged?!” Kathrynne screamed.

      “Hmmm . . .” Logan paused with a smile before grabbing the phone off of Kathrynne’s hand before she could even realize. “Heya! Do you know the . . .”

      Logan’s voice faded into the background as he began to specifically tell their current location to Adam’s beta. His instructions were clear enough to be understood that he doubted Marcus would even go lost with it.

      “Yeah, that’s it! Careful of the guards outside, though! They’re a real pest! But don’t worry, they were put into good sleep!” He said.

      With that the phone call ended and he placed the object back in his pocket.

      They were running freely for a moment until Adam stopped and dragged Akira and Ann behind him. Akira was startled for a moment until she felt a silent whistle in the air and something breezed past them.

      Akira’s eyes widened when she saw the tree beside them blow up into pieces. Kathrynne and his men immediately took cover, as splinters flew in the air.

      “Sh**! They caught up! Men, prepare for an encounter!” Kathrynne yelled.

      Logan and the others immediately shifted into their wolf form. Kathrynne did so, too, and Akira watched in amazement as her mother transformed into a form of a beautiful wolf with silver-like fur.

      “I’ll shift in my wolf form, too.” Adam told his mate. “Make sure to climb on my back and hold on tightly. I should be able to carry the both of you.”

      “B-but . . .” Akira gulped. It would be the first time that he would shift since he told her he was a werewolf. And . . . she would ride on his back . . . on that oversized body of a mutt.

      “You know . . . thinking that I’m a mutt is sort of . . . offending.” He stated.

      Akira gasped. “You’re reading my mind again!”

      Without warning, Adam gracefully shifted into his wolf and flashed his mate a wolf-y grin. His clothes were shred to pieces and lumps of his once dirty clothes fell on the forest floor.

      ‘Now, Akira!’ A voice yelled into her mind.

      Akira glanced at Ann as Adam lowered his body onto the ground to let both of them on. She allowed Ann to get on first before hesitatingly mounting Adam’s back as well.

      Adam stood on all of fours, displaying a height that not even Akira could’ve imagined. The first time that Akira saw Adam transform, it was in a little bit of a cramped room. But seeing him in the middle of the forest like this made his image a bit more majestic than the last time.

      ‘Thank you, love.’ Adam chuckled in her mind.

      “Can you stop reading my mind, you bastard?!” She yelled.

      ‘Haha. I can’t help it! Now, hold on tight. Make sure not to fall off!’

      Ann leaned down and clasped her thin arms around Adam’s neck. Akira wrapped her arms around Ann’s waist in return and felt the brush of Adam’s soft fur against her limbs. At the action, she couldn’t help but think of them as . . . fluffy and soft.

      ‘Well, I’m glad you think that way.’

      “Shut up! Get out of my head!” She yelled.

      Ann giggled at the both of them before a whole bunch of hunters appeared from the trees.

      Both of the girls’ breath stopped.

      The fight begins now.

Lalalala! I hope that you enjoyed! Until next time, people! DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT!

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