Bounce Back(Little Mix)

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Arlo: Has anyone seen the girls?

Blyke: Nope, they've been offline since this morning

John: What time is it?

Leon: 7:54 PM

John: I didn't ask for your opinion, Terrance...

Leon: My name is LEON, L-E-O-N......

John: Okay, TERRANCE

Isen: Stop fighting you two

Faith: Steady, are you ready?

Remi: Are you ready?

Seraphina: What's goin' on?

Elaine: What's going on?

Blyke: What?

Arlo: What are you girls talking about?


Leon: No caps....stop it with the caps

Ferocious: SCREW YOU!!!!!!

Remi: Steady, are you ready

Elaine: Are you ready?

Faith: What's goin' on

Seraphina: What's going on

Holden: Ah, what's going on?

Seraphina: Tell me what you know about me

John: Eh.....?

Remi: About me

Seraphina: Welcome to the city where it's sweet

Elaine: Where it's sweet

Seraphina: You know I'll be takin' Vita-D

John: You will

Remi: Vita-D

Seraphina: That's why I can't fit up in these jeans

Elaine: In these jeans

Arlo: Why are you repeating what she says?

Blyke: Yeah!

Seraphina: Watch me, you know I like to move that

Elaine: Move that

Seraphina: That heat wave make you wanna cool back

Remi: Cool back

Arlo: Wait where's my Queen?

John: Faith did suddenly go silent....

Holden: Yeah...

Seraphina: Hear them sayin' baby bring that bounce back

Remi: Bring that bounce back

Seraphina: You gon' make me have to bring that bounce back

Elaine: Bring that bounce back

Blyke: What bounce back?

Isen: I shouldn't say what I'm thinking right now

Arlo: Better not, or I'll come find you, Isen

Isen: Alright!

Ferocious: What are the girls blabbing about this time?!

Leon: We don't know...

Remi: Hey, now, say!

Blyke: ???

Remi: Say who gon' say my way!

Ferocious: Annoying...

Blyke: HEY!!

Remi: Come right, alright, baby!

John: These girls might be going crazy...

Blyke: No they're not!

Isen: Yeah!

Remi: Say who gon' say my way, way!

Isen: OH!

Arlo: What?

Isen: N-Nothing!

Remi: However do you want me?

Elaine: However do you need me?

Seraphina: However do you want me?

Remi: However do you need me?

Seraphina: However do you want me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Fabulous: However do you need me?

Ferocious: SIS?!

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Penny: However do you want me?

Isen: PENNY?!

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Remi: However do you need me?

Blyke: This is so weird...

Remi: He say that I'm the girl up on his dreams

Penny: Dreams

Remi: Hot boy, better give me what I need

Fabulous: What I need

Remi: Wear me on his back like a throwback

Seraphina: Throwback

Remi: And he better not move when I throw it back

Elaine: Throw it back

Isen: Guys, I think I know what this is

Ferocious: Ruin it, and I'll kill you.....


Remi: Baby, keep me wetter than a bayou

Penny: Bayou

Remi: If you don't, I'ma walk right by you

Seraphina: Baby

Elaine: Touch Me

Ferocious: HUH?!

Penny: Tease me

Isen: ?!???!!!

Seraphina: Keep this easy!

John: Sera?

Remi: Hey, now, say!

Blyke: Repeating?

Remi: Say who gon' say my way?

John: Yep...

Remi: Come right, alright, baby

Remi: Say who gon' say my way, way!

Arlo: Faith? Did she vanish again?

Holden: Yeah...

Seraphina: However do you want me?

Remi: However do you need me?

Elaine: However do you want me?

Penny: However do you need me?

Remi: However!

Fabulous: However do you want me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Seraphina: However do you need me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Elaine: However do you want me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Remi: How ever do you need me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

John: This is getting really awkward

Leon: I don't wanna agree with him but I gotta agree that this has gotten weird....

Isen: Never thought I'd see the day they agree on something

Arlo: Why does Faith keep repeating that?

Blyke: Girls, you alright?

Ferocious: This is the funniest thing I've ever seen

Holden: What do you know?

Ferocious: Nah, I'm not gonna tell, this is too funny

Faith: Hey, now say!

Arlo: ??

Faith: Say who gon' say my way

Arlo: This isn't really funny..

Faith: Come right, alright, baby!

Arlo: ....Yes I am your baby

John: 🤣🤣

Arlo: Shut. Up. Now!

Faith: Say who gon' say my way, way!

Seraphina: However do you want me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Remi: However do you need me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Elaine: However do you want me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Penny: However do you need me?

Ferocious: Good lyric prank

Blyke: What?!

Ferocious: Oh they're not done bad

Elaine: However do you want me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Remi: However do you need me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Seraphina: However do you want me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

Fabulous: However do you need me?

Faith: Bring the bounce back, bring the, bring the bounce back

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