unplanned [chap 1-39 eng ver! Yulsic]

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link: http://soshified.com/forums/topic/27936-unplanned-chapter-39-16th-apr/


Yuri let her luggage fall down onto the floor with a loud thud. Turning around, she saw Sooyoung dragging another piece of luggage into the living room, struggling through the doorway.

"What the hell do you have in here?" the tall, slim girl asked, out of her breath.

"How many rooms are there?" Yuri decided to ignore the question Sooyoung asked her.

"One sleeping room, this living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Oh and there's a nice balcony on the other side, it's really nice at night to sit there."

"I don't need a balcony" Yuri frowned as she looked around once more. "What I need is a desk. And is there internet connection?"

"Yul, you're supposed to relax, not to keep working."

Yuri ignored Sooyoung's statement and walked pass the couch into the kitchen. She examined the bar-styled kitchen shortly before going back to the living room again.

"I can't sit in the kitchen. The couch in the living room is too low as well. If there's no proper desk in the bedroom, I'll go home."

With that, she made her way to the closed door to her left, not hearing Sooyoung's helpless sigh.

"Yul, wait."

Yuri turned around to see her friend throwing her the keys. Out of reflex, she caught the bundle just in time.

"I'm not saying that I'll stay" she reminded her friend.

"It's okay. Just look around as you want. I'll wait in the car."

"But the keys-"

Sooyoung was already out. Yuri frowned at the shut door but soon shrugged it off as she didn't really care. In fact, Kwon Yuri, being a workaholic, didn't care about anything but her work. That's why it took Sooyoung almost an entire week to convince her to agree on a one-week-vacation somewhere in a forest in the North. Actually, Yuri didn't even know where this vacation home Sooyoung rented for her was. She just knew she was going to be one week away from her office and for that, she prepared one luggage enough work for the seven days.

"What the heck" she mumbled as she found the bedroom door locked. Taking out the key bundle Sooyoung threw her earlier, she looked for one which could possibly fit the lock. But it was easier than she thought when she saw the keys were all tagged.

Yuri stuck the one with the 'bedroom' tag into the knob and with a turn, she opened the door.

She was expecting to see a huge desk in the room and hopefully, a comfortable chair. Because she knew with the amount of time she had to sit, a bad chair would give her terrible backache.

But what she saw went against all her expectations.

"Sooyoung!" Yuri called as she dashed out of the room. "WHY IS THERE A GIRL TIED TO A CHAIR IN THE BEDROOM???"

But as she reached outside, no Sooyoung was in sight. The car that brought her here had disappeared.

Yuri dropped the keys in her hand, not knowing what had just happened.

It's been a long time since she last had to care about something beside her work, and she definitely wasn't happy about it

Chapter 1: Day 1 - She's a workaholic and she's not ashamed

Yuri watched the girl struggling in the chair as she just stood there.

Even though the girl was blindfolded and tied to the chair, Yuri knew she had a pretty lady in front of her.

The long brown hair reaching her small back emphasized her slim figure. Slender fingers tightly gripped the arms of the chair while her feet constantly stamped on the floor. She could hear someone was in the room, but couldn't say anything since she had a towel shoved in her mouth.

Finally, Yuri was touched and bent down, untying the girl. As soon as the rope loosened, the girl flailed her arms around wildly, accidentally hitting Yuri across her face.

"Ow!" she groaned, stepping back. "Fine, it was my pleasure to untie you."

Yuri rubbed her cheek in irritation as she walked out of the bedroom. She sat down onto the couch in the middle of the living room and took out her laptop. As she waited for the laptop to load, Yuri went over to her work luggage, searching for her reserved cell. Cursing under her breath, she had to give up as it was no where to be found.

Just as she settled down in front of her laptop again, the strange girl came out of the bedroom, freed from the blindfold and towel.

"Hello?" the girl asked carefully.

Yuri just gave her a short glance before bestowing her attention upon her laptop again.

"Who are you?"

She felt the girl approaching her, but ignored it.

"What are you doing here? Where's Taeyeon?"

Damn it. There's no internet connection. Yuri frowned even more.

"Hey, are you deaf? I'm talking to you!"

"Do you have a phone?"


"Do you have a phone?"

"I had one. But they took it away from me."

Yuri cursed under her breath again. She forgot her phone in Sooyoung's car as well.

"Do you know where we are?"

"You don't know? I thought I was the one who's blindfolded!"

Yuri sighed and tried to find internet access again. But she knew there was no hope. Sooyoung had definitely planned this beforehand.

"What's your name?" the girl sat down on the opposite of her. "And how did you come here? Why do you seem like you're stuck here as well?"

"Damn it!" she shouted as another error box popped up in the screen.

"What are you doing?"

Yuri kept on ignoring the girl as she tried opening her browsers and changed several settings in hope for a miracle to happen. She didn't notice the girl standing up sulking, neither did she know the girl came back after a while until she got tapped on her shoulder.

Unwillingly, Yuri looked around to see the girl standing behind her, holding out a paper. She took it immediately as she recognized Sooyoung's handwriting.

"I- I found it in the bedroom."

Yuri clenched her teeth in anger. Not because the girl delivered her the bad news, but because she had to learn she was fooled by her best friend. Or ex-best friend, she had decided.

-You seriously need a week off from work. 

Don't be mad, I just want the best for you. 

And don't worry, there's enough food for two persons to not starve in a week.  

Have fun,

Your forever best friend no matter how mad you are right now. -

"So... what's this supposed to mean?" she heard the girl asking her.

Without looking back, Yuri started typing on her laptop keyboard again.

"We're stuck here. Sooyoung will come in a week and I'll kill her then."


Yuri stopped her typing fingers for a second upon the shock and fear in the girl's voice.

"No. Don't you know what sarcasm is?"

"But you don't look like you know much about joking."

As Yuri didn't react, the girl continued.

"And who's Sooyoung?"

"A swindler."


"NO. She's my friend who left me here with an annoying girl."

"What? There's another girl in this house?!" The girl didn't see Yuri rolling her eyes, but eventually, she got it herself. "S-Sorry."

Yuri heard her leaving, then sounds of the bedroom door being opened and closed quietly. But she couldn't care less, she had to try finding a way to get access to the internet.

After probably an hour, Yuri gave up. She shut her laptop and stood up, stretching her body.

"So you think you succeeded Choi Sooyoung?" A victorious smile formed on her face as she saw her luggage of documents. "I have enough work for the seven days."

Grabbing some sheets of paper on the top, Yuri sat down taking out her pen. But she soon stopped as the low couch with the coffee table wasn't suitable for working at all. She stood up, frowning again.

No, Sooyoung can't win this game. Because she, Kwon Yuri, wouldn't allow it. Yuri needed to prove workaholics were not ashamed of being workaholics and of course, could never be stopped. Never.

Yuri remembered she hadn't checked to bedroom for a desk yet. She got tied up with the stranger and totally forgot about her real intention. Just when Yuri was trying to remember whether the girl went into the room earlier or not, she saw her through the crack of the door she just opened.

A smile crept on her face as she saw the girl sleeping soundly with her head resting on a table. It wasn't exactly the desk she had looked for but it was definitely better than the comfortable-for-watching-TV-couch and table in the living room.

Entering the room quietly, Yuri looked around for a chair only to see that the only available was the one the girl got tied onto earlier and now was occupying in order to sleep on. Yuri didn't bother to go outside looking for another chair, after all the desk would be still occupied by the sleeping girl. So she rolled up her sleeves and carefully picked the girl up by sliding her arms one under the girl's legs, one under her upper body.

It wasn't until Yuri stood in front of the bed that she saw how messy it was. The rope was scattered on the bed, the towel and blindfold were most likely carelessly thrown on it by the girl earlier and a white jacket lied right in the middle, giving no space to lie the girl down. Yuri sighed as she looked around just to find nothing she could put the girl on even temporarily. She couldn't possibly put her on the chair again - the girl would definitely fall.

So, with the girl still in her arms, Yuri walked out to the living room. The couch was her only rescue. Carefully laying the girl down, Yuri made sure she didn't wake up. The last thing Yuri wanted was the girl to hit her again due to her good intention which could be taken the wrong way. Yuri looked at the girl sleeping on the couch. She couldn't help but to think the couch was pretty small for a person to sleep on it. But she quickly dragged that thought out of her head.

Nah, no way Yuri was caring for the girl. She just carried her out to get her spot at the desk. She didn't care if the girl would fall down or not. Kwon Yuri didn't care about anything or anyone, but her work.

Satisfied, she turned back to the bedroom again, sat down in front of the desk and started to work through her papers. After half an hour, she decided to go into the living room again. But not to check on the girl - no, never - she just wanted to get her glasses. But being on the way, of course it didn't hurt to take a look at the girl who fortunately hadn't fallen down yet.

After another hour, Yuri banged her head in frustration onto the desk. She still hadn't finished reading the first document. She never worked this slowly and it angered her that she couldn't figure out the reason. Yuri caught herself constantly looking out into the living room and every time she forced herself to concentrate on the letters on the paper again, but eventually, her thought drifted far away from everything work-concerned.

Then she decided she was hungry. Yeah, that's why she was not able to concentrate. She was looking out constantly - however not into the living room, but pass the living room into the kitchen, she told herself. Because, plain vanilla, she was hungry. So Yuri stood up to walk into the kitchen as looking didn't have any use, glancing briefly again at the girl while passing her. But she stopped in her tracks as she saw the girl was just about to fall onto the floor. Yuri swiftly walked around the couch and pulled the girl up just in time. She then made her way into the bedroom again and cleared the mess on the bed. She extra pulled the blanket aside before walking into the living room again and picked the girl up.

"I'm too nice" Yuri mumbled after laying the girl down, pulling the blanket up for her. She watched the girl cuddling against the soft blanket, a smile forming on her white, pretty face. Yuri didn't know why that smile seemed rather sad to her than happy or satisfied. But then again, she didn't really care.

Yuri wondered why her hunger suddenly disappeared. Maybe because it didn't exist in the first place. But she wouldn't admit it to herself - no, Yuri didn't need to. All she needed was concentrating on her work again, which surprisingly became a lot easier than about five minutes earlier. The reason? Yuri could only care less.


Yuri just finished her tenth stack of documents when she heard a loud yawn from her right. She didn't look up from the paper, but she knew the girl had just woken up.


Yuri heard the girl saying softly, but ignored it again.

"Do you by any chance know how I ended up on the bed?"


"Erm- do you know what time is it?"


"Are you- are you hungry?"

Yuri didn't know how many questions the girl asked her or how long the girl had sat there but after finishing her eleventh stack of documents, Yuri looked up and didn't see the girl on the bed anymore. Instead, there was that weird smell coming from the living room. It made Yuri feel uncomfortable, so she stood up to close the door. But before she could do it, Yuri saw a flame in the kitchen and heard the girl shrieking in fear.

Quick as a light, she dashed into the kitchen and turned off the fire, taking the burning pan aside.

"What are you doing?" she scolded the girl who was still shocked from her own doings.

"I-I was trying to crack the eggs and forgot about the oil in the pan."

The girl tried to explain, but Yuri wasn't listening anymore. She went opening every window and even the glass door to the balcony, trying to reduce the amount of smoke coming from the burnt oil in the kitchen.

"Luckily the fire didn't go outside the pan" she sighed as the last window was opened.

"I'm sorry-" the girl hung her head down, standing behind the kitchen bar. "I was just hungry but I don't know how to cook."

"Then eat something you don't have to cook at all" Yuri said, taking an apple out of the plate at the end of the bar and rolled it to the girl.

She wasn't sure if the girl wanted to talk back or not, because she had already turned her the back and walked into the living room to grab some more documents. Without looking at the girl again, Yuri went into the bedroom and settled down onto her workplace.

Yuri was in the midst of taking down some notes when she saw a plate being placed next to her. Looking to her left, she saw the girl standing there, munching on a sandwich which looked like one of those many on the plate.

"It's 6 pm already and you haven't eaten anything since this morning."

"I'm not hungry."

Yuri looked onto her notes and started writing again.

"It took me almost two hours making these" she heard the seriousness in the girl's voice.

"So what?" But too bad, Yuri didn't care.

"Why are you so cold? I am actually the usual cold one you know?" She heard bitterness in the voice.

"I'm not cold. I just don't care." Yes, too bad she didn't care.

The girl didn't say anything anymore. There was a minute of silence passing by before the girl stamped out of the room and banged the door shut. She must be mad, Yuri thought. But she could only care less.


"Stupid dark-skinned conceited thing!"

Jessica kicked the couch in the living room in frustration. There she was nice once and this was what she got. She couldn't understand what exactly Tiffany or Taeyeon wanted or hoped to achieve through this. They said they wanted the best for her, but she was thinking over it again and again but couldn't figure out the point of being stuck with a complete stranger for a week. An arrogant, inconsiderate, selfish stranger in addition. Nice-looking and seemed to be intellectual too, but that wasn't important.

"I need a shower."

Jessica whined to herself as she made her way to the bathroom. She still couldn't believe her friends kidnapped her into this house in a complete deserted area. The only thing she could see when she went around earlier was trees, trees and trees. Obviously it was a forest, but which one out of the millions in this world, too bad she couldn't tell.

She told herself she had to complain to Taeyeon or Tiffany later on about the fridge. There's really much in there, but almost everything needed to be cooked in some kinds of way which equals the availability of nothing to feed her stomach. Luckily Jessica still remembered how to make sandwiches for she had done it with her mom not too long ago, although it took her almost two hours struggling, especially with cutting the tomatoes.

The only thing she was satisfied with was probably the bathroom. She liked how elegant- and well-equipped it was. It was just like a five-star hotel. And nothing can lift up her mood better than a nice bad in a hot tub.

Jessica enjoyed the comfortableness that the hot bath provided and temporarily forgot about her situation and that cocky person sitting in the bedroom scribbling and reading boring documents the whole day. Jessica didn't have anything against reading - quite the contrary, she loved reading. But that was when it's about novels, i.e. romantic novels, and not as mentioned boring documents.

She eventually got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around herself. It wasn't until then that she noticed she didn't have any clothes to change into. Sighing, she reluctantly walked out of the bathroom, hoping to not have to meet that other person.

Walking around the living room and the kitchen, Jessica didn't find any clothes. She then remembered the big dresser in the bedroom and decided to give it a try. That workaholic wouldn't care anyways, she told herself.

As expected, the black-haired girl didn't even look up when Jessica entered the room with a cracking sound of opening door. The girl in the towel made her way straight to the dresser and opened it. Her eyes got wide open when she saw the content.

"Do you have any clothes with you?"

She couldn't help it. She had to ask.


The person answered shortly and went on doing her stuff.

"Good" Jessica sighed in relief. "Because there are only couple outfits here in the dresser. They even have matching sizes for us I suppose."

Jessica tried to think of a possible reason for why Taeyeon or Tiffany or both would do these kinds of things as she took a pair of pajamas out of the dresser and headed to the door. But before going out, she turned around to the girl again.

"Oh and workic... The white towel is mine. I left you the blue one."

"Workic?" the girl turned around looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"It's nicer than workaholic."

"I have a name. Yuri. Thank you."

"Whatever. I don't care."

And with that, she walked out of the room. Finally she got her revenge.


After that little interruption, Yuri was glad the girl didn't come in interrupting her once more. She worked throughout until she felt so worn out that she couldn't even hold her pen properly. It wasn't until then that she paid attention to her growling stomach.

Yuri looked at the plate and the untouched sandwiches which were still next to her. Casually grabbing one, she stood up looking for a clock. Eventually, she found one on the night table next to the bed.

"What the-- half past eleven already?"

Swallowing the whole sandwich down, Yuri grabbed another one before heading out of the room. She saw the brown-haired girl sitting on the couch, her back facing her, watching a random music channel on the TV. Yuri started to wonder how they would handle the sleeping thing for the seven days. It's almost impossible imagining them sleeping on the same bed, not to mention the bed wasn't really big enough for two strangers to sleep together. Beside that, she didn't remember herself and the girl getting along that well. What was there to expect - she didn't make a single effort to befriend the girl.

In the midst of her chain of thoughts, Yuri almost got choked as a piece of tomato wouldn't want to get down her throat. She coughed and hit herself on the chest hardly and it wasn't until she thought she was dying that the tomato piece obeyed her will. She wanted to throw tantrum on the girl sitting on the couch, who didn't even move an inch hearing her struggling for her life, blaming her for the killing tomato piece. But in the end, she decided against it. The girl already thought she was cold and hard to get along with; Yuri really didn't see the point of making their relationship worse. After all, they still have to stick with each other for a whole week. That was if Sooyoung didn't trick her again.

Yuri went into the bathroom and took her clothes off. She couldn't help but to notice the comfortable smell that engulfed her - strawberry scent. After a quick shower, she stepped out of the shower and sniffled at the towels that were hanging in the corner. She had to admit the strawberry scent was pretty addicting. Whether it came from the towel which the girl used earlier, Yuri wasn't really sure. But she decided it wasn't important and, wrapped in the blue towel, she went out of the bathroom to get some clothes.

She frowned as she saw where her luggage was. It was next to the couch where the girl was sitting. Yuri made sure her towel was tightly wrapped around her body before walking behind the couch to the other side, bending down to open the luggage piece. She avoided eye contact to prevent any embarrassment that could happen.

"Damn" she cursed as she saw nothing wearable in the luggage. She must have been too focused on work to pack properly - there were only long pants and some underwear in it.

Yuri cleared her throat as she decided to ask the girl. She began to regret a little that she didn't care about the girl enough. She didn't even know her name.

"Do you-"

But Yuri got stuck in her sentence. The girl was sleeping again, her position never changed from what Yuri saw when she exited the bedroom earlier. She asked herself whether it was really possible for a human being to sleep that much - after all, the girl napped from morning till afternoon and now she's sleeping again.

Sighing, Yuri stood there not sure what do to. As far as she could remember, there wasn't any luggage the girl brought with her. Then the little incident earlier began to blurrily coming back into her mind. She remembered the girl asking her about clothing.

Yuri run into the bedroom and looked around. There was that big dresser on the opposite of the desk. She opened it and got speechless for a second upon all the couple clothing inside.

"Choi Sooyoung" she growled. "What is this supposed to mean?"

But being left no choice, she reluctantly picked out a pair of pajamas. Yuri then went back into the living room and turned off the TV. She walked to the sleeping girl on the couch before sliding her arms under her body again. Immediately, Yuri recognized the sweet strawberry scent again.

"You have quite a good taste" she whispered to the girl in her arms.

With her foot, she pushed the bedroom door open and walked in, laying the girl on the bed. When she was about to take her arms back, the girl unexpectedly wrapped her hands around her neck.

"Don't leave me."

Following the weak whisper was a single tear that Yuri quickly wiped off with her thumb. She then knelt frozen onto the floor next to the bed. Yuri hated to admit it, but the girl was the first person being able to distract her from her work since forever. However, it wasn't like Yuri cared about her - no, it was all just pure curiosity that got the better of the workaholic - not workic. 

Chapter 2: Day 2 - Everyone needs food

Yuri woke up some when in the morning and found herself being covered by a blanket. She jumped up looking to her right just to see an empty bed. Yuri checked the clock on the night table and scratched her head. It was ten in the morning, no wonder the girl was up already.

She had worked through the entire night and fell asleep on the desk some when she couldn't remember. The girl certainly saw her sitting there sleeping when she woke up and covered her with the blanket. Definitely a bonus she got from Yuri for that action.

Yuri walked out of the room but didn't saw the girl anywhere. She headed to the bathroom to freshen up and began to wonder why she even wondered where the girl was. Then she remembered last night again; how the girl slept, holding tightly onto her, how she silently cried, how hurtful her expression was and just how fragile she looked like right that moment.

Lost in her thoughts, Yuri walked into the kitchen and noticed the fruit plate was almost empty. She grabbed the last apple on the plate as she imagined how the girl was desperate in the kitchen making breakfast. Eventually, the girl most likely had to eat things she "didn't need to cook", that were apples and bananas, again. Yuri let out a chuckle - she didn't know why she found it that amusing.

But after a while, she decided to stand up looking for the girl.


It wasn't until then that Yuri remembered she didn't even know her name. Checking for the girl's shoes, Yuri knew the girl didn't leave the house. But where could she possibly be? The house had only one floor with that living room in the middle, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom around and the balcony on the other side.

"The balcony..."

Yuri made her way to the said place, believing to see the girl there. She opened up the glass slide door and looked out. The sight in front of her made her stunned for a second. She realized again how beautiful nature could be - it was mesmerizing. She didn't know about that little burbling stream behind the house. Yuri swore she even saw a fish in the water briefly. The tall trees around gave the atmosphere a comfortable freshness and could certainly bring a smile on any moody person's face. She started to feel thankful to Sooyoung for making her agree on taking this vacation. If only she was with someone she knew, or even better alone, and not having to share the house with a completely strange girl.

"Oh my god!"

Speaking of the evil, Yuri saw her. But against her imagination, the girl wasn't just standing there with that constantly confused expression on her face but was lying unconsciously on the ground with no expression at all.

"Hey! Are you alright?!"

Yuri bent down slapping the girl lightly on the cheek, but nothing happened. The girl kept on being totally motionless.

"Don't scare me."

Yuri, for the third time since they met each other, picked the girl up with her arms and carried her in. She struggled through the door, trying her best to not hurt that person in her arms. In the end, Yuri's head banged on the glass in attempt to press her back against the doorway to get enough space for the other body.

As she put a wry face on, she felt the girl stirring in her arms. Yuri immediately quickened her space walking towards the couch.

"Please... food... I'm... starving..."

She heard the girl whispering weakly in semi-consciousness. Biting on her lower lip, Yuri felt guilt rushing through her heart. It was her fault. The girl didn't know how to cook and all Yuri did was telling her to eat apples.

"I'm sorry. I'll cook for you."

She laid the girl down and gently stroked her hair before standing up, frozen.

Did she just say she would cook? For her?!

And she did not just stroke that person's hair!

No. Freaking. Way.

Since when did she become that kind of a caring person?

Just then, Yuri heard her own stomach growling. Of course, she cooked for her own stomach. And when she was at it, making a little more for the girl wasn't wrong. Didn't mean she cared for her though - pfff, of course not.

Yuri stood up, nodding to herself in assurance. She opened the fridge for the first time since her arrival and got stunned on how generous the offer was. It would be a waste to not make the best out of this. Yuri, being the businesswoman that she was, of course couldn't let it happen. She was sure Sooyoung investigated much money to provide her the best comfortableness. And money was not made to waste, that was fact.

"Guess you'll remain my best friend for a while shikshin" Yuri mumbled as she took out some ingredients while her mind was already deciding on what dishes to make.

It had been a while since Yuri last cooked - and it would be a lie saying she wasn't somehow excited about it.


Jessica woke up due to the smell of delicious, drool-worthy food. She opened her eyes to a small gap and saw a figure behind the bars in the kitchen, pacing back and forth.


She mumbled quietly, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh you're awake."

That voice belonged to the workaholic. Yuri didn't say that much since their encounter yesterday morning, neither did she, but having only one companion in this fearfully lonely area, of course Jessica knew Yuri's voice by heart.

Before she knew it, Yuri was already next to her, holding out a hand.

"Come on, I've made some food."

Upon hearing the magical word, without thinking, Jessica grabbed Yuri's hand and jumped up.


She asked, sparkles in her eyes. Yuri chuckled and led her to the bar, where all the dishes were already placed in a neat row. Jessica shrieked in joy while Yuri walked behind the bar, giving her a plate with a folk.

An invitation wasn't needed for Jessica to pounce on Yuri's more than one hour cooking effort. The taller girl stood behind the bar, watching the shorter devouring everything. Her hunger a short time ago seemed to have vanished completely. Yuri just stood there staring at Jessica with a small smile on her lips. A conversation with Sooyoung not too long ago slowly came back into her mind.

"Are you working again?"

Sooyoung came into Yuri's office, tossing her jacket onto the couch while the owner kept on staring at her laptop screen.

"What does it seem like?"

Yuri heard a sigh from Sooyoung upon her rhetorical question.

"When will you find a partner?"


Sooyoung's sudden question caught her off guard. Yuri looked up, staring at her best friend, who had settled comfortably down on her guest couch, through her glasses.

"When do you want to start a relationship?"

"I don't see the necessity."

"Yuri! You can't live with work forever!"

"Let's bet about it."

Another sigh escaped Sooyoung's lips.

"You say this because you were never in one. You were never in love."

"I am in love, Sooyoung."

"Don't tell me it's with your work."

"... You know me well."

Sooyoung frustratingly slapped the arm of the couch, looking at the ceiling.

"This can't be!"

"As I said, I don't see the necessity in having a relationship. It would just hold me back from working efficiently."

"Stop thinking so drily Yul. You will see there are other things that are more important than work when you find that someone."

This time, it was Yuri's turn to sigh tiredly.

"Until then, can I just care about my work in peace?"

"Now that you're this successful, what exactly are you working so hardly for anyways?"

This question made Yuri speechless. She never really thought about it. She was ambitious and her aim to become a successful businesswoman was formed long time ago.

"Look, Yuri. People work to have money to care for their families and such. You don't even have a lover. Who are you caring about?"

"I'm working for my parents."

"They're dead."

"Sooyoung, I don't need to-"

"You will change when time comes Yuri. When you experience the feeling of someone being really happy about your care, you will see what I mean."

"Yeah... whatever Sooyoung."

"You're so helpless."

"Aren't you eating?"

The girl's voice brought Yuri back to presence.

"Why are you just staring blankly at the dishes?"

Yuri looked at the chewing girl in front of her and couldn't help but to think of Sooyoung. She grinned to herself, ignoring the confused look on the girl's face.

"Oh gosh!" the shorter one exclaimed and let her folk fall down onto the bar. "You didn't put poison in the food did you?"

Yuri gave her a weird look.

"It's too late anyway." She then smirked playfully.


"Hey, I was just kidding."

Yuri couldn't believe to see a horrified expression on the girl's face. She seriously thought Yuri did something with the food. To prove it's ridiculous, Yuri picked up the folk and finished the piece of meat the girl was eating.

"See, it's safe."

"It-it was my piece of meat." She saw the girl blushing.

"There are plenty on the plate."

Yuri pushed the meat plate towards the girl and held out the folk to her.

"I mean I was eating that piece so there's my--" the girl took the folk. "Umm, never mind."

"You meant to say your salvia might be on it?" Yuri grinned at the girl picking pieces of food on several dishes in front of her. "I don't care."

"You don't care about anything, do you?"

Yuri was about to answer but nothing came out of her mouth as the girl held up the folk with a piece of meat to her mouth.

"It's delicious."

Was she feeding her?

Slowly leaning in, Yuri's lips encircled the meat before she pulled her head back, taking it into her mouth and chewed slowly. She didn't know if she was imagining but she could swear she tasted some strawberries in her mouth all of sudden.

"Thanks" Yuri mumbled barely audible.

"No no. I should thank you for making me this meal."

With a smile on her face, Yuri watched as the girl kept on eating in a very carefree way. Suddenly, she felt the urge to ask her something.

"Erm-- can I ask you a question?"

"*munch* Of course... *munch* go on *munch*..."

"Are you happy?"

The question made the girl stop chewing at instant. This time, she gave Yuri a weird look.

"What kind of question is that?" She cleaned her mouth with a napkin. "I was kidnapped by my best friend to this deserted place and I don't even know when I'll be able to get out! Do you think I'm happy?"

The smile on Yuri's face disappeared in a matter of seconds. So this was the feeling Sooyoung was talking about. If that's it, Yuri never wanted to care again.

"You know what," she hissed at the girl. "I don't think you're normal anyway. What kind of kid starves after not having breakfast?"

"Yah! I only got one sandwich last night!"

"Because you can't even swallow your own awful food!"

"It wasn't awful! It was because you were working hard, so I--" the girl gulped to prevent herself from tearing up. "Aish forget it! Just think the way you want!"

"I even almost died yesterday because your tomato piece stuck in my throat!"

"Fine! It's gross and disgusting and inedible because I can't cook!"

Yuri saw tears running down the girl's cheek. She couldn't tell whether the tears were tears of anger or hurt. But one thing she knew for sure was that she didn't want to see them.

Without another word, she made her way out of the kitchen, grabbed some documents while passing the living room and went into the bedroom, banging the door shut. Yuri pretended to not hear the angry high-pitched shriek from the kitchen and sat down behind the desk.

"Sooyoung you liar."


Jessica shut the house door behind her and took the small stairs down to the front yard. She still couldn't believe that Yuri had blamed her for the just-a-little too thick tomato. She spent almost two hours making the sandwiches, giving them all to that girl because she pitied her for working that much, and all she got in return was reproaches. And not to mention the mood swings of that impossible girl - Taeyeon and Tiffany always said she was difficult, but obviously Yuri was much worse.

Jessica made her way around the house into the garden behind it. Seeing the flowers in their blooming time, her heart calmed down. She hated the fact that she had cried in front of the girl earlier. It wasn't just because she was hurt, but still, showing her weak side, especially to people she's not close with, was absolutely not her desire. Additionally to that, Yuri even ignored her and went away as angrily as she was.

Jessica picked up a yellow iris and sniffed it. She wondered why she still felt that kind of trust toward Yuri. She wasn't someone that could trust people easily. In fact, the ones she trusted beside her family were only two persons - Taeyeon and Tiffany, who had kind of betrayed her trust very badly. Yet right from the start, she couldn't think of Yuri lying to her, misleading her or planning on tricking her in any kind of way.

"Maybe because of your I-don't-care face that I can't think you have something up your sleeves..."

She stared through the window into the house and saw Yuri sitting behind the desk, ruffling her own hair, obviously thinking very hardly. Jessica chuckled. Yuri still had her pajamas on - the girl didn't even bother changing after standing up. She indeed didn't care about much about her surroundings.

Jessica opened the small garden door to get out. A smile formed on her lips as she approached the water. The nature sight was breathtaking. She wished she had brought her digital camera - she would probably take photos until the memory card was full.

Getting a little adventurous, Jessica took out her shoes and socks and sat down onto the grass , having her feet in the water. She giggled to herself as the fresh water run between her toes, tickling her sensitive skin. Soon, her hands were also in the water, roaming around playfully.

Suddenly, she had an odd feeling around her toe. Taking a closer look, Jessica shrieked in fear and before she knew it, she already fell into the water. 

Chapter 3: Day 2 - Her name is Jessica

Yuri was highly concentrating when sudden giggles from outside distracted her. She looked up and was surprised by the familiar mesmerizing sight of the forest. Since she had made the spot behind the desk hers, Yuri hadn't even once looked out as she only paid attention to her documents. She exhaled slowly and leaned back, her eyes never left the additional object that wasn't in the sight this morning. The brown-haired girl was sitting by the waterside, playing with the water like a five year old.

For some reason, she found it undeniably adorable.

Yuri just blinked her eyes once and right the next moment, she saw the girl in the water, her arms and legs flailing around wildly.


Without wasting any time, Yuri dashed to the balcony and jumped over the handrail. She ignored her not-so-smooth landing and run straight through the garden, her eyes never left the helpless girl crying for her.


"I'm coming!!"

The garden door almost flew apart due to Yuri's forceful push but again, she could only care less. She didn't even bother taking off her house shoes or any clothes and jumped straight into the water instead.


Yuri groaned. The water was only knee-deep. Luckily she didn't take a header. She rubbed her bum and her knee as she stared at the girl still fidgeting wildly in the water.

"What the heck are you doing?!"

But the girl kept on trashing around like crazy.

"Help me! Yuri! Help me!"

Then Yuri saw it. She caught the girl's right foot and couldn't hold her laughter at the sight. To prevent herself from going deaf due to the loud screams, Yuri grabbed the fish that was sucking on the girl's big toe by its end and pulled it away. The fish immediately swam away for his life. Eventually, the girl calmed down even though her body was still trembling in fear.

"It was only a fish hahaha--"

Yuri's laughter subsided when she saw the girl being near to tears again. Yuri put the expressionless face of hers on and stood up.

"Alright, I know it's very frightening."

She grabbed the girl's arm and tried to pull her up. But as soon as the girl had to support her weight on her own two feet, she fell down into the water again.

"What's wrong?"

Yuri couldn't hide her worry as she saw the girl grabbing her right ankle with a painful expression. She knelt down into the water, taking the foot into her hands carefully.

"Does it hurt?"

The girl's wry face told it all. Yuri hesitated for a couple of seconds before, for the fifth time, sliding her arms under the girl's body and lifted her up. She gave the girl a reassuring smile as she saw the shocked and embarrassed expression on her face.

"Don't worry." She cleared her throat. "Actually it isn't my first time carrying you, so you don't need to be shy."

As soon as her sentence ended, Yuri felt hands folding neatly around her neck.

"Please don't let me fall."

The soft voice made Yuri feel dizzy all of sudden. She wasn't sure what was shaking more, her head or her heart. After giving the girl a brief nod, she tried to not look into her eyes. Her feet were carrying both, but her mind drifted away from the path they're taking to get back to the house. That girl was anything but shy. She was bold, very bold - Yuri thought to herself.

As they passed the garden to go to the front yard, Yuri felt the girl tightening the grip a little.

"Just in case you want to know..." the girl said while still holding tightly on her neck. "I am Jessica."

It was just a reflex that Yuri looked down to the girl's face. Fortunately for her, Jessica had closed the eyes already. Yuri felt the grip loosen slowly and knew the girl was drifting into sleep. Automatically, her footsteps became softer and her arms held the other body closer to hers. Yuri looked again at Jessica's sleeping face, which is now becoming pretty familiar but not a bit boring.

"I do want to know it. Thank you."

She whispered softly while gently pushing the front door open with her foot.


Yuri sighed as they made it into the house. Caring was so troublesome. Yuri left a water trail which lead to where they were standing now - in the middle of the living room. Their clothes were soaking wet and water was still dropping down onto the floor non-stop. Yuri was pondering on whether to put Jessica on the couch or carrying her into the bedroom. She realized soon she had to wake the girl up to change her clothes - otherwise she would get sick for sure.

In the end, Yuri decided for the couch. She laid Jessica down and quickly took off her wet shoes and socks. She looked at Jessica once again to make sure the girl was sleeping before taking off her own soaking pants. She run straight into the bedroom, positive that there was no more water dropping on the way, and took out some clothes to change. After that, Yuri picked out some clothes for Jessica and made sure they didn't match hers. It would be awkward to really wear matching couple outfits.

Outside, Yuri put her changed pajamas into the washing machine in the bathroom first before turning back to the sleeping Jessica on the couch.

"Hey..." She gently shook the girl's shoulder. "Jessica. Jessica!"

No response. Yuri used a little more force.

"Come on. You have to change your wet clothes."

She groaned in frustration as Jessica kept on sleeping soundly, showing no sign of waking up. She couldn't believe it. It was impossible for someone to sleep THAT much and every time THAT deeply.

Then Yuri got hit by a brilliant idea. It might be cruel, but it was the only way. It was all Jessica's own fault, leaving Yuri no option.

"Three... two... one..."



"Are you CRAZY?!"

"You wouldn't want to wake up."

"You still can't do that to my ankle!!! IT HURTS LIKE HELL!"

"Do you want me to undress you then?"


Jessica hugged herself defensively. Perhaps that was the moment she realized what Yuri meant with she had to wake up. She realized the necessity of changing clothes.

"Here." Yuri tossed her the clothes. "Change quickly so that I can treat your ankle with medicine."

Yuri went straight into the bedroom. Everything was starting to annoy her again. She saw the unfinished work lying on the desk and felt the urge to sit down behind the desk at once. But she pulled herself together and went to the cupboard on the other side of the bed, searching for the first-aid kit.

As she found it, Yuri went without thinking into the living room again.


The first thing she saw was a half-naked Jessica. The girl successfully changed into a new top, but obviously she got problems with the pants for her ankle was in pain. Yuri quickly turned around, still hearing the girl struggling


She said quietly but didn't get a reply from Jessica. Didn't matter - Yuri wasn't longing for an "it's okay" anyway.

"I'm ready."

She heard Jessica saying and confidently turned back. Yuri walked around the couch and sat down at the end of it, putting Jessica's feet on her laps. She quietly applied the medicine onto Jessica's now swollen ankle as she felt a bit guilty. She didn't know if it was her, pinching the ankle hardly, that it now got worse to this. Her touches became softer each time she felt Jessica flinching.

"I'm sorry." She heard the girl saying then. "For yelling at you earlier."

Yuri sighed. This girl and her mood swings. One second she's shy, the next she's bold, then she's bossy, and now she's all gentle and sweet.

"And thank you for carrying me in. And... for... this."

"I don't even know why I'm doing this. Normally, I would just leave you alone and focus on my work."

"Is that your way of saying I'm welcome?"

Yuri looked up to see the sparkles in Jessica's eyes again. She looked down onto the ankle and continued massaging it to get the medicine working before answering shortly.

"I guess so."

She shifted on the couch uncomfortably as she had the urge to apologize as well, but didn't know how to start. Accidentally, she stretched Jessica's ankle a little too much, causing the girl to yelp in pain.

"Sorry!" Yuri quickly rubbed the swell softly with her thumps. "And I'm sorry for earlier as well. Your food..." she hesitated before going on with half of the truth. "Is not awful at all."

Jessica smiled in acknowledgement of Yuri's apologize. Silence entered the room after that. Yuri kept massaging Jessica's ankle and Jessica didn't ask anything further but just flinched in pain every now and then.

After finishing applying the medicine, Yuri stood up.

"Now just rest."

She picked up her luggage of work from the floor and headed to the bedroom. But before Yuri could step inside, Jessica's voice made her turn around.

"Yuri... I'm hungry."

Yuri sighed inwardly. Too bad she couldn't tell her to eat apples again.


Jessica sat by the bar and watched the other girl cooking behind the counter. She had offered Yuri her help, but the girl insisted her to help by touching nothing.

"Be a good girl" Yuri patted her head earlier.

"I want to watch you at least."

"Why? Still afraid I would poison the food secretly?"

"No..." She blushed then. "I'd be bored sitting here while you cook."

Yuri didn't argue with her anymore but helped her up, leading her to the sit at the bar. She had one arm around Yuri's neck as the girl helped her walking in small steps. Jessica couldn't help but to notice Yuri sniffing her several times even though the girl tried to make it not too obvious. A chuckle escaped her mouth but Yuri just ignored it. However, the sniffles were gone after that.

They cooked - or rather, Yuri cooked and Jessica watched - in silence, ate in silence and even remained silent until Yuri was washing the dishes. However, Jessica didn't find it awkward anymore. She actually enjoyed the comfortable atmosphere between them two. With her head resting on her palms and her elbows propped on the table, Jessica's eyes followed Yuri's figure walking around the kitchen.

"You don't have to work anymore?"

"I do. But you keep getting in the way."

Way to ruin the mood, Jessica thought. Now that workaholic was reproaching her for disturbing her work again.

"Thanks for caring for me."

She saw Yuri stopping abruptly. The girl looked her in her eyes, confused.

"I don't care for you. I just do this so that you will be quiet and I can focus on work again."

"Uhh... okay."

Weird, Jessica thought. Why did she have to deny being caring? It's not like it's a bad thing. Unless Yuri wanted to humiliate her.

"What do you understand by 'caring' anyway?" She decided to discuss this out.

"I don't know." Yuri shrugged.

"How can you say you're not caring when you don't even know what it is?"


Jessica locked her gaze with Yuri's. She could tell the girl was thinking hard about what to say to keep her denial, but obviously had lost. Jessica smiled and leaned forward, not breaking their eye contact. Let's just provoke her more, she thought slyly.

"You are very caring, Yuri."

She watched in amusement as Yuri frowned, putting down the plate she was drying. The girl opened her mouth to say something, but just closed it again. Jessica's body turned as Yuri walked out of the kitchen grumpily.

"Where are you going?" Jessica called after her as she walked straight through the living room.


Yuri went into the bedroom.

"But I need you to help me moving!"

"I don't care."

And the door was shut. Jessica glared hardly at the coldly closed door, as if she thought Yuri would feel the burning heat and run out.

"You're so stubborn!"

She yelled, knowing Yuri would hear it even if she didn't response. Jessica sighed inwardly. The rest of the week until Yuri's friend was supposed to come would be long, long days. Every time Jessica thought they were less awkward with each other, Yuri proved her wrong mercilessly.


"I don't want to!"

"Don't be so stubborn."

"Says the right one."

Jessica crossed her arms, glaring at the girl in front of her. She smirked as she saw Yuri flinching a little at her glares. They were standing both in the doorway of the bedroom, neither one wanted to move.

"It's midnight, Jessica. Stop this nonsense."


Yuri grabbed the girl's sleeves and tried to pull her to the bed, but Jessica clung onto the wooden doorframe as if her life depended on it.

"Let go of meeee!!!"

Yuri immediately let go hearing the high-pitched shriek and cupped her ears.

"What's your problem?!"

She yelled at Jessica, fuming. The girl was SO impossible. Just a simple thing like sleeping and she had to make it this complicated.

Earlier, Yuri took a pause from her work to stretch her body when she glanced at the clock on the night table. Realizing it was almost midnight, she stood up checking on Jessica. After all, she ignored the injured girl for probably four hours already and it wouldn't surprise her if Jessica was sleeping with her head resting on the bar. Or even better, Jessica might have fallen down the floor and laid there curled up like a worm.

But Yuri's predictions were all wrong. She almost bumped into the girl when she opened the bedroom door. Luckily, Jessica got a grip on her arms just in time, balancing herself.

"Whoa, slowly."

"Not slowly." Jessica pushed her back into the room. "It's almost midnight, we need to sleep N.O.W."

And that was when the discussion begun. Yuri told Jessica to just climb on the bed and rest and not bother about her, but Jessica didn't agree on Yuri to stay up any longer. As Yuri told her she needed to work, Jessica announced she'd wait until Yuri finished. Of course the taller girl didn't agree for she wasn't sure about when she'd feel like sleeping and procrastinating her work to tomorrow.

"Go on the bed sleeping!" Yuri yelled again.

"We can go together!" Jessica yelled back.

Yuri stood frozen for a second. Did she just say she wanted them to sleep on the bed together?

"The bed is too small for two people."

"No it's not. But if you don't like it, I'll sleep on the couch."

"Don't argue with me. Your ankle is injured."

"But I feel terrible sleeping on the bed. I can't sleep when I know you'll overwork yourself again and just fall asleep on the desk like yesterday!"

"That's none of your business!"

"Then me sleeping or not is none of your business either!!"

They looked at each other, fire in their eyes. None of them wanted to give in as they kept shooting each other burning glares. Neither of them really realized what lead them to this argument - they were actually just caring for each other.

"Fine. Do what you want."

Yuri said after a while, tired of the glaring battles. She walked back to her desk, putting her glasses on. She heard Jessica jumping on one foot into one corner of the bedroom and turned her head around. The girl was now sitting on the floor, back leaning against the wall. Yuri turned back again after seeing Jessica crossing her arms, looking at her with the same glare. She knew the girl was still watching her back intently, inwardly throwing insults at her.

But she didn't care, so Yuri told herself. Let Jessica just sit there and do what she wanted. If the girl didn't want to sleep, Yuri wasn't supposed to force her. It was none of her business anyway.

However, it was surprisingly hard for Yuri to concentrate. She didn't know whether it had something to do with the girl staring at her from behind or not, but she had that odd feeling in her stomach which made it impossible to think of work properly.

After a while, Yuri gave up. She closed her pen and arranged her documents that were scattering all over the table. It wasn't until then that she noticed little snores coming from behind. Turning around, she chuckled at the sight of Jessica sleeping. The girl's head was leaned back, resting against the wall, her mouth hung slightly open.

Yuri stood up and knelt down to the sleeping girl. Once again, she got to see Jessica sleeping and again, she couldn't deny how cute the girl looked like. So much cuter when she was being the stubborn girl, Yuri thought, as her hand rested on Jessica's cheek without her knowing it. But as soon as she realized it, Yuri pulled back her suddenly bold hand. She knew Jessica was sleeping tightly, still, she couldn't help but to feel embarrassed. How would Jessica react if she knew--?

Shrugging the thought off quickly, Yuri picked Jessica up and laid her down the bed carefully. She tucked the girl into the blanket before sliding downwards, taking out Jessica's injured ankle. Beginning to massage it as gently as she could, Yuri thought about lying down next to the girl. But as her little massage ended, she decided against it. She would just sleep on the couch later and make sure she'd wake up earlier than Jessica tomorrow morning.

She walked to the desk and sat down. But Yuri didn't take her documents out to work. She pulled the curtains aside and looked out of the window. She didn't feel asleep at all. She couldn't help but to let Jessica occupying her mind. With a sigh, Yuri leaned back relaxing her body.

"...What is that girl doing to me?" 

Chapter 4: Day 3 - Friends from now on?

Jessica woke up due to the loud ringing of her cell phone.

"What do you want?"

She hissed into the phone, knowing too well who it was.

"Jessi! Are you awake yet?"

A grumble came as the answer to Tiffany's question. The other end knew she had to speak quickly, otherwise Jessica would drift off to sleep again.

"Taeyeon's gonna be there in five minutes to pick you up! Stand up N.O.W. right now."

"Hey that's my quote!" she yelled into the phone as she rolled off her bed.

"Whatever Jessi. Please don't make my Taetae wait too long. She's doing you a favor after all."

"What do you mean by favor?" Jessica put the phone on loudspeaker as she changed out of her pajamas. "You two force me to visit your new apartment!"

"I mean Taetae is so kind to pick you up. Anyways I gotta clean up to welcome you now. Oh Soo!"

"What zoo?"

"Ahh.. nothing. Soo! Over here! Umm-- I gotta go. See you later Jessi."

Jessica scoffed as Tiffany hung up. She sighed as the door bell rang the next second and quickly finished buttoning her shirt. Jessica lazily walked to the door and opened it. As expected, Taeyeon stood there with that usual silly grin on her face.


Jessica rolled her eyes instead of greeting her best friend.

"Why are you so early here?"

"Fany woke me up extra early."

"How nice of her." Jessica sarcastically said as she walked back into her apartment again. "Come in Taengoo. I need five more minutes."

After almost an hour, Taeyeon and Jessica went downstairs to Taeyeon's car. The shorter girl opened the backseat for her friend and let Jessica get in. Jessica made herself comfortable in the car and buckled her belt, waiting for Taeyeon to drive off.

However, the shorter girl took her time doing whatever in the cooper. Jessica waited and was half-asleep already when the car door was being opened again.

"I'm sorry."

She heard Taeyeon's voice and turned around seeing Taeyeon having a spray can in her hand.

"What the--"

Taeyeon sprayed and Jessica felt a weird push of air hitting her face. Immediately, she fell into real, deep sleep.

"Taengoo no!"

Jessica shot her body up, panting hardly. She calmed down slowly and clutched her pillow tightly to her chest as she realized she wasn't sitting in any car like two days ago - she's safely on the bed.

"Wait, why am I on the bed?"

The last thing Jessica remembered from yesterday was her quarreling with Yuri. She was, in frustration, sitting on the floor watching Yuri ignoring her again. She probably fell asleep afterwards. Jessica blushed at the thought of Yuri carrying her up to the bed, again. She wondered if Yuri had slept on the bed with her while standing up, still that pillow in her arms.

Opening the bedroom door quietly, Jessica saw Yuri sitting legs-crossed on the couch, her laptop in front of her. Yuri wasn't sleeping on the bed yesterday night, the blanket next to her told it all.



Jessica had just thrown the pillow at Yuri, hitting the girl on the head.

"What was that for?!"

"Why did you put me on the bed yesterday?"

Jessica angrily stamped in front of Yuri, her hands on her hips and tried to look intimidating. But the other girl just ignored her and kept on working on her laptop. Frustrated, Jessica pulled down the laptop screen. She didn't step back as Yuri exhaled slowly in a very menacing way, trying to calm herself down.

"I'm asking you something!"

"Stop yelling."

Yuri's voice was surprisingly calm - but that was what sent shivers down Jessica's spine. The brown-haired girl would prefer her shouting like usually instead. Yuri opened her laptop again, ignoring Jessica's snort.

"I was just receiving a weak internet signal" Yuri frowned at the girl. "Too bad your hobby is to disturb and destroy. Now it's gone."

"Yeah too bad I have just ruined the only chance to free myself from you kind and nice person." Jessica sarcastically retorted, angrier by each second.

Yuri looked up to see the mad expression on the other girl's face. Her gaze then shifted down onto Jessica's feet before she turned back to her laptop again.

"Your ankle seems to be fine?"

Just one question, and Jessica couldn't stand it anymore. She let the discussion drop and went into the kitchen, knowing that the girl wouldn't care about her ignorance anyway. She opened the fridge and took out a plate of fruit before walking to the counter and started eating. Her eyes were glued onto the figure sitting on the couch as her fingers continuously picked fruit pieces from the plate into her mouth. She chewed hard, releasing her anger in it.

Jessica hated how Yuri could be mean one second and sweet the next, ignorant one second and caring the next. She hated how their conversations never went the way she wanted - Yuri's mood swings, or rather her abrupt changes in the way treating Jessica, always made Jessica ended up not knowing what to do, what to feel. Because every time, either one of them would end up leaving in a huff.

Minus the times she was falling asleep, Jessica thought. She then remembered how Yuri said she looked likable when sleeping. Did Yuri really mean it?

"Oh my gosh you glutton!" Yuri's voice boomed into her ears, startling her as an apple piece fell out of her mouth. In attempt to bend down picking it up, Jessica's head banged against the edge of the counter.

"Hmphhh... Bwuahahahaaha--"

"YAH! Don't laugh!"

Yuri's laughter died down immediately as she saw blood tickling down Jessica's forehead. She jumped up from her seat and dashed to the girl. It wasn't until then that Jessica felt liquid running down to her nose and realized she was bleeding.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa" she shrieked, rather in fear than in pain. Yuri was already beside her, pressing a napkin against the wound.

"Gosh why are you so clumsy?"

"Don't press it hurts!" Jessica whined.

Yuri retreated her hand and blood immediately tickled further down, the blood line now reached Jessica's chin.

"Do something Yuri!"

Yuri held the napkin against the wound again, but pressed softer this time. She brought Jessica's hand to the napkin and made her hold it before walking away, looking for the first-aid kit.

"You're seriously the clumsiest kid I've ever met."

Yuri said as she rummaged in the kit, looking for something to stop the bleeding. She looked up to see the girl in front of her pouting.

Thump thump thump.

Her eyes looked down into the kit immediately, avoiding the cute sight. She ignored her racing heart as she took the medicine out, her eyes glued to her hands. Yuri took extra time to approach the girl - she still could see Jessica's pursed up lower lip from the corner of her eyes.

"Can you please hurry up? My hand is falling asleep."

Jessica's complaining voice left her no choice.

"Ouch! That was my eye Yuri!"

Yuri shuddered as the pouting went more extreme.

"Ow! That was my other eye you idiot! Yah how are you gonna dab my wound when you look at the ceiling?!"

"Here do it yourself!"

Yuri pressed the cotton wool in Jessica's other hand and turned around, leaving.

"Yah! I'm bleeding!"

Jessica yelled helplessly at the diverging figure of the other girl, but only got to hear another bang when Yuri shut the bedroom door behind her.

Aish. What did I do wrong this time?!


Jessica smiled to herself while cleaning the table on the balcony. A chuckle escaped her lips as she remembered what happened an hour ago.

She was sulking, sitting on the couch in the living room after treating her wound and cleaning up the mess in the kitchen. She cursed the mean person in the bedroom under her breath when she heard the bedroom door being cracked open. Jessica turned her head just in time to see Yuri sticking her head out. The other girl quickly pulled her head back but as she realized Jessica had seen her anyway, she slowly came out again.

Jessica chuckled at the red face approaching her. She looked down onto her feet to hide her amused grin.

"Let me see your forehead."

Yuri suddenly stood in front of her, placing a finger under her chin and lifted her face up. That was exactly what made Jessica never know what to feel about Yuri - each time she's being sweet, Jessica forgave her for being no matter how mean, completely.

And Yuri took care of her bloodied wound again, this time in absolute silence (after scolding her for doing it by herself so carelessly). The girl told her they should stop talking because it would just lead to a quarrel, which Jessica, as much as she wanted to, of course couldn't deny.

Later on, they agreed on a peaceful dinner together in order to make it up mutually. And since she can't cook, Jessica received the task to prepare the table. She looked around the glass door into the house and saw Yuri's back in the kitchen.

"Hey!" she called out. "Have you seen any candle?"

"Uhh, no?" Yuri turned around, giving her a confused look. "Why do you need candles?"

"Well, we're sitting on the balcony and it's getting dark."

"But there's a neon lamp out there."

Jessica sighed. Yuri sure didn't know anything about being romantic. She went into the kitchen and took plates as well as utensils out of the cupboard. Peeking over Yuri's shoulders, she licked her lips at the fried rice Yuri was making.

"Say Yuri, have you ever had dinner with someone?"

"Of course. Very often. With business partners."

"What about with someone as on a date?"


"I knew it."

She smirked on Yuri's questioning look. Walking gracefully out of the kitchen, Jessica was satisfied she finally found something she was a step ahead of Yuri.

"This will be my first one I guess."

Yuri's statement, however, got her stopping dead in her tracks. She turned around to see the cooking girl focusing onto the pan again. Her cheeks unconsciously turned red and she quickly left. That Yuri - how did she dare to make Jessica feel butterflies in her stomach like that?

After around half an hour, Jessica had found a pretty tablecloth to cover the bare wooden table on the balcony and chosen two candles which she lit up in excitement to provide the mood she wanted. As the icing on the cake, Jessica took the flower vase from the living room and placed it in the middle of table. She took a step back and patted herself proudly on the chest for the perfectly decorated romantic dining table.

"Looks good."

Yuri complimented when she came out from inside, bringing the dishes with her. After a few more times running in and out to get all the food on the table, the two girls settled down on opposite seats.

"Enjoy!" Yuri cheerfully said but Jessica had already started. "You remind me so much of Sooyoung."

"Who's she actually?" Jessica asked with her full mouth.

"My best friend," Yuri slowly cut her meat. "who 'betrayed' me."

"Something we have in common" Jessica smiled at the girl in front of her. Even if the topic wasn't the brightest one, she was happy about the comfortable atmosphere between them. Jessica had high hopes for no one to get offended tonight - after all, this dinner is in order for them to try to get along as much as possible.

Their conversation carried on with their speculations about whether it was coincidence that they ended up in the same house or not. It was very unlikely that their besties both kidnapped or tricked them to make them stick here, but they couldn't think of Sooyoung and Taeyeon or Tiffany to know each other.

"And I have never met you before either."

Yuri patted her stomach satisfactorily as they finished every single dish together.

"Even if we met before, you would be too focused on work to remember anyways."

Yuri wasn't sure whether it was a reproach or not. She just gave a weak smile upon Jessica's statement, which, she had to admit, wasn't wrong.

"Still, your cooking skills are amazing."

"And your sense of decoration is pretty impressing as well. This almost tops a dining table in a five-star restaurant."

"It's thousand stars." the girl chuckled. "Look at the sky."

Yuri awed at the sight of the night sky. Sooyoung indeed didn't lie. However, her eyes soon wandered back to the person in front of her. A smile formed on her lips as she saw Jessica's face up to the sky. This time, she didn't have to ask. She didn't need a confirmation from Jessica either. She knew the girl was happy. If not VERY happy.

So this is how it feels like, huh Sooyoung?

"Actually, there's something about the decoration that bothers me."

Her voice made Jessica turn her head back. Yuri grabbed the vase in the middle of the table and put it down onto the ground.

"It blocks my view from something beautiful... namely the hanging Clematis pot behind you."

She heard Jessica chuckling lightly.

"You suck at flirting." But to prevent a possible new fight, Jessica quickly added. "But thank you for your compliment."

"I'm not flirting." Yuri's face went tomato red. "I was... talking about plant behind you! Really!"

But Jessica just gave her a 'yeahhhhh right' smirk.

Trying to change the embarrassing topic and distract Jessica from her total failure, Yuri stood up, earning a worried, questioning look from the latter. Yuri chuckled, knowing the girl was thinking she was about to leave for the bedroom again.

Instead, Yuri climbed over the balustrade and jumped down onto the grass in the garden. She gave the girl who was watching her intently a smile, holding a hand out. Jessica understood and stood up, taking a step to the balustrade and glanced down as she hesitated whether jumping was safe or not.

"Don't worry, I'll catch you."

Yuri reassured as she held the other hand out, both arms stretching, ready to catch the other girl. Jessica bit her upperr lip as she pondered. She wasn't the naïve(ng? ngh?ch) girl who trusted everyone. But once again, the deep brown eyes of the tall, tanned girl down there took away her hesitation. She climbed onto the balustrade and let herself fall down. Closing her eyes, Jessica felt a hint of regret. She trusted Yuri, but if the girl was just--

"Got cha."

Opening her eyes, Jessica found herself in Yuri's arms, her feet landing on the grass smoothly. She blushed in the dark and was about to say thanks when Yuri released her from her embrace, tapping her shoulder friendly. She couldn't deny the disappointment she felt when Yuri walked off, leaving her behind.

"Come here."

She looked to the girl who had made herself comfortable onto the big swing a few steps away. Yuri was tapping the place next to her, signaling Jessica to sit down next to her.

"We've got a much better view from here."

Yuri folded her hands behind her head as she leaned back, looking up at the night sky. As Jessica sat down as well, she pushed the swing with her foot rhythmically.

They enjoyed the cool night air and the breathtaking scenery together in silence for a while. Both were in thoughts as they looked at the stars.



"Do you have a lover?"

"... No."

There was silent for a minute before Yuri talked again.

"What about you?"

"Me neither."

"Have you ever had one?"

"Yeah... but we broke up long ago. Afterwards, I don't think I ever need one again."


Yuri waited for Jessica to go on with her story, but the girl didn't. She decided to remain quiet just like Jessica. After a while, she felt Jessica touching her arm softly.

"But I'm happy with a new friend."

Yuri turned around and was immediately eye-locked with Jessica. Yuri felt her heart flutter. Never had she felt like this before. Was it how it felt like when someone said they wanted to be your friend?

"So am I." She softly said in response with a smile.

Silence entered again as the two girls went on with their separated thoughts while looking at the sky. Yuri's heart didn't stop beating fast ever since and it upset her she didn't know why. Inexplicable was also the urge to touch Jessica which she hardly fought against.


She turned her head aside just to be greeted by a sleeping face. A chuckle escaped her mouth as she leaned in closer to check whether the girl was really sleeping or not. But as Jessica fell sideward, head landing on her shoulder, she didn't doubt it. Once again Yuri got engulfed by the sweet strawberry scent that had captured her heart - strawberry was definitely Yuri's new favorite.

She noticed Jessica's injury on the forehead and went with her finger gently over the dried wound. Without thinking, Yuri leaned in, pressing her lips softly onto the wound. It felt right for some reason...

She retreated her head shortly after that to take a good look of the still pretty face in front of her. Yuri brushed off the hair strand that was lying across Jessica's face before picking the girl up with her arms again.

She'd been sending Jessica to bed this way since the day they met each other. Yuri didn't know whether 'friends' ever do these kinds of things. But as far as she could remember, Sooyoung and she were never like this together. 

Chapter 5: Day 4 - Daisies never lie

Jessica was sitting on the green meadow by the waterside the next day, enjoying the warm sun shining down on her. Everything seemed so peaceful and quiet, yet Jessica's mind couldn't relax truly. Her eyes wandered around the natural scenery while her thoughts wandered, against her will, around a certain someone. Yuri was working again after their little conversation this morning, which, unfortunately, had Jessica leaving the house in a huff. It wasn't a big fight in which they were shouting at each other like usually, but nevertheless, it upset Jessica that such a thing happened despite them officially becoming 'friends' yesterday.

Jessica woke up this morning to realize Yuri hadn't slept on the bed again. She furiously walked out of the room but didn't see the girl on the couch, nor did she see the blanket. Jessica calmed down by the possibility of a wrong interpretation when she was in the bedroom earlier - maybe Yuri did sleep on the bed, but had just woken up earlier than her, which, if was true, didn't surprise her at all. She began to wonder where Yuri was when she saw a foot sticking out behind the couch. Turned out, Yuri had indeed spent the night on the couch, but fell down some when she didn't know herself.

Jessica scolded the other girl for not listening to her again. She insisted Yuri to switch places with her from tonight on but the girl harshly refused.

"WHY?" Jessica had yelled at her.

"Because I don't like that idea." Yuri said simply - too simply.

Jessica then snorted in fury and went straight out of the house. She couldn't stand seeing that stubborn face anymore. She sat down next to the water and soon lied down taking a nap to calm her nerves. She had just woken up - but as if it mattered. In fact, Jessica's trait was being able to sleep everywhere and everywhen. And being mad just made it all easier.

As Jessica woke up again, the fight with Yuri still hadn't left her mind.

"Guess we're not meant to be friends..." Jessica mumbled under her breath.

She paused as she realized her own statement could be taken in two different ways. A weird feeling grew in her stomach and she shifted uncomfortably.

"Sorry Jessi." She heard Tiffany's voice even though she couldn't see nor speak.

Jessica panicked as she was fully awake, realizing she was tied to a chair and the criminals certainly were none other than her two best friends Taeyeon and Tiffany.

"Fany we must leave now, before--"

Jessica could clearly hear Taeyeon's voice from somewhere outside. She helplessly stirred in the chair, trying to scream but to no avail. It was starting to scare her.

"Jessi, we just want the best for you. Please don't hate us, I'm sure it's good for you and Yuw--"

"Fany ah!"

"I'm coming Taetae! Good luck Jessi."

A short squeeze on her tied hand was felt before she heard Tiffany going out locking the door. Tears built up in her eyes behind the blindfolds as she couldn't get what Taeyeon and Tiffany were trying to do. All she knew was that she was frightened. She didn't want to think the only two people left in this world that she could trust had tricked her. Her mind began to form the worst assumptions as to why Taeyeon and Tiffany did what they did. She didn't want to believe the duo she loved so much were just using her and nothing more. If it was true, it would so break her down. But never was Jessica an optimistic person when her heart was anxious.

However, until now, Jessica was sure her best friends did not want to harm her. She still couldn't figure out their exact purpose, but no matter how that stupid thought of kidnapping her came into their minds, Jessica knew their intention wasn't bad.

Jessica had the feeling Taeyeon and Tiffany knew about Yuri coming as well - if they hadn't even somehow planned it beforehand. And deep inside of her, her sixth sense was telling her the two were definitely trying to hook her up with Yuri. In a way she of course couldn't approve.

Jessica wondered if they had succeeded yet.

She picked up the little daisy next to her foot and looked at it doubtfully. She had seen this on TV thousand times but never tried it out herself. But it wouldn't hurt to give it a try, Jessica thought. She would do it her way.

"I like her," she plucked one petal out. "I like her not. I like her. I like her not. I like her. I like her not. I like her. I like her not. I like her. I like her not. I like her. I like her not. I like her. I like her not..."

She got slower and slower as there were only a few petals remaining.

"I like her... I like her not... I... like her. I like her... not... I..." she gasped as she plucked out the last one. "Oh my god I LIKE HER!"

Jessica threw the stalk away as she picked another daisy and restarted the little experiment.

"...I like her not. I like her. I like her not. I... like her? Again?! No way."

She furiously picked another daisy.

"...I like her not. I like her. I like her not. I-- IMPOSSIBLE!"

She picked another daisy. That weird feeling in her stomach became stronger and stronger.

"... I like her not. I like her. I like her not. I-- What the heck!"

And she continued for how long she didn't know herself. She rolled meters along the waterside as the daisies run low. Jessica didn't understand what it meant to end up having the same result all over again. Actually, she did. But she didn't want to believe it. Because if she did, she had to admit that she liked Yuri. And that was... well, that wasn't really something bad - she thought. But...

Being lost in her thoughts and still absorbed in plucking petals, Jessica didn't realize Yuri was approaching her until the taller girl sat down next to her, earning a plucked-off stem thrown in her face.


"What the heck are you doing?" Yuri brushed the stem off her face. "Why are you yelling?"

Jessica was looking on her feet, stammering not understandable words, not knowing what to say. She heard Yuri gasping.

"Oh my... were you that mad because of earlier?"

She shot her head up looking at the girl next to her.


"Look, the daisies are innocent okay. You're such a nature desolater."

Jessica looked around and blushed madly as she realized she had scattered daisies all over the ground around her. It looked like a hurricane had just swept across the meadow. But she could not possibly tell Yuri what the real reason behind all this was.

"Well, umm," she heard the girl saying then. "I've thought about it. Maybe the bed isn't that small for two people after all."

Jessica blinked and immediately looked at Yuri. The latter was suddenly interested in a tree on the opposite side of the stream too much to look back at her. Jessica swore Yuri's cheeks were pinker than usual - and it wasn't because of the bright sun.

"I thought so," she said then. "Because the couch is too small to sleep on for either of us."

Yuri nodded in satisfaction for she liked the reason (or rather excuse that she wouldn't admit) that Jessica came up for her. So she was able to be near the sweet strawberry scent of the girl without having to make it too obvious. She could still remember last time she got caught when she couldn't pull herself together and sniffed Jessica. Embarrassing to the max.

"Right. I fell down twice already. How many times would you clumsy kid fall down if you slept on it?"

Yuri laughed out amusedly just to earn a slap on her shoulder. It was obvious both of them were in a good mood after the little disagreement was solved. After all, it wasn't exactly a disagreement but rather a competition who's more stubborn. And now that Jessica won, she was content. Yuri, finally realizing the profit she got from it, wasn't upset either.

"Yuri, why do you work so much?"

Yuri closed her eyes slowly as she wanted to relax and enjoy the funny sounds of the purling brook, not to answer random questions of Jessica.

"Yah... Do you have something to hide?"

Jessica joggled her shoulder as she lied down onto the grass, ignoring the girl. She didn't have something to hide, but she was never really open about it. Why was she supposed to tell Jessica now?


She heard the other girl saying and felt her lying down next to her. Yuri opened her eyes and was surprised by Jessica's face hovering over hers. Her eyes didn't dare to blink as their gazes locked with each other again.

"Are you really hiding something?"

Yuri sighed. The girl was persistent for an answer. The way those eyes pierced into hers, that was a clear sign of not-gonna-give-up-until-you-tell-me-the-truth. Jessica was a stubborn girl. A stubborn, beautiful girl. Her flawless face replaced the sun shining down onto Yuri's face, her brown-blonde hair hanging down loosely, almost touching Yuri's skin with its tips. However, behind that stubbornness, Yuri could see the softness at Jessica's heart. The longer she stared into the brown eyes of the girl, the less stiff she felt. Eventually, Yuri gave in.

"Alright..." she said and chuckled as Jessica sat up straight, hands folding around her knees, giving Yuri all her attention. "My parents..." she began.

"My parents weren't exactly the richest people in the country. They did everything to give me the best education though - after all, I was the only child. Unfortunately, they died in a car accident when I was fourteen. Not too long after their death, I found out I had a grandfather and a bunch of uncles, aunts and cousins my parents had never talked about. And the thing that surprised me most was the fact that my hidden relatives were VERY wealthy.

I, as a teenager back then, thought my parents were shoved away from the family due to some issues only adults could understand. But my grandfather and the rest of the family treated me so well that I doubted it soon. Whenever I asked, they would only tell me my parents had a slightly different notion of life and wanted to separate themselves from the family. What it exactly was about, however, they didn't want to tell me.

Later on, I got used to my 'new' family and stopped wondering about the past.

But the more I grew up, the more I got noticed of the business of my family. It was around my eighteenth birthday that I finally found out the reason why my parents diverged themselves from my grandfather and his successful business.

It's a shame to say, but they are nothing but a bunch of dishonest people. They are my family, but I can't lie about them tricking and using people to get what they wanted. I'm having this love for justice in my blood, not sure where from. So of course I couldn't just watch them doing wrongful things. But I didn't have evidences and I was too weak to sue them by myself.

So, relying on the love they actually did give me, I confronted my grandfather. He was calm all the time, but over and over again did he tell me that being deceitful in business was needed to survive.

"You can't let inner feelings obstruct business, granddaughter." He said. "Pity and love is what makes people fail all the time. There's no one you need to love except for your family."

"But grandpa! I'm not talking about feelings! This is just about honesty towards other people."

"We don't do anything against the law. So what's wrong about that? We just make the best out of things that are available."

"Grandpa... this is wrong. You can't do that to others just to get what you want!"

"Yuri, dear. Firstly, I'm a lot more experienced than you, so you can't tell me how I have to behave and how not. Secondly, business is dog-eat-dog. If you're being naive, you'll be destroyed by others."

"No! You can still success being honest and keen!"

But my grandfather just shook his head. The end result of that conversation was me moving out right that day. I swore I would prove him wrong.

But I was powerless at that moment, so I took one year to travel around, just to get more experienced. Afterwards, Sooyoung convinced me to move in with her and introduced me to a company of her family's friend. After about a year working in that company, I saved enough capital to start my own one. If it wasn't for Sooyoung to stay by my side all the time, I wouldn't have today."

Yuri heaved a sighed before folding her hands behind her head, smiling to the sky.

"It's funny to think I am actually now one of the biggest rivals of my family's business."

She inhaled deeply as memories came back into her mind again. Suddenly, she missed her best friend awfully.

"With you working through day and night, it doesn't surprise me."

Yuri cheek went light pink due to the respect that could be heard in Jessica's voice. She looked up and saw Jessica looking at her with an admiring smile. Yuri's mouth corners went slightly up as she leaned back closing her eyes again.

It wasn't that bad telling Jessica after all. It even felt really good, Yuri must admit.

"But you're overworking yourself."

Yuri squinted her eyes hearing Jessica's statement.

"You sound exactly like Sooyoung."

"Well, because we both see the obvious things that you don't."


"I... I think you need to stop working so much and go find other things that are as much important in your life."



"See, there's nothing."

"What about a family?"

"My family let me go long time ago, Jessica. I don't need them to be where I am today."

"No, I mean to have your own family."

Yuri sat up, looking at the girl who was staring down her feet.

"What do you mean by 'my own family'?"

Jessica gave a desperate sigh before throwing a handful naked daisy stalks at Yuri. She stood up and walked away, leaving a stunned Yuri behind.

"You're helpless!" she turned around and shouted before turning the corner to get to the front yard. Yuri sat there and just sighed tiredly.

What's suddenly with everyone saying I'm helpless? 

Chapter 6: Day 4 - Bold and shy

Later that day, Yuri and Jessica found out the little block on the other side of the house was a small garage which, unfortunately but expectably, didn't have a car in it. However, they found several outdoor-sport equipments like a football, rollerblades and most interestingly two bikes.

"Won't help much" Yuri stated. "I remember we drove more than four hours and for almost three the car was passing through... sort of... a desert."

Jessica chuckled upon her statement.

"You're either lying or remembering wrong. I bet for the latter though. You most likely read some documents on the way and didn't know anything about your surroundings."

"No! I mean, okay, the desert part might be not correct. But Sooyoung kept complaining she was hungry and forced me to take a look at the watch every ten minutes."

"You were probably driving on an expressway or something."

The weather was simply jolly. It wasn't too cool, nor was it too hot. A refreshing breeze eddied around them time to time, the sun still shining brightly without a single sight of clouds. The sky was colored in a perfect blue, making it pretty much impossible to stay inside. Yuri had suggested them to ride the bikes, but not to simply have fun and spend time together - no, she said they should try finding someone living nearby to hopefully get some help.

Having only one car-sized road leading to the house, they didn't have much choice. But much to their disappointment, even after almost an hour cycling, the neighborhood was still nothing but trees.

Jessica and Yuri returned home totally exhausted. Turned out, even if the weather wasn't hot, not bringing water along wasn't a wise choice. They had a simple dinner together and took turns showering. Jessica was the first one to finish and climbed onto the bed tiredly, sighing at their useless effort to escape or at least to get to know more about their location today.

Taeyeon and Tiffany had well-planned this beforehand. There's no way to get out until they come, Jessica thought bitterly.

Just then, Yuri came in and both froze seeing that they had accidentally picked matching couple pajamas. Jessica blushed lightly and slid quickly under the blanket, hiding her pink Minnie Mouse pajama.

"I-- er, didn't know you like Minnie." Yuri said scratching her head.

"I like Minnie more than Daisy." Jessica said barely audible, thinking hard of how to change the subject as fast as possible.

"I only like Mickey and Donald. I don't like Minnie. I don't even like people who like Minnie."

"Really?" A worried expression was shown on Jessica's face.

"No! You're still as silly as the first day." Yuri grinned widely. "I love Minnie."

Jessica faked an angry glare at Yuri as she sighed inwardly, feeling helpless for being so silly in front of Yuri. She didn't know why she believed in everything Yuri told her. And the worst thing was that the girl even dared to make fun of her in every possible way.

"You don't work till night today?"

Jessica asked as Yuri sat down onto the edge of the bed.

"No," she heard Yuri sighing and slid away to make place for her. "I'm so exhausted today. Plus, I was counting on internet access so half of my stuff isn't really doable right now."

The bed shifted as Yuri lied down next to Jessica. They remained silent for a while and Jessica felt herself slowly falling asleep when suddenly, Yuri's very conspicuous stirring prevented her from doing so.

"Jessica..." she heard the girl saying and her eyes shot open.

"Yes?" she turned aside facing Yuri.

"Can I ask you a question?" Yuri propped her elbow onto her pillow and rested her head on her palm.

Jessica gave the girl a nod to make her continue.

"I..." Yuri hesitated. "I saw you smiling sadly while sleeping several times. And once you even cried. Are-are you having bad dreams or something these days?"

She cares about me, was the first thing Jessica thought. She looked into Yuri's eyes and got lost in them for a moment.

"Umm, if you don't want to tell, it's okay. I don't ca-- I mean, I'm just curious."

"No, I was just thinking how to explain it to you." Jessica quickly said, not wanting to ruin the start. "I often dream about my past, like flashback in slumber you know. Do you really want to know the whole story?"

As Yuri gave her a nod and a sign that she was all ears, Jessica took a deep breath and began telling her story.

"You might have not notice but I'm daughter of a wealthy family as well. My grandparents started business in their young years and successfully built up an enterprise that is still existing now. They educated my dad to a talented man and gave him the best opportunities to pursue his dream - that was to become as successful as them in business. He started his own company, gained a lot of experiences, but in the end, he realized nothing was better than helping out with my grandparent's business, which my grandparents of course were very happy about. They gave him room to choose and eventually, he chose them.

He fell in love with my mother and when I and my sister were born, we were taken care of better than anyone could imagine. In other words, we were the perfect happy family anyone could imagine.

I was going to an elite school with my sister and met a guy from another wealthy family there. We got to know each other better and I eventually fell in love with him. As I found out he was the son of my family's business rival, we decided to keep our relationship a secret.

I'm not gonna lie and admit that the five months with him were probably the happiest time in my life. I was so in love and could never imagine parting him ever in the future. We even talked about how many kids we wanted to have, how we would name them, how--"

"Can you skip that part?"

"Be quiet, Yuri."

Jessica couldn't help but to chuckle at Yuri's frowning face. It was as if the girl was jealous.

"However, that happiness didn't last long. One day, I came home from my secret date with him and found my dad and grandpa fighting fiercefully over some business matter. I thought it wasn't something too serious until I found my mother crying silently in the room.

I asked, but no one wanted to tell me what happened. Then, everything happened too fast. Some random people came into our residence and my mother told me we had to move out. Still, no one wanted to explain to me why. We moved in a tiny apartment and I and my sister even had to change schools. The first time in my life I had to experience how it was like when money was in need.

Misfortune happened to our family, we lost our social status and all our friends were not friends anymore. My old school mates ignored me completely and even people at the new school tried to avoid me - everyone except for Taeyeon and Tiffany. They came visiting me often and cheered me up all the time. I was longing to meet him as well, but never did he once come visiting me."


"But the biggest misfortune for our family was the breakdown of my grandfather. He was hospitalized not too long after he lost his business and got weaker day by day. The doctors couldn't do much and neither could my parents with our now limited financial means.

He left us after a month. And my grandma couldn't stand it and followed him two weeks later.

But I'm lucky to have a father like my dad. He's a determined person and with the support of my mother, he regained the business of my grandparents after three years again. This was all good and such, but... to get back the persons we loved was impossible."

"...I'm sorry..." Yuri said quietly as she watched Jessica trying to hold back her tears. "What- what about that guy?"

Jessica inhaled deeply and squinted her eyes as if she had to try to refresh her memory before continuing.

"Later, I found out the one destroying my family's business was his family. I became suspicious and with the help of Taeyeon and Tiffany, I investigated the case. He-- he used me. He never loved me. He was like a spy, using my feelings to inconspicuously gather information about my family's business to report it to his parents.

And I didn't know anything, I was fully trusting him, sharing with him everything I caught from the conversations of my dad and grandpa at the dining table. It wasn't much I thought, but obviously it was enough to make us loose everything to them.

Knowing the truth, I hated him. But I couldn't come up with the courage to tell my parents the truth. My conscience was giving me a scarily hard time.

"It's not your fault" Taeyeon and Tiffany would constantly tell me. They were with me the entire time, fighting beside me ever since. And they were also the only one that I could ever trust beside my parents and sister.

Eventually, I learnt how to live with it. But never was I really over it. Not him but the fact that my naivety indirectly killed my grandfather. I didn't only hate him. I hated myself too. I killed my grandfather. I- I hid the right-from-the-start wrong relationship and thus killed my grandfather..."

Yuri felt a sharp pain in her heart as see saw a tear rolling from Jessica's left eye. For the second time since they met, she wiped it off with her thumb.

"It's not your fault..." she whispered as her quickly left Jessica's cheek. The girl shook her head sadly.

"It happened almost six years ago. What scares me most was that I was just seventeen back then - he too. Still was he able to be so... devious and--"

Jessica's voice cracked. The other girl looked at her worriedly but she gave her an assuring smile, saying that she was fine.

"Last week my parents told me they want me to marry soon. They didn't force me to marry any certain someone, but I still disagreed. Of course they didn't know about my aversion against relationships, not to mention marriage."

Yuri shuddered at Jessica's bitter chuckle.

"I couldn't explain my denial to them and I fought with my dad. I run away and rent a small apartment, Taeyeon and Tiffany helping me to cover everything." Jessica gave a sigh. "My life is complicated, especially in the last few weeks."

"You know what?" Yuri tried to lift the mood. "Your whole story actually sounds pretty familiar. As if I have watched it in a drama before."

Jessica gave the latter an offended look before showing her her back. Yuri shook Jessica's shoulder, try to turn her back again.

"Hey... Was that a bad joke? I'm sorry."

With a stronger pull, Jessica finally faced her again.

"That was the most stupid joke ever."

The brown-haired girl frowned at her.

"I'm sorry. I just... don't want you to be sad. I mean, dramas always have happy endings."

Yuri said as she pulled Jessica's bangs to the side. She froze as she realized too late what she was doing. It became a habit of hers after seeing Jessica sleeping everyday - it's just now, the other girl wasn't sleeping.

Her heart raced as Jessica grabbed her bold hand, but then not moving either. They stared in each other's eyes and Yuri felt as if someone was pushing her towards Jessica's lips. Before she knew it, their lips already met.

Yuri didn't know what happened or what to do next, but Jessica had already tilted her head, moving her lips against Yuri's. Yuri couldn't think properly when all she was aware of were Jessica's soft lips and the strawberry scent engulfing her.

Forgetting completely about the story Jessica had just shared with her, Yuri returned the kiss as tenderly as she could. Their lips brushed against each other while their eyes were closed, their hands either propping against the bed for support or holding tightly onto each other.

It wasn't until Jessica slid her hands behind Yuri's head, pulling the girl closer and slightly licked her lips with her wet tongue that Yuri was able to think properly again. She pulled back abruptly and panted hard as Jessica, still having her hands wrapped around her neck, gave her confused look.


Yuri stammered as her face went crimson red.

"Good night!"

She shouted before turning around hastily, pulling the blanket over her head to prevent Jessica from seeing her redder becoming face.

Jessica at first thought Yuri had changed her mind in the midst of them making out, but soon realized the real reason. She propped her head up, poking the heap that was hiding Yuri's body.

"You're gonna suffocate Yuri." She chuckled even though the other girl remained motionless.

She joggled Yuri's shoulder but Yuri, being the stubborn girl that she was, showed no sign of coming out of her 'tent'.

"Do you know pretending to sleep after kissing means you enjoyed the kiss but are just too shy to admit it?"

"I'm not!" shouted it from under the blanket, causing Jessica to giggle.

However, the tiredness of the cycling tour today took over again and Jessica decided to stop mocking the girl. She bent over Yuri's side and pressed her lips against where Yuri's cheek was supposed to be before lying down again, staring at the blanket and imagined to see Yuri's back of head right there.

"I'm cold..." Jessica whispered. She let out a disappointed sigh as Yuri remained frozen and turned to the other side so that their backs were facing each other.

A little while later, when Jessica was still not able to fall asleep even if she was dead tired - blame it on the kiss that was replayed continuously in her mind - she felt the bed shift. The next second, a warm arm slipped into her blanket, sliding around her waist and a body moved close to hers.

The smile that was already worn on her face grew wider as they kept their positions. Jessica definitely wouldn't have a bad dream tonight. 

Italics = Dream 

Grey = flashback

Chapter 7: Day 5 - Dreams and Reality

Hovering over the other girl's body, Yuri remained their lips connected. The feeling was exactly the same as their first kiss - it was intoxicating. Their make-out session continued as her hands began to move around adventurously, sliding along the other body's slim figure.

Her hands caressed Jessica's tight but the leg seemed to have no end. Eventually, Yuri had to look down.

"Why are your legs so long?" She questioned.

"Why are you touching my leg?" A familiar voice questioned back. It wasn't Jessica's.


"Why are you so extremely touchy touchy today?"

"What are you doing here? Where's Jessica?"

"I locked her in the basement, remember?"

It wasn't until then that Yuri took a look at her surroundings. She was in her office, sitting on the soft couch.

"Why would you do such a thing?!"

Yuri jumped up, yelling. How could her best friend lock Jessica in a basement?

"Hey, you told me to do so, remember? Because she distracted you too much and your grandfather almost succeeded to take the company away from you."


Yuri fall back down, looking blankly at the painting on her wall. She knew something like that would happen when she started a relationship. That's why she never tried to, even if everyone was telling her the contrary. Jessica was something unexpected.

"Honesty is a weakness. Love, pity and all the human feelings are weaknesses as well. I told you before."

Yuri turned around to the new sound of voice and almost fell down from the couch as she saw her grandfather occupying the seat that Sooyoung was sitting on before. She felt shivers down her spine as he smiled the smile whenever he took down a rival.

"My grandson has succeeded in buying enough stocks of your company behind your back, granddaughter. From now on, you're working for me."

He laughed out in satisfaction upon Yuri's shocked face.


Her eyes shot wide open in shock. She panted hardly and didn't calm down until she saw the wooden ceiling that was telling her she wasn't in her office. Yuri sat up, rubbing her temples. That was a damn bad nightmare.

She glanced at the girl beside her and sighed. Jessica had lifted one arm up as if she was punished, but the expression on the girl's face told that she was sleeping soundly and peacefully, nothing compared to what Yuri had just been through.


"Oppa, tell me it's not true!"

"I don't think lying to you is necessary anymore, Jessica."

She was standing in front of him, tears rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably.

"I trusted you."

She said and he could feel the hatred growing in her voice.

"Look, I'm sorry I broke your heart. I actually really enjoyed the time being with you. It's just we're descendants of business rivals, we're just not meant to be."

"And everything is just simple like that? You killed my grandfather."

"Now don't come up with that. I didn't. It was you who voluntarily gave me all the information about your family's business."

Tears rolled down Jessica's cheeks even more as he had touched the sore spot. She choked as her hand covered her mouth - she hated him even more for making her feel guiltier than she already felt.

"Sorry but I have a date. Good bye Jessica."

He turned around leaving, not taking notice of Jessica's filled with hatred eyes that were burning holes behind his back.

"You jerk!"

Jessica blinked in surprised as Yuri jumped out of nowhere, hitting the man in the middle of his face.

"How do you dare hurting her like that?!"

She run quickly to the other girl, stopping her from beating her ex-lover up. She was surprised Yuri was that strong and the man was appearing that weak in front of Yuri.

"You'll pay for this!"

The man shouted to Yuri with his bloody face and run away.

"As if I'm scared!" Yuri yelled after him, giving Jessica a hard time holding her back. "You dare to touch one hair of her and I'll kill you!"

She hugged Yuri from behind tightly, hoping to calm the girl down. Eventually, Yuri stopped struggling to get out of her hold and turned around, embracing her.

"Don't worry. I won't let anyone hurting you ever again."

She heard Yuri saying softly before the girl planted a soft kiss on her forehead. With her still watery eyes, Jessica looked up to Yuri and they leaned in together, kissing each other passionately.


She heard Taeyeon's voice all of sudden and let go of Yuri's lips. Still holding tightly on Yuri, she turned around to see Taeyeon and Tiffany standing there hand-in-hand, looking at them with a smile.

"I told you locking Jessi with Yuri up is a brilliant idea!"

Tiffany exclaimed loudly as her eyes took that crescent form which melted Taeyeon on the spot.

"It was my idea, but yeah..."

"And you told us you don't need anyone to take care of you Jessi." Tiffany chuckled. "Obviously you need only Yuri, huh?"

Jessica's cheeks went red as she looked down onto the ground.

"Yuri's something unexpected coming into my life."

She looked up to see the smiling face of Yuri, but the girl was no where to be seen anymore.

"Yuri? Yuri!"

"Where are you?!"

Jessica's eyes shot open. She looked around and didn't see Yuri on the bed. Her heart pounded as she immediately jumped off the bed and rushed out of the bedroom. A relieved sigh escaped her lips as she saw Yuri pacing back and forth in the kitchen, humming a random song.

Jessica sneakily walked behind Yuri, encircling the girl's waist with her arms. She felt Yuri stiffen immediately and chuckled in amusement.

"Good morning you early bird."

She whispered as her head rested on Yuri's broad back, feeling calm and warm again.

"G-good morning."

The other girl coughed and stirred uncomfortably.

"Yah. Stop moving."

"You can't possibly sleep on my back!"

Jessica giggled as Yuri turned around, looking at her incredulously.

"I mean, not that I care but, the bed is more comfy. Or even the couch."

Jessica didn't say anything but softly pressed her lips against Yuri's cheek. However, she felt the other girl shoving her away gently.

"Jessica..." Yuri said tensely.

Jessica acted calm on the outside, but inside, her heart was sinking.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly.

"Listen," the other girl was still holding her arms. "I-- y-yesterday, I wasn't t-thinking straight."

Jessica gave her a dumbfounded look, not wanting to believe what she had just heard for she could sense what would come next. Was Yuri playing around with her? After what Yuri did yesterday, initiating the kiss? She, Jessica, didn't even make the move. It was Yuri. And now, what was Yuri going to tell her?

"Can we-- ummm, can we just pretend nothing happened?"

Jessica looked at her, tears starting to build up in her eyes, which she fought hardly against. She didn't want Yuri to see she was hurt.

"I mean, you said you don't want a relationship and I don't think I want one either. My career is more important to me and it will be unfair to you if I don't care enough about y--"


Jessica's hand landed hardly on Yuri's cheek before the brown-haired girl dashed out of the house, banging the house door behind her shut. Yuri sighed as she touched the place Jessica had just hit her. Maybe the 'my career is more important' part wasn't necessary, even if it was fact.


As soon as the door was shut, tears escaped her eyes and uncontrollably flew down her cheek. She run through the garden behind the house, opened the garden door and sank down next to the brook.

That jerk, she cried both inside and outside. She had hoped for Yuri to chase after her, grabbing her arm to hold her back, telling her it was just a stupid joke, telling her she didn't mean it. But nothing of it happened. No caring Yuri came out looking for her, not even a Yuri who pretended not to care in a way she found so cute.

Jessica couldn't stop her tears as she felt her heart aching. She felt being taken as a fool again. Just when she was about to give her heart another chance, the same person who helped her to overcome her past completely had already pitilessly wounded her again. It wasn't as bad as seven years ago - no, luckily she hadn't fallen that hard for Yuri yet - but still, it hurt.

Jessica gripped the grass in her hands until her knuckled turned white. She hated this world. Because the only thing people in this world cared about were money, business and their career. It was like this modern world had brainwashed everyone and turned them into machines that had no feelings anymore. At least Jessica felt so, after being put behind an, in comparison to her unique individual self, cheap thing like business twice already. People were willing to do anything for that monster called work - be it lying, cheating, betraying, denying, neglecting or hurting others non-stop. And Yuri wasn't an exception.

All she knew was that she didn't want to see Yuri anymore. Just like she never wanted to see him anymore. People like that didn't deserve her, she told herself. There's no point in crying because of them.

Jessica stood up straight. Her tears had already stopped falling. She was heartbroken once before. She didn't want to give Yuri the chance to do it again. She didn't need Yuri. She needed no one. Just like how she had already thought before. Her life was colorless, but peaceful before Yuri entered it.

Her gaze wandered along the brook in direction where it went into the forest. Just then, a small path caught her eye. It wasn't easily discoverable and led straight into the trees, but it didn't look dangerous. If she followed it now, she might meet someone that could help her to get back to the city. If not, she could still follow it until the brook turned to a river and at least then, there must be people living on the riverbank. But most importantly, if she followed the path now, she didn't have to see Yuri again.

And Jessica, without thinking any further, did it.


Yuri woke up realizing she had fallen asleep on the couch. Her laptop was still on, lying on her laps, which make her poor skin felt like it was burnt. Shutting the laptop down, she stood up yawning.


Yuri made her way into the bedroom, thinking that Jessica must have returned already. But she was proven wrong as she saw the empty room. Yuri sat down on the messy bed. The sheets were rumpled and her fingers traced along the blanket that Jessica had carelessly thrown on one bedside when she woke up earlier. Little did Yuri know the reason why Jessica was in such a rush this morning, and so she gave a sigh, thinking how untidy that brown-haired girl was. Yuri stood up folding the blanket neatly. She tried her best to ignore the sweet strawberry scent that make her feel like hugging Jessica. It wasn't easy, though.

She made her way out of the bedroom as fast as she could. Her mind said let it go, but her feet carried her aimlessly around the house while her eyes were looking for that other person. It would be awkward for them to be around each other from now on, but there's nothing Kwon Yuri couldn't handle, or so she thought.

"Where could she be...?"

Yuri mumbled as she returned from the balcony. Jessica was no where to be seen - neither on the balcony, nor in the garden or by the brook. Yuri checked every inch of the house as well, but it was in vain.

She looked at the clock and it said one in the afternoon. Yuri walked into the kitchen, feeling a little more loosened as she knew Jessica would come back soon. She grabbed a snack and got herself a glass water.

"When you're hungry, you'll come back."

Taking a big bite, Yuri smiled calmly to her water glass as she decided to wait for Jessica in the kitchen. She was positive about the girl's soon return. 

Chapter 8: Day 5 - The beginning of something new

-2.45 pm-

Yuri turned off the TV and tossed the remote onto the couch. She stood up walking aimlessly through the house before stopping in front of the couch again. Grabbing the remote, Yuri turned the TV on. She switched channels continuously, dead bored as she could find nothing worth watching. She never watched TV in her busy working life and this wasn't helping with her dilemma at the moment at all.

Groaning, Yuri stood up leaving for the bedroom. She opened her working luggage piece and started to place all the finished documents into it. There's nothing business-concerned she could do anymore, so she arranged and packed away all her working stuff. She knew she might just take it out again later, but Yuri couldn't help it. She had to do something to kill her time. This waiting game was killing her.

It was almost three in the afternoon now and Jessica still didn't show up. She began to feel anxious and it upset her that she couldn't do anything about it. Saying 'I don't care' to herself unfortunately didn't work anymore.


-3.30 pm-

Yuri sat on the balcony and just stared blankly into the sky. She couldn't deny it anymore. She was worried about Jessica. She did care for her. A lot.

She began to think of what happened in the morning. Her words were unkind and she could understand how Jessica felt herself being taken as a fool after all what happened. She, Yuri, was making the first move and when Jessica was showing her affection, she shoved the girl away. Yuri sighed as she started to wonder if she was regretting it. She actually never regretted any of her actions. To become a successful businesswoman, she needed to be determined and needed to have the will stay the course, going through with everything she had started.

She told herself she had to be tough here. It's better for both of them.


-4.10 pm-

Yuri thought she was going crazy. Where was Jessica?

It became windy. Each time a stronger breeze sprang up, making the leaves and the bushes from afar stir, Yuri would sit up straight, narrowing her eyes to stare hardly as if she was expecting to see Jessica coming out from behind. As if she was hoping to see the slim figure of the girl appearing, a smile on Jessica's face, or a glare, it didn't matter. She just wanted to see Jessica and make sure she's not hurt anywhere. But every time, she had to lean back into the seat in disappointment.

Where did you go Jessica?


-4.25 pm-

Yuri couldn't take it anymore. She had put on her thin jacket and shoes and walked into the small garage to take out the bike. She decided to cycle along the only road leading to the vacation house - the same road she and Jessica were cycling along yesterday. But Yuri soon stopped as she realized it was unlikely that Jessica took this way. The other bike was still in the garage and it didn't make sense for Jessica to walk all the way by foot when yesterday, they were already cycling hours on this road and found nothing.

By the time Yuri got back to their house, the sky was getting grey. Yuri looked up and her heart began to pound even more anxiously. She could imagine Jessica fearing thunders. And the silly, helpless girl being around somewhere unfamiliar on her own and even in a storm scared Yuri. She was desperately worried and it was driving her crazy.

As Yuri went back into the garden with the bike, the small path leading into the forest caught her attention. Something was telling her she had to check that. And following her gut instinct, Yuri went out of the garden, approaching the dark entrance into the forest. A rumbling thunder startled her, but it didn't hold her back. She gasped at what she saw as she was near enough.

Footprints. Footprints that were leading straight into the forest.

Yuri stood there as raindrops started to hit her face. There was no doubt Jessica went into the forest. Yuri climbed onto her bike and took a deep breath. The dirt road was bumpy and rocky and looked anything but cycle-able. But she couldn't waste any time. Jessica was probably scared to death and she would be calling for Yuri just like the time she fell into the water. And that time it wasn't as dangerous as now.

As the rain began to pour heavily, Yuri was already racing into the forest.


Jessica kicked the rock in front of her foot, pissed to the max. The whole walk was wearing her out and she was still in the forest. Worse, she even lost the stream. The path parted with the stream not too long after the entrance and Jessica had no choice but to give up on the hope to meet someone on the riverbank. She knew going deeper in the woods would be dangerous, but her stubbornness got the better of her. She definitely didn't want to see Yuri again.

Jessica didn't know how long she had walked but eventually, she fell down onto a large rock as she couldn't walk any further. She was hungry and her feet were hurting. Her ankle wasn't sprained anymore but it hadn't recovered completely. It was aching and Jessica couldn't do anything except for massaging it to soothe the pain. But then, her arms were drained out of energy soon. She felt like crying as desperation took over her. She asked herself if Taeyeon and Tiffany did ever think of the possibility of her suffering like this when they 'kidnapped' her. Once again, Jessica felt like no one in this world cared for her. Not even her parents. They made her move out and didn't even bother looking for her once.

She was falling asleep while leaning against the big tree behind her and didn't wake up until a loud thunder gave her a nasty shock, rousing her abruptly from her slumber. Soon, Jessica was blanching with fear. The wood was suddenly a lot thicker and a lot darker. She felt danger threatening from every side. It was as if she wasn't alone in the forest. Sinister creatures were watching her, ready to jump out any time and harm her - maybe a grizzly bear, maybe a murderer, maybe a headless ghost, maybe a living cucumber - she didn't know. But she was scared.

As rain started to pour heavily, Jessica couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She felt so lost. She was frightened of everything. She started to think she was surely going to die, if not killed by a grizzly bear then starving from hunger or just simply dying out of fear. She didn't know if that was possible, but she could feel her heart pounding rapidly against her chest, she found it hard to breathe, she was cold and hugging herself wasn't helping. She was helpless, she was lost, she was scared.

"Yuri" she sobbed, not hearable due to the loud rain. But she knew she just thought of the person she shouldn't be thinking about again. She hated it how even in this kind of situation, Yuri still managed to enter her mind and give her hope, even if it was just a glimmer. But then she remembered how dissing Yuri was towards her this morning and cried even harder. That cold-hearted person was probably sitting in the warm house by herself, not wasting a single thought about her.


Inwardly, Jessica laughed bitterly at herself for being so helpless. Now she even imagined to hear Yuri's voice. Why was she so helpless? Was she already falling that hard for Yuri?

"Jessica! Jessica!"

No, this sounded too real to be just a hallucination. The heavily pouring rain made it almost impossible to hear anything, but Jessica swore she didn't just imagine hearing these faint calls of her name.

"Jessica! Where are you?!"

She jumped up. Although her vision was so blurry due to the rain and her own tears that she couldn't see anything, she could hear the voice was getting nearer, clearer and louder. And she knew who it belonged to.

"Yuri? Yuri!"


"Yuri! I'm scared! "


"Yuri I'm scared! Where are you? I'm scared, I--"

"I'm here."

Warm arms embraced her tightly and Jessica burst out into tears. Finally, Yuri had found her. Despite the darkness, the rain, the wind, the storm, the taller girl didn't hesitate chasing after her, saving her once again. Her heart was so relieved that she couldn't help but to cry. Yuri didn't hush her, didn't tell her to stop crying out loudly, but just held her as tight as she could, letting her crying all her fears out.

"I'm sorry."

Yuri continuously whispered into Jessica's ear, holding her tighter by each time. Her heart was so relieved to find Jessica that she couldn't care about her hurting hands, her aching knee, her soaking wet clothes. Seeing Jessica being so pale from fright, trembling from the coldness, it hurt her. It was all her fault.

Guilt was what didn't make Yuri react when Jessica shoved her away all off sudden and slapped her continuously, hardly on both of the cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!"

Yuri repeated, invisible tears falling down her reddening cheek as Jessica turned to hit her chest hardly with her fists.


Jessica's words lacerated her heart.


"I LIED! Jessica, I lied!"

Yuri grabbed both of Jessica's fists and held the girl's hand tight to her chest.

"I lied! I'm a terrible liar Jessica! Because you're important to me! I--I LIKE YOU ALREADY!"

Those words made Jessica stop struggling as her widened eyes were fixed onto the other girl's face. Tears continue rolling down Yuri's cheek but she held Jessica's wrists firmly as she shouted to drown the still loudly pouring rain.

"I was a fool, a dumb stupid fool! I've liked you all along Jessica, even if I've been in denial all the time, I've liked you from the first day I woke up to find myself being covered by the blanket you put on me, I like how you're so sincere, so honest towards me, I like the way you speak, the way you walk, the way you cook, the way you pout, the way you look at me with those sparkles in your eyes, the way you--"

But Yuri couldn't carry on with her confession. Jessica had already silenced her with her lips. Yuri let go of Jessica's wrists as the girl slid her hands around her neck, pulling her closer. Yuri's arms instinctively sneaked around Jessica's waist as she also held the girl's body closer to hers. Words weren't needed anymore - all feelings they got for each other were exchanged through that passionate kiss. They didn't care about the rain hitting their heads and shoulders harder by each second and the wind blowing leaves against their bodies, they didn't care about the loud thunders and the lightning flashes, all they needed were each other's warmth.

This second kiss of theirs continued only they knew for how long under the pouring rain. Letting go and running away was no more for both of them.

Finally, they had found each other.


The rain continued falling, dripping through the tree leaves - softer, but still inexorable. The thunderstorm, however, was gone. Left was only the solitary rain, playing a noiseless monotonous composition, having the effect of soothing churned up souls.

Yuri and Jessica returned to their vacation house three hours later. They changed into dry clothes without showering for they were too hungry. Yuri went straight to the kitchen, making both of them a nice dish to stave off their hunger.

When Yuri was full, Jessica was still eating like there's no tomorrow. Yuri had laughed at the girl and earned herself a spoonful rice shoved into her mouth, choking her. Her cough wouldn't stop until Jessica pulled her in by her collar and kissed her healingly.

"Do you want more?" Yuri asked as they released each other to catch their breaths.

"Yes! Another bowl please!" Jessica's eyes sparkled in anticipation as she licked her lips, holding out the bowl she had just emptied with the rice spoon she shoved in Yuri's mouth earlier.

Yuri laughed as she took the bowl. She leaned in and gave Jessica a peck on the lips.

"I was talking about kisses, silly."

But she stood up, refilling Jessica's bowl.

"Later," Jessica smiled shyly as she reached for the bowl. "You should go shower while I eat."

"Anything you wish, my princess."

Jessica couldn't help but smile, her eyes following Yuri's figure walking coolly to the bathroom while her hands never stopped scooping rice. It had been a long time since she last felt this blissful.

As she was finally full, Yuri was still in the bathroom. She cleaned up before walking into the living room, turning on the TV. Jessica switched channels continuously in boredom, waiting for Yuri to come out.

"Eeeeeekkk!" she shrieked.

"What happened?" The bathroom door flung open and Yuri jumped into the living room with a towel loosely wrapping her body. Her hands were busy struggling to not let the towel fall.

"Err--it's nothing." Jessica nervously laughed as she quickly switched the channel. She tried her best to erase the image of the gross leech sucking on a cucumber she had just seen on the screen. People hit on weird ideas to put on TV sometimes.

"Aish... seriously..." Yuri complained. She thought it was something really serious. Like Jessica burning down the kitchen or something. "Anyway, I'm done showering."

Yuri walked into the bedroom and picked a pair of pajama out. She then made the bed and blushed at the thought of them sleeping together again. Of course after all that happened, none of them could possibly sleep on the couch tonight. If she insisted so, Yuri was sure Jessica would kick her out of the house. It was a choice between the bed and the stoned front yard. Then again, it wasn't a hard choice. She was just feeling nervous.

Yuri sat down in front of the dressing table as she combed her long, black hair. She noticed Jessica's hair barrette and picked it up, sniffing at it. No wonder she had smelled the strawberry scent coming from somewhere. So this barrette was the culprit. She smiled at the nice-smelling hair ornament of the other girl when suddenly engraved letters on the inner side of the barrette caught her attention.

Jessica Jung.

Yuri froze. This girl... was a Jung. Jessica wasn't just any Jessica, but she was Jessica Jung. Jung... Jung... How could Yuri forget that?

"What are you doing?"

Jessica's voice brought her back to reality.

"Jessica, I have to tell you something. I--"

But Yuri froze once more when she turned around, her eyes landing on Jessica. The girl was standing in front of the dresser, only in underwear. And she looked simply hot.

"I've been standing here waiting for you to turn around for quite a long time already." Jessica approached her slowly, making her gulp nervously with every two steps. "You keep staring at my barrette like an idiot."

Jessica sat down onto her laps sidewards as one arm of the girl slid behind her neck.

"Fortunately I'm fond of idiots... like you."

The girl gently pulled her closer until their lips met. They both closed their eyes as the kiss kept its tenderness first, then became hotter and hotter each second. Yuri's hand was carefully holding Jessica's bare waist. A moment ago, she was still shocked at how bold this girl could be, but now, nothing of it mattered. Anything Jessica did to her was fine with her. Perfectly fine.

Jessica yelped in surprise as Yuri lifted her up, carrying her in her arms again. They resumed the kiss as Jessica held onto Yuri's neck with both of her hands while the taller girl carefully walked towards the bed. Yuri laid Jessica down, never breaking their kiss. It wasn't until then that Yuri came back to her senses. She lied beside the girl as she was wavering inside, not being able to decide whether to climb on top of Jessica or not. Eventually, their kiss ended to let them fill their lungs with oxygen.

Yuri caressed Jessica's cheek gently as their eyes were locked with each other. She pondered her words carefully, thinking hard. A tiny little mistake and she'd be dead.

"Jessica... Let's take things slowly..." Yuri gulped nervously. Jessica might think she changed her mind again. "I mean, I like you, I really do, but this--"

To Yuri's surprise, Jessica didn't get mad but even responded to her with a smile. The girl cupped Yuri's cheek with her small hands and looked into her eyes deeply.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't about to do that." Jessica chuckled to herself. "I actually couldn't find pajamas for me in the dresser earlier and asked you. But Yul didn't hear me. Yul just looked so cute staring at my barrette that I couldn't help it."

Yuri sighed inwardly in relief, then grinned and leaned down placing a kiss on Jessica's forehead. Little did she know Jessica had just fallen even more for her. She wasn't that type of a person who liked to rush things, wasn't someone who only counted on sex, not a person who would take advantages of the situation. However, if Jessica had insisted and given her real permission, the situation would most likely have turned into something else.

"It's not so cold anyway." Jessica said as she slid into the blanket. "Come here."

Yuri's cheeks automatically flushed but she tried to hide it by quickly slipping into the blanket with Jessica. They lied face-to-face, their gazes locked, both had a smile on their lips.

"So... what did you want to tell me earlier?" Jessica suddenly asked.

"Umm... it's nothing." Yuri said as she leaned in closer, capturing Jessica's lips with her own.

"Yul," the shorter girl said just above a whisper after they let go again. "Don't leave me again tomorrow."

"What are you talking about?" Yuri searched for Jessica's hand under the blanket and intertwined their fingers.

"The morning after our first kiss, Yul left me. Promise me tomorrow I'll wake up and find Yul still holding me, Yul."

"Jessica..." Yuri couldn't help but to embrace the girl tightly. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

And they fell asleep in each other's arms that night, cuddling against each other's body as close as possible.


Next morning, Yuri woke up first to find Jessica breathing regularly against her neck. She lifted her head to look at the clock and read eight in the morning. Looking down at Jessica again, Yuri chuckled at the girl's cute sleeping face. Jessica was, again, soundly sleeping - just this time, there was a blissful smile on her lips. Yuri couldn't help but to lean in, kissing that beautiful smile.

She then decided to make breakfast. She wanted to surprise the yet sleeping girl with a breakfast in bed. Kissing Jessica's forehead one last time, Yuri carefully slid her arm away from under Jessica's head. But as soon as her other arm stirred, the hand holding onto Jessica's loosened, she got held back. Jessica had already intertwined their fingers again, refusing to let Yuri's hand go.

"Yul promised." Jessica whispered with her eyes still closed.

Yuri lied down again, her elbow propped on the bed as her head rested on her palm.

"But I wanted to make you breakfast."

But Jessica didn't respond anymore. Yuri chuckled as the girl looked like she was sleeping tightly again. However, as Yuri leaned down kissing Jessica, she felt Jessica almost immediately kissing her back. They soon were lost again in their own little world and didn't notice the noises coming from outside the bedroom.

The sound of the bedroom door flying open startled them as they immediately let go of each other. Familiar voices boomed into their ears as figures of familiar persons appearing in the doorway made their eyes widen in surprise.

"Kwon Yuri!"

"Sica I'm here!"

One short and one tall shouted at the same time before freezing on the spot, seeing Yuri and Jessica's positions on the bed 

Chapter 9

18 Days earlier

Yuri had just ended a short conversation with a business partner on the phone when the door to her office opened and Sooyoung came in.

"Here are the documents about the Cosh Company you asked me to check." Her best friend handed her the papers. "I've read up on that project, it sounds really good."

"I know," Yuri grinned in satisfaction. "The profit is damn tempting. I wasn't sure about the level of risk we'd take with that, though."

"Well, I've checked Cosh's financial status. They will have to rely on us, which means we're actually pretty safe. It's riskless."

Yuri nodded in acknowledgement. She was pleased. Very pleased. Business was thriving recently, and one of the reasons was that Sooyoung could always find a way to check on their business partner's financial status, making sure none of them could be a threat to their company.

"Here." Yuri took out a couple of small rectangular paper pieces from the drawer and handed them Sooyoung.

"Free tickets for a book fair?"

"Read below."


"Yeah... I've received the tickets as a gift but I don't have time to go there."

"Thank you Yuri!" Sooyoung bent over the desk and suffocated her.

"It's--alright--" she tried her best shoving the giant away. "Anyways, there are four tickets in total. Which means you can invite some other people."

Yuri looked down at the documents in front of her again, not seeing the evil smile creeping on Sooyoung's face.

Sooyoung knew exactly who she wanted to ask out.



"Hey Sunny! It's Sooyoung."

"Oh hiiiiiii Sooyoung."

Sooyoung nervously scratched her flushing cheek at the aegyo 'hi' the other girl used to greet her. She tried to speak as coolly and be as direct as possible. The longer the conversation, the bigger was the chance of her making a mistake.

"I have four free tickets for that huge book fair on Friday. Are you free?"

"Ahh that's really sweet of you. I've heard about that fair and I would love to come. But I already have plans to hang out with some friends that day."


Was all Sooyoung could say. She was disappointed and didn't even bother covering it up.

"Okay, maybe another time. Bye."

Sooyoung let out a long sigh as she leaned back into her chair, staring at the ceiling. She had met Sunny in a restaurant two weeks earlier and immediately was interested in the cute, little girl. Sunny left a really good impression on her - not just because the girl paid for Sooyoung's meal because Sooyoung forgot her purse that day. Sooyoung had invited her to a dinner in another restaurant the next day to return the money and successfully asked for the girl's number. From then on, she had always tried to think of some ways to ask Sunny out. The opportunity didn't come until Yuri gave her the free tickets today.

Sooyoung was getting back to work again when her cell phone rang loudly. Without looking at the caller ID, she grumpily picked up.


"Oh. Am I disturbing you?"

Sooyoung almost fell off her seat when she heard Sunny's cute voice again.

"N-no!" Her voice changed completely. "How did you come up with that? You and disturbing me? Never."

She had to fight against the urge to jump up in excitement as she heard a cute chuckle from the other end.

"Anyways, I just wanted to ask," Sunny said then. "Can I change my mind?"

"On what?"

"I've asked my friends about that fair and they wanted to come too. Do you mind?"

"Not at all!" Sooyoung eagerly replied. Having some people tagging along was still better than not seeing Sunny at all. "But I only have four tickets."

"Well, they're a couple."

"Cool." Double date? Perfect!

"You're so nice Sooyoung. See you on Friday then!"

Sooyoung pressed on the end-call button and smiled to herself like a total idiot. But there's nothing one can do - after all, she's in love.


15 Days earlier

"Miyoung ah~"

"Don't call me that!"

"Then hurry up!"

Sunny chuckled as she watched Taeyeon pacing back and forth in front of her, a growl on the petite girl's face.

"How much time do we have left?" Taeyeon shouted.

"We still have half an hour. I knew this would happen beforehand so I came picking you guys up an hour earlier."

"Sorry Sunny," Taeyeon placed a hand on her shoulder apologetically. "Jessica has been such a bad influence on her. I'm going crazy on how her tardiness grows each day and I'm not able to do anything!"

"It's okay." Sunny comfortingly rubbed Taeyeon's back as the other girl gave a helpless sigh. "Talking about Jessica, how is she?"

"Oh she's good. She has some stress with her dad though. They want her to marry."

"An arranged marriage? I thought we're in the 21st century already!"

"No, no." Taeyeon laughed at Sunny's frustration. "They just suggest her to marry soon, but she's really harshly going against it."

"Why? What's so bad about marriage?"

"Nah, Sica has bad experiences with love. She..." Taeyeon hesitated. "Well, it's a long story. To make it short... she's positive about living well on her own. She sort of doesn't need anyone, so starting a relationship is pointless, according to her."

Sunny fought against her curiosity to know more about Jessica's life. But she and Jessica hadn't even met - she just knew that was the one Taeyeon and Tiffany cared about a lot - there's no point in squeezing information about Jessica out of Taeyeon's right now.

Ten minutes later, Tiffany came running out of the house, much to Taeyeon's relief. The poor girl was about to go off. Sunny wondered how it would work between Taeyeon and Tiffany if the shorter girl kept on being so impatient and Tiffany kept on being tardy. But then, those two had been together for almost ten years now - that little issue shouldn't cause problems. Sometimes, she found herself envying the duo about their sweet, enduring relationship. It's just a matter of time until Taeyeon would ask for Tiffany's hand, and then, she's sure about it, the world would be upside down if Tiffany didn't say 'yes'.

They drove to the fair while chatting happily along. Tiffany and Taeyeon had teased her about Sooyoung a lot ever since she told them about the book fair tickets, and unfortunately for her, they felt like it while being in the car too. It's not like Sunny minded though - in fact, she had admitted she was attracted to Sooyoung. And it wasn't just because Sooyoung was tall. Tall people always got extra points from her.


Sunny had just parked the car when the three girls heard a voice. Turning around, they saw a tall girl approaching their car with a wide grin on her face.

"Hi Sooyoung!" Sunny cheerfully greeted as they got out of the car. She shortly introduced Taeyeon and Tiffany to Sooyoung and vice versa.

"I've tried getting tickets for this fair since last month when people announced it," Taeyeon immediately began to chat with her new found friend. "I'm a writer, you know. This really means a lot to me, thank you so much."

Sunny sulked together with Tiffany as they followed behind the happily chatting short and tall duo. How come Taeyeon and Sooyoung could get close so fast? And it's weird, because Taeyeon was talking about books all the time and Sooyoung about food. Still, somehow, the two managed to stay so deep in conversation that the two girls behind them felt totally ignored. The attempts of Tiffany and Sunny edging into the conversation were to no avail.

"Oh look! A sushi stand over there!" The tallest girl pulled the group along to the said place.

"Whoa you like sushi too? I've read a book about it not too long ago. 'The Legend of Sushi', do you know that?"

"Oh my god, I love that book! I remember I even drooled on it when I was reading the part they described the Tornado Roll with smoked salmon!"

Taeyeon laughed in amusement as Sooyoung began to pig herself out on the great amount of sushi offered on the plate. Tiffany and Sunny backed away from the two embarrassing dorks and pretended to not know them. Instead of trying out the food, they hold hands taking a look at all the books in the book stall beside.

"May I introduce you ladies the Bestseller of our publishing company?" A young man in uniform appeared in front of them, smiling.

"Oh of course." Tiffany flashed an eye-smile as the two girls followed the young man around the stand.

"This one," the man took a three-centimetre thick book from the shelf, holding it out proudly. "Is the best book I've personally ever read. It's written by Tamia Noggleshick, have you ever heard of her?"

Both of the girls shook their heads.

"No problem." The young man laughed heartily. "Then this will be the first one. I have two exemplars left, one for each of you."

"Uhh... thank you very much." Sunny smiled. She didn't understand why this bookseller was so eager, but she was thankful for his kindness. Probably because he hadn't had many visitors since this morning, judging from the amount of books that are still left on the shelves.

"What do you guys have there?"

Sooyoung and Taeyeon had finished trying out all the sushi plates and came to the two girls with chewing mouths.

"Ewww Taetae. Since when did you eat like a pig?" Tiffany complained as she took out a napkin and wiped Taeyeon's mouth.

"Since Sooyoung told me that's how she got this tall."

Tiffany and Sunny cracked laughter as Sooyoung playfully hit Taeyeon and pretended to be embarrassed. That giant was sure witty.

"So, what did you guys get from that book stand?"

Instead of answering, Tiffany handed Taeyeon her book, Sunny handed Sooyoung hers.

"How to unworkiee-fy workaholics." Sooyoung read and immediately, her eyes widened. "Oh my god, that figure on the cover looks so much like my best friend! And she's totally a workaholic."

Sooyoung hurriedly leafed through the book. Sunny could see the tall girl was fascinated by it.

"You know what, it's yours."

"Really? THANK YOU SO MUCH." Sooyoung bent down hugging Sunny, making the shorter girl blush madly.

"You don't know what that means to me," Sooyoung said out of breath after releasing Sunny again. "I've been hopelessly trying to get Yuri, my friend, out of that working obsession, but it was so in vain."

"How funny," Taeyeon commented as she examined the back of the book. "That figure on this side of the book cover looks like our Sica, don't you think Fany?"

She then read the description, which was an excerpt of the content. "The perfect catalyst to increase the rate of the unworkiee-fying process of a no matter how obsessed Workiee is a cube of ice. In other words, a person who does not need the world, does not care about anything - the cube of ice - is the most appropriate stimulant to provoke workaholics. The reason is very simple--"

"That's exactly Jessica." Tiffany giggled as Taeyeon kept on reading.

"The Workiee lives the motto of 'I don't care about anything but work' while the ice cube has the engraved thoughts of 'I don't care about anyone, nor do I need anyone to care about me'. They are similar, yet exactly each other's opposites, and thus easily, naturally, inevitably distract and attract each other at the same time."

"Taeyeon..." Sooyoung had a blank expression on her face. Sunny guessed that's how the girl looked like when she got hit by an ingenius idea.

"Who's that Jessica? I need to meet her."


13 Days earlier

"I've booked the vacation house for seven days."

"Do you think this will work?"

"Well, we have to try."

"But they will kill us afterwards!"

"Look, the book says 'the ice' and 'the workiee' need approximately a month quarrelling to finally get to the wanted result. That is if they can stand each other for that amount of time. Let's assume we will hook them up and make them see each other about two hours a day, it would take 60 hours in total. But locking them up together in a week, that's 24/7 Taeyeon! 168 hours and we don't have to work our butts off to think how to make them meet!"

"What if one of them gets killed by the other?"

"Umm... I haven't thought of that. But Yuri won't--"

"I'm talking about Jessica."

"You serious?"

"She's scary, so yeah."

"Yuri's strong. Oh, your phone's ringing."



"Gosh, lower your voice Fany! I'm sitting with Sooyoung in the Cafe on the opposite of our apartment."

"Really? You didn't just walk hand-in-hand with a girl into the theatre?"

"Uhhhh... no? Soo, here, tell her."

"Hi Tiffany. Taeyeon just cropped a feel of the waitress's butt and--"

"OMFG Shut up and give me the phone!"

"Hmph--and she tried to ahaha--mmmhhh--"



Sooyoung was in her happy food dream when the loud ringing of her cell phone woke her up. Without opening her eyes, her hands searched for the annoying object before she picked up.


"Hey Soo. Are you still sleeping?"

"I was." She heard a giggle on the other end of the line. "What is it Taeng? It's Saturday. I'm supposed to sleep in, man."

"But I'm worried about Yuri and Jessica."

"Why?" She got a little more awake.

"Sooyoung! You need to be worried a little after the violent storm last night!"

"Why? I mean, Yuri and Jessica are all grown up, they aren't lil' kids who're afraid of thunders."

"But what if the electricity got cut? What if the house couldn't stand the storm? What if they got hurt or something? I mean, come on--"

"Alright alright. I'll be at your place in ten minutes."

And Sooyoung wasn't a tardy person. Taeyeon had just come out of the elevator when she saw Sooyoung's car stopping in front of the building. She quickly got in and the two drove off. The real drive only took about an hour - last time Sooyoung had taken a long way round just to mislead Yuri. But turned out it wasn't really necessary since Yuri didn't really care anyway.

"Do you think one of them is dead yet?"

"Yuri's gonna kill me if Jessica did something stupid."

Sooyoung sighed as she stopped the car. They had arrived in front of the vacation house.

"Don't worry." Taeyeon assured her as they got out of the car. "I just remembered Sica can't cook. Means she wouldn't kill Yuri - otherwise she would starve."

"Oh hahaha poor her. I bet Yuri didn't care and starved her already. I know my workaholic."

"No way." Taeyeon gulped. If that was true, she and Tiffany were dead. "I believe in the power of the ice princess."

"We'll see."

Sooyoung stuck the key in the doorknob and opened the door. The two girls nervously stepped in. The first thing they noticed was - and it was a relief - the house was undamaged. No signs of a fight, a battle, a war.

"Yuri? Jessica?"

No response. Sooyoung and Taeyeon looked around just to see the empty kitchen and living room. The glass door to the balcony was closed and it was unlikely Yuri and Jessica were both in the bathroom, so they made their way into the bedroom.

"Kwon Yuri!"

"Sica I'm here!"

The two shouted as soon as they saw the hump on the bed, knowing it had to be a person under the blanket. However, their eyes widened and their jaws dropped onto the ground as they took a closer look. Turned out the blanket lump wasn't just one person, but one lying beneath and another half-hovering above. And additionally to that, in smooching action.

"We're alive!"

Sooyoung and Taeyeon high-fived each other in joy as soon as they recovered from the shock. But a slapping sound the next second make them freeze completely again.

Yuri had landed on the ground, holding her cheek in pain.

"Jessica, I'm sorry I--"

"Get out!" 

Chapter 10

Two days went by after the day Sooyoung and Taeyeon witnessed the scene in the vacation house. They had to drove Yuri and Jessica home right that morning, and the mood in the car was not a cheerful one. Actually, it was dead silent during the whole drive. Jessica was too pissed to even say a word, Yuri knew speaking at that moment wasn't helping, and Taeyeon and Sooyoung were simply too scared of provoking Jessica to aspirate a sound.

Sooyoung dropped Taeyeon and Jessica off in front of Taeyeon's apartment complex and drove straight to the company at Yuri's desire. From that day on, Jessica hadn't seen nor heard anything from Yuri. She forbad Taeyeon and Tiffany to tell the girl where her apartment was, so it was pretty much impossible for Yuri to find her.


Tiffany and Taeyeon came visiting her today, checking if she was alright.

"You still haven't told us what happened."

They sat onto the couch on each side next to her, giving her concerned looks. But Jessica didn't want to talk about it, she was just angry and hurt and disappointed and didn't want to think of Yuri at all. Even if the girl constantly popped up in her mind, Jessica suppressed it with all her might.

"You kissed her. Did you guys..."

"No!" She snapped at Tiffany.

"So did Yuwree kiss you against your will?" Tiffany grabbed her hand, looking at her worriedly.

Jessica looked back at the girl, raising an eye-brow. What were they thinking?

"Sica, this is really worrying us. Because if Yuri really... you know, then that's like... a sexual assault and--"

Jessica furiously shook her head. Taeyeon and Tiffany were having wrong thoughts. Yuri did disappoint her, but the girl didn't deserve to bear the blame of something this ridiculous. Sighing tiredly, she knew she had to speak. The thing was just, she didn't know where to begin.

"She didn't--didn't do it against my will."

Jessica bit her bottom lip as she remembered how she kissed Yuri back just as passionately.

"I knew it. It didn't look like you were forced." Taeyeon commented.

"So, did you guys..."

"Tiffany, we didn't do anything beyond kissing." Jessica rolled her eyes. "Fortunately, we didn't."

"Then why--"

"She's Jiyong's cousin." Jessica bitterly told the truth, finally.

Taeyeon and Tiffany's jaws dropped on the ground.

"Kwon Yuri!"

"Sica I'm here!"

They released the kissed immediately, hearing the shouts. Jessica froze in shock. Time seemed to stop for a second when thousand things hit her head at instant. Kwon? Kwon. Kwon Jiyong.

"What relationship do you have with Kwon Jiyong?"

She uttered the most important question barely audible.

"Jessica... I'm his cousin, I--"


Yuri knew beforehand. Jessica could tell from the way the girl looked at her. She could read it in Yuri's eyes. Yuri knew exactly who the person breaking her heart in the past was. Yet, Yuri decided to hide it. All Jessica could feel that moment was pain in her heart. She didn't know why - but it hurt her so much.

"Sica... Yuri, she--"

"Don't try to defend her!" She snapped at Taeyeon. "She knew exactly what her cousin and her family did to my family! She pretended to not know anything and even asked me to tell her about it!"

"But what if--"

"Taetae ah, I think I can understand Jessi." Tiffany tossed in before Taeyeon and Jessica could start a discussion. "Listen, Jessi. I know Yuri disappointed you and all, but have you considered the fact that she has nothing to do with her family now? She has her own company and it's pretty much competing with her family's business."

Jessica had thought of it, of course. But...

"Plus, I don't think Yuri knew it right from the start. She possibly realized it afterwards, but didn't have the chance to tell you. Or she's just... afraid. Of the way you would react, Jessi."

She understood everything Tiffany said. Because it had crossed her mind before already. But...

"That's no reason to hide it from me..." Jessica said. "She could of just tell me. Explain to me. Be honest to me."

"People do the most stupid things when they're afraid of loosing the one they love, Sica."

She turned around and saw Taeyeon smiling at her. Jessica didn't know what to think of her phrase about 'the one they love'. Did Yuri love her? As far as she could recall, Yuri only started to like her. Love wasn't much in the game. She wasn't even sure herself what she was exactly feeling about Yuri. But she couldn't deny how happy she was seeing Yuri caring about her, how her heart beat faster each time Yuri touched her, how she felt so blissful with every kiss they shared. She knew she liked the girl a lot, if it wasn't something else, something more than just 'like a lot'. In love... she might even be in love already. But...

"Sica, you need to give her a chance to explain."

She knew she needed to. But... Jessica was a stubborn girl.


Arrived at the company, Sooyoung walked straight to Yuri's room that morning. She was really worried the past few days - Yuri was literally shattered. Her best friend didn't care taking proper meals, refused to go home and just insisted to stay all night and day in her office. Not that Kwon Yuri had cared much about food and sleep ever before - it's just this time, everything was extreme and the reason was not because of work.

Sooyoung opened the door and sighed as she realized Yuri had fallen asleep on the desk while working throughout the night again. However, the sound of her stepping nearer woke the girl up abruptly.


Sooyoung gave another loud sigh as she sat on the desk, looking down at the tired Yuri.

"Are you alright? Did you stay in the office yesterday again?"

Yuri gave her a brief nod before starting to arrange all the papers on the desk.

"I'm sorry I haven't finished these documents yet. I--I don't know what's happening to me. I can't seem to concentrate. I--"

"Yul." Sooyoung cut her off. "...I'm sorry."

"For what?" Her best friend asked weakly.

"I... I really didn't expect things to turn out like this. I shouldn't--"

"No." Yuri was determined. "This is the last time I want to hear this Sooyoung. I can't thank you enough for making me meet Jessica."

Sooyoung looked at her best friend, not sure what to say. Never had she seen Yuri like this. Did she really succeed in changing the workaholic? But that wasn't what she imagined or hoped for at all.

"Yuri... Do you really like her?"

"I..." Yuri stared into the air. The past two days, her life was sheer torture. Her heart had no peaceful second after hearing from Taeyeon that Jessica didn't want to meet her. She had begged Taeyeon and Tiffany for help, but the girls couldn't betray their best friend (again). There was nothing they could help Yuri with - at least not until Jessica was willing to open up to them.

Seeing no hope in finding Jessica, Yuri decided to lock herself up in her office. She wanted to use work to distract herself from thinking of Jessica. It was ironically the opposite of what first happened when she met the girl - she could clearly remember how Jessica was distracting her from thinking of work all the time. But it seemed like her mind never wanted to obey her will. Every little thing she did reminded her of Jessica.

She could fully understand why Jessica reacted that way and did these things to her. It wasn't her fault her cousin, whom she did not love at all, had hurt Jessica in the past. But she knew her fault was not small either. She wanted to tell the girl the truth after she found out herself, but she couldn't come up with the courage to. Now regretting was too late. But she needed to explain, she needed to tell Jessica that...

"I think I've started to really fall for her. I can't stop thinking about her, Sooyoung. This is... it's like... everything is so meaningless without her. I can't--"

Sooyoung gripped the edge of the desk tighter as her best friend's voice cracked. She couldn't let this go on anymore. She had to do something.


Jessica sat in front of the TV and frowned. Taeyeon and Tiffany were at her apartment again. She thought after telling them the truth yesterday, they would give her some time alone to relax. But no, the duo had to wake her up eight in the morning and refused to leave no matter how much she threatened them.

"Jessi!" Tiffany came happily into the leaving room with a plate of kimbap. "Taetae just taught me how to make this. Have a try, come on."

Jessica uninterestedly picked one piece and bit and chewed and swallowed. She gave a nod and rolled her eyes at the overjoyed Tiffany and her proud Taeyeon.

"You guys have your own apartment. Why do you two have to do this stuff at my place?"

But Tiffany and Taeyeon completely ignored her. They stood in front of her, feeding each other, obvious to their surroundings including her existence. Jessica gritted her teeth as she was about to loose her patience. Fortunately for the other two, Taeyeon's phone rang a second before Jessica darted the remote upon their heads. The short girl glanced onto the display before swiftly disappearing into the kitchen.

"Sooyoung?" She whispered into the phone.

"Hey Taengoo. Why are you whispering?"

"Shhhhh." Taeyeon glanced into the living room to make sure Tiffany was still bothering Jessica enough to make the girl not suspect anything. "I'm at Jessica's."

"Good. I'll just come straight to the point. Yuri and Jessica need to meet."

"I know." Taeyeon sighed. "But Jessica doesn't want to and she forbids us to tell you and Yuri about her location. I'm sorry, I--"

"Coughsunnycough. Jessica just forbids you to tell me and Yuri. She didn't say anything about anyone else."

"But... I..."

"Taeyeon, this is a matter of life and death. I gotta go. Please."

And with that, the line went dead. Taeyeon stared at her phone, still having to process Sooyoung's bold request. She knew Jessica wouldn't be happy if she told Sunny; and in the end, the girl would definitely find out that she, Kim Taeyeon, was the culprit once again. But Taeyeon also knew things couldn't go on like this and she had to do something against Jessica's stubbornness.

"Sica's so gonna kill me..." She mumbled while dialling Sunny's number.

Meanwhile, Tiffany was talking to Jessica about the kimbap receipt in the living room. She knew the girl wasn't a bit interested, but she had to do something to keep her occupied. Tiffany saw the look on Taeyeon's face earlier and knew immediately who was calling. They were together long enough for Tiffany to understand Taeyeon that well.

"Tiffany... I think I'll go home."

Tiffany stopped babbling at once. She stared at Jessica unbelievingly.


As the girl on the couch nodded, she fell onto her and hugged her tightly.

"Oh my god Jessi! It's time, seriously. Uncle and aunt were so worried about you and kept asking us about you all the time. Do you know how terrible we felt not being able to tell them what happened?"

"Yeah right." Jessica scoffed. "You guys just couldn't possibly tell them you locked me up with Yu--"

Silence entered as soon as the forbidden name was mentioned. Tiffany was dead nervous as she saw Jessica's complete change of expression. It wasn't the harmless uninterested one anymore, but an icy, cold, scary look. Luckily, Taeyeon came back again.

"Taetae guess what? Jessi wants to go home!"

Against her expectations, Taeyeon froze dead in her tracks, her eyes widened in shock. Little did Tiffany know Jessica's decision just came in such bad timing.

Yuri, hurry up!


Sooyoung pushed open the door to Yuri's office.

"Get up get up!" The shouted, earning herself a weird look from Yuri. "Here." She handed Yuri fresh clothes she had brought with. "Go change Yuri. We have no time to spare!"

"What's gotten into you?"

The dark-skinned girl asked as Sooyoung forcefully pulled her up.

"You're gonna see Jessica."

Immediately, Yuri stopped struggling to get out of Sooyoung's grip. She widened her eyes, not wanting to believe it's true. But as Sooyoung gave her an assuring nod, Yuri became just as hectic.

"How much time do we have?" She asked, already in the midst of changing clothes.

"I don't know. But the sooner you meet her, the sooner the problem will be solved. Or so I hope."

"How did you--"

"That's not important. Ready? Let's go."

And the two girls dashed out of the company, getting in Sooyoung's car. On the way, Sooyoung explained to Yuri everything. She would drive Yuri directly to Jessica's apartment and it would be quite hard for Jessica to refuse hearing Yuri out then. Fortunately, Yuri didn't need much time to think of an apology. She had thought of Jessica so much in the past few days that she knew exactly what she wanted to tell the girl. However, the nearer they got to their destination, the more nervous Yuri got. What if Jessica still wouldn't want to forgive her? Could she handle that?

After a short stop at a flower boutique, Sooyoung and Yuri finally arrived at Jessica's apartment complex. Yuri stepped out of the car while her best friend waited inside. Inhaling deeply, Yuri entered the building. She was going to see Jessica again. She was going to hear the sweet voice again. She was going to smell the strawberry scent again. All the days when they were stuck in the vacation house, Jessica was always running after Yuri and tried her best to make them get along. Now it's Yuri's turn to chase after the girl. To make them get together again.

Before Yuri knew it, she was standing in front of Jessica's door. Pulling herself together, she tried to calm her racing heart down. She was still scared of Jessica's reaction. What if the girl would just bang the door shut in front of her? Sooyoung told her to slip her foot in as soon as the door opened, but still... What if Jessica would slap her again? She told Sooyoung she didn't mind as long as Jessica would get to hear her explanation, but still... What if Jessica would yell at her? What if she would make the girl cry again? What if Jessica already hated her? What if--

Too late. She had already knocked at the door. There's no going back anymore. Yuri waited and waited, tension rose each second. But no one came out. Just when she was about to turn around and leave in both disappointment and relief, the door opened.


Chapter 12

Jessica was in her bed, lying on her tummy while leafing through a random magazine. Her elbows propped on the white bed sheets as one hand turned the pages, the other holding a cordless phone to her ear. Her face showed nothing but pure boredom. Obviously, both the magazine and the person on the phone failed entertaining her.

"... and so I locked her out of the bedroom that night. She had to sleep on the couch. The next day I woke up and I found her on the ground! She fell down Jessi, my poor girl."

"Uh huh."

Tiffany went on telling Jessica about the quarrel between Taeyeon and her. If it was something really serious and Tiffany was down, Jessica could never be this indifferent. But the thing was just, that girl on the other end of the line was babbling about a fight two days ago. Taeyeon and her had made up now and were happily together again - making Jessica see no point in having to listen to every detail like this. Jessica had frowned in the beginning, because behind Tiffany's whining voice, she swore she had heard some kissing sounds. And after Tiffany accidentally moaned into the phone, the lie got revealed. Tiffany argued it wasn't a lie but rather an omission - she was just about to tell Jessica they had made up two days ago. Afterwards, Jessica decided to let Tiffany's voice go in one ear and out the other.

Jessica, being the smart girl that she was, knew too well where Taeyeon and Tiffany were trying to get to. It wasn't just coincidence that the two always broached their relationship when talking to Jessica, or being even more obvious and acted all lovey-dovey in front of her. Everything was done just to make Jessica feel jealous, to remind her of how sweet a relationship - and in this case her relationship with a workaholic - could be, to force her to admit - at least to herself - that she missed Yuri. But no, Jessica wasn't going to fall into their trap.

She had made up her mind. She was not going to be naive again, not going to follow her heart blindly again. Jessica was selfish once - and she'd had to pay a terrible price. She was disgusted by Kwon Jiyong, was scared by his whole family for being behind his back, ordering him to take advantage of her feelings. Even though Kwon Yuri left her family for years, Jessica couldn't take the risk. Not when it's about a Kwon. Not again.

Jessica would forget Yuri. And it's not going to be hard - or so she hoped.

"Jessi... Are you sleeping? Jessica! Jung Sooyeon! Hello? Strawberry!? Melon!? Cucumber!? Yuw--"

"I'm not sleeping."

"Then why didn't you say anything? I asked you if you're still staying home."

"Yes, I am. I think I'll go to work next week. Dad isn't really in need of me right now."

"You haven't told uncle you will start working, have you? Well, I guess that's the advantage of being the president's daughter. Anyway, Taeyeon's calling me. Dinner time." Jessica heard an amorous chuckle coming from the other end of the line and rolled her eyes.

"Have fun."

Jessica said and hung up. Why did Tiffany and Taeyeon get together that easily? They only had to live sixteen years to find one another, and from the day they met, never once did they doubt each other's feelings. Why couldn't such a miracle happen to her as well? Why did she have to be cheated on, to be used, to be hurt and pained and still couldn't find her true love? Why was life so unfair to her?

Because you don't have faith in life, a voice inside her spoke. You don't even believe in love.

I used to believe in 'him' and his love - but he just used me, she argued.

Because he wasn't the one, the voice continued.

How am I supposed to know if Yuri is? She stubbornly asked back.

Because she simply is.

Jessica sighed. She walked to the window, staring down onto her family's garden. She didn't know what that feeling she had towards Yuri was. She didn't know where it came from, didn't know when it grew on her, didn't know how much it was already possessing her. And she didn't know why there was always that inner voice which she struggled hard to smother - but time to time popped up unexpectedly - telling her over and over again, stubborn as herself, that Yuri was the one.

No, she told herself. I've made up my mind!

She tried to focus on the flowers to distract herself. Roses, tulips, petunias, pansies, iris - her mom was such a flower-lover. She had even planted those yellow iris in the garden - reminded Jessica so much of that small garden behind the vacation house. And flowers, oh how could she forget the daisies. And speaking of daisies, how could she forget Yu--


Jessica yelled out of the blue. Phew, that was close. She closed her eyes and shook her head furiously. Looking into the garden wasn't a good idea at all. She turned around, facing her room. It looked awfully somber. Despite the white-painted wall adorned with nature paintings, the magnificently crested light-brown closet and the queen-sized bed, covered with every kind of pink hue (Tiffany had 'designed' her bed), Jessica had never seen her room more shadowed. Maybe it was simply because... her heart never felt this gloomy.

Jessica really didn't want to, but the resembling furniture arrangement made her think of the vacation house. Its walls were white-painted as well. There was also a pretty closet, filled with couple clothes, in the corner of the bedroom. The bed wasn't as big as hers at home, but it always looked the most welcome. Jessica walked to her closet, her fingers touching its surface. She had once stood in front of the closet like this, looking over to the dressing table. Blood rushed to her cheeks as she remembered the scene where Yuri didn't want to hear her calls but kept staring at her barrette. She said the girl looked cute, that's why she couldn't help seducing Yuri, but that was only half of the truth. Jessica didn't want to admit she got seduced at the first place. The way Yuri looked at the irrelevant object with that slightly open mouth was way too kiss-inviting to resist. Jessica blushed even more at the memory of Yuri picking her up, laying her down the bed, kissing her with so much passion. What would have happened if Yuri hadn't stopped? Would they have gone beyond kissing? Because Jessica knew, if Yuri hadn't questioned her, she would have gone further. But Yuri was sensible and didn't want to rush things, Jessica thought. Yuri wanted her to be completely sure, wanted her to not regret anything later. Yuri never wanted to harm her.

But she is a Kwon, she stubbornly reminded her shaking heart. All I need to do is to tell dad to change the furniture arrangements.

She heaved an inaudible sigh and got out of her room. Now she wasn't even able to stay in her own room to be not reminded of Yuri. Padding down the stairs, Jessica tried to think about something more bright - namely the dinner. Ms Ahn was an absolutely talented cook, she had told the woman this personally several times already. She inhaled deeply as she reached the end of the staircase. The smell of food was making her drool. But the faint smile on Jessica's face disappeared at instant as she entered the dining room.

"Why are there candles lit?" She frowned.

"'Cuz dad phoned home earlier and told Ms Ahn we have to celebrate tonight" Krystal came out of the kitchen, chewing on something.

"Celebrate what?" Jessica asked, confused.

But Krystal just shrugged before bending over the table, inhaling the steam coming from the hot soup pot. She then quickly covered it by the lid to keep it hot, not noticing her sister's blank expression. Jessica was tired of all this. Why did everything and everyone have to remind her of Yuri? She was trying her best to forget and ignore, but no one's supporting her. There was no explanation as to why there had to be a candlelit dinner tonight. Jessica didn't want to see candlelit dinners for the rest of her life anymore.

"Mom! Dad!" Krystal's voice pulled Jessica out of her thoughts. She followed her sister out of the dining room and saw her parents entering the foyer.

"Is it raining?" Jessica asked as she helped her mother out of the wet coat.

"Yes, seems like it's gonna turn into a real storm soon." Her father answered for his wife. "But nothing can dampen my mood tonight."

"What happened dad?" Krystal hooked arms with Mr Jung, looking at him in anticipation. "Unnie's already wondering why we have to celebrate tonight."

"We will definitely get that project! Definitely win against the Kwons!" Mr Jung couldn't hold back his joy as the family entered the dining room. "Sit down girls, I'll tell you everything."

Everyone settled down and Ms Ahn came in, poured wine for Mr and Ms Jung and Jessica, and apple spritzer for Krystal.

"Iustit has allied in a venture with us," Mr Jung began telling the story. "Iustit is one of the pretty strong companies in our area, but because its founder is such a young woman, I had never really paid attention to it."

"That's for you to see," Mrs Jung meddled in, causing him to chuckle. "Don't ever underestimate women."

"I know I know. But Iustit and our Jung Enterprise never really had any encounter, so I barely know about it. It wasn't until yesterday that I got to know Iustit had a grudge against the Kwon Enterprise as well."

Hearing that name, Jessica cocked her ears immediately.

"I was suspicious as to why that young girl would ally to us all of sudden. At first I was about to have the financial state checked but got really surprised because the company is doing very well, no checking was needed to see that. The general manger said something private happened and she has to give up on her company, so I didn't ask any further. In the end, she even assigned all her shares to us - including the 2,8% she holds of the Kim Company, which will guarantee the project to be ours. I have nothing to suspect anymore."

"We just signed the contracts today." Mrs Jung added. "That was a sweet girl. I wonder why she has to give up."

"Congrats mom and dad." Jessica smiled to her parents. "I'll go to work with you from next week on, dad."

"That's another reason to celebrate!" Mr Jung laughed heartily. Finally, his daughter agreed to follow his business. He never forced Jessica, but clearly stated his desire. He was giving her a year to think about it, which was very generous. Mr Jung wanted his little girl to replace him in future, but he wanted her to be truly happy even more.

"Dear, imagine our Jessica to become a talented business woman like Yuri." Mrs Jung almost had tears in her eyes.

Jessica spoon immediately fell down on her plate with a sharp noise, catching everyone's attention. She couldn't care less, though.

"Mom, what Yuri?!" She asked, her eyes widened in shock.

"The CEO of Iustit." Her mom answered, giving her a confused look. "That girl we are talking about all the time. Yuri is her name. The funny thing is, her surname is also Kwon."

Jessica jumped up at instant, startling all three family members. She run out of the dining room into the foyer and put on her shoes and coat.

"Where are you going?!"

She heard her mom calling, heard noises of chairs being pulled back as the rest of her family was about to follow her out.

"Don't worry about me!"

She shouted before shutting the door, ignoring her mother's calls. Jessica had no time to spare.


Yuri went home early today. It wasn't because of the news about the terrible storm tonight, nor was it because she'd missed her apartment which she hadn't seen for almost a week. The past several days, Yuri was still staying 24/24 in her office, returning to her workaholic life. But there was no work for her anymore.

Kwon Yuri was officially jobless from today on.

Sooyoung had called her thousand times, but she didn't pick up once. She felt a little guilty as she didn't tell her best friend a word about transferring all her administrative rights to the Jung Enterprise. But she had been too scared, afraid of changing her mind. She had locked herself in her office, doing nothing but staring at the wall until it was time to meet President Jung.

Yuri knew too well doing this didn't mean getting Jessica back. It wouldn't even help the slightest bit - she had all the money, power, might before and couldn't win Jessica's heart, so what was she supposed to do with nothing in her hands now? But she wanted to prove her feelings. She wanted to show, more to herself than to anyone else, that her feelings for Jessica were more valuable than work. Because Yuri wasn't a workaholic anymore, she was an in-love-with-Jessica-Jung. Besides all that, it was the only way Yuri could somehow pay off what her family owed the Jungs. She knew it wasn't her fault, but she was a Kwon after all. She knew fully well why Jessica despised her.

Emotions, desires, guilt, everything mixed up, led her to this decision. And there was no going back anymore.

Yuri opened the bottle of wine she found on the kitchen counter and poured herself a glass. The rain was drumming against the windows harshly, showing no sign of a soon stop. The bad weather made her already cold apartment feel even more cold and lonely. And Yuri feeling empty inside wasn't helping at all. Yuri finished each glass in one shot and refilled it immediately. She was getting lightly light-headed when she heard the apartment bell ringing.

"No one's home!" She shouted, irritated.

But the ringings didn't stop. Yuri roared before walking reluctantly to the door and opened it.

"What the--"

She froze. It was as if someone poured a barrel of ice water on her head as she saw the figure standing in front of her. Yuri was fully awake from her light-headedness.


Yuri uttered weakly. The girl was drenching wet, standing in front of her apartment, not moving, not saying a word, just staring her into the eyes.

"How--how did you find my--" Yuri's voice cracked and she tried her best pulling herself together and not to swoop down on Jessica. She looked on the floor before turning to Jessica again. "Please, Sica... Come in first. We can talk inside. Please."

Yuri was afraid Jessica disagreed. In fact, she was scared Jessica came to tell her taking her company back. She knew Jessica would never agree receiving anything from a Kwon, that's why she tried to not let her parents know about her connection to both Jessica and the Kwon Enterprises. Mr and Mrs Jung just thought she was another coincidental Kwon person. But Jessica, of course the girl knew.

To Yuri's surprise and relief, Jessica didn't yell nor slap her yet. Instead, the girl really followed her words and entered the apartment. Yuri closed the door quietly, not daring to turn around facing Jessica. She inhaled deeply.

"Sica, I--"

Yuri got stuck in her words as she finally realized why Jessica hadn't spoken a word. The girl was trembling in the attempt to hold back her tears - she failed badly. Despite the dim light of the apartment and the rain water that was already wetting Jessica, Yuri could see the river flowing out of Jessica's beautiful eyes. The girl was trying to speak, to say something, but she was helpless against her own body, just trembling, ready to fall any second.

Instinctively, Yuri embraced the frail body with her arms, holding Jessica tight to her own body. Immediately, the girl in her arms let go of the cry-barrier and sobbed loudly against her shoulder. Yuri tightened the grip as she felt Jessica's hands enfolding her waist, not caring a bit about herself getting wet as well.

"I--I'm so sorry--"

Jessica cried, harder each second, her heart beating rapidly against her chest. It was exactly like the day Yuri found her in the forest. Everytime, Yuri was willing to hold her again, regardless of how stubborn or stupid she acted before. Jessica felt her heart burst, in relief, happiness, guilt and remorse at the same time, sobbing loudly as Yuri just kept her tight, caressing her back, comforting her, continuously saying 'it's okay'.

The loud sobs turned into quiet cries, the quiet cries into small snivels, the snivels subsided to irregular breaths - and Yuri was still hugging Jessica protectively tight. As the girl was almost sliding down onto the floor, Yuri quickly moved one hand to Jessica's waist, holding her up straight. Either Jessica had fallen half asleep, or she was semi-unconscious.

"I'm sorry..."

Yuri heard her keep mumbling, but the eyes were closed. She helped Jessica pulling off the shoes and coat before picking the girl up, carrying her into the bedroom. She had missed Jessica lying in her arms like this. Awfully, awfully missed it.

Carefully, Yuri laid the girl down and sat herself on the edge of the bed. Jessica was still stirring, mumbling barely understandable words which Yuri assumed were still 'I'm sorry'.

"You don't need to..."

She whispered, her hand running through Jessica's wet hair. It wasn't until then that Yuri realised Jessica was still in her wet clothes. Without dwelling on it at all, Yuri unbuttoned Jessica's shirt and pulled it out. Her brain seemed to stop functioning properly the moment she realized what she was doing. Not being able to hold back, she leaned in placing a soft kiss on Jessica's exposed shoulder. The milky-white skin was still having that strawberry scent. Yuri backed away quickly, breathing faster, mentally kicking herself. She tried her best to gather herself together. With trembling hands, Yuri unzipped Jessica's jeans and pulled it out, struggling as the fabric didn't really want to cooperate. She couldn't let Jessica get sick - neither the jeans nor her conscience could keep her away from undressing Jessica.

She shuddered as her finger grazed Jessica's tight lightly. No, she wasn't a person who would take advantage of the situation. She couldn't imagine the consequences if she was not able to control herself right now.

Yuri bent over, kissing Jessica on the forehead before reaching for the blanket. She felt Jessica stir and thought the girl was cold. Swiftly, she covered the half-exposed body with the blanket. Yuri then searched for Jessica's hand and held it - this was the only thing she allowed herself. But she got surprised where her own hand was led to... by Jessica's hand. Her eyes opened wide in shock as her full arm was pulled into the blanket with Jessica's body. She was pulled closer, close enough to see that Jessica already had her eyes open.

"Why did you stop..."

The girl whispered, gazing her in the eyes. Jessica's eyes were still watery and swollen due to crying earlier, but Yuri could again see the sparkles in them.

"Sica, are you--"

But their lips had already met as Jessica pulled her in. Yuri couldn't think properly anymore and closed her eyes, moving her lips against Jessica's soft ones. She had missed these kissed damn badly, and there was no reason to hold it back right now. Getting their tongues entangling, the kisses became hotter and more passionate each second. Yuri felt shivers down her spine as Jessica's hand slid up her also wet top due to Jessica's sobs, moving against her skin inside.

"I want you."

Jessica whispered through the kiss and pulled the fabric out. That was the end of Yuri's hesitation. She climbed onto the bed, replacing the blanket covering Jessica while still resuming the hot kisses.


The apartment was quiet. Almost dead silent. The foyer was quiet, the kitchen was quiet, the living room and bathroom were quiet. The only noises came from the bedroom, faintly and unobtrusively disturbing the nighttime peace.

Rain and wind almost drowned the noises of the bed cracking in rhythm as the figures on it were engrossed in their activities. Heavy breaths and stifled moans were the only sounds that didn't fit in the harmonization. The pace was accelerated as the cracking sounds of the bed became more pressing and the breaths, as well as the moans, got louder and more urgent each second. Finally, a loud sigh was heaved and everything died down in complete silence. Left were only sounds of raindrops whipping against the window.

Yuri lied, exhausted, on top of Jessica. She was too tired to even roll off.


The girl beneath whispered and Yuri shot her head up, staring incredulously at Jessica.

"Look at you," she heard Jessica giggle as the girl cupped her cheeks, giving her a tender kiss on the lips. "Now who is the silly one, huh?"

"I really thought you were serious." Yuri chuckled as she lay down next to Jessica, closing her eyes, hugging the girl from aside.

"What's so bad about it anyway? Unless you didn't like it."

"We wouldn't have gone through it twenty times if I didn't like it." Yuri assured, hearing the hint of sulkiness in Jessica's voice.

"You're exaggerating way too much."

Yuri opened her eyes to see Jessica blushing. A smile crept on her face as she pulled the blanket over their bodies, pulling Jessica closer.



"I will never let you go again, I promise."

The next second, she felt Jessica's lips again on hers, sealing her promise with a short, but sincere kiss.


"I'm sorry about everything, Yul." Jessica's voice sounded so weak all of sudden. "I... I should have--"

"Shhhh..." Yuri had laid one finger on Jessica's lips, shushing the girl. "It's okay Sica. I know how you feel. Your revulsion at my cousin is palpable, and understandable. I should be the one who's sorry."

A lone tear rolled down Jessica's cheek. Yuri quickly used her thumb wiping it away.

"It's not your fault, Yuri. It never was. He--"

Yuri placed her lips onto Jessica's, silencing the girl once again.

"Forget what he has done to you. I'm here now."

Jessica looked into Yuri's eyes and nodded slowly. Yuri smiled before kissing Jessica's forehead, then pulled the girl's head to her neck. Jessica instinctively cuddled closer, hugging Yuri tighter.

"After all those days without you being by my side... do you know what I've realized?"

Yuri asked in a whisper as she also tightened her hug around Jessica's body. The girl didn't reply, but Yuri knew, due to the held-in breath on her neck, Jessica was waiting for her to continue. So she softly, but clearly whispered each word she had been longing to tell all these days into the girl's ear.

"I'm so desperately in love with you, Sica baby."


In an office, far away from Yuri's apartment complex, a person was sitting in the dark, looking at the storm outside. A glass of the same type of wine Yuri drank earlier was held in one of the person's hand, the other hand lay on the desk, fingers tapping on the surface. It wasn't until the phone on the desk started to vibrate that the finger-tapping stopped. Calmly, the person placed the glass onto the desk before picking the vibrating object up. Looking at the caller ID, the person waited another two rings before pressed on the accept-call button.


Coldly ordered.

"The bird has entered the cage, boss."

"Good. What's happening inside?"

"I don't know, boss. The rain's heavy and I'm on the opposite building's roof. There's only dim light coming from the living room."

There was a short silence before the other end continued.

"But... they're in the bedroom. I, er--think they're doing some... bed sports."

The person frowned in the dark upon hearing that news.

"I didn't want it that detailed. You're dismissed for tonight."

"Thanks, boss. Have a good night."

The person didn't bother replying but tossed the phone onto the table. Grabbing the wine bottle, the dark figure refilled the half-empty glass before taking a sip of the liquid, letting it burningly flow down the throat.

Bed time, the person thought. The game's finally restarted. 

Chapter 13

Jessica was lying peacefully on her bed, deep in a beautiful dream when the loud ringing of her phone woke her up abruptly. She shot her body up and swooped for her phone.


She greeted the person on the other end of the line, her eyes barely open but she was awake.

"Jeez, what happened? How come you're so sweet?"


Immediately, Jessica's voice changed, her expression darkened. She had expected someone else.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly.

"Now that is the Jessi I know. I just wanna ask what you're gonna wear for today. I stood in front of the mirror half an hour already but can't decide. And Taeyeon complimenting on every outfit is sweet but not really helping in choosing one."

"Take pink." Jessica randomly said, wanting to end the conversation as soon as possible.

"But everything is pink already!"

"Then take rose color. I don't have time now. See you later."

Jessica pressed on end-call and tossed the phone carelessly on the night table. She heaved a sigh before lying down again on her tummy, her face digging the pillow. Why hadn't Yuri called her yet?

After their hot night in Yuri's apartment, Jessica had talked with her father and explained the situation to him. To her surprise, both of her parents were fully supporting their relationship - they didn't even wave a second hearing Yuri was their business's rival's offspring. Jessica had mentally smacked her own head, asking herself why she didn't talk to her parents sooner. They could have spared so much drama.

Her father decided to keep Yuri's company as a whole, a branch of their enterprise so to say, and deployed Yuri as the branch manager. Everything was almost like what it used to be, except the Jung Enterprise was watching over Iustit and Yuri didn't get as much money as before. But then again, it didn't matter to Yuri. Not a bit. All she needed was Jessica, and the fact that Mr Jung had employed her, that was additionally making things perfect.

In the first days, Jessica had always accompanied Yuri home and stayed with her except for the weekends. But now, they had to switch the divisions. Jessica stayed with her on the weekends, and went home during the week. It wasn't really appropriate for Jessica to show up at work with love marks on the neck. The first days, the girl tried to cover it with a scarf, but she soon got tired of that piece of clothing as it never stopped giving her itches. Jessica was never really fond of scarves. She then told Yuri to avoid her neck when making out, but her girlfriend refused right from the start.

"I can't." Yuri had waved her hands in gesture of disapproval. "Your neck is the most delicate place, Sica. I mean, you're soft from head to toe, but your cute little neck is the most wonderful part ever. You can't tell me to not kiss it, seriously."

And who could say no to that. It wasn't Yuri's fault she was mesmerized by Jessica's neck, and it wasn't Jessica fault her girlfriend's favorite spot happened to be something she had to show the public. And so they agreed on the newly set schedule, using their time wisely on the three weekend days. However in the week, Yuri would always call Jessica in the morning just to hear the girl's voice. It also became a habit of Jessica to wake up due to Yuri's calls. She didn't feel a bit annoyed, unlike in the past, but even woke up earlier sometimes to look at the phone screen, waiting for Yuri's caller ID to appear. They would see each other in the lunch break later anyway, but then again, they were helplessly in love. Both of them.

It was Saturday today. An exception - Jessica wasn't at Yuri's because they were going on a date later together with Taeyeon and Tiffany and Sooyoung and Sunny. Several hours were still remaining until the actual appointment, so Jessica didn't want to stay up yet. She decided to just sleep in and wait for Yuri to call waking her up. If she got late, it would be Yuri's fault.

"Remember to wake me up, Yuri."

She mumbled half in sleep. Now no one could defend Yuri and tell Jessica the girl didn't know anything about the wake-up duty Jessica had given her. Jessica had told Yuri just now, and whether the girl heard it or not wasn't Jessica's problem. She could peacefully sleep again, without any worries. What were seobangs there for?

However, Yuri didn't call her. Jessica had woken up without receiving any wake-up call. Instead, Ms Ahn was the one interrupting her beauty sleep.

"Miss Jessica..." The woman joggled her shoulder. "You have a guest."

But Jessica refused to wake up. She wanted Yuri, not anyone else. So, stubbornly, the twentysomething girl clutched the blanket closer, facing the other side to avoid the older woman just like a kindergarten kid who didn't want to wake up. As the woman kept calling her, joggling her shoulder, Jessica turned on her tummy, digging her face in the pillow again, trying to ignore the calls.

"I don't want to."

She whined into the soft pillow. She was extremely disappointed Yuri didn't call her. She didn't want to see anyone right now. Jessica heard Ms Ahn heaving a tired sigh before the women stood up and left. She thought the older woman was letting her be and relaxed her stiff body, but growled into the pillow again as footsteps towards her bed, even though soft, gave Ms Ahn away.

"I said I don't want to see anyone!"

Jessica wailed. Her bed shifted as Ms Ahn sat down onto the edge, trying to pull the blanket away. Jessica felt the hand stop pulling as she, stubbornly as always, refused to give up. Ms Ahn's hand began running through her hair, which left Jessica surprised. It had been such a long time since Ms Ahn had woken her up this way. But too bad, she was determined to not get up until Yuri called today.

Suddenly, her hair was pulled aside and her neck was exposed to the air, sending little shivers down her spine. Jessica didn't have time to wonder what was going on when she felt a pair of soft lips making contact with her skin, teeth biting her neck playfully, heating it up immediately. She shot her eyes open at instant and turned around, facing the person she thought was Ms Ahn.


There the girl was, grinning at her.

"Good morning baby."

Yuri leaned in, shushing Jessica with a good-morning kiss, preventing a playful punch Jessica was about to give her. Now the girl was grabbing a hold of her arms, enjoying the kiss instead.

"Now tell me why you don't want to get up." Yuri asked as they released the kiss. "Did you forget our date?"

"I thought you had forgotten about it." Jessica pouted, sitting up straight.

"Tsk, silly." Yuri poked Jessica's forehead playfully before standing up. "Come on Sica, we only have two hours left."

Now that her wish was fulfilled, there was no reason for Jessica to keep staying in bed. She took the hand Yuri offered her and let herself being pulled to the washroom. As she was too slow for Yuri, the girl decided to pick her up, carrying her again. Jessica had yelped again in surprise, but didn't complain a word. Instead, she gave Yuri a peck on the lips for being such a wonderful seobang, spoiling her to the nth degree.

With Yuri constantly rushing Jessica off her feet, they managed to get out of the Jung residence in thirty minutes, which was Jessica's personal new record.

"Where's the car?" Jessica asked, looking around as she didn't see the familiar van Yuri was used to use.

"No car today," Yuri smiled as she took Jessica's hand, leading her to the bike on the roadside.

"We're cycling?" Jessica's eyes widened.

"Yep. After shopping, Taeyeon, Sooyoung and I want to take you girls out for a picnic. And we just thought it's lovelier travelling by bicycle."

"It's super duper romantic," Jessica cupped Yuri's cheek, placing a kiss on the girl's lips.

Yuri grinned widely. She knew Jessica would like it.

"And you're sure you're not scared sitting on the carrier?"

"Nope." Jessica giggled. "I trust you. Plus, I've always wanted to try this out ever since I read it in a book once. It's perfect, Yuri."

Yuri smiled, climbing on the bike. As Jessica had hopped onto the carrier, she began cycling off. Yuri felt her heart flutter as Jessica encircled her waist possessively, the girl's head resting on her back. She let go of the handlebar with one hand, laying it on top of Jessica's arms around her waist, caressing the girl's hand gently.

"Ah! It tickles Sica!"

Yuri quickly grabbed the handlebar again, preventing the bike from tumbling over. The girl behind her giggled first, then laughed out loudly.

"What's wrong with you? It never tickles you when I kiss your back on bed."

"If you don't want to fall, you better not do it again."

"All right, I will never ever do it again. Literally, NEVER."

"Seriously..." Yuri sighed. "You're so childish."

And they kept on talking about the most random things, joking about every little thing they saw on the street. Never had either of them felt this blissful, this happy, so in love. Life was perfect having each other and none of them could imagine to ever fall out of love with the person they're with right now. Jessica had turned Yuri into a real human being, instead of keeping the life of the workic that didn't know about anything but work. And Yuri, in return, had helped Jessica getting over her past, learning to accept things that had happened and couldn't be changed. Their love story was a love story Jessica could only read in books before. Now, it had become reality for her, and Jessica couldn't think of anything else she wanted.

They arrived at the mall twenty minutes later. Side by side, the couple entered the super-sized mall with 2500 m? surface, three floors and over one hundred shops. It wasn't just the city's shopping centre but people from suburb areas also came on the weekends, as well as visitors and tourists from other cities and countries. Almost no one knew each other at this place, neither did anyone really care about other shoppers more than the shops, so it was not hard to keep an identity anonymous - even if you were famous.

Yuri and Jessica headed to the escalator to get to the third floor, where the Caf? they would meet the others at was located. Yuri stood behind Jessica on the escalator to make sure no pervert was going to do things to her girlfriend from the back. Jessica found the glares Yuri shot the guys around them overprotective, but cute. She should have thought about something to save Yuri from hungry eyes of shameless girls as well, but it was too late. Jessica had caught a bunch of girls on the escalator next to theirs (but going in the opposite direction) checking Yuri out as if it wasn't obvious the girl was completely taken. Jessica had of course shot them glares, but the girls kept whispering to each other while stealing glances at the clueless Yuri.

Jessica could only sigh. At times like this, Jessica whished Yuri was just the workaholic she used to be. Because as a workaholic, Yuri didn't care about her look, and Jessica didn't have to fret over fangirls. She wondered how Yuri could still keep her body of a goddess in spite of sitting in front of the laptop all day. And dressed in a sporty white tee, blue three quarter pants and all new converse chucks wasn't helping to reduce any hotness. Jessica could only silently thank God for keeping Yuri a workaholic until she came.

"We still have time," Yuri said as they reached the third floor. "I bet no one's there yet. Taeyeon will be late because of Tiffany's tardiness and Sunny because of Sooyoung's stomach."

Jessica giggled. She was about to suggest them doing a little window-shopping when suddenly, the girls from earlier appeared out of nowhere, approaching them.

"I don't care I want to go to the Caf? right now let's go!"

She pushed Yuri forward and almost run with the girl, away from the source of the annoying giggles.

"Sica, slow down," Yuri grabbed her arm, decreasing the pace. "Didn't you hear? They're not there yet. I don't want to run."

Jessica sighed. She couldn't came up with a reason to run, and of course she didn't want to tell Yuri about her stalkers, who had catch up with them and were now walking ten dangerous feet to the right of Yuri. Jessica clenched her teeth in anger as those girls were still whispering and pointing at Yuri, totally ignoring her presence.

"Yuri!" She almost yelled at her girlfriend. "Do I look like your girlfriend?!"


Jessica took Yuri's hand into hers, tightened the grip and pulled the girl along.

"At least now I do, don't I?"

"Uhhh... Of course."

Jessica snorted, ignoring Yuri's confused look. However, she fumed seeing those annoying girls were not shaking a bit. Instead, they even get nearer to Yuri, one even dared to wave but luckily Yuri didn't seem to notice.

"Sica... you're kinda hurting me."

Yuri's voice caused Jessica to look down at their hands. She was squeezing the poor girl's hand as if she was squeezing orange juice.


"What's wrong with you?"

Yuri stopped in her tracks, causing Jessica to stop as well. She then turned around facing Jessica, showing the flirting girls her back.

"Yuri, I--"

"If that's because of them," she yanked her thumb behind her, indicating the girls. "I don't even care, so why are you jealous?"

Jessica was surprised. Yuri knew all the time. She was about to say something when Yuri let go of her hand, sliding it around her waist and pressed her body closer with a pull. The taller girl crushed her lips onto the shorter's, surprising her completely. With Yuri's sudden force, Jessica had to arch her back and Yuri bent over to keep their lips connected, causing their bodies to bend over the ground in an almost 90 degree angle. Yuri deepened the kiss as Jessica's long brown-blonde hair fell down, hanging loose just like a curtain. Another scene Jessica had only read in books or seen in movies before.


Yuri asked after releasing the kiss, pulling Jessica up again. The shorter girl was still amazed and could only give a nod.

"Let's go."

Yuri grabbed Jessica's hand with a smile, pulling the girl along. When her girlfriend wasn't looking, Yuri turned her head around, giving the girls, who were left wide-eyed behind, a killer wink.

"What was that scream?"

Jessica shot her head back, looking at the squealing girls with narrowed eyes.

"I don't know." Yuri shrugged innocently. "Who cares." Smirk.


"No, Yuri. You have to do it like this... See? It's so easy!"

Yuri grimaced.

"I can't..."

"Yah babo ah~ Put it on the tip of your tongue first... then make it thinner... then just blow and..."

Yuri watched as Jessica created a tennis-ball-sized bubble out of her bubble gum before breaking it with a bursting sound. They were sitting in the Italian Caf?, waiting for the two other couples to arrive.

"I can't..."

Yuri whined. She tried again, moving the bubble gum to the tip of her tongue just like Jessica had instructed.

"Don't stick your tongue out, Yuri."

Yuri rolled her eyes. Everything seemed easy once you can do it.

"I told you to not stick your tongue out!"

"I'm trying!"

She rolled the gum into her mouth again, chewed a few times before pushing it to her front teeth. As her tongue began pressing on the bubble gum, Jessica almost swooped down on her, sticking her tongue into her mouth.


Yuri struggled at the beginning, but gave in to the sudden kiss soon. It's rare that Jessica got this fierce. Eventually, the other girl released the kiss and they both panted hardly, their nose-tips touching.

"Didn't I tell you to keep your little tongue inside?"

Jessica whispered as Yuri was still breathing against her lips, making her wanting more. Yuri just gave a chuckle, and Jessica had to smile too. She's getting too addicted.

"Oh no!" Jessica suddenly grabbed her throat. "My gum! I swallowed it!"

Yuri's eyes widened for a second, then she burst out laughing, earning a slap on her shoulder.

"It's not funny! It's all your fault!"

"No it's not! Hahahha... You're still the same clumsy kid Sica!"

The hitting and slapping continued and wouldn't have stopped if Taeyeon and Tiffany hadn't come in time to rescue Yuri.

"You're so violent Sica."

Taeyeon shook her head as she sat down onto Tiffany's lap.

"Why are you sitting on Fany's lap?"

Sooyoung and Sunny also appeared, both licking ice cream.

"Why not?" Taeyeon asked back, finding nothing wrong.

"It's supposed to be the other way around, Taengoo." Yuri helped the girl.

"Why?! At home I'm also always on top--"

Jessica, Yuri, Sooyoung and Sunny laughed in amusement as Tiffany pushed Taeyeon onto the ground, blushing madly.

"Fany! What was that for?" Taeyeon looked up from the ground with incredulous eyes.

"Just shut up Taetae." Tiffany looked away, hiding her flushing cheeks.

"Alright!" Sooyoung helped Taeyeon up. "Stop the love fights. Let's go shopping guys!"

And so, the three couples got out of the Caf?, enjoying their date together with jokes, laughs and happy smile 

Chapter 14


Jessica moaned into the kiss, her hands disheveled Yuri's hair, creating a mess that made Yuri look even hotter than before. Jessica was sitting on Yuri's desk, her legs spread open, hanging loosely down from the knees. Yuri stood in between her legs, holding her by the waist, kissing her deeply.

As always, it just started with continuous little pecks before Yuri slid her hands up to hold Jessica's face and kiss her gently on the lips - lovingly, affectionately, with so much tenderness. Jessica bit on Yuri's lower lip once she had enough, sucking on it lightly. Her lips then got parted by Yuri's and she slid her hands behind Yuri's neck, both still keeping things slow. They lip-locked for a moment, unmoving and motionless, enjoying the sweetness and softness of the other pair of lips on their own, breathing, treasuring the moment. It wasn't until Yuri caressed Jessica's lips with her tongue and slid it inside the girl's mouth that things started the heat up.

"You've become such a good kisser."

Jessica breathed as Yuri let go of her tongue after a fierce battle, kissing her mouth corner and started making her way across Jessica's right cheek to her right ear. Jessica gave another small moan as Yuri nibbled on her earlobe first, then tugged at it gently.

"I studied it well."

Yuri admitted, placing continuous kisses on Jessica's ear, causing the girl to tilt her head, rolling her eyes in pleasure.

"You what?" Jessica chuckled.

"I watched tons of videos on YouTube."

"Really?" Jessica almost laughed out loud, imagining Yuri to sit in front of her laptop, watching How-to-kiss videos with that concentrating, serious face of hers. But instead of laughing, Jessica again had to moan as Yuri gladly covered her neck with hot kisses.

"It totally pays off, Yuri."

But the other girl didn't reply. She was engrossed in sucking Jessica's neck, her personal apex of every make-out session.

"Yuri, not now..." Jessica reluctantly shoved the girl away. She pouted as Yuri grunted curtly. "We're still at work, you know we can't."

The dark-skinned girl then pulled her blouse on her shoulder a little aside, exposing her bare shoulder - Yuri's second favorite place - and sucked on it instead. Jessica sighed as she had to shove the girl away again.

"Lunch break is almost over. I have to go back to the main building."

But Yuri refused to let her go. The girl cupped her cheeks once again, kissing her another time, deep and passionate, before allowing her to breathe again.

"I'll drive you. There's a meeting after the lunch break, I have to be there too."


"Three of our partner companies have gone bankrupt all of sudden. On top of that, we currently have two risky projects that require much financial investments. As you can see in this chart, we're in a not stable situation at all. But all we need is time, because once those projects are done, the income will get us steady again."

"Thank you."

Mr Jung thanked the financial manager for his report and closed the meeting. As everyone was getting out of the meeting room, he called Yuri and Jessica back.

"Dad, don't worry." Jessica laid a hand on his shoulder. "There's no reason the projects would fail, so we will financially recover soon."

"No, honey, I'm not worried." He laughed, tapping his daughter's hand. "I just want to invite your Yuri to dinner at ours tonight. You two have been together quite a long time but you haven't taken her home to introduce her properly once."

Jessica's eyes widened in surprise but it soon turned into a grin on her face. She looked at Yuri, who suddenly seemed nervous and awkward.

"So Yuri?" Mr Jung asked. "You free tonight?"

"Y-yes President." Yuri stammered, then cleared her throat to regain confidence. "It's my pleasure."

"Very good. Jessica knows the time. If you two would excuse me please, I have to call my wife to tell her the news."

Yuri and Jessica bowed to Mr Jung before leaving the room. As soon as they were outside and the door was shut, Jessica fell over Yuri's neck and gave her a loud peck on the cheek.

"I'm so happy." She said. "This is quite a big step, Yuri."

"I know." Yuri smiled to her girlfriend. "But I'm nervous. I mean, what if your mom doesn't like me, and--"

"Babo," Jessica giggled. "Just relax. I can assure you my mom loves you just as much as I do. Okay, maybe not as much. But still, very much."


That evening, Sooyoung and Sunny came to Taeyeon and Tiffany's apartment to have a DVD-night together. They gathered in front of the TV on the couch - from the right to the left: Sunny, Sooyoung, Taeyeon. Tiffany came last, placing all the food and drinks on the table.

"Taetae, switch places with me!" she demanded.

"Why?" Taeyeon looked up at her with innocent eyes. "I want to sit next to Sooyoung."

"No," Tiffany said sternly. "I can't trust you, ByunTaeng. Switch places, N.O.W right now!!!"

Taeyeon frowned, glaring at Sooyoung and Sunny who had a hard time stifling their laughter. Unwillingly, she slid to the other end of the couch, letting Tiffany squeeze her butt in between her and Sooyoung. Her mushroom wasn't the violent or scary type, but then again, Jessica had been such a bad influence on Tiffany. Jessica was a dangerous object which Taeyeon couldn't just eliminate with a snap of her fingers. She's worried Tiffany would turn into a Jessica' soon.

"I wonder how Yuri's doing." Sooyoung remarked, distracting Taeyeon from scheming her plan on how to separate Jessica and Tiffany. "She seemed nervous this afternoon when she told me about it."

"Oh the Jungs are funny. She will be feeling comfortable."

Sooyoung looked at the eye-smiling Tiffany and chuckled upon Taeyeon's dark expression.

"I hope so." She sighed then. She really did. Yuri shouldn't gain or leave a bad impression on the first in-law dinner.


Ms Ahn came out of the kitchen, pulling a trolley behind.

"I hope you like Asparagus, Yuri." Mr Jung smilingly said.

Yuri was already in the Jung's dining room, sitting next to Krystal, on the opposite of Jessica. She had a hard time choosing what to wear for tonight, and in the end with Sooyoung's free consulting service, she decided to go for something polite yet simple. Neat jeans, a decent blouse, and the rest was given to Yuri's own look, which, fortunately, wasn't bad.

"And I hope you're not allergic to poultry or seafood."

"Darling~" Mrs Jung's voice was super sweet, but she had thrown her husband a menacing look. "Don't spoil my surprise."

"I won't." He pretended to be intimidated, miming zipping his lips.

Yuri was surprised - she didn't expect the president to act like this. But she soon realized it's the Jung's family atmosphere after hearing giggles coming from Krystal and seeing Jessica grinning at her parents. Unnoticed, she sighed in relief. Jessica was right. There was no need to be nervous.


Taeyeon put an arm around Tiffany, and the other girl instinctively snuggled closer, laying her head on Taeyeon's shoulder. Taeyeon then poked Sooyoung without Tiffany noticing. The tallest head out of the four spun around, giving her a quizzical look. While Tiffany and Sunny were focused on the TV screen, Taeyeon tilted her head a little, looking at Sunny, signaling Sooyoung to get closer to her friend.

Sooyoung turned around to Sunny, nudging the girl.

"Taeyeon calls you."

Taeyeon could only facepalm herself.

"What is it Taengoo?" Sunny leaned forward to look at Taeyeon.

"Nothing," Taeyeon flashed a smile. "I just remembered... You said last time you saw Yuri and Krystal together?"

"Oh, yeah." Sunny nodded. "I saw Yuri and Jessica picking Krystal from school. Seems like Krystal is pretty fond of her sister-in-law."

"Of course," Tiffany added, without looking away from the screen. "Jessica told me Krystal's friends were jealous because Yuri looks so handsome. Krystal's proud of her sister for choosing a nice-looking one."

"Wow," Sooyoung commented. "Yuri has the famous Jung sisters completely on her side. Impressive."


Krystal looked up from her jumbo lump crabcake plate, chewing, swallowing.

"Yuri unnie," she said. "Be honest. Who do you think is prettier? Me or Sica unnie?"

Mr Jung also looks up from his plate, an amused grin on his face. His little baby had asked him this question before as well. He was curious as to how Yuri would answer it.

"Your mother," Yuri said after thinking shortly. "Has a breathtaking beauty. You both look like her, Krystal, so of course you're pretty. But who resembles your mom more - you or Sica - I think you know better." She gave Krystal a wink, causing the girl to giggle.

"Thank you," Mrs Jung said, laughing.

"Smart!" Mr Jung laughed heartily, impressed by Yuri's answer. "I only come up with 'you're equally pretty', which Krystal hates to hear."

Krystal shot her father a playful glare before refilling her mouth with crabcake. Jessica just smiled to her plate in satisfaction - she liked the fact Yuri could impress her parents. She was proud, very proud of her Yuri.


"I think Mr Jung likes Yuri too." Sooyoung pensively stated. "Yuri's working with him after all. And judging from what I see at work, they get along well."

"Mr Jung surely likes Yuri," Sunny agreed. "Yuri has three quarter of the Jungs on her side. That's guaranteeing success."

A chuckle escaped Sunny's lips, but no one was paying attention anymore.

"Kim Taeyeon, stop caressing my leg!" Sooyoung shouted, totally irritated.


"I swear Fany! I thought it was your thigh!"

"Stop the excuses, I'll--"

Peaceful silence again. Sunny leaned forward again, looking pass Sooyoung to see why Tiffany had shut up. She leaned back as she saw Taeyeon caressing the right thighs this time.

"Aigoo..." Sooyoung and Sunny both rolled their eyes.


Ms Ahn came in again, serving chocolate buttermilk layer cake as the dessert. Yuri had been listening to Mrs Jung telling stories, the table breaking out in laughter time to time. She had never felt so much fun having dinner with anyone. All the Jungs were easy-going, friendly and funny people. All except for Jessica, who was actually quite the opposite of her family members, or just easy-going and funny in a different way. But Yuri loved Jessica, and she liked the other Jungs.

"Say, Yuri," Mr Jung said all of sudden, waiting for Ms Ahn to change his plates. "What do you think is the most important thing in your relationship?"

Wow, Yuri thought. One second, they talked about the most random things on earth, the next second, they talked about sensitive, serious matters.

"Personally, I think it's trust." Yuri said, giving Jessica a smile. "I think it's important to not doubt each other's feelings."

Mr Jung laughed, making Yuri look at him confused. Was it that funny?

"I thought it's a bed."


Mrs Jung scolded her husband, but hid her grin as Yuri and Jessica immediately looked down, deeply embarrassed.

"Can we keep the conversation clean please? I'm still underage." Krystal rolled her eyes, poking with her fork into the chocolate cake.


"I wonder what Mrs Jung thinks of Yuri."

Sunny had just fed Sooyoung with an apple piece.

"I'd like to know too," Sooyoung said while chewing. "Mrs Jung has met Yul only once. I hope Yul doesn't mess up with her."

"No way," Taeyeon assured. "Sica's mommy is the best mommy in the world."

"She's big-hearted and her love for Jessi is overwhelming," Tiffany added.

"She loves everyone that Sica loves," Taeyeon said.

"That's why she loves us so much." Tiffany finished with a smile.

"So you guys are saying she'd like Yuri?" Sooyoung asked and Taeyeon and Tiffany nodded in perfect synch. "I wish for the future that I will have an easy-going mother-in-law as well."

"Sunny's mom is easy-going!" Taeyeon and Tiffany shouted at the same time, startling the two others.

Sunny blushed lightly, giving a nod.

"And additionally to that..." Sunny continued, looking down. "She's an amazing cook."

Taeyeon and Tiffany could only giggle at the beaming smile Sooyoung gave Sunny.

"We'll have another someone visiting the in-laws soon."


After the meal, the Jungs and Yuri went to the family room to enjoy the tea Mr Jung had brought from his latest business trip and continued chatting about every possible thing. After a while, when everyone had pretty much finished their cups, Mrs Jung turned around asking Yuri.

"I hope you enjoyed my three-course menu today, Yuri."

"It was wonderful, Mrs Jung." Yuri answered with an honest smile.

"You should start calling mom, mom." Krystal meddled in and giggled as Jessica shot her a glare.

"Alright kids," Mr Jung said laughingly. "Get to your rooms. Ms Ahn has to clean up here."

Krystal jumped up first, then the two eldest also made their way to the second floor. Jessica took Yuri's hand, leading her upstairs as well. They entered Jessica's room together and Jessica quietly closed the door. She was turning around, expecting Yuri to already have made herself comfortable on the bed, but got surprised by an aggressive Yuri swooping down on her. Jessica yelped in surprise but Yuri's mouth had already covered hers, silencing her completely. She was totally helpless as Yuri pressed her against the door, holding her firmly with two strong arms, making it impossible for Jessica to break the grip or the kiss.

"What's gotten into you?"

Jessica panted as Yuri let go to snap at oxygen. She cupped the girl's head with her hands, looking into the irritated eyes.

"You have to ask?" Yuri snapped at her.

"What do you mean?" Jessica pretended to be confused. "Was it that much of a pressure to talk with my parents?"

Yuri snorted. "Don't fool me!" She half angrily, half playfully pushed Jessica against the door by the girl's shoulders. "What was the great idea of caressing my leg with yours all the time under the table? And on the couch in the living room, when you were sitting behind me, why was your hand under my shirt all the time?! Jessica Jung, you know fully well how hard it was to control myself! You little tease, you--"

Yuri got stuck in her sentence as she saw Jessica's mouth curving up on one side. It was, of course, all purposely done by Jessica. And she, Kwon Yuri, was so helpless against it.

"I'm so gonna kiss off this dirty smirk."

Yuri grunted before crushing her lips on Jessica's again. She sandwiched the girl in the space between the door and her own body, ignoring the struggles of Jessica to free herself. Jessica wasn't kissing Yuri back but kicking around with her legs, trying to shove the aggressive girl away. Yuri had no choice but to lean in closer, pressing Jessica's leg against the wooden door to disable the not less violent kicks. Seeing no option left, Jessica bit down onto Yuri's lower lip hardly. The girl immediately let go, groaning in pain.

"That's not how you get me Yuri," Jessica said. "Not with viole--"

But Yuri had already regained her strength and control, hoisting Jessica up, pushing the girl's back against the wall. Jessica yelped again, this time in pain, as her back hit the cold wall behind. Without a word, Yuri aggressively sucked onto her neck, causing her to let out a loud moan.

"Not... this... way..." Jessica tried to free herself, but it was impossible for she was lifted up and got no hold for her feet and hands. Yuri had turned into a wild beast and was marking her territory everywhere on Jessica's neck.

Jessica got weaker second by second due to the skills that Yuri's tongue was performing on her skin, but her brain was fortunately still working properly. Taking advantage of Yuri not captivating her arms as they were busy holding her butt, Jessica's fingers slid to Yuri's ears and with a swift motion, the blonde girl pinched and pulled hardly on the earlobes. The dark-skinned girl groaned again in pain. Yuri's hands shot up to her ears, her eyes burning from the ache. However, in the midst of her action, she remembered Jessica's position again. In order to not loosing her trapped prey, she quickly slid her legs in between Jessica's, her hip pressing against the other girl's lower abdomen, trying to remain the positions and preventing Jessica's feet from touching the ground.

Jessica let out an angry squeal as Yuri's body pressed against hers, stopping her body in the midst of sliding down the wall. Yuri's hands cupped her butt again, but Jessica couldn't let another chance go. Her legs were still useless, but her shoulders pushed against the wall in one motion, strong enough to give her force to lean forward, knocking Yuri down. However, the taller girl's hands were glued onto Jessica's butt, never wanting to part so that it caused both of them crashing down onto the floor.

Yuri's eyes squinted in pain as her back hit the ground. The next moment, Jessica's weight landed on her, causing her to groan curtly. She realized not too late that Jessica was straddling her waist. Yuri lifted her head up to make sure Jessica wasn't hurt, and as she saw the girl's face, her head fell back with a frown on her face. She lost.

"Freeze." Jessica panted. "I win." The girl grabbed Yuri's collar with both of her hands, leaning down a bit to make sure Yuri saw her victorious smirk.

The tanned girl was just about to talk back when the door flung open, startling them both. They immediately turned their heads to the door.

"What is this noise--" Mrs Jung appeared in the doorway, but turned speechless as soon as she saw her daughter straddling Yuri on the floor.

"Mom..." Jessica looked at her mother, not sure whether to feel ashamed of their position or irritated because of her mom's entrance without the polite gesture of knocking.

"Yuri," Mrs Jung flashed a smile, as if Jessica didn't just say anything, as if Jessica didn't sit on top of Yuri, as if her daughter and her girlfriend were just sitting politely next to each other, talking about the weather. "You should stay here tonight. I will tell Ms Ahn to make you breakfast tomorrow. I'll go right now."

She then turned around, closing the door with a simple click. Jessica turned her attention back to Yuri, who also averted her gaze from the door to the person on top of her again. Instead of one smirking, one frowning, now both were smiling at each other. Jessica leaned down, her lips touching Yuri's softly, causing the girl to close the eyes, enjoying the gentle kiss.

"Seems like someone's just got my mom's permission." Jessica whispered against Yuri's lips.

"Let's celebrate this on your bed." Yuri grinned.

"Hmm... But you know what?" Jessica seductively whispered as her hands started to unbutton Yuri's blouse. "Now I actually think aggressive Yul can do her work so much better..."

Yuri raised an eyebrow as she saw Jessica biting her bottom lip.

"Well then..." she said with her husky voice. "Lock the door, and I'll be anything you want, princess." 

Chapter 15

That day, Jessica came visiting Yuri during lunch break as usual. Yuri, however, didn't want to let her go back after the break but kidnapped her to somewhere else instead.

"Where are we going?" Jessica asked as Yuri turned left, the car diverging from the Jung Enterprise's building.

"You'll see," Yuri smiled, keeping her gaze on the road.

"Yuri, I must go back. A lot of work is waiting for me. I think dad has got some problems with the main projects we're doing. He needs me there."

"Baby, just trust me, okay? We'll be back in half an hour or so."

Jessica sighed as she gave in. To tell the truth, somewhere inside, Jessica could already feel the excitement, for she knew very well Yuri was always full of surprises. She was dead curious to see where Yuri was taking her. The responsible part of her wanted to go back helping her dad, but the adventurous part just wanted to let Yuri take her away.

"That place better be worth it." She mumbled as she looked out the window, trying to figure out where they were driving to.

Yuri let go of the wheel with one hand, reaching for Jessica's and squeezed it.

"You'll like it. I'm not just talking about the place."

Jessica turned around looking at her, confused. But the blonde girl decided to let Yuri surprise her and didn't ask any further.

They drove five more minutes just in silence, having their hands intertwined. The car climbed a hill and Jessica started to slowly figure things out. Yuri was taking her to the Chalk Peak. It was a wonderful place, she had heard people talking about it often. Looking to the South, one would face the busy city life, seeing the skyscrapers, the many business buildings. Being on the northern side of the peak, however, the scenery was completely different. No houses, no buildings, no noises of honks and officious people. It was a complete green of the forest, refreshing, relaxing, mind-blowingly beautiful. The two opposite sights and feelings were separated by a big, old clay gate. It was like a miracle - just taking a few steps through the gate and you were going into another world. Jessica had always wanted to go there, but people also said it's only a place for lovers to come, taking a break of the hectic life, enjoying their time quietly together.

In complete excitement, Jessica tightened her grip around Yuri's hand. The dark-skinned girl turned around and smiled at her, caressing the back of her hand with the thumb. They arrived at the top and Jessica literally jumped out of the car. She was too excited for words.

"Slowly," Yuri laughed, getting out of the car as well.

The Chalk Peak was quiet, only two other couples were present, but of course both in their own little world, paying no attention to the newly arrived couple. Yuri approached Jessica, who had leaned over the railing with narrowed eyes, looking down at the city.

"Are you trying to spot your house?" Yuri laughed, reaching for the railing to stand next to Jessica.

"No. I'm not that much of a kid," Jessica said, pouting. "I'm looking for a nice place where we can probably live together in future."

Yuri chuckled and moved closer to Jessica, her arm possessively wrapped around the girl's waist.

"So, did you find a place? I want it to be one of the quieter quarters."

"Quiet? Then you should put up a cottage. In the forest." Jessica giggled. "Let me take a look there."

The girl got out of Yuri's hold, running to the big gate the get to the other side. Yuri just smiled at Jessica, watching her struggle to open the grating door. The tanned girl chuckled at Jessica's cuteness as the girl deftly slipped through the small crack of the double door, adorable like a baby weasel scurrying into her den. Yuri smacked herself mentally for comparing Jessica with a weasel for one second, then followed the smaller girl through the gate. She found Jessica completely in awe, leaning over the railing again. Yuri stopped two steps behind Jessica, just looking at the girl with a smile on her face. The sun shone down onto Jessica's face, especially the eyes, and lit up those sparkles in them again. Jessica looked like an angel in her white dress, her golden locks reflecting the sunshine, the beauty almost blinding Yuri's eyes.

Yuri embraced Jessica from behind, resting her chin on the girl's shoulder, breathing in the familiar strawberry scent. She felt Jessica letting go of the railing, leaning back into her body.

"I think I have a thing for the woods," Jessica said. "It's so breathtakingly beautiful, Yuri."

"Not as breathtaking as your beauty," Yuri whispered in Jessica's ear, closed her eyes and placed a soft kiss on the girl's blushing cheek.

"I'm willing to live with you in your cottage. You're my Robin Hood." Jessica joked, causing Yuri to let out a chuckle.

The taller girl then let go of the shorter's waist, one hand slid into her own pocket. Jessica looked down onto Yuri's fist as the hand came out from the pocket again. She waited for Yuri to bring up the balled fist and held her breath in anticipation as the other girl opened up. A glistening necklace was seen on Yuri's palm.

"Oh my..." Jessica gasped, stunned by the silver chain and its small heart-shaped pendant. Yuri pulled Jessica's hair aside carefully before putting the necklace on the girl's neck.

"It looks beautiful on you." Yuri said sincerely, looking down onto the additional object lying on Jessica's skin.

"Thank you..." Jessica whispered, just as sincerely. She felt Yuri's arms sneaking around her waist again, the taller girl's breaths close to her ear. "But what's the occasion?"

"I just feel like it's time to give you something special." Yuri whispered in her ear, tightening the embrace from behind. "Sica, can you promise me something?"

"Promise what?"

"That no matter what happens, you will always believe that my heart is beating for you, belongs to you, and that my love for you is eternal and never changing."

Jessica turned her head around, facing Yuri. Tears - dewdrops - could be seen in the corners of her speckles eyes, looking pure like diamonds, the kind of dewdrops Yuri had only seen early in the morning on the blades of grass in front of the vacation house. The taller girl couldn't help it and pulled the shorter even deeper into her embrace.

"I-I promise." Jessica choked.

"Don't cry, baby." Yuri softly said.

"I'm not crying..." Jessica tried to keep her voice stable. "My smile is only melting into happy tears."

Yuri couldn't help smiling back.

"I love you, Sica. So much."

"I love you too."

Jessica closed her eyes as Yuri leaned in capturing her lips, a small glistening tear escaped the corner of her eye. She leaned back against Yuri's shoulder, letting the girl take her away with the kisses, sealing each other's promises.

"I think we shouldn't kiss here," Jessica said then, breaking the lips contact first. She remembered they were on the Chalk Peak, a place that was definitely not appropriate to do things like making out. And she knew too well how easy it was to lose control.

Yuri just smiled and gave her a last kiss on the cheek before pressing her own cheek against Jessica's.

"Then let's go back. Dad is waiting for you."


Yuri drove Jessica back to the Jung Enterprise building. She waited for Jessica to unbuckle her seatbelt, the girl leaned in giving her a peck on the lips and got out of the car. Yuri was about to start the engine and drive off when she saw Ms Han, the president's secretary, rushing out of the building, approaching Jessica with a worried face. Yuri got curious and decided to watch their conversation. She narrowed her eyes as she saw Jessica moving her right hand up to her face. She could only see Jessica from the back, but she knew that gesture - the girl always covered her mouth when she's surprised or shocked. A second later, Jessica had already turned around, running back to the car.

"Yuri!" Jessica wrenched open the car door. "Come with me!"

Yuri didn't have much choice, nor did she have time to think, because Jessica was already running back to the building again. She quickly jumped out of the car, chasing after Jessica.

"What happened?" She asked as she had caught up with Jessica.

"Dad's calling for an urgent meeting." Jessica said out of breath, both entering the elevator. "Something happened with the two main projects."

Yuri pressed the button and the doors closed, the elevator began to move up.

"Yuri," Jessica grabbed her hands, worry shown in her eyes. "I told you I have a bad feeling about this."

"Don't worry," Yuri rubbed the back of Jessica's hand immediately. "The board has certainly already found a solution for whatever the issue is."

She pulled Jessica in for a short hug and caressed her back, feeling the girl's heart pondering against her chest. She was anxious herself, but just didn't show it. As soon as the elevator door opened, both rushed towards the meeting room. The doors were closed, but Jessica didn't spend a second to think about it and knocked shortly before opening one leaf of the double door.

The board with all the managers was already present. Mr Jung sat at the end of the long meeting table, looking clearly more tired than usual.

"Jessica," a hint of relief could be heard in his voice as he saw his daughter entering, followed closely by her girlfriend. "And Yuri. Thank God, you girls are back. Take seats, please. We've just begun."

Yuri and Jessica took two free seats at the end of the table. They listened intently as the main managers began to report the situation. It turned out the calculation of the needed financial investments for the two main projects were totally amiss.

"The approximate calculation is far under the actual needed expenditures." The financial manager said. "The calculated numbers were already huge, but we were capable of covering the costs. I had personally compared them with our financial status, and the President has also signed, granting permission. But the real expenditures are too high, we cannot afford the money."

"How much did the calculated results miss the needed expense?" Mr Jung impatiently asked.

"The total expense of both projects added together--" the financial manager gulped. "Is the triple fold of all we have now."

The meeting room went dead silent. Mr Jung's face was emotionless, but Yuri could see Jessica turning completely pale. She quickly reached for the girl's hand under the table, holding it tight. It didn't help much at the moment, though. There was that truth no one spoke out, but everyone knew - triple was too much to handle.

"If... if only the calculations had been more accurate--"

"They were accurate when I submitted them!" The project manager cut off the financial manager. "I've had them double-checked. I knew the projects were important and risky at a level, I'm not that inexperienced to not see it, Mr Park."

"Then how come they failed that much?" The execution manager meddled in. "It never happened before, Mr Sung!"

"It wasn't my fault! I knew from the beginning the expenses were high, but it got approved by Mr Park. I've been with the Jung Enterprises for so long, how could I intend such a thing to happen?!"

The financial manger snorted, knowing too well the project manager was blaming him.

"Excuse me, but are you saying I purposely changed the calculation to have us being deep in debt like this?!" Mr Park's voice was furious. "In case you forgot, I'd like to remind you I've been in the Jung Enterprises much longer, Mr Sung. Watch you words, please!"

"I wasn't pointing at you, Mr Park. I was just--"

"Enough." Mr Jung silenced everyone, stopping the unnecessary fight of the disappointing, but obvious internal division. "This isn't the time to blame the fault on each other." Mr Jung's voice was, unexpectedly to Yuri, absolutely calm. "We have to find a way to get out of this wicked situation."

"Can we cut down any costs?" Jessica asked, her voice clearly not as steady as before. Yuri threw her a worried look and again tightened the grip under the table.

"We can't," the quality manager shook his head. "Either it's that huge amount of money, or we have to give up on quality, which can't happen."

"The more we delay the execution, the more costs are added." The operation manager again remarked, desperation in his voice. Simply because this meant the situation would only become worse, and eventually, there couldn't be any solution found.

"We can only count on the banks to lend us money." Yuri quietly said.

"Mr Park, please take care of this as soon as possible." Mr Jung told the financial manager. He was tapping on the table's surface with his index finger - the only sight of impatience that Yuri could see.

"We can't continue those two projects if we don't have the money. But we can afford at least one." Mr Jung took a look at the project descriptions in front of him before continuing. "We will now focus on the project for the Kim Company, since it requires less expenditure."

"But we have to use all the money left for it, President." The financial manager feebly said. "Even the salaries' part."

"There's no other way. And our employees will get to know this sooner or later." He looked over to the personnel manager. "I want them to hear it from the board personally, so please inform them as soon as possible. If they hear it from somewhere else, they might feel betrayed and there's no way they would sympathize the back wage situation."

Yuri watched Mr Jung with impression, seeing how everyone was intently listening, waiting for the president to tell them what to do.

"Everyone else, I want you to go back to what you've been doing. We still have several smaller projects to do, and we can't afford any of those becoming another issue."

This, however, left the rest shocked. Mr Jung let the two managers that received precise instructions go and ended the meeting. The other managers were clearly not ready to leave, obviously because it seemed ridiculous to just keep working like usual. There was still another, even huger project waiting, and this was why the surviving chance was still too small to stay cool and to simply 'go on with what you've been doing'.

With mixed emotions on their faces, the managers threw each other meaningful glances. Hearing the emotionless voice from the president that indicated an already steel-and-iron-fied mind, they knew it wouldn't help arguing with Mr Jung anymore. Yuri saw it all - she understood that the managers were more or less already giving up, worrying for themselves more than worrying for the enterprise. Yuri also saw the suppressed disappointment in Mr Jung - she knew he could feel how his staff was desperate about the situation.

But what hurt Yuri most was Jessica. The girl looked too clueless, oblivious to the complicatedness of the situation. Jessica was the only one still with hopeful eyes, even though half of her was worried to death for she could feel the unmistakably heavy atmosphere. Uncertainty was cloaking the trembling girl completely.

The managers shook their heads, none of them being able to utter a word. After another while of hesitation, everyone obeyed, leaving the meeting room one by one. Yuri and Jessica waited, not counting themselves in 'everyone else'.

"Dad!" Jessica ran to her father when the last manager had left. Yuri closed the door before walking next to Jessica.

"Dad... what are we going to do?" Jessica asked, and Yuri swore she could hear the girl's anxious heartbeats even with the one-step distance. "Shouldn't we find out who's caused this? We could make him take all the responsibility!"

Mr Jung shook his head tiredly and Yuri sighed upon Jessica's cluelessness. The dark-skinned girl took Jessica's hand and pulled her away to stop her from gripping Mr Jung's arm tightly.

"We can't make one person take the whole responsibility." Yuri explained. "The project was assigned to the whole company, so the company has to be responsible for it." And unfortunately, since the Jung Enterprise was no joint-stock company, 'the company' meant nothing else than the Jungs - Yuri added in her thoughts.


"Jessica," Mr Jung cut his daughter off. "You should go home."

"W-what?" Jessica was totally caught off guard. "You can't send me home at times like this! I'm not that little, naive girl anymore. I'm grown-up, dad, I want to help!"

"You can't do anything right now!" Mr Jung raised his voice all of sudden, startling both girls.

Yuri sensed the anger that was starting to boil inside of both of the Jungs. She knew her girlfriend was worried and couldn't just go home and do nothing, leaving her father alone. It's more of a torture to have to stand still than to struggle and fight oneself through the storm.

But then again, a light had dawned on Yuri as she now understood why Mr Jung had ended the meeting so abruptly. The way the meeting went earlier, with the managers keep doubting each other and no one really thinking of a solution, Mr Jung certainly knew there had to be a traitor in the Jung Enterprise. This person couldn't be a normal employee, who definitely couldn't get anywhere near important data, but one of the 'white-collar' employees. Yuri knew Mr Jung didn't know who to trust, so he had to end the meeting and think of a solution on his own. Now the fact that he sent Jessica home only proved that he already had something in mind. There's no reason for Jessica to refuse complying her father's words right now.

Yuri gulped down her nervousness and patted Jessica's back lightly.

"Sica... There's really nothing much we can do right now. Even if we stay. Let's go home and look after Krystal."

Jessica didn't look at her. The blonde girl stared at her father, waiting for him to say something. She didn't understand why her father did not want her to be there. But Mr Jung didn't aspirate a single sound.

"Sica..." Yuri tugged at Jessica's sleeves.

"Fine." Jessica finally said, suppressing the disappointment and fury. She turned away from the man on the chair and walked out of the room without even saying goodbye. Her hand was holding tightly onto Yuri's, pulling the girl along.

If there's no way to release anger, there's always Yuri's hand to squeeze.


Yuri drove into the Jung's huge front yard and turned the engine off. She got out of the car, walked to the other side and opened the car door for Jessica. The smaller girl, however, didn't move an inch and just kept staring into the air. Yuri sighed and leaned in, unbuckled Jessica's belt.

"Sica, baby..." Yuri gently stroke Jessica's hair and took the girl's hand into hers. "Come on."

Jessica still didn't move. She heard Yuri's voice, but those information didn't really digest in her head. All she could think of was her father, the enterprise, and another downfall of her family. Jessica didn't want it to happen.

"If you're not going right now, I'm gonna carry you again."

Finally, Jessica's head turned around and the blonde girl looked at Yuri. The consoling smile on the dark-skinned girl's face calmed to storm inside of Jessica down a bit. Still half unwillingly, she got out of the car and followed Yuri into the house.

"Unnie!" Krystal came running to her sister and sister-in-law. "What happened? I saw things in the news, I--"

Krystal got stuck in her sentence as she saw her sister trembling. The issue got to the news. This fact was like a blow hitting Jessica's head, hard enough to cure her Nephelopsia instantly. She finally fully understood how huge the issue was, slowly realized why the managers seemed so hopeless earlier. Jessica breathed unevenly as she felt Yuri's hand holding her arms, her eyes were burning. Dad sent her home possibly because he was also desperate - she bitterly told herself. Not knowing what to do, Jessica brushed off Yuri's hands and walked up the stairs with an absentminded face.

"Sica..." Yuri called after her, worried. The girl was about to run after Jessica, but got hold back.

"Yuri unnie," Krystal looked at her with pleading eyes. "Please. Tell me what happened."

Yuri sighed. She could fully understand the anxiousness that was torturing the little girl, so she stayed and filled Krystal in with the most basic information. After assuring the girl that everyone's trying their best, Yuri ran up the stairs to get to Jessica's room. Her heart felt a tiny twitch as she thought of a broken Jessica, crying alone on the bed. But she wasn't sure whether the sight she really saw was any better.

Jessica was sitting on the windowsill, back leaning against the sidewall, looking out the window. She was still in that long, white dress, still looked like the most beautiful angel in the world, especially with the sunlight giving her a glowing outline. However, Jessica wasn't the excited and happy angel Yuri saw earlier this day. Jessica now was a sad angel with empty eyes, no sparkles, and surprisingly, not even dewdrops - just nothing. She was suppressing the disappointment, the despair, the hurt, the fear, and this caused her tears to dry even before they could roll down her cheeks.

Yuri heaved a sigh of grief upon the heartbreaking sight of her love crumbling inside, and approached the girl slowly. She carefully took Jessica's folded hands into her own. An arm of hers wandered around Jessica's shoulders, pulling the girl to lean into her. Jessica's muscles didn't object a bit. She allowed Yuri to comfort her and laid her head on Yuri's shoulder, closing her eyes.

"There's no hope, is there?" She whispered. "You knew all along, didn't you?"

"Hoping or not depends on only you." Yuri whispered back, stroking Jessica's arm gently.

The tanned girl then released the hand that she was holding and slid her arm under Jessica's legs. Yuri picked the girl up from the windowsill, and Jessica instinctively cuddled closer to her neck. She walked to the bed, putting Jessica carefully down in a sitting position. Yuri then kneeled down and took Jessica's soft hand into her own, caressing the back of the hands with her thumbs.

"I love you." She said, and placed a kiss on Jessica's knuckles. She sat herself next to Jessica, pulling the girl's head to lean on her shoulder again. "I love you, Sica. So don't hold back your tears and fears when you're with me. Just cry. It will make you feel better."

As soon as Yuri's sentence ended, Jessica started to sob and shed her tears as if she had been waiting for permission for too long. Yuri didn't say anything but just stroke Jessica's hair, once again letting this girl's tears wetting her clothes as Jessica was pouring her heart out. She knew Jessica was scared, but she also knew she couldn't do anything to help Jessica's family to get out of this. At least, she could be a shoulder for Jessica to cry on, today. At least, she was still able to hold Jessica in her arms, right now. And Yuri was more than glad about that.

They stayed in that position for a while, Jessica's sobs subsided slowly to small whimpers until the girl fully fell asleep. Yuri heaved a small sigh, stroking Jessica's cheek gently. She carefully laid the girl down and tucked her in.

"Be strong, Sica baby."

Yuri whispered before leaning in, placing a kiss on the sleeping girl's forehead. Her phone vibrated in her pocket the next second. Yuri stood up and glanced at the caller ID, reading 'Shikshin BF'.

"Hey." She greeted.

"Yul, I've seen bad stuff all over the news. Why didn't anyone tell me? What exactly is going on?"

Yuri paused to sigh tiredly, and her voice turned sad. "Sooyoung..." She paused for another sigh. "The Jungs are not surviving this time." 

Chapter 16

Mr Jung sat in his office, staring through the big glass window. He had been sitting motionlessly and stared outside ever since he received the reporting call from his financial manager. The banks didn't want to lend his enterprise money. In actual fact, Mr Jung knew beforehand this would happen - his business experience told him there would be no bank willing to take the risk. The amount of money was simply too huge, and since the news all reported their issue, the Jung Enterprise had already lost reputation. The statistics and numbers were screaming into the bank directors' faces, warning them to not be foolish and lend the Jung Enterprise money. Because who could assure the Jungs will be able to return the money and the interest? And who could assure another miscalculation wouldn't happen in future?

Mr Jung gripped the armrest of his chair at the thoughts of the bitter reality. A sudden rage took over him, a feeling he never showed anyone. Mr Jung was a master in keeping calm - he never released anger in front of anybody except for his wife, who wished him to do so. He had lived long enough to understand anger could drive people to do things they would very regret later. It's said the one who takes a fly into a rage always makes a bad landing. Mr Jung had taken such a fly, not too long ago, on the day he yelled at his daughter as she didn't wanted to get married, and the result was her running away for two weeks.

However, right now, he felt like beating up the one that betrayed him, not caring a bit about the consequences. What landing could be worse then losing the enterprise, anyway?

Mr Jung closed his eyes and exhaled a long breath, letting his rage waste slowly. He tried to clear his mind, thinking about the system he had set up. Where was the flaw spot?

Every project started with the project manager's proposal to the board. Mr Sung, the project manager, looked for available projects on the market and considered the profitability of each offer. He presented the chosen one to the board and a vote would be taking place, deciding whether to take it or not. If at least 70% of the manager board and experts agreed, Mr Sung would continue with the preparation work. He was in charge of calculating the costs and approximating the needed personal force. Actually as the manager, he didn't have to personally do it, but rather supervise and make sure everything worked smoothly and accurately. However, as the one passing the calculation to the financial manager and the approximation to the personnel manager, he could easily change the data others had worked out.

Ordinarily, the financial manager, Mr Park, would check out the enterprise's financial status to decide whether it's financially doable or not. If it was the case, he would submit a report to the president. If it wasn't the case, a report would still be submitted, but with an additional explanation and analysis personally done by Mr Park. Assuming Mr Park was the traitor, of course things where easy to him since he had Mr Jung's full trust and hence all the possibilities to mislead the president. However, Mr Jung always examined the submitted reports carefully, especially those for projects that required high financial investment, like the one of the Kim company. He had never found anything suspicious and thought the risk was worth taking, thus he had set his sign and with that, the execution of the project had officially kicked in. After the president's approval, the execution manager would be taking the lead of the projects while the quality manager oversaw everything, making sure the customer companies wouldn't have anything to complain.

If three of the Jung Enterprise's partner companies hadn't faced the danger of going bankrupt at the same time and needed help, Mr Jung wouldn't have been so venturous and had probably refused to take two high-risk projects at once. He still remembered how the board debated for four days about it until he suggested a democratic voting. Mr Jung was all in all a democrat. In the end, the profit spoke louder than the fears and worries and the Jung enterprise accepted both offers. If the voting had turned out differently, they would have dropped the Kim company project. Personally, Mr Jung would really loath to do so, since that project was the one they won against the Kwon Enterprise.

According to his project system, the most suspicious people were the project manager Mr Sung and the financial manager Mr Park. But considering the fact that all the managers had access to the most confidential files, and any of them could have easily changed the calculation by moving the comma to the left by several digit positions, no manager could be really removed from the suspect list. All those high staff members, however, had been working with Mr Jung for more than five years now. The president couldn't think of any of them backstabbing him, neither could he think of a reason why they would have done that. He was always a good boss, he had good relationships with his employees, he was respected by everyone. Why on earth would any of his closest staffers betray him after so many years, struggling through all up and downs, going through the worst situations together?

Unless the traitor wasn't any of the members on the board, but someone else. Not a normal worker, but not a high staff member either. It must be someone who had experience in financial issues or mad skills in computer engineering. Only an advanced hacker would be able to breach the security of a big concern like the Jung enterprise, not only stealing information but even changing them without anyone noticing. Mr Jung doubted anyone from outside would have been able to do that, which again led to the conclusion there must have been a traitor within the Jung Enterprise.

Mr Jung sighed tiredly before turning around to face his desk again. He hesitated for a moment, then pressed a button of the device laying next to his computer, connecting himself to his assistant.

"Ms Han," Mr Jung spoke into the phone. "I want to see Kwon Yuri in my office. Give her ten minutes."


Yuri ran up the stairs, breathless when she reached Ms Han's office. It was a small yet convenient room, directly leading to the president's office. In fact, the only way one could get to see the president in his room was saying hi to his assistant first. Only if Ms Han smiled, or nodded, or beckoned you to go in, you could proceed. Yuri had always thought Ms Han deserved a much bigger office, for she was one of the most hard-working secretaries one could wish for. But obviously right now, even a small renovation would be hard to do. Truth hurt, reality is cruel, and money is all it is about.

"Ms Han," Yuri was still catching her breath as she almost collapsed on Ms Han's desk.

"Yuri," the middle-aged woman looked up from her desk, relief in her voice. "You're finally here."

"I'm sorry. It couldn't be any faster. Another speeding ticket and they'll take my driver's license from me."

Yuri had really given her best to be present as soon as possible, but there was this ten-minute-distance between Iustit and the Jung Enterprise's building that couldn't be shortened, even without too much traffic. Yuri was anxious on the whole way - Ms Han told her she needed to hurry, because the famously calm president had never "wanted" anyone in his office and gave them time pressure like that.

"You can go in," Ms Han looked up from her phone and smiled to Yuri.

Yuri bowed to her shortly, then headed towards the beige door on the left. She knocked once and opened it without waiting for an answer. As Yuri entered, she already saw Mr Jung sitting behind his large desk, looking at her with eyes that said 'we have a serious matter to talk about.' Yuri gulped nervously, but covered that with a 90 degree angle bow.

"Take a seat, Yuri."

The relaxed voice of the president left her surprised. She had expected it to be calm, but not relaxed. Yuri complied, anxiousness slowly turned into curiosity. At first, she wanted to ask the president about Jessica since she hadn't spoken to the girl since yesterday, when she brought her to sleep. But she quickly decided against it. She knew there had to be something really important that made the president want to meet her in private.

"President, why didn't you call for a board meeting but only me?"

"Because the board is unnecessary for me to decide this." Mr Jung replied, nonchalant to the extent that it scared Yuri.

She kept quiet, indicating that she was all ears. Her eyes followed Mr Jung's hands as he opened a drawer on the left of his desk, taking out some sheets. He placed the papers on the desk and slid them to Yuri. The young girl in front of him narrowed her eyes and leaned forward, ignoring the one-second tiny little hesitation she sensed in his move.

"This is..." Yuri's eyes widened as she realized what those papers were. "President!"

"I want you to fill out this form and bring it back to be before six o'clock." Mr Jung leaned back into his seat, crossing his arms. That was a gesture that said 'don't even try to argue with me'.

"But--I..." Yuri shook her head. "I can't do this, president."

"Yuri..." Mr Jung sighed. "As long as you're still part of this Enterprise, and I'm the president, you have to do what I say."


Mr Jung raised his index finger and Yuri became silent at once. She wanted to argue further, to tell him how ridiculous this is, to tell him she wouldn't be able to handle the guilt if she had to agree on this, but she couldn't speak. The fatherly stern look on Mr Jung's face reminded her for a split second of her own father, causing her to not be able to find her voice. Yuri had never talked back to her father when he was still alive.

"You can go now." Mr Jung said softly, lowering his finger. He turned his chair slowly around, showing Yuri his back, indirectly telling her it was no use to discuss this any further. He heard the chair being shoved back as the young girl stood up and he let out an inaudible, relieved sigh.

"Goodbye." Yuri said.

Mr Jung stayed silent and motionless. He could picture Yuri bowing to him, then walking towards the door with a stressed look on her face, the papers gripped tightly in her hand. He knew it was difficult for Yuri to do what he demanded, because in truth, he himself had a hard time before finally deciding, too. But Mr Jung trusted Yuri, at least when it came to taking care of Jessica. If he couldn't save his business and family, at least he could save someone who can take care well of his beloved ones. Of course, he couldn't directly ask Yuri to do him this favor. It was a too big favor to ask from a young girl - replacing the man in the family while he wouldn't able to be there, as he would be somewhere else paying for his unfortunate but miserable failure. All he could do was hoping that Yuri would understand his intention and that the girl loved Jessica enough to not let his daughter down.

As the door opened and closed again with a small click, Mr Jung finally leaned back into his chair, relaxing his body completely. His head fell back and he heaved a melancholy, heavy sigh. Mr Jung was acting mandatorily on the outside, but inside, he knew it would be not right if he didn't let Yuri choose. He couldn't do anything but had to wait for Yuri now. If the girl rejected, he really didn't know what to do.


"Where have you been?"

Yuri had just sat down behind her desk when Sooyoung broke into her office. The black-haired girl looked up from the form and saw her best friend plop down onto the couch.

"The president called me." She stood up, walked to the couch set and sat down on the opposite of Sooyoung.

"What did he say?" Sooyoung sat up straight, looking serious. "How are things going?"

"I don't exactly know. It wasn't a board meeting. He called only me in."

"What for?"

Yuri kept quiet, staring at the tea cup that lay upside down on the small plate. She was feeling exactly like that inside. Upside down. Everything was wrong, and she was totally messed up.

"He wants a separation. He wants to fully give me Iustit back."

"What?" Sooyoung's voice went abnormally high. "You're kidding right? I mean, he was kidding, wasn't he?"

Yuri shook her head. "I'm supposed to fill out that form on my desk and bring it back to him before six. I guess he wants to give me time to think it through, otherwise we could have finished that paperwork in his office already."

"What is there to think through?"

Yuri looked up from the tea cup upon the excitement in Sooyoung's voice. She stared at her best friend with an odd look, not understanding why Sooyoung sounded so relieved.

"Don't look at me like that!" Sooyoung waved her hand. The tall girl rose from the couch and walked to Yuri's desk. "Gosh, he's really serious!" She stared unbelievingly at the form. "I never thought the president is so thoughtful."

"What are you talking about?" Yuri looked at Sooyoung, confused.

"What are you talking about?" Sooyoung asked back, equally confused.

Yuri stood up and snapped the paper out of Sooyoung's hands.

"You're not seriously thinking I would do that, are you?" She shook her head. "I can't do it. I won't do it, no matter how he threatens me."

"Wait, wait." Sooyoung put a hand on Yuri's shoulder and closed her eyes as if she was thinking really hard. "Are you telling me you won't take the offer and you're gonna stick with the Jung Enterprise and go down with them?"

Yuri pushed the taller girl's hand off her shoulder. She walked behind her desk and dejectedly sank down into her chair.

"I guess... yes." She sighed, defeated.

"No way," Sooyoung's fist hit her own forehead before her palms landed on the desk's surface. "Don't be stupid, Yuri."

Yuri's elbows propped onto the desk, her hands went into her hair, rumpling it up.

"I--I don't know." She weakly muttered. "I can't do that to Sica."

"So it's because of Jessica." Sooyoung let herself fall onto the chair on the other side of the desk. "You are afraid she will hate you for walking out on her? This can't even be considered failing her, Yuri. No one can save her family now, this is a fact both you and Jessica have to learn to accept. If she loves you, she will understand and even be glad that you know to save yourself. Plus, this idea came from her father, it wasn't like you suggested to leave or something."

"I can't--" Yuri shook her head. She tried thinking how to explain it to Sooyoung. "She might not be mad at me, but my conscience would. It feels like I'm betraying her. I can't leave her alone like that."

"God, you're not leaving her if you separate from the Jung Enterprise!" Sooyoung exclaimed impatiently. "You can still care for her, you fool! It's not like you abandon her. You're just taking back what you have worked for after all those years. It's not your fault the calculations were amiss, then why do you have to pay for it?!" Sooyoung let out a frustrated snort. "You can't just trash your entire work like that. It's not fair to me, to everyone who works for and with you, not fair to yourself. You told me you worked for your dead parents, you want them to be proud of you, right? Did you forget that? And what about your grandfather? Did you forget your oath to show him how wrong his moral beliefs are, too?"

At the mention of her grandfather, Yuri grimaced behind her hair curtain.

"But Sica... her dad will be in prison... and I--I would be dodging responsibility if I leave her family's business when it's... in such... trouble..." Yuri furiously shook her head. "I can't do that to--"

"Kwon Yuri!" Sooyoung's body shot up from her seat. "Wake up!!! What happened to the person that's so dedicated to work? And why are you not trusting Jessica's feelings?!" As Yuri had no reaction, Sooyoung continued. "She knows you don't cheat on her, she knows you love her, she knows how you feel. She knows you don't want to hurt her. So what the heck are you afraid of? She would probably be upset a day, at most!"

"That's what I can't afford!" Yuri then bursted, too. She breathed unevenly, staring into Sooyoung's furious eyes with her own fierce ones.

"A day?" Sooyoung asked, a touch of sarcasm suddenly present on her face. "A day, Yuri? You give away your work of four years just for a day?" The taller girl scoffed. "You know what? I liked the workaholic so much better. I liked the Yuri before Jessica came so much better!"

"Shut up!" Yuri hissed. "Don't blame this on Sica. You don't understand a thing, Choi Sooyoung!"

"Then tell me!"

Silence filled the room. Yuri averted her gaze from Sooyoung's eyes and stared at the door.

"Everything is not that simple! If the Jung Enterprise loses us, their debt will be higher. Sica's dad's penalty will be even harsher. I am not a lawyer, but I do know that without our money, some more years will be added to Mr Jung's sentence!"

"And so you decide to sacrifice all we have, just to save Mr Jung from a couple of years in prison. I understand." Sooyoung's voice was so bitter, Yuri could taste it on her tongue. "You might think you're devoted, but you're just acting like a complete jerk, Yuri. You care about nothing but Jessica!"

"I have decided, Sooyoung. You know you can't change me. Just go."

The girl on the other side of the desk squinted her eyes and clenched her teeth, suppressing the anger that was boiling inside of her. She let out a frustrated sigh before turning around, stomping towards the door.

"Don't tell anyone about this."

Sooyoung had just gripped the doorknob when Yuri's voice made her stop again. She turned around, looking at the person she still considered her best friend.

"You better not talk to anyone about the president's offer." Yuri spoke unemotionally. "If they see you being so eager about the separation, it will seem suspicious."

"What?" Sooyoung asked, not being able to hide the incredulousness in her voice.

"Don't act like that." Yuri said, slowly. "No database is safe from your computer skills, people know that."

Sooyoung's one eye twitched as she was staring at Yuri - a sign that she was pushed to the edge of her emotions. Yuri knew it too well. She clenched her teeth tightly, waiting tensely for Sooyoung's reaction.

"Are you thinking I am the traitor?"

Yuri got caught off guard at Sooyoung's direct question. There was no anger in the short-haired girl's voice anymore. It was something else - something that bothered Yuri much more, making her feel much more uncomfortable. It was deep, deep disappointment. They had been best friends since elementary school, but Yuri had only seen those disappointed eyes once.

She could remember clearly, six years ago...

"Yuri!" Sooyoung hadn't wanted to let her go after the day she run away from her grandfather's house.

"No Sooyoung, I can't take it here anymore." She had shoved her best friend from the doorway to get her luggage out. "I don't want to be around those people! I can't take it!"

"But you mustn't to go to America!" Sooyoung had pushed her back into her room. "It's too far! What do you want to do there? That's just running away!"

"Then I'm running away!" Yuri had yelled in anger. "I don't care! I just want to go! Why are you making it hard for me?!"

"Because it's just plain wrong! I can't let you do that!" Sooyoung had yelled back. "You're my best friend!"

But Yuri had furiously shaken her head. "I'm sorry. But you can't stop me, Sooyoung, even if you're my best friend."

She then dropped her luggage and pushed Sooyoung aside, getting through the door. She left Sooyoung's house, the only place that welcomed her after she kicked herself out of her grandfather's house. Sooyoung hadn't stopped her anymore. The girl had given up, and it pained her she wasn't able to make her best friend stay. But little did she know, Yuri felt pain in her heart, having to see the disappointment in Sooyoung's eyes, too. Maybe, it was that look that had kept hunting Yuri, causing her to have to come back not longer than one year later. And Sooyoung had welcomed Yuri again, overjoyed and warm, not a bit resentful. Because, plain and simple, Yuri had always remain her best friend. A fact that could never be changed.

"You are my best friend..." Yuri said after the long pause. The two best friends stared into each other's eyes, no avoiding anymore.

"So..." Yuri slowly continued, keeping her voice stable. "How can I think you are the traitor?"

"Good." Sooyoung said, her voice not changing. "Because it wasn't me."

Yuri watched as the girl turned her her back, leaving the room. It wasn't until then that Yuri let out her forlorn sigh. She knew the entire situation was unfair to Sooyoung, but there's no help for it. She simply didn't know better, she had no choice. Then again, it wasn't like Yuri had ever treated her best friend fairly, right from the start. 

Chapter 17

The clock was ticking monotonously. Yuri's eyes followed the second-hand of the clock in concentration. Her hands were folded on the metal desk, ready to grab the phone that was just a few inches away any moment. She sat there, motionless and tensed, until the three hands of the clock finally formed a straight line, connecting XII and VI. Yuri's hands shot to the phone automatically. A number was dialed in a brief span and after the usual second ring, a familiar voice was greeting her on the other end of the line. Yuri took a breath before talking.

"Hello Ms Han, here's Yuri. Could you please tell the president that I'm not able to come to the meeting tonight? No, no, he will understand. Thank you, Ms Han. Yes, thank you, have a nice evening, too. Goodbye."

Yuri put the speaker down before leaning back into her chair. She sighed, partly in relief. At least, there's one thing she had finally settled now. Yuri took out her cell phone, checking for missed calls and new messages. As she saw nothing, another sigh escaped her lips, but this time it was a disappointed, worried sigh.

After sending Jessica to sleep yesterday, Yuri didn't get to talk to the girl again. In the morning, when Jessica didn't pick up her wake up call, Yuri had thought the girl was too tired and just wanted to sleep. But she had been trying to call Jessica all day long, and the girl never picked up again, nor did she call Yuri back once.

Yuri punched a different number in her phone. She put the cell to her ear while her other hand was on the desk, the fingers tapping impatiently on the surface.

"Krystal?" The finger tapping stopped as the other end picked up.

"Yuri unnie?"

"Yes, it's me. Krystal, I've been trying to call your sister since morning but she didn't pick up. Do you know where she is?"

"I--I don't."

Yuri paused briefly. There was something weird in the girl's voice.

"Really?" She asked, careful to not sound offensive or doubting. "I... I need to see her. She can't just disappear like that. I mean, I was still putting her to bed yesterday. I--"

"Unnie..." Krystal cut her off. "I understand. I'll tell you immediately if I know where she is, okay? So you can come at once, because I know she needs you too."

"What? Why do you sound so--"

"Oh gosh I need to save my life now! Bye unnie!"

"What? Krystal? Wait, Krystal!"

But the line was already dead. Yuri couldn't help but to worry. The young girl sure sounded like she had something to hide. And the fact that Jessica didn't pick up her calls couldn't mean anything good, either.

"Taeyeon?" Yuri dialed another number, her last hope. "It's me Yuri. Do you and Tiffany know where Jessica is?"

"Isn't she home the whole day? I thought her dad didn't let her go out. Fany was talking to her like two hours ago."

"What? But I tried calling her the entire day, she never picked up." Yuri nervously loosened her collar.

"Really?" Taeyeon's voice sounded clueless. "Let me ask Fany. Hang on."

Yuri heard Taeyeon's voice calling Tiffany 'my sweety little pupsie mushroom' on the other end faintly. She missed Jessica even more, having to witness her two friends being all sweet to each other. While waiting for Taeyeon and Tiffany's conversation, she clicked on her desktop and it showed the wallpaper picture of Jessica and her, slurping on two ends of a noodle. Yuri's lips formed a small smile - something that happened everytime she saw Jessica's squinted eyes and the girl's cute blushing face on the picture. A small chuckle escaped her lips as she spotted Taeyeon in the corner, staring unobtrusively at her behind. She wondered if Tiffany had picked up on that when she sent her the picture. A feeling of bliss slowly floated her heart as she remembered all the good times they had together, amongst other things that little party Sooyoung, Sunny, Jessica and she had at Taeyeon and Tiffany's apartment. However, this only increased the wistfulness and regret and fear inside of her. She wasn't sure if she could handle living without what she was appreciating the most right now - those friends, and most importantly, Jessica.

"Yuri? You still there?" Taeyeon's voice snapped her out of her reverie.

"Yes, I'm here."

"Well, I've asked Fany and she said two hours ago, Sica was still at home." Taeyeon paused a moment to think. "Maybe she's avoiding you."

"What? WHY?" Yuri yelled into the phone. But she quickly gathered herself and lowered her voice to the normal volume. "I mean, why would she do that?"

"I don't know," Yuri could imagine Taeyeon shrugging. "She's being the stubborn princess again, I guess."

Yuri sighed. She thanked Taeyeon and hung up before the small girl with the loud voice could attack her with questions about the enterprise. Yuri knew Taeyeon and Tiffany were worried and probably couldn't get any decent information from Jessica, but right now, she couldn't think of work anymore. The only thing that occupied her mind was the question why Jessica didn't want to talk her. She couldn't imagine Jessica avoiding her just because the girl felt like it, with no particular reason. Jessica could be childish at times, but she wasn't that childish. Not to mention the current situation they're in was anything but appropriate for pranks and jokes. Yuri was sure there was more behind it. Much more. It scared her again, and she could only laugh at how ironic it was with her fears - ever since the Jung's downfall had become certain to everyone who didn't believe in miracles, including her, she hadn't once felt depressed from the loss of her own company. The entire headache was caused only by the fear of losing the relationships she didn't want to lose.

But then again, Yuri knew best, there are things that were inevitable. What was meant to happen... would definitely happen.


Jessica paced back and forth in the living room. She was confused, irritated, conflicted inside. Her father was preparing to give up and surrender to fate, while her mother was still struggling, trying to save the business by visiting close friends and far relatives, begging for financial help. Jessica wasn't sure who to side with - her father or her mother - giving up and being realistic or keep trying but having false hopes. The confusion was agonizing, and she absolutely didn't know what to do.

Tiffany and Taeyeon had insisted to come and give her mental support, but Jessica had rejected it. She told her best friends to stay home without giving the reason. She hid it from them. It was simply because their presence would make it impossible for Jessica to not run to Yuri. And ever since she knew about her father's plan of the separation, a strong voice inside of her continuously forbad her to get in touch with the girl she actually needed the most right now. Krystal had worriedly asked her what was wrong, but Jessica couldn't come up with the courage to say out loud the real fear that caused her to act like that. The fear of getting hurt too much to not completely break down.

"I want to be alone. That's all." She had said. Obviously, her sister wasn't convinced by her answer. An hour ago, Krystal received a call from Yuri. If Jessica wasn't there and hadn't shot her sister glares non-stop, the young girl would have called Yuri over already. The only reason why Jessica didn't force Krystal to hang up or didn't run away to hide was that there was still a part inside of her that was crying, longing for and yearning to see Yuri.

Jessica hated it when she's conflicted inside. She hated how complicated her nature was, hated how complex her feelings could get. Everytime her heart was torn, she would lose her way and end up making mistakes after mistakes. She still had to learn how to make decisions and stick with them until the end. But right now, she couldn't decide. If she let Yuri go, her heart would die slowly for sure. She was scared Yuri would leave her, scared she wouldn't be able to stand 'Let's break up' coming from Yuri. If she didn't let Yuri go, however, her heart wouldn't give her one peaceful second, either. Because Jessica knew she couldn't be anything but a big, big burden to Yuri. She knew that with her family's ruin, Yuri would lose everything. She would be forcing Yuri to start with empty hands again. She would never stop being the one that kept Yuri away from success, preventing the girl from pursuing her dreams. As much as she hated the feeling, Jessica couldn't deny she felt like an impediment that would always balk Yuri's plans, holding Yuri back from reaching her goals.

Letting Yuri go would hurt... But not letting go just didn't seem right. She was caught in her own moral constraint. Jessica was feeling hopeless.

"Yuri!" Ms Ahn's surprised voice from outside startled Jessica.

She ran to the door and wrenched it open. In the foyer, Krystal was just falling into the embrace of the familiar dark figure with that constantly existing warm glow. It was really odd, but true. Wherever Yuri was, Jessica felt the air temperature rising to a comfortable level. Next to Yuri, it was never too cold during winter days, never too hot during summer days. Next to Yuri, Jessica felt warm, felt safe, felt so in love.

"Why are you always so warm?" She had once asked the tanned girl as they were lying on the couch together. Yuri had kissed her nose and pinched her cheeks.

"Because strawberries like warm and nice weather. Right?" The girl had grinned idiotically cute, causing Jessica to giggle. "You're my beautiful, precious, wonderfully fragrant strawberry giant-fruit." Yuri had said and leaned in, taking a bite of her very own strawberry, leaving a mark that didn't want to vanish for almost a week.

But right now, things weren't the blissful days they once shared anymore.

"Sica..." Yuri released Krystal from the hug as she spotted Jessica in the doorway of the living room.

The blonde girl couldn't move a muscle. She gulped down the lump in her throat as Yuri approached her. Time for decision. Now or never.

"I-I want to break up." Jessica blurted out, and Yuri got stuck dead in her tracks, her eyes widened.


"Go away Yuri!" Jessica immediately turned around as tears threatened to pour. She ran to the opposite direction to the stairs, wanting to get into her room and hide.


Yuri, although shocked, chased after the girl immediately. Her brain blocked out everything irrelevant, from Krystal's quick footsteps behind her to Ms Ahn's loud exclamation, only focusing on the blonde girl in front of her. There was still a gap between them when they ran up the stairs, but with her longer legs, Yuri caught up with Jessica at the end of the floor, right before the girl could get into her room.

"No!" Jessica shrieked as she slid through the gap, banging the door shut forcefully. But Yuri had already pressed her body against the piece of wood, not paying attention to the pain that felt like a broken bone on her right shoulder, where her body had hit the door.

"What are you doing, Sica?!" Yuri yelled, trying to push herself into the room. She didn't see Jessica, but could clearly feel how panicked the other girl was - there was no other explanation to the sudden strength that came from Jessica's side of the door.

"Why don't you want to see me?!" Yuri yelled again, her voice became hoarse already. "What's wrong Sica?!"

"GO AWAY YURI!" The high-pitched voice came from the other side, sounding strained and frantic. The door kept being pushed forward and backward with pressure being applied on both sides, neither one wanted to give in or up.

"NO!" Yuri groaned and hit harder against the door. "NOT BEFORE YOU TELL ME WHY!!!"

And with a push where she gathered all her strength together, Yuri finally won the battle. The door was pushed open so hard that it bounced back from the wall, hitting the frame just right after Yuri sneaked herself in.

"Jessica!" Yuri called and quickly grabbed Jessica's wrist as the latter attempted to run pass her to get out. "What the hell are you doing?!" Yuri shoved Jessica against the wall, holding her close. "I don't understand... I don't understand!"

"Let go of me, Yuri!" Hot tears flew down Jessica's cheeks as she shook her head, her eyes avoiding Yuri's. "Let me go!"

"Why? Why why why why why?" Yuri released Jessica's arms and cupped her face instead, bringing it up to look her into the eyes. "Tell me Sica, tell me! Why don't you want me to be there for you?"

"We're--" Jessica's voice cracked as she tried to shove Yuri away in vain. "--over!"

"WHY?!" Yuri's grip got tighter as her heart was shaking inside, she didn't even realize she might be hurting Jessica. "Wh-what did I do wrong?"

But Jessica didn't answer. She just kept shoving Yuri away to no avail, tears streaming down her face stronger and stronger each second.

"Jessica! What did I do wrong?!"

"You did nothing wrong!" Jessica cried as she turned her head, burying her face into one of Yuri's hands instead.

"Then why are you doing this to me?!" Yuri desperately pleaded for an answer. "Do you not love me anymore? Have you stopped loving me?!"

But Jessica just kept crying, not giving an answer.

"TELL ME!" Yuri yelled into the girl's face. "ANSWER ME!"

Jessica sobbed loudly, it was almost impossible to tell whether she was crying or screaming or both. Yuri's heart was stabbed by every sob of the blonde girl, she had to grip Jessica's shoulders to support her own weight, the eyes telling nothing but hurt and fear of losing the person she loved.

"Jessica..." Yuri weakly uttered, almost inaudible due to Jessica's loud sobs. "Jessica..."

"I'M SCARED, OKAY?" Jessica finally yelled back and kept trying to shove Yuri away. Tears had blurred her sight to the extent that she could only see the outline of Yuri's face.

"I--want to--let you go--" she croaked out, unable to control it any longer. "But I--just--can't--" Loud sobs took over Jessica's voice again, and she couldn't help but to cry harder.

"Then don't let me go!" Yuri helplessly said out loud, her hand's gripping Jessica's shoulder tightly. "Don't let me go, you fool!"

"No, I have to do it!" Jessica was still sobbing loudly. "I'm just a burden to you Yuri! I'm just bringing bad luck! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have merged companies with my dad, your efforts of almost four years knowing-nothing-but-work wasn't going to be ruined! You have a dream, you have a goal, I know that, but still, I just keep getting in the way!"



Jessica wiped her tears away with her sleeves, her eyes were burning. She then continued to hit Yuri's shoulder with her fists to shove the girl away while screaming her heart out.



Yuri screamed back in despair, pushing the girl against the wall again to stop the struggle. Jessica exploded into tears and sobs again instead. She cried so hard, she had to bury her face into her pale hands. She bit her lips, trying to hold back, but the sobs were unstoppable.

"You deserve so much better," Jessica cried, the floor floating in tears already. "I'm not worth of you sacrificing something you've put so much effort in. I'm worth nothing you give me, Yuri! Nothing--"

Her voice cracked as she the sobs increased again, and she began to slightly panic when Yuri's hands slid off her shoulders. It wasn't until then that Jessica opened her eyes, trying to see clearly with fear completely taking over her - the fear of Yuri really letting her go.

But instead, she saw Yuri's face close to hers. The girl was not yelling, not fuming, not looking at Jessica with those bewildered eyes anymore. Yuri was bracing herself against the wall, her breaths short, her eyes closed. And she was crying. She was crying silent tears which were terribly heart-wrenching, awfully grievous to Jessica.

"Oh come on... that movie wasn't that touching, was it?"

"You just have no idea."

"Arghhh! I hate this Daniel Henney. Why does he have to make you cry?!"

"Yah, don't blame it on Daniel oppa. You've made me cry several times, too."

"But--but that's different!"

"No it's not. If he's a jerk, you're just a bigger jerk."

"Hey, don't be so mean... What if from now on, I let you punish me whenever I make you cry? That's fair, isn't it?"

"You'll have to be punished really hard, then."

"But--aish, okay... So what do you want the punishment to be?"

"It's simple... You will have to kiss all my tears away!"




"It's not a deal! It's supposed to be a promise you moron!"

"Ow! Okay okay, a promise. I love you, violent princess."

"I love you too, silly seobang."

Jessica stared at the crying Yuri. The tears rolling down Yuri's cheeks were the reason that made Jessica stop sobbing. Jessica tried to reach out for the girl's face, but her heart was breaking into pieces. It was the first time she saw Yuri shedding tears. She never knew it would feel this painful to see the person you love cry, especially when you're the reason of those unwanted tears.

Jessica began to tremble, her breaths shortened. She wanted to tell Yuri to stop crying, she wanted to reach out and wipe those tears away so much, but all she could do was to tremble helplessly. Her heart became so weak at the heartrending sight, it felt like she was about to collapse to the ground any second. But she finally realized how stupid her thoughts were. She could never prevent herself from hurting if she saw Yuri hurt. Her heart would never be able to handle losing Yuri, because, why didn't she realize this sooner, she was already loving Yuri too much to let her go. And on top of that, how could she let go and kill Yuri's heart at the same time?

Yuri, as she was trembling too, reached for Jessica's hands and took them into hers. She led one hand to Jessica's chest, placing the girl's palm against the silver necklace. Jessica's other hand was placed against her own chest, right where her heart was hidden and kept safe.

"Can you feel my heart?" The taller girl whispered, her voice shaking. She leaned in closer to Jessica until their foreheads met. "Listen to it, Sica... It's calling for you." She gently pressed Jessica's hand against the necklace. "It's beating for you, like always. Did you forget?"

The smaller girl shook her head, her forehead rubbing against Yuri's. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, the dilemma inside of her had long turned into complete guilt. She had been hurting Yuri unnecessarily.

"There is no such thing like deserving or not, as long as I love you..." Yuri continued whispering, and Jessica stopped even her smallest sniffs to hear it clearly. "And as long as... you love me too..." Yuri's voice was uncertain as she said that. Jessica immediately tightened the grip of their hands and nodded, assuring the girl that statement was more than true.

"You never know what could happen tomorrow, Sica. You never know how much time we actually have left. That's why I can't be apart from you even a single second. I treasure every moment I share with you. I can't let us waste our time, not when it could slip away any moment."

And when Yuri paused to breathe in, Jessica tilted her head and kissed Yuri's tears softly.

"Please don't shove me away..." Yuri kept whispering, ignoring the drops that kept rolling down her cheeks in silence. "I want to hold you as long as I'm still able to... I need you, Sica. I love you more than anything in this world. Don't let me go.... Please... don't do that to me..."

"I--won't..." Jessica shook her heard, her voice was a tremulous whisper. "I--I'm so sorry..."

Her words were hardly audible, but Yuri could hear them all. Jessica, too, couldn't stop her tears from silently streaming down her face. They had let out the emotions inside, and those tears were the only thing that was left. Jessica slid her hands out of Yuri's hold and brought them behind the girl's neck, pressing her forehead closer to Yuri's.

"I'm sorry," Jessica whispered against Yuri's lips. "I'm so sorry, Yul..."

The taller girl encircled her waist with one arm, the other hand moved to the back of her head. Yuri tilted her head lightly and kissed Jessica without another word. Jessica kissed Yuri back, just as passionate as the taller girl, sending all her unspoken feelings to Yuri through it.

Tears stopped flooding the eyes of both girls as they kept pressing their bodies against each other, their lips never parted. They brought passion to a whole new level, showing each other how serious they were with their words, how much they truly needed each other. It was an intense kiss - a kiss they never shared before, a kiss that felt wonderful but scary at the same time. It felt like it was their first real kiss, but it felt like as if it was their last kiss at the same time. Jessica wished it to never end, and she pulled Yuri deeper in, feeling absolutely no space between their bodies anymore. Yuri's mouth covered her own, the girl's tongue was feeling her deep inside, bringing her down from the rollercoaster of emotion.

She felt the tanned girl's hand on her waist moving to the front of her pants and wanted to say 'The door, Yuri, the door!', but the kiss was so intense and overwhelming that it was impossible to break. Jessica found herself not stopping Yuri, but prolonging the kiss and romancing instead, slowly giving in to the desire and need to melt into each other that was taking over both of them.

Jessica's pants were dropped and Yuri's jacked already lay on the floor by the time they reached the end of Jessica's bed. They both fell down onto the soft bed, Yuri on top of Jessica, their bodies never parted. Neither of them cared about anything but the one that was lip-locking with her right now. There was no letting go anymore - at least not tonight.


Krystal paced back and forth, a worried look on her face. She stopped in her tracks, staring at the door. After a moment of hesitation, she stepped nearer and pressed her ear against the wood gently. The door wasn't completely closed - just a little too much pressure and her cover would be blown. However, Krystal had to realize leaning on the door didn't help, either. She couldn't hear anything except for some faint little sounds which she couldn't really perceive.

"Krystal, what are you doing?"

Krystal turned around and saw her mother approaching her with quick footsteps.

"Mom!" Krystal bounced back from the door.

"Ms Ahn called me. She was like terrified," Mrs Jung shook her head. "I had to rush home at once. How are they?" The older women pointed at the door, indicating her daughter and Yuri inside.

"I don't know," Krystal shrugged. "Unnie just ran away when she saw Yuri unnie. I followed them up the stairs but by the time I caught up the door was just banged shut."

Mrs Jung raised an eyebrow at the small door crack and Krystal swiftly held her hands in front of her chest in defense.

"That wasn't me. They just banged it too hard." She then turned worried again. "Sica unnie shrieked and screamed a lot. Then suddenly it went dead silent, I don't know what happened."

Mrs Jung narrowed her eyes at the door in suspicion.

"Step aside," she told her daughter and pressed her ear against the wood. The woman then pushed the door open gently, making the gap just a bit bigger. But before Krystal could sneak a peek, she quickly closed it again with a small click.

"Let's go," she said reassuringly to the young, innocent girl. "There's no need to worry about these two anymore." 

Chapter 18

Jessica slightly shivered and snuggled closer to Yuri. She pulled Yuri's arm that was lying on her waist into the blanket, in worry that the tanned girl could be cold, too. She watched Yuri sleeping, so peaceful and eased that it made her heart lose the rhythm of its beats. Jessica's eyes landed on Yuri's lips, a small bruise on the bottom lip caught her attention. She used her index finger to trace the softness there, stopping right at the little injury. She bit down on her own bottom lip, her cheeks turned light pink. Jessica remembered everything that happened last night, so exact, so vivid.

They had made love like they had never made love before, endless it seemed to Jessica. The dark-skinned girl was passionate but not a bit rough, every single touch filled with so much gentleness and sincerity. There was absolutely no teasing, no playing around between them. No word could ever describe it - it was just simply making love, in the truest sense of the word.

They didn't even have time, or maybe didn't bother, to take off their clothes completely. It wasn't until Jessica found it too hard to breathe that she had to remove her bra. She was lying on top of the exhausted Yuri, who was taking the first break after hours of intense lovemaking. But just as soon as the garment left her body, Jessica found herself being pinned against the bed sheets again, Yuri's mouth conquering her exposed skin. Even much later, when there was no energy left inside of her anymore and she couldn't fight the doziness taking over, Jessica still felt Yuri kissing her face, her cheeks, her eyes, her nose, her lips. She drifted into sleep with Yuri pampering her ? the best lullaby, the sweetest bedtime story ever.

It was as if the tanned girl was Jessica-deprived for too long. It felt like she was missing Jessica too much to hold back. Jessica didn't question it - she, too, had gained an empty hole without seeing Yuri's smile, hearing Yuri's voice, feeling that warm hand in hers for a whole day, which felt longer than a decade. She, too, was lost and scared to see that hole growing, feeling as if they were to part soon. She needed to be as close to Yuri as possible, needed to feel the love, the only thing that could fill that emptiness inside of her.

Jessica traced Yuri's face the last time with her eyes before slowly closing them, feeling Yuri's kisses in her imagination.

She wanted to relax with Yuri's soothing breaths close to her ear, but there was still something that bothered her too much. It was frightening, and Jessica didn't dare to say it out loud. Her inner voice, the one that never failed her before, was repeating it over and over again. It somehow scared her and she just couldn't ignore it, she didn't know what to do. It would affect their relationship, definitively not in a positive way. Jessica felt it in her gut, so certain as never before.

The nasty Kwons' scheming minds were behind everything that happened.


Tiffany cracked the door open and stuck her head out carefully. She scanned the living room with her eyes, hoping that Taeyeon wouldn't see her. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she didn't even spot Taeyeon in the room. Tiffany perked up her ears, trying to catch any sound that could tell her where her girlfriend was. But there was absolutely none. She quietly tiptoed out of the room, having a clue about where Taeyeon might be already.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed as she saw the girl. Or more precisely, the girl's foot.

Taeyeon was lying on the floor next to the couch, her eyes half, but her mouth completely open. Tiffany ran to her and crouched down, poking Taeyeon in the ribs lightly.

"Taetae ah..." She whispered. "Taetae, wake up."

The sleeping girl, however, just mumbled un-understandable words as she shoved Tiffany's hand away. Taeyeon then curled up from the coldness, snuggling closer to the couch foot. Tiffany wore a guilty smile on her face as she pulled on Taeyeon's hand, trying to get the girl up. As it wasn't working for Taeyeon was too heavy, Tiffany released the girl's hand and knelt down next to her instead.

"Taetae ah..." Tiffany whispered in Taeyeon's ear. "I'm not angry anymore. Now get up, I don't want you to catch a cold."

But Taeyeon didn't budge an inch. Tiffany stroked the girl's cheek before leaning in, placing a kiss on each side.

"I'm sorry, okay?" She said, her upper body hovering over Taeyeon. "You can sleep with me on the bed again."

As soon as her sentence ended, she felt Taeyeon's hands encircling her waist. The girl's eyes, however, were still closed. Tiffany chuckled, pinching Taeyeon's cheeks.

"Do you know how cold it is out here?" Taeyeon mumbled, still not wanting to open her eyes. "And you know I always fall down when I sleep on the couch."

"I know..." Tiffany said as she sat down next to Taeyeon. "But you shouldn't have--"

"It wasn't on purpose!" Taeyeon exclaimed, her body shot up in an instant and her eyes finally opened. "It was definitely because of the eggs you forced me to eat yesterday!"

"Now don't try to blame it on me." Tiffany frowned and shook her head. "That was so... gross. You're so... ewww. Taetae. I mean, how could you kill the mood with that super loud fart, especially when we were in the midst of--"

But Taeyeon had already hushed Tiffany with a kiss, her one hand cupping the girl's cheek, the other cupping another kind of cheek below. She kept their lips connected as she felt Tiffany climbing on her lap. Taeyeon slowly moved her body so that her back was against the couch. Tiffany's hands sneaking around her neck gave her more courage to deepen the kiss. Taeyeon was happy and relieved with Tiffany's response, because it showed one thing for sure - the embarrassing fart incident was forgiven and forgotten.

"It smelled awful, though." Tiffany said after they released the kiss.

Okay, not really forgotten - Taeyeon thought in disappointment. She just flashed an embarrassed smile, playing with Tiffany's hair. However, when Tiffany let out an amused chuckle, a sound from the bedroom caught their attention at once. It was Taeyeon's phone ringing.

"It's one of the S's!" Tiffany jumped up as she recognized the special ringtone. With the S's, 'Sooyoung', 'Sica' and 'Sunny' were meant.

They ran to the source of sound, anxiety in their hearts. They just forgot about Jessica for a moment, and they felt awful because of that. As Taeyeon was looking at the caller ID, Tiffany prayed for it to not be Jessica. She had told herself to call the girl this morning, but the issue with Taeyeon distracted her. Now if Jessica had to call her, it just seemed like she wasn't caring enough, and Tiffany definitely felt guilty as a best friend. Plus, Taeyeon and Tiffany both know, if Jessica called, it would mean no good. It was highly possible that something really bad had happened, so bad that Jessica was broken and shattered and couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey Sunny!" Taeyeon greeted the other end of the line, a sign of relief in her voice.

Tiffany, too, heaved a small relieved sigh. Sunny was probably just asking about Jessica.


Taeyeon's shocked face the next second, however, fazed the mushroom girl. Tiffany alternated hopping on her right and left foot, her hands gripping Taeyeon's arm tightly in anxiety. But the short girl didn't pay attention to her. Taeyeon's face went from her usual bright white to completely pale within seconds talking to Sunny on the phone. Tiffany was about to yell out loud, asking what was going on when Taeyeon yanked her arm away from Tiffany's grip, running to the TV.

"Taetae!" Tiffany rushed next to her girlfriend. "What did Sunny say?"

"Wait, wait! Let me turn on the TV first!" Taeyeon was still occupied with Sunny on the phone, her voice frantic. "Which channel? Alright, I got it. I'll call Sica later, I don't know if she knows already. It better not be true!"

"What better not be true?" Tiffany tried to meddle in the conversation as she was tugging impatiently at Taeyeon's sleeve. But Taeyeon had already hung up the phone, her eyes glued to the television. The news channel was on, an announcer was talking about the Jung Enterprise. There was a big picture of Mr Jung on the upper left corner of the screen.

"At seven prompt this morning, the press was waiting for President Jung Jong Min in the Jung Enterprise's grant assembly hall. The president was to hold a press conference to give official announcements concerning the two giant projects assigned to enterprise that were suddenly put on hold. However, Jung Jong Min didn't show up and is still missing until now. The police have taken action, after not being able to get any information from the Jung Enterprise's staff nor Jung Jong Min's personal secretary about his whereabouts. It has been continuously tried to contact the Jung Enterprise's president, but to no avail yet. There are assumptions of an escape, considering the situation Jung Jong Min is currently in. An official investigation will be called off if Jung Jong Min's family members are just as clueless as everyone else. The police are now trying to contact the Jungs, hoping to find--"

"No way!" Taeyeon and Tiffany exclaimed at the same time.

"Appa Jung would never do that!" Tiffany covered her mouth, her eyes round and wide-opened in disbelief. "He would never leave his family in the lurch! Appa Jung isn't that kind of man!"

"Calm down, Fany." Taeyeon tried to keep a clear head as she rubbed her temples. "It's definitely a misunderstanding... I hope."

"We have to tell Sica!" Tiffany snapped away the phone from Taeyeon and speed-dialed before the shorter girl could react. "The line is busy!" Tiffany almost cried, chafing with impatience.

"Damn, the police might be talking to her already." Taeyeon shook her head. "Delivering bad news through the phone is actually the most stupid thing to do. It's better we go there as soon as possible, mushroom."

Tiffany stared at Taeyeon for a second, then shoved the girl hard on her shoulder.

"Then what are you still doing here? Get the car, Taetae!"


Jessica had just had a bad dream. She dreamed about Kwon Jiyong pushing Yuri over a cliff edge. Jessica had grabbed Yuri's hand in the nick of time, but she was too weak to pull the girl up. Yuri had yelled to her she loved her before her fingers slipped out of Jessica's grip. Jessica had cried out loud when Yuri fell into the dark hole down there, sinking deeper into the distance, getting farther and father away, leaving Jessica for good. Luckily, that was the moment her eyes shot open and Jessica was relieved to find herself lying on the bed.

She slowly sat up to look around, hoping to find that familiar, adorable sleeping face. But her heart sank as Yuri was absolutely no where to be seen. The blonde girl heaved a disappointed sigh, rolling off the bed. She grabbed her phone on the night table, checking the time. It was just half past seven in the morning. Jessica couldn't believe she woke up so early when yesterday night, they almost didn't get to sleep. Her fingers traced the blanket and the bed sheet, just right where Yuri had lied this early morning. Jessica smiled to herself, slowly realizing the reason of her early wakeup now. She couldn't sleep because the warmth Yuri always engulfed her with was absent.

"Where are you?" Jessica again gave a small sigh as she mumbled those words to Yuri, fully aware that it was ridiculous for Yuri couldn't possibly hear it.

Another thing she knew, and this wasn't ridiculous, was that she still had to talk to Yuri about Iustit's separation from the Jung Enterprise. Yuri had already rejected her father's offer, but Jessica wanted to give the girl a chance to choose again. Yesterday, Yuri did it all because she feared Jessica would get hurt, and she's afraid of losing trust - at least that's what it seemed to Jessica. But if Yuri knew Jessica would support her with whatever she decided to do, she might change her mind. And Jessica knew, Yuri deserved this fair choice more than anyone else.

After another unsuccessful try of calling Yuri, Jessica stood up and got out of her room. When she arrived at the bottom of the stairs, Krystal was approaching her with a glass of milk in her hand.

"Unnie, you're awake."

"Have you seen Yuri?" Jessica asked, eyeing her sister cautiously. The girl looked less tired today. A good sign.

"I think she's not here anymore." Krystal shook her head. "Her car isn't in the front yard."

"Why did she go without telling me?" Jessica asked herself as she dialed Yuri's number and put the phone to her ear. "She isn't picking up."

"Don't worry unnie," Krystal comforted her sister, seeing the obvious sadness and worry in Jessica's eyes. "Maybe she got an urgent business call."

"Yeah..." Jessica's voice trailed off, her look absent. She started to feel somehow uneasy about it all.

Krystal just smiled at her sister. She wasn't exactly sure how it would feel like to be in love, but from what she'd seen, it must be really interesting. She knew her unnie never admitted it; but ever since Yuri came into her life, Jessica was like a whole new person. Krystal never understood why in the past, her sister had been so averse to relationships and love. She couldn't hide her surprise when that one day, Jessica came home and said she's in love. It wasn't just with someone random. It happened to be the girl who had just given up her company to their family. Life is unpredictable, Krystal had learned. And it wasn't like she didn't understand why her sister wanted to break up with Yuri yesterday. Jessica did it just out of love. Love is a complicated thing, she had realized. A life with love ? unpredictable and complicated ? but that was what made it so wonderful.

"Unnie... You really love Yuri unnie, don't you?"

Jessica looked up at Krystal, surprise in her eyes.

"Why are you asking this?"

"I just... It-it's nothing." Krystal blushed. She felt weird now, thinking about life and love as if she wasn't just a teenager but a wise old woman. To cover her embarrassing act and distract her confused sister, she gulped her milk down in one shot and changed the topic quickly. "You should go to Iustit unnie. I bet Yuri unnie is there."

"Yeah, I probably should." Jessica sighed. "Where are mom and dad?"

"Mom is still sleeping I guess." Krystal shrugged. "I think she was up late yesterday. I don't know about dad, though... I haven't seen him."

"If they ask, tell them I'm with Yuri," Jessica said as she proceeded to the stairs to get to her room for changing. "Do you want me to buy you something from the spicy noodle restaurant next to the Iustit building?"

"Unnie," Krystal giggled. "You're the one who's obsessed with the food there."

"I just wanted you to give me an excuse." The visible burden in Jessica's eyes decreased as it made space for a small sparkle. "Otherwise Yuri wouldn't allow me to go there. She said she had to keep me away from that restaurant because she's afraid one day I would love the owner and the noodles more than her."

This caused Krystal to laugh out loud. The first lusty laugh she emitted after the day the misfortunes hit on her family.

"I know, right," Jessica shook her head, now not being able to hide her small smile. "She's so silly."

It's like a miracle, Krystal thought as she watched her sister walking up the stairs, that small smile still present on her face. Somehow, Yuri still managed to keep the optimism in Jessica, even though they were surrounded by nothing but darkness right now. Krystal knew there might be no way to escape this darkness and they would eventually have to surrender, but she was sure if Yuri stayed with them until the end, the fall would never be as bad as seven years ago.


Jessica paid the taxi driver and got out of the car. Her forehead creased as she gave a frustrated sigh. She had been trying to call Yuri on the entire way to Iustit, but the girl never picked up.

"Hey, Sica!" A voice called out to her.

"Sooyoung!" Jessica approached the entrance as the tall girl was coming from the opposite direction.

"What are you doing here?" Sooyoung asked with a worried look on her face. "Are you okay? Is the issue solved now?"

"Huh?... N-no," Jessica stuttered as she was caught a little off guard. She thought Sooyoung knew it's hard - if not impossible - to save the Jung Enterprise right now.

"What? So he is really gone?!"

Jessica stared at Sooyoung, who stared back at her in disbelief.

"What... are you talking about?" Jessica asked then, even though the familiar inner voice told her she wouldn't want to know.

"Sica... No one told you yet?" Sooyoung asked. The tall girl covered her eyes with one hand and massaged her temples as she saw Jessica's confused look. Sooyoung really didn't want to receive the honor of delivering the bad news.

"Maybe people tried to contact me," Jessica showed Sooyoung her phone. "But... I guess the line was busy for them all the time."

"Sica, listen," Sooyoung said, completely tense. She wanted to continue, but her voice suddenly disappeared. She didn't know how to tell the girl, didn't know how she should handle Jessica's reaction. It wasn't until the smaller girl raised an eyebrow at Sooyoung that the taller sputtered everything out in one go.



"..." Sooyoung gulped. "I said--"

But she couldn't speak further. Jessica was now the one who had wide, shocked, disbelieving eyes.

"You?you understood?" Sooyoung asked carefully, her hands ready to catch the girl who might collapse any second.

"No, no, no," Jessica gripped her head as she shook it hard. "This can't be! Sooyoung, he doesn't run away! He's--"

Then it struck Jessica. She hadn't seen her dad since yesterday morning. Krystal hadn't seen him coming home, either. And her mother was up late, possibly because she had been waiting for him all night long. Her father never went anywhere without letting at least one of his girls know where he was. What if... the police were right this time?

"Jessica, listen," Sooyoung quickly said. "We can't be sure about anything right now, let's not jump to conclusions." She held the girl's arm, giving her an assuring grip. "We'll find a way to contact your dad."

Jessica didn't move an inch, her breaths were short and her eyes still widen. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe her dad could ever abandon her, her sister, her mom. She didn't want to believe it, but she couldn't help but to have the feeling it was really happening. She started to feel a terrible headache, her eyes squinted in pain.

"Come on, Sica." Sooyoung pulled on her arm. "Yuri was one of the last people seeing your dad yesterday. Yuri probably knows something."

At the mention of Yuri, Jessica felt a glimpse of hope rising. She gave Sooyoung a nod and followed the taller girl into the building. If there's no way to get assurance from, at least there were still Yuri's embraces.


Yuri looked at the person in her room, hiding her uncomfortableness. Her visitor was playing with her pen, oblivious to her worries.

"Stop it." She said, and the pen was immediately dropped on the desk's surface.

"Geez, can't I have just a little fun?" The person complained.

Yuri was just about to retort, but a knock on the door stopped her. The two pairs of eyes were immediately fixed on the door.

"Yuri! Open up, it's Sooyoung and Sica!"

Yuri gulped at the voice of her best friend coming from the other side of the door, clear and impatient.

"Wow." The person sitting across turned to her, raising an eyebrow. "Perfect timing, don't you think?"

Yuri didn't answer, nor did she look back at the one talking to her. Her eyes slowly glazed over as she stood up and approached the door. She took a deep breath before turning the knob.

It's time for the inevitable. 

Chapter 19

"Why is the door locked?" Sooyoung scratched her head. Yuri's door didn't want to budge when she turned the knob. "She never locks her door."

"Call her," Jessica said impatiently.

"Yuri! Open up, it's Sooyoung and Sica!" Sooyoung called, knocking hard on the door. A moment passed by, but not a single sound could be heard from the other side. Sooyoung then turned to Jessica. "What now?"

"I don't know..." Jessica whispered. A very bad feeling rose up inside of her all of sudden. She couldn't explain where it came from, or what it could possibly mean, but she knew the answer was probably just behind this very door. "She didn't tell me where she went when she left me this morning. But knowing her, I thought she could only go to Iustit."

"If she's not here now, she will come soon, then," Sooyoung said, sounding more confident than she actually was. "She can't disappear when work is a mess. You weren't able to change her that much."

Sooyoung's smiled awkwardly, attempting to lift up the mood. Jessica gradually smiled, too.

"Let's go have some spicy noodle for breakfast. We can watch Iustit's entrance from there, so we'll see Yuri once she arrives. And," the shikshin let out a small sigh. "-I'll treat you. Just this time."

Jessica, despite the anxiousness, couldn't resist this offer. Not when it was spicy noodles. The two girls had just turned around and were about to leave when--

"Good morning, ladies."

A voice, not so familiar to Sooyoung but too familiar to Jessica, greeted them jovially. This caused both girls to stop dead in their tracks, turning around in an instant. The door to Yuri's room was already open, and in the doorway stood the last person they'd expect.

"K-Kwon Jiyong--?!"

"What a surprise, Jessica." The young man smiled, amused at her reaction.

"What are you doing here?!" Sooyoung, just as shocked as Jessica, shouted at the person standing in the doorway.

"Come in first," Jiyong said before stepping aside, gesturing the girls to enter.

Despite of the bewilderment, Sooyoung and Jessica complied. Kwon Jiyong's presence could mean no good, Sooyoung was definitely aware of that. But she believed if Yuri had really let Jiyong in, her best friend must have had a reason. The tall girl already had an idea what that reason could be, but be her assumption right or not, she knew Jessica wouldn't be happy. It was possible that Yuri had called her grandfather to seek for help, trying to save the Jung Enterprise. If it was the Yuri three months ago, Sooyoung would never imagine her to ever want to see her family again for any reason. But then, Jessica came and she had changed Yuri so much. Now Sooyoung didn't have the slightest doubt Yuri would do everything for her girl, even if it's begging the family she had purposely distanced herself from years ago.

"Calm down, Sica." Sooyoung whispered into the blonde girl's ear, seeing the still horrified look in her eyes. It was like Jessica had seen a monster, not her ex.

Sooyoung glanced at Jiyong, spotting him looking at Jessica with the same smile from earlier. Her eyes then wandered around the room while she wondered where Yuri was. Everything looked normal in this office, Sooyoung realized. The only thing that was wrong, and by wrong she really meant wrong, was that instead of Yuri, her hated cousin was present.

"I bet you're wondering where Yuri is."

Kwon Jiyong broke the silence as he closed the door and made his way towards Yuri's desk. He walked around it and slumped into the chair, twirling one round. With an eyebrow raised, he looked at the two girls who were still glancing all around the room.

"Where is she?" Jessica asked, her voice steady and cold. She had found her cool again.

"Very near." Jiyong answered without hesitation. "But I guess you'll have to wait a bit before you get to see her."


"Because I said so." Jiyong leaned forward, his hands folding neatly on the desk. "I know you have many questions. But if you listen patiently, those questions will be solved soon."

"I don't wanna hear anything coming out of your mouth," Jessica's voice got a hint of impatience. "It's all lies anyway." She ignored the grip on her hands that was coming from the girl behind her. Sooyoung was trying to hold her back, but Jessica knew she was still in control of herself. At least for now.

"I see. You're still not over it, Jessica." Jiyong leaned back, relaxed. "You don't believe me. But that doesn't change the truth."

"What truth?!" Jessica snapped. She was getting enough of Kwon Jiyong. She didn't care about whatever he was planning to tell her. All she needed was to see Yuri, N.O.W, right now.

"Let's hear what you have to say, Kwon Jiyong." Sooyoung pulled Jessica back. "It's always better to hear the lies first and then the clarifications."

Jiyong gave a laugh, as if the whole situation was kind of a show that he found absolutely enjoyable and entertaining.

"Sooyoung, Sooyoung. Do you really think I could be so confident if I was a liar?" He chuckled, ignoring the glares that both girls were shooting him. "To be honest, I admire your loyalty to Yuri. A friend like you is the most useful kind ever. No joke. And luckily, Yuri belongs to the rare people who know how to make the best out of available things. She is one of the Kwons."

Jessica's gaze bored holes in Jiyong's head. She stared at the still grinning man, trying to read his expression, trying to see something, anything, that was saying his words were only trying to confuse her. But Jessica couldn't find anything. The only thing she saw was that uninterpretable smile. Her jaw clenched tightly, and she unconsciously dug her nails deep into her handbag. If Jiyong was trying to confuse her, he had already succeeded.

Sooyoung, on the other hand, found the pride in Jiyong's voice when he said 'one of the Kwons' the only disturbing thing. That guy understood Yuri far less than her, she was sure of that. She trusted Yuri, she knew Yuri - Yuri would never consider her 'useful', neither would the girl ever be proud of the 'Kwon' in her name in that way.

"Your look tells me you do not believe me, Sooyoung." Jiyong continued. "Well, it's the common human reaction. What we don't want to hear, we take them as lies. But you have to know, truth is ruthless. It won't change just to please you." Jiyong smiled his trademark smile - a smile that was nice at the first look, but turned out so fake after closer observation. "And in this case, truth is: if it wasn't for your help, we couldn't have taken down the Jung Enterprise."

Jiyong's eyes landed on Jessica's shocked face.

"...What?" She uttered disbelievingly. Sooyoung?

"Sica, no--"

"Before you start accusing, Jessica, let me explain. It wasn't Sooyoung." Jiyong stood up and walked to the other side of the desk, nonchalant and at ease, as if he was a tourist guide who was going to give some historical information about an interesting sight. He picked up a photo frame with Yuri and Jessica's picture from the desk. "This girl here," he pointed at the tanned girl in the picture. "Was the mastermind who schemed the ingenious plan, from the very first steps to this final success. From meeting you, Jessica, to defeat your family's business."

"Bullsh*t." Sooyoung scoffed before Jessica could even freak out. "This lie is even more obvious. I was the one who set Yuri and Jessica up. I was the one who make them meet. I was the one who provided them space and time to fall in love with each other. No way could you have planned that before."

"Agreed." Jiyong smiled. "I wasn't able to do that. And I never said it was me who planned it, Sooyoung. It was your best friend Yuri's effort. Who do you think had organized the book fair that you and your three friends - Sunny, Taeyeon and Tiffany, right? - went on?" Jiyong tapped his right temple, acting like he had just remembered something. "Oh, actually it was me who paid for the fair. But the one coming up with the free buffet was Yuri. Nice decoy, don't you think? She has to understand you well enough to even purposely set up our book stand next to the sushi stand." A small laughter escaped his mouth. "And then it's all your merit, Sooyoung. Yuri had told me that book would inspire you to introduce her to Jessica, but she didn't expect you to do it like that. Kidnapping them to a deserted place. The ultimate solution - fast and simple, of course. You did a very good job, Sooyoung."

Jiyong noticed Sooyoung's unfazed expression, but he couldn't hide his grin seeing Jessica's shocked face. He knew it made sense. He knew the blonde girl couldn't help but to feel unsettled after this revelation.

"Afterwards, it's all thanks to her excellent acting," Jiyong nodded to Yuri's picture. "In order to win your trust," he smiled at Jessica. "--she pretended to give up Iustit and help your father win the Kim Company project bid against us. We got her back, of course, so Iustit is like whatever. But the interesting thing is, unplanned things always add fuel to our plan. We saved so much time thanks to your father keeping Iustit as a whole and deploying Yuri as the branch manager. It took her just three months to break through the data base security system. And of course everything went smooth afterwards, as you can see the results now."

Jiyong couldn't hold back a gleeful chuckle. He saw Jessica's lips moving, but the girl brought out no sound. He knew she was on the edge of screaming, throwing insults at him. It wasn't that Jessica still had feelings for him that kept her away from doing so. It was just the shock, the bewilderment, the uncertainty of believing or not his story, the torture of Yuri's absence when the girl couldn't defend herself. It's the fear of truth that made Jessica not being able to aspirate a sound.

Jessica's eyes were wide as she stared at him. She wanted Jiyong to say it was just a trap, that he was trying to blame everything on Yuri, to separate Yuri and her, and then she would tell him she was never going to fall for it. But a wish was a wish, and reality remained the same uncertainty.

"Everything was so much easier than we had expected. When Yuri came to grandfather half a year ago, we had doubted her. I mean, she ran away for a whole year, then came back and founded her own company, and then all of sudden, she wants to be a part of the Kwon Enterprise again?" Jiyong shrugged. "But she was persistent. She promised something that made grandfather give her the chance she needed."

Jiyong looked Sooyoung and Jessica, expectation on his face.

"Can't you guess what it is?" He grinned. "It's the Jung Enterprise of course. She promised to make the Jung Enterprise vanish within one year, to show how she had really changed, how she had finally realized grandfather's words are true. Considering the fact that the Kwon-Jung battle had been going on since more than five years, that one year was acceptable." Jiyong crossed his arms, musing. "I could say Yuri was trying hard. She's made grandfather proud."

Jiyong then smiled his smile again. The confusion and uncertainty in Jessica had slowly turned into anger. Even Sooyoung started to look bothered.

"Well, well, Jessica." Jiyong continued. "You sure are appealing. Yuri was doing nothing but researching and gathering information about all of you Jungs for about a month. But she already came up with the raw idea for the plan the first time she saw a photo of you." And then with a smirk, he added. "You were the easiest prey."

"Shut up, Jiyong."

Finally, Sooyoung cut him off. Jessica couldn't stand it any longer, Sooyoung could sense it.

"What you say doesn't make sense. That plan you're talking about - it's not real. It was just coincidence I met Taeyeon and Tiffany, it was just coincidence we shared our stories about our best friend, it was just coincidence we came up with the idea of setting them up together." Sooyoung shook her head. "If you're trying to blame this all on Yuri, I tell you, you're not gonna succeed. She is not your kind."

"What kind?" Jiyong raised an eye-brow. "She is a Kwon. There's nothing you can do about it." Then, he clapped his hands together. "And about how she made Taeyeon and Tiffany meet you, I don't know. Why don't we hear it from Yuri herself?"

Before Jessica and Sooyoung could react to Jiyong's words, the door to the room next-door opened. The room next to Yuri's office was thought to be a place for a secretary, but since Yuri never needed one, it stayed empty. Jessica's eyes landed on Yuri, and her heart sank as she saw the girl being too calm, too cool about it all. Didn't she want to defend herself? Didn't she want to beat up that liar? Didn't she want to tell Jessica there's nothing to worry about?

"What the hell is this, Yuri?" Sooyoung asked as she watched Yuri walking quietly to the middle of the room. "What is he doing here? Why did you let him in?"

"Sooyoung..." Yuri just shook her head, looking away. She then turned to Jessica, and their gazes immediately locked.

"Yuri..." Jessica barely brought out. She suddenly became more scared than ever. It was the look in Yuri's eyes that had multiplied the fear in her. "Tell me it's not true..."

"Sica, what are you talking about?" Sooyoung tugged her sleeve. "Of course it's not--"

"I don't think lying is necessary anymore." Yuri quietly said. That was the moment Jessica knew, even though it broke her heart and was so painful, every word Jiyong said was nothing but the truth. This voice, this answer, this look in the eyes ? she had seen it seven years ago, coming from someone she thought she loved and loved her. Nothing but delusion.

"Yuri, wha--" Sooyoung's mouth hung open as her gazed went back and forth between Jiyong, Yuri and Jessica.

"He's not lying."


"I was the one who set it all up," Yuri finally broke the eye-contact with Jessica and looked at Sooyoung. "I knew the only way to beat the Jungs were through Jessica. I had to know everything about Jessica in order to do that."

"She's had Jessica spied on." Jiyong smirked. "She knew everything about Jessica. That includes Jessica's friends. Her only two friends, to be precise."

"No!" Sooyoung yelled. "That doesn't explain it. It's impossible that you know about Sunny's connection with Sica!"

"Nothing is impossible, because I did know." Yuri shook her head. "It was coincidence, though. When you told me you had a crush on that Lee Sunny girl, remember I jokingly said I had to do a background check on her? Well, I did run one. And surprise surprise, Sunny and Tiffany are both photographers under the same company." Yuri's mouth corners turned up on each side, but her eyes weren't smiling. "I immediately made the connection with Si--Jessica. And at that moment, I knew it was time."

"But--" Sooyoung breathed. Disbelief was written on her face. "Jessica and you... The vacation house, it was me--"

"You still don't understand?" Jiyoung tossed in. He rolled his eyes. "If you hadn't come up with that vacation house idea, you would have come up with another idea. We didn't care about what you were going to do, Sooyoung. It didn't matter how Yuri and Jessica would meet. All that matters was that they were to meet. We had time, we could wait for another chance if we missed one. If there was no Sunny, Yuri would think of another plan to link Taeyeon, Tiffany and you. If the Workiee book hadn't helped, Yuri would have thought of another scenario to make you guys do what we want. In the end, Yuri would still meet Jessica, Jessica would still fall for her, the Jungs would still trust her, and they'd still be dead. The method doesn't matter; all that counts is the result. You understand?" And then, with a small laugh, he added. "I told you you are useful, Sooyoung."

"Listen," Yuri exhaled as she turned away from Sooyoung and approached the frozen Jessica instead. "I know this hard for you to take and I'm sorry if I broke your heart, but--"

Yuri shut up immediately, seeing Jessica's hand raised up into the air. She shut her eyes, waiting for the slap to come as she didn't want to dodge. But nothing happened. She opened her eyes again just to see a trembling Jessica, tears in her eyes, her hand still in mid-air. For some reason, she had to clench her teeth hard at that sight.


Yuri groaned as her head was thrown harshly to the side by something else, unexpected. She tripped as she heard Jiyong gasping, and Jessica croaked something that sounded like a horrified, cracked scream. She felt pain numbing her complete mouth. Sooyoung's fist had hit her hard.

"Sooyoung--" Jessica was trying to hold the tall girl back, tears now unable to be held back anymore.

"I--"Sooyoung's self-control was limited. She panted hard through her clenched teeth, her fists balled up so tight that it hurt herself. "I-I have defended you, trusted you... until the last moment... I have never, ever... not a single second... did I doubt you... Kwon Yuri. Kwon Yuri!"

Jessica felt her hands weaken. Still, she tried her best to hold tightly onto Sooyoung. Her body trembles, her breath ragged. Yuri, Yuri, Yuri, she thought as she saw the tanned girl's blurry vision stepping back to avoid the raging Sooyoung.



Everything was shaking violently. Even the ground under her feet was trembling, and Jessica felt her knees go weak. Somewhere far away, she heard Sooyoung groaning in anger and Jiyong's voice yelling continuously. Faint footsteps approached the room, but Jessica couldn't care less.

Lies, Yuri, lies, Yuri, lies.

Sooyoung's arms slipped out of her hold.

Yuri, lies, Yuri, lies, Yuri, lies.

She dropped on her knees. The only noise she could hear was the rapid pounding of her heart. She broke out into sobs. Somewhere far away, someone faintly called her name. But all she could think of was one name, one person.

Yuri, Yuri, Yuri, Yuri.

She closed her eyes and sank onto the floor, still occupied with that one and only question even when she passed out.


Why, Yuri, why? 

Chapter 20

It made sense, yet it didn't. The things that had happened were nothing but parts of a thousand-piece puzzle. You wouldn't see anything if you pick up each piece separately, no matter how hard you stare. You wouldn't see anything even if you put those pieces next to each other, getting a long chain, a straight time line. It didn't matter if you were hurt before, it didn't matter how cautious you were, it didn't matter how carefully you tried to examine each and every piece. In the end, if it was designed to do so, the chain would still lock your heart. You would be forever unaware of its true identity, never getting the idea that it could be something someone had created on carefully considered purpose, just for you. It won't be until this someone comes and tells you the chain was actually a puzzle, and probably even does the jigsaw for you, that you finally get to see the truth. You would get struck by the revelation, and you would be either really relieved about knowing the truth, or you would be dying in the heart, shocked, terrified, completely broken.

Unfortunately, Jessica was the latter case. The truth hit her so hard, she couldn't stand it and passed out. It could make sense to everyone, anyone, she didn't care. To her, it didn't. She didn't forget a single time Yuri's eyes gazed lovingly into hers, couldn't forget the warmth Yuri embraced her with, couldn't erase the feeling of Yuri's touches, of the hot lips against hers, of the soft whispers tickling her ear. It was too real to be nothing but fake. It felt so much more than just puzzle pieces.

Yuri not loving her? Yuri just using her?

She thought it didn't make sense.

But she knew she couldn't deny it.


"I-is that a tear?" Taeyeon jumped up from her seat.

"Shhhh..." Tiffany hushed her girlfriend. She leaned forward and wiped the lone drop on Jessica's face away. Her heart felt a brief twinge at the sight of her best friend unconsciously crying. Taeyeon and she had arrived at the Jung residence this morning but Krystal told them Jessica was already out. They followed the girl to Iustit and found Jessica when the girl had just collapsed and passed out in Yuri's office. They didn't have time to wonder, nor did they hesitate a second. Tiffany immediately called an ambulance while Taeyeon jumped to Sooyoung, holding the raging girl back, keeping her from committing homicide.

"How is she?" A new but familiar voice entered the room. Taeyeon's ears perked up at once, her head turned around so fast that it almost broke her neck.

"You!" She yelled and shot up from her seat.


"Do you see what you did to her?! Are you satisfied now?! You're such a monster, you're a demon, you're a beast at heart!"

Taeyeon had grabbed Sooyoung's collar, shaking it violently as she used every single usable muscle of her body to push the tall girl against the wall.

"I didn't know anything about it!" Sooyoung yelled back, pushing Taeyeon away. "I swear! I didn't know anything! Believe me!"

"How am I supposed to believe people like you?!" Taeyeon raged. Her eyes flared up with anger, making herself look more intimidating than someone with her height ever could. "All you people think of is money! Business! Career! You don't care the heck about anything else! You're not even human!"

"Taetae, stop." Tiffany had arrived next to her girlfriend, her arms wrapping tightly around Taeyeon's trembling body. "Taetae, please... Sooyoungie had worked with her. But it was never Soo's fault. You know that." She breathed into Taeyeon's neck, soothingly she hoped.

"Kim Taeyeon, listen clearly." Sooyoung hissed through her clenched teeth as she adjusted her collar. "Not everyone is a Kwon! You hear me? Not everyone is a Kwon."

This seemed to have an instant effect on Taeyeon. Anger left her just as fast as it struck on her. It wasn't the word themselves, but rather the vibe in Sooyoung's voice that swept away the rage inside of Taeyeon. She could clearly hear the hurt, the feeling of being betrayed by someone you trusted most in that voice. It wasn't until then that Taeyeon realized Sooyoung was nothing but just another victim.


Sometime between the fight, Sunny had entered the hospital room. She ignored the awkwardly frozen people as she rushed to the bedside. The three other girls immediately followed suit.

Jessica had wakened. But she didn't waken smilingly. She wakened with tears filling her eyes. Her vision went from the blackness of unconsciousness to the blurriness of real life and all that was awaiting her. She stared through the curtain of tears in front of her eyes, but couldn't see anything but blurriness, blurriness and blurriness. All she could feel was Tiffany hugging her, Taeyeon squeezing her hand, Sunny stroking her hair and Sooyoung standing there somewhere, saying "Thank God". All she could think of, however, was still that one and only question.


Why, Yuri, why?


At the same time, at the place where Jessica had fainted earlier, Jiyong and Yuri were waiting for their grandfather. The ambulance had come fast, and both Yuri and Jiyong were relieved about that. They couldn't afford to create a mess in Iustit, possibly having the media blocking all entrances and constantly asking for Jung Jessica, who had mysteriously fainted in Kwon Yuri's office. Rumours would surely be spread around, and their grandfather wouldn't be very happy.

Another relief for Yuri was that Sunny had come in time. Sooyoung's uncontrollable rage died down just for a moment when Jessica was in critical state. But when Taeyeon and Tiffany escorted Jessica into the hospital, she was ready to tear Yuri apart again. If it wasn't for Sunny holding Sooyoung back, her ex- best friend would have literally done that, Yuri was sure. She shivered, remembering the wrath in Sooyoung's eyes. She should have expected that, though. She knew how betrayal could spark off hatred within just seconds. Bigger trust, greater hatred, it's an understandable thing.

Yuri turned around just when the door to her office opened again and going in was an old, tall man with glasses. He made way for another older-looking man to come in, this person glowing with invisible power.


Both Jiyong and Yuri stood up and bowed deep. The old Kwon just nodded at his grandchildren before walking behind Yuri's desk, his butler following closely behind. Gong, the butler, pulled the chair for Old Kwon to sit down.

"I heard the good news," Old Kwon said, a small smile forming on his lips. Jiyong unnoticeably sighed in relief. So their grandfather hadn't heard of Jessica Jung fainting here earlier.

"Yes, grandpa." He smiled his smile as he allowed himself to sit down in front of Old Kwon. "Jung Jong Min is fleeing from custody, law-enforcement authorities all want him. How stupid can he get? He's just making it worse. All the Jung's property is already temporarily confiscated."

"What happened to the rest of the Jungs?" Old Kwon asked, although sounding not too interested.

"They were kicked out of their own home, of course." Jiyong answered. "There's nothing we have to worry about anymore, grandpa. Without Jung Jong Min in the court, they can never get back their property."

Old Kwon nodded in contentment again. Another unplanned event happened for them to take advantage of. Now the only thing to do was to urge the Kim company to take the Jungs to court. A piece of cake.

"Yuri," the old man motioned Yuri to sit down. "The success this time is all yours. I'm very content, granddaughter."

Yuri didn't say anything but just smiled and bowed lightly as a gesture of thankfulness. She ignored Jiyong as he uncomfortably shifted in his seat next to her.

"Welcome back to the family, dear." Old Kwon sounded extraordinarily warm. His eyes smiled at his granddaughter. "I hope you will come home tonight and have dinner with us. We will have to celebrate this and talk about your new position in the Kwon Enterprise, too."

"I will, grandfather."

"It's grandpa for you."

Old Kwon gave a small laugh, then stood up. Butler Gong immediately made way for him to walk. Both of his grandchildren stood up as well.

"The fact that I was coming here but no one paid attention proves that our name is still safe. No one is suspecting any Kwon to have anything to do with the Jung's downfall. But I want you two to keep being careful and protect this secret. You understand me?"

"Yes, grandpa."

"Excellent. I will see you two tonight."

Yuri and Jiyong both bowed deep as Old Kwon turned around leaving. They didn't straighten up until their grandfather was out of sight.

"Good job, cousin." Jiyong said then with a smile as he tapped Yuri's shoulder. But as the girl didn't respond, his smile slowly faded away. He raised an eyebrow. "You seem pretty bothered. What's wrong?" Stepping back, Jiyong leaned against the desk. He put a finger on his chin, an amused smile slowly forming on his lips. "You are feeling guilty about all this, aren't you? That's weak, Yuri. That's very weak."

"Shut up." Yuri looked at her cousin. Her gaze was as cold and sharp as cut ice. "I'm not even thinking about it anymore. What I'm doing right now is trying to compose myself and to not smash your face in."

Those words wiped the smile off of Jiyong's face completely.

"What do you mean? You are mad just because I delivered Jessica the truth bomb instead of you? Because you know that by that, she is hurt more?" He paused. "You know what cousin, that was exactly the reason I told you to wait in the room next-door. Stop worrying for people outside the family, Yuri. You still haven't learned. Now what would grandpa say if he knew this?"

Yuri shushed Jiyong by slamming her opened hand on the desk's surface. She looked at him with so much contempt, it made him feel a little uneasy inside.

"Stop pretending, Jiyong!" She hissed. "This is exactly what I'm talking about. I can't stand you being this damn fake. I'm hell sick of your hypocritical smiles and your false friendliness! 'Good job, cousin'," Yuri unsuccessfully imitated Jiyong's voice with her frustration. "In truth you think 'Sh*t. So she's finally back.'!"

Jiyong's face has turned emotionless. He looked directly at his angered cousin. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Yuri's nostrils flared up for the brief moment she inhaled a deep breath. She took a threatening step towards Jiyong, but he didn't seem to be intimidated at all. Yuri ended up hitting Jiyong's face with her hot, uneven breaths.

"Don't think I don't know about it." Her voice was just above a whisper, her eyes glaring straight into his eyes. "You are the only heir no more. You're not the definite future president of the Kwon Enterprise anymore. You are scared. You are worried. You are bothered, Jiyong. Because of me."

The man didn't response. A scoff came from Yuri.

"I can see through you, Kwon Jiyong. You better cancel any plan of eliminating me. You're not the only Kwon. I'm back and grandfather has accepted me. There's nothing you can do about it. Don't be stupid and underestimate me. You'll regret."

Jiyong narrowed his eyes, his gaze still locked with Yuri's. But then, he seemed to finally get back to his old self. He cleared his throat and smiled at Yuri.

"I believe there are some misunderstandings, cousin. I still don't know what you're talking about." He moved away, the smile still visible on his face. "You should think about it again, Yuri. Grandfather wouldn't be happy if he knew all you care about is the president's position." He said goodbye with a small smirk and quickly got out of Yuri's office, leaving the tanned girl behind gripping the edge of her desk.

"As*hole." Yuri clenched her teeth tightly.


The door to the apartment opened with a click of the key in the lock. Sooyoung kicked open the apartment door as she squeezed herself and the huge moving box in. Taeyeon followed her closely behind with a suitcase. Lastly, three other girls entered the hallway.

"Wow, looks nice here." Sooyoung commented as she peaked into the living room. "What a lovely place."

"Taengoo, can you help me putting the suitcase into my bedroom?" Jessica said and indicated the door at the end of the hallway. "And you can put that box into the living room, Sooyoung."


"Do you mind if I go around taking a look?" Sunny asked and smiled. As Jessica shook her head, the energized girl almost hopped towards the other end of the hallway, going into the small kitchen. Tiffany didn't bother 'going around and take a look'. She knew this apartment too well.

"Jessi, I'm so glad Taetae came up with this." She sighed as she put a hand on Jessica's shoulder. "Everything happens so fast. They don't even care if we can handle it at all."

Jessica just smiled weakly at her friend. She had left the hospital even before noon today, knowing that her family can't afford money for longer stays in the hospital anymore. But as soon as she was out, bad news hit her instantly and she felt like going back in again. She had to bitterly learn that all her family's property was temporarily attached; her father was officially "wanted"; her mother, her sister and she have now nowhere to call home; and, on top of all, a lawsuit against them would take place soon. Jessica was just about to let out a cry of despair and run away, far far away from this place, just like her father, when Sooyoung stopped her. The tall girl had held her arm tightly, and insisted her family to come to her place. Jessica didn't want to, but Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny were there too to convince her. She had no other option.

"Your family can stay here as long as you want to." Sooyoung's parents had told Jessica's mom. All three Jungs were extremely moved by the Choi's kindness, but Jessica knew she wouldn't want to bother Sooyoung's family for too long. And Taeyeon, knowing her best friend too well, got a stroke of genius just in time.

"Sica, oh my God!" She had screamed all of sudden. "This is it!"

"What?" Jessica had glared at Taeyeon for startling her. "What is what?"

"This is the solution! The ultimate solution!" Taeyeon almost jumped up in joy. "Your apartment Sica! Do you remember? The one you lived at when you had that quarrel with your dad last time?"

Jessica had been speechless. Of course she remembered. But she hadn't understood how it was the ultimate solution, according to Taeyeon.

"Gosh Sica, don't be so slow!" Taeyeon had exclaimed, still excited as ever. "You have given me the money to buy that apartment, because you don't want your dad to track you down, remember? The apartment is officially under my name. It has nothing to do with the Jung's property. Which means that you can use it and live there, legally!"

Jessica had been stunned nonetheless. Now not because she didn't understand, but because it was the first piece of good news during the past few days, she was just overwhelmed.

"Oh God, Taetae you're so smart!" Tiffany had shrieked. "Umma Jung and Krys and Sica can live there and it would seem like we let them borrow our apartment. In truth, it was Sica's pocket money so it's technically her house. But no one knows!"

Taeyeon had put on her I-know-I'm-good-smirk and received a loud kiss on the cheek. Then, the girls had helped umma Jung and Jessica and Krystal to pack their bags that afternoon, stuffing some clothes and other necessities into a moving box and a small suitcase. Sooyoung's parents, however, insisted for the Jungs to stay at least that night. That's why only Jessica went out to check her apartment this late afternoon, while her mother and sister stayed with the Chois, enjoying their hospitality.

"It's a little small for three people, but aside from space, I think this apartment is just perfect." Sunny came into the living room after finishing her tour. She hopped onto the couch, checking its softness. Sooyoung chuckled and sat herself down next to the bunny girl.

"Thanks, guys. Really." Jessica moved towards her friends, a sincere smile on her face. Somehow, Tiffany felt like crying at this sight.

"Sica, you don't have to--"

"I'm hungry!" Taeyeon announced as she came back from the bedroom. She stopped her dorky aura for a moment, seeing the other girls had gathered around the couch. "Am I... disturbing a serious conference?"

"No, you're not." Sooyoung laughed as she stood up. "I'm hungry too. Let's go grab something to eat."

"Naww, why don't we cook a small snack?" Sunny suggested. "Just to check the kitchen, if everything's still working and such, you know?" She turned around, waiting for Jessica's decision.

"Sure, why not." Jessica said smiling.

"Yay!" Sunny jumped up. "Who wants to go out buying groceries with me?"

"Me!" Tiffany grabbed Sunny by the hand, swinging it back and forth.

"Yah!" Taeyeon called after the two girls as they quickly walked toward the door. "Remember that we're financially limited! Don't treat food like how you treat purses, Fany!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sooyoung laughed as she sat down onto the couch again.

"It's Fany," Taeyeon sighed. "She's obsessed with purses. Especially pink purses. Everytime we go shopping, she spends hours to look at those stupid bags and tells me that she wants this pretty Gucci handbag, that pink Prada purse, this on that one this purse that purse I'm going crazy. She wants to have them all, do you understand? I mean like, isn't ONE purse more than enough? What do you want to do with so many of them? In the end, they all lie in a corner of the dresser anyway! Same goes for shoes, oh god. You haven't seen our shoe cupboard! Everything's just a waste of money!"

Sooyoung couldn't help it and exploded with laughter. The way Taeyeon ranted about Tiffany's obsession was just too funny. She wiped her tears away as she clutched her stomach, trying to stop herself from laughing like a madwoman. She received a fist on her shoulder.

"Stop laughing already." Taeyeon chided, her face slightly flushed. She then sighed and tried to look a little more serious. "Soo... I-- I'm sorry about... this morning..." She gulped. "In the hospital, you know. I was just too angry, I wasn't thinking straight."

"It's okay, buddy." Sooyoung playfully gave Taeyeon a gangster fist on the arm. "I understand. I was damn mad at that betrayer too. And I still am."

It wasn't until then that the two girls noticed Jessica was no longer standing there with them. The blonde girl had moved to the window, looking down the streets. Her gaze was fixed on something far away, and both Sooyoung and Taeyeon knew what was going on in Jessica's mind. They could tell, just by the sight, that Jessica's thoughts weren't here in this room. Her head had escaped and was again with someone that wasn't worth it, at all. Sooyoung and Taeyeon looked at each other, not saying a word. Both were thinking of the same thing: they hoped, dearly hoped, that Jessica could soon get over Yuri.

But little did they know, this was not going to happen. Jessica knew better. It would take her long, real long to forget about Yuri. If not forever. Because, one thing she knew for sure, she had never loved anyone as much as this girl.

If Jiyong was a river she had to get over seven years ago, Yuri was the ocean.

Unconsciously gripping her necklace, the silver chain that symbolized their promises of love, Jessica was unaware of the small tear rolling down her cheek. She still didn't understand. The question was like a ghost, whirring constantly in her head. She wanted an answer.


Why, Yuri, why? 

Chapter 21

They were in the courtroom, waiting for the proceeding to start. Tiffany looked at her friend who appeared to be lost in her own thoughts again. She sighed, searching for Jessica's hand and held it. The blonde girl turned her head and looked at Tiffany with a slight smile.

"You okay?" Tiffany asked with a worried expression. "I mean, are you sure you can do this?"

"I have no choice, Fany." Jessica squeezed Tiffany's hand - a gesture that should be telling Tiffany she was still standing strong on her own feet. She was not okay, but she can do it. "I can't leave mom alone."

"Dear..." Mrs Jung's voice came from the other site of Jessica. The girl released her friend's hand and turned around, hugging her mother. Mrs Jung looked so much weaker ever since her husband left. She had puffy eyes because of too much crying and lost a lot of weight because she couldn't swallow her meals. She would have starved herself if it wasn't for her two daughters. The woman tapped Jessica's shoulder a few times before releasing the hug. "You've really grown up, Jessica. I-I'm so proud of you."

Mrs Jung's voice cracked and Jessica just gave her mother a weak smile. She knew exactly what's playing on her mother's mind. Mrs Jung was thinking how proud her husband would be if he knew his daughter had turned into such a responsible person. But then, she remembered it was him who pushed the whole family into this kind of situation at the first place. A week had passed by, but not once did they receive any news from Mr Jung. They didn't know where he was, what he's doing, if he's safe, if he knew that they have to appear in court. They didn't hear from him at all.


Jessica turned around and saw Taeyeon and Sooyoung approaching her. A woman in a black suit was following them, holding tightly onto a small, typical black working suitcase. She appeared to be in her late twenties, her serious face wore glasses and looked both intelligent and beautiful. Jessica stood up from her seat. She knew who this person was.

"Nice to meet you, Ms Park."

"Please call me Narsha, Ms Jung." The lawyer shook her hand.

"Please call me Jessica, too, then."

Narsha nodded smilingly and waited as Tiffany stood up to make place for her. She sat down next to Jessica and immediately proceeded to serious business.

"I have read up on the case file on the way to the venue," Narsha said as she flipped through a document she had just taken out from her suitcase. "So the Kim Company and another company have brought action against the Jung Enterprises for breaking the working contract, right? Since the Jung Enterprises suddenly stopped with the execution of their assigned projects, the two other companies had to suffer financial lost. They now demand compensation, which, according to the contract, the Jung Enterprise has to pay. There's no way to get around it. But JE's financial limit doesn't allow this to happen, and that's why it has to be settled in court. Did I get everything so far?"

Jessica just nodded, knowing that Narsha didn't really want to hear her answer. The lawyer was too occupied with the papers, her thoughts revolving around the case, already scheming a plan of what to say and what not. Narsha was an acquaintance of the Chois, a fairly good lawyer with three years experience in the job. Years ago, when she was an orphan moving to the city from the countryside to study law, the Choi's restaurant was the place she found home - Mr Choi let her rent a room in their two-story house. Soon, she was treated like a daughter of the family. She didn't really have to worry about paying for her meals anymore and could focus on studying instead. Narsha practically owed the Chois her six year university education, and thus, she promised she would help them with any issue involving law for the rest of her life.

Sooyoung had told Jessica about Narsha. The lawyer would not appear before the last minute due to her busy schedule, but on the other hand, she didn't want to be paid. Jessica knew she owed Sooyoung, big time, again.



Sooyoung rolled her eyes. "Listen, we don't have time for you to space out, okay?"

"Yeah..." Jessica feebly said. "I'm sorry."

"Alright." Narsha smiled and tapped the document with her paper, trying to draw Jessica's attention. "So I was saying, since your father is not here and you're the only other Jung who directly worked in the Jung Enterprise, you are the person the court will have to talk to. You need to focus and remember what I tell you now. We won't be able to avoid having to pay compensation, but we can try to file for bankruptcy. By that, your family will have sort of a protection from the law and the compensation will be restricted. It doesn't look too bright, but I think that, even though Mr Jung is still not found, the legal freedom of the other Jungs will not be constricted. To reduce possible material loss, you have to remember to tell the court that you have only newly joined your father's business. So the responsibility on your part will be smaller. You understand me, Jessica? Jessica?"

Narsha let out a frustrated sigh as the girl seemed to be spacing out again. She turned around to look at Sooyoung, only to realize the tall girl was just as distracted. Taking her glasses off to clean them briefly, a thought hit the lawyer's mind. There were these two people coming into the courtroom, and every eye on the Jung's side was fixated on them like glue. Narsha could only guess who they were, but she was pretty sure about her guess.

The Kwon siblings.

Thanks to Sooyoung, she had heard about things happening behind the scenes, too. She knew about the Kwon-Jung tension, knew about Jiyong, about Yuri's plan, about everything. It was just too bad they had absolutely no evidence to do anything against the bad men (and woman).

"Jessica." Narsha called again, this time with a softer look in the eyes as she more or less understood Jessica's emotional situation now. "Jessica..."

Yuri and Jiyong passed by and went to the other side of the courtroom. Jessica narrowed her eyes as Jiyong's eyes met hers, his smile was like evil fire, ready to blow her fuse any moment. She let out a disappointed sigh, however, as Yuri didn't even turn to look at her. Jessica let out another sigh, frustrated with herself for even being disappointed because of an I-don't-care Yuri at the first place.

"Jessica, can we continue please? The proceeding starts in ten minutes."

Narsha's sharp voice snapped her back to reality. She gave the lawyer an apologetic look, which Narsha returned with an understanding smile.

"Now, please listen to me carefully and don't get yourself distracted."

"Okay, I won't." Jessica told the lawyer, as well as herself.

No, she would not get distracted by Kwon Yuri again. No Kwon was worth her attention, let alone receiving any feeling of her. No Kwon, never, ever again.


She passes the crowd of people waiting at the baggage carousal, stretching their necks to try to spot their luggage. She couldn't help but to giggle and immediately brought one hand up to cover her mouth. She always traveled light, and she was always amused and laughing at people standing there sweating in the crowd, waiting for their suitcases. It had become her habit, since when she didn't know.

Without much worry, the girl with the unique fashion style promenaded towards the immigration department. She showed the officer her Korean passport and immediately got the green light. Still humming a random song with super good mood, she approached the next green light with the "NOTHING TO DECLARE" sign. Giving the security guy a quick smile, which got him to blush, she strutted past him.

Finally, she had set her foot on Korean ground again.

And the first thing she did, as ordered, was to contact Kwon Yuri.


The lawsuit ended for the day with the Jung property still being attached. The compensation was still not fully paid, but no definite verdict had been pronounced yet. However, the Jury had decided for Jessica to be innocent, which was a huge relief on the Jungs' side. Jessica knew she could trust Narsha; this woman seemed to be not just fairly good, but really talented. The way she had argued before court, and then looked at the Jury and said "You are the law!" when they were about to give their votes had an invisible, compact power, it seemed to Jessica, that made the Jury have to have sympathy with a girl whose father was running away from responsibility. Because truth was, Jessica was never to blame. None of what happened was really her fault.

The court had decided to give Mr Jung three months to return and take responsibility, otherwise a verdict would be pronounced without him at court, which was to anything but his advantage. The rest of the Jungs didn't need to pay the debts; at least not until a final sentence had been decided for Jung Jong Min. So Mrs Jung, Jessica and Krystal remained normal citizens with equal rights. The only restriction they had to bear was that they were prohibited to leave the country. Which they didn't plan to do, anyway.

"You could say this lawsuit is still pending," Narsha said to everyone as she and Jessica arrived at where the girl's friends, Mrs Jung and Krystal were waiting. "But at least for the coming three months, you can try to settle your lives. If your father doesn't return, you will have to start paying the debts off. I am sorry I couldn't push through with my six months demand."

"Please don't be sorry about that," Mrs Jung shook her head as she held Narsha's hands. "You've already done too much for us. I don't know how to thank you enough."

"Please, Mrs Jung." Narsha smiled at the woman. "The people you should thank are the Chois. I'm just trying to pay off my personal debts."

"Don't be like that, unnie," Sooyoung nudged the lawyer with her elbow, and the group broke out into a small laughter.

Jessica smiled along with everyone, more or less relieved about what happened today. However, the sight of her emaciated mother still made her heart ache. She couldn't find herself hating her father, nonetheless. To the contrary, she was actually very worried for him. Her parents had been married for more than twenty years already, and she had spent not much less time with that man. She simply knew him. She understood him. And she knew her mother did, too. He can't just run away like that. There's definitely more to it.

Jessica felt the familiar weird feeling in her chest as she, for the second time of the day, spotted Yuri. The girl was walking out of the courtroom with Jiyong, both looking not very pleased. Obviously because of the decision of the court, Jessica thought. The tanned girl looked like that person Jessica met almost four months ago in that vacation house. 'Business' was what was written on her cold face. Jessica felt something stirring inside her, a desire to make those emotionless eyes look into hers. Because, as odd as it might sound, she believed she was able to elicit some emotion in them.

No! Jessica smacked herself mentally. Yuri's figure disappeared behind the big door, and she found herself being utterly disappointed.

Don't care about her! Don't care about her! She told herself desperately.

"I need to use the washroom," she told everyone else. "Be right back."

Without giving anyone a chance to become suspicious, Jessica scurried out of the courtroom. Outside, the hall was filled with people, busy with themselves. Everyone was walking fast or talking on the phone, passing by Jessica without even noticing her. She looked around but couldn't spot the person she was looking for. Jessica slowly made her way through the crowd, occasionally tiptoeing to peek over all the heads. Still, no Yuri was in sight. She sighed and stopped in her tracks. She didn't even know why she was doing this. Why was she running after Yuri? Why did she want to see her? Wasn't she supposed to hate her? To never want to see her again?

Lost in her thoughts, Jessica approached the washroom absentmindedly. If she wasn't able to find Yuri, at least she must do what she had told her friends. She entered the women washroom and found it completely empty. Jessica was a little surprised at this fact, but soon she pushed that irrelevant thought out of her head. She approached a sink and realized she didn't feel like using the toilet either. With a sigh, Jessica turned on the faucet and let water flow down, cooling her hands. She rubbed her hands together while staring at her reflection in the mirror.

She was not emaciated. She did not have puffy eyes. She didn't even look that tired. But she looked incomplete.

She felt empty, she realized.

Jessica sighed and turned off the water. She dried her hands with the air blower next to the sink. The noise that the dryer created made her unable to hear the door of the washroom crack open. It wasn't until she looked up into the mirror again that she saw someone standing behind her. The sudden presence of the person caught her off guard, and she was visibly startled.

"Yuri--" Jessica turned around abruptly, her eyes immediately met Yuri's. She held her breath. Yuri's eyes - there was something in them. They were not cold, not empty. There was something.

"Hello, Jessica." Yuri said, her voice oddly hoarse. "Congratulations... The court's decision today is good for you, isn't it?"

Jessica didn't response. Yuri slowly took some steps towards the girl. She looked around the washroom to make sure no one was listening to them. It wasn't like she had a secret or something to hide, she was just not comfortable with the thought of other people eavesdropping her conversations.

"How are you?" Yuri finally asked as her eyes finished the screening.

"Why do you even care?" Jessica asked back, snappish and sudden. Yuri, however, didn't seem like she was taken aback. To the contrary, she was relieved. At least Jessica was talking to her.

"It's not like you're my enemy or something," Yuri shrugged. "I don't hate you."

"But I do."

Jessica was surprised herself at how emotionless she sounded. Piercing cold, she had set a thick ice wall between them with just a short sentence. She saw Yuri staring at her, for how long she didn't know. Then, the girl nodded. An understanding nod, an accepting nod. Yuri was telling her: It's okay if you hate me. I understand. I don't blame you. And just because of that simple nod, tears swelled up in Jessica's eyes.

Yuri turned around to leave, thinking that her presence so far had made Jessica feeling uncomfortable enough. She was already hated, Yuri thought, she didn't want to feel this hatred. With her back facing Jessica, she approached the door. She gripped the doorknob, thinking that this was probably the last time they see each other.


Jessica's voice cracked behind her. Yuri held her breath.

"Did you... have you ever--"

Yuri released the door knob and turned around. Jessica wasn't crying, she noticed with relief. The girl was shaking a little, but did her best to control her body.

"What is it?" Yuri asked.

"..." Jessica gathered herself together. "Did you ever really love me?"

This time, Yuri was caught off guard. She couldn't hide her surprise at the direct question. An influx of flashbacks hit her mind in an instant. But out of all, Yuri saw one the clearest.

They lied in bed together, Yuri's arms protectively wrapped around Jessica. The tanned girl leaned forward, giving the blonde a loud peck on the forehead, causing her to giggle.

"Gosh, you are so cute," Yuri laughed, her cheek pressing against Jessica's hair.

"I know I am," Jessica sighed contently against Yuri's shoulder. She then remained quiet, enjoying the moment of bliss. It became comfortably silent, their breaths harmonizing with each other as they were relaxing in each other's arms. But before Yuri could drift off to sleep, Jessica lifted her head again. Moving a little away from the tanned girl, she shifted herself into a position where she could look into Yuri's eyes.

"Tell me Yul," she began, and Yuri was giving her all her attention. "How much do you love me?"

The tanned girl looked surprised for a moment, but then a smile slowly formed on her face. She reached out, stroking Jessica's cheek lovingly.

"You really want to know?" Yuri asked, and Jessica nodded eagerly. "Then, do you know how many people are living in Korea?"

"Eh? No, not really. Why?"

"Do you know much water there is in the Nile?"

"What does that have to do with my question?"

"Sica, do you?"


"Well, do you know how much energy is within the universe, then?"

"Yah! What is your point?!"

"My point is... How am I supposed to define my love for you, when those little unimportant and insignificant questions are already impossible to answer?"

It took Jessica a moment to realize what Yuri was saying. When she finally understood, she blushed and shrieked. Grabbing her pillow, she hit it against the laughing girl's face.

"Gosh! You're so cheesy!" Jessica yelled. But she shut up as Yuri pinned her down the sheets, hovering above her with a big grin.

"Why, thank you. I know I am." Yuri whispered before leaning in for a kiss.

"I didn't." Yuri said after a long pause. "I never loved you. I'm sorry."

Yuri stared at Jessica, seeing the girl clenching her teeth tightly together. Tears were about to spill, and Yuri knew she definitely didn't want to see them. But before she could even move, Jessica was already running. The girl passed by her, sleeves wiping the eyes, and banged the washroom door shut before Yuri could react.

Yuri didn't chase after Jessica. There was no reason to. Although Yuri knew for sure, Jessica was crying out there, wishing for nothing more than Yuri to run after her and take all the heartbreaking words back.

All Yuri did was staying silently in the washroom. Her own words echoed in her mind repeatedly.

I never loved you. I never loved you. I never loved you. 

Chapter 22

Yuri leaned back into the chair and let out a sigh. Her eyes wandered around in the unfamiliar room as she tried to tell herself to get used to it real soon. Double the size of her old office, yellow walls adorned with random pictures (except her complete right side was replaced by windows, giving her a clear sight of the city), an elegant couch set, another beige desk just a little smaller than hers on the left - this was her new office in the Kwon Enterprise.

Just yesterday, Yuri was introduced to the board as the other official holder of the "Kwon offspring" position beside Jiyong. Of course, only the Kwon Enterprise had this special position. To put it easy, a "Kwon offspring" had powers that were similar to a vice president's. This was why Old Kwon had had a huge office prepared for Yuri; her "welcoming present", he had said. Yuri had expressed her gratitude to her grandfather, but had had a hard time rejecting the secretary he wanted to hire for her. Yuri had always worked without assistance, and she didn't plan to change that anytime soon. Old Kwon wasn't very happy about this - he wanted anything but his grandchildren overworking themselves - but in the end, he didn't force Yuri to take the girl he picked anymore. Instead, he told her to find a secretary on her own, and gave her a week to do so.

"I want to give you time to make yourself comfortable and get used to the Kwon business anyway," Old Kwon had told Yuri. "Don't rush and just take it slowly. I don't want you to be too busy when you're just getting started."

Yuri had just silently nodded to her grandfather. She wasn't naive, she knew what was behind those concern-filled words. Even though she had defeated the Jung Enterprise for her grandfather, the old man was still cautious. Not overcautious and having cameras hidden in her office, but he didn't want her to join huge and important projects yet. Yuri understood, and she wasn't complaining. All she had to do was to be patient, because she knew one day, she would be having her grandfather's full trust. There was no reason for that not to happen. Because, after all, he had given her the "Kwon offspring" title already.

Loud knocks on the door snapped Yuri out of her chain of thoughts. She looked up straight to the other end of the room and saw Jiyong appearing behind the door, his typical smile on his face.

"Hello cousin," he approached her desk.

Yuri didn't say anything. She just looked at him and noticed he had a wrapped-up present in his hand. It had the size of a small book, and Yuri couldn't help but to wonder what's in there. However, she didn't want him to know she was curious.

"What do you want?" Yuri asked, sounding uninterested.

"Giving you my welcoming present," Jiyong answered and put the small present on her desk. He then sat down onto the chair across Yuri's, looking at her with expectant eyes. "Open it."

Yuri hesitated. She looked distrustfully at the object on the desk, her eyes then searched for some hints in Jiyong's eyes. But she didn't find anything but amusement in them.

"Just open it," Jiyong said with a chuckle. "It's not a bomb. It's a present for you to decorate your new office, to make it prettier, not to destroy it."

Giving Jiyong another suspicious look, Yuri grabbed the present. She then told herself there's nothing to worry about. She didn't want to give Jiyong the impression she was afraid or scared of him either. So, quick and careless, Yuri ripped the paper apart. Soon enough, she realized the present was no book, but a photo frame. And when she saw the picture in there, her eyes flared up with anger. She turned to Jiyong and glared daggers at him, while he was laughing out loud amusedly.

"Hey hey, take it easy!" He waved his hand at the furious girl. "The people who are in charge of moving stuff from your old office dropped the picture and the frame broke. They gave it to me, and I thought I could be so nice and buy you a new frame. I mean, you should keep some memories of your preys, right?" Jiyong chuckled. "Don't look at me like that, Yuri. You should thank me or something."

The reaction he received from Yuri was, however, just a huff. Jiyong shook his head side to side, a big grin visible on his face.

"You liked her, didn't you?" He leaned forward a little, examining Yuri's face. "I bet you do. Nothing else could explain your sudden rage. It's okay, though. I think I can understand. She's become a hot chick." He glanced at the picture in Yuri's hands and let out a dreamy chuckle. "If she had looked like that seven years ago... Cousin, cousin... you'd be surely not the only Kwon who had laid h--"

Jiyong shut up abruptly, frozen at his own carelessness. He had unintentionally spilled the beans, and Yuri was staring disbelievingly at him. Jiyong cursed mentally, for he knew it was too late to correct the mistake. He quickly stood up, preparing himself for the girl's wrath. Yuri's body shot up at the same moment, and within a second, she had leaned forward and grabbed Jiyong's collar.

"Yuri, it's not what you t--"

"Do you have people stalking me?" She hissed, sounding as if she could throw him out through the window any moment. "Do you have people spying on me?!"

"I--" Jiyong struggled with the grip, but eventually gave in. "... Yes," he feebly said.

Yuri tightened the grip on her cousin's collar. She felt blood rushing through her body, literally, something inside her boiling. She clenched her teeth, preventing herself from screaming into Jiyong's face. Her body trembled from rage, and she wished she could just beat him up mercilessly. But then, Yuri took a deep breath and calmed herself down. She pushed her cousin away roughly, her eyes dismissing.

"Get out," she said coldly.

"Hey," Jiyong fixed his collar, panting a little. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? It was grandpa's order to watch over everything you do. But now, no one's following you anymore. And... I mean, it was just to make sure you didn't plan to trick us. I didn't get to know the details of what you do anyway. I wouldn't want to, Yuri. Really."

Jiyong paused, waiting for the girl to say something. Yuri looked at her cousin as her anger slowly cooled down.

"Go," she told him after a while, and she turned around, her back facing him.

Having no other choice, Jiyong just shrugged and left. It wasn't until the door was closed and she was alone in the room again that Yuri sank down into her chair, sighing. It would probably take her more time to get her grandfather's full trust, she had to tiredly realize.


Jessica sat on the floor, newspapers spread everywhere. She was wearing her glasses, her crossed legs were already numb from staying in this position for too long. She had been highly focused on the newspaper in front of her, and kept being focused for the next fifteen minutes. But then, she couldn't take it anymore and had to stand up, stretching herself, giving a tired sigh at last. Jessica turned around looking at the small clock on the wall and read 9:25 am.

Hopefully mom and Krystal will be back from buying groceries soon, she thought.

Jessica always got sleepy when she's home alone. And, as much as she hated it, she always did something else when there's no one around to distract her. She always thought of Yuri.

Jessica sank into the couch as she stared at the small silver object on the coffee table. It was the heart-shaped necklace Yuri once gave her. She clearly remembered she had thrown it away after the encounter with Yuri in the washroom last time. Yuri had been a jerk and she had been hurt. She had run out of the building, removed the necklace and dropped it on the ground somewhere. She didn't even remember where she dropped it exactly. Yet, the next day, a postman delivered her a small packet, and in there was the necklace.

Jessica didn't think of throwing it away after the incident anymore. She decided to keep it, but was unsure of what to do with it. She was confused. She didn't know if it was a sign, or an omen, or a hint. She had no clue who could possibly send her the necklace, either. She had thought of Yuri, of course, but then, she felt like a fool again.

She does not love you, she had to remind herself over and over.

No matter how much she wanted to deny it, she couldn't. It was the same with her feelings. No matter how much she wanted to stop thinking of Yuri, she couldn't. She was mad at Yuri, and somewhere inside, the rage had turned into hatred. But she couldn't replace all the feelings she had for Yuri with hatred. Love was persistent and didn't want to go away. As stupid as it might be, she knew she still loved Yuri. A lot.

Jessica leaned forward and picked the necklace up. She held it in her hand, staring at it for a while.

"Sica, can you promise me something?"

"Promise what?"

"That no matter what happens, you will always believe that my heart is beating for you, belongs to you, and that my love for you is eternal and never changing."

"I-I promise."

She couldn't forget that day on the Chalk Peak. She wasn't keeping her promise, Jessica was aware of that. But how was she supposed to, when Yuri did everything to make her think it was not worth it?

"You didn't keep your promise either," Jessica whispered as she felt tears swelling up in her eyes again. "You said you would never make me cry again. You said if tears ever escaped my eyes, you would kiss them away... You don't keep your promises, you stupid, stupid jerk." She felt the frustration towards Yuri inside her swelling up as well. "Why, Yuri... why do you promise something when you know right from the start you will never keep your words?"

Jessica angrily wiped her eyes with her sleeve, preventing tears from really spilling. She closed her palm, pressing the necklace tightly into her hand. She breathed as she tried to settle herself down. It took her a while, but she succeeded.

Ding dong.

Just then, the bell to her apartment rang , causing Jessica to have to swallow that lump in her throat. She dried her eyes and quickly made her way to the hallway, not realizing that she was again putting the necklace around her neck - the place where it really belonged to.

"Sunny," Jessica mumbled to herself.

It could only be Sunny. The girl had promised to drop by some newspapers this morning, as she was able to snatch a couple of freesheets from work. And Jessica needed any source of news she could get - anywhere, anyone, anything that offered jobs that were not baby sitting, catering or house cleaning. It wasn't that she was lazy and didn't want to do things that required physical exertion. In fact, even if she wanted to, she couldn't do it. Jessica made babies cry, burnt kitchens, and was clumsy enough to break a dozen of things while cleaning the house. Besides, she needed a fulltime job, not a part-time one like what she had seen so far in the newspapers.

The bell had rung for the second time when Jessica finally reached the door. She swung the door open, expecting to see Sunny's small figure. However, what she saw was a small figure that was not Sunny. The unfamiliar someone standing in front of her door was a little taller than Sunny, but skinner and probably younger. The person wore stylish jeans that hugged the legs - not too tight, not too loose, just perfect to emphasize the skinniness. And even though Jessica couldn't see the stranger's face, she could tell for sure the person was female. The leather jacket the stranger wore had a soft femininity to it, perfectly fitting petite girls. The only odd thing that puzzled the blonde was the ridiculous sunglasses and that funny hat on the stranger's head.

"Umm... can I help you?" Jessica asked, deciding to be polite.

"Ms Jung, I'm detective Goo Hara from the Economic Investigation Department--", the girl with the fairly high voice introduced and flipped, for a millisecond, something that Jessica supposed was the detective ID. "Would you mind if I asked you some questions? Right now?"

Jessica narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Something about this detective was fishy, she thought.

"Questions? About what?"

The look the girl threw Jessica was a surprised one, or so Jessica thought. She couldn't quite see anything behind the shades. Detective Goo leaned forward, one hand cupped next to her mouth as she lowered her voice.

"About your father, Mr Jung, of course."

Jessica was immediately alarmed. The stranger straightened up again and flashed her a goofy smile.

Now, how unprofessional is this? Jessica raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, but can I see your badge again?"

The smile on the Goo girl's face disappeared in a matter of milliseconds. Jessica immediately sensed the nervousness.

"S-sure," the girl fumbled in the inner pocket of her leather jacket. "Detective Goo from the Economic Investigation Department." She flipped the ID for a really brief moment before stuffing it back into the jacket again.

But that was enough for Jessica. She was not stupid enough to believe this girl.

"What does a detective from the Economic Investigation Department want to know about my father's disappearance?" Jessica's hands were on her waist as she blocked the door, trying to look intimidating to the small figure. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"W-What? What do you mean?"

Jessica couldn't tell if the girl was intimidated or not, but she knew the fake detective was already sweating bullets.

"You are fake, aren't you?!" Jessica poked the girl's chest with her index finger. "Why else don't you want to let me take a closer look at your ID?"

"What?! I did!" The girl frustratedly protested. "For the third time--" she pulled the ID out, but it was with unintentionally excessive force, and so the badge flew out of her hand, hitting Jessica right in the middle of the face.


"Oh God, sorry! I'm so sorry!"

The girl frantically apologized while Jessica was busy cupping her nose. The ID had fallen down and already lied on the floor. The small girl crouched down as fast as she could, trying to grab it. But Jessica was faster as she stomped onto the ground and successfully set a foot onto the badge, just a second before the girl could pick it up. Jessica's foot stuck to the floor, unwilling to move even just for an inch.

"Yah!" The other girl yelled as she attempted to shove Jessica's foot away. "What the hell are you doing?! My ID!"

"You pervert!" Jessica screamed as she kicked the girl's hand away. "Don't you dare to touch my leg ever again!!!"

"Then move! Ouch! Stop kicking me!!! OW! Are you crazy?!"

"Stop touching my foot!"

"Give me back my ID!"

"NO! You're a spy! Yuri sent you, didn't she?!"

"Who the hell is Yuri? I don't even know who Yuri is!"

They continued yelling at each other as the smaller girl kept shaking Jessica's leg, despite being kicked mercilessly.

"Gosh, give me back my ID! You have no idea how long it took me to make this badge--"

"HA!" Jessica yelled. "So you admit you're fake!"

Jessica retreated her foot and the girl immediately snatched the badge away. The stranger straightened up and was about to run away when Jessica grabbed the end of her hair and pulled her back.


"Oh no, you're not going anywhere!"

The girl turned around and struggled with Jessica's grip. But the blonde didn't want to let her go. Not before she told Jessica the truth. Was Yuri really behind all this? Did she still care? Or was it just plain curiosity? She knew it was foolish to think of Yuri so much, but... she couldn't help it.

"What the hell is going on?"

Jessica and the girl stopped struggling for a moment and turned to the source of the voice.

"Sunny!" Both exclaimed.

"Eh?" Both Sunny and Jessica turned to the girl who had clasped her hands over her mouth.

"Hara, is that you?" Sunny stepped nearer, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. She then reached out for the small girl's shades and pulled it away, revealing the big, innocent eyes. Now Jessica understood why the girl had to wear these odd sunglasses. If she had seen those eyes from the start, the possibility of her buying Hara's story was a big, fat zero. Those eyes were too young, too soft for a detective.

"Geez, don't tell me you're playing detective again," Sunny shook her head and Hara could only look down in embarrassment. "You little rascal!"

Jessica let go of Hara's hair since Sunny was already there, scolding the girl. She felt relieved yet a little disappointed at the same time, knowing this girl had nothing to do with the person she thought of. But the girl looking so ashamed while being scolded by the shorter Sunny was so cute, Jessica couldn't help but to smile.

"Sica, this is my cousin, Goo Hara."

Jessica nodded. "Hi, Sunny's cousin," she said as she crossed her arms and leaned against the doorway with a small smile.

"I hope she wasn't bothering you," Sunny shook her head. "If she told you she's a detective, don't believe her. This kid is 18, she's gonna graduate from high school this year, aiming for a police academy, of course. It's her silly dream. But as long as she doesn't have an official certification, she's still a wannabe. Watched too many criminal series on TV, you know." Sunny sighed. "I'm really sorry for whatever she's done just now."

"Well, she's pretty daring to pretend to be the law-enforcement," Jessica said. "But yeah, I didn't really believe her anyway."

"You!" Sunny smacked Hara's head. "Apologize to Sica, now!"

The small girl was totally intimidated by Sunny. She looked at Jessica with a flushed face, nervously fumbling with her fingers, trying to find the right words. The blonde just chuckled. She was not mad. Even though Hara tried to trick her, now that she knew the truth, Jessica even felt fond of the girl for some reason.

"Look, it's alright." Jessica waved her hand. "I--"

But the loud ringing of her phone cut her off. Sunny gave her a nod as she excused herself and dashed into her apartment. The cell phone was ringing and vibrating on the coffee table in the living room, urging her to pick up the call. Jessica grabbed the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Krystal.


"U-unnie!" Krystal's voice was frantic. Jessica felt her heart almost stop beating as she heard ambulance sirens in the background.

"Mom just collapsed and fell down the escalator. Get to the hospital unnie, NOW!"


Yuri entered the huge hotel, assured that no one was following her. She had driven to the spicy noodle restaurant in front of Iustit earlier, parking her car there. After ordering herself an extra spicy bowl of noodles and having enough of burning her tongue, Yuri had paid properly. Then, she had gone into the restroom and escaped through the window. She was being careful and on guard during the entire bus ride to this hotel then. The whole act might have been redundant, for Jiyong had sworn he had stopped spying on her, but Yuri couldn't be careless. Who could trust Kwon Jiyong, anyway?

"May I help you?" The receptionist of the four-star hotel greeted Yuri with a smile.

"Yes, please," she smiled back as she took her shades off. "I'm Kwon Yuri. I'd like to meet the lady in room 922. She knows I'm coming."

"Just a second, please." The young woman on the other side of the counter reached for the phone on the table. She dialed what Yuri supposed was the phone number for room 922. After a few seconds, the other end picked up. The receptionist talked a few seconds and nodded along. Then, she put the phone down and smiled at Yuri again.

"Please use the elevator over there," she indicated the hallway on the left. "She is waiting for you. Room 922 is on the ninth floor."

"Got it. Thanks."

Yuri nodded to the receptionist and made her way to the said place. The elevator took her to the ninth floor within a minute, and Yuri didn't have any problem finding room 922 at all. She took a deep breath before pressing the bell. She was happy excited.

The door swung open. Yuri didn't see anyone in the doorway, but she entered nonetheless. It wasn't until the door was shut again that a figure jumped out from behind it, falling around her neck.

"Yuri... I missed you."

Yuri turned around hugging the girl back, tapping her back.

"I missed you, too."

"How are you?" The girl released the hug as she examined Yuri's face with a worried expression. "You look kinda worn out."

"Nah, I'm fine," Yuri said as she gave the girl an assuring smile. "The plan was working brilliantly, grandfather is glad. I'm actually really relieved. I want to tell you everything. What do you know about it already?"

"Everything, actually" the girl said with a chuckle as she led Yuri further into the room. She indicated the tanned girl to sit down onto the couch as she poured two cups of hot tea. She then sat down next to Yuri, giving the girl a cup. "I got to know about the court decision just earlier. So, what do you want to do next?"

"Honestly?" Yuri took a sip of the hot tea and leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. "I don't really have a concrete plan yet."

"We only have three months, Yuri," the other girl reminded her. "If the final verdict is announced, we will be in trouble."

"I know," Yuri said. "Don't worry about that. Actually, I already have a vague idea, just need some more time to figure out each step of the plan."

"You know you can always ask for help, right?" The girl placed her hand on Yuri's hand, tapping it shortly. "That's why I am here. Just tell me what you want me to do."

Yuri looked at the girl, quiet for a moment before answering. "Jessica," she said, and looked at her tea cup again. "I want you to follow Jessica."

"Huh?" The girl seemed confused. "Like, stalking her?"

"Not exactly like that," Yuri shook her head. "Jessica will have to find a job and try to settle her life for the next three months. I want you to always be around and update me with what she does. The best way is that you somehow help her to get a job, or work at the same place with her, so you being around wouldn't seem suspicious."

"You don't mind me meeting Jessica?"


"But... why do you want me to be around her? How would that help?"

"Because I think..." Yuri said and took a huge sip of the tea. "I will need her later."

"Really?" The girl paused, thinking. "But are you sure? I mean, after everything that's happened... She won't be willing to help you with anything."

"Then I'll have to make her to," Yuri said, indifferent.

The girl narrowed her eyes as she scrutinized Yuri's face. Something was telling her there was more behind that indifference. She tilted her head lightly, a thought crossing her mind.

"Why... does it have to be her, and no one else?"

Yuri didn't answer. As she remained silent, the other girl shifted on the couch, clearing her throat. The girl hesitated for a second, before leaning towards Yuri, trying to make Yuri look into her eyes.

"Yul... answer me honestly. Did you fall for her?"

"No." Yuri furrowed her eyebrows. "What makes you think so?"

"Well, you couldn't look into my eyes when you speak about her," the girl calmly answered as she leaned back. Yuri was still staring at the wall. "Tell me, Yuri. Did she grow on you during the process of the plan?"

Yuri sighed. If she was really completely indifferent towards Jessica, she couldn't have put up with three months acting as if she was deeply in love. But... that didn't belong to the plan. She just couldn't. She would rather just go on with the lies when it comes to her feelings towards Jessica.

"I don't know..." she said at last, sounding defeated.

"Alright," the other girl smiled and took her hand. "Whatever your feelings are, Yuri, you must remember one thing. Do not let it affect our--"

"I know," Yuri cut the girl off as she squeezed her hand. "I promise I won't. Don't worry."

The girl with the shoulder-length brown hair nodded at her.

"I trust you. So, about Jessica, when do you want me to start?"

Yuri smiled at her friend before standing up.

"Right now, if possible." 

Chapter 23

If there was one thing Jessica had realized after the past few days, then it was that there were still people in this world she could fully trust and always count on, no matter what happens. She didn't know what she did right that seven years ago, Taeyeon and Tiffany decided to be her friend. She didn't know why they kept sticking with her until now. She wasn't sure why Sooyoung was treating her that nicely, either. At some point, she even felt she had to thank Yuri for all this. The wound that Yuri created for both her and Sooyoung was exactly what brought them close together. The betrayal that Yuri made her experience was what made her trust Taeyeon and Tiffany even more. Now, when her mother'd been hospitalized and she had to sit there all day, not wanting to leave the sick woman, it was Taeyeon, and no one else, who went out buying meals, buying water, who took care of her and Krystal.

"Sooyoung is coming", Taeyeon said as she stuffed her phone into her jeans pocket. "She just texted me."

Jessica nodded in response. She turned around to Krystal and stroked the girl's hair comfortingly. Her sister had been staying beside her mom, holding the woman's hand since the moment umma Jung exited the emergency room. Their mom was transferred to the resting and recovering area six hours ago, after having Jessica and Krystal anxiously waiting for almost two hours. Taeyeon and Tiffany had come as soon as they heard the bad news from Sunny, but Tiffany had to leave soon after with Sunny due to work. Sooyoung, on the other hand, was tied up with something and couldn't drop by until now.

"That's her", Taeyeon remarked when faint sounds of heels clicking on the floor was heard. A couple of seconds later, the door quietly opened and Sooyoung's tall figure appeared in the doorway.

"Sooyoung unnie..." Krystal looked up with her red eyes.

"Hey..." Sooyoung softly said as she approached the bed. "I'm so sorry I couldn't come sooner. How is she?" She looked worriedly at the sleeping woman.

"Apparently, she's already been very weak before the accident happened. I guess it's because she couldn't sleep and all. She collapsed due to fatigue this morning and fell down the escalator and broke her arm." Jessica's face twisted, she let out a distressed sigh. "The doctor said bone fracture is exceptionally bad for people at her age. But she's overcome the danger. They say she'll fully recover. It just takes time until she wakes up and heals completely. Until now, she's still kind of in a coma."

Jessica trialed off tiredly.

And time is the big problem, Sooyoung finished Jessica's thought in her mind. She knew, just by looking at the girl, umma Jung's health was no longer the number one thing Jessica was worried about. The girl was now having headache thinking of a way to pay the fees until her mom gets discharged from hospital. Because, to put it simple, being poor wasn't easy.

"Sica, can I talk to you for a sec?" The tall girl tilted her head towards the door, indicating that she wanted to talk privately. "I've got something to tell you."

Jessica looked up at Sooyoung, giving her a questioning look.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of Krys", Taeyeon nudged Jessica lightly as she stroked the youngest girl's hair. Krystal didn't react; she kept looking at her mom with those sorrowful eyes. Seeing no reason to not following Sooyoung out, Jessica gave Taeyeon a nod and stood up. She tapped her sister's back a few times before leaving with the short-haired girl.

Once they were outside, Jessica leaned back against the wall and waited for Sooyoung to speak up. The taller girl, however, only smiled at her.

"Let's take a walk", she said and started walking away, leaving Jessica no choice but to follow her. They went downstairs and exited the building, entering the hospital park in silence. Jessica was patiently waiting for whatever Sooyoung was going to tell her. She wasn't nervous or anxious at all. What could be worse news than her mom getting hospitalized, anyway?

"Sica, do you know where I was today?" Sooyoung asked while keeping her gaze straight forward.

"No", Jessica answered, still patiently waiting for Sooyoung to get to the point. "Tell me."

Sooyoung took a breath as she kicked a small rock in front of her feet.

"Well, my parents have this friend, you know? He owns a small hotel at the edge of a forest. There's a chain of vacation houses, probably 30, that belongs to him too. They're all scattered in the forest. I was visiting him at the hotel today."

Sooyoung paused, and they kept their slow strolling pace. Jessica remained silent, waiting for the girl to continue.

"He's old now. He wants to retire and sell his business. The money is enough for the rest of his life. Since he isn't married and doesn't have children, he takes everything lightly. Just has to care for himself, you know?"

Jessica nodded. As Sooyoung didn't speak further, she turned her head to look at the taller girl.

"You want to buy his business?"

"I would if I could", Sooyoung gave a small sigh. "His business is pretty good. The forest is a huge tourist attraction, especially during this season. I'm only able to buy 30% of his vacation houses."

"And? You want me to invest, too?"

Sooyoung nodded, and Jessica's eyes widened.

"I was just kidding, Soo. You know I don't have money to invest. My mom's in here", she shook her head and yanked a thumb towards the hospital building. "I have to care for here. All the money I earn will have to go to the hospital first."

"I know, I know. But you haven't even got a job yet, have you?"

Jessica's head went side to side once, she sighed.

"See, that's exactly the point. This is an absolute profitable investment, Sica. If we buy it, we'll be able to cover all the cost for your mom's cure." Sooyoung gave Jessica an encouraging smile. "My parents believe in their friend. They actually lend me money to buy 5% of his business. This really is a great chance, Sica."

"It surely sounds tempting," Jessica said. "And to be honest, it sounds like it could be my one and only ultimate resort. But... I don't know where to get the money from. How am I supposed to buy something like that, when I'm not even able to pay the hospital fees for my mother?"

"I know, I've thought of that", Sooyoung nodded eagerly. "You have to try to get enough money together. Just two weeks, Sica, two weeks only. He's so close to our family, I consider him a real uncle. All the bureaucratic stuff will be settled smoothly, as soon as possible. It's most likely that after two weeks, we'll be holding money in our hands again."

"Sooyoung, the point is, where to get enough money in the first place?" Jessica said, frustration could already be heard in her voice. "There is no way in this situation that I could ever gather enough money to buy a business that's been running well. Unless I rob the bank, of course... Which actually isn't that much of a bad idea."

As soon as Jessica's sentence ended, an old couple in wheelchairs nearby threw the two girls an alarmed and suspicious look. Sooyoung gulped nervously at the piercing glare the woman shot Jessica and her. The blonde never knew how to make a joke sound like a joke. Their own serious faces at the moment were not helping, either. They indeed looked like they were doing anything but joking.

Sooyoung reacted fast by flashing the old couple a sheepish smile. She then walked away quickly, pulling Jessica along.

"Don't be stupid", she hissed into the blonde's ear. "I've thought about something else. Something that is legal, of course. It's a good solution in my opinion, but..."

Sooyoung trailed off, and Jessica narrowed her eyes at the girl. The blonde could imagine Sooyoung coming up with a brilliant idea, but Jessica knew everything had its own price. And somehow, she felt that Sooyoung already knew she was not willing to take the loss.

"What do I have to do?" She asked nonetheless.

"Sell your apartment."

Jessica's feet stuck to the ground, she stopped dead in her tracks when Sooyoung kept walking. The tall girl realized she had left the other behind soon, and she turned around, looking at Jessica.

"It's the only way, Sica", Sooyoung said. "That apartment is one of the luxurious kinds. Heck, every apartment in that area is expensive. If you sell it, you can pay for anything you want, with ease."

"I can't possibly buy the remaining 70% of your uncle's business, Sooyoung. That's too much."

"No, you don't have to. Together, we only need more than a half to be able to have the business under our control."

"Even so, where am I supposed to live? And don't tell me to move in with your family, Sooyoung. I cannot take so much from you."

Sooyoung sighed.

"You and your ego, Sica."

The tall girl then grabbed Jessica's shoulders as she stared into the blonde's eyes deeply.

"I want Krystal to live with my parents. They'll take care of her, send her to school, and all that stuff. Your mom will have to stay in the hospital for a while. And you", Sooyoung released her grip on Jessica's shoulders. "You gotta come with me, of course. We'll be running the vacation house system on-site. We'll stay at that three-star hotel. Running the hotel too, of course."

Jessica was rendered speechless. She stared at Sooyoung, not sure what to say. The short-haired girl continued.

"Sica, business is all about taking risks. You don't have to worry about your mom and Krystal. Krys could come with us too, actually, but I don't think anywhere else than the city is the best place for her education. And trust me, my parents have plenty experience in raising kids. My mom has plenty of time too, she can drop by the hospital time to time to look after your mother. You'll be only a two-hour car ride away from them anyway. This is our chance, Sica."

"Wait..." Jessica stopped Sooyoung. Something was ringing annoyingly in her mind, subconscious only, but enough to distract her from what Sooyoung was actually talking about. "A two-hour car ride... Does that mean..."

Sooyoung looked away. She knew what Jessica was fearing right now. But she had to tell the blonde the truth, because Jessica would find out anyway. She just hoped this wouldn't be a reason for Jessica to not take this chance.

"The vacation houses are... in the North Forest."

Jessica's eyes widened at the revelation.

"Th-the... North Forest? Is that... last time... you... Yu--"

Sooyoung nodded. Jessica dropped her shoulders, she had to grab Sooyoung's arm to keep balance. The North Forest. Where she first met Yuri. All the flashbacks hit her mind instantly, from the first days they shared in the vacation house to the moments they had on the Chalk Peak, looking down onto the North Forest and made promises together. Jessica's hand once again moved to her necklace, she felt defeated.

Everywhere Jessica went, Yuri had to haunt her. It felt like Kwon Yuri just couldn't let her be and vanish from her life for good. Or it was fate that didn't allow her to get over Yuri, ever. Jessica had no idea.



Yuri reluctantly looked up as the door to her office flung open. She rolled her eyes in annoyance when she saw the person entering was none other than Jiyong.

"How many times do I have to remind you there's this common courtesy thing called knocking?"

Jiyong, however, ignored Yuri's remark and stepped aside, making place for somebody else to enter. A young, beautiful girl with light brown locks appeared in the doorway. Yuri was stunned right at the first sight. Stunned by the girl's extreme resemblance to Jessica more than anything else.

"This is Hyomin", Jiyong introduced. "Your new secretary, cousin."


"It's my honor to work for you, Ms Kwon", the girl said with her oh-so-feminine voice as she bowed to Yuri.

"Jiyong!" Yuri angrily glared at her cousin, completely ignoring the new girl.

"Grandpa approved", Jiyong held up his hands in a gesture of defense. He then turned around to Hyomin and smiled at her. "Yuri can be a very nice boss if you're a nice secretary. I'm sure you two will get along well."

The young man bobbed his left eyebrow in a suggesting manner. Hyomin missed it, though. Yuri didn't.

"I'll try my best Mr Kwon. Thank you", the brunette was bowing to Jiyong.

Yuri didn't say anything when Jiyong led the girl to the secretary desk to the left of her. She was too caught off guard at the situation. She absolutely didn't know what to do, how to handle this Jessica look-a-like.

"Why don't you start with making coffee for your boss, Hyomin?" Jiyong said, then approached the door. "I gotta go now. You can thank me later, Yuri. Have fun."

And with a wink, he left. Yuri felt like facepalming herself.

Stupid cousin, she angrily thought in her head. Did he really think he was doing her a favor by hiring someone who looked like Jessica as her secretary? Of course, Jiyong could have had a motive, a hidden intention. But Yuri couldn't figure out anything yet. She was totally unfocused, and she blamed this girl's presence and appearance for it.

Frustrated, she grabbed the phone on her desk. She punched in a number and waited for the other end to pick up.

"Ms Kwon?"

"Yes, it's me. I need to talk to the president. Now."

She must have sounded angry, because her grandfather's secretary was stuttering a short "o-of course" before leaving her there to wait. A few seconds later, she was reconnected on the line again.

"Ms Kwon... I'm sorry", the secretary feebly said. "The president's busy right now. He doesn't want to be disturbed."

Yuri let out a frustrated huff. "Alright. Thanks", she said before slamming the speaker down, thus hanging up.

Grandpa knew, Yuri thought. She had to bitterly realize that whatever Jiyong had told her grandfather, he really seemed to have approved the idea.

"Damn it", Yuri cursed under her breath. She didn't realize Hyomin was standing next to her until she smelled the coffee scent.

"What?!" she snapped at the girl. But seeing Hyomin flinch back, Yuri immediately pulled herself together. "Sorry", she mumbled.

"I'm... sorry if I'm disturbing."

"No, you're not." Yuri reached out for the coffee up and forced a smile onto her face. She failed miserably as the end up contorting her face awkwardly. Mentally cursing herself, Yuri looked away. "Thanks."

"No problem", Hyomin said, rubbing her forehead, obviously a little bemused. "Erm... is there anything I can help you with?"

Yuri sighed inwardly. This was exactly why she didn't want an assistant. She did everything on her own. Having to think of what to give others to do provided her more stress than doing it all by herself.

"Here", Yuri randomly grabbed a document on her desk. "Type this into the computer, please."

Hyomin took the documents, but she had that are-you-freaking-serious look on her face. Of course, Yuri didn't need anything typed into the computer. She just needed Hyomin to stop standing here next to her and fluster her. The best would be getting Hyomin out of here, as soon as possible. She could treat the girl real bad, so that the brunette had to quit by herself, but Yuri wasn't like that. She couldn't mistreat a lady, especially not when she looked like Jessica.

"Okay", Hyomin nodded at Yuri before making her way to her own desk.

Yuri sneaked a peek at the girl. But when her eyes lied on the brunette, she couldn't turn them away. Yuri stared and stared and stared. She gulped nervously, realizing that the girl's back view resembled Jessica even more than her front view. Hyomin emitted the same femininity to her surroundings, drawing Yuri's attention like none other. Even when the girl had settled down behind the desk, Yuri had a hard time forcing her eyes to look away.

"Damn", Yuri mumbled, trying to keep her eyes glued to her computer. "Sh*t you, Jiyong."

But no matter how hard Yuri tried, she couldn't concentrate. It felt exactly the same as four months ago. A girl was totally distracting her from work, and despite all her attempts to deny it, the fact remained that she was helpless and smitten with the girl's charms. Yuri kept struggling with herself, trying her best to not make it obvious. The longer she saw the girl, however, the more she was convinced that if Jessica didn't have a doppelganger, this girl must be her long lost twin sister. And eventually, she confused herself enough to imagine, for a while, the girl sitting at her secretary's desk was Jessica.

Yuri didn't realize she had been staring for the past few minutes. It wasn't until Hyomin threw her an awkward look that she came back to her senses.

"I-umm", Yuri stammered, shifting her gaze elsewhere immediately. She randomly grabbed another document stack. "I need these typed in the computer, too."

She walked to the girl's desk and put the papers next to the computer.

"Erm... Ms Kwon?" Hyomin carefully asked.


"Did I do something wrong?"

Even the look the girl showed her reminded Yuri of Jessica. Jessica was just a little shyer, a little cuter, taking her breath a little longer.

"You-- no", Yuri sighed. She walked back to her place and settled down behind her desk. "Say... do you know a Jessica?"

Hyomin looked at Yuri for a few seconds before shaking her head. Yuri gave a nod, indicating that Hyomin could go back to whatever she was supposed to do.

She is not Sica, Yuri reminded herself.

She decided to distract herself from Jessica's look-a-like by focusing onto the job hunting she had been doing all day. She wanted to find a job for Jessica. It would be easier to keep track with what the girl was doing that way, Yuri told herself. With her influence, she could get almost every decent company to hire both Jessica and her foreign friend. Her plan would run more than smoothly if she was in control of everything.

Yuri succeeded at concentrating for more than one hour. Hyomin, having enough to do, wasn't talking either. They fell into a finally comfortable silence for a while. It was Yuri's phone giving short rings, indicating an incoming message, that broke the silence. It was a message from her 'spy'.

- Jessica's mother got into an accident but overcame danger already. Syoung found sth to do for both her and Jessica. Will tell you more later. -

Yuri stared at the first part of the message in disbelief for a good minute. Mrs Jung... what happened to her? Was it the result of the shock of losing everything in one go? Yuri didn't know, but she couldn't stop a terrible feeling from hitting her. She felt responsible for Mrs Jung's accident. She should have known something like this could and would happen. She should have reckoned with accidents like this. If Mrs Jung was any more seriously injured and couldn't recover, she could never forgive herself, Yuri knew for sure.


The girl must be suffering a lot, too. She had lost her father next to her, and now her mother almost left her too. Yuri couldn't stop thinking what would have happened if Mrs Jung hadn't survived. She had never felt this bad and horrible inside, it made her want to puke. She felt like hating herself.

With her thoughts still revolving around the Jungs, Yuri stood up and approached the cupboard in the corner of her room, where all the beverages were stored. The coffee scent still lingered in the air, but Yuri didn't feel like having a cup of that drink. She grabbed the vodka bottle and poured herself half a glass. She gulped the content down in one go, oblivious to the worried look Hyomin threw her from the other end of the room. In fact, Yuri didn't see anything except for the vodka bottle anymore.

After the second glass, the shot fell out of Yuri's hand accidentally, only the carpeted floor saving it from shattering. Yuri didn't bother to pick up the fragile object, she just continued drinking directly from the bottle. As she started to feel dizzy, she stumbled her way to the couch nearby and sank down onto the arm of the couch first. Feeling uncomfortable with the position, she slid down onto the seating surface, a small amount of the liquid splashed on her suit along the way. Yuri hiccupped against her will as she reluctantly closed her eyes. A workaholic was never too much of a drinker. Yet, with eyes still half open, half closed, she continued gulping down the alcohol non-stop.

Her throat was burning, her tummy felt sick. But it wasn't until her arms were so weak that she could barely hold the bottle that the drinking stopped. Yuri let go of the bottle, neither knowing nor caring where it rolled to. She leaned back into the couch, sighing. It took her a while to feel a little less like vomiting, but the dizziness was still there. Additionally to that, Yuri realized the alcohol did funny things to her sense of hearing. It was like her ears were blocked from the outside world, and all she could hear was a soft humming, mixed with weird voices inside her head.

"Yuri, I miss you..."

"I love you, Yuri..."

"Yuri, you promised, why didn't you keep your words?"

"Yuri, you liar."

"You jerk!"

Yuri realized, with horror, that many, many of those weird voices were Jessica's. She attempted to say something, but all that came out were alien sounds no one could understand. She struggled with all her might, because she wanted to tell Jessica so, so, so much.

"I...I'm so... s-sorry", she finally managed to mumble weakly.

"Are you okay?"

Jessica's voice became a little clearer, a little more real.

"I... you--sorry--"

Yuri flinched back as she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was a real touch. She tried her best to open her eyes, to see what that touch was. Somehow it felt like Jessica.

"S-Sic--" Yuri stuttered.

Yuri finally saw her. The girl she was longing to see the most. The blurry figure of Jessica was standing next to her, looking down at her with worry, or so she thought. Yuri could have screamed if she didn't feel so sick, she could have cried if her eyes weren't so blurred. All she could do was failing at the attempt to get up to embrace the girl.

"I'm sorry", she said instead, reaching for the girl's hand. A miracle happened as she found it, and so she pulled herself up into a straight sitting position. "I'm... I'm so sorry", Yuri whispered. With the warm hand in hers, she suddenly felt stronger. "I'm sorry for... treating you li-like that...I-I--"

"Shhh, don't worry about that", she heard Jessica say. The girl sat down next to her. "It's alr--"

"No, it's all my fault", Yuri cried without tears, holding even more tightly onto the girl's hand. "Please, forgive me. Please, I... Please, tell me your mom is going... to be f-fine, and--"

A hiccup interrupted her slurring speech, she even felt a stitch in her chest. Her body was harshly protesting against her unusual alcohol consumption.

"Ms Kwon", Jessica worriedly said as Yuri felt the girl's hand slipping away. "I think you're mistaking me with someone else! You're drunk. I'll get someone to help."

The next second, Yuri saw Jessica's body shot up again as the girl walked out. But Yuri quickly grabbed her arm, pulling her back. The girl landed sidewards on her lap with a small surprised shriek.

"Don't", Yuri whispered into Jessica's ear, sending shivers down the girl's spine. "Stay with me... Don't leave..."

She gathered Jessica in her arms, her chin resting on the girl's shoulder. Yuri felt Jessica's body stiffen as her breaths hit the girl's skin, and she decided to sniff up Jessica's neck to help her relax. Unexplainable thoughts of a drunkard.

"The strawberry scent", she mumbled, the tip of her nose grazing the girl's sensitive neck. "Where... is it..."

"Ms Kwon", she heard Jessica weakly protesting, the girl's fingers clenching Yuri's arm.

"Don't... call me... that", Yuri slurred, followed by another hiccup. She drew her head back, trying to look at the girl's face. "It... hurts... Don't act like... we're strangers..."

"But, we are--"


Yuri shushed Jessica by placing her finger on the girl's lips. She then attempted to look straight into Jessica's eyes, but it was impossible as she pretty much saw everything double. Her eyes travelled down to the girl's lips nonetheless; and slowly, she leaned in while removing her index finger. She wasn't sure if her heart was beating faster or not, but she knew she was experiencing the same excitement she felt everytime she kissed Jessica.

Inch by inch, their lips came closer. Yuri's eyelids fell down slowly. And by the time she had her eyes closed, her lips clumsily crushed against Jessica's. But kissing this girl was in her instinct already. The clumsy crash immediately turned into a passionate kiss. Jessica resisted as she tried to shove Yuri away, but to no avail.

Yuri pressed her lips against Jessica's, nibbling a little more on the bottom lip. She felt the girl tightening the grip on her arm. She tightened her hug around Jessica too, one arm encircling the girl's waist, the other moved to the girl's back, both pulling Jessica in deeper. When the girl's resistance slowly faded, Yuri pushed her tongue pass the lips and melted Jessica completely in her arms. The girl began to kiss her back.

A small moan escaped Jessica's lips, but Yuri couldn't quite hear or see or taste anything. In fact, the throbs in her head were getting worse second by second, and the only way she saw to ease the pain was to kiss Jessica as hard as possible, as a distraction.

Yuri kept their tongues entangled as she turned sidewards, lying the girl's back down onto the couch. She lowered herself along, afraid that if this was just a dream, her letting go of the kiss would mean the end of the dream and the awakening with nothing more than the head- and heartache.

Jessica's hands went to her head, disheveling her hair just how Yuri liked it and how it always happened during their make out sessions. Yuri retreated her tongue for them to catch breaths; she continued laying gentle but passionate kisses on the girl's lips instaed. Yuri felt Jessica taking her bottom lip in between the girl's teeth, lightly biting into it.

"Yuri..." the girl sighed into her mouth.

Yuri felt the girl pulling open her collar, a hand pulling out her tie swiftly. She felt it much easier to breathe and thanked Jessica with another deep kiss. The sensation she was feeling almost beat the pain in her head.

"Sica..." Yuri moaned.

Right that moment, the sensation disappeared. Yuri was shoved away in an instant. She couldn't see how the girl she had just kissed was staring disbelievingly at her, like Jessica just came back to her senses, like she couldn't believe they actually did what they just did. Yuri could only shut her eyes tight, not seeing anything. She couldn't.

As soon as the kissing stopped, her head wanted to explode. Yuri wrenched her face in pain, her body arched as she screamed a soundless scream. The other girl had sat up, moving away from Yuri, still staring at her, but now with more worry than disbelief in her eyes.

"Sica..." Yuri's body fell back down onto the couch, her head landed on the other girl's lap. She turned her face and looked up at Jessica, her hand wanting to reach for the girl's face but failed. Gathering all her left energy together, Yuri tried to keep her eyes open to look at the girl.

"Sica, I... I-love-y--"

In the middle of her sentence, she passed out.


Yuri woke up next morning, feeling hung over, but at least the pain in her head had subsided. Her memory of yesterday night was vague. The last thing she remembered clearly was taking the vodka bottle out of the cupboard. After that... something had happened. Something... someone... some...


"You're awake."

The door to Yuri's office opened, and entering was the girl Jiyong introduced as her secretary yesterday. Yuri tried to recall the girl's name, but her mind was totally blank.

"What happened?", she asked the Jessica look-a-like instead.

"You were drunk", the girl answered, approaching her. "How do you feel?"

"Tired", Yuri replied, rubbing her temples. She saw the girl walking over to the cupboard, pouring her a glass water. Yuri waited for the girl to get to the couch and sit down next to her before taking the offered refreshing liquid.

"Your head must still be hurting", the brunette said, rummaging in her purse. She then took out some pills and gave them Yuri. "I just went out to buy some meds. Take these, you'll feel better soon."

Yuri looked at the girl for a second before taking the pills. She quietly gulped them down with the water, waiting for her head to feel less heavy. She leaned back into the couch and let out a sigh. Yuri had a bad feeling about all this. The first person she saw after a drunken night in the office was her secretary - this could mean no good. She just hoped the girl hadn't stayed here with her, and even if the girl had, she hadn't done anything stupid.

Yuri was startled when she felt something wet against her face. As she turned her head, she saw the other girl wiping her face with a wet tissue. Yuri gulped nervously, her fear of what could have happened increased.

"It's six in the morning, what are you doing here so early?"

The girl stopped wiping Yuri's face and put the tissue onto the table.

"You didn't want to let me go last night", she said.

Yuri's heart sank with the girl's word. Oh no, no, no...

"Look... I really don't remember anything", she uttered weakly. "I'm sorry if I... if we had--"

"No", the girl chuckled. "Though, I have to admit you're quite a good kisser. We might have got there if you had taken the initiative without being drunk. I am glad we haven't. You were thinking of someone else all the time."

That statement took a load off Yuri's mind. She let out a relieved sigh, contented with the fact that she didn't cheat on the real Jessica. It's not until then that she realized she did kiss her secretary after all.

"I'm sorry", she said to the girl. "I... I was just--"

"A bad drinker", the girl finished her sentence with a grin. Yuri froze for a second, but then gave a small chuckle as well.

"Yeah... I'm really not good at drinking."

The girl put a hand on Yuri's lap, a soft smile on her face.

"Take care of yourself, will you?"

She then stood up and walked over to her desk. Yuri's eyes followed the girl as she watched her putting on her jacket and grabbing her purse.

"Where are you going?", Yuri asked.

"I don't think staying here is a good idea", the girl answered and proceeded to the door. "You obviously don't need a secretary. It was still nice meeting you, Yuri."

Yuri noticed the change in formality. The girl had dropped the 'Ms Kwon'. She wondered if it had anything to do with last night. Either way, Yuri didn't plan to stop the girl from leaving and quitting the secretary position.

"Oh and", the girl stopped in front of the door. She turned around and looked straight into Yuri's eyes. "That Jessica... she must be a lucky girl." And when Yuri appeared to be speechless, she added, "You must love her a lot."

"I..." Yuri looked down onto the ground. A sigh escaped her lips. "We... can't be together."

Silence engulfed the room for a moment. Yuri felt twitches in her chest, her eyes suddenly stinging.

"I don't know what happened..." the other girl finally said. "But do fight for your love, Yuri. So many people didn't, and they end up regretting it for the rest of their life."

Yuri looked up, her eyes met the girl's soft eyes. The look was so sincere, Yuri was touched.

"Thank you", she quietly said, and she really meant it.

The girl smiled. "Good luck", she said and opened the door to leave.

"Wait", Yuri stood up. "What's your name again?"

"It's not 'Sica'", the girl chuckled. "Are you sure you'll remember it this time?"

"Yes", Yuri said, reassuring. She owed this girl a lot. She would surely not forget her, even if they would never meet again.

"It's Hyomin", the girl said. She then gave Yuri one last smile and left for real.

"Hyomin", Yuri mumbled to herself as she was left alone in the room. "Thanks..."

Yuri knew what she had to do now.


Sooyoung just put on the 'OPEN' sign for her father's restaurant and was about to walk inside when the door bell rang. She railed at the retard who couldn't open the door by himself before realizing the bell was ringing from another door. She proceeded to the private door at the back of their house, the place where all her friends waited when they wanted to meet her and not having to be treated with food by her generous parents. The moment Sooyoung saw the person standing in front of the door, her annoyance completely disappeared.

"Sica!" Sooyoung didn't even bother to hide her surprise as she opened the door.

"I'm sorry I'm here this early in the morning", Jessica apologized with a smile.

"No problem", Sooyoung waved her hand. "Come in first."

"Nah, I have to go back soon. I promised to buy Krystal breakfast", Jessica shook her head. "I just came to tell you...", she took a breath. "I'll sell the apartment. I'll buy your uncle's business and run it with you."

"REALLY?" Sooyoung shouted in joy. "Yes, Sica! We'll be saved!"

Jessica gave a small laugh at her friend. "I talked to Krystal yesterday. She was totally supporting your proposal. And... if your parents don't mind, she'd love to stay here with them."

"Gosh, of course they don't", Sooyoung laughed. "In fact, they have been constantly asking when Krystal will finally move in."

"Soo..." Jessica said, sincere. "Thank you."

"Save that", Sooyoung grinned. She grabbed her jacket and keys from the coat rack and went out, pulling Jessica along. "Krystal can make breakfast herself. Let's go!"

"What? Where?"

"Visiting uncle Noh at his three-star hotel, of course." 

Chapter 24

Two weeks had already passed by since the day Jessica first met uncle Noh. She was now in the hotel lobby and showed little spirit at cleaning the floor.

"Why do I have to do this?", Jessica whined as she let the floor mop resting against the wall.

Giving a frustrated sigh, she untied her bun and went through her hair with a hand. When she bought uncle Noh's business, she did not know that all his personnel would start drawing their pension along with him. She did not expect that due to this lack of workers, she had to personally do everything; from standing at the reception to cleaning rooms, and even mopping the floor at 7 am. The only thing she's spared from was helping in the kitchen. Still, Jessica had never had to labor this much.

She didn't dare to complain to anyone, though. Compared to Sooyoung, she still had an easy job. The taller girl had to drive into the forest almost everyday, taking care of the vacation houses. When a tenant left a house, Sooyoung was the one who was in charge of cleaning. Jessica just had to remember how she left the vacation house last time to know how much Sooyoung had to do. Even so, Sooyoung never complained.

Early this morning, Sooyoung had received a call from a renter saying that they had no warm water. She had to give up on her beauty sleep to drive into the forest and fix that. At that time, Jessica had still been sleeping.

"Come on, you can do it", the blonde told herself as she tied her hair up again. She grabbed the mop and stared lazily at the floor. "It's not even that dirty, why do I have to do this every morning?"

Jessica again gave a frustrated sigh. Having to clean the lobby everyday, she already hated it with passion. And the lobby hall being so large didn't make it any easier.

Jessica swung the mop on the ground carelessly, a trail of water followed as she didn't wring the mop properly earlier. When she noticed this, her face lit up a little. A little painting would hurt no one, but could kill some boredom. With that thought, she set the mop onto the dry floor and moved it around artistically. A circle for a face, two strokes for the eyes, and an upside down U.

"This is how I feel", she said to no one, pouting.

Jessica then turned around to the bucket of water, dipping the mop in. She halfheartedly bent down, wringing out the water. She wanted to walk pass her painting to get to the untouched side of the lobby, but being the clumsy girl that she was, Jessica slipped.


Jessica shrieked as she fell backwards, the mop falling from her hand. She flailed her arms wildly, trying to balance but it was in vain. Squinting her eyes, Jessica knew it was too late and prepared herself for a painful landing.

But for some odd reason, it seemed to take forever to hit the floor. Not until then did she realize that her hands had somehow managed to grab something in the air, and without knowing what it was, she hung tightly on it. At the same time, an arm moved under her waist, preventing her body from falling any further. Someone had just saved her, and she was clutching that person's shirt as if her life depended on it. Which was true, to some extent.

Jessica's eyes fluttered open immediately. When she saw who her savior was, her mouth hung agape in complete surprise.

"Sica, Sica...", the familiar voice softly said. "What would you do without me?"


9 days earlier

"Uncle, we have the money", Sooyoung spoke into the phone, the biggest grin ever on her face. She and Jessica had sold the apartment, and the money was just transferred to Jessica's bank account.

"Oh, that's good news", Mr Noh's voice came from the phone. "You girls should meet me this afternoon, I'm at the hotel like usual."

"You really can't wait to retire uncle, can you?", Sooyoung joked.

"You have no idea, Sooyoung", the old man laughed. "See you girls later."

"See you later."

Sooyoung hung up and looked at Jessica. Even though the girl didn't say anything, Sooyoung knew what the blonde was thinking. She put her arm on Jessica's shoulder, her other hand putting the phone down onto the table.

"Don't you worry about it too much, Sica", Sooyoung said with an assuring smile. "I know quite a lot about hotel business, I won't let it go down easily. You just have to show your abilities in accountancy, that's more than enough. We can always call uncle Noh if we need help, too. Together everything's possible."

Jessica nodded and gave Sooyoung a smile in response. She never had any experience in the hotel industry, and she knew Sooyoung was aware of the insecurity inside her that this fact had caused. This business was like a gamble for her. Jessica couldn't help but to feel just so uneasy. She had given up on her family's only property that's left - the apartment - to buy uncle Noh's hotel and vacation houses. If anything went wrong, it would be the end, not just for her, but for her mom and her sister also. Their lives were depending on this business.

"That's right. If we're together, everything is possible."

Taeyeon's voice turned up out of nowhere, startling both girls. They turned around and saw the shortie approaching them with Sunny and Tiffany in tow.

"Taeng!" Sooyoung greeted, beaming. "Sica and I will be meeting uncle Noh this afternoon. The contracts will be signed soon, his business will be ours in no time!"

"I know", Taeyeon chuckled. "I just heard you on the phone. That's why Fany and I want to tell you two this, too."

"Tell us what?" Jessica asked, looking back and forth between her two friends.

"We've decided", Taeyeon took Tiffany's hand into hers and pulled the girl closer. "We've decided to come with you guys. You two have to hire us in your hotel, no matter what."

"Eh?!" Both Sooyoung and Jessica went wide-eyed in an instant.

"We're going with you guys", Tiffany repeated Taeyeon's words.

"No way", Jessica shook her head with disaffection. "Don't be stupid. Your lives are stable here. You got an apartment, Fany has a decent job, you guys can't just easily give up on that. I won't allow it."

"Too late," Tiffany smiled at her friend. "I've already quit my job."

Sooyoung and Jessica's mouth hung agape. Everything's too sudden.

"I'm sorry," Sunny sighed. "I tried to stop her, but she was too persistent."

"Fany, what the--", Sooyoung was about to rant, but Taeyeon cut her off.

"You two, listen. We have decided and you guys will either let us go with you guys, or let you us high and dry here in the city. I've already told our renter that we'll be moving out in a week."

"Tae..." Jessica weakly said. "You can't do this. Please, think about it again."

"There's nothing to think about", Taeyeon replied, not stubborn, but not showing any sign of giving up either. "We don't want to leave you, Sica. I'm a freelance writer, I can write whenever and wherever I want. Fany wanted to quit her job anyway, she was getting bored of it. Let us go with you, Sica. Aren't you worried we'll miss you too much if you're away?"

"But..." Jessica's voice startled to tremble. She continued shaking her head, even though she knew it's too late to convince her best friends to stay. They would not leave her, even if she shoved them away. Taeyeon and Tiffany - she just loved them so much.

"I--You guys... Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Jessi", Tiffany immediately embraced her. Jessica hugged the girl back tightly as Tiffany stroke her back. "Because you're more than just a friend to us, silly. After more than seven years, don't you think you're already like a sister to us? At least we always feel like we're part of your family. Your mom's daughters, Krystal's unnies."

Jessica couldn't hold it back anymore. She answered by sobbing quietly against Tiffany's shoulder. Taeyeon quickly came and hugged both girls.

"Thank you," Jessica managed to squeeze out in between her tears. Taeyeon tapped her back comfortingly.

"Awwww", Sooyoung went as she joint the group hug. She had watched the scene with a constant smile on her face.

The giant gathered all three easily in her arms. As Sunny just stood there smiling too, Sooyoung threw her an impatient look.

"What are you waiting for? Come here."

Sooyoung opened her arm on one side and let Sunny in. The short girl hugged Tiffany from the back, her head resting next to Jessica's still silently crying face. As they realize what they were doing, all five couldn't help but cracked up. They had bonded more than ever.

Thanks to Yuri?

Jessica didn't know. The only thing she knew was that again, even in this situation, she couldn't help but to think of her...


8 days earlier

"Yuri", Old Kwon said as his granddaughter entered the office, bowing to him by habit. "I heard your secretary quit her job. What happened?"

Yuri straightened up as she sighed inwardly. So Jiyong had told grandfather about Hyomin's quitting. She still had to figure out her cousin's real intention behind this, because she highly doubted he hired Hyomin just to do her a favor. Jiyong hadn't been happy when he heard that Hyomin left after just a day, but he didn't confront Yuri with it. In fact, he hadn't even broached the topic to Yuri once.

"She didn't like the job, I guess", Yuri lied.

"What did you tell her to do?"

"I...", Yuri paused, thinking. She didn't need to lie on this part. "I gave her a stack of documents and told her to type it into the computer."

Old Kwon gave a small laugh, shaking his head side to side.

"I'm sorry grandpa", Yuri sighed. "But I really don't need a secretary when I pretty much have nothing to do."

The old man looked at his granddaughter, examining her defeated expression. He still hadn't let her join any huge project yet, let alone let her supervising one; something someone at her post should be doing all day. He had thought about it, however, and called her into his office today because of this. Yuri was still living in her apartment. He wanted her to come home, move in to live with the family. If she was willing to do that, he would give her a real chance to show her abilities.

"I understand", Old Kwon slowly began. "You feel unchallenged."

"Bored to death on a daily basis, to be honest", Yuri replied, a weak smile on her face.

Old Kwon was on the brick of telling her about his suggestion when she put a sheet of paper on his desk, sitting down on the chair across him.

"I know you mean well for me, grandpa. But I really can't just sit there and do nothing. If you don't want me to join important projects yet, especially those that could affect the Kwon's reputation, at least let me organize my own ones. I have a proposal. This project is small and not risky and won't place the Kwon's name in jeopardy at all, I promise."

Old Kwon listened all along, not reacting much. However inside, he was surprised. He didn't know Yuri was bored to the extent that she had to come up with an idea like this.

"What kind of project?", he calmly asked.

Upon this sign of interest from her grandfather, Yuri's face lit up.

"Something completely new." Excitement was visible in Yuri's eyes. "Something the Kwon Enterprise and I myself have never tried." She paused, creating suspension. "Hotel business."

Old Kwon eyed Yuri wordlessly. He waited for her to continue.

"I know this man from a few years ago, his name is Noh Juhyun. He owns the hotel and all vacation houses in the North Forest. His business was blossoming the last few years. But now that he is old, he wants to retire and sell his business. It's cheap, grandpa, compared to how well he's been doing. It's a good chance for us to try and set a foot into the hotel industry."

Yuri stopped as she waited for her grandfather to give his opinion. The old man leaned forward and took the paper from the desk, skimming through the content.

"Have you thought it through?"

"Yes, grandpa", Yuri said, determined. "I've gathered general information about the Noh business and listed the possible expenditures in that document. You can read through it anytime. I will use my own money for this project, if you allow me to. I just want you to know what I'm doing."

Old Kwon didn't look up from the paper, and Yuri could tell he was considering her proposal. After a moment of silence, he looked at the young girl again.

"Truth be spoken, this is quite an interesting project, Yuri. But I don't like the idea of you going all on your own."

"But grandpa--"

Old Kwon raised his hand, silencing the girl. "I'll give you permission for this project on one condition. The Kwon Enterprise will pay the expenditures."

Yuri froze in surprise. Old Kwon gave her a grandfatherly smile, and she couldn't help but smiled back. Even though having the Kwon Enterprise paying for the expenditures would mean the project was not her own anymore, Yuri didn't mind. She wasn't aiming for the profit anyway. Something else, or rather, someone, was much more important.

"Thank you, grandpa."


7 days earlier

"I'm Kim Shinyoung", the midget shook Sooyoung and Jessica's hands. "I'll show you around the hotel. Please follow me."

The two girls entered the building with Shinyoung. They had only signed the contract with uncle Noh yesterday, but the old man didn't wait and resigned shortly, handing control over to the two girls. They would be moving into the hotel today, having their rooms already prepared. Uncle Noh had told them to use the four rooms on the ground floor for themselves, since visitors usually preferred rooms with balcony on the two floors above. Taeyeon and Tiffany would come and bring their stuff later. The two would get one room, Sooyoung one, and Jessica one.

"This is the lobby, and here's the reception", Shinyoung pointed at the reception counter, which was facing the entrance. "I know, the lobby isn't that big. Actually, the hotel itself isn't that big. People come here mainly for the vacation houses anyway."

Sooyoung nodded in acknowledgement. There was an elevator on the left side of the reception, the beginning of a hallway on the right side. She looked around once more before turning to Shinyoung.

"There is no staircase, right?" The few times she was here, she never saw one.

"Of course there is", Shinyoung made weird noises which the two girls interpreted as laughter. "If there was none, everyone would be stuck when the elevator's out of order for once."

"Right", Sooyoung's cheeks flushed a little. "I didn't think of that."

"Come along", Shinyoung said as she went into the hallway. "Here's the staircase."

There were indeed stairs leading to the upper floor on the left side of the hallway. Jessica turned to the right and noticed a door facing them.

"This is one of our rooms, right?"

"Naw, your rooms are over there. The four doors at the end of the hallway. This one is the door to the canteen", Shinyoung opened the door, revealing a big room inside. "As I said, this hotel is small, so we don't really have a restaurant inside. People usually only breakfast in the hotel, after that they're out the entire day. But we still offer brunch and dinner on our menu."

They entered the so called canteen, Sooyoung with an extra excited face. She had smelled food - delicious, mouth-watering food - and there was nothing that could make her happier.

"Get a hold of yourself", Jessica whispered as she nudged her friend.

"What? I haven't eaten anything since this morning", Sooyoung whispered back in protest. "I deserve a decent meal, really."

"Gosh, you've pigged out on what was supposed to be my 'good-bye breakfast' your mom made this morning, and now you're still complaining?"

"Hey, it was my good-bye breakfast too!"

Jessica just rolled her eyes at the taller girl.

"I can't blame her", Shinyoung cracked a laugh, joining the conversation. "Our new cook is like... the best cook of the nation. Lucky for you guys she's young and just got hired, thus doesn't want to quit anytime soon."

A small opening into the kitchen, which looked like a counter, was in the middle of the off-white wall, facing the door. Sooyoung presumed that was the place where people go to to get their meals from the cook. She already decided it would be her favorite place of the hotel and she would keep watch at this position whenever she had time.

When the tall girl was still daydreaming, Shinyoung led them to another door next to the counter, white-painted all the same. Sooyoung peeked through the opening into the kitchen but didn't see anything. All she could hear were sounds of something being fried in a pan.

"Hyoyeon! Your new bosses are here!"

Shinyoung opened the door and they entered the kitchen. Thanks to Shinyoung's humble height, Sooyoung and Jessica didn't have a hard time peeking over her shoulders to see the cook. They saw the supposedly best cook of the nation holding a swat in her hand, eyes wandering around, alarmed. The girl had shoulder-length brown hair, a slim figure that went well with her pretty face. Sooyoung believed she was a friendly person, despite the mean look she was shooting her surroundings at that moment.

"Shhh...", Hyoyeon placed a finger on her lips. "Don't move."

The three newly arrived persons complied, not moving an inch. Hyoyeon, still holding the swat menacingly in her hand, *****footed towards them. She looked around cautiously, glanced at the ceiling, threw a look on the ground, her eyes roaming everything but the new people. Thus, she didn't see Sooyoung's horrified face.

"The food--"


The brunette cut the short-haired girl off. It wasn't until then that she took a closer look at Sooyoung and Jessica, and as she did this, she froze. Jessica was giving her a questioning look, and Sooyoung still stared at her with that horrified expression. In fact, not just Sooyoung but Shinyoung also looked at Hyoyeon like she was about to cry. Hyoyeon, however, didn't pay attention to that. She was drawn to Jessica's forehead more than anything else.

Slowly, she approached the girl. Her eyes were glued to the girl's forehead, she was oblivious to the burnt smell in the kitchen. Hyoyeon raised her arm, the swat moving up into the air, and Jessica realized too late that she was about to be hit.


The blonde screamed and shut her eyes out of reflex, but that didn't stop Hyoyeon to slam the swat onto her forehead.

"HA! I GOT YOU!", the brunette yelled in victory as a black dot-shaped something with the size of an apple seed fell onto the floor. Hyoyeon swiftly grabbed a kitchen paper and crouched down, picking up the dead fly.

"A fly?!" Jessica yelled, holding her forehead. "You hit me because of a freaking fly???"

"WHO CARES ABOUT THE FLY!" Sooyoung frantically screamed. "The pan! Look at the pan!"

"The pan, the pan, the pan Hyo!" Shinyoung cried out loudly as she pointed at the stove.

"Oh, sh*t."

Hyoyeon jumped to the stove, throwing the paper with the fly into the trash bin on her way. She immediately turned off the stove and removed the burning pan, but it was too late.

"My noodles!" Shinyoung cried. "My delicious chicken fried noodles!"

The short woman made sobbing noises and Sooyoung hugged her immediately. That's how fast people could get close when they shared the same interest. The tall girl looked wistfully at the burnt complex in the pan, and she heaved an exaggerated sigh.

"Goodbye, heaven I never had the chance to taste", she said overdramatically painfully, still tapping Shinyoung's back.

Jessica rolled her eyes at the exaggerating shikshins. Only Hyoyeon laughed.

"I'm sorry, the fly made me forget it all", she apologized as she threw the content in the pan into the trash bin. "I'll make another pan, especially for you, miss", she smiled at Jessica. "Because I hit you with the swat. But I'm just OCD like that when it comes to my kitchen."

"Hmph", Jessica grumpily responded as she rubbed her forehead. Shinyoung and Sooyoung's face, however, lit up visibly.

"I'm Hyoyeon by the way", the brunette said, wiping her hand on her apron. She then stretched it out to Jessica.

"I'm Choi Sooyoung, the new co-owner of the hotel", Sooyoung meddled in and shook Hyoyeon's hand. "You can call me Sooyoung. And this is your other boss, Miss Jung Jessica."

"Nice to meet you, boss", Hyoyeon smiled widely in response. As Sooyoung let go of her hand, she took Jessica's. "I'm really sorry for hitting you."

Jessica shook the girl's hand, her face still serious.

"If your fried noodles taste good, I'll let go of that accident", Jessica said. "And if the noodles are amazing enough, I'll even allow you to call me Jessica."

Hyoyeon grinned.

"Piece of cake, boss."


That little challenge turned out to be a big success for Hyoyeon. She was now Sooyoung and Jessica's favorite personnel (neglecting the fact that every other staff member had quitted because they were old. And Shinyoung left because she wanted to start a comedian career in Seoul.) Jessica had decided to pay Hyoyeon more, so that the girl could help around with other stuff besides cooking. Sooyoung didn't feel the need to hire more workers since the hotel was pretty small, and they still had to make profit yet. Jessica couldn't object because she needed the money urgently. It was about time to pay some fees for her mom's cure.

That was why Jessica and Sooyoung had to personally do stuffs a hotel owner would normally only order others to do. Even though she hated it, Jessica didn't complain out loud. She tried her best to not complain, at least.

"This is how I feel", she mumbled after painting a sulking face on the marble floor this morning. She was in charge of cleaning the lobby, and waking up at six thirty with Sooyoung's recorded voice screaming: "WAKE UP AND CLEAN THE FLOOR OR I'LL STUFF CUCUMBER IN YOUR MOUTH!" wasn't something Jessica wanted to start her day with.

She turned back to the bucket of water and dipped her mop in. As she walked over to the other end of the lobby, the clumsiness that was a trait of hers caused her to slip on her water painting. Jessica lost balance immediately.


She screamed as the mop fell out of her hand. Falling back helplessly, she shut her eyes in fear. Jessica could almost feel the pain of the collision with the floor when, luckily, her hero appeared, caught her by her waist in the nick of time, and thus saved her from hitting the ground.

"Sica, Sica...", the husky voice whispered ino Jessica's ear, giving her goosebumps. "What would you do without me?"

Her eyes fluttered open in an instant. Still lying in the person's arms, Jessica was struck as she saw the familiar eyes gazing into hers.

No, not you, she thought.

Not this person. Not the one she thought she would never hear from, would never see, would never be so close to ever again. Not the one she was supposed to hate and despise, but still loved. Not her. Not...


Chapter 25


Jessica immediately got on her feet and backed away. The next moment, she wished she didn't react that fast. Her body was still yearning for that touch, and she hated herself at the moment for it.

"What are you doing here?" she managed to hide her emotions nonetheless.

"I came looking for you."


"Because I-"

The double glass door flung open, and Yuri was cut off. They both turned to the glass doors, only to see Sooyoung stomping angrily toward them, Sunny, Tiffany and Taeyeon following closely behind.

"Kwon Yuri!" Sooyoung almost yelled. "How dare you show up at this place? What do you want?!"

Yuri was unfazed. She didn't answer right away, and Jessica noticed with worry that this only caused more anger to float Sooyoung's eyes.

"This is a hotel, isn't it? I want to rent a room." Yuri put a finger on her chin, pensive. "For a few weeks, I think."

"WHAT?" All of them exclaimed.

Jessica stared at Yuri disbelievingly. She wasn't the only one. Even though a part of her was admittedly thrilled to hear this, a bigger part knew this was no good news.

"Get lost," Sooyoung hissed. "You're not welcomed here."

"This is not how you treat a hotel guest, Sooyoung." Yuri smiled. "You'll never make it big if you let personal feelings get in the way like this."

Jessica felt her heart sink at those words. Was that why Yuri lied to her? Because she wanted to 'make it big', and thus didn't allow herself to love Jessica? Whatever tiny part of her that was truly happy to see Yuri again disappeared. Anger and loathing took place instead.

"I don't need you to lecture me," Sooyoung stepped nearer to Yuri, intending to intimidate with her size. "Now get out by yourself, or I'll have to kick you out!"

"Sooyoung..." Sunny tugged Sooyoung's arm lightly, a little warning in her voice.

"Let her," Taeyeon pulled Sunny away. "She's doing the right thing."

"Just let me handle this, okay?" Sooyoung turned around and her eyes softened the moment they looked into Sunny's. She turned to Yuri again with her killer gaze.

"I'm not going anywhere," Yuri firmly stated.

Sooyoung breathed, her nostrils flared up.

"Let Yuri stay," Tiffany chimed in before Sooyoung could do anything stupid. Sooyoung's head snapped to her direction, the girl's mouth hung open. The room went silent at Tiffany's statement. Every eye was on her.

"What... are you saying?" Taeyeon spoke up first.

"Let Yuri stay," Tiffany repeated. "Just... let her."

"What the hell, Fany," Sooyoung scowled. "You're out of your mind. Kwon Yuri is NOT going to stay. Period."

"Soo..." Sunny moved next to Tiffany. "I'm with Tiffany, actually."

"Sunny!" Sooyoung went wide-eyed. "You're both out of your minds!"

Sooyoung ignored the pleasant grin on Yuri's face. She had absolutely no idea what was going on with Sunny and Tiffany. Turning to Taeyeon, she hoped to see her last supporter.

"Don't look at me like that," Taeyeon's voice was defensive. "I'm sane. I can still think straight."

"Good," Sooyoung said, glaring at Sunny and Tiffany.

"It's two versus two," Yuri interrupted. She then turned to the person who hadn't given her opinion yet. "Sica..."

All eyes were now on her. She didn't realize until now that the decision was lying in her hands. Jessica suddenly felt tired, as if this was too much of a burden for her. Why was she the one having to make the final decision, when all her friends knew it would be the hardest for her?

"Tell her," Sooyoung prodded, sounding positive that Jessica would reject Yuri. Obviously, Sooyoung didn't know of the part inside Jessica that wanted to scream 'stay'. Jessica sighed and looked away from Sooyoung, her gaze wandering to her other friends. She can't quite read their expressions. But she knew they were all waiting for her answer and would accept it, regardless of their personal agree- or disagreement.

Then, Jessica made the mistake and looked into Yuri's eyes. She felt her knees weaken, the desire to give in taking over.

Let me stay, those eyes asked, pleaded, nearly begged. I don't want to go. I need to be here, with you. Because, I...

Jessica snapped out of it. She's imagining things, she's sure. The real Kwon Yuri wasn't the tender person she imagined. She was not going to fall for it again!

Forcing herself to look away, Jessica fixed her gaze on the marble floor. Now all she could see was the tired face of her father, the image of her sick mother, her crying little sister. She closed her eyes, and Yuri's cold and heartless face appeared behind her eyelids, telling her their love was nothing but a means to an end. It was not real, it was not true, it was just something Yuri used to get what she wanted. Anger and hate flared up inside Jessica once again, and the load on her shoulders disappeared. It felt right this time.

She looked up again, straight into Yuri's eyes. "Please go." Her voice wasn't sharp, but firm enough to tell she was determined about it.

"Sica..." Tiffany whispered.

"You heard her," Sooyoung didn't even bother to hold back the satisfaction in her voice. "Leave."

Yuri said nothing. She kept looking at Jessica, as if she needed time to digest the disappointing words. Jessica stared back at Yuri, wanting to prove how much she meant it. But eventually, she had to look down onto the ground again. The disappointment in Yuri's eyes were just too much, Jessica was afraid that if she kept looking, she might feel regretful even before Yuri left.

"Actually," Yuri's voice returned calm as she grabbed into her suit's inner pocket. "I was just messing with you guys."

Jessica looked up at once. This voice... unmistakably belonged to a Kwon. This voice meant that something had been planned. Kwon Yuri was going to win again.

"I own 45% of this hotel and the vacation houses. I have all the rights to stay here, whenever and for however long I want."

Yuri smirked as she held out a piece of paper. Taeyeon snatched the paper and read it, her mouth dropping. Jessica had no doubt that it was the contract Yuri signed with uncle Noh, similar to the contract they signed not long ago.

"I want a room in the staff area," Yuri took advantage of the silence from the shock and continued. "Uncle Noh explained everything to me. I know you guys are staying here." She tilted her head towards the hallway.

Sooyoung grabbed the papers, gritting her teeth as she read through it. She was doing her best to pull herself together. The contract was not fake. Kwon Yuri wasn't lying, they couldn't chase her away.

"There are only four rooms for the staff, and they're all occupied," Sooyoung said. She knew this wouldn't stop Yuri from staying, but she didn't know better anymore.

"All four rooms are double bedrooms," Yuri calmly said. "I can move in with someone. I told you uncle Noh explained everything. You have no reason to send me away." She turned to Jessica, her voice turning more gentle. "I assume you're not sharing a room with anyone yet?"

Yuri's intention was clear. It made Taeyeon instinctively step in between her and Jessica, glaring at Yuri with full protectiveness for her best friend.

"I don't think it's a good idea," even Tiffany shook her head in disapproval this time.

Jessica put a hand on Taeyeon's shoulder, reassuringly, as if to say the shortie didn't need to worry.

"Sunny's driving back to the city. I will move in with Sooyoung," Jessica declared. "Our cook Hyoyeon's staying alone in her room."

"Yeah, we can't be that gruesome and put you with someone as innocent in one room," Taeyeon added sourly.

"You can have my room," Jessica said.

Yuri just shrugged. "That's fine with me." She picked up her suitcase and smiled at Jessica. "As long as I'm around you."

Jessica didn't say anything. She turned around and walked into the hallway, heading to the second last door on the left. Yuri followed.

"I can't believe uncle Noh did this to me," Sooyoung tilted her head upwards and sighed as Yuri and Jessica were out of sight.

"He probably didn't know what happened," Sunny said.

"I don't even know Yuri knew uncle Noh that well," the tall girl shook her head. "All I know was they knew the other was a friend of mine. Nothing more, nothing less. How did she manage to convince him selling the rest of his business?"

"Well, he would have thought he's helping you," Taeyeon argued. "Because he had the wrong idea that Yuri's still your trusted best friend."

"He's sold 45% of the business. Yuri's the one with the highest stock possession. He should have talked to me about it first!"

"Yuri's stock isn't that much of a problem. You and Sica still have 55% together," Sunny said. "As long as you two hold on together, Yuri can't overpower us."

"I hope so." Sooyoung sighed.

"Yuri won't," Tiffany spoke. "I have the feeling she isn't here to damage and destroy."

"That's what I think, too," Sunny nodded.

"You shouldn't be talking at all," Taeyeon snapped at Tiffany. "It's all your fault!"


"If you hadn't asked for her to stay, we would have gotten rid of her already!"

"No, we wouldn't. She has the contract, remember?"

Taeyeon just huffed.

"Taetae, listen," Tiffany tried. "I couldn't say it earlier, not in front of Sica and Yuri. But... I have the feeling, Yuri's here because..." Tiffany hesitated. "Because she misses Jessica. For real."

"There's nothing real when it comes to Yuri's feelings," Sooyoung scowled. "How can you forget what she had done so easily?"

"I did not forget. It's just, you and Sica have to start from zero again. There is nothing Yuri can 'use' in you two right now. There is no other reason why she would be here. I... I kinda saw it in her eyes. Each time she looks at Jessica, she-"

"She's here to make our lives miserable!" Taeyeon lost her patience. She threw her hands into the air, yelling. "How can you be so naïve, Fany? She'll hurt Sica over and over again, and this time, I'm going to blame you!"

Taeyeon stomped away, not giving Tiffany the chance to defend herself.

"It's already started," Sooyoung cracked a sarcastic laugh. "Kwon Yuri's already breaking us apart." She then headed towards the hotel entrance and disappeared.

Sunny gave Tiffany a sad headshake before following Sooyoung. Tiffany was left alone in the lobby, heaving a tired sigh. But she still believed in what she'd seen.


Yuri let her suitcase plump down onto the floor with a quiet thud. Jessica's room was surprisingly drab and simple, nothing like the room Yuri was used to in the Jung residence. The two single beds were brought together to a double one. It had the elegant dark brown color of the woods in front of the hotel, covered with plain white sheets, blankets and pillows, and leaned against the just as white wall that was facing the door. Across from it, the make-up table was sitting in the corner of the room. A dresser was on the left side, a medium-sized desk by the window. The room was all in all just a little bigger than a single bedroom; not quite the double bedroom Yuri had imagined.

"Give me five minutes," Jessica told Yuri. "I haven't unpacked much."

Why, Yuri wanted to ask, but restrained herself. Jessica had been here for over a week. Was she feeling uncomfortable in this room, or why didn't she unpack? Unless Jessica couldn't be bothered making it comfortable for herself.

"Have you been too busy?" Yuri caringly asked, watching as Jessica put her neatly folded clothes from the dresser into a bag.

"Kind of," Jessica replied curtly, as if to tell Yuri they weren't in the state to talk to each other like this yet.

"Well, I'm here now," Yuri ignored the hint. "I'll help out with what I can."

Jessica didn't answer. She went out wordlessly, clutching the bag in her hands. Yuri stayed in the room, knowing that Jessica would have to come back. She had not taken all her belongings yet.

Yuri approached the dresser and opened the standing side Jessica hadn't opened. A smile formed on Yuri's lips as she recognized the familiar dress collection. Jessica loved summer and dresses.

Yuri ran her finger along the fabric of a sky blue summer dress that was prettified with little white daisies. She smiled at the lovely image of Jessica wearing it. A bigger and more delightful smile crept on her face when she spotted Jessica's favorite dress. Or rather, her favorite to see Jessica wearing. It was a simple white silky dress, but it was magic, having the power to give Jessica wings and make her look like the most beautiful angel on earth. Yuri had loved the dress since the first time she saw it on Jessica; the day they were on the Chalk Peak.

Yuri found herself leaning into the closet, slowly inhaling Jessica's sweet and unique strawberry scent that she had missed so much. It felt so good. It felt as if she was holding Jessica close - something that would now only happen in her dreams, considering the unfavorable circumstances.

"Ehem," Jessica cleared her throat behind Yuri.

Yuri turned around and stepped aside. She didn't know how long Jessica had been standing there, nor could she read from Jessica's expression how much the girl had seen. Because Jessica wordlessly grabbed her dresses and marched away again, acting like she hadn't noticed the meaningful gesture of Yuri just now.

Yuri just smiled sadly at the empty closed. Was she disappointed? She shouldn't be. She had expected cold treatment beforehand, and this kind of attitude from everyone, including Jessica, was on her list. She should have been relieved to know she still understood people from her past well enough to tell what they would feel and do. She should have been relieved to know they hadn't changed, despite of the shock she had given them.

Yuri walked away from the now completely empty dresser and scanned the room for other familiar sights. She spotted a book next to the pillows on the bed and couldn't hold back a small chuckle. This was no doubt the Jessica she knew.

Jessica came back and caught Yuri smiling at her book. A feeling of sudden anger rushed through her, she couldn't quite explain why. Maybe it enraged her to see that she was exposed to Yuri once again, and the fact that Yuri was laughing over small and silly stuff of hers didn't make her heart flutter anymore.

Yuri watched as Jessica rushed to the bed, grabbing the book, then looking under the bed, grabbing an open box which Yuri realized was holding Jessica's favorite flats, and angrily stomping out of the room again.

Yuri didn't really mind the mad Jessica as she was smiling from ear to ear. She could never forget any of Jessica's fetishes, and the fetish for flats was one of them.

"Tiffany's pride, high heels. Jessica's pride, flats," Jessica had used to say.

Yuri wandered to the other side of the room, trying to find other familiarities that brought her little happiness before Jessica took them all away. She wore that smile to the make-up table, positive that she would find something. However, Yuri stopped in her tracks and the smile disappeared when she saw the silver box. She recognized it immediately. Jessica's jewelry box.

There was only one word that was put on replay mode in her mind. The Necklace.

Yuri approached the make-up table, her eyes glued to the silver box. She hadn't seen it on Jessica's bare neck earlier. It has to be here.

Yuri was about to reach out for the box and open it, but Jessica had returned in time. The blonde quickly walked straight over to the make-up table without looking at Yuri, putting everything, including the desired box, into the empty bag. Yuri watched with mild regret as Jessica swiftly made her way out again, as if she couldn't bear the atmosphere in here anymore.

"Sica..." Yuri decided quickly and grabbed Jessica's hand before the girl exited the room. Jessica stopped, but Yuri didn't know what she was supposed to say now. She acted without thinking properly. She couldn't possibly tell Jessica to show her the box.

There was a long silence. It wasn't until Yuri saw Jessica's jaw clenching from the side profile that she realized something was wrong.

Yuri's heart sank. "Are you... crying?"

"No!" Jessica's head snapped as her head turned around. She jerked her hand back, only to have Yuri holding onto it even more tightly.

"Sica, don't-"

Yuri stared into Jessica's red eyes as she was gripping the girl's trembling hand. Jessica was visibly fighting hard against the tears. It was wrong, yet it felt so right, too right, to have Yuri's hand holding hers like this.

"Sica!" Taeyeon's voice came from the doorway. The girl was standing there with crossed arms, glaring at Yuri.

Yuri immediately let go. Jessica turned around to the impatiently waiting Taeyeon and left without giving Yuri another look or word.

Yuri followed Jessica's figure disappearing with longing eyes, but she wasn't upset at the sudden leave. She knew it was better to let Jessica go this time; the girl definitely didn't want Yuri to see her cry. Yuri wasn't eager to see Jessica's tears either. She had seen what she needed to see. She had seen enough.

She had seen that Jessica hadn't changed, indeed. Jessica still read before going to sleep, Jessica still favored things that were white, Jessica still loved dresses, Jessica still preferred flats to high heels, and Jessica was still the same emotional girl.

And... Yuri's eyes formed a smile. Jessica still loved her.

There was no more need to see whether or not the girl was keeping the necklace to confirm that. Yuri knew that in the silver box, Jessica was saving her promise. 

Chapter 26

Sooyoung drove the car to the front of the hotel entrance. She saw Sunny patiently waiting for her. The girl must have had bidden goodbye to Taeyeon, Tiffany and Jessica already, and was now waiting to say goodbye to her. Sooyoung wished Sunny could stay, especially now that Kwon Yuri was constantly around, she really needed someone who could make her smile. But Sunny, unlike Tiffany, couldn't and didn't want to give up on her photographer job. As much as the opposite would have made her happy, Sooyoung understood and didn't blame Sunny.

Sooyoung put the car to a halt and stepped out. The first thing she saw was Sunny's smile, and her lips couldn't help but to curve up into a smile as well. Oh how she would miss this.

"I will... miss you," Sunny softly said.

Sooyoung didn't reply. She scooted the girl into her arms instead, wrapping Sunny into a gentle hug. Sooyoung felt Sunny's arms sneaking around her body as the girl hugged her back, head resting against her shoulder.

"Sunny..." Sooyoung sighed. "I'll be having a hard time here, without you."

Sunny looked up into Sooyoung's eyes, smiling. She reached out for the taller girl's face and took it into her warm hands.

"I'll come here every once in a while, don't worry."

Sooyoung nodded like a little kid. The next thing she knew, Sunny had already tiptoed and pressed her lips gently against hers. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment for a little while.

"Try to control your hot temper, Sooyoungie," Sunny whispered against her lips. "By the time I'm back, I want to see Kwon Yuri alive. And alive not as in crippled, okay?"

Sooyoung chuckled.

"Now, I'm not that bad, am I?" She laughed. But then, her face turned serious. "I'll do what I have to do to protect Sica."

Sunny shook her head, knowing there was no point in discussing this anymore.

"I love you," the short girl said instead. It slipped out of her along a small sigh, as if it was something as normal as breathing - a reflex her body had learnt and unconsciously did since when she didn't know.

"I love you, too."

Sooyoung leaned in and captured Sunny's lips once again. She kissed Sunny with more passion this time, telling her without words how much she wished the girl could stay. Sunny broke the kiss first, panting against Sooyoung's face. The short girl stroked her cheek once more before getting in the car. Sunny fastened her belt and smiled at Sooyoung through the window. Sooyoung weakly waved as the car began to move. She remained motionless, following the car as it left the hotel's parking lot with wistful eyes.

Sooyoung waited until Sunny's car was completely out of sight and heaved a sigh. She already missed her.

Sooyoung returned inside the hotel, rubbing her stomach. The best medicine for illnesses caused by love was Hyoyeon's food. In fact, Hyoyeon's food could heal everything, not just lovesick fools.

"Cheer up, Soo," Tiffany smiled at Sooyoung from behind the reception counter. "Sunny'll be back to visit us soon."

"I know. I still miss her, though."

"Me too."

Tiffany wanted to say something more, but the reception phone rang. She gestured Sooyoung to wait and picked up.

Sooyoung watched as Tiffany flashed an eye-smile to the invisible guest on the phone. She chuckled. It was hard to break a habit. She wondered if Taeyeon was still mad at Tiffany.

"I gotta shower now," she mouthed to Tiffany. "Work hard, Taeng will come and replace you later."

Tiffany nodded and gave her another encouraging smile before turning her full attention back to the phone call again. Sooyoung made her way towards her room and had a hard time pulling herself together as she passed the canteen. Dinner was ready, the smell was tempting. Sooyoung inhaled a chunk of the heavenly smell in the air and held her breath, running to her room.

At the same time, Yuri swung her room door open.


Sooyoung stumbled back. The door had missed her by a fraction of an inch.

"Sorry, didn't see you," Yuri mumbled. She closed the door and was about to leave.

"Kwon Yuri!"

Yuri stopped, turning around to face Sooyoung, only to see a look of disgust on Sooyoung's face. Sooyoung took a few steps towards Yuri and stopped. The hallway went silent; but Yuri still patiently waited for whatever would be coming from Sooyoung now.

"Tell the truth," Sooyoung demanded. "Why are you here?"

"I missed Sica."

"Liar!" Sooyoung snapped. "I have known you for ten years, Kwon Yuri. I know when you're lying."

"That I'm not so sure," Yuri replied. "You couldn't tell months ago."

Sooyoung looked like she was hit in the face. What Yuri said was true, but it bothered Sooyoung to hear how easy Yuri was dealing with this fact. It was as if Kwon Yuri was proud she had successfully tricked Sooyoung and everyone else.

"You... are a jerk."

Sooyoung hated how sore she sounded. It was no bit hurtful to Yuri as she had hoped. To save herself from further failures in communication with Yuri, Sooyoung angrily stomped into her room and banged the door shut.


Yuri entered the canteen with a growling stomach. It was already 9PM, and because she wasn't sitting in front of her laptop being a workaholic, Yuri was starving. But that was how life was when you ran a hotel on-site; guests always had precedence. Luckily, time had no effect on Hyoyeon's food's quality.

"Oh, hey Yuri," Hyoyeon called from the counter as she spotted Yuri. "Help setting the table, will you?"

"Sure thing," Yuri replied with a polite smile. Inside, she grinned the biggest grin. It was just too funny how Tiffany had introduced them to each other earlier, and Yuri and Hyoyeon had shaken hands in the most awkward way they could ever fake. Truth was, no one here had known Hyoyeon longer that Yuri.

"What can I do?" Yuri asked as she joined Taeyeon and Jessica standing around the table in the corner. Taeyeon was cleaning the table and looked up, glaring as Yuri came. The shortie gripped the cloth she used to wipe the table and walked away with an exaggerated ignorance that Yuri started to find amusing instead of irritating.

"Here," Jessica pressed the bunch of chopsticks into Yuri's hand. "Place them on the bowls." She then turned around to leave, but Yuri had held her back by the arm.

"Where do you sit?" Yuri asked softly. "I want to sit next to you."

Instead of answering, Jessica angrily yanked her arm away. "Don't touch me!" she hissed and walked away. Yuri wanted to do something, but Taeyeon came back just then with two plates of food in her hands and another glare for the tanned girl on her face.

Having no other choice, Yuri returned to the table and did what Jessica told her. She raised an eyebrow as Taeyeon was already stomping away again, after practically throwing the plates on the table. The girl couldn't get anymore hostile.

Yuri heaved a small sigh as she placed the last pair of chopsticks on the table. She should think positive. At least Jessica was talking and not just running away from her, even though their conversations didn't exactly consist of many proper sentences from Jessica. If there was a whole sentence for once, it was something along the lines of "Don't touch me!"

Yuri looked up and caught the sight of Jessica walking quickly towards her, a huge bowl of steaming hot soup between her hands. Yuri could tell by Jessica's tightly pressed lips and the almost tearing eyes that the girl's fingers were burning. She quickly stepped aside as Jessica almost collapsed onto the table, however still managing to not lose a drop of the precious soup.

"Ahhh!" Jessica shrieked the moment the bowl was on the table, and her fingers shot to her earlaps.

Yuri laughed out loud, delighted by the cuteness. But she shut up as soon as she realized Jessica was angrily glaring at her.

"I hurt myself and you laugh?!" the girl nearly yelled.

Well, what am I supposed to do? Yuri wanted to defend herself, but her mouth froze before she could bring out a word. What did Jessica want her to do?

Without giving it much thought anymore, Yuri grabbed Jessica's fingers and brought them briefly between her lips. This time it was Jessica's turn to freeze, her eyes widened.

"Better?" Yuri cheekily grinned while massaging the ends of Jessica's index fingers with her thumbs.

Jessica took back her hands just in time before Taeyeon came in. Taeyeon was bringing the last dish on the table while throwing Yuri and Jessica a suspicious look. She did not like how Yuri was facing Jessica, not to mention how close they stood next to each other. But Taeyeon was interrupted before she could question the two.

"I'm starving!"

The canteen door flung open and entering was an extremely hungry Sooyoung. Hyoyeon came out from the kitchen, laughing.

"Just in time. Everything's ready, boss Shikshin."

They approached the table where Yuri, Jessica and Taeyeon were waiting. Everyone settled down and Yuri couldn't help but to feel somehow annoyed that she didn't have more time with Jessica. She wanted to see the girl's reaction so much. Now with everyone here, Yuri wasn't even able to sit next to Jessica during dinner.


After dinner, Taeyeon hurried outside to take over Tiffany's shift. Sooyoung and Jessica left too, after Yuri had volunteered to help Hyoyeon out in the kitchen.

"Your cooking skills are amazing," Yuri praised as she followed Hyoyeon into the kitchen, carrying all the empty plates.

"Told you I can only get better at it," Hyoyeon laughed, satisfied that everyone was enjoying the meal. Yuri shushed her as they heard the canteen door open and someone tiredly walking in.

"Hey Fany," Hyoyeon called through the opening into the canteen. "Your dinner's on the table over there."

"Thanks Hyo," Tiffany's face lit up as she saw the food. "I'm starving."

"Why is that pretty much the only thing I hear in the evening?" Hyoyeon asked with a happy laugh.

"Because you're the most awesome person alive, Hyo," Tiffany answered before digging into her food.

Hyoyeon giggled and turned back into the kitchen to Yuri. "They are lovely people," she said to her friend seriously.

"I know," Yuri said smiling, but equally serious.

They went to the sink and started wiping the food off the plates and bowls to put them into the dishwasher. The two worked in silence for a while, listening to Tiffany slurping her food and occasionally letting out a happy moan outside.

"Yuri, why are you really here?" Hyoyeon asked then, lowering her voice.

Yuri didn't answer right away. "Well, what do you think?" she whispered back.

"I don't know. If I could read your master mind, I wouldn't ask, right?"

Yuri chuckled.

"But..." Hyoyeon hesitated. "I hope you do have a good plan."

"What do you mean?" Yuri asked as she opened the dishwasher. Hyoyeon started giving her the dishes, and Yuri put them in.

"Yuri, you aren't seriously here just for Jessica, are you?"

Yuri fixed her gaze on her moving hands instead of Hyoyeon. "Why do you think that, Hyo?"

Hyoyeon stopped. The flow of process was interrupted, and Yuri reluctantly looked up.

"Because you have feelings for her. Real feelings."

Yuri gulped, feeling nervous. That wasn't even a question anymore.

"You're just avoiding the question, Yuri."

Yuri shook her head. "Just trust me, okay?" she sighed, sounding not very convincing.

"I still am," Hyoyeon smiled. "But don't let feelings drive you, Yuri. You know you and Jessica can't-"

"Trust me, Hyo," Yuri repeated, more determined this time. She looked into Hyoyeon's eyes, putting a hand on Hyoyeon's arm.

Hyoyeon stared at Yuri, searching for the truth in the taller girl's eyes. Her gaze softened slowly, and she finally gave a small nod. "Just... don't disappoint-"

"Hey guys," Tiffany's head popped in through the window to the canteen. "You want my empty bowl?"

"Wow, that was fast," Yuri backed off from Hyoyeon, even though Tiffany didn't seem like she had noticed anything.

"Oh thank God, here it is! I totally forgot," Hyoyeon rolled her eyes heavenwards, acting as if she was greatly relieved. "I was already scared to death when I couldn't find the ninety-ninth bowl. I tell you, if it went missing for real, Jessica would have chopped my hands off."

"Oh Hyo, Sooyoung wouldn't let that happen," Tiffany giggled. "You're too precious for that." She patted her tummy and flashed a smile.

"I know," Hyoyeon grinned and waved as Tiffany wandered off. Turning around, she saw Yuri smiling at her.

"You seem to get along well with everyone."

"Much to our advantage, no?" Hyoyeon laughed. "Yul, I don't need you here anymore. Can deal with the rest on my own. You can go and take a shower or something."

"That's great. Thanks," Yuri walked toward the exit. But before she went through the door, she turned back and added "For always being supportive and trusting me."

"That's what I'm here for, friend," Hyoyeon smiled.


Yuri closed the canteen door quietly and approached her room at the end of the hallway. She quickened up as she saw the figure standing in front of the door next to hers was none other than Jessica. For a moment, she thought Jessica had noticed and purposely hurried to avoid her. But to the contrary, Jessica opened the door to her room but didn't enter. She turned around and waited till Yuri stood in front of her.

There was a silence between them. Yuri already began to sweet bullets; she knew that if she wasn't going to say something, Jessica would leave. And who knows when she'd have another chance with just the two of them together like this.

"Are you... felling better?" Yuri finally asked, tilting her head downwards, indicating Jessica's fingers.

"I'm fine," Jessica replied so fast, Yuri had the feeling the girl was just waiting for her to talk about the lightly injured fingers. Or maybe the incident that occurred after Jessica burnt her fingers.

"But not thanks to you," Jessica added as though she could read Yuri's mind and crushed all the tanner girl's hopes.

Yuri wanted to protest, but just shut her mouth instead.

"That was stupid," Jessica concluded, her voice angry. As Yuri didn't seem to be able to come up with a smart counter, Jessica continued. "At first I was thinking you watched too many cheesy romantic movies. But then I remember you don't watch movies at all! How did you get the idea that that silly action would make me feel better? That's just stupid!"

Stupid? I kissed your fingers and you rant about how 'stupid' it was? Not 'bold', not 'shameless', not 'pervy', but 'stupid'?

And, you still remember I don't watch movies without you?

Well, I didn't watch the movies, but you told me everything romantic from those cheesy books you read. That's how I know.

Why are you so worked up anyway?

And... you were actually thinking about that the whole time? About me, the whole time?

Yuri said none of these things. All she did was smiling. She couldn't help it.

"Why are you laughing? Don't you hear me? That's just plain stupid! Don't copy those lame clichés if you have no idea how it works! You don't suck on a girl's finger when it's burnt! You suck on it if it's cut! Stop taking-"

"But Sica, I wasn't sucking-"

"-Advantage of the situation and-"

"I was kissing it better!"


Jessica paused. Yuri's smile faded as she realized Jessica's eyes were watery again.

"...And make me... feel like... this," the blonde trembled. She pulled herself together, clutching her fists tightly. "Kwon Yuri, I-" Jessica shook her head. "Leave me alone. Just leave me alone, you hear me?!" she yelled and dashed into the room she shared with Sooyoung, throwing the door in.

Yuri was left alone in the hallway, her face darkened.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, more to herself than Jessica. "I can't." 

A/N: My ANs are getting shorter and shorter...

Chapter 27

"Shhh... Jessi."

Jessica immediately stopped her sobs and held her breath. She froze with her body completely hidden under the blanket, not daring to turn her head around to see who it was. Though, there was only one person in this world who called her "Jessi."

"Jessi, I know you're not sleeping."

Jessica's bed shifted as Tiffany climbed in. She didn't want to turn around and to have Tiffany see her puffy eyes. But when Jessica heard silent sniffs coming from her friend, she practically kicked the blanket away.

"Why are you crying?" Jessica shot up into a sitting position and put a hand on Tiffany's arm, worried. She couldn't really see Tiffany's face but there was no doubt that Tiffany was shedding tears too.

"We-we fought," Tiffany sniffled.

"Again?" Jessica rubbed Tiffany's back comfortingly, knowing it was about Taeyeon. "But I thought you guys had made up earlier?"

"We have," Tiffany said sadly. "But somehow in bed we ended up talking about Yuri again."

Jessica sighed. She pulled Tiffany in for a hug, comforting herself also. It wasn't until then that Tiffany remembered she was crying too.

"Jessi, you were thinking about Yuri too, weren't you?"

Jessica didn't reply, but Tiffany knew she was.

"Can I ask you something?" Jessica whispered instead.

"Of course."

"Why did you agree for Yuri to stay?" Jessica sighed. "I know she'd be able to stay no matter what everyone said, but you didn't know about the contract when you were defending her."

"I wasn't defending her," Tiffany took Jessica's hands into hers. "I was just... it was... I thought..."

Tiffany stopped, thinking how to explain. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and she looked at her friend sincerely. It was late in the night, but the lights from the parking lot outside were lighting up the room just enough for Tiffany to find Jessica's eyes.

"You still love her so much... I saw it in your eyes."

Having been seen through, Jessica was rendered speechless. Was it really that obvious?

She bit her lip as she let go of the tears she was holding back. It was true. What Tiffany said was true. Jessica couldn't hide this from her best friend, couldn't deny it in her heart. Emotions welled up inside her as tears just streamed down her face, landing on the hands Tiffany was holding tightly. Jessica held back a sob as she realized Tiffany's eyes were starting to water too.

"I'm fine," she quickly said, but didn't even bother to wipe her eyes.

"You don't have to act brave in front of me," Tiffany's voice cracked as she shook her head. "I was afraid that if you sent her away, you would regret it later. This way you have more time to decide. Jessi, what if she had changed? For you?"

Things like that only happen in books, Jessica bitterly thought.

"Fany, I really don't know," Jessica sobbed. "I wish she was! But everytime I see her, I get reminded of what she had done. I get reminded of how she said she didn't love me. I get reminded that I'm supposed to hate her. I get reminded of her grandfather, of Jiyong, of what they had done to my grandfather, and now my father. I'm scared about dad, Fany, do you understand? I'm scared about mom, about Krystal! I'm scared of what Yuri might have on her mind! I'm scared if I keep being naive, I'll be the one who harms my family again!"

Jessica sobbed and breathed. Tiffany immediately embraced her trembling friend.

"I hate myself for not being able to completely hate her, Fany," Jessica continued wailing against Tiffany's shoulder. "I hate myself for still wanting her after all she's done. It makes no sense! Why can't I stop loving her? She doesn't deserve it! She doesn't deserve it..."

Jessica's voice trailed off into sobs. Tiffany bit her lips, holding back her own tears. It hurt to see Jessica like this, but she knew she wasn't the one who could help. In fact, she began to doubt what she had apparently seen in Yuri's eyes, too. She didn't want to give any advice when she wasn't completely sure. If Jessica listened to her and Yuri ended up having faked everything once again, Tiffany didn't think she could face the Jungs ever again.

"What's going on?" Sooyoung's sleepy voice came from across the room. "Sica, are you crying?"

Jessica held her breath. Sooyoung would be enraged if she knew it was because of Yuri. Sooyoung would storm over to Yuri's room and strangle her for sure.

"No, it's me," Tiffany quickly replied, sniffling.


The two girls saw Sooyoung sitting up on her bed.

"What happened?"

"Oh Soo," Tiffany continued sniffling. "Taetae and I fought again."

"Oh." There was another silence before the sleepy girl continued. "Do you want to stay with Sica tonight? I can sleep in your room. That shortie can't kick me out."

"Thanks Soo. That's really thoughtful of you."

"No problem," Sooyoung stood up. "But make sure you guys are going to make up tomorrow," she yawned and left the room.

Tiffany and Jessica were left alone, and fortunately, the blonde had stopped crying. Sooyoung being so sensitive and concerned about her and Tiffany had touched Jessica once again. She suddenly felt guilty that she had made the people she loved, and that truly loved her, worry so much over something involving someone who was worth nothing. Guilt showered her and she forced back the thoughts about Yuri. Jessica felt stupid. She was making Sooyoung worry, making Taeyeon angry at Tiffany, making Tiffany cry. What for? What kind of friend was she?

"Taetae and Soo won't let Yuri do anything bad again," Tiffany said reassuringly, even though she knew this only solved half of Jessica's problem.

"I have to pull myself together," Jessica decided, her voice sounding stronger. "I can't forgive her. I won't let her hurt me anymore."

"If you say so, Jessi."

"I'm a big and tough girl!" Jessica declared. "I'm not a softie who you can hurt easily!"

Tiffany stared at Jessica, a little baffled. Jessica stared back at her friend, and they finally fell into a fit of giggles.

"You and your mood swings. But I will give you mental support, bestie. All the time."

"Thanks," Jessica smiled. "I'm sorry I make you guys worry all the time."

"Don't say that," Tiffany replied and yawned. She lay down onto the bed, gesturing Jessica to do the same by tapping the space beside her. "We were clueless the first time. Now we have our fences up. Yuri knows that. Maybe she really has changed."

Jessica didn't reply to that. She lay down and covered both Tiffany and herself with the blanket. Whether or not Yuri had changed, Jessica had to show her she wouldn't be affected by Yuri's presence any longer. She needed to show Yuri that Yuri wasn't having any impact on her anymore. She would act normally around Yuri, as if she was over her already. This way Yuri wouldn't be able to hurt her. This way Sooyoung wouldn't have to worry. This way Taeyeon wouldn't have to get mad. Jessica hoped.

"I hope Taetae will see that, too," Tiffany sleepily said as she snuggled into the pillow.

"Don't worry. Taeng's just overprotective at times."

"Mmhmm," Tiffany agreed as she slowly drifted into sleep. Jessica watched her sleeping friend for another while, feeling much more peaceful than just half an hour earlier.

"I love you guys too. So much," she whispered.


The next morning, Yuri woke up early. She took extra long time in the canteen for her breakfast since she hadn't been assigned to any area yet. Sooyoung and Jessica were the ones who gave the orders, but Sooyoung had left early with Taeyeon already. Apparently, they had to check on a few houses in the forest because a group of students were going to arrive around noon and rent several houses for two days. Jessica was still sleeping, because Tiffany had decided she needed sleep and turned off her alarm. Yuri ended up mopping the floor for Jessica that morning.

After finishing mopping and boring herself for another half an hour, Yuri peeked around the corner from the hallway and saw Tiffany talking to a guest at the reception. She smiled to herself, knowing the air must be clear now. There was only Hyoyeon left of the staff, but that girl was absolutely not someone Yuri had to worry about.

It was now eight in the morning, and Yuri decided somebody had to wake Jessica up. Since no one else was free, Yuri had to do it. She hadn't received the universal keycard for all rooms in the hotel, but she had been smart and stolen the spare keycard of Jessica's room from the reception earlier, before Tiffany's shift started.

Yuri quickly walked to Jessica's room, her heart beating faster. There was no doubt she was excited about this. She opened the door and entered, a smile flashed over her face as she saw the not-so-surprising sight. Jessica was lying in one of the single beds she and Sooyoung had apparently separated to each side of the room, an arm placed over her head that made it look like she was being punished. This gesture was like Tiffany's eye-smile, Yuri thought; a habit that was meant to never be broken.

Yuri noticed the blindfold, which was a new thing. Jessica probably had to wear it due to the light coming from the lamps in the parking lot at night. Yuri had the same light conditions in her room, but it didn't really bother her - she had always been an easy sleeper.

"Princess... wake up," Yuri sat down next to Jessica on the bed and whispered. As expected, her 'princess' didn't stir. Yuri gently shook Jessica's shoulder, whispering the same words again.

This time, Jessica grumpily mumbled something before turning Yuri her back. Yuri chuckled. How she loved this job.

"Come on," she pulled on Jessica's shoulder, wanting to turn the girl around.

"No, Ms Ahn," Jessica wailed sleepily, resisting Yuri's pull. "Just another five minutes..."

"Sica, I'm not Ms Ahn," Yuri chuckled. She pulled harder and successfully turned Jessica around this time. The blindfold slid off Jessica's face as a result, revealing the shut eyes of the sleeping princess. Yuri stopped and stared at Jessica's sleeping face, wondering what she must be dreaming of so that she even had to pout in her slumber.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up," Yuri sang, gently brushing a strand of hair off Jessica's face.

"I... don't... want... you..." Jessica gave back, apparently still talking to Ms Ahn. "Yuri promised... she'd call..."

Yuri froze, and Jessica turned on her side facing Yuri's body, blanket over head again. Not being able to hold back a smile, Yuri took a breath before gently pulling the blanket away.

"But... I am Yuri," she whispered and took Jessica's hands into hers. "Sica bab-"

Jessica's eyes fluttered open. "YAH!" She caught the sight of Yuri hovering over her head and her eyes went big and round in shock. Instinctively, her hand went straight up and landed across Yuri's face.

"OW!" Yuri exclaimed, holding her cheek. But that wasn't enough for Jessica. The blonde sat up fast as lighting, and before Yuri knew it, she was already on the ground, clutching her stomach. Jessica's foot had kicked her off the bed, causing her having to look up at a fuming Jessica.

"What the hell did you just do?!" Jessica stood up on the bed and yelled. With Yuri lying on the ground, her height appeared to be tripled.

"I... did nothing!" Yuri breathed as she was fighting the pain.


"No I'm not! I was just trying to wake you up!"

"No one asked you to! I have my alarm!" Jessica groaned. "How dare you disturb my dream! It's not even-" she glanced at the clock "-ten past eight! Wait, what? TEN PAST EIGHT?"

Jessica's hands went to her mouth. "Oh no," she muttered. Sooyoung was so going to scold her.

"Don't worry," Yuri wrapped herself up. "I already mopped the floor for you. And you are very welcome."

Jessica said nothing. She plopped down to sit on the bed, glaring at Yuri.

"What?" Yuri said defensively, standing up. It felt good to be taller than Jessica again. "If I didn't wake you up, who knows till when you'd keep dreaming that weird dream of yours."

"What do you know!" Jessica snapped.

"So you're telling me it's not weird to dream about your ex-" Yuri paused deliberately, causing Jessica's mouth to drop. "-housemaid? Huh!"

Jessica face darkened and she furrowed her eyebrows. She hoped she hadn't slept-talked too much. But she couldn't read from Yuri's face how much the girl knew about her dream. The best way to end this embarrassing incident was changing topics.

"Get out," Jessica said, standing up. "I need to change."

Yuri raised an eyebrow, grinning.

"Kwon Yuri!" Jessica yelled. "I'm serious!"

"Fine, fine," Yuri held her hands up defensively. She walked backwards towards the door and opened it under strict observation of Jessica's. Yuri stepped out. Before she closed the door, she added with the same big grin "It's not like there's anything I haven't seen, though."

A terrifying scream filled her ears immediately, and a pillow flew her way, but Yuri was fast enough to shut the door and save herself. She giggled to herself and turned around to leave. But she was surprised with a second hit on her cheek.


This time, it really hurt. Yuri stumbled backwards, clashing her body against the wall. She looked up and immediately knew what had hit her. It wasn't Jessica's hand. It was Sooyoung's.

"Sooyoung," Yuri muttered, holding her face with one hand.

Sooyoung was standing in front of her, fists clutching at her sides. She gritted her teeth, panting through her nostrils. Her eye fired her anger at Yuri, making it so obvious.

"You can stay," Sooyoung hissed. "But no one allowed you to stay around Jessica. Don't you dare touch her EVER again. EVER."

"I didn't do anything," Yuri defended herself. "You're getting ridiculous, Sooyoung. It's not like she is your girlfriend."

"Neither is she yours!"

Yuri didn't reply.

"Listen, Kwon Yuri," Sooyoung hissed again. "I don't know what you're going to do this time, but I won't let you hurt any of us again."

"I'm not hurting anyone," Yuri frowned. "And I certainly don't want to hurt Jessica. Don't talk if you know nothing, Sooyoung. You know nothing about my feelings for her."

"Oh, feelings?" Sooyoung sarcastically said. "You are the one who knows nothing! There is no such thing for you. You're the same selfish jerk, and you will never change." As Yuri didn't reply, Sooyoung continued with gritted teeth. "In case you haven't noticed, Kwon Yuri, the more you get close to her, the more she gets hurt!"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't deserve her! You make her cry at night because she can't hate you but knows she can't forgive you either! Your presence reminds her of all the terrible things you did, and the worse thing is she blames herself on being naïve more than you on being sly! You have no idea how much you torture her, Kwon Yuri, because you're too selfish, drowned in your own needs and lust! If you really loved her, you would have never come back! She needs to forget you, for God's sake!"

"Oh shut up!" Yuri grabbed Sooyoung's collar and pushed the taller girl against the wall. She couldn't keep cool anymore. "I've heard enough of this sh*t! You're not the one who has the right to decide what Jessica needs and what not," she hissed against Sooyoung's face. "You think you care for her? You are the one who's being selfish, Choi Sooyoung! You stop me because it makes you mad everyone else is willing to give me another chance. You go crazy because you can't influence Jessica to stop being around me. You act like this because no one is listening to you!"

Yuri let go of Sooyoung's collar, stepping back. She was still glaring at the taller girl.

"Stay out of things between Jessica and me, Choi Sooyoung. She's the only one who will decide whether I can love her or not."

Sooyoung gritted her teeth in rage, but didn't do anything else. They glared at each other for another minute before Yuri hissed "And stop hitting me. Next time I won't be this nice again."

Then, she turned around and left.


Jessica wiped her sleepy face, wiping off that tiny smile by the way too. She glared at herself in the mirror, but noticed with frustration that she looked more embarrassed and shy than angry with those red cheeks. Freaking Yuri and her 'It's not like there's anything I haven't seen.'

"Aish," Jessica sighed and looked away. She put her face towel aside and applied makeup on her face. She bit her lip to prevent herself from pouting, but she found no way to keep herself from thinking about what happened just earlier with Yuri in her room.

"How dare she," Jessica mumbled, trying to lead her thoughts towards the Yuri-is-unforgivable direction.

"How rude she was!" Jessica screamed, glaring at her reflection in the mirror. "That was just SO rude!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sooyoung's head popped in from behind the door all of a sudden, an angry look on the tall girl's face. Jessica twirled around, knocking her eye care cream, her hand cream, and a few other creams on the floor.

"I-nothing," Jessica hastily answered as she bent down and picked up her belongings. Her ears went red as she dashed out of the bathroom, passing Sooyoung. "I did not just wake up, Soo. I was just reapplying my makeup."

She practically ran out of the room before Sooyoung could give a reply. Jessica could only hope Sooyoung would let this pass. Then she remembered she was the boss around here too, why did she have to be so afraid of Sooyoung? With that thought, Jessica pushed her chest up and walked straight with full pride again.

She put on a friendly face as she arrived in the lobby and saw a crowd. Tiffany was busy at the reception counter, talking to an older looking lady.

"Morning," Tiffany greeted as Jessica appeared next to her.

"Shhh!" Jessica kicked Tiffany's leg with hers. The last thing she wanted was guests to know there was a sleepyhead among the staff.

"So, here are the keys for you, ma'am," Tiffany turned around to the lady and handed her a bunch of keys. "I hope you and your students will have a nice stay."

"Thank you very much," the lady said, giving them a smile. "Excuse me, but do you mind if we stay here for another while? With a bunch of girls, you have to plan some time for them to use the washroom."

Tiffany giggled, shaking her head. "There's no problem at all, ma'am."

The woman smiled and turned around to her kids, raising her voice. "Everyone listen! Whoever needs to go to the toilet has to go now! We'll meet up outside in five minutes and I'll tell you more about what we're going to do with the vacation houses, okay?"

Everyone nodded and shouted okay, but only a few girls made their way to the washroom.

"Sunhwa! We're going to have to drive another 20 minutes to get to the vacation house," the woman sternly told one of the girls standing in the middle of the room. "And we will not stop the bus on the way again to let you do your business!"

Sunhwa blushed while others groaned. A few more girls trotted towards the washroom, even some boys reluctantly left their bags in the lobby and hurried to the washroom. The woman, who obviously was the teacher, made her way to the ladies' washroom too.

"Who are they?" Jessica whispered to Tiffany as she watched the newly arrived guests. "Are they that class that's supposed to arrive around noon?" She looked at the watch. It was only almost nine in the morning.

"Yeah, they arrived earlier than expected," Tiffany answered. "Despite having to stop every now and then to let some people water the plants on the roadside."

"Fany!" Jessica elbowed her friend. "I can't believe you're making fun of that poor girl."

"Oh, I'm just in a very good mood," Tiffany giggled.

"Taengoo did something, didn't she?" Jessica smiled.

"She made breakfast for me and apologized. But I'm sure the reason why she gave in so fast isn't because she felt guilty. I think it has something to do with Sooyoung." Tiffany lowered her voice. "Apparently, her legs flew about and landed on Taetae's stomach every other hour last night."

Jessica laughed, remembering that the two single beds in Tiffany's room were put together to a double bed. She was happy that her friends made up so fast. Sooyoung once again was the hero of the day, even though Taeyeon might not agree.

Jessica was still chuckling when her eyes wandered around the lobby. She dropped the smile as she saw a familiar back of a tanned someone leaning against the wall, obviously flirting with a small group of girl students.

"Fany," Jessica said, coldly. "I think the plant next to Yuri needs some watering."

"Huh?" Tiffany looked up from her notebook in shock. "Seriously? But everyone's looking, Jessi! I recommend the washroom for now, really."

"I mean water-watering!" Jessica snapped, impatiently pointing at the glass of water on the counter, next to Tiffany's hand. "Give me that!"

Tiffany looked bewildered, but complied nonetheless. Jessica grabbed the water glass from Tiffany's hand and angrily walked towards Yuri and the girls in the corner. Tiffany watched her friend and bit her bottom lip in worry. Did she see a flame of jealousy in Jessica's eyes just now? 

Chapter 28

"Excuse me," Yuri politely asked the group of girls standing in front of the elevator. "Could you please be so nice and move over there? It's for your own safety. Other hotel guests might come out of the elevator any moment and crash into you girls."

"Oh, we're sorry!" the blonde among the girls exclaimed and gestured the others to follow her, moving far away from the elevator. As they arrived at the other end of the room, Yuri laughed.

"Now, it's not like a monster would come out either," she said, shaking her head in amusement. One of the girls pouted at her, and she couldn't help but to grin back. Yuri decided to pick up a conversation while Tiffany was busy with their teacher at the reception desk. She walked towards the girls, putting on a friendly and welcoming smile. "So, you guys are here for a class trip, right?"

"Not really," the blonde replied, and Yuri realized this girl's voice was pretty husky when she wasn't screaming sorry. "We're here for something like a biology excursion. Our topic is Examining the Biotope Forest."

Yuri oohed with round eyes, faking interest. "Biology was one of my best subjects back in high school."

"Really?" the blonde excitedly asked. "Can you help us then? Please?" She lowered her voice, and Yuri had to lean forward to hear her. "Because we're going to make teams of five and to tell the truth, my girls and I totally suck at this subject."

Yuri laughed. "Well then, why don't you girls split and find yourself someone who's good at it?"

"We can't split!" the girl with the short hair exclaimed. "We're inseparable! We even have a group name for ourselves. 4minute. You see, once you have a group name, you can't break apart."

The girl looked so serious about it, Yuri didn't dare to laugh.

"Yes," the blonde nodded. "Plus, we are asking for help from someone who's supposedly good at it."

The girl winked at Yuri, and Yuri thought... Wow. She can't possibly say no to that. Yuri began to sense the interest these young girls seemed to have in her as they carried the conversation from asking what her job in the hotel was to whether or not she was single. Yuri smiled sheepishly at the question.

"I don't know..." she leaned her shoulder against the wall behind her. "We never really broke up."

"Well, do you still see her regularly?" one of the girls asked.

"Yes. She doesn't have a choice."

"So, you want to see her, but she doesn't?" the blonde, whose name was Hyuna, asked.

"It's kinda like that. I believe she wants to see me, she just doesn't want to admit it."

"That means you want to get back together with her?"

Maybe Yuri was just imagining it, but to her, the girls looked disappointed.

"It's not easy," she replied with a chuckle. "Let's stop talking about her. Tell me about what you girls have to do. I'll see what I can do to help."

The girls began to babble away about their tasks for the two days. Only Hyuna kept silent as she was frowning at something behind Yuri.

"What's wrong?" Yuri asked Hyuna, cutting the other girls off.

Hyuna didn't answer. She just kept her frown and tilted her chin forwards once. Yuri turned around to see what it was and caught sight of an embarrassed Jessica jolting up from behind the huge plant pot.

"She was eavesdropping on our conversation!" Hyuna said, pointing an angry finger at the other blonde.

"I was not!" Jessica held up the water glass in her hand, as though that was the explanation for everything.

"What are you doing there then, Sica?" Yuri asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You know her?" Hyuna asked.

"Yes, she's a member of the staff."

"You bet I am!" Jessica said, scowling at Hyuna. She didn't like how the other blonde was looking at her as if she was a criminal. Then again, that might not be the only reason why Jessica didn't like Hyuna very much.

"That still doesn't give you the right to eavesdrop on other people's conversation, though!"

"I wasn't eavesdropping! I was watering the plants, geez," Jessica put the full glass to her lips and gulped a huge amount of water down. She froze with in shock, realizing she had demonstrated it wrongly. The young girls were staring at her with dark faces, whereas Yuri looked completely baffled.

"Yes, I was... watering!" Jessica repeated with a flushed face and poured the half empty glass into the pot. "Bye!" she yelled louder than intended and caught the attention of a few other guests standing around.

Deeply embarrassed, Jessica kept her head low and dashed into the hallway, passing a worried-looking Tiffany, storming right into her room and locking herself up. She needed a deep, deep hole to hide, forever, if possible.

It was impossible, so she curled up in bed with the blanket thrown over her head instead.

"I hate you, Kwon Yuri," she sniffled.


After a lot of persuasion from Tiffany, Jessica had reluctantly left her bed to take her shift at the reception. The good news was that the annoying girls, as well as the rest of their class, had left (otherwise Jessica wouldn't have come out anyway). The bad news was that Yuri had volunteered to drive Hyuna's group to their assigned house. Sooyoung and Taeyeon each had one group, while the teacher and the bus driver drove another two groups to their vacation houses. Jessica knew Yuri had to help, because there was no one else who could do that with this short list of staff members, but it didn't make her happy to hear from Tiffany that Yuri had volunteered to drive Hyuna's girls.

Jessica had to suppress her uncomfortableness, because she didn't want Tiffany to get suspicious. So there she stood that afternoon, sulking to herself at the reception counter. She shouldn't have been sulking, however, because it was her luck Tiffany empathized with her fail and went upstairs to clean rooms instead of her for once.

"Here, for you."

Jessica flinched back as she was startled by the sudden appearance of a cup with milky green liquid in front of her. Turning her head around, she saw Hyoyeon grinning at her encouragingly.

"You look so down since this morning, I thought I should make you some energy drink."

Jessica held her nose in disgust.

"Eww, what's that?"

"Eww?" Hyoyeon's eyes went wide. "You call a product of mine eww?!" She placed the glass onto the table, acting as if she was deeply insulted.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like that," Jessica giggled, knowing the overdramatic Hyoyeon. "It's just... I think I smelled cucumber in this thingy."

"Why yes, this you call thingy is actually called the Hyonistic MultiCulti drink, and cucumber is one of the ingredients."

"Yah!" Jessica held her nose shut even more tightly, pushing the glass at the confused Hyoyeon. "Hyo, I can't stand cucumber!"

"What do you mean you can't stand them?" Hyoyeon asked, frowning. "They're one of the healthiest veggies!"

"I can't stand their smell," Jessica said, waving her hand to make the smell fade. "I didn't choose to be like this, believe me."

Hyoyeon threw Jessica a look before pushing the glass farther away.

"Alright. So, what has been bothering you, my dear favorite boss?" Hyoyeon turned at Jessica with a smile, elbow resting on the reception counter.

"You cheese ball," Jessica chuckled. She thought about what to say, but ended up not answering. Her gaze was fixed on something far away instead, and she drifted into her own world, appearing to be lost in thoughts.

"Is it about Yuri?"

Hyoyeon's question snapped Jessica back to reality. She stared at Hyoyeon, wondering how on earth the girl knew.

"Don't look at me like that," Hyoyeon smiled. "I'm apparently the only one who doesn't know what's going on. Everyone, except for me, is acting very strange around boss Kwon."

"It's something that happened not long ago. Something we don't really want to talk about..."

"Oh... okay," Hyoyeon said, nodding to show she understood. Silence crept in between the two girls for a while before Hyoyeon couldn't take it anymore. "You two were in love, weren't you?" she blurted out.

Jessica closed her eyes as she clenched her teeth. So much for understanding, she thought. But she wasn't actually mad or annoyed. Hyoyeon just cared; the cucumber drink said it all.

"What makes you think so?"

"I don't know... there's something invisible between you two, something I can't really point out. But I can tell it's there. Just between Yuri and you, no one else."

Jessica sighed. "Well... Yes. No. Y-I mean," Jessica took a deep breath. "I don't know."

Hyoyeon raised an eyebrow, waiting for Jessica to continue.

"I don't know her, Hyo." Jessica looked away. "I thought I knew her, I thought she loved me, but it turned out I didn't know anything. She made me fall in love with her, so deeply that I can't find a way out anymore. Then she broke my heart and did terrible things, and told me it was all lies and she never loved me. Now she's here and acts all caring and... and sometimes even inappropriately. But I don't know what she really feels, Hyo. I don't know what she wants from me. I don't know whether or not she really loves me."

Jessica sighed before turning to Hyoyeon again.

"It's like everyday you wake up and your lover pampers you with kisses and hugs, but suddenly one day you wake up, they beat you up, slit your heart with a knife, and leave you bleeding all alone. The next day they come back and act sweet again, but you are forever scarred and afraid that they might return to being the monster."

Jessica shook her head, a tired smile on her lips.

"Everyday, you wake up with that unsure feeling. You miss the pampering kisses, but you refuse to let go of the blanket you're hiding under, simply because the scars still hurt. It's too much of a price, too much of a risk, the kisses aren't even worth it anymore. And it's bad because they don't talk to you, you know? They don't explain why they were the monster that one day, so you're never sure if that's their hidden real self or not. You can't read their thoughts, you don't know when they are lying. Inside, you are constantly tortured as a half of you says 'forgive her', while the other half screams 'run away as far as you can.'"

Jessica sighed, indicating that she would need a longer pause, and silence entered again. Hyoyeon gently placed her hand on Jessica's, her eyes finding the blonde's.

"I don't know what she wants, Hyo... After all she did, they can't trust her anymore. I don't know if I can trust her anymore."

"Well," Hyoyeon slowly began. "I don't know what she did, but if you want to talk about it..."

Jessica shook her head. "I don't want to mention it again. It's why I have to be here, leaving my mom and sister back."

"Okay," Hyoyeon nodded. She didn't ask about it again this time. "It's unforgivable?"

"Pretty much, yes."

Hyoyeon let go of Jessica's hand, and they both turned their gazes to the double glass doors - the main entrance of the hotel - and stared out into the open.

"Do you want to hear my advice, Sica?"

Jessica turned around to look at Hyoyeon. The cook just kept her gaze straightforward.

"Yes," Jessica said. It wasn't until then that Hyoyeon turned around and smiled at Jessica.

"Do not be too clinical by only listening to your conscience. Because it would only remind you of all the pain you've suffered and tell you 'the monster' can never be tamed. That might not be true. If you don't give her a chance, it may be the worst thing you can ever do. Instead, just follow your heart, Sica," Hyoyeon said sincerely.

"I don't know what my heart wants," Jessica sighed. "I... love her, but I love my family, too. And I love my friends... It's not like she is the only thing I need and want in this world. If I give her a chance, I'll be risking it for all my other beloved ones."

"That's exactly why you don't choose yet," Hyoyeon continued. "Give your heart time to decide. Give it time to be really sure. Give Yuri time to prove who she really is. Once you're convinced in your heart, whatever happens, you will not regret. I promise."

Jessica looked at Hyoyeon's serious face and couldn't help a big smile. "How do you keep that promise?" she teased.

Hyoyeon rolled her eyes. "I'm the Love Doc, Miss. An as awesome person as I doesn't give wrong advice. Haven't you heard of Kim Hyoyeon, the famous professional Cook and unprofessional Comedian/Dancer/Love Doc/Rock Star?"

"No, I haven't," Jessica joked, and smiled as Hyoyeon shook her head in discontentment.

"Wait, rock star?" Jessica stopped. "Rock Star! GAHAHAHA-" Jessica's hand went to her mouth, but she couldn't suppress her enormous laughter. Hyoyeon acted as if she was offended for a moment, but soon joined to laugh at her own joke.

"Rock Star!" Hyoyeon yelled, and Jessica exploded with laughter again. Hyoyeon laughed out loud with her friend, enduring the hits Jessica was continuously slapping on her shoulder.

It was only the rings of the phone that interrupted the girls' laughter and finally gave them time to wipe their eyes.

"From room 403," Jessica said between her remaining giggles, drying her watery eyes. "Oh Hyo, you're so funny..."

"Give me," Hyoyeon said, chuckling. "You cannot pick up phones in this state."

Jessica handed Hyoyeon the phone, shaking her head as she still couldn't stop giggling.

"I wonder who it is," she said, almost breathless. "There shouldn't be anyone in that room since the key card is here."

"Hello?" Hyoyeon picked up. There was only one way to find out.

"JESSICA!" Tiffany's frantic voice boomed through the speaker. "Wait, is that Hyo's voice?" There was a short pause. "Anyway! Someone has to come up here and help me, NOW! You hear me? N.O.W. right now!"

"Hey, that's my line!" Jessica interrupted from the side.

"Keep calm, Fany, keep calm," Hyoyeon yelled back. "What's wrong up there?"

"I'm stuck in the room," Tiffany whined.

"Why? Did you lose your key?"

"No. But there are these two freaking huge AHHHHH BULEBULEBULEBULE-"

Hyoyeon pushed the speaker far away from her ear and frowned at Jessica.

"Apparently, flying bugs are preventing Tiffany from exiting the room," she informed the other girl.

"Yes, I heard," Jessica replied drily.


Hyoyeon pressed the end-call button.

"Just added another semi-profession on the list," she told Jessica. "Bug killer, that is."

She then headed towards the hallway, only to be called back by Jessica.

"Where are you going? The elevator's over there!"

"Exactly why I'm not going over there," Hyoyeon laughed. "The stairs would take a little longer, wouldn't they?"

The last thing Jessica saw before Hyoyeon disappeared behind the wall was a huge grin.

"So evil," she grinned, too.


Jessica looked at the clock on the reception table. She read 11:30 PM and couldn't help but letting out a sigh.

"You sure you want to do this?" Taeyeon approached her, yawning.

"Yes, I do," she told her friend. "Now go to bed, you've been out the whole day."

"Thanks," Taeyeon wrapped her arms around Jessica shortly. "Tomorrow I'll finish the night shift for you."

"Okay, deal," Jessica smiled. She watched Taeyeon walking away before bestowing her attention back to the front entrance again. There was something Jessica didn't mention when she offered the shortie her help. She didn't tell Taeyeon she wanted to finish the night shift because... of a certain someone; a someone Taeyeon obviously couldn't stand and thus would never allow Jessica to wait up for.

"Jessi," this time it was Tiffany who came from the hallway. "Taetae said you want to finish her shift, so I came to see if you're alright."

"I'm fine," Jessica smiled at her friend. "You should sleep early, too."

"I will," Tiffany smiled back. She then grabbed the key card and walked towards the glass door. "I'm just gonna help you lock all the doors so that when the shift is over, you can-"

"No!" Jessica yelled. Her cheeks went red as she realized she had raised her voice, and she stammered "I mean-it's okay, Fany. Don't worry, I can do that later, I..."

"I knew it."

Jessica gulped and looked down as Tiffany came back to the counter, standing on the other side facing her. She felt like a kid who was caught doing naughty things.

"Jessi, she won't come back tonight anymore," Tiffany said seriously.

Jessica reluctantly looked at her friend. "I don't know what you're talking about," she attempted to deny it, but the look in Tiffany's eyes already told her it was luckless.

"Oh come on," Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Taetae might not see it, but it's pretty obvious to me."

Jessica just shook her head, too stubborn to admit. Tiffany sighed. She grabbed her friend's hand from the other side of the counter.

"I'm not here to stop you," she softly said, and Jessica looked visibly relieved. The blonde didn't avoid her eyes anymore. "But," Tiffany's voice turned stern. "Make sure you get enough sleep. Our guests don't want to see a zombie at the reception tomorrow."

Jessica nodded with a pout. Content, Tiffany gave Jessica's hand a last short squeeze before heading back to her Taetae's arms. Jessica felt a pang of jealousy in her heart when she recognized the familiar look of happiness on Tiffany's face before the girl disappeared in the hallway. She used to be like that every day, too. Looking forward to the warm embrace of a lover at the end of the day, without having to worry about anything else. Now she's here with an anxious heart instead, waiting for someone she most likely wouldn't even talk to, not to mention hug, when they came back. And the worst thing was, Jessica didn't even know if this someone would come back; if this someone was worth waiting for at all.

Yuri had driven Hyuna's group to their vacation house and didn't show up since. Sooyoung and Taeyeon were already back around noon, as well as the bus driver, who was staying at the hotel. Apparently, Yuri had to stay back with those girls to help them; with what exactly, Jessica didn't know. Even until dinner time, there was no sight of Yuri. No one really cared (Sooyoung and Taeyeon were even in a much better mood), and Jessica almost forgot about Yuri for a while, too. But now it's late, and she just didn't want to believe that Yuri had stayed over at Hyuna's place.

"It makes no sense," Jessica told herself. "She says she's here for me. She wouldn't do that."

She then came up with all kinds of excuses for Yuri, starting with Yuri forgetting the time; Yuri getting lost in the forest; Yuri falling sick out of the blue, so bad that she was bed-ridden on the spot; until she reached the point of Hyuna turning out to be a witch and having given Yuri a love drink to make her stay with her forever.

Lost in her thoughts, Jessica was startled when the clock beeped at midnight. She stared at the small object on the reception desk, thinking what she should do now. Her shift was officially over. Her bed was waiting. But Yuri...

Jessica decided to wait.

"I'm just too nice," she mumbled. There was no other reason why she would wait for Yuri like this. As nice as she was, she would have waited for anyone else, too. It had nothing to do with Yuri being the one she-well... with Yuri being Yuri.

Jessica glanced at the clock again. 12:12 AM.

She pulled the stool nearby to her place and climbed on it, still watching the night out there. The lamps had lightened up the place enough for Jessica to be able to look past the parking lot. But there was absolutely no sight of the smallest living object approaching the hotel, let alone the huge car Yuri was driving.

Jessica glanced at the clock again and read 12:20 AM. She was getting drowsy. Resting her head on the reception table, she began to doubt Yuri's sincerity as the possibility that the girl had stayed with Hyuna became more and more likely. She started counting the seconds until the digital clock changed its minute counter.

...25, 26, 27...57, 58, 59... 12:22 AM.

...57, 58, 59... 12:23 AM.




Jessica forced her eyes open as her neck started to hurt like hell. She sat up straight, so fast that her head felt dizzy for a moment. She rubbed her temples tiredly, her sleepy eyes searched for the clock again.

12:45 AM.

She had fallen asleep for almost half an hour. It was about one in the morning and still, Yuri was nowhere to be seen. Jessica knew she wasn't able to take it any longer. So she grabbed her key card and sleepily walked to the glass doors. She gave up. She couldn't care less.

"It's your own fault," she scolded the invisible Yuri as she locked the door.

With still half open eyes, Jessica dragged herself back to the reception desk and put the keys into a drawer. She patted her way back to her room, fighting the urge to just sleep against the wall. But somehow, Jessica still managed to open the door to her room and plopped her whole body down the bed. Out of habit, her hands blindly reached for the sleep mask on the night table. She put it on and curled up in her bed, dead tired. Within seconds, Jessica was already drowned in her deepest sleep.

Little did she know, her night wasn't going to end just like that.

Sometime later, she woke up due to a weird pressure (that felt very good) on her lips. She then realized she was being kissed and instinctively swung her hand, hitting whoever it was on the cheek. A painful "Ow!" came as a response before Jessica kicked the person off the bed. She angrily threw the blindfold away, only to realize she wasn't wearing it anymore, and in the surprisingly brighter than expected light, she saw curling on the floor was 

Chapter 29

Yuri almost collapsed to the ground but managed to pull herself together. She had made it to the hotel after all; she could make it to her bed, too. With that thought, she fished the key card Tiffany gave her this morning from her purse and opened the glass door, letting herself in. The hotel lobby was dark and Yuri was dead tired, but she still had no problem finding the way to her room at all. She miraculously didn't bump into anything until she reached the door to her room.

Gathering her energy together, Yuri entered and went straight to the bed, plopping her worn out body into little heaven. She lied on her stomach, face snuggling against the soft bed sheets, her body slowly relaxing. She knew she hadn't changed her clothes, and she was aware that they were most likely dirty and stinky right now, but she was too tired to be bothered. Heaving a content sigh, Yuri slowly dropped off.

When she thought nothing could wake her up anymore, a weight appeared out of nowhere and landed on her back. Yuri uncomfortably shifted, intending to shake the strange object off, but it didn't move. Being tired and only semi-conscious anyway, she told herself to let it pass when some weird noises caused her eyes to snap open.

Those sounds definitely came from a human being. It was like a sound of someone scrunching their nose.

Yuri braced herself up. The strange object, which turned out to be an arm, slid off her back. In the dim light coming from outside, she recognized the outline of a body under the blanket. Yuri's mouth dropped as she registered the light hair color. She reached out for the night lamp to confirm this mysterious someone's identity. The switch was hit, the room was lightened up, and Jessica was confirmed lying in her bed.

"What the..." Yuri murmured in complete bafflement. But as soon as the surprising effect was over, she ruffled her hair in frustration. This was the last thing she wanted to happen at the moment. She was just too tired. Why couldn't things like this happen at times she was all fresh and awake? Why did it have to occur when she's almost dead like now?

Letting out a sigh, she sat with her back against the bedpost, staring at the wall across the room. She realized how her eyes were getting heavier second by second. What was she supposed to do now? It's not something that would happen every night, having Jessica sharing a bed with her like this. But...

Yuri squinted her eyes shortly and glanced at the sleeping girl next to her. It wasn't until then that she noticed the sleep mask on Jessica's eyes. She bent down, taking a closer look. KISS ME, it read, with the imprint of a pair of red lips replacing the dot on the 'i.'

"What the-" she narrowed her eyes and scooted even nearer, making sure she wasn't imagining things. "Seriously?"

Her brain automatically put all the pieces together within a second. And suddenly, it all made sense. Yuri swore Jessica's lips were puckering a little.

She slapped herself a few times on the cheeks before quickly lying down.

No, she told herself. This is too good to be true. Turning Jessica her back, Yuri clutched the blanket tightly. She closed her eyes, and her tired legs began to fall asleep against her will. But her ears couldn't ignore the slow, rhythmic breaths behind her. Her nose couldn't ignore the faint familiar scent, her brain couldn't ignore the clues that seemed to be so obvious.


Yuri pushed the blanket away and turned around. That's enough. No more mental struggle. She should have known she had no chance fighting it from the beginning.

She carefully removed the blindfold from Jessica's eyes, placing it next to the pillow. Stroking Jessica's cheek gently, her finger stopped at the girl's chin and she stared at the sleeping face for how long she didn't know. There was this peaceful feeling in her heart, just watching the blonde sleeping soundly with eyes closed, nostrils moving lightly after every breath-in and breath-out. Yuri's eyes longingly moved over every inch of Jessica's face, eventually stopping at the pair of pink lips. After a brief hesitation, she placed a hand next to Jessica's head and leaned down, gently pressing her lips against the blonde's. The soft lips of Jessica's lied still under the pressure of her own, but Yuri was still overwhelmed. It was sensational. The taste, the feeling, it was all the same. For a moment, with her closed eyes, she wished they could close their eyes to everything else in the world like this, just to feel and see only each other. For a moment, she believed it could happen. For a moment, she believed it was happening.

But that moment passed by quickly as Yuri reminded herself of reality. A wishful thinking was nothing more than a wishful thinking. She reluctantly ended the kiss and moved away, opening her eyes. She was half expecting a slap to come, but nothing happened.

Yuri heaved a tiny sigh against Jessica's face. Propping her upper body on her right elbow, she lied there staring down at the sleeping girl again.

"I don't understand," she whispered. "What are you doing?"

As expected, no response came from Jessica. Yuri ran her hand through the girl's hair as her brain began to think of an explanation. She came up with many theories and all sort of possibilities, but none seemed rational enough to explain Jessica's sudden change in behavior. Yuri knew Jessica wouldn't give in this fast. Not when Yuri hadn't even asked for receiving a chance. Not when she hadn't really done anything to show Jessica she wanted her back. There was no way Jessica would suddenly come back to her this easily. Not in a million years.

But who cares, Yuri thought. She was too tired to think further. Before her eyelids fell down completely, she leaned in once again and placed a kiss on Jessica's forehead. It felt just like the old times, when at night, she hugged Jessica to sleep and kissed her before falling asleep herself. Her lips curved up into a smile as her thumb gently touched Jessica's lips.

"One last kiss," Yuri whispered. "I believe you'll tell me everything tomorrow."

She tenderly captured the sleeping girl's lips again. But before the kiss ended this time, Jessica's body turned stiff all the sudden. Yuri could sense what's coming next, but didn't want to believe it until it was too late and Jessica's hand landed on her cheek.


The next second, she was kicked off the bed.


As she opened her eyes again, she found herself lying on the floor while clutching her stomach and cupping her burning cheek. Unfortunately, there was no hand left for her sore behind.

"Kwon Yuri!"

"Why does everyone have to hit me?" Yuri complained, slowly getting up. She saw an extremely mad and shocked Jessica sitting on the bed, firing deathly glares at her.

"Sica, I-"

"Oh shut up, Yuri, give me a break!" Jessica jumped off the bed. "I'm sick of your attitude! Who do you think you are, acting like this? Who do you think you are, treating me like this? Who do you think you are, disappearing the entire day and then reappearing in the middle of the night, in my room, on my bed, kissing me? You've crossed the line, Yuri!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Yuri shouted back, feeling hurt to be accused. "This is my freaking room, this is my freaking bed, and-well I did kiss you, but-"

"Wait, wait, what?" Jessica gestured Yuri to stop. She looked around a few seconds before realizing what Yuri said was true. "What the hell am I doing in your room? Yah! Did you carry me in here?!"

"Of course!" Yuri put her hands on her hips, feeling more frustrated with each second passing by. "As if I have nothing better to do! If you excuse me please, I'm damn tired and I want to sleep! Thank you!"

Jessica's mouth hung agape at the aggressive tone Yuri used. Yuri didn't mean to make it sound like that, but she couldn't control the anger that's growing in volume inside her. She knew the reason was totally silly, but she couldn't help it. Jessica just destroyed the peaceful feeling that she'd been yearning to feel for so long. It was a childish and selfish act to blame Jessica on taking away something Yuri knew she didn't deserve yet and that only Jessica could create in the first place anyway, but she was just mad at the moment and she couldn't care less about anything else.

She was about to lie down onto her bed with a huff when Jessica held her back by her arm.

"I'm not finished with you!" the blonde yelled. "That doesn't give you the permission to kiss me!"

"Stop yelling," Yuri said, annoyed as she freed herself. "For your information, it's half past one in the morning."


"Gosh, Jessica, please! I came home late and just wanted to lie down and sleep but you invaded my bed and distracted me from my sleep. Who the hell gave you permission for that? I'm sorry but it's you who hugged me out of nowhere, wearing a Kiss Me sleep mask, Jessica, a Kiss Me sleep mask, in the middle of the night, in my bed, hugging me, with a Kiss Me mask!"

Yuri ruffled her hair in frustration.

"Why are you doing this? When you know that... I- Ugh! How could you do that?! That's just not fair, Jessica! This is not fair!"

Jessica didn't say a single thing, so Yuri looked up. Her eyes met the sight of an equally frustrated Jessica, staring at her with wet eyes.

Why are you... Yuri sighed, looking away as she immediately regretted her words. She shouldn't have talked about fairness. Because after all, none of what she did was fair to Jessica.

"Okay, look, I'm sorry," Yuri said in defeat, hiding her worry that Jessica might cry. "I was wrong, I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm a jerk, alright? You can do whatever you want to punish me tomorrow, just let me sleep now, please. I'm so worn out, I can't think properly."

Relief rushed through Yuri as she saw Jessica swallowing the lump in her throat. The girl didn't look like she would cry anymore.

"You smell."

"Huh?" Yuri gave Jessica a dumbfounded look.

"You smell terrible!" Jessica yelled. "Make sure you're all nice and clean when you see me tomorrow!"

With that, Jessica exited the room and shut the door. Yuri dove into her pillow and groaned.

"Why is she doing this to me?" she muttered before tiredness took over, making her drift to sleep quickly.


The next morning, Hyoyeon approached Jessica after the blonde's late breakfast. She informed Jessica about what happened to Yuri yesterday. Apparently, Yuri's car had run out of gas on the road. She had to walk home a few hours and didn't reach the hotel until late in the night. Now someone had to drive her to the place where her car died yesterday so she could refill the tank. Yuri had asked Hyoyeon, but Jessica ended up going.

"Let's go."

Jessica strutted pass the reception counter where Yuri was standing, waving the car key in her hand. She didn't bother to look at Yuri, but eventually had to turn around to make sure the tanned girl was following her. She found a dumbfounded Yuri instead, still stuck behind the reception counter.

"What are you doing there?" Jessica called, annoyed. "Hurry up, I still have other things to do."

Yuri finally put herself into motion, even though she still looked a little bewildered. Jessica didn't care. She climbed into the passenger seat of one of the hotel cars, plugged the key into the ignition and waited for Yuri.

"What are you doing?" Yuri opened the door on the other side, looking at her appraisingly.

"Hyo said some guests have ordered a huge lunch party this noon, so she has to stay back and cook," Jessica looked out of the window. "She asked me to do her a favor."


Jessica didn't turn around, but by the sound of it, she could tell Yuri was getting in the car. The tanned girl buckled her belt before starting the engine.

"Thanks for coming with me."

Jessica didn't reply.

"Who's at the reception now though?"


"Ohhh..." Yuri's voice sounded relieved. "I'm glad Hyoyeon didn't ask Taeyeon for that favor."

Jessica turned around and spotted the expected smile on Yuri's face. It enraged her, so she diverted her gaze to the roadside again. Silence entered the car, but Jessica could tell her body language spoke loud enough to tell Yuri what she was thinking. Yuri was probably glancing at her often and trying hard to think of something to say, but Jessica looked like a ticking time bomb that Yuri better not touch. She hadn't forgiven Yuri for what happened last night, even though Yuri had apologized again this morning and she had punished Yuri by ordering her to clean the lobby for a month.

But it wasn't easy to just get over it and be the forgiving one. It was how little Yuri seemed to care after the kiss that made Jessica mad, angry, disappointed, hurt - all kind of feelings she dreaded. Yuri allowing herself to kiss her was already unacceptable, considering everything that had happened between them. How could Yuri just ignore her terrible betrayal and act like she didn't know what she had done to Jessica's life? Jessica couldn't understand what had gone through Yuri's mind. Was she not being able to control herself? Didn't she know how insensitive and rude that was?

But then, letting the kiss pass with the excuse of being too tired was even more unacceptable. It was their first kiss after such a long time, Yuri was not supposed to act so inconsiderate and be so indifferent about it. Jessica had tried to give Yuri excuses, chances, but she couldn't keep lying to herself anymore. Yuri's supposedly good and sincere intentions had turned into doubtful ones.

Yuri cleared her throat next to her, breaking Jessica's chain of thoughts.

"Are you... still mad at me?"

Jessica rolled her eyes, but she didn't reply. She knew Yuri would take it as a yes.

"Come on..." Yuri nudged Jessica with her elbow, only to have Jessica slap her arm back.

"Don't touch me!"

"Okay, fine..." Yuri put her hand back on the steering wheel. "But at least talk to me."

"I don't see the point," Jessica huffed and turned to the window again. "You have no right to ask me for anything."

Yuri paused before sighing. "That's harsh, Sica..."

"You totally deserve it!" Jessica snapped. She couldn't believe Yuri was actually complaining. "Go back to flirting with other people, if you want to 'talk' so badly," Jessica muttered under her breath.

"What did you say?" Yuri asked, surprise in her voice.


"Who flirts?"

Jessica didn't want to answer, but the innocent voice Yuri was using had choked her with fury.


"What? That's not true!" Yuri immediately defended herself. "If you're still thinking about Hyuna-"

"See, you even know her name!"

"Well, she told me... I didn't ask for it. What's wrong with knowing her name anyway?" Yuri shook her head. "I was just being friendly to our hotel guests. That's what I'm supposed to do, right? And I thought it was clear I wasn't flirting since you have eavesdropped-"

"I haven't!!!"

"Oh right, you were watering plants," Yuri chuckled.

"You disappeared with them afterwards! How do you explain that? You didn't come home until one in the morning!"

"Home..." Yuri smiled at the word. Jessica just kept panting as she tried to suppress her rage.

"Oh listen, Sica. I ran out of gas and had to walk home three hours last night. I could have returned to the vacation house where those girls were staying, but no, I took the longer road and walked home." With more sarcasm, Yuri added "You see, I am so amped up about flirting with them."

Jessica stared at Yuri, suddenly feeling sorry for her to have to walk all the way back to the hotel. So that's why she was so tired and grumpy when... But no, that did not count as an excuse for Yuri's behavior last night. Not good enough.

"And I didn't stay with Hyuna's group until late in the night either," Yuri explained. "I drove around helping all five groups, making sure everything's okay. It wouldn't hurt our business's reputation if I take extra care of our guests, would it? If we could attract more school classes coming here for trips like this, it'd be a good thing. They are promising customers, can't you tell?"

Jessica looked at the smile Yuri flashed her before the girl focused on the road again. She rested her chin on her palm, thinking about what Yuri just said. It made sense, she realized, and her anger about the flirt slowly faded. But still, she didn't like the fact that in the end, Yuri always made sense. It was all about making sense to Yuri. Everything Yuri did needed to make sense. It would mean that Yuri being here was part of something that would 'make sense' too. If that's what it was all about, Yuri being here wouldn't be because she missed Jessica and just simply followed her heart.

And Jessica wasn't sure if that thought was any more appeasing than the thought of Yuri being interested in another blonde.

"You could have called when you were stuck..." Jessica murmured.

"I know. But my phone ran out of battery, so..." Yuri looked at Jessica with a smile. "Bad luck, I guess?"

Jessica didn't answer. She looked out the window again, still pondering on the thoughts in her head.

"You're adorable when you're jealous, though."

Jessica's head snapped back.

"I was not!"

"Yeah, right," Yuri chuckled. "You know I only have eyes for you, Sica. It has always been and will always be like that."

Jessica's heart skipped a beat at the statement. It was the first time since Yuri came back that she was indicating their beautiful past relationship without being an insensitive jerk. Jessica gulped, hoping Yuri wouldn't notice. Her lips didn't curve up into a smile, but she couldn't stop the familiar butterfly attack in her stomach. She bit her bottom lip and looked out of the window again. The glimmer of hope had returned to her heart.

What if Yuri did love her? What if what Tiffany said was true? What if Yuri really had missed her and come back to ask for a chance? Even if Yuri did bring down her family's business, what if she had fallen for Jessica for real? What if she was now trying to make up for what she had done, even though Jessica had yet to see the efforts?

Hyoyeon's words came back to her mind.

Give her time...

But how much time? How long was she supposed to wait?

"We're here."

The car made an abrupt stop and Jessica's body was thrown forward, snapping her out of her wishful thinking. As Yuri had already got out of the car, she was still sitting in her seat and looking at the surroundings. They have stopped at a part of the road that was running directly next to the river.

"Aren't you coming out to help me?" Yuri called from behind as she was opening the trunk.

Jessica slowly unbuckled her belt and exited the car. She watched Yuri coming from behind the car with a gas can and followed the girl to the other car.

"Why did you park like this?" Jessica indicated the small space between the car and the waterside. "The car could have fallen down into the river!"

Yuri shrugged as she opened the gas tank and began pouring the fuel in. "Well, it didn't, so it's okay, right? I was thinking I shouldn't block the road, in case other cars wanted to pass by." She grinned and pointed at the lid of the tank, ending the topic there. "Close the tank for me, please?"

As Yuri threw the empty can into her trunk, she saw Jessica shaking her head, but the girl didn't say anything further. She got into the car and started the engine without spending another thought about it. A feeling of victory rushed through her as the motor gave the desired response, ready to speed off again.

"Hey Sica, let's go!" she shouted through the window. Turning back inside, she released the park brake to get the car rolling. It moved, but not the way she wanted. Much to her surprise, the car rolled backwards a few inches before she was able to press her foot against the brake. A sound of a rather huge weight falling into the water followed the next second, causing her to freeze.


Jessica's shriek of horror filled Yuri's ears, luckily putting her into motion immediately. It was definitely no fish sucking on Jessica's toe this time 

Chapter 30

Yuri wrenched the car door open and ran to the waterside.


She saw Jessica's head for a second before it disappeared in the dark water. Without hesitating, Yuri jumped into the river. She took a huge breath as she was flying in midair and kept it in her lungs when her body dashed into the water.

The water wasn't too cold, but it still made her shiver from top to toe. Yuri ignored the burning sensation on her corneas as she opened her eyes wide, searching for anything that belonged to Jessica that she can grab. She found an arm that was flailed wildly in the water and tried her best to catch it while her body, against her will, rose up to the surface again. Her head escaped the water and she hungrily took a breath, her hands tightly clutching Jessica's arm.

"Let me go!" Jessica screamed.

"No! Never!" Yuri screamed back.


Yuri ignored the screams and pulled Jessica towards the shore, her legs paddling like crazy. Jessica splashed the water around her not less crazily, causing Yuri to have to shut her eyes tight.

"Stop it, Sica!"

The screams turned into gurgles as Jessica's body involuntarily sank and rose to the surface repeatedly. The girl began to cough when she wasn't trying to scream, and Yuri knew she'd taken quite a few gulps of water.

"GOSH! You're killing us both!" Yuri shouted in despair. As Jessica didn't appear to calm down to cooperate at all, she took a breath and dove. Slowly letting the air escaping from her lungs, she encircled Jessica's waist in the water, thus being able to dodge all the slaps and blows caused by Jessica's arms. Fighting against the uncontrollable legs and the water resistance, Yuri successfully neared them both to the shore where they would be saved.

She almost fainted from the lack of oxygen when her head shot up from the water, and she greedily took all the air her lungs could handle. Jessica had stopped flailing her arms and legs and was now just coughing and choking, which made Yuri worry even more. Yuri quickly dragged their soaking wet bodies away from the water. She lay Jessica down onto the grass on the roadside, water drops from her hair landing on the blonde's face. Jessica propped herself up on one elbow and she coughed hard before plopping her head down onto the dirt again, her body completely sagged. She closed her eyes, exhausted.

"Sica, wake up! Say something!" Yuri panicked, slapping Jessica's cheek lightly. The blonde squinted her eyes in response, hammering on her own chest a few times and coughed again.

Yuri looked down at Jessica, thinking what she should do. Her first thought was that water had gotten into Jessica lungs as the girl squinted her eyes in what Yuri assumed was pain. But then she realized that Jessica was taking short, quick breaths instead of not breathing at all. So instead of doing mouth-to-mouth ventilation, Yuri's hands went to Jessica's top and she ripped it open. That would ease the breathing, Yuri was sure.


Slaps and kicks followed at once, and Yuri hastily jumped on her feet, scooting away. She knew it would work, but didn't expect it to work this well and this fast. She blinked as Jessica followed suit, not appearing to have just been in an extremely critical state at all.

"You pervert!" the blonde screamed at Yuri. "You jerk! You're so rude! You-"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Yuri held her hands in front of her chest defensively. "Keep your hair on! I was just trying to help!"

"Of course!" Jessica yelled, furious. But her voice then went flat, as if she had realized there's no point in screaming at Yuri from one second to the next. "You're never helping."

"But you couldn't breathe, I-"

"Oh please!"

Yuri shut up, looking at Jessica. She expected to see watery eyes again, but it was hard to tell whether Jessica was near to shedding tears or not when she was wet from top to toe. The only thing that was clearly visible was the anger, and Yuri was almost positive it was just about this particular emotion this time. She gulped down her saliva, afraid that Jessica really had had enough and was now immune to all her attempts of making them get closer again.

"Did you act like you couldn't breathe just to scare me?" she asked the blonde.

"You almost drowned me!" Jessica snapped. "I can swim, you jerk!"

"What?" Yuri's eyes almost popped out of her eyeballs. "Why did you yell for help then?!"

"I was just caught off guard! The water is cold! Why did you run the car into me in the first place?!" Jessica screamed at her again. "And how am I supposed to swim if you lock my arms in the water and almost choke me to death!? How the hell is that helping?!"

Yuri was rendered speechless. Could it be true that she was really stupid this time around? Jessica surely didn't appear to be able to handle the situation earlier, but then again, it happened too fast, Yuri didn't have time to observe everything carefully.

She stood there motionless as Jessica, still as dripping wet as her, stomped to the car and got in. It wasn't until Jessica sped off that Yuri reluctantly got into her own and followed the blonde back to the hotel.

For some reason, it felt like she had just let Jessica slip away.


"Taetae," Tiffany's lips curved up into a smile as she saw Taeyeon walking through the front glass doors.

"Look at what I've got you!" Taeyeon beamed and showed Tiffany the flower she had picked. It looked unique with the four white petals forming a square-like shape and the four purple stamens that looked like fingers, protruding from the middle in perfect symmetry. Taeyeon recognized it as one of nature's rarities at the first look. Almost as beautifully unique as Tiffany.

"I discovered it when I was cleaning the parking lot just now. Never saw it before, and it's the only one out there!"

"It's an Epimedium flower," Tiffany chuckled, amused at Taeyeon's excitement. "There are plenty of those inside the forest."

"What?" Taeyeon dropped the smile and disappointment took place instead. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, but I love it," Tiffany quickly said and reached out for the purple-white flower. "Thank you, Taetae."

The smile returned to Taeyeon's face as she leaned over the counter and gave Tiffany a peck on the cheek.

"Anything for you."

Tiffany tried putting the flower into her hair, but the weak stem wasn't able to support the entire bloom, and the Epimedium flower kept falling down. Taeyeon took it and carefully stuck it in the front pocket of Tiffany's top, sneakily and gently stroking Tiffany's body in the progress.

"Hey..." Tiffany half-heartedly scolded her girlfriend for inappropriate behavior at work, but the attempt turned into a small chuckle instead.

"You're really the most beautiful girl on earth," Taeyeon sighed as she cupped Tiffany's cheek with one hand, eyes gazing into Tiffany's.

Tiffany smiled, gazing back into Taeyeon's eyes. She then turned her head, closed her eyes and kissed the warm palm of Taeyeon's hand. She cupped her girlfriend's hand from outside as she pressed her cheek into the warmth from the inside. Her eyes met the loving ones of Taeyeon again.

"I love you," Tiffany said softly.

"I love you, too," Taeyeon replied without hesitation.

Tiffany then released Taeyeon's hand. "What's wrong Taetae? Something is bothering you, isn't it?"

Taeyeon shook her head. "No. It's just..." She sighed. "I've been thinking, Fany."


"About Yuri. About Sica. About us. And..." Taeyeon paused. Tiffany kept quiet, so she continued, even though hesitantly. "Maybe you're right. We... should give Yuri a chance. Sica deserves it."

Tiffany looked at her girlfriend, surprise in her eyes.

"You're right, Fany. Sica still is in love with Yuri. I didn't notice how hard she was struggling all this time," Taeyeon smiled sadly. "I'm such a fail friend."

"You're not," Tiffany said and shook her head in disapproval.

"We are lucky because we've found each other," Taeyeon continued. "We've been through ups and downs and rows and fights, but we were never able to let go. I know you are the only one for me, Fany. My soul mate, my better half, the love of my life."

Taeyeon paused and felt Tiffany squeezing her hand as if to say 'you are mine, too'.

"That is why... I think Sica deserves to find out if Yuri is the right one for her, too. If Yuri really has changed for her, I can't be the one preventing my best friend from finding the happiness that I'm luckily sharing with you. I've never seen her more in love, Fany... Even though I still have my doubts, I can't stop her from giving Yuri a chance."

Taeyeon's head sank as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She cared about Jessica so much that it felt like she was just as confused, as scared, as vulnerable as her friend. If Tiffany had done similar things to her like what Yuri had done to Jessica, she knew she would have loved Tiffany just as much as before. Even though there might be anger and probably hate added to the fire, she would never be able to let go. Especially if Tiffany was constantly around, trying to win her back.

"I'm glad you think so," Tiffany finally said, gently stroking Taeyeon's arm.

Taeyeon looked into her girlfriend's eyes that were sparkling with relief.

"I'm just glad I have you," she said and leaned over again, kissing Tiffany on the lips. Tiffany held her sleeves tightly and gave a passionate response.

The loving kiss lasted until the reception phone rang loudly. Tiffany reluctantly let go of Taeyeon to pick up.

"Krystal?" Tiffany's eyes went round as she recognized the voice at the other end. "Hmm? Jessica? No, she's not in the forest... She's in the hotel, but I don't know why she doesn't pick up. Why, did something happen?"

Taeyeon couldn't help but to furrow her eyebrows as she watched Tiffany's reaction.

"Really?!" a sparkle of excitement lit up in Tiffany's eyes. It vanished as fast as it appeared. "What does that mean...? Is that a good or a bad thing?"

Uh-oh, Taeyeon thought as Tiffany bit her lip in worry. She tried hard to listen, but couldn't hear anything from the speaker.

"Okay. I'll tell her to call you back... Yeah. Take care. Bye."

Tiffany put the phone down, and Taeyeon immediately leaned over the counter.

"What happened?" she prodded.

"Auntie woke up."

Taeyeon's mouth hung agape in surprise. She hadn't had time to show her happiness and relief when she got reminded of Tiffany's bothered face. Something else had happened, definitely.

"She was awake just for a few minutes before falling back into unconsciousness again," Tiffany explained. "She didn't say anything. Krystal said she just stared at the ceiling. When the doctors came in, she'd already had her eyes closed again."


"She's now sleeping again."

"No, I mean, and?" Taeyeon asked the same question as Tiffany just earlier. "What does that mean?"

"Krys said the docs told her Auntie's probably suffering from a sort of deliberate amnesia thing. The kind where the patient refuses to remember and tries to find an escape from real life in unconsciousness or sleep and dreams."

Taeyeon was speechless at the news, not knowing what to say. Tiffany shook her arm lightly.

"We gotta tell Sica, Taetae."

"Of course we do." This seemed to bring Taeyeon back from her frozen status. "I'll go find her."

"This is not exactly bad news," Tiffany reminded her. "So don't make her panic, okay?"

"Don't worry," Taeyeon said, trying to sound reassuring.

She didn't think Jessica would panic. Compared to things that happened just a few weeks ago, this news was no shocking news. Jessica would probably worry a lot more about Krystal.


Yuri threw her wet clothes into the washing machine and turned around just in time to see Hyoyeon closing the door.

"What happened?" the brunette confronted her.

Yuri scratched her head. "I... we fell into the river."

"YOU GUYS WHAT?" Hyoyeon's eyes went round. "No wait, I don't even want to know the details. Just tell me, did you screw it up? Sica looked really mad earlier. If I were you, I would seriously worry."

"I think I did screw it up." Upon seeing Hyoyeon's mouth drop, Yuri quickly held her hands up. "It's not that I have lost it all. It just looks like I have screwed things up and now need to find a way to fix everything again."

"What do you mean it 'looks like' you have screwed things up?" Hyoyeon asked, confused. "You know what? Sometimes I really think you do all this because you just can't control yourself."

"It's not like that, Hyo," Yuri put a hand on Hyoyeon's shoulder. "I have everything under control, I promise."

The shorter girl looked into her eyes, still not very convinced.

"You mean... you purposely fell into the water with her?"

Yuri laughed at the question. "No, of course not. I can't plan out details like that. But just trust me, okay?" Yuri smiled. "I will make it in time."

Hyoyeon stared at her friend for another while. Eventually, Yuri's confidence convinced her. Just then, they heard footsteps approaching the room and were immediately alarmed.

"Alright," Hyoyeon whispered quickly. "You know I don't usually question things you do. But I'm just worried, that's all." She then gestured her friend to get out. "You should go before anyone walks in and suspects us." Raising her voice to the normal level, Hyoyeon continued "I have a box of lettuce in the backyard. Can you go there and carry it into the kitchen for me?"

"Sure," Yuri replied just when the door opened and Taeyeon appeared.

"Have you seen Sica?" the shortie directed the question at Hyoyeon.

Yuri caught the sight of her friend shrugging before she passed by Taeyeon and left the two alone. It wasn't until then that Yuri let her face muscles relax and dropped the convincing smile she was giving Hyoyeon just now. Yes, she was surely good at convincing her friend. But was she good enough to keep her own words?

Entering the canteen and walking through the kitchen to the back door, Yuri was still lost in thoughts. Her legs carried her out into the backyard while her mind carried her back to where they fell into the water earlier. She remembered Jessica's face - the anger, the fedup-ness, the resignation. How much farther could she push it?

Yuri stood in the middle of the backyard as she snapped back to reality. Her eyes wandered around, searching for the box Hyoyeon mentioned. The backyard was huge enough for two trucks to park in, un-concreted just like the parking lot on the other side of the hotel building. Directly connecting the parking lot with the backyard was a four-meter tall double door, which was in fact big enough to let a truck drive through. Currently, the doors were closed, and the only car parking in the yard was the one Jessica drove back earlier.

Yuri didn't have to put in a lot of effort to spot the lettuce box. It lay in the shadowed corner of the yard, right next to the wall among other boxes of vegetables and fruits. She went there and picked up the lettuce box. As she made her way back to the kitchen door, a faint voice caused her to stop dead in her tracks. Yuri stared at the wall to her right, perking up her ears. It didn't take her another two seconds to realize what it was.

Jessica's voice, singing.

Yuri gulped. Her brain had already figured out what was obscured behind this wall. All the rooms in the hotel had similar structure, and according to that, Jessica's bathroom was located right there. Unlike Jessica, Yuri didn't take a bath but just changed her wet clothes and went out. That would explain why she was here, when Jessica was obviously still enjoying her time in the bathtub.

Yuri didn't know why she did it, but she put down the lettuce box and went to the other end of the yard, carrying the ladder over. The soil was still moist, probably from the rain this early morning, so she had to be extra cautious. But she was way too nervous and excited to pay much attention to safety.

What the hell are you doing, a tiny little voice reproachfully echoed inside her head. But it was carelessly ignored as she hastily climbed up the ladder.

Yuri found it a little demotivating that not only was the window small, but it even had totally unnecessary security bars on the outside. As if thieves would be able to get in through that mini opening two meters above the ground. But the higher she climbed, the more she was convinced that the window would not disappoint. And when the sight finally opened up in front of her eyes, she knew she was anything but disappointed. It was her luck that the window was not the slightest bit fogged, providing an absolutely clear view of the scene inside.

It was heaven.

Jessica was sitting in the bathtub, naked - Yuri noticed in amazement, as if it wasn't until now that she realized people usually strip off their clothes before taking a bath. She spotted the small heap that was Jessica's wet clothes in a corner of the room, but her eyes soon moved back to stare at the much more interesting sight. The blonde was still singing an unknown song to Yuri, oblivious to her observer as she busied herself with collecting the foam around her. Her long hair was loose, still wet from the accident earlier, its tips floating on the surface, hiding behind foam bubbles.

Yuri's heart raced.

Jessica's body was almost completely hiding in the opaque water, only unknowingly teasing Yuri with the little skin sticking from the surface. All Yuri could see from the lower body was Jessica's knees, but frustration didn't kick in because the upper body was offering much more. Aside from Jessica's head, Yuri's eyes were able to admire the bare neck and the flawless skin on Jessica's shoulders. Saliva was gathering in her mouth as she remembered the addicting taste on her tongue every time it ran along Jessica's collarbones. She was unaware of her mouth hanging agape and her fingers tightly gripping the bars as she stared on the part below the collarbones, cursing the water for covering the best of the best.

But then, Jessica dove her upper body into the water until her head completely disappeared. It was only for half a second, but Yuri gasped hard as she caught a glimpse of the bare thighs peeking from the water before they were hidden away again. Jessica's upper body came up from the water, this time she was sitting straighter, soap on her hair - Yuri's body stiffened - foam on her shoulders-Yuri held her breath-nothing on her bare chest, and-God, I need to be punished, Yuri thought-Jessica stood up from the water and-

The ladder slipped away from her feet and Yuri yelped in surprise as gravity yanked her down. She felt her right arm stretch painfully before realizing that she had instinctively gripped one of the bars tightly, her body now dangling on the wall. The next thing she felt was fear that Jessica might have heard her, and out of instinct again, Yuri let go of the bar without having time to question the decision. She regretted it too late as her body took a painful landing on the moist soil, and worst, smashing the complete lettuce box with her left shoulder.

It was dead silent for a moment.

Yuri was fully aware that the ungentle landing had created noise. But she couldn't care less when her body felt like it had broken every possible bone. She gave a moan and spit out the lettuce leaf that got into her mouth.

God, I didn't really mean it when I said I want to be punished. At least not this way.

Yuri could imagine Jessica standing inside the bathroom, staring at the window with suspicious eyes. She was wondering what Jessica would do next when she heard loud knocks on the bathroom door.

"Sica, are you in there?"

The voice was muffled, but Yuri could tell it was Taeyeon.

"Yeah," Jessica replied after a brief hesitation. "Is something wrong?"

"Hurry up! I need to talk to you."

"Oh... okay."

Sounds of Jessica moving inside the bathroom indicated that she had let go of whatever suspicious noises she had heard. Yuri sighed in relief upon this good sign. For the first time since she came back, Taeyeon actually did something she was thankful for. Knowing that she's now safe, for some odd reason her body didn't ache that much anymore, and Yuri slowly tried to stand up. She was relieved as she realized nothing was broken. She had only gained herself a few bad bruises.

"That was close," she mumbled to herself. But it was worth it. Absolutely.


Tiffany looked up from the reception counter, shocked with what she saw.

"Yuri! What happened to you?!"

The tanned girl approached her in dirty clothes, lettuce leaves in her disheveled hair, looking as if she just came back from living a month in the bushes. But what was the freakiest was the grin on Yuri's face that made her look like a lunatic.

"Nothing," Yuri said with an even bigger grin.

"Gosh, you're freaking me out!" Tiffany exclaimed.

Yuri chuckled in response. "I haven't gone insane, Fany."

"Go in and change, will you? I don't want any guest to see you like this!"

"I'm on my way", Yuri chuckled, moving toward the hallway to their rooms.

Tiffany eyed the tanned girl carefully, still thinking what on earth could have happened. When Yuri stopped in her tracks and turned around staring straight into Tiffany's eyes, Tiffany instinctively stepped back. Yuri was starting to scare her.

"Say, can Jessica swim?" the tanned girl asked.

Tiffany was dumbfounded for a moment. "Huh?"

"Do you know if Jessica can swim?" Yuri repeated the question patiently.

"I... don't think so," she replied. "Why?"

"Oh I knew it!"

Yuri laughed out loud victoriously. 

Chapter 31

Jessica stepped onto the chair and waited for Tiffany to hand her a painting. The new paintings they had ordered to replace the old, boring oil paintings in the hotel's lobby had just arrived today.

Earlier, Yuri had offered Jessica her help to take off the old and putting on the new paintings, but Jessica unhesitatingly refused. She called Tiffany instead and sent Yuri to do her shift at the reception, much to the tanned girl's disappointment. But the cold treatment had been going on for a few days already; Jessica believed Yuri would have to get used to it soon. That was, if Yuri never changed her behavior. Because Jessica had decided she had had enough.

"Her eyes are glued at you," Tiffany remarked while handing Jessica a nail.

"I know."

Jessica didn't turn around once, but Yuri's stares were so obvious that she needn't do it. She could literally feel the gaze shooting across the entire lobby and hitting on her body. She had never felt being more checked out in her whole life.

"It's your fault, too," Tiffany mumbled, handing Jessica the hammer. "Oh, the painting is crooked. Left side needs to be lifted up a little."

Jessica complied before taking the hammer. "What are you saying?" she protested. "Why is it my fault?"

Tiffany waited for Jessica to pound the nail into the wall before answering. She glanced at Yuri, who was still resting her head on her propped-up arm, taking Jessica's clothes off with her eyes and looking like a silly, love-struck fool.

"Look at you," Tiffany looked at Jessica's legs reproachfully. "What's with these short shorts and that midriff teaser? It's not even summer anymore. You're totally making her swoon over you senselessly on purpose."

Jessica didn't reply to that, for it was partly true. But not in a million years would she admit to Tiffany that she was just pretending she was annoyed, when in truth, she enjoyed every second of Yuri eating her up with her eyes. It was a cruel and satisfying way to punish Kwon Yuri. You want, but you can't have - exactly this could easily drive Yuri crazy. Besides, this was the only game Jessica was able to be in complete control.

"Should I talk to her?" Tiffany asked again. "I can... you know, give her some advice. Telling her she's been a jerk and needs to change. If I encourage her enough, then maybe-"

"No," Jessica cut her friend off, sounding impatient. "For the n-th time, Fany, no. She's most certainly smart enough to know what to do. If she thinks reappearing out of nowhere and pretending like nothing has happened would make me come back to her, she'll have to bear with the consequences on her own." Jessica stuck her hand out. "Give me another nail."

Tiffany sighed as she did what Jessica said. "But... just look at her."

"I don't care!" Jessica hissed before pounding the nail into the wall excessively, creating a little more noise than needed. Even when there was only the nailhead visible, she kept hammering on it.

Tiffany heaved a small resigned sigh as Jessica stepped off the chair and pulled it to the next painting.

"Don't sigh," Jessica told her friend. "It feels like as if you want us back together badly."

"Well, I just want the best for you."

"You know," Jessica slowly continued. "When she first came back, I didn't know what I wanted. I didn't know if I wanted her to stay or to go away."

The pause Jessica made took a little too long, so Tiffany prodded "What about now?"

Jessica didn't reply right away. She silently took off the old painting and handed it to Tiffany. As she waited for Tiffany to give her a new one, her eyes threw Yuri a brief glance. The tanned girl was still looking at her, as expected. Upon seeing her eyes, Yuri flashed a smile. Jessica rolled her eyes visibly for Yuri to see before turning around again. It wasn't until she was sure her face was out of Yuri's sight that Jessica became pensive.

"Now... she's reminded me often enough that I am still very much in love with her." Jessica pondered on her next words as she adjusted the new painting. "But that doesn't help. If she thinks using advantage of my feelings is enough to make me go back to her, she's wrong. I have to show her that it's not working. I might have given in if she had tried that without Sooyoung around, without Taeyeon around, without you around, without Krystal calling every second day and reminding me of what she did. But you guys are around, and mom lying in hospital is a truth I can't deny, so there is no way I can go weak just by what she does now. She hasn't even said sorry! Can you imagine that?"

Tiffany didn't reply to that but just looked at Jessica.

"And she hasn't really talked to me either."

"Talk about what?"

"She still hasn't explained why she's here. I don't believe she's seriously thinking I would just 'get it' by myself, based on how she acts around me. That is just not right, Fany."

"It isn't," Tiffany agreed. "Not enough sincerity."


The conversation was put on hold as Jessica pinned the painting on the wall with nails and hammer in her hands. She didn't say it, but she knew Tiffany understood. She needed more assurance. She wanted Yuri to say she was sorry, to say that she loved her, to say that she wanted to be here with her, was here for her, because of her. She needed to hear it, to see it in Yuri's eyes, and then she would be convinced.

"I haven't given up on her yet," Jessica said as she stepped off the chair. They were finished. She picked up the stack of old paintings before looking into Tiffany's eyes. "I don't want you to talk to her because I want her to understand it on her own. If she really loves me and truly is here to make it up to me... she won't make me wait too long."

She smiled at Tiffany - a smile that assured her best friend she was willing to wait, for now.

"And what if she tells you she loves you?" Tiffany asked. "Will you just forgive her?"

Jessica shook her head. "At least that'd be a start. I hope she's here because she regrets what she's done. But to regain my full trust for her... I think that would take quite some time."

Tiffany nodded. She understood now. "You want to have something to go on with before making too high hopes."

Jessica nodded and shifted her gaze to Yuri when the reception phone started to play a melody, indicating an incoming call. Yuri's eyes were still fixed on her. It didn't look like the tanned girl had any intention of picking up the phone.

"KWON YURI!" Tiffany screamed across the lobby.

Yuri broke the eye contact with Jessica as the sudden shout startled her. It wasn't until then that she realized the phone was ringing. She clumsily fumbled with the receiver to pick up the call, only to drop it and having to hastily bend down to pick it up again. Jessica and Tiffany turned back to look at each other.

"It's the little things like that," Jessica whispered to her friend. "If she really has left her family to be here with me, I-I don't want to lose her to Jiyong again."

Jessica kept her gaze on Tiffany to let her friend take in her words before walking away with the stack of old paintings in her arms. Tiffany watched after the blonde, a small smile on her lips. Not a month ago, Jessica was still blaming herself for being too naïve. If Tiffany didn't know any better, she would think Jessica had already hated on Yuri around that time, even though the girl never mentioned any of the Kwons again. But Tiffany knew better. She had always known that whatever hate or contempt there was inside Jessica, the love never died. And somewhere deep down, Jessica still believed Yuri truly loved her, too. Even Tiffany, as an outsider of their relationship, had refused to believe that Yuri had no feelings for Jessica at all. Tiffany had seen it, every time they looked at each other back in the days when they were still together. Jessica must have seen it even better, must have felt it even more.

Tiffany didn't think Jessica had completely bought it when Yuri said their love wasn't real. Because, whatever Yuri's lips had forced out, her eyes were saying something else every time they lay on Jessica.

And it's the same in-love look Tiffany was seeing now on Yuri's face, as the girl was speaking on the phone but watching Jessica in the front yard attentively.

"Kwon Yuri... you're so stupid."

She went straight to the reception bar when Yuri hung up the call and packed the tanned girl's shoulders, looking her in the eyes.

"Listen to me, Yuri."


Jessica wringed the cloth until it stopped dripping water, folded it and put it on the forehead of the girl lying on the bed. Sooyoung let out a soft moan as the cold made contact with her burning forehead. Just then, beeping noises filled the room. Jessica waited for the beeping to stop before lifting Sooyoung's left arm and reached inside her shirt. She took out a thermometer and furrowed her eyebrows as she read Sooyoung's temperature.

"Thirty-nine comma eight. That's it, Soo. You're having a fever and will not leave your bed, at least for the rest of the day."

Sooyoung gave a groan in response.

"Do you feel very tired?" Jessica concernedly asked.

"No, not really. The headache is gone. I actually can get up right now, you know, and-"

"Nuh-uh," Jessica wagged a finger, her voice stern. "Don't argue with me. You're staying in bed. I'll take care of everything."

"But I have to go fix the electricity in House 030. Our guests are coming later, I have to-"

"Yah, are you saying I and the others are incompetent? You're not the only one who can fix the electricity."

Sooyoung bit her lip, not knowing how to counter.

"Listen to me," Jessica's voice turned soft again as she patted Sooyoung's hair. "You've been overworking yourself. Your body deserves a few days rest. We can take care of everything for a few days without you, alright?"

Jessica didn't give Sooyoung the chance to answer as she stood up and tucked Sooyoung into the thin blanket. Sooyoung's only protest was the pursed lips, but it had no effect on Jessica.

"Rest well," the blonde said and walked out through the door.

Jessica carefully closed the door to their room and turned around, only to see Yuri leaning against the wall on the other side of the hallway, apparently waiting for her. Jessica's eyes met Yuri's for a brief moment, but she decided to disregard the tanned girl's presence and proceeded to walk away.

"Sica!" Yuri hurriedly chased after Jessica, blocking her way. "How's Sooyoung?"

Jessica, having no other choice, looked at Yuri's face. It took her moment to bring herself together to actually talk to Yuri. "She's fine. It's just a fever."

She took advantage of the second Yuri needed to comprehend her whisper to move pass the tanned girl and walk toward the lobby. Yuri immediately turned around and followed her close on her heels. Annoyed, Jessica suddenly stopped in her tracks. Yuri's breath hit her neck as the girl almost crashed into her, but managed to keep balance. Jessica unexpectedly started walking again, satisfied with the space she had just gained between her and Yuri. But the other girl's long legs solved the problem easily, and Yuri was right behind her again before she could exit the hallway.

Jessica spun around, looking straight at her follower.

"What do you want?!"

Yuri seemed to be startled at the question.


But the voice died down. Jessica waited. Yuri said nothing more.

Losing her patience, Jessica let out a frustrated sigh before turning around. She went behind the reception counter to start her shift, trying to ignore Yuri, who was standing at the other end, obviously still following Jessica with her eyes. Jessica opened the notebook on the counter and read Tiffany's notes, briefing herself on the amount of guests checking in and out today. Then, she opened another notebook and read Sooyoung's notes, getting a hold of all information about the houses that needed to be checked during the week. She noticed two addresses that were circled by Sooyoung with a red pen, expressing urgency. House 030 - electricity, House 016 - food.

She turned around and looked for the two spots representing House 030 and House 016 on the map on the wall. She found House 030 to be the closest to the hotel, while House 016 was one of the houses deep inside the forest. Maybe she should ask Yuri to deliver the food to House 016. That way, she didn't have to drive far and at the same time could get rid of Yuri for a while.

Jessica turned around, searching for Yuri. But Yuri was nowhere to be seen. She couldn't help but to feel a twinge of disappointment in her heart. Did Yuri really give up that easily? Just because she appeared to not want to talk, Yuri would go away that fast? She had expected a little more fighting from Yuri, a little more effort, a little more patience, a little more-


Jessica shrieked as she realized Yuri was right behind her.

"You creep!" She hit Yuri on the shoulder. "You're seriously-"

"Sica, I love you."

Jessica's hand froze in midair, her mouth hung open.


Hyoyeon knocked on Yuri's door, but no one opened. She shrugged and approached the lobby, just when she heard Jessica's strident shriek. Instinctively, she ran to the end of the hallway, but stopped in time as she caught a glimpse of Yuri and Jessica standing behind the counter. Hyoyeon took a step back, peeking around the corner. She could see Jessica's face and only Yuri's back, but the two of them were obviously staring at each other. Neither was making a move, and Hyoyeon couldn't help but to wonder what had happened.

The phone on the reception counter rang, startling both Yuri and Jessica. Hyoyeon watched as both their heads turned to look at the noise-emitting object before turning back to look at each other again. It looked like Jessica was waiting for Yuri to do something, because she just stood there, an uninterpretable expression on her face. Unfortunately, Hyoyeon couldn't see Yuri's face.

The phone kept ringing until Yuri decided to lean over and pick up the call.

"Good afternoon, here's the North Forest Hotel. May I help you?"

Yuri listened to the person on the phone while both Jessica and Hyoyeon were watching her keenly. When Yuri's hand went up to her hair and scratched her head, Hyoyeon could tell Yuri was confused.

"Err... shorreh," Yuri surprisingly replied in English, but quickly switched back to Korean as she continued. "Please hold on a second, I'll get you someone else to speak with."

She then cupped the speaker, leaning over to Jessica.

"He's a foreign guests, speaks English. I don't know what he's talking about. Can you talk to him?"

Jessica's confusion was hard to miss. She gave Yuri a suspicious look.

"Why? You can't speak English? But you were in the USA for a year before, weren't you?"

"A year," Yuri said, and Hyoyeon could imagine her friend's sheepish smile. "A year is nothing. It's been a long time too, I don't remember any English."

Jessica gave Yuri a last glare before snatching the phone away. She began to babble away in English with the guest on the phone, and Hyoyeon was sure Yuri was having the same headache as her just by trying to understand all the un-understandable things Jessica was saying.

Eventually, Jessica hung up and turned around to Yuri.

"You have to drive to House 016," she pointed on a dot on the map next to them. "And fill the fridge there. A couple is going to move in this evening, and they have ordered it."

Jessica walked passed Yuri to get to her work, but the tanned girl stopped her by grabbing her arm. Jessica was showing Hyoyeon her back, while Hyoyeon was now able to see Yuri's face.

"Where are you going?" Yuri asked.

"Fixing the electricity in House 030 and paying the English guest a visit at his house," Jessica replied drily and pulled her arm away.

"Sica, I-" Yuri quickly reacted before the blonde could walk away again. "-We need to talk."

Jessica stopped, looking at Yuri. Hyoyeon held her breath, thousand questions shooting through her head. What did Yuri want to say? What was she doing?

"Not now," Jessica said after the long break and turned around before Yuri could come up with anything. Hyoyeon backed away from the corner as Jessica walked by. She waited until the blonde exited the hotel before coming out from her hiding place, approaching Yuri.

"Hyo," Yuri was surprised to see her. The tanned girl's eyes moved to the hallway before moving back to look at Hyoyeon. "Did you..."

"Yeah, I was there for a while," Hyoyeon admitted. She then got straight to the point. "What was that all about?"

Yuri hesitated a little. "I... told her I love her."

"You what?!" Hyoyeon's eyes went wide. She lowered her voice immediately. "Does that mean...?"

Yuri nodded. "I've been here for over two weeks. They will call me back soon."

Worry filled Hyoyeon's eyes. She looked at her friend skeptically, hesitated a second before asking "But you and Sica are still... Are you sure we can make it?"

"I have to. I need her back. I need her to come back to the city with me. I just can't without her." Yuri sighed, putting a hand on Hyoyeon's shoulder. "You are right. Maybe I really have waited a little too long to tell her. But I won't wait any longer. I am going to get her back."


"As soon as possible."

Hyoyeon nodded. "Okay. That's good," she said, smiling. "You know, I feel uncomfortable seeing Jessica being all emo over the situation with you. I really have tried my best to push her hopes up. I don't know how it would have turned out if Jessica hadn't had me and Tiffany around."

"I know. I know that she's been through a hard time..."

"Let's hope we can make it in time. You still have to deliver the food, though. Gotta listen to your girl first if you want to win her back, right?"

"Right," Yuri smiled at her friend's attempt to ease the tension. "I should go now." She tapped Hyoyeon's shoulder briefly before making her way out.

"Oh but," Hyoyeon called after her. "Hurry and come back soon, okay? There'll be a huge thunderstorm tonight."

"What?!" Yuri stopped dead in her tracks, turning back to look at Hyoyeon with fright.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything!" Yuri croaked. "Jessica isn't taking a car! She took the bike just now!"

A loud, powerful thunder sound came as a reply just when Yuri ended her sentence, startling them both. Hyoyeon saw the worry on Yuri's face grew exponentially within seconds.

"Oh no..." Yuri muttered.

The tanned girl stormed out of the hotel, got into a car and sped off. 

Chapter 32

Jessica was only 200 meters inside the forest when all the sudden, a thunder-like sound boomed across the sky above her. Her body gave a start and she looked up immediately, searching for a reason. Gray clouds were expected, but all she saw beyond the crowns of the tall trees was blue, clear sky.

She shrugged it off and continued pedaling into the forest. The English man and his family were expecting her in about fifteen minutes. They had called in earlier, asking why they couldn't use the mini sauna system in their house. There was an introduction of how to turn on the oven, but it was in Korean and obviously unintelligible for the foreigners. Jessica would drop by and explain it to them first, then cycle to House 030 to fix the electricity for Sooyoung afterwards.

Arriving at a crossroad that looked like a Y, she took a left turn to the north-west and dodged a branch that almost slapped her in the face just in time. Exhaling in relief, she reminded herself to watch out for it later. She would have to come back here and take the other road to get to House 030.

Jessica kept cycling and cycling, oblivious to the thunderclouds a few kilometers away that were approaching her from the east. What she did not see either was a car passing by the Y, taking the right turn to head towards House 030 in high speed. Because the moment the car appeared, the trees had already devoured her figure behind their shadows, and neither she nor the driver had a chance to see the other.


Yuri shifted her eyes from left to right, then from right to left, then looked into the rearview mirror before staring at the empty road in front again. Jessica only had a lead of ten minutes, and she hadn't been driving slowly, so why was she still not able to see the blonde on the bike? Yuri tried to remember if Jessica had said anything about where she was going, but the more she thought about it, the more she was convinced the girl mentioned and pointed at House 030 on the map earlier. She was sure her memory didn't fail her.

The uneasy feeling inside her grew with time as there was still no sight of Jessica.

Yuri looked up to the sky. It was still blue. Jessica most certainly still had no idea that a thunderstorm was coming and was cycling deeper into the forest. But thunderclouds moved way faster than people think they could. The deeper Jessica was inside the forest, the less would she be aware of the gray lumps in the sky. But the rain would still drip on her as wet as if she was outside.

Besides that, Yuri was even more concerned by the fact that Jessica had astraphobia. Thunder sounds combined with lighting and fierce rain was equivalent to an army of living cucumbers.

"Come on..." she took a right turn, knowing that House 030 was only another five minutes away. "Where are you?"


Jessica exited the house and climbed on her bike. She waved to the kids standing by the window before cycling off. The smile remained on her lips as she thought about the happy family with the generous couple and their cute kids. Apparently, she was only doing badly with babies. Children who were a little older seemed to see a lovely unnie in her.

She listened to the funny jingling sound of the tip in her pocket as her bike hopped on the bumpy wooded trail. She remembered how Yuri was extremely good with both babies and little children. While Jessica kept distance and was awkward around a kid who didn't like her, Yuri would disregard the child's poor judgment and approach it with even more laughter, hugs, kisses, silly faces-until eventually, the kid fell in love with her.

Sometimes, Jessica couldn't help but to feel jealous. Not of Yuri's ability to win a kid's heart, but of the kid who received so much love. She knew full well that this act she couldn't control was a pretty childish one. And she would have felt bad if she actually had done something mean out of jealousy. But she never did. So, she felt it was okay to be jealous.

The main reason she used to justify it, however, was that Yuri loved her mild jealousy.

"Funny how a kid can spice things up so well," Yuri would giggle into her ear, sending shivers down her spine with her hot breaths.

Jessica's body suddenly shuddered, as if she'd just heard Yuri's husky whisper in her ear. She rubbed her arm, feeling the goosebumps. But when she dodged the branch at the Y and took the road on the left, she realized it wasn't the imagination of Yuri's husky voice that made her shiver. It was the air. The temperature seemed to have dropped a few degrees.

Her eyebrows knitted. A chilly breeze brushed her bare skin, causing the hair on her neck to stand up. She began to feel colder. It was as if she had a foreboding of something bad to be happening soon.

"Oh no..."

The sun disappeared within seconds, and Jessica knew immediately what the bad foreboding was about. She tilted her head to look up at the sky, already knowing what to expect. Gray clouds had taken over, since when she didn't know. A huge drop of water landed on the tip of her nose, causing her eyes to squint and her neck to stiffen by instinct. She shook her head and wiped her nose dry with her sleeve. But soon she realized it wouldn't help much as more and more raindrops started to hit her, the soil and the trees around.

Jessica sighed. Something told her the rain was going to last very long tonight.


Yuri closed the door to House 030 and remained standing on the stairs in front of the entrance as she looked around, scratching her head. Jessica was nowhere to be found. It was weird, because when Yuri arrived, House 030 was still locked and untouched. Jessica never was there. Even when Yuri had finished fixing the electricity and changing the light bulb in the kitchen, Jessica didn't show up.

Yuri furrowed her eyebrows. She fixed her gaze on a tree far away as her brain tried to find a logic explanation. She supposed that Jessica had paid a visit at the foreign man's vacation house. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember Jessica saying where it was.

It began to rain when Yuri decided to not wait anymore. She wasn't even sure if Jessica would cycle to House 030 or not. If she would, Yuri could meet her on the road. If not, Jessica should be on her way back to the hotel and Yuri could meet her on the road too, providing that their timing was good enough.

Yuri clapped her hands together as she made up her mind and got into her car.

By the time she drove out from the yard, the rain was already so heavy that she had to set her windscreen wipers on constant wipe mode. The blurry windscreen didn't allow her to drive fast, even though the road was straight. Yuri reached for her phone and dialed the hotel's number.

"North Forest Hotel. May I help you?"

"Oh hey... Hyoyeon?"

"Yul? Yeah it's me. Where are you?"

"I'm on the road. I was just at House 030 looking for Sica, but she isn't there. Did she call or anything? I can't reach her."

"Nope. I didn't see or hear from her. But the rain's getting heavy, you should come back soon. Don't stay in the forest in this weather, Yuri. A few guests who originally wanted to move into vacation houses have to stay at the hotel for the night. It's dangerous to be in the forest, even with a car. You need to get back as soon as possible."

"Geez, who are you telling this," Yuri said, her voice filled with worry as a loud clap of thunder growled above her head. "Remember? Jessica is on a bike!"

There was a short moment of pause at the other end.

"Yuri..." Hyoyeon finally said, sighing. "Don't be silly. You can't go search for her if you don't know where she is. What if she's staying in one of the vacation houses? Bring yourself to safety first. You hear me?"

"Look, I'm fine," Yuri said quickly. "A 'what if' is not good enough, Hyo. I need to know she's really safe. Please call me immediately when she's back, okay?"

"Yuri, listen-akgalkns... kkk... zzz..."

"Hello? Hyo?"

Yuri put the phone away from her ear and stared at it disbelievingly. The connection died. She quickly dialed Jessica's number, in hope that her phone wasn't completely dead yet. But it was in vain. Her phone didn't receive, nor was it able to send a single signal. Mobile phoning was disabled due to the storm.

Yuri tossed the useless phone on the passenger seat. She hit the steering wheel angrily, knowing that she had no other choice. Hyoyeon was right. She had to drive back to the hotel. She couldn't look for Jessica when she had absolutely no clue where the girl could have gone to.

But then, it happened.

One tire of her car rolled into a pothole. The hole was unfortunately just the right size for the tire, and definitely deep enough that no matter how hard she was pushing against the gas pedal, she couldn't move forward an inch.

The drenched soil didn't help either. Her car was stuck.


Jessica shivered from head to toe. Not only was she cold, but she was also shivering from fear. Hiding underneath a huge tree was shielding her from the rain, but didn't secure her from the lightning. Every rolling thunder scared the heck out of her, causing her body to jolt and stiffen and start every way she didn't want to.

The gray clouds had dominated the sky and created a dark coat around the tall trees. Jessica clenched her teeth and hugged herself tightly. She was starting to hear eerie sounds behind the spooky woods again, but quickly shook her head and pinched herself in the arm. Wincing a little, she pressed her back against the tree behind.

"You're not a kid anymore..." she mumbled to herself, rubbing her arms. "But I'm so cold..."

The thunder boomed into her ears, sounding like it was tearing the sky apart. Jessica winced again, shutting her eyes tightly as she cupped her ears in fear. She hated how the tree couldn't shield her completely. A strong wind came whipping by from the side, and her top was already drenched with the cold rain. She was suddenly reminded of the last time she stood in a forest during a storm like this, hoping for a certain someone to come and shelter her. It was a sunny memory despite the nasty weather that day, because Jessica clearly remembered how relieved and blissful she felt when she saw the concern in Yuri's eyes, when she let Yuri hug her tight, when they shared their first passionate kiss under the rain.

She had felt just as lost and scared as she was feeling right now, not just of the thunder and the lightning but even more of Yuri and their relationship. She had given it a try, and they had worked it out; or so she thought. She had put her faith in Yuri.

But just to have Yuri betray her. Just to be hurt one more time, just to stand alone under the rain once again. Just to let her tears flow as her heart ached, and no one knew.

Could history repeat itself today? Would Yuri just appear out of nowhere, hugging and kissing her under the rain? Would Yuri wipe her tears and beg her not to cry, saying she's terribly sorry about everything that happened, and that she really, truly loved her?

Jessica reckoned it was too good to be true. She reckoned it could never happen that way. It hurts to know her wishful thinking would forever be only a wish. If only they had been able to shut the world out... if only they had never left the forest and that little house where they had met each other... if only Yuri wasn't Kwon Yuri, and Jessica wasn't Jung Jessica...


Jessica slowly opened her eyes, causing the tears to bust and stream down her cheeks. She looked around through her tear-curtain hopefully, but didn't see anything except for the falling rain. She perked her ears, waiting for that voice to call her name again. Nothing happened.

Jessica began to sob silently. She had never felt lonelier than this.



"Shh, don't yell," Tiffany patted Sooyoung's head and gently pushed the girl down onto the bed. "Hyo said that Yuri had followed Sica right away, so don't worry too much."

"That is exactly why I worry," Sooyoung countered. "Why couldn't anyone else go, but it had to be Yuri?"

"Don't ask me, I wasn't there."

"We have to check up on Jessica! Someone has to drive into the forest and look if she's okay! Yuri is no guarantee!"

"I know you don't trust Yuri, but there's no reason for her to physically harm Jessica or anything. They will be fine."

"How can you be so sure? I mean, I more or less know Yuri! She's a hidden perv-"

Sooyoung shut up as Tiffany stuck a small, long object into her mouth. Her eyes went down, only to see the end of a thermometer. She resignedly leaned back and watched as Tiffany put a wet cloth on her forehead.

"Good girl," Tiffany said with a warm smile. "Now stop thinking so much and get some sleep, okay?

Sooyoung unwillingly nodded. She was still hot, her head still felt heavy. She sighed inwardly, knowing that she couldn't do anything as of the moment. She had to trust Yuri.



Jessica held her nose with one hand as she sneezed for the umpteenth time. By now, her top was already drenched, half her pants soaked. Wet strands of hair were sticking in her face, but she couldn't care less as she was too busy rubbing her arms, trying to get rid of the goosebumps. The storm didn't seem to be over any time soon. She knew she would have to spend the night standing under this tree if the rain wasn't going to stop.

"Achoo!" Jessica sneezed again.

She sighed, looking at the bike next to her. Maybe she should try cycling back to the hotel. She would definitely catch a terrible cold afterwards, but at least she would still be alive tomorrow. Then again, House 030 was closer to where she was standing. Jessica estimated the distance at one kilometer, which made it a five-minute ride on her bike. But the thunderstorm was of course dangerous, and Jessica wasn't sure whether or not she wanted to risk getting struck by lightning.

She was still absorbed in calculating all the options in her head when suddenly, the rain was magically shielded away and she felt much warmer within seconds. She looked up and saw an umbrella above her head.

"Ahh!" Jessica shrieked as she realized something was standing close next to her. She was about to hit on the dark figure and then run for her life when a vivid flash of lightning brightened the surroundings for a split second, making her recognize the familiar face at once. "Yuri?!"

"No, your Robin Hood," Yuri grinned cheekily.

"What-" Jessica stuttered in surprise. "What are you doing here!"

"I was looking for you, of course." Yuri held Jessica's bare arm, making the goosebumps go away quickly. "You must be cold. Let's get back into my car."

Jessica was speechless as Yuri hugged her from the side, leading her out onto the road. The rain was too heavy for Jessica to figure out where they were going. Everything outside a radius of just a few steps was blurred. It wasn't until they stood directly in front of the car that Jessica heaved a relieved sigh, assured that she would be saved.

Yuri opened the door to the backseats and Jessica climbed in. She moved to the other side as Yuri followed suit. Jessica raised an eyebrow, wondering why Yuri wasn't sitting in the driver's seat.


Yuri looked at her worriedly before leaning forward to get a tissue.

"Here," she gave it to Jessica. "Are you already sick?"

Jessica blew her nose before answering. "I don't know, I just feel cold. We need to get back soon."

"Yeah, I know."

There was a long pause. Yuri looked out into the rain silently and Jessica stared at her in confusion.

"Well? Don't you want to bring me home?"

"I-" Yuri scratched her head, avoiding Jessica's eyes. "I would, if I could."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"We're stuck. My car is stuck."

Yuri briefed Jessica on what had happened. The blonde dropped her tissue at the end of the story. She looked out of the window, feeling pissed. Not exactly at Yuri, but at the whole situation. There she was, waiting the entire time for someone to come; and when finally someone arrived, it was this douche-bag of a car that went into a pothole and was just as stuck as her.

"I'm sorry," Yuri said and she inched closer. She put a hand on Jessica's arm, waiting to be slapped away. But Jessica didn't move. Yuri eyed the blonde's drenched clothes, just when Jessica got a sneeze attack and spread bacteria everywhere with huge ACHOOs several times in a row.

Jessica sighed tiredly, leaning back into the seat.

Yuri took out her thin jacket and put it around Jessica. "Seriously, you should stop dressing yourself like this. Autumn means rain and wind, Sica."

Jessica didn't even bother to act like she didn't need help this time. She clutched Yuri's jacket, still too disappointed to say anything. When she thought Yuri was about to hug her warm, the tanned girl moved away.

"Let's go," Yuri said.

"Go where?"

"Let's walk to House 030."

"Are you crazy?"

"No. The car isn't much warmer than outside, Sica. You need a place with a decent heater. Besides, we've got to find you dry clothes. You'll get a fever in no time if you keep sticking in these wet clothes."

"Look at the storm out there," Jessica weakly protested.

"We have an umbrella, we will be safe."

"You're kidding me." Jessica raised an eyebrow at Yuri.

"It's made of synthetic material," Yuri grinned. "Electrically non-conducting. It will protect us from lightning."

Jessica stared at Yuri as if she was waiting for the tanned girl to laugh out loud and say she was just kidding. But Yuri's face stayed serious, even with the warm smile, waiting for Jessica to say yes.

"I must be crazy for listening to you," Jessica gave in at last.

Yuri opened the car door and climbed out, opening the umbrella. She stretched her arm, holding out a hand for Jessica. The blonde, however, slit along the backseat and ignored Yuri's hand. She climbed out into the gusty storm, shivering from the blustering wind immediately.

"Let's go!" Yuri yelled to drown out the rain.

They shut the car door and started making their way towards House 030. Jessica felt the rain whipping around her feet, drenching even more her already soaked shoes. Her right shoulder felt like it was dipped into ice water as the umbrella failed to shelter her there from the cold rain. She unknowingly pressed herself against Yuri's arm that was holding the umbrella, moving away from the rain. The next thing she knew, Yuri had already put that arm around her shoulder, making sure she was completely shielded. Jessica felt an odd, tingling sensation in her stomach as she realized the tanned girl's shoulder was now completely unprotected. Yuri was going to be just as soaked as her once they arrive at the vacation house.

She pondered whether or not she should hug Yuri from the side too, so that the umbrella could shelter them both. But she slipped on the drenched soil instead, yelping as she lost her balance. Luckily, Yuri immediately reacted and caught her fast, helping her to stand up straight again. Without waiting for permission, the taller girl pulled Jessica closer by the waist and held onto her hand tightly. They continued walking in silence, watching every of each other's steps as they tried to create a rhythm, minimizing the possibility of either getting wet.

Jessica didn't want to admit it, but... it had been a long time since she last felt this warm during a cold storm.


Half an hour later, Jessica was sitting on the couch, a blanket wrapped around her body. Her wet clothes were now covering the broken heater, and she was dressed only in a thin top and luckily long sport pants. That was all they could find in the dressers. Apparently, the supposed guests of House 030 didn't have friends who prepared couple clothes for them like Sooyoung did for Yuri and Jessica.

Jessica's teeth chattered as she cursed the heater silently. Out of every freaking day, it had to break today. The heater was all she was looking forward to when they were struggling through the rain. It was like a hit in the face when she later pressed her body against the metal, waiting for it to heat up but to no avail, only to eventually have to come to the conclusion that it could only reach the maximal temperature of half the normal body temperature. Now instead of hugging the heater, Jessica sat on the couch with chattering teeth while her wet clothes were covering the weak source of warmth.

Actually, she could talk about luck that the actual guests of House 030 didn't arrive today. How discontent would they have been if they had arrived at a vacation house during a storm and found out the heater had broken. Jessica made a mental note to herself to remember discussing a change of electronic equipment in several vacation houses with Sooyoung. House 030 surely belonged to one of the oldest items of the Noh-chain.

"I couldn't find tea," Yuri approached Jessica from the kitchen with a bottle in her hands. "I found this instead."

Jessica looked up from the couch. Yuri still wore her black, short-sleeved shirt, which was wet and... see-through.

Jessica gulped.

Why did she pick a white bra this morning?

She couldn't help but to feel irritated. Her ears involuntarily went red as she wondered if Yuri was trying to seduce her. Be it the case or not, she could not let it happen. Her eyes quickly moved down, away from the unhealthy sight. And she was content with what she saw. Yuri had changed into ridiculous pink pajama pants and was walking around in red, fuzzy indoor slippers she had found somewhere in the house. Jessica couldn't ask for a better turn-off.

"What is that?"

"A bottle of Chinese medicinal liquor," Yuri held up the bottle.

"No, I mean, what is that?" Jessica indicated the red slippers.

"Oh, this?" Yuri lifted one foot to get a better view of the slipper and giggled. "I suppose it's a cat. Cute, isn't it?"

"That so doesn't suit you."

"Well, I found a pair of monkey slippers in the foyer, too. I can give you the cat slippers if you want."

Yuri didn't even wait for a reply but just put the bottle onto the table and made her way to the foyer to get the monkey slippers. Jessica narrowed her eyes, trying to decipher the Chinese symbols on the etiquette. She gave up as Yuri came in again, this time in just as fuzzy slippers, except that they were brown and had monkey heads on top. The tanned girl placed the red cat slippers in front of the couch where Jessica was curling up in the blanket and sat down onto the other end.

"Let's have a drink," she suggested and reached for the bottle.

"I still have no idea what that is," Jessica complained.

"Me neither. I only know that it is Chinese medicinal liquor." Yuri paused, eyes lying on the etiquette. "It's supposed to be able to heat us up real soon," she commented, pausing again as if to read the symbols. "It says something about the content... Rep-reptil-no, I don't think you want to know."

Jessica furrowed her eyebrows. "You can read Chinese?"

"A little," Yuri grinned.

"Oh, I see. So you were in the USA for a year but can't speak English, but you can read Chinese perfectly even though you have never been to China?"

"You have never been to America either, have you? Yet your English is super good."

Jessica still frowned at Yuri. Something was off about this, she could feel it in her bones. But the tanned girl waved it off as she opened the bottle.

"Who cares," Yuri said and poured the liquor into two glasses. "This is the only way we can feel warm right now. One for me, one for you."

Jessica stared at the glass Yuri was holding out to her, but refused to let go of her blanket cocoon to grab it. Yuri waited patiently, but Jessica was stubborn.

"What, you don't want it?"

"I don't want to drink something I don't know what it is."

"I told you it is Chinese medicinal liquor," Yuri smiled. "I have never drank something like this either. It's not gonna kill us, I promise. The expiration date is sometime... at the end of time. There's nothing to be afraid of, unless your body can't cope with alcohol."

Jessica opened her mouth to say something, but Yuri shushed her as she wagged a finger.

"And don't even dare tell me that you can't drink. I know your alcohol capacity too well."

Jessica closed her mouth, pouting a little. It was true. She couldn't lie because Yuri knew. Yuri was always the one who got drunk first whenever they went out to pubs, clubs or parties in the past. Jessica still remembered how she used to be so pissed when they got home, because Yuri always fell asleep right away, while she was just a little tipsy, still energized and wanted to do things other than sleeping so badly. It usually ended up with her waking Yuri the next morning, giving the girl a piece of her mind in form of kisses and more.

Jessica automatically blushed at the memories. This was absolutely not the right time to think of stuff like that. She blamed it all on the damn see-through shirt Yuri was wearing.

"Look at your cheeks," Yuri said concernedly. "It's so cold that they're red! Come on, drink this... Please. For me, at least?" The tanned girl suddenly paused as if she just remembered something. "I mean, of course not for me. It's for your own good," Yuri scratched her head, afraid that Jessica would now want to drink the liquor even less.


Yuri sighed, putting Jessica's glass on the table. She leaned back and looked into Jessica's eyes that were still watching her. Jessica had this challenging look on her face, as if she dared Yuri to drink the medicinal liquor first. Yuri received the unspoken signal and raised an eyebrow. She shifted her gaze on the glass before looking at Jessica. Do it, the blonde's eyes still said.

Yuri shrugged and brought the glass to her lips. Jessica watched intently as the liquor slowly flowed pass Yuri's lips into her mouth. Yuri squinted her eyes hard as she gulped.

"Gaaaaaaah..." a shiver went through the tanned girl's body. "Oh... wow."

"What?" Jessica sat up straight. "How does it taste?"

"Not bad," Yuri nonchalantly replied and took another gulp. This time, she drank it easily as if the liquor was nothing more than water.

Jessica's eyes narrowed in suspicion. She couldn't trust this. It was one of Yuri's traits to be able to drink strong liquids easily. Yuri never had a problem with black coffee, or vodka, or any kind of bitter medicament. Yet, regardless of how well she could take them, Yuri always got drunk extremely easily.

"Look!" Yuri exclaimed, showing Jessica her bare arm. "All my goosebumps are gone!" She emptied the glass in front of Jessica's skeptical eyes and wiped her mouth. "This Chinese liquor is jjang. I'm starting to feel like I'm on fire."

Yuri opened the bottle and poured herself another glass. Jessica kept eyeing Yuri as the girl continued sipping on the liquor as if it was tea. The blonde clutched the blanket more tightly, beginning to feel jealous of how Yuri appeared to be not cold at all.

"You know..." Yuri giggled after taking a huge gulp. "You look like a super adorable cat."

Jessica frowned. "And you look like a stupid drunken monkey."

Yuri laughed out loud. Jessica was wondering what was so funny about monkey when Yuri pointed at her feet. Her toes were sticking out from the blanket, stiffen and curled up from the cold.

"You are so cute I want to kiss you," Yuri huskily whispered as she leaned over to Jessica's side of the couch.

"Yah!" Jessica backed away, holding up a foot. "Don't come here!"

"I'm just kidding," Yuri laughed, patting down Jessica's threatening foot. "Stop being so stubborn, though. You clearly are very cold. Just drink this," she pointed at Jessica's glass on the table. "It helps, really!"

Jessica sighed inwardly, slowly feeling like giving in. Yuri did seem to have warmed up after just a few gulps of the drink. She could give it a try, too. The cold was starting to be unbearable.

"If you don't want to drink this, there's only one way left to feel warmer."

Jessica looked at Yuri questioningly.

"Do you know how the Eskimos keep warm if they accidentally burn their thick coats?" the tanned girl paused for effect. A smug smile appeared on her face before she continued. "They strip off everything else and entangle themselves with their just-as-stripped partner. Sharing body heat, so to say. Very effective."

Jessica narrowed her eyes before giving the laughing Yuri a kick.

She doubted Eskimos really did what Yuri said. She didn't believe the Inuit would ever burn their coats in the first place, not even accidentally. But it didn't matter anymore.

Jessica reached out for the liquor and poured it down her throat

Chapter 33

The very first thing she felt was the taste of bitterness on her tongue. It vanished quickly as her body shuddered from the feeling of the liquor burning down her throat, heating up her entire chest area. The burning sensation faded as fast as the bitter taste, leaving only comfortable warmth in her body. Unconsciously, Jessica let loose of the blanket a little.

"It's good, isn't it?" Yuri asked with a grin.

Jessica gave a small nod. She took another gulp and experienced the same, except the burning felt much less extreme this time. She had to admit the taste of the liquor wasn't gross, even though it did taste a little weird.

The glass was empty by the time Jessica got used to the taste. Her body had now warmed up enough that she didn't mind her blanket falling off, exposing the thin top she was wearing. All the goosebumps under the fabric were gone shortly afterwards, proving that Yuri didn't lie about the effect of the liquor.

Yuri swiftly opened the bottle and refilled Jessica's glass. She put it back onto the table before making herself comfortable at the other end of the couch, sitting there with knees bent to her chest just like the blonde. Jessica sipped at her liquor and watched as Yuri lifted the end of the blanket a little. She didn't have a chance to ask what Yuri was doing when the tanned girl simply slipped her feet into the blanket, rubbing them against Jessica's curled toes.

"What are you doing?" Jessica asked, her voice whispering for some reason.

"Sharing is caring," Yuri giggled. "My feet are cold too."

Jessica raised an eyebrow at Yuri. She frowned and pulled the blanket up to her chin so that their feet were exposed and looked at Yuri with a challenging look. But the tanned girl got her squealing as she slipped her cold feet underneath Jessica's, attempting to warm themselves with the heat coming from the blonde's soles.

"Your feet are so cold!" Jessica shrieked, lifting her feet up to escape Yuri's icy skin.

The tanned girl laughed out loud, swiftly grabbing Jessica's ankle with her hands. Fortunately for Yuri, her hands were not as cold as her feet, thus saving herself from getting kicked by the testy princess. In fact, Yuri's hands were oddly warm on a constant basis, Jessica never understood why.

"I told you my feet are cold," Yuri's fingers wrapped themselves around Jessica's bare feet as she grinned cheekily. "But you had to be so mean and pull the blanket away. That calls for a punishment."

Yuri then unexpectedly pulled hard, causing Jessica to shriek again. The blonde's back slid off the arm of the couch it was leaning against, her legs unwillingly wrapped around Yuri's waist. Yuri snatched the dangerous glass from Jessica's hand and put it on the table, disregarding the blanket that was already dropped on the floor.

"If you don't want to share the blanket," Yuri leaned dangerously forward and whispered huskily into Jessica's face. "We gotta do it the Eskimo way."

Instead of slapping that thought out of Yuri, Jessica's eyes travelled down from Yuri's eyes to the girl's pair of full lips, her gaze couldn't help but to linger there. She felt an unwanted desire exploding inside as Yuri parted her lips slowly and started to breathe through her mouth. The tanned girl wasn't leaning in any further, but the unintentionally teasing moves of her lips made it look like she was, and Jessica's heart began to thump so loud that she thought it was going to jump out of her chest at any moment.

She pulled herself together and, finally, slapped Yuri across the face.

She didn't know what drove her to do that, but she was glad it happened before anything else could happen. Yuri backed away immediately, holding her cheek in pain.

"You deserve that," Jessica muttered as she ignored the hurt look on Yuri's face. She positioned herself at the end of the couch again, moving away from Yuri's touches.

The slap seemed to have brought some sense into Yuri's head as the girl didn't talk back but just sighed audibly, rubbing her cheek. Yuri reached for the bottle and Jessica's glass on the table. She finished the liquor in one shot before refilling the glass and gave it to Jessica again. Heaving another troubled sigh, Yuri turned to the side and slipped her bare feet into the monkey slippers. She picked up the blanket and covered Jessica's legs with it, an apologetic look on her face.

"You're getting drunk," Jessica stated without a hint of doubt in her voice, slapping Yuri's hands away. "Go change. That wet shirt will make you sick."

"But all the tops in the dresser are a size too small for me."

"That's still better than wet. You know how dangerous it is to be wet and cold and drunk at the same time."

"It is?" Yuri's eyes lit up with delight, as if there's nothing that could make her happier than Jessica showing that she cared. "You are right," Yuri stood up, the bright smile not being able to leave her face. "I wouldn't want to pass it on to you when we share the bed together later."

She trailed off with a giggle, whereas Jessica froze with the glass between her lips.

"What bed?"

"The one in the bedroom? There is only one bed in this house."

"No way!" Jessica shouted in panic, her eyes glued at Yuri's see-through top. "No way am I going to share it with you!"

"You don't want me to get sick sleeping on the couch, do you?"

"You are sleeping on the couch! I don't care!"

Yuri chuckled and touched Jessica's cheek briefly, the "you're-so-cute-I-want-to-kiss-you" look on her face. But she didn't lean in this time but walked backwards toward the bedroom instead. It wasn't until she reached the middle of the room that she broke the eye contact with Jessica and turned around, disappearing into the room.

Jessica was left alone in the living room as she unconsciously took continuous gulps of the Chinese medicinal liquor. Her thoughts revolved around the wicked bed-situation. It seemed like she had no choice but to share it with Yuri for the night. She couldn't be so cruel as to send Yuri to sleep on the couch in this weather, and of course the option of her sleeping on the couch was out of the question. But could she trust Yuri enough to share a bed with her yet? When, on top of that, Yuri was drunk!

Jessica gulped and realized the glass was empty. She reached out for the bottle and poured the liquor with shaky hands. It wasn't just the alcohol that made her feel like burning inside anymore. Her fantasies got carried away a little as she imagined what a drunken Yuri could and would do. Her heart almost stopped beating as she realized how far her imagination went and what natural reaction her body was going through at the thought of that. Guilt-consumed with the undeniable but wrong wanting, Jessica she shook her head, trying to shake away all the wrong thoughts as well.

But she couldn't help but to keep thinking. Maybe during the time they were apart, Yuri was grieving and missing her so much that she went drinking often and trained her alcohol capacity. Maybe Yuri now wouldn't fall asleep just after a few shots.

But so what? She heard herself asking in her head. Wasn't that exactly what should make her worry? What if Yuri tried to do things to her when they slept on the same bed? And waking up the next morning, pretending she didn't remember anything because she was drunk? Then it would look like she, Jessica, the sober one, was at fault, and not Yuri, the drunken and clueless one. If Jessica let that happen...

She emptied the glass with one gulp, feeling the taste that was starting to get addicting wash over her tongue.

She couldn't do it. Jessica shook her head. She couldn't. Yuri just had to stay on the couch tonight. She couldn't even guarantee that she would not give in if Yuri really intended to seduce her tonight. She had to take the first step and keep a safe distance.

But her thoughts kept going back to the sight and feeling of Yuri hovering on top of her like earlier, causing her heart to race. She pulled herself together, forcing her mind to think of what to do against the temptation, but it was anything but easy. Even worse, Jessica kept drinking and drinking, not realizing that the more she drank, the weaker did her resistance become.

By the time Yuri came back from the bedroom, the bottle was already half empty and her cheeks were red like she was burning up from the inside. Which she was, in a way. Yuri was wearing a top that suited her pajama pants, long-sleeved this time. Jessica could clearly see the girl was indeed a size too big for the top since the sleeves hardly reached her wrists, the top hugged her a little too tightly, and the end of it barely covered her bellybutton. Yuri didn't look comfortable at all.

The tanned girl plopped down onto the couch at the end of Jessica's feet, tugging at her collar.

"This is itching me," she complained. The oddly husky voice prompted an equally odd feeling in Jessica's lower stomach. "I want to take it off. Maybe walking around naked is not the worst idea after all."

The suggestion was meant to be a joke, but Jessica wasn't in the mood for jokes at all. She placed her glass on the table and sat back to lean against the armrest, put her feet on the couch and pulled up her legs to her chest again. She fixed her gaze at her knees and tried to ignore the whining Yuri in front of her. Out of the corner of her eyes, however, she still caught glimpses of Yuri leaning forward to the table, taking the Chinese liquor bottle. Curiosity got the better of her and she just had to look up, but only to meet with the sight of Yuri's face tilted up to the ceiling, the girl's lips encircling the opening of the bottle. Yuri's throat moved with each gulp she took, a liquor drop then escaped her mouth and ran down her neck.

"Yah!" Jessica immediately jumped off the couch, tearing the bottle off Yuri's lips and slammed it on the table. "What on earth are you doing?!"

"My head hurts," Yuri's eyes squinted as she fell back against the backrest. "And I'm sooooo itchy," she scratched her arms with expressed uncomfortablenesss. "And I feel so hot, yet so cold. It's so freaking uncomfortable!"

Jessica caused Yuri's squinted eyes to open halfway as she placed a hand on the tanned forehead, making sure Yuri's just drunk and not having a fever.

"And your solution is drinking all that's left of this strong liquor?"

Yuri was unable to answer as Jessica traced a line on her neck, following the route of that liquor drop earlier. Jessica kneeled down onto the couch next to Yuri, her finger stopped at the collar, touching the same spot where the drop had disappeared. She felt Yuri's throat moving against her finger as the tanned girl gulped.

The little pressure of Jessica's finger on the already itchy and sensitive skin took a second to drive Yuri over the edge. She grabbed Jessica's hand, yanking the girl towards her. She caught the unresisting Jessica with a firm grip and smashed her lips onto the blonde's.

Just five minutes ago, Jessica was telling herself this must not happen, not in a million years. But now, none of that logic mattered as she just felt like it. She just felt like pinning Yuri against the couch, just felt like holding onto Yuri's shoulders and shifting to straddle Yuri's lap, just felt like having Yuri's hands squeeze the sides of her body, just felt like kissing her like crazy, like mad, like there was no tomorrow.

The taste of the liquor was even more intoxicating on Yuri's tongue. Jessica found herself deepening the kiss, her hands refusing to let go of Yuri's face. Even when Yuri broke the kiss to take a breath, Jessica's teeth didn't release the girl's bottom lip. She hung on Yuri's swollen lip, breathing in Yuri's hot breath as Yuri attempted to lay her down. As soon as her back touched the couch, they continued where they had left off, Jessica's hands wrapping themselves around Yuri's neck. They kept the passionate kissing as Yuri adjusted her position between Jessica's legs, keeping them to encircle her waist. Feeling the familiar weight on top of her again, Jessica couldn't help but to pull Yuri deeper into the kiss.

Yuri braced herself against the couch with one hand placed next to Jessica's head. She forced her lips away from Jessica's mouth, moving to the blonde's neck instead, taking the chance to breathe while tasting the soft skin in a not so gentle way. She bit Jessica's neck, pulling at the skin between her teeth.

"You make me so hot," she panted and it came out as a hiss through her teeth, causing Jessica to moan loudly. Almost immediately, Yuri's teeth let go and her lips encircled the slightly red mark. She sucked on the spot as she felt Jessica tugging the ends of her too small shirt. She heard the blonde's moans, but didn't see the girl's eyes rolling upwards, her eyelids slowly falling down in a thrill of ecstasy.

It would have gone further if Yuri's hand hadn't slipped off the couch, causing her to skid down, crashing onto the floor. She accidentally scratched Jessica's arm during her fall, making the blonde scream out loud, the piercing sound mixing with the painful yelp of her landing.

Yuri fell silent without another noise, her body not being able to move a muscle. Jessica, on the other hand, was all of a sudden wide awake, realizing with shock what she had just allowed to happen. She sat up straight and took heavy breaths, trying to calm her racing heart down. The scratch on her arm wasn't bleeding, but it was burning like hell. So did other parts of her body, just not for the same reason. She looked down at the girl whose taste was still in her mouth as she unconsciously wiped her lips with the back of her hand. Yuri was curling up with lips slightly parted, her face showing an indifferent neutrality that belonged on a face of a drunken person who had just passed out.

"You didn't change, at all."

Jessica's head was swimming, but she stood up nonetheless. Seemed like Yuri wasn't the only one who got a little carried away with the drinking. She wrenched the blanket out from under Yuri and approached the bedroom with small, careful steps, occasionally having to stop in her tracks to redress balance. Jessica pushed open the bedroom door, kicked Yuri's wet see-through top out of her way and tumbled down onto the bed, the blanket wrapped around her body.

She almost immediately drifted off, having no idea that outside the bedroom, Yuri was beginning to shiver from the cold.


Tiffany crawled into the bed, slipping under the blanket. She searched for Taeyeon's body and wrapped an arm around her girlfriend's stomach, cuddling up to her shoulder. Heaving a sigh, she finally let all her muscles relax. The day had been hectic because of the thunderstorm, and with the absence of two staff members and the unavailability of one, Tiffany hadn't had time to take a break until now.

"Good night, Taetae," she whispered into Taeyeon's ear, even though she was sure the girl was already asleep.

To her surprise, Taeyeon tilted her chin up with a finger and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips in response.

"I can't sleep," Taeyeon said quietly, rolling on the side of her body to put an arm around Tiffany.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon's face in the dark, imagining the troubled eyes she usually saw when Taeyeon couldn't sleep.

"Are you still worried about Sica?"

Taeyeon just sighed, but that was enough for Tiffany to understand. She was sure Sooyoung was just as awake as Taeyeon right now, worrying about Jessica's situation. Too bad, the shikshin didn't have her bunny here comfort her.

"Don't," Tiffany told Taeyeon as she laid a hand on the girl's cheek. "I'm sure Yuri had found her."

"I don't know, Fany," Taeyeon shook her head lightly. "I wish we could call her. I really need to hear her voice or something, to be sure she's okay. If anything happened, I would never forgive myself for not driving into the forest to look for her today."

"Don't say that," Tiffany shushed Taeyeon with a finger. "You promised me to give Yuri a chance. You have to trust her. She wouldn't stop searching if she hadn't found Jessica. She cares about Jessica just as much as we do, Taetae."

"I know she does, but..."

"But what are you still worrying about?"

"What if Yuri hasn't found her? What if Yuri can't find her?"

"Let me ask you something," Tiffany softly said, her hand finding Taeyeon's hand inside the blanket and she intertwined their fingers. "If I were in Sica's shoes, and you're the one who looked for me, when would you give up on searching?"

"When I know that you are safe," Taeyeon replied, sighing. "I know Yuri won't give up until she finds Jessica, but I still can't help but to worry. Probably... for the both of them, not just for Jessica."

"There's nothing we can do right now, Taetae. Jessica is smart enough to know someone will be looking for her. If she didn't make it to a vacation house, she would certainly be standing under a tree or something, waiting for us to fetch her."

"Then why aren't they home yet?"

"I don't know... But for some odd reason, I am not worried much. Maybe the rain is too heavy, or they are lost in the forest. I keep thinking this can be a good thing too, since the two of them have plenty of private time to talk now."

Taeyeon's thumb kept caressing the back of Tiffany's hand as she thought about what her girlfriend just said.

"You don't even know what they might be doing right now, Taetae." Tiffany whispered, and Taeyeon felt a shiver running down her spine.

She looked at Tiffany's face hiding in the dark, her mouth going dry. "I-I know that voice."

"What voice?" Tiffany asked innocently before letting out a cute chuckle and leaning in to kiss Taeyeon.

"You think... they are... right now?" Taeyeon mumbled, trying to prevent Tiffany from climbing on top of her, but failed.

"No," Tiffany admitted. "At the moment, I'm actually not thinking of them at all..."

Taeyeon smiled into the feathery kisses Tiffany was giving her, her hand letting go of Tiffany's hand to start stroking the girl's body in appreciation. She was thankful that Tiffany was helping her get this load off her shoulders temporarily, and she was planning to pay her girlfriend back for it right now.

"I love you," she whispered between the kisses and flipped Tiffany over.

Her girlfriend deserved more than just a pleasurable night after such a long and stressful day.


She stood by the window, staring out into the rain. The thunder and lightning had stopped, just how the storm inside her had faded after a while. But the wind was still cold, and the remaining drops falling from the sky were doing nothing but adding to her depression.

Jessica had no idea how late it was. She didn't feel sleepy anymore. Her mind was so occupied that she didn't even feel the cold.

It was a pair of arms sneaking around her waist that snatched away her deep thoughts. She felt the hair on her neck standing up as the familiar hot breath tickled her ear and as that warm body pressed up against hers from behind. And she melted away when the sweet words flowed into her ear, ever so slowly and softly.

"Sica... I love you..."

She heard her heart beating rapidly.

"I really, really do..." 

Chapter 34

Jessica woke up abruptly from her sleep. The first thought coming up in her mind was that the effect of the medicinal liquor had faded. She wasn't feeling dizzy anymore, and her head felt lighter and clearer.

Coming with a clear head was the reminder that there was someone out there who might need a blanket too. Until now, she had completely forgotten that Yuri must be extremely cold without anything covering her body during her sleep. Not to mention, the living room was a tad chillier than the bedroom too. The realization suddenly turned the situation extremely serious, probably even into a matter of life and death, and Jessica was wide awake at once. She jumped off the bed, grabbed the blanket, and stormed out into the living room. The lights were still on and everything looked exactly the same, which made it easy for her to find Yuri.

"Oh no..."

Jessica bit her lip in guilt as she saw Yuri's body curled up at the same spot on the ground, the tanned girl hugging herself tightly, her teeth chattering. She quickly kneeled down next to the freezing girl and shook her shoulder.

"Yuri... Are you okay?"

No response came from Yuri except for the chattering and the occasional shivers running through her body. Jessica began to reproach herself for letting this happen as she tried to get Yuri onto the couch.

"Come on," she urged the unconscious Yuri and grabbed the girl under the arms, pulling with all her might. It took her a while before she was able to drag Yuri out of slumber, receiving a little cooperation from the sleepy and maybe still drunken girl. Jessica struggled hard with the bigger body until Yuri finally sat on the couch with her head resting on the backrest, arms crossed and pressed tightly to her chest.

"I'm cold..." Yuri mumbled, sleep-drunken, her lips barely parting.

Jessica quickly picked up the blanket and wrapped it around Yuri. The reproachful thought that she shouldn't have left Yuri alone repeated in her mind non-stop. She regretted her ignorance even more as, in the midst of tucking Yuri up, her hands accidentally brushed against the bare skin on the back of Yuri's hands. She bent down to take a closer look, and her eyes widened in surprise as she realized the skin on Yuri's hand had taken a purple hue. Jessica had never seen purple skin before.

On the edge of panicking and drowning herself in guilt, Jessica slipped under the blanket and hugged Yuri from the side, pulling the girl's feet onto the couch. Yuri automatically curled up inside the thick blanket and leaned her body leaning against Jessica's warm one, her head resting on Jessica's shoulder. Jessica tightened the embrace as she felt goosebumps on her arms again. Yuri's clothes were cold. Heck, Yuri's entire body felt like it just came out of a freezer. The only thing that was warm coming from Yuri was the breaths hitting her neck from the side, but nonetheless sending shivers down her spine.

It took a while before Yuri's arms loosened, her body relaxed in Jessica's hug, her teeth stopped chattering completely and her breathing became even again. Jessica sighed inaudibly, unconsciously pressing her cheek against Yuri's head. Her hand found Yuri's inside the blanket, and she intertwined their fingers.

Maybe she shouldn't be doing this, hugging Yuri and all, but right now, she couldn't care less. It just felt like the right thing to do. She wondered how Yuri had felt when the girl was watching her sleep the other night, because right now, Jessica couldn't find another word to describe her feelings better than nostalgic. Everything seemed like the old days, when their love was pure and free. She yearned for the past, for the simple bliss of just being together and not having to worry about anything else.

"Yuri..." she whispered softly, not loosening the embrace a bit. "Tell me... How important am I to you?"

She wasn't expecting an answer, but then Yuri nuzzled her neck all the sudden, and her heart stopped beating for a second. She held her breath and waited. But Yuri just swallowed her saliva and soon became motionless again, breathing evenly through her nose. Jessica couldn't help but to feel her heart sinking.

"You said you love me..." she continued her little monologue, feeling Yuri's breaths so close to her neck that she almost expected Yuri to kiss it. "But how much, Yuri? How much do you really love me?"

She ignored the tremor in her voice as she heaved a saddened sigh. She had never denied that she loved Yuri, even when the truth came out. But from the moment she knew about the betrayal, her love was suppressed and overshadowed by other feelings. She knew Yuri loved her, by now she believed it, but was that love enough, was it more worth to Yuri than anything else? She didn't know. She wasn't sure. And she couldn't help but to feel insecure because of that.

The thought pushed her heart away again, to a safe distance to not allow Yuri to hurt her easily. She struggled out of their position, carefully laid Yuri's head down onto the couch and stood up. Her feet carried her to the window, away from Yuri's scent, and showing her the remaining drops falling from the sky as the wind kept joggling the branches of the trees in the darkness. Jessica sighed. The scenery was just adding to her depression.

One of the things she loved about Yuri was that the girl was always so darn good at making her feel protected and loved. When Yuri paid attention to the littlest things she did, sacrificing her own needs, willing to put up with uncomfortableness just to make her feel comfortable, like how Yuri didn't complain a word and let her have the blanket all by herself earlier; when Yuri looked at her with eyes that said she was the one and only person that mattered, it was so easy to forget about all the troubles in the world. At times like that, the love inside Jessica grew and her heart would take over, she would love nothing better than to drown herself in Yuri's arms.

That worked when everything was still okay. But now, nothing was okay, nothing was alright. She had to turn her back to the Yuri that wanted to love her, and it broke her heart into a million pieces to have to do so. But she didn't have another choice until everything was clear, until she could be assured that loving Yuri wouldn't clash with the responsibilities she had to take for other people. All the whys, all the hows needed to disappear. And she hated how until now, she was still denied the answers.

Jessica wiped away the tear that just succeeded in escaping her eye. How much longer could she live like this? How much longer could she bear this feeling? How much longer could she keep composure and control over herself when Yuri was around? How much longer would it take until she finally had enough and either gave in and risked it all, or pushed Yuri away and lost her forever?

Jessica didn't have an answer to all that. But she knew Yuri had to do something soon.

It was the moment when she couldn't keep up with the tears anymore and they freely streamed down her cheek that she felt these familiar arms encircling her waist. A warm body pressed up against hers from behind, a hot breath tickled her ear. She found herself holding her breath, awaiting the words she had been longing to hear.

"Sica... I love you..."

Yuri's whisper soothed her wrenching heart, making it easy to breathe again.

"I really, really do," Yuri continued whispering, and Jessica felt the girl burying her face in her hair, breathing in her scent that she knew Yuri loved so much.

She slowly turned around and saw Yuri looking her straight in the eyes, the tanned girl still dressed in those too-short pajamas but didn't look like she was drunk or sleepy anymore. Yuri had her hands placed on her waist, not showing any intention of wanting to let go. She found herself cupping Yuri's cheek as she looked at the taller girl with eyes that said 'I believe you... In spite of what you did, despite where we are, I still believe in those three words you say.'

She wanted to say more, but the words got stuck in her throat, and the only thing she was able to release was more tears flowing out from her eyes.

Yuri's one hand went to her face too, the girl's thumb gently wiping over her eye. A sob escaped Jessica's lips, and Yuri's eyelids fell down slowly, as though the girl couldn't take seeing her cry anymore. Yuri leaned in, pressing their foreheads against each other.

"I am so sorry," Yuri whispered, her voice shaking against Jessica's trembling lips. "I'm sorry I made you wait too long for this. I know it hurts you to see me acting like I didn't care about the wrongs I did, but I just didn't have the courage to tell you sooner how sorry I am. I was afraid your love for me has faded, I was afraid it wasn't enough for you to accept me, or to give me a chance, even if I'm terribly sorry for everything."

Yuri moved away from Jessica's face, just enough to be able to gaze her in the eyes. Yuri wanted Jessica to see it, see the pain in her eyes, see that she'd gathered all her courage to tell Jessica now, and that every word she said was real, was true, was coming from the bottom of her heart.

"The only way I could be around you, my stupid mind told me, was that I have to act like I had a plan, like I was up to something unpredictable, so that you and everybody else had to think twice before sending me away from you. But I don't have a single plan, Sica. I don't have the smallest thing up my sleeve. I have no idea what I can do, what I should do or have to do. I just followed my heart as it screamed to be with you... I just blindly followed it, even though I don't know where this will lead me in the end."

Jessica held her breath as her hand left Yuri's face, sliding down to stop at the girl's thumping heart.

She followed her heart...

"If you love me so much..." she whispered, her voice trembling. "Then why did you do what you did?"

Why didn't you follow your heart sooner? Why did you have to make me hate you when you know I love you just as much? Why, Yuri, why get us into this kind of situation in the first place?

"You are a fool, Yuri... A fool."

"I am a coward, Sica," Yuri squinted her eyes, laying her hand on top of Jessica's. "With the pressure I had to bear, I didn't dare to quit when everyone was watching me. But now, I regret everything I did that caused you pain. The rational being I used to be would say it's the price that needs to be paid to get to the greater goals, but you have changed that mindset in me. The time we've been together... it might belong to a plan, but no one could have planned for it to be the happiest time of my life. I didn't plan to fall for you so deeply. I didn't plan to fall in love with you at all. I dreaded the ending of our relationship and I tried to savor every minute, every second I could spend with you. I was supposed to be done with you when it ended, I was supposed to get over you, but I just couldn't. I can't... I can't just forget about you... about us."

Yuri's voice trailed off, and Jessica closed her eyes. They stood in silence for a moment, holding each other.

Get over us? I can't, either...

Jessica closed her eyes to let the last few tears run down her cheek, but opened them again as Yuri tilted up her chin, making their gazes meet again.

"That's why I am here, Sica. I don't ask for your forgiveness, because I know I don't deserve it yet. But I'm pleading you to give me a chance to make it up, even though I don't know how. I'm trying... I'm trying hard. I-" Yuri sighed against her face. "I miss you... I can't take not being around you any longer. The longer I waited, the more I was scared of losing you. The thought that somebody might take you away from me when you are the most vulnerable... it hurt so much. And I was afraid it could happen too easily. Do you understand, Sica? The thought that I might lose you forever, it was killing me inside-"

"Do you really think anyone can do that?" Jessica cut in with a whisper.

"I-I was scared. I haven't been this scared in my entire life."

"I thought you were smart," Jessica shushed Yuri, her hands holding Yuri's face again. Their foreheads were again pressed against each other, their noses touching lightly. "Why are you so stupid when it comes to me?"

"Because-" Yuri halted. "I love you... too much."

Jessica's heart felt like it was all the sudden released from all its burdens. This voice, this grip around her waist, this look in the eyes - that was Yuri, stripped off of all the lies. Finally, she could hear the words with a sincerity she knew she could trust. Finally, she felt like she was allowed to love Yuri with no boundaries again. Finally, the wait had paid off.

"Falling in love with you is something I can't undo, and it's the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. But the terrible things I did can't be undone either, and it's a shame. But... Sica, if-if you still have any feelings left for me... please-"

"I love you, Yuri."

"I-" Yuri's voice cracked. "I'm so sorry for everything."

"I believe you..."

"Please, just keep your faith in me a little longer. I'll work this out, I promise."

"We can try together," Jessica whispered, her tears had dried by now. "I don't want to lose you either. I don't want Jiyong and your grandfather to take you away from me. It hurt my heart just as much as it hurt yours to think that I had lost you to them forever. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this... Since the moment you caught me in the lobby, I've constantly hoped to hear you say that you were back because of me."

"I am," Yuri whispered as she moved her forehead away from Jessica's and looked her in the eyes again. "You're the only reason why I'm here. My heart belongs to you... as it always has."

A warm silence entered as their gazes locked together, their eyes slowly replacing pain and sorrow with love and hope. Only the rain could be heard, softly accompanied by their fast-paced heartbeats in the background. Yuri leaned in slowly, "I love you," she whispered again, and her lips met with Jessica's softly.

But Jessica instinctively backed away, making Yuri's heart freeze within a beat. Jessica could feel how Yuri was trembling, the hands around her waist tightening, afraid that she wanted to leave. Witnessing Yuri's fear and insecurity, which were clear signs of her vulnerability, Jessica's guard suddenly disappeared, her mind got turned off and her heart took single control. She leaned in, reconnecting their lips. The kiss was loving and tender, meant to be reassuring of their love, without worries, without troubled hearts, without fear and regrets. It was just their pure appreciation for one another, the feelings blossoming in the beginning of their ever so strong love. Jessica had missed these kisses - the kisses that made her the only one that mattered in the world.

But eventually, she found herself putting a hand on the nape of Yuri's neck, pulling the taller girl in for more. The kiss was deepened as desire started to take over, and tighter again became the grip on her waist. Jessica understood all the unspoken messages that were sent through the kisses.

I missed you. I missed you this much, I'm going crazy.

And her response was just as passionate. Her arms wrapped themselves around Yuri's neck; and she kissed her hard, kissed her madly - kissed her like there was nothing more important to do in this world.

When Yuri broke the kiss for them to fill their lungs with oxygen, Jessica felt herself falling and flying at the same time. Then she realized Yuri had lifted her feet off the ground, carrying her in her arms. She clung to Yuri's neck, never letting go, her eyes gazing into Yuri's warm ones. The look on Yuri's face was full of adoration and love, Jessica couldn't help but to get lost in them.

Yuri made small and slow steps towards the couch, eyes never leaving Jessica's. They stopped at the couch and Jessica understood fast; she grabbed the blanket, and they pulled it in tow towards the bedroom. Yuri laid her gently down the bed before kissing her again, one hand pulling the blanket to cover their bodies. Jessica closed her eyes, feeling Yuri placing kisses everywhere on her neck. She let out a soft moan, her hand running through Yuri's hair.

When the kisses temporarily stopped, Jessica opened her eyes to the sight of Yuri hovering over her face. She saw Yuri's eyes closed, the girl's eyebrows knitted in a way that didn't belong into the scene.

"What's wrong?" Jessica whispered concernedly, shifting herself to sit up.

But Yuri pushed her down gently, shaking her head. The tanned girl kissed her on the lips again, as if to show there was nothing she needed to worry about. It worked, because Jessica stopped thinking about it and worked her hands on the buttons of Yuri's top instead. She found her heart adopting the familiar fast pace of excitement and anticipation as she pulled the fabric out, revealing Yuri's tanned body. However, her sight was blocked because Yuri was still kissing her, and the girl's sneaky hand was now caressing her skin inside her own shirt. Yuri eventually broke the kiss and pulled the fabric over her head, making them both equally uncovered.

Jessica looked into Yuri's eyes, feeling Yuri's finger stroking her cheek with so much tenderness; it made her fall in love all over again.

"I love you," Yuri leaned in again and whispered.

She sighed as Yuri started to kiss her body, the touches sending shivers down her spine. The kisses slowly became lighter and lighter, making her have to arch her back as she was yearning for more. It was no surprise that her eyes snapped wide open in confusion when the sensation suddenly stopped, and instead of the kisses, she felt Yuri's head landing on her chest.

It was quiet as Jessica waited, wondering if Yuri was being silly and listening to her heartbeats. Because she was sure her heart was thumping so loud, Yuri didn't need to press an ear against her chest to hear it. But when she noticed the even breaths coming from the girl on top of her, she realized Yuri had fallen asleep.

Jessica chuckled, getting over the disappointment fast. The alcohol and the cold must have worn Yuri out. She felt her eyes getting heavy again, too, and pulled Yuri's body onto the bed next to her gently, snuggling with the girl in a warm hug. She pulled the blanket over their bodies, making sure both of them were covered, even though she was feeling ridiculously hot.

Jessica slowly dropped off. And for the first time since a very long time, she dropped off with so many butterflies in her stomach.


"My goodness! Jessica!"

Jessica woke up next morning with Sooyoung's scream in her ears. Her body shot up like a rocket, not believing it was really Sooyoung who was barging into the room. Before she could see clearly with her sleepy eyes, however, Yuri's shirt on the floor landed on her face. She let the fabric slide down to cover her bare upper body and finally spotted the short-haired girl standing in the middle of the room, glaring daggers at her.

"Get dressed! NOW!"

Jessica was bewildered at the situation, but the anger in Sooyoung's voice left her no choice but to comply.

"I can't believe this!" Sooyoung turned around to face the wall to let Jessica put on her clothes. She threw her hands up into the air, ruffled her hair in frustration and groaned angrily. "I was worried sick about you last night, Jessica Jung! And what were you doing? You were here the whole night, and you-you-I don't even want to know what you did! But how can you do this! I can't believe-"

"Soo..." A dressed Jessica tugged at Sooyoung's sleeve, trying to calm the raging girl down. "Nothing happened. We just-"

"You lie naked in the bed with her and you tell me nothing happened?!" Sooyoung yelled, pointing at the pile on the bed.

"What's going on...?" Yuri finally woke up due to the noises. She rubbed her eyes sleepily before opening them wide in shock at the sight of Sooyoung.

"Let's go, Jessica!" Sooyoung hissed and yanked Jessica's arm, pulling the blonde out.

"What? Wait!"

Yuri jumped off the bed just when the two girls exited the room. She wanted to chase after them, but realized she had to find a top. It took a while before she could find Jessica's on the heater and quickly put it on. Not being able to care less about the outfit, Yuri kept the pajama pants and sprinted outside, looking for the other two.

She saw Sooyoung's car leaving the front yard of the house, with Jessica certainly sitting inside. Yuri did not lose a second but ran outside and chased after the car. It was in vain until she found her own car on the roadside, but she never gave up. She had no other choice. She would not allow Sooyoung to take away her girlfriend. Not when she just won Jessica back.


"Let go of me!"

Tiffany looked up from behind the reception counter and saw Jessica and Sooyoung struggling through the entrance.

"Jessi!" Tiffany's face brightened and she hurried to her friends. But when she noticed the look on Sooyoung's face and the tenseness between the two girls, relief quickly turned into confusion. "What happened?"

"I..." Jessica sighed. The blonde avoided Tiffany's eyes and looked at Sooyoung instead, the disappointment in the tall girl's eyes making her heart sink. "Sooyoung, listen... She's here for me. Because she loves me."

"She told you that and you just blindly believe her?" Sooyoung snapped, finally looking Jessica straight in the eyes. "I knew I shouldn't have let her go looking for you!"

"I trust her. I know she doesn't lie this time. I can tell."

"How can you tell, Jessica?! Stop following your heart blindly, stop being so naïve!"

"No, Soo. I'm not being naïve this time. I love her, you know I do. It means the world to me that she has left what she was initially going after, just to be with me. Don't you understand? I am not willing to let go of her, I am not going to give up on her when she's already here for me, I am not letting her family corrupt her and turn her into one of them! I don't want to lose her to them, Sooyoung. She loves me. She needs me, she-"

"She needs what?!" Sooyoung yelled, cutting Jessica off. "All she wants is to conquer! And you make it too easy for her because you can't freaking control yourself and just jump in bed with her when she asks you to!"

The words hit Jessica like a slap in the face. Tiffany's eyes widened as she stared at her friends, shocked with Sooyoung's aggressiveness more than what Jessica had supposedly done.

"That is none of your business, Sooyoung," Jessica eventually said, giving Sooyoung a blank look.

Just then, a loud braking noise came from the front yard, and the glass doors opened wide the next moment. Yuri came bursting into the lobby, panting hard. The six eyes lied on her, one pair with so much despise and hate that it made her cringe. Nonetheless, she went up next to Jessica and looked straight at Sooyoung.

"Don't take her away from me," she said through her ragged breaths, with all seriousness she had.

Sooyoung opened her mouth and was about to remark with a hateful comment, but a loud thud on the floor caught them all off. They turned to the source of sound and saw Taeyeon standing in front of the hallway, looking into their direction with shock. The four of them instinctively turned around and immediately realized what it was that made Taeyeon's mouth hang agape. Or rather, who it were.

Yuri gulped.

"Grandfather... Jiyong..." 

Chapter 35

"So... this is the hotel you were talking about? I am disappointed, Yuri. I thought you wanted to invest into something nice. The quality here is just poor."

Old Kwon looked around, examining everything from the floor to the ceiling. He disregarded Jessica and co., as if the girls did not exist. It made Sooyoung fume visibly, but Jessica quickly grabbed the tall girl's hand and calmed her down before she could jump on the old man.

"It's good compared to other facilities in this area, grandfather," Yuri replied in a surprisingly obeying tone, keeping her head down.

Jessica's eyes turned to stare at Yuri, not being able to hide the shock with how subdued the girl sounded. But Yuri completely ignored her, deciding that the floor was more interesting to look at. Jessica felt it became harder to breathe with each second passing by, as if the air around her was being sucked away slowly.

"Why are you dressed like this anyway?" Jiyong queried, giving Yuri a disapproving look.

Yuri, however, ignored her cousin and focused on her grandfather instead. Never could Jessica imagine that the old man had such an impact on Yuri. In fact, this was the first time she saw Yuri and her grandfather being together in one room. Just his presence seemed to intimidate the tanned girl, and Jessica couldn't understand why. Wasn't Yuri always the prideful girl who never bowed down to anybody?

"You are wasting too much time here," Old Kwon's voice was stern as he continued. "You are wasting time on things that won't lead you anywhere."

The man's eyes acknowledged the existence of Jessica at that very moment. Jessica knew he was talking about her, but she kept her composure and swallowed down the urge to counter the obvious offense. She might be hot-tempered at times, but she'd had enough experience with the Kwons to know a mistake couldn't be afforded when it came to them. The twitch she felt in her chest was not because of Old Kwon's words, but because of Yuri's reaction to them. The person who a night before said she was willing to try to make it up to her was now saying nothing and just looked down onto the floor, as if her grandfather's accusation was incontrovertible.

"I told grandpa about your real intentions," Jiyong meddled in with a hint of glee in his voice, glancing at Jessica.

Jessica saw Yuri shot her cousin a deathly glare, and she silently figured out what it was all about. So it was Jiyong who found out she was working at this hotel and informed Old Kwon. Jiyong probably told Old Kwon that the only reason Yuri was here was because of her, and how little the tanned girl was interested in the expansion of the Kwon business. Jessica felt the knot in her stomach that was feeling disturbed by Yuri's behavior untying itself slowly as Old Kwon's cluelessness convincingly proved the sincerity of Yuri's words last night. But she was also aware that this meant Yuri was now in deep trouble. Yuri lied to her grandfather to be here with her. Yuri tricked him into allowing her to run to Jessica. And now he had hunted her to this place, most certainly having a punishment ready in mind.

But then, what was Yuri waiting for? Why didn't she just cut the line and tell her grandfather she didn't want to follow him anymore? Why couldn't she just say she'd chosen Jessica and leave his side for good? What was she scared of?

I'm by your side, Yuri... she wanted to whisper into Yuri's ear. We'll go through this together. You and me... together...

But Yuri didn't give her a single look.

"Grandfather..." the tanned girl barely looked up as she talked to the old man, "I'm sorry, I-"

"We will be talking about that later, Yuri. I want you to return to the city by today," Old Kwon stated in a voice that left Yuri no chance to talk back. "You have a fiancée to meet tomorrow."


The statement caught the entire room off guard, even Jiyong's mouth was hanging agape. Jessica felt as if her heart had stopped beating, and she could only imagine what was going through Yuri's mind. The girl looked as though she was struck by lightning.

"Is there a problem, Yuri?"

"I-" Yuri quickly gathered herself. "This is too sudden, grandpa, I-"

"Wouldn't be sudden if you weren't away for almost three weeks."

Yuri gulped down the bitterness instead of fighting against it, not being able to talk back with a single word. The resigning silence of the tanned girl was a sign that she was running low on arguments, and Jessica's heart shattered because of it. She knew this would eventually have to result in Yuri accepting whatever the elder said. Yuri was going to marry someone. Yuri was breaking her promises, again.

Jessica stared at the tanned girl hard.

God, Yuri, just look at me for a split second!

She unconsciously gripped Sooyoung's hand tightly.

I need to see in your eyes that you will never let that happen!

But all she had to witness was a still intimidated Yuri who looked down onto the ground with no hint of resistance.

"I... I'll drive back after I have packed my belongings, grandfather."

Jessica felt her body go numb with Yuri's words as her grip on Sooyoung's hand became even tighter.

"Good. Then, it's settled," Old Kwon said with a pleasant tone. "I will see you tomorrow. We're finished here, Jiyong. Let's go."

The young man, as displeased with the situation as he seemed to be, opened the door for his grandfather and escorted him out to the car. The two men left without a goodbye, just how they arrived without an announcement either. It seemed like it wasn't until Old Kwon and Jiyong disappeared that Yuri was able to gather herself together, returning to be the one she really was. Or the one Jessica thought she was.

"Sica, I-"

"Don't say anything," Jessica cut Yuri off, her voice shaking. "I've seen enough."

"No! Please, Sica, you don't understand."

"There's nothing to understand, Yuri! You break your promises once again, because you have a fiancée waiting for you and you are going to see her tomorrow. You don't care about me, because you listen to everything your grandfather says despite how it might hurt me. You lied again, Yuri. You lied to me again."

Yuri contorted her face upon Jessica's words. She took a step towards Jessica, but the blonde backed away.

"Sica, you know you're the only one I-"

"Just leave, Yuri."

"You heard her," Sooyoung cut in, pulling Jessica behind her as Yuri attempted to move closer.

"Stay out of this, Sooyoung!"


"Sooyoung," Jessica sighed, pushing the taller girl to the side. "I don't need you to protect me from her."

"Oh, you don't?" Sooyoung snorted. "Jessica! You almost fell for her tricks again! What did you tell me about she's changed, she needs you, she wants to be with you? Didn't I warn you that her words are all lies? All she does is bowing to her grandfather! You should have listened to me from the beginning!"

"It's not true!" Yuri yelled angrily.

"Guys, we're in the lobby-"

"Jessica might want to give you a chance," Sooyoung snapped at Yuri, cutting Tiffany off. "But I know better! I will not let you take her feelings for granted, just so you know. You better think of a plan to get me out of your way first before you attempt to deceive people again. I'd rather die than to let you succeed this time round!"

Yuri groaned as her hands shot forward to grab the taller girl's collar. She was blocked by a shrieking Tiffany in the nick of time, whereas Sooyoung was held back by Jessica. But the both of them were violently struggling to get out of the two smaller girl's grips, because all they wanted right that moment was to charge their rage at each other.


Taeyeon's scream interrupted before Yuri and Sooyoung could hurt Jessica and Tiffany and bounce on each other.

"We're in the freaking lobby! It's freaking eight in the morning!" the shortie snapped at the two. "Guests can come down the stairs any moment! Did you two lose your minds?!"

Yuri stepped back as Taeyeon's words seemed to calm her down a little. However, the deathly glares were still shot back and forth between her and Sooyoung.

The reception phone rang at that very moment, breaking the tenseness shortly. Taeyeon hurried behind the counter and picked up, her eyes still watching Yuri and Sooyoung with an intimidating glare. But that glare disappeared completely after just a brief moment.

"Krystal is on the phone," Taeyeon informed Jessica, suddenly beaming. "We have good news, Sica!"

It took Jessica a second to register Taeyeon's words. Yuri was pushed out of her mind immediately as she hurried over to the phone, her heart racing in anxiety. She pressed the phone against her ear while the other clueless three observed her closely, witnessing her expression changing within seconds. The conversation was ended shortly afterwards, and Jessica turned to Sooyoung and Tiffany with a relieved smile on her face.

"Mom woke up and is in a healthy state of mind," she said in happiness. "No amnesia, nothing. Krys said she wants to see me as soon as possible."

"That's great news!" Yuri butted in before Sooyoung or Tiffany could say anything. "And perfect timing, Sica. I'll drive you back to the city. We'll go in half an hour."


"Sica, are you sure about this?" Sooyoung grumbled as she leaned against the wall, watching Jessica stuffing clothes into a small suitcase bag. "I mean, we could call a taxi or something. It takes a while until one gets here, but you don't have to go with Yuri."

"It's okay, Soo. Mom is more important."

Despite the situation, Jessica had agreed to let Yuri give her a lift to the city. Sooyoung was of course against it at first, but with much persuading from Tiffany and Jessica, and without the usual support from Taeyeon, she eventually gave in. It was not like she was too stubborn to realize what was more important, or when to just have to allow things to happen against her liking. In this case, umma Jung had no doubt higher priority than anything else. Jessica had to get to the hospital as fast as possible, and a free ride was something she thought she shouldn't reject.

"Can I give you something to give to Sunny when you see her?"


Sooyoung went over to her bed and opened the drawer of her night table. She took out a neatly folded paper and gave it to Jessica.

"I wrote it the night before. I wanted to mail it, but now that you're going..." Sooyoung sighed. "Tell her I miss her."

"I will." Jessica smiled and tucked the letter into her handbag. "And don't worry too much about me."

Sooyoung bent down, enveloping Jessica in a hug. She heard the blonde chuckling and felt her back being tapped lightly.

"I'll only be gone for a few days. After I make sure mom's fine, I'll hail a cab and come back immediately. And maybe Sunny will go with me, too. I mean, she said she wanted to visit and has yet to do it, right?" They released the hug, and Jessica smiled at Sooyoung. "I'll keep in touch with you guys."

"And you don't want to do anything about Yuri's engagement?"

The question obviously hit a soft spot. Jessica's smile dropped, making Sooyoung regret mentioning Yuri at once.

"I just don't want you to do anything stupid," Sooyoung softly said, putting a hand on Jessica's shoulder. "I know how you feel about her, but I still can't trust her yet."

"There's nothing I can do, Soo. It's her business."

Jessica's voice was flat as though she didn't care, but Sooyoung knew Jessica well enough to know what the blonde was really thinking. However, she didn't say anything about it anymore and just nodded, letting the topic pass.

"Call us once you arrive safely at the hospital."

"I will."

They walked out into the lobby, and Sooyoung stood in silence, watching Jessica bid goodbye to Taeyeon and Tiffany. Hyoyeon looked a little baffled upon the sudden leave of her two bosses, but she said goodbye to both Yuri and Jessica with her usual cheery self. Sooyoung could already see how she'd have to explain things to Hyoyeon after Yuri and Jessica left. The girl would demand an explanation for sure. Hyoyeon was too smart to be content with a shady answer or a lie. Maybe, Sooyoung should tell Hyoyeon the entire story. The chef actually did look like someone who was trust-worthy and might have a few good pieces of advice up her sleeves.

Jessica and Yuri entered the car at last, and it suddenly hit Sooyoung that from now on, her life would be Kwon-Yuri-less for a good long while. She smiled unconsciously upon the realization, even though the worries about Jessica, Mrs. Jung and especially Mr. Jung were still present in her mind.

Yuri just needed to marry whoever it was that her grandfather chose. Jessica would eventually have to let go, and then, it would be easier to fight against the Kwons. Because, Sooyoung had always been aware of this, Jessica was the ultimate vulnerable point of their defense.

If to abate that weakness, Jessica's heart needed to break...

Sooyoung sighed inwardly.

It has to happen fast.


The car ride had succumbed to silence ever since the moment it rolled out of the hotel's parking lot. Yuri had a lot to say and explain, but Jessica didn't seem like she wanted to listen. The whole time, the blonde girl was looking out the window, completely ignoring her. Yuri attempted to start a conversation a few times, but without Jessica's cooperation, she soon had to give up on her monologues.

Frustrated with herself after a while, Yuri took a sudden turn to the left and pulled the car off the road. Jessica let out a startled shriek as she was pressed against the car door, but Yuri ignored it. She drove the car to the front of the small convenient store on the side of the road and turned off the engine.

"I need a drink," Yuri said as Jessica finally looked at her. The glare she received was piercing, but at least it acknowledged her existence. "Let's go."

She gave the blonde no chance to reject as she broke the eye contact and turned around to get out of the car. She slammed shut her car door before walking over to the other side and opened it for Jessica. Yuri wasn't sure if Jessica was really thirsty or if it was just the fed-up look on her face that made blonde comply, but either way, Jessica hopped out of the car after a moment of hesitation and followed her into the store.

The convenient store was small and empty without customers, just as Yuri had expected it to be. She wondered how the owner could survive, considering that there were only a few cars passing by on that road in a day. Not to mention, most people just drive pass the store without giving it a second look. Yuri, for example, didn't remember seeing it when she drove to the hotel a few weeks ago.

"Hello, can I help you?"

A short woman came out from the back, approaching Yuri and Jessica with her hands rubbed together.

"Yes, I need-"


Yuri's mouth froze in surprise, not expecting Jessica to know the owner's name. The short woman apparently recognized Jessica too as she suddenly beamed and ran towards the blonde, squeezing her with a hug. Yuri scratched her head, watching the reunion with confusion and, admittedly, a little jealousy in her heart. Why was it so easy for this Shinyoung, whoever she was, to touch Jessica and receive wide smiles from the ice princess?

"What are you doing here?" Jessica asked out of breath as Shinyoung let go of her. "I thought you wanted to go to the city and become a comedian?"

"I did! But well," Shinyoung gave a small laugh. "It wasn't as easy as I expected. Seems like only boss Noh and Hyoyeon liked my gag. The people in the city were not really amused by my meat jokes. They hate it."

"Aww, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay. I'm running this convenient store now. The job is a little boring, but I get paid and am assigned to the house in the back of the shop. It's enough for a living. If it wasn't for this, I might be starving on the streets right now."

"So you're working for someone?"

"Yeah, of course. Otherwise I'd be dead meat, too. I mean, I barely have ten customers a week. I have no idea why my boss isn't shutting down this shop." Shinyoung then lowered her voice, making Yuri and Jessica have to lean forward to hear what she said. "You know, it's a little creepy. My boss, I mean. I don't know who he or she is. We have always kept contact via emails, and he goes by the alias Yeosal Kim."

"Ten-year-old Kim?!"

Jessica erupted with laughter, and Shinyoung giggled along. Yuri was the only one who raised an eyebrow in suspicion, having a slight idea who that mystery person might be. Kim Yeosal was the nickname she gave Hyoyeon and used to call her with in their earlier days.

"How are the hotel and the vacation houses doing?" Shinyoung asked as Jessica finished laughing, and it couldn't escape Yuri's eyes that there was a shadow of regret crossing her face.

"Shinyoung, why didn't you come back to us?" Jessica replied with a question, her expression turned serious. "We're doing alright, but it would be a great help to have another person around who is familiar with the hotel work and all."

Shinyoung just sheepishly smiled and avoided Jessica's gaze, lapsing into silence. She didn't say anything, but both Yuri and Jessica understood. Shinyoung left Jessica during a time when the blonde was struggling hard to stand on her own feet and would have appreciated every help coming from people around. But Shinyoung disregarded Jessica's situation completely and went away. Now that she was going through a hard time, it just didn't feel right to suddenly come back and ask for Jessica's help. It was the guilt, her conscience, and probably a part of her pride that prevented her from doing so.

"We could still need you there," Yuri suggested, even though she did not know anything about Shinyoung's abilities. But if Hyoyeon was behind this convenient store, she would have reasons to keep the short woman tied to them. Maybe it was personal and Hyoyeon just really liked Shinyoung, but it could also be that Hyoyeon had foreseen they might need Shinyoung sometime in the future and did this for precaution.

Over the years, Yuri had learned to trust in Hyoyeon's instincts and intuitions above all.

"I... I don't know-"

"That's a good idea," Jessica cut Shinyoung's stutter off. "I'm leaving for a few days to visit my mother, so it would be great if someone can fill in. Come back to us, Shinyoungie. You like the hotel job more than this, don't you?"

"Of course I do. But Jessica, I-" The woman looked at the blonde with eyes that were about to cry and gave a heavy sigh. "I shouldn't have left the Noh chain, ever. I'm sorry."

Jessica smiled and bent down to hug Shinyoung, tapping her back consolingly.

"Don't worry yourself over that. Everyone makes mistakes."

"Exactly," Yuri chimed in. Jessica looked up and glared at her, but she pretended she didn't see. "We deserve second chances, Shinyoung. Everyone does."

"T-thanks," Shinyoung looked at Yuri a little confused, probably wondering who Yuri was and why this person treated her like they'd known each other for a long time, but still, she nodded in appreciation.

"I'll give you Sooyoung's number," Jessica told the woman and scribbled something down a piece of paper she took out of her handbag. "I have to go now."

"But we'd like to have something to drink before we go!"

Jessica gave Yuri another glare, but Shinyoung just smiled and went to the back of the store. She returned with a familiar-looking bottle in her hands, and Yuri's jaw dropped at the sight of it.

"Chinese medicinal liquor?!"

"You know this kind?"

"I-err... I think had experience with it before." She glanced at Jessica, hoping to see a reaction, but Jessica was looking at the bottle indifferently, as if she'd never seen it before.

"Oh, I see." Shinyoung handed Yuri the bottle. "It's good for your health. And no, this is on me. It's the least I can do, really."

Yuri gave in and stuffed the money back into her purse. Shinyoung showed them to the door and Jessica gave her a final hug. They said goodbye, and Yuri and Jessica made their way to the car again. Jessica went straight to the passenger side, intending to get in and continue ignoring Yuri for the rest of the car ride. But Yuri caught her arm before she could enter the car, holding her back.


"What?" Jessica yanked her arm away.

"I just decided... I want you to stay at my place."

"... What?"

Yuri once again received a piercing look, but she kept her serious face. Because she was serious about it. She meant every word she said.

"Forget it," was Jessica's answer.

Yuri didn't expect anything else. "You leave me no choice."

The glare Jessica shot her turned into a bewildered look, but the blonde's question was soon answered as Yuri took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

"Yes it's me, Kwon Yuri," she spoke after the other end picked up, her gaze still lying on Jessica. "I want you to contact the director of Yoochi High School by today. It's about a student named Krystal Jung. I want her to be expelled, no reason needed. Did I make myself clear?"

Jessica's eyes widened in shock upon Yuri's words. Just when Yuri ended the call, the blonde's hand landed on her cheek and Yuri's face was thrown to the side harshly. The slap was hard. The hardest slap she had ever received from Jessica.

"You are... disgusting!"

"Will you stay with me?" Yuri ignored everything, including the pain on her cheek and the hateful look on Jessica's face. She held up the phone, her voice trembling as she spoke. "I can't force you, but I have influence on other people. I'm going to call him... And take it back. Just, don't leave me. Please."

"You-" Jessica's jaw clenched. "-fine!"

The blonde turned around, got into the car and slammed the door shut. Yuri stood outside and rubbed her throbbing cheek slowly. She redialed the previous number and pressed it against the other cheek, her eyes lingering on the fuming Jessica.

"I will do anything..." she mumbled, even though she knew Jessica couldn't hear it from inside the car. "Anything, to be with you." 

Chapter 36

The car slowed down to a final halt next to the sidewalk.

"I... have a few things to take care of," Yuri hesitated, looking at Jessica from the side. "I'll pick you up later. Call me, okay?"

Jessica nodded without saying a word and unbuckled her seatbelt. She exited the car, ignored Yuri's "Bye!" and shut the door. While walking into the huge main building of the hospital, she rummaged her handbag for her phone. She needed to text Sooyoung, Taeyeon and Tiffany before anything else.

-I just arrived at the hospital. Going to see mom now. Yuri wants me to stay at her place... I'll call later and tell you guys what happened.-

The text was sent, and Jessica put the phone on silent. She entered the building through the revolving door, approaching the reception right away.

"Hello, may I help you?" the receptionist asked her with a friendly smile.

"Yes... I'm here to see my mom. Jung Sanghee, please."

It took the nurse just a few seconds to find out where umma Jung was. "She's in the recovery station, it's in this building. You can take the elevator over there. Her room is on the fourth floor, number 418."

"Thank you."

Jessica made her way to the elevator with fast footsteps, having to pull herself together to not actually run. She couldn't wait to see her mom and Krystal again. After all, it had been almost a month that they were apart. She called and talked to her little sister very often, of course, but that wasn't the case with her mom.

Entering the elevator, she started to ponder on whether or not she should tell her mother about Yuri. She was sure her mom had better judgment than Sooyoung and wouldn't just forbid her from seeing Yuri. Besides that, good advice was something she could almost always count on when telling her mother her problems. She was in need of a good advice, now that Yuri's engagement was driving their relationship to a possible end. She remembered that her mom did like and trust Yuri. A lot. Just like how she and Krystal both did as well.

Her heart was beating fast in anticipation and she couldn't help but to smile as she exited the elevator and immediately spotted room 418. She walked over quickly and opened the door.


Krystal jumped up from her seat as she saw Jessica and ran into the older's arms. The sisters hugged, and Jessica stroked her sister's back comfortingly.

"What are you doing here?" Jessica asked, a hint of worry in her voice. "Shouldn't you be at school today?"

"My classes start late, unnie. I'm leaving in half an hour. When I don't have school, I'm always here with mom."

Jessica released Krystal's arms and proceeded further into the room. She immediately spotted the woman she was longing to see. It went all against her expectations. Her mom looked so weak, so pale, still so sick.

"Mom..." her voice trembled as she sat down next to the bed, taking the sleeping woman's hand into hers. "Mom..."

"She is recovering, but still weak, unnie" Krystal whispered silently. "Yesterday, when they decided to move her to the recovery station, she still had to struggle real hard just to give me a smile. That's why most of the time, she's asleep. When she's awake, though, she barely speaks anyway." Krystal pulled a chair next to Jessica, heaving a sigh. "If she speaks, she always whispers that she wants to see you, unnie."

Jessica looked at her mom and felt her heart aching. She turned around to her sister and hugged her again. She felt so bad for leaving Krystal alone with their mom like this.

"I shouldn't have left," she tremblingly said. "This is too hard for you, Krystal."

"No, it's okay," Krystal patted her unnie's back this time. She released the hug and smiled at her older sister. "I'm used to this. Mom's woken up, the worst days are over. She's getting better now."

Jessica stroke her sister's cheek fondly, her other hand holding tightly onto Krystal's.

"Unnie, I want you to tell me everything that's happened in the hotel. Sunny unnie told me that Yuri unnie came back. Why didn't you tell me?"

Jessica's face expression changed upon the mention of Yuri. "It's a long story, Krys. So many things happened."

"Well, I still have twenty minutes time."


Jessica ended up summing up the story within fifteen minutes. Krystal was silent throughout, not giving a comment, even when Jessica reached the end with Yuri threatening to have her expelled. Instead, younger girl kept quiet and stared on the floor with a pensive look on her face. When Jessica asked her what she was thinking, she stood up and smiled at her sister.

"I don't know unnie. I gotta go to school. I'll call you later."

She gave Jessica a hug before grabbing her jacket and school bag to head out. In the doorway, however, she stopped and turned around the last time. She looked at her sister, sighing.

"I guess... she really loves you, unnie."

Jessica was then left alone with the sleeping patient in the room, her thoughts wandering back and forth between Yuri and her family. She didn't know how long she was sitting there, lost in thoughts, until the hand she was holding suddenly twitched lightly.

"Mom," Jessica's body jolted up.

Mrs Jung's eyelids slowly opened. She turned her head to the side, and a smile crept up on her face at the sight of her oldest daughter.

"Jessica..." Mrs Jung whispered softly.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, mom," Jessica pulled her mom's hand up to her face, pressing it against her cheek. "I shouldn't have left you and Krystal here. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, dear..." Mrs Jung closed and opened her eyes in a gesture that said Jessica needn't worry. "I want you... to find your dad, Jessica..."


"I want to see him," Mrs Jung whispered and nodded her head lightly. "I need to see him... before it's too late."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Jessica asked weakly. "Please don't talk like that. Nothing will be too late."

But Mrs Jung just smiled. The woman stroked her daughter's cheek lovingly, then dropped her arm and heaved a tired sigh. She was still looking at Jessica, even though drowsiness was starting to take over again.

"I love you," the elder said softly.

"I love you too, mom."

Jessica hugged her mother as she laid her head on the woman's chest, her arms wrapped around the blanket. She kept the embrace tight for a while, disregarding the lone tear that rolled down her cheek.

No, she wouldn't let her mom go. Everything was going to be fine. Her mom would recover and her dad would return. Yuri would choose her over her fiancée and take care of everything else. The other Kwons would go to jail instead, and she was going to live a happy, worriless life with the ones she loved.

She suppressed a sob as tears rolled down her cheeks in silence. Reality was going to wake her up soon enough from this dream, inexorable and ruthless at that.


Jessica exited the hospital building and entered the chilly air outside. She had stayed with her mom for hours; it was time to go. Her fingers ran over the keypad as she texted Yuri to come, her feet carrying her to the sidewalk. She waited until the text was sent, then dropped the phone into her bag.


Jessica's head turned to the voice, and she saw Sunny waving at her cheerily. They greeted, hugged, and Jessica found herself smiling again.

"I'm so glad to see you here," Sunny said out of breath, fanning herself. "Sooyoungie was urging me to find you, she almost drove me crazy. I rushed to the hospital immediately after work ended. Why didn't you pick up her calls?"

Jessica bit her bottom lip in guilt. "I... I was with my mom."

"Sica," Sunny chuckled. "You don't have to hide it from me. I can see it in your face. You're dreading to talk to her about Yuri, right?"

"You know?"

"She told me. That's why she wanted me to look for you quickly. To stop you from going to Yuri's place."

Jessica sighed, shaking her head. "I can't. She was blackmailing me."

"She what?!" Sunny became alert at once, and Jessica was taken aback by how much the look on Sunny's face resembled Sooyoung at that very moment.

"No, it's okay," Jessica quickly said. "I don't think she really meant it. She was just... desperate. Which I can understand, to an extent."

"But Sica, if she's gone that far, how do you know she wouldn't do anything worse?"

"Honestly? I don't know," Jessica admitted. "But I chose to believe that she won't do anything to harm me."

"Are you sure?"

Before Jessica could answer, a familiar-looking car stopped next to them. The window was wound down slowly, and Yuri's face appeared from the inside.

"Hi Sunny."


Sensing Sunny and Yuri's awkwardness, Jessica opened her bag and took out Sooyoung's letter.

"Yes, I'm sure," she told Sunny with a reassuring smile. "And this is from Sooyoung. For you."

Sunny took the letter, a smile of gratitude on her face. Jessica gave the short girl a hug, whispered into her ear "Don't worry about me," and got into the car.

After watching the car roll off, Sunny remained standing on the sidewalk for a while, thinking whether or not to call Sooyoung and tell her that Jessica was staying with Yuri. In the end, she decided against it and put Sooyoung's letter into her bag, approaching the hospital building. Since she's already here, it didn't hurt to give umma Jung a visit.


Yuri opened the apartment door and stepped aside, beckoning Jessica to enter first as a gesture of chivalry. The blonde didn't seem to be impressed, however, and just followed the gesture with an indifferent look.

A breeze of nostalgia grazed Jessica's heart at the sight of the familiar foyer. Everything from the shoe rack to the mirror was still the same. She glanced into the apartment and realized the familiarity applied to just about everything else. How many times had she been to this apartment already? She had lost count. It was like her second home.

"Are you hungry?" Yuri asked as she helped Jessica taking off her coat.

"A little."

"I've made dinner." Yuri picked up Jessica's luggage bag and they went inside. "Why don't you go wash up a little? I'll set the table in the mean time."

Jessica nodded and slowly made her way towards the bathroom. She couldn't help thinking: so this is it? Yuri was going to marry someone else, she was never going to forgive her for that, and here they were, together for a dinner that Yuri prepared, acting like nothing was wrong with their relationship. She could feel how Yuri was trying to hold onto everything that still existed between them, but it wasn't going to work this way.

She took her time to wash her hands, then splashed cold water on her face, sorting out the chaos in her head. When she came into the kitchen, Yuri was already waiting for her, the table set with inviting food and red wine. Jessica took the place on the opposite of Yuri, and they started eating in silence.

"Do you like the food?" Yuri asked after a while, refilling Jessica's wine glass.

"I do."

Yuri smiled. The compliment seemed to have given her a little more courage to believe she would be able to get them out of this ridiculous awkwardness, and so she wiped her mouth with the tissue next to her, placing the cutlery on the table. Jessica's chewing got slower and slower as Yuri clasped her hand above the plate, watching the blonde eat.

"How's your mom?" Yuri asked.

"She's better... but so much weaker than I expected." Jessica chewed and swallowed, contemplating whether or not to tell Yuri more. "She... wants me to stay in the city." She went with half the truth.

"Then stay."

"I will. But I'll move to Sooyoung's parent's house tomorrow, you don't have to-"

"Sica." Yuri's voice was soft with an undertone of plead. "Don't do that to me."

"Do what, Yuri?" Jessica retorted sharply, putting her cutlery down. They both looked at each other, neither of them feeling like eating anymore. "Do you think I enjoy being here?"

Even though the tanned girl didn't show it, Jessica knew Yuri was hurt by those words. She kept her blank and emotionless face as Yuri heaved a sad sigh.

"I'm sorry," Yuri quietly said. "For threatening you with Krystal earlier. But I had no other choice."

"That doesn't justify it," Jessica shook her head. "I'll never forgive you if you ever do something like that for real."

"I... I just don't want you to leave me."

"It's not about me leaving, Yuri. It's about you. You want to have me, but you don't want to leave your grandfather."

Yuri's eyebrow furrowed and she avoided Jessica's eyes by looking away.

"It's not like that, Sica-"

"Then what is it? I don't even know why you're hesitating, Yuri! If you really loved me, you would have already chosen me the moment your grandfather appeared in the hotel. If you really meant what you told me the night before, you wouldn't have trouble choosing at all. But here I am, insecure again because I don't know what's going on in your mind, because you obeyed every word your grandfather says instead of listening to me, because you're going to have a fiancée and she is not me, and because you promised to straighten things out but you aren't. Are you just lying to me again, Yuri? Is that it?"

"No it's not!" Yuri exclaimed as her eyes automatically returned to stare into Jessica's. "I didn't lie. I mean every word I say, Sica. But I can't. I can't do anything against my grandfather right now. It's complicated... you don't understand."

"I really don't. But I don't accept this as a reason for you to hold onto your grandfather's side. All I know is you can't have both, Yuri. I love you, but you have to decide. Is it me, or is it your career, your business, and your grandfather?"

"Jessica..." Yuri's voice went weak as she looked pleadingly at the blonde. "You know you are much more important to me than any of those things. But I can't leave them and my grandfather yet. It's not about the money, it's about our own safety. If I left now, grandfather would destroy us both. Just with a snap of his fingers, the Noh Chain will collapse like a house of cards. I can't take seeing all you have shatter again, with me being the reason why it had to happen in the first place. I can't risk it, Sica."

"Then you're just going to do everything he tells you? Do you want to live like that forever? If he destroys us, Yuri, then at least, we'd be still together. Otherwise, you can stand alone at his side. Don't count on my support and trust in you anymore."

Jessica pushed back her chair and stood up.

"Sica, please-"

She turned her back and left the kitchen without another word.


The entire evening, Jessica didn't talk to Yuri again. Yuri tried to approach her, but she made it clear that she wasn't willing to listen to whatever Yuri wanted to say. In the end, Yuri had to give up and just silently grabbed her things and went to the couch in the living room, leaving Jessica alone to use the bedroom for the night.

Jessica didn't want to see Yuri, but eventually had to leave the room to use the bathroom before sleeping. She went pass the living room, only giving herself a second to look at Yuri. The girl had document papers scattered all over the coffee table, the usual image of the old workaholic Yuri. When Jessica was done and exited the bathroom, she saw Yuri sitting on the same spot on the couch, except the girl was now not focusing on work but seemed like to have waited for her.

"Sica, if I can show you the immense power of my grandfather, will you believe that I have no other option?"

Jessica just wanted to quickly walk by, but that made her stop and look at Yuri.

"What do you mean?"

"Be my assistant. Go with me to work. I'll show you everything about the Kwon Enterprise. You'll see then what I mean."

Jessica's eyes widened. "Are you out of your mind?"

"No, I'm not. If this is the only way I can make you believe me..."

Jessica took a deep breath before answering with every word stressed. "I will not go to the Kwon Enterprise and see your grandfather and Jiyong everyday, Yuri." She thought that should have made it clear.

"Then take it as a job I'm offering you," Yuri stood up, just as much determination in her eyes. "I'll pay you daily. How's that?"

"Do you really think money can change my mind?" Jessica snapped angrily. If Yuri was thinking like that, there was nothing left for her to say.

"No. I just want to show you that you won't have any disadvantages by accepting my offer. Please, consider it, Sica. I am serious."

Jessica shook her head. She broke the gaze with Yuri and went to the bedroom, closing the door. That proposal was ridiculous. She had thought about what Yuri said, that her grandfather was powerful and dangerous and everything, and because she was calmer after the talk in the kitchen, she had to admit Yuri did have a point. But the stubbornness in her refused to sacrifice again, it refused to put her in a state of insecurity again, to make her dependent on Yuri again. And now, the same stubbornness declined Yuri's proposal, because working for the family that destroyed her family just plainly went against her common sense. She might have forgiven Yuri because she loved her so much, but not her grandfather, and never Jiyong.

Just then, her phone went off and the caller ID read Sooyoung.

"Hey," she picked up immediately.

"Jessica Jung. You promised to call but you didn't, and then you didn't even pick up my calls. What's the big idea?"

"I'm sorry," Jessica said, sighing. "There's a lot going on, I just forgot."

"How is your mom? I talked to Sunny just now, she said umma is getting better."

"She is, but she's still weak."

And Jessica told Sooyoung about her mother's wish to see her father. She said that she was going to stay in the city for a while, and that she was going to move to Sooyoung's parents' place to live with Krystal, if that was okay. Sooyoung, of course, agreed. Jessica briefed her friend on her conversations with Yuri. She expected the short-tempered girl to go ballistic, but was surprised by a long silence entering as she ended her report.

"What is it?" Jessica asked carefully.

"Actually... I wanted to talk to you about it."

Sooyoung's voice had a strange tone that made Jessica bit her lip in worry. She could sense that something weird was going on.

"I actually think you should accept Yuri's offer."

"What?" Jessica jolted up on her bed. "Are you serious?"

"Yes," Sooyoung sighed. "Look, I've talked to Hyoyeon about the matter between Yuri and us, and she's pointed out several things I didn't notice before. Now I believe Yuri actually has something to do with the disappearance of your dad."

"What do you mean? That she's kidnapped him? That's ridiculous, Sooyoung!"

"I don't know... If Yuri wasn't involved, there's still a possibility of Jiyong or their grandfather."

"What makes you suddenly think they have something to do with my dad's runaway?"

"Your dad wouldn't be able to escape without the help of someone else. You yourself said that it's so out of character for him to do that, didn't you?"

"It's true, but why would he be willing to run away, even if someone helped him? He should have known the court can sentence him without his presence, and that only to his disadvantage. It still doesn't make sense to me."

"The point is, he doesn't have the ability to escape by himself. Whether he did it voluntarily or forced, we don't know. And really, I can't think of a better place to start investigating than the Kwons' place. Everything about them is fishy. They are our number one lead."

Jessica kept quiet as she bit her lip, thinking about Sooyoung's words.

"So... I should accept Yuri's proposal?"

"Yeah... if you can cope with it."

Jessica sighed. "I'll try."

"That's good. Remember to gain as much information as you can. Don't make Jiyong and the grandfather suspect you. The best way is to pretend that Yuri forced you to take the job, so that she'll have to deal with them while you can be the undercover spy."

A tired smile crept on Jessica's face. "You're having too much fun playing secret agent, Soo."

"Pfft," Sooyoung made, a chuckle following afterwards. "I'm serious though. Be careful."

"I will... Don't worry."

"Oh and Sica."


"Keep a clear head. Don't let Yuri's sweet words make you weak again."


It was almost midnight when Jessica exited the bedroom. She opened the door as quietly as possible, not wanting to make any noise that would catch Yuri's attention. Her worries, however, faded away quickly as she spotted the tanned girl lying on the couch, already drowned in her deepest dreams. She wanted to tell Yuri she accepted her offer, but seemed like she had to do that next morning.

Nonetheless, Jessica went up to the couch and adjusted the blanket to cover Yuri's body properly. She kneeled down next to the sleeping girl and shook her head at the familiar sight of Yuri's silly sleeping habit. Her hand gently pushed Yuri's chin up, making the girl's tongue go back inside her mouth again. Jessica's lips curved up slightly, her hand moving up to Yuri's cheek as she held it carefully.

I love you, she thought in her head, and her lips slowly aimed for Yuri's. You make me upset most of the time, but I can't seem to stop myself from feeling this way about you...

But when her lips were only an inch apart from Yuri's, Sooyoung's words suddenly popped up in her mind again. She stopped herself in time and sighed against Yuri's lips instead of kissing them. She forced her head to retreat and eventually stood up, grazing Yuri's cheek one last time.

If Yuri really meant everything she said, if Yuri really deserved this second chance Jessica was giving her, then one day, they'd be able to kiss again, to make love, to treasure each other without anybody else coming in their way. Until that day, Jessica knew she needed to wait.

"Good night," she whispered and made her way to the bedroom.

In all honesty, she didn't believe Yuri knew where her father was.

Chapter 37

Jessica woke up the next morning with the smell of food filling her nostrils. She crawled out of bed and exited the bedroom with half-opened eyes. Her nose led her to the kitchen, where she was greeted with Yuri's warm smile before anything else.

"Good morning," the tanned girl said, wiping her hands on the apron. "I made breakfast. Didn't expect it to be so good that it could pull you out of bed, though."

Jessica stretched her neck and her eyes lit up at the sight of delicious waffles waiting for her on the table. Yuri chuckled, amused by Jessica's hungry look.

"I figured I should make you something nice before you go..." the tanned girl went to the table and pulled out a chair, indicating that the blonde should take that place. "Consider this my apology for forcing you to stay here. I won't do that again." Yuri's voice went softer as she continued, her expression adopted a shadow of guilt. "If you don't want to be with me... I guess there's nothing I can do. I hope I'm still allowed to come to Sooyoung's parent's restaurant to visit you, though."


"I just want you to know that you're important to me," Yuri said quickly, as if she was afraid this was her last chance to do so. "I know you have your doubts, but I swear, I can never love anyone-"

"I'll stay."

"-or anything more than-wait, what?"

"I'm staying," Jessica repeated, smiling at the baffled look on Yuri's face. "I'll take your offer, Yuri. Show me that you aren't leaving your grandfather not because you don't love me enough. Prove that your heart is with me, and only me."

It took Yuri a moment to process what she just heard. She broke into a smile, thankful for the chance she received.

"I will. I promise, I will."

Yuri spread her arms to hug Jessica but the blonde dodged the embrace.

"You have yet to prove your words," Jessica held up a finger, tilting her head. "Until then, the rule is no hugs. No touching. Nothing. Got that?"

Yuri stopped, sensing the determination in Jessica's voice. The girl was not going to give in easily this time round, that's certain. Yuri watched as Jessica took place at the table and began cutting the waffle. The blonde popped a piece into her mouth, chewed, swallowed, and gave a satisfied sigh.

Suddenly, Yuri had the funny thought that maybe all she needed to get the stubborn girl back was good food.


After breakfast, they drove to the Kwon Enterprise with in Yuri's car. It didn't occur to Jessica until then how nervous this "mission" was making her feel. Even though she knew Yuri wouldn't let anything happen to her, she couldn't help but to feel more anxious the closer they got to their destination. She realized the problem wasn't Yuri or Jiyong. It solely lied with their grandfather. The thought of having to face Old Kwon daily sent shivers down her spine. She didn't know for how long she would be able to lie to him or if she could find out anything useful at all when he's being on guard. And then, there's this fear of getting humiliated while being in direct reach of the enemy, too. Yuri wouldn't be able to stand by her side all the time, and she wasn't sure how she would take it if Old Kwon attacked her with his sharp words when she was defenseless and alone.

Yet, she was determined about doing this. If the Kwons really had anything to do with her dad's disappearance, the main person behind it would be none other than the eldest. The only way to find out was getting as close as possible to potential sources of information. The risk would be worth it. Take the bull by its horns, they say.

Jessica turned to the side and glanced at Yuri, who was unusually quiet. The tanned girl was keeping her eyes on the road, but her thoughts seemed to have wandered to somewhere else. Jessica just hoped Yuri wasn't regretting making the proposal.

"What are you thinking of?" the blonde asked. "You seem uneasy."

"No, I'm fine," Yuri smiled but kept her gaze straight. "It's probably just that I still can't believe you agreed to stay with me."

Jessica knew that was not it. "Are you worried about how to explain everything to your grandfather?"

"No, of course not," Yuri denied. "You don't have to worry. I have everything under control."

Jessica didn't ask anymore, even though she still had her doubts. She was going to let Yuri handle Old Kwon, just as Sooyoung had told her. How the tanned girl was going to do it was none of her business. She didn't need to care too much about this matter.

The rest of the car ride was silent as neither of them bothered to say anything. Eventually, they arrived in front of the Kwon Enterprise's headquarters. Yuri got out of the car first and gave the keys to a valet. Jessica unbuckled her belt as the tanned girl walked around the car to her side.

"You ready?" Yuri asked as she opened the car door for Jessica.

The blonde sighed and stepped out. No, she did not feel ready.

"You don't look too well," Yuri commented in worry as she shut the car door.

"I'm fine," Jessica mumbled. "Let's go."

Yuri led the way and opened the doors for Jessica. When they were inside, the two receptionists stood up and bowed, greeting Yuri in unison. Yuri smiled and greeted back, glancing at Jessica. The blonde didn't say anything. They headed to the elevators and met a few other employees on the way, everyone greeting Yuri properly. Jessica understood too well the position Yuri was taking in the hierarchy of the Kwon business. She used to be treated like this, too.

The thing that surprised her, however, was that no one seemed to know who she was. She had feared to cause a scene when she came in with Yuri, all the gasping and whispering that would occur, all the fingers that would point at her, the ex-girlfriend of their young boss, the daughter of their company's fallen rival. But people's gazes swept over her like a hurried breeze, neither recognition nor any judgment in their eyes. A few gave her a nod, others smiled at her, but most of them just greeted Yuri, ignored her and walked past the two of them quickly.

They entered the elevator at last, the doors closing slowly without anyone else coming in. Jessica unconsciously heaved a sigh of relief, already feeling tired of being surrounded by so many strangers. Yuri put a hand on her back, eyeing her worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she said again, moving away from Yuri's touch.

"I'll take you to my office. You'll be working in there with me." Yuri chuckled upon the relieved look on Jessica's face.


"Nothing," Yuri smiled. "I have to leave you alone for a while, though. I'll go talk to my grandfather."

Jessica looked at Yuri, taking in the warm smile the taller girl was giving her.

"Don't worry," Yuri grabbed her hand and whispered. "I won't let anything happen to you here."

Jessica pried Yuri's fingers off of her hand and crossed her arms. "Who says I was worrying?"

Yuri just chuckled. The elevator arrived at the desired floor and they entered the broad corridor, heading to Yuri's office.

"You never saw my office before, right?"

"I know your office in Iustit."

"Well, this one is a lot bigger and-"


The moment the tanned girl opened the door, a loud voice boomed into their ears, startling them both. Jessica almost shrieked as she hid behind Yuri, the taller girl freezing in the doorway with a shocked face.

The unexpected guest was a tall girl with long, silky, brownish hair, obviously younger than them with all that baby fat on her face, yet still radiating a mature beauty. The girl looked elegant even when she was laughing at the look on Yuri's face, a hand covering her mouth in an extremely lady-like way.


The shock turned into a look of pleasant surprise as Yuri recognized her acquaintance. Jessica, on the other hand, had a slight frown creeping across her face as she witnessed the strange girl running into Yuri's arms. Yuri affectionately returned the hug, and the blonde uncomfortably looked away. Her gaze then met with another person standing in the doorway, looking bewildered at her.

"What is she doing here?" Jiyong asked, causing the two tall girls to release their hug and turn around. "Yuri, what are you doing?"

"None of your business, Jiyong," Yuri replied but didn't sound as cold as she usually was towards Jiyong. Jessica had a notion it was because of the new girl's presence.

The man eyed Jessica suspiciously at first but then let it go and grinned at the young girl instead. "Hyun, did you successfully scare the heck out of Yuri?"

"I did," the girl chuckled, poking Yuri. "Your face was too funny, unnie."

Yuri laughed and shook her head. "Since when did you become so naughty? The Seohyun I remember was always so timid and polite."

"I still am polite, unnie!"

Jiyong clapped his hands, the same grin plastered on his face. "Great to see you two getting along so well. That means it won't be too much of a shock once the elders reveal the news."

"What news, oppa?"

"You'll see. Yuri, you should bring Seohyun to grandfather's office now. Her parents are there too, they're waiting for us."

"What is this all about?"

Jiyong glanced at Jessica, contemplating what to do for a moment. "I wasn't going to spoil it, but looking at the situation now..."

The voice made Jessica feel uneasy. She could feel Yuri was starting to tense up, too.

"They're gonna announce the engagement between you two," Jiyong tilted his head towards Yuri and Seohyun.

The younger girl's jaw dropped to the ground, and Yuri was frozen on the spot. Jessica tried to read Yuri's expression but failed. She bit her lower lip, trying not to show Jiyong how she was feeling. The tanned girl eventually returned her gaze, but with eyes that were uninterpretable.

"Let's go," Jiyong urged Yuri and the still shocked Seohyun.

"Oppa, are you serious?"

"You know I don't kid around when it comes to this kind of thing," Jiyong replied and gently pushed the young girl out of the door.

Yuri turned to Jessica, quickly grabbing the blonde's hands. "I have to go now. I will be back."

Jessica didn't know what to say.

"Sica, remember-" Yuri said softly before releasing Jessica's hands. "I love you."

Yuri rushed out. Jessica was left behind, not sure how she should feel. One thing was for sure, the existing bond between Yuri and this Seohyun girl was not a good thing. She could tell that the affection Yuri had for Seohyun was extraordinary, seeing that the workaholic Yuri used to have no friends besides Sooyoung. On top of that, Seohyun was not only close to Yuri but also to Jiyong.

Jessica frowned upon the realization.

Who on earth was this Seohyun?


Yuri sighed in relief as she opened the door to her apartment and saw lights inside. She kicked her shoes into the corner and hurriedly went inside.

"Sica! Sica, are you here?"

The blonde girl on the couch put the book she was reading aside, turning around to look at Yuri.

"Gosh, why did you leave without telling me?" Yuri approached Jessica. "Do you know how I worried I was? You didn't even pick up your phone."

Jessica didn't answer but rose from the couch, heading towards the bedroom.

"Sica..." Yuri followed the blonde girl, holding her back by her arm. "Don't do this. I was really worried. I thought you'd left me for real."

"Did you reject the engagement?"

"What? I-" Yuri sighed. "Not yet. I will, though. I'll figure out a way."

"How many times have you said this, Yuri?" Jessica pulled Yuri's hand away. "How long have I waited? You haven't figured out anything. Everything's still as messed up as it was three weeks ago, if not even messier. And you're doing nothing, Yuri. I'm tired of waiting. I've waited in your office for three hours today. I couldn't stand it anymore. I only went back to your apartment because I don't want to be a promise breaker like you."

Jessica wanted to walk away, but Yuri wrapped her arms around the blonde and engulfed her in a tight backhug.

"I'm sorry..." Yuri whispered pleadingly into Jessica's ear. "Please, give me more time. Don't give up on me yet. I swear I'm trying my best. It just can't be done overnight, Sica. Seohyun is just a good sister to me, nothing more. Trust me. If I'm going to get married, it won't be with anyone else but you."

Yuri rested her chin on Jessica's shoulder as the blonde girl heaved a heavy breath.

"Your words are not enough anymore, Yuri."

Jessica freed herself from Yuri's embrace and went into the bedroom.


The gloomy atmosphere was still present the next morning.

They got up, had breakfast, exited the apartment together, but without the exchange of a single word. Yuri didn't understand why Jessica was so fed up yet still decided to stay and even went to work with her. Not that she was complaining. Jessica probably was still giving her this last chance, and Yuri wasn't intending to try the girl's patience. But she knew she cannot hurry. Everything had to pursue the plan; otherwise she would never be able to truly make it up to Jessica.

"Sica..." Yuri hesitatingly said as they drove out of the parking garage. "We... erm-have to pick Seohyun up."

As expected, Jessica turned around to look at her with fierce eyes. How dare you, that look said.

"I couldn't refuse, her parents and my grandfather were-"

"Stop the car."

"Sica, I-"

"I said stop the car!"

Yuri unwillingly blinked and halted the car on the right-hand side of the road. Jessica unbuckled her belt and opened the car door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm taking the bus. I don't want to pick up your fiancée."


Yuri was cut off as Jessica slammed the car door shut. She watched in defeat as the blonde stomped away, knowing that Jessica was cursing her silently right now. Yuri sighed. Maybe she should change her perfect plan to something that would deliver faster results. Jessica's temper was making her heart weak. 

Chapter 38

In the next few days, Jessica continued to reject Yuri. She was determined about taking the bus even though it meant that she had to get up earlier than usual. Her inherent stubbornness provided enough will power to help her survive the lack of sleep.

The bus ride could have been a perfect chance to nap if the vehicles were not so packed with people every day. Jessica was lucky to get a seat once but all the other times, she had to cling to a pole or was pushed and pressed against a window.

Today, luck was on Jessica's side once again as she found an empty seat at the end of the bus. She settled down and took out her phone, dialing Sooyoung's number. The other girl picked up after the fifth ring.

"Hey." Sooyoung's voice was thick with sleep.

"Good morning," Jessica greeted. "Are you still in bed?"

"Nah. I'm taking my shift at the reception. Didn't know I fell asleep. Thanks for waking me up."

"You seem to be tired, Soo. Don't overwork yourself."

"Don't worry, it's not that bad. Shinyoung is a really great help, you know. You can totally tell that she has experience with hotel work before. She handles everything perfectly."

"That's good to hear. I'm less worried."

"What about you? How are things going over there?"

"Yesterday, I had a meet-up with Ms Han, my dad's former secretary. I went to meet her after work. She told me a few things about the day my dad disappeared but it wasn't really helpful."

"Does Yuri know you met Ms Han?"

"No. I went secretly. She did ask me where I went after work but I refused to tell her. She gave up eventually."

"At least she isn't spying on you. Did you find out anything in the Kwon Enterprise?"

"Not really. You know what's weird? I've never seen Old Kwon since the day I work there, not even once. It almost feels like he is avoiding me."

"Really? Do you think he's afraid you'll find out something?"

"I don't think that makes sense. It's his territory. Why should he be scared of me?"

Sooyoung thought about it for a moment. "That's a good point."

"I haven't had the chance to do anything, mainly because Yuri is watching me almost 24/7. I don't think she's suspicious of anything, more like she can't bear to leave me alone for too long."

Jessica heard Sooyoung sigh on the other end of the line.

"Don't worry," the blonde quickly added. "Now that I take the bus like this, I do have more freedom. Otherwise I couldn't have met Ms Han yesterday, right? My chance in the Kwon Enterprise will come soon, Soo. Yuri tries to help me, too-she showed me all documents and papers she's got. They delivered quite a few insider-knowledge about their business."

"Like what?"

"Well... nothing illegal. Apart from giving me awareness of Old Kwon's power and influence, it hasn't been helpful so far. Who knows if we can use that information in the future, though. The only thing Yuri hasn't shown me is her PC. I didn't have the chance to access it yet. She prints everything out."

"You have to hack her computer, then."


Sooyoung sighed again. "Okay. I know it's easier said than done."

"I know you're worried about time pressure... There are only three weeks left before the court moves on with the trial."

"Exactly. That's why you have to hurry up with your investigation in the Kwon Enterprise." A hesitating pause entered before Sooyoung continued "I have considered returning to the city to give you a hand. What do you think?"

"Don't," Jessica replied at once. "You can't leave Taeng and Fany to handle the hotel business alone. It'd be too much for them. I can deal with my own issues, Soo."

Another sigh could be heard coming from Sooyoung. "I knew you're going to say that."

"I mean it."

"Alright. I have guests now. Let's discuss this later."

Jessica quickly bid goodbye before Sooyoung hung up. She stuffed her phone into her bag and looked out the window, pensive. Sooyoung was right. She needed to hurry up. They were playing against time, and if they didn't change tactics fast, their chance to win was close to zero.


The chance Jessica was looking for unexpectedly came a few hours after her phone call with Sooyoung. Yuri had forgotten about an important meeting until someone knocked on the door, apparently personally sent in by Old Kwon, asking why she wasn't coming. Yuri had gasped and jumped off her seat, rushing out to follow the messenger immediately.

"I'll be back in two hours or so," the tanned girl had managed to say to Jessica before disappearing.

Jessica sat there, petrified for a moment. But then her head snapped to the direction of Yuri's desk, where the girl's computer was still on. Being in such a hurry, Yuri hadn't turned off her desktop.

Jessica turned her gaze to the door, hoping that no one was going to come in anytime soon. She stood up and walked towards it, pressing an ear against the wood. The other side was absolutely quiet. Jessica didn't remember seeing anyone walking into Yuri's office on normal days anyway. There rarely was even anyone knocking on the door. This was her chance.

She hurried behind Yuri's desk, sitting down on Yuri's leather chair. Her right hand touched the mouse and in the blink of an eye, the screensaver disappeared. She half-expected to see a picture of the two of them in the background but was disappointed as it turned out to be one of the default wallpapers.

"You boring person," she mumbled as she began to click through Yuri's folders.

Everything was so organized that Jessica only needed a few minutes to go through all the data. She opened a couple of files in the beginning but soon gave up as she realized all the statistics and documents had similar content and did not give any information about her dad's whereabouts at all. She closed the folders and looked for Yuri's mailbox instead.

No trouble occurred when Jessica tried to access the program because Yuri had saved the password. The tanned girl probably didn't think that anyone besides her would ever get into her computer. But Yuri's email inbox didn't deliver anything useful, either. Jessica found a folder labeled as "Grandpa", but all the emails in there were only business-related.

The blonde was about to close the window when suddenly, her eyes met again with the very first email in Yuri's main inbox. It was the most recent email, sent from a certain Seo Juhyun. Instinct told Jessica that this had something to do with the girl she met the other day. Yuri's fiancée. The cursor immediately went on the subject - RE: I missed you! - and Jessica opened the email with a simple click.

Dear Yuri unnie,

The engagement caught me off-guard, too. I'm not sure what I should think about this but because my parents owe your family and it was grandfather Kwon who suggested this engagement, I am not supposed to decline.

I have always seen you as my close sister, unnie. I feel awkward about this, too. But I have no idea what we can do as of this moment. It seems to me that for now, we just have to do what the elders say first.

I really wish we could have more time talking and catching up, without having to worry about engagement stuff. Ever since you left your family, I really was afraid that I had lost you. I was so relieved when Jiyong oppa told me that you had come back the other day. You should visit me sometime, so that we can watch Keroro and make ma-juice together like how we used to when we were kids. I missed you too, unnie!


Your little sister

Jessica finished the email and blinked a few times as she tried to put all the pieces of information together. So Seo Juhyun was Yuri's childhood friend, and the girl's parents had known the Kwons for a long time. They were in Old Kwon's debt and were now trying to pay it back by giving him their daughter. Jessica clenched her teeth. It was clear that Old Kwon arranged this engagement to get her out of Yuri's life. And she hated how no one dared to object or do anything about it. Was the old man really God?

Pushing the frustration aside, Jessica searched for Yuri's sent emails. She spotted the two most recent ones, which were both sent to Seohyun's address. Her heart beat fast as she quickly clicked on the first email.

Hey Hyunnie!

I can't seem to reach you on your phone, that's why I'm writing you this. I'll just get straight to the point, I guess.

You know, I was imagining our reunion to be different. But I'm still glad to see you again. I feel the need to talk to you about the engagement since we didn't really have the chance to have a private conversation ever since the news was announced.

You are my little sister, Hyunnie. You have always been. I just want you to know that.

-Yuri unnie

The last sentence caused Jessica to heave a sigh of relief. She shouldn't have doubted Yuri's feelings for her. Technically, she didn't. She was just jealous because Yuri was so affectionate towards Seohyun. It should be something only reserved for her, or so she felt. But after reading Yuri's email to Seohyun, the jealousy inside her faded away. She clicked on the latest email with a much less heavy heart.


There's something I think I should tell you right now before you misunderstand anything. My grandfather's set up this engagement for some deeper reasons than just "strengthening the bond" between our families.

I am already in love, Hyun. The girl you met last time in my office, her name is Jessica. There are complicated reasons why my grandfather doesn't like her, but she is the one my heart belongs to. I don't want you to be pulled into this because I care about you... as my little sister. I don't want you to be hurt.

We have to find a way get around the engagement. I already have a plan. All you need to do is help me postponing the engagement date for as long as possible. Let's meet up soon and I'll tell you the details while we make ma-juice together (;

-Yuri unnie

Jessica smiled. She went over the email several times, rereading the middle paragraph.

When she thought nothing could bring a more blissful smile on her lips, she accidentally opened a hidden sidebar as the cursor moved to the right border of the screen. A photo slide show popped up, showing thumbnails of pictures of Yuri and her-the ones she had hoped to see earlier. Her finger on the mouse trembled as she clicked through the photos, an influx of memories making its way into her heart. With every sweet moment of their past that those pictures captured, she was reminded all over again why she was so in love with Yuri. By the time she reached the last picture, she just wanted to see Yuri and hug the tanned girl tight, kissing her passionately and hearing her say how much she loved her.

But her senses called her back to reality in time. She looked at the clock and pushed her overwhelming feelings for Yuri aside. She suddenly had a flash of genius. A very daring and risky flash, that was.

The meeting was still going on. She still had time. And Jiyong's office was now empty.


Yuri made her way back to her office, sighing audibly. Jiyong had followed her out after the meeting ended, confronting her about the issue with Jessica again. He was not pleased with their grandfather's decision to allow Jessica to stay. Yuri knew that in fact he was not pleased with the privileges she received in general.

But Jiyong had no idea that those 'privileges' were Old Kwon's punishments for Yuri in the severest form. The engagement affected Yuri more than any other punishment would, and the old man knew that only this way would he be able to solve the Jung problem once and for all. Yuri was aware that this time, her grandfather had his reasons for accepting Jessica, too.

Yuri had thought long about what to say to her grandfather before she made the proposal to Jessica. She knew it was no use to deny her feelings for this particular Jung in front of Old Kwon anymore. Seeing that she was already in the role, Yuri thought she might as well take use of this crazily-in-love look. Rebelling against the engagement was not the way to go, but getting to a compromise was a lot less impossible.

"I want to complete a promise I've made," she had told her grandfather. "After that, I'll never see her again and I'll marry Seohyun as you wish. I just need another three weeks with Jessica, grandfather. I promise, no one will know about the thing between us."

Old Kwon was quiet for a long while, and Yuri even started to worry that he had seen the connection between her requested three weeks and the three weeks until Mr Jung's sentence would fall. But eventually, the old man nodded his head, and she inaudibly sighed in relief.

"You have to be the perfect fiancée," Old Kwon had ordered her. "If Mr. and Mrs. Seo get upset over anything you do wrong to their daughter, Jessica Jung's life will be personally destroyed by me. Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes, grandfather."

Yuri still felt chills running down her spine everytime that moment was played in her mind. She had a notion that her grandfather agreed to this just to prevent her from doing anything stupid that could ruin their family's reputation. But this was also the limit as to how far he would go. Had Yuri pushed it more and made bolder requests, he would definitely reject it all and took more radical measures to force her to bend to his will.

Jiyong, of course, understood none of that. For now, he was not a threat to Yuri because Old Kwon had got her back, but she knew her cousin was keeping a close eye on her. She needed to be careful with every move she made, and it's surely getting tiring.

Yuri finally reached her office and opened the door. The thought of being with Jessica alone cheered her up a little, even though the blonde was still giving her the cold shoulder.

"I'm back," Yuri said into the quiet room as she closed the door.

Turning her head to look at Jessica's desk, an amused smile crept on her face as she spotted the blonde's head lying on the table. She went over to check and, as expected, found Jessica sleeping soundly with her cheek pressed against the flat table.

I must have bored her, Yuri thought and stroked Jessica's hair lightly. Being in such a rush earlier, she didn't have time to give Jessica anything to do.

Yuri didn't hesitate as she pulled one of Jessica's arms around her neck and picked the girl up from the chair. Jessica, being the sleeping princess that she was, needed far more disturbing things than that to wake her up. Yuri laid the girl down onto the soft couch, carefully putting her arms and legs in a position that would not cause her to fall off. She then knelt down next to the blonde, staring at the sleeping girl's face in silence, mesmerized. Her right hand gently stroked the girl's cheek as she sensed the urge to kiss Jessica. But Yuri shook that thought out of her head. A kiss was one of the things that would wake Jessica up. She had enough experience with it. And making Jessica mad was something she was trying hard to avoid these days.

Yuri sighed and stood up, returning to her desk. A load of work was still waiting for her.

She started working with the intention to finish as fast as possible but realized that her eyes constantly drift away from the documents and landed on Jessica's peaceful sleeping face instead. When the girl slept was the only time Yuri could stare for as long as she wants, as hard as she wants, whisper things like "I love you" and not getting pushed away.

"Just hold on a little longer," Yuri mumbled softly. "I know you miss me, too."


The next morning, Jessica was on her way to the bus as usual and had Sooyoung on her phone.

"Yesterday was crazy," she spoke and shook her head. "After checking Yuri's computer, I went to the cleaning department and stole a uniform. Jiyong's assistant didn't even look at my face when I went to his office pretending to be a cleaner. She just nodded and gestured me to go in."

"Gosh, Sica," Sooyoung's voice sounded disapproving. "That was such a dangerous thing to do. If you got caught... I don't want to imagine what would happen."

"Well, I didn't," Jessica replied with a chuckle. "I was very careful. And thanks to that, now we know Jiyong doesn't know anything about my dad's whereabouts, either. All the articles he collects about my dad's disappearance and the emails to his minions-everything proves that he's just trying as hard as I am to find my dad."

"There's still Old Kwon," Sooyoung reminded Jessica. "He's the head of them. He could have kidnapped appa Jung or something, without telling his grandchildren about it."

"I don't know if he did," Jessica concluded. "But Yuri is innocent. Maybe I should ask her what she knows about it."

There was silence on the other end of the line. Then came an uncomfortable grumble, and Sooyoung sighed into the phone.

"No comment."

Jessica chuckled. "I'm getting on the bus now. Let's talk again later."

"Okay. Take care."


Jessica quickly stuffed her phone into her handbag and squeezed her way into the huge van. The bus was extra full today. Knowing that she didn't have a chance for a seat, Jessica reached for the strap above her head. But people were shoving and pushing so much that the strap slipped away from Jessica's fingers, causing her to fall right into the arms of another tall person in front of her.

"Oh God, I'm sorry I-"

She recognized the smell of the perfume immediately.

"Yuri?" She looked up and saw Yuri grinning at her. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

The tanned girl grabbed the overhead strap easily and put her free hand on Jessica's waist. Oddly enough, all the pushing didn't seem to affect Yuri at all.

"What are you doing?" Jessica repeated, this time referring to the hand around her waist.

"Accompanying my girlfriend to work, of course."

"I'm not your-"

"Shh shh shh." Yuri pulled Jessica close to her with a jolt. Their bodies were pressed together, their faces only centimeters apart. "No one's going to touch you."

Jessica didn't feel the need to back away, and even if she wanted to, it was impossible. People had already occupied the little space her body abandoned when Yuri hugged her.

"Don't you have to pick up Seohyun?" Jessica asked, relaxing in Yuri's arms as the taller girl shielded her from the crush of people.

"I chose my girlfriend over my dongsaeng." Yuri grinned cheekily at her. "Are you happy?"

Jessica rolled her eyes.

Yes, she was. 

Chapter 39

"Do you know what day today is?"


"Yes, but I told you I meant something else."

"No idea."

"Oh come on, Sica." Yuri poked the blonde. "You're pretending, right?"

Jessica swatted Yuri's hand away. "Stop that," she scolded. "People are staring."

The tanned girl sulked but Jessica just rolled her eyes. Yuri was getting on her nerves with that question since the moment they woke up this morning.

"Do you... really not know?"

Jessica rolled her eyes and turned away from Yuri, looking out the bus window. She took her phone out of her bag and pressed random buttons just to occupy herself and show Yuri that she was fed up with that stupid question. It was peace for a while, and Jessica thought Yuri had finally given up when the bus came to a sudden halt and her body was crushed from behind the next moment. She found herself trapped between the window and long, tanned arms.

"Oh, sorry." Yuri's warm breath grazed Jessica's cheek, the playful voice betraying her words.

Jessica shoved Yuri away with her elbow, giving the girl a glare. She looked around, worried that Yuri was catching unnecessary attention again, but luckily people were too busy getting off the bus to notice them. Jessica escaped from Yuri's arms and wiggled her way through the crowd to get to the bus doors.

"Don't ignore me!" Yuri called after Jessica, but the blonde was already out. "Sica, wait!"

Yuri jumped off the bus and jogged to catch up with Jessica, her briefcase clutched under one arm.

"Stop being so cold, will ya?"

"Stop being so annoying. You're acting like an attention-craving kid."

"What's so wrong with wanting to get my girlfriend's attention?"

"For the nth time, Yuri, don't call me your girlfriend!"


Jessica turned around and glared. Yuri's protest turned into an inaudible mumble. The blonde turned on her heels again, just when a man's voice called out to them.

"Young lady! Excuse me, please!"

Jessica ignored both Yuri and the voice as she walked away icily. But Yuri turned around and she saw an older man approaching them, panting to catch his breath.

"Your girlfriend forgot her phone on the bus," he said, showing Yuri the said object.

Hearing that, Jessica stopped in her tracks.

"Oh, geez," Yuri took the phone. "It's really hers. Thank you so much!"

Jessica went back to Yuri's side and thanked the kind person, bowing deep to show her gratitude. She repeated the motion over and over again, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and guilt. The old man just laughed, saying that she was welcome. He told the two girls to be more careful next time and bid goodbye.

"Here," Yuri stuffed the phone into Jessica's bag. "Now let's go, girlfriend."

Yuri grabbed Jessica's hand with a smile, pulling the blonde along. Jessica didn't object this time. She quietly followed the taller girl, her cheeks still not able to get rid of that bright red color.

Was it really that obvious that they were a couple?

Jessica looked at their hands, the feeling of Yuri's fingers in her palm spreading warmth in her chest for an unexplainable reason. A small smile formed on her lips as Yuri kept dragging her behind, oblivious to the thoughts in her head. Jessica squeezed the taller girl's hand lightly. She just found her answer in this possessive grab.

They were a couple, so of course they looked like one.

But when she was about to intertwine their fingers, Yuri suddenly released her hand, walking away to create a distance between them. Jessica looked up and realized they had arrived in front of the Kwon Enterprise's building.

The blonde suddenly felt like taking the tanned girl's hand back and walking with it through the entire company, having people staring and if necessary even gossiping about their relationship. Rumors should reach Old Kwon's ears or better yet, Seohyun's parent's ears. Yuri would get into huge trouble but she didn't care. Yuri didn't belong to any other girl and she hated having to pretend that she and Yuri had a mere work relationship and nothing more. Even though she protested every time Yuri called her her 'girlfriend,' she in fact loved hearing it.

"What are you thinking?" Yuri asked as they entered the elevator.

"Nothing..." Jessica mumbled and turned away. She didn't want Yuri to guess what's on her mind.

"Hey, Sica," Yuri started again, scooting closer. "You really have no idea what day today is, huh?"

Jessica frowned. That topic again. Just what special day was it?

"You should know that by now. Why don't you just tell me?"

Yuri sighed, shaking her head. The small smile on her lips, however, remained.

"Fine," the tanned girl said, leaning against the wall. "It's... my birthday."

Jessica was as if struck by lightning. Yuri's birthday. Crap. She couldn't believe that she'd forgotten that.

"Oh, Yuri... I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay," Yuri said, disregarding Jessica's forgetfulness with a wave of her hand. "There are other things way more important to remember."

"That's not the point," Jessica said, already consumed with guilt. She remembered imagining so many things to do for Yuri's birthday when they were still together. Now their relationship didn't allow her to make those scenes she painted in her head a reality but that was not reason enough to completely forget about the date. There had been just too many things on her mind the past few days.

"I feel horrible, Yuri," Jessica said again, putting a hand on Yuri's arm. "I'm really, really sorry."

"Prove it," Yuri said, not challenging but rather soft, looking Jessica straight in the eyes.

The blonde stared back as silence lapsed in. "... How?"

Yuri leaned in close, not breaking their eye contact. Jessica felt her heart beat faster-she had a hunch of what was about to come.

"With... a kiss," Yuri finally whispered against her lips.

The tanned girl leaned in more as the blonde didn't resist. But when the elevator stopped and the doors opened, Jessica woke up from her trance and backed away immediately.


Jessica was already out, heading to Yuri's office with fast footsteps and a still crazily-thumping heart. She didn't expect the deprivation of Yuri's kisses to make her react this way to a mere closeness of a few centimeters. The invasion of butterflies in the pit of her stomach was unstoppable. It felt like she'd time-travelled to their vacation-house days when she first began to fall in love with Yuri.

"Sica..." Yuri caught Jessica's arm before the blonde managed to disappear into her office. "Don't run away from me like that."

Jessica turned and looked into the taller girl's eyes, seeing the same passion and longing feeling that was churning up her insides. Instinct told her to just crush her lips against Yuri's because it's what they both wanted so badly. But she wasn't the girl who only listened to her heart anymore.

"Stop taking advantage of me," Jessica said instead, as cold and annoyed as she could, knowing it was the only way she can prevent her feelings for Yuri from overtaking her clear mind. She pried Yuri's fingers off of her before turning back to the door and opening it.

"Finally!" Jiyong's voice from the inside surprised them both. "About time you two arrive."

Jiyong had brought an unexpected guest and made Yuri and Jessica freeze in the doorway, utterly confused once again. It was a uniformed police officer this time, standing in the middle of the room with Jiyong on the side.

"This is officer Cho," Jiyong introduced as he gestured the two girls to come in. He ignored the questioning glare Yuri was giving him.

"How can I help you, officer?" Yuri asked, carefully shaking the man's hand.

"Actually, I'm here for Ms Jung," the officer said, his voice neither threatening nor accusing. "I have a-"

"Excuse me, officer," Yuri interrupted, glancing at her cousin. "If it's about Ms Jung"-she tilted her head towards Jessica-"then I suggest you talk to her under four eyes."

"It's not necessary, Ms Kwon," officer Cho explained. "I'm only here to ask Ms Jung to follow me to the police station. The detectives will talk to her."

"Detectives?" Yuri's raised an eyebrow.

Jessica felt a cold shiver running down her spine. Something bad was about to come, she could feel it.

"Why? What did she do?"

The officer took out a paper and showed it to the two girls. "Ms Jung is suspected to have broken in Mr Kwon Jiyong's office two days ago. We found these unknown fingerprints on Mr Kwon's computer."

"What?" Yuri's eyes went wide.

Jessica's jaw dropped as she stared at the fingerprint scans she knew definitely were hers, neither paying attention to Yuri's incredulous look nor seeing Jiyong's contented face.

"We need to take your fingerprints, Ms Jung. You are placed under provisional arrest for the time being until we find the real perpetrator and Mr Kwon decides whether or not to take this issue to court."

The officer took out the handcuffs but Jessica was unresponsive, still not being able to believe what's happening. She caught Jiyong's eyes and returned his gaze with so much hatred, it could have burnt him up if looks were flames.

"Actually... I don't think we need handcuffs." The officer clicked the said object back to his belt and stretched an arm to the door. "Ms Jung. This way, please."

"Sica-" Yuri was quick to grab Jessica's arm. "I'll get you out. Trust in me."

Jessica was still too shocked to say anything, and Yuri had to eventually let go of her arm. The blonde turned around and followed the waiting officer out, swearing to herself that she would take Kwon Jiyong down and make him pay for everything one day. One day.


"You bast*rd!"

Yuri rammed Jiyong against the wall of her office, her hands clutching his collar.

Jiyong shoved her away forcefully, fixing his outfit. "That stupid girl broke into my office and I'm the bast*rd?"

"Do you really expect me to believe you?"

"What? Are you saying I faked the fingerprints? Or do you think I lured her into my office just to trap her into this?"

"I'm not surprised if you really did that!"

"Shut up, Yuri! You've taken home a spy and you're too blind to see what she's trying to do to our family! Instead, you want to beat me up and call me a bast*rd. She's the one who is going to destroy us all if you let her!"

"You're so effing good at making this sound like you have good intentions. I know you too well, Jiyong. What selfish aim does this plan serve this time, huh?"

"Stop being so stubborn, Yuri. Save your energy for when grandfather confronts you."

Yuri snorted in anger but Jiyong didn't care. He adjusted his collar and made his way out.

"And you don't have to beg me, dear cousin." He stopped at the door and turned around to direct his last words at Yuri. "I'm not going to take your Jung to court. I just want to get her out of here. Once and for all."


Jessica hated the police station.

She hated the men who looked at her as if she was the worst kind of human beings. Technically, they were not wrong to treat her like a criminal. But it's hard for Jessica to adapt to those menacing glares when all she was used to was friendliness in stranger's eyes. People were always friendly to pretty girls.

She counted the minutes until Yuri would come and get her out but hours passed by and there was no sight of the tanned girl at all. It wasn't until quite late in the night that officer Cho appeared in front of her cell and unlocked the door.

"Congratulations, Ms Jung," he said, finally with a faint smile. "You're free to go."

Jessica didn't wait to be told that twice. She jumped on her feet and followed the police man through the corridor. Outside, in front of the detectives' offices, Yuri was waiting for her with a tall man who Jessica supposed was her lawyer.

"Sica!" Yuri called, relief painting her entire face.

Jessica couldn't help but to break into a wide smile, running into Yuri's arms.

"I'm sorry it took me so long," Yuri patted Jessica's back apologetically. "Did you have to suffer a lot?"

Jessica nodded against Yuri's neck, sighing. "They smelled," she whispered, only for Yuri to hear.


"The detectives. They smelled so bad. So... manlike."

Yuri almost burst out laughing but managed to compress it to a chuckle. She cleared her throat and released the smaller girl's body, turning around to her lawyer.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's my duty, Ms Kwon. Please just leave as you wish. I will handle the paper work that's left."

"Thank you so much." Jessica bowed to thank him too before the two of them made their way out.

"So, Sica," Yuri said as she took the blonde's hand. "I'm hungry. Do you want us to find a good restaurant to eat or just go home and you'll cook something for me?"

Jessica took out her phone, checking the time. It was already 10 pm.

"Let's go home," she decided. "But you have to cook."

"But... it's my birthday."

"I already let you hold my hand so stop complaining," Jessica said as she sped up and pulled Yuri along. "Hurry up, I'm hungry!"


When was the last time she had so much fun together with Yuri? Jessica didn't remember. It was as if they forgot about the oddities of their world for a while and just enjoyed each other's company like the old days. Yuri didn't ask about the incident with Jiyong until they stood in front of the bathroom mirror, brushing their teeth.

"It was me," Jessica admitted. She saw no point in hiding that truth.

"Don't do it next time," Yuri said between the foam in her mouth. "Not without me."

Jessica looked at Yuri in surprise but the taller girl was busy gargling. Once finished, Yuri looked back at her with a smile.

"Gotta hatch a plan before taking action, Sica. I have to make sure you don't get caught again."

Yuri flashed a toothy grin and Jessica just found it adorable. A fuzzy feeling spread in her stomach and she flinched lightly as Yuri affectionately wiped away the foam on the corner of her mouth.

"Can't let you suffer from the detectives' unbearably masculine smell again, now can I?"

Despite being teased, a sudden urge to hug Yuri overwhelmed Jessica at that very moment. Somehow she still managed to control herself and stayed rooted to the ground instead, only being able to nod slightly.

Yuri chuckled at the cuteness and patted Jessica's bum. "Hurry up, it's almost midnight. You must be tired."

A few minutes later, they exited the bathroom together. Yuri walked her to the bedroom but stopped in front of the door. It was only then that Jessica remembered she was still supposed to have her walls up against Yuri.

"Good... night."

Jessica was about to enter the room when Yuri grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her back. There was a hint of disappointment in Yuri's face but Jessica didn't know what to do. She knew if she gave in now and let whatever Yuri was trying to do happen, she would wake up in Yuri's arms tomorrow, drowned in a mix of bliss and guilt. She couldn't allow herself to do that.

"What do you want, Yuri?"

"I haven't received my birthday present yet," Yuri answered, cocking her head. She loosened her grip on Jessica's wrist and they both looked at the clock. Five minutes till midnight.

Jessica hesitated. The moment felt like an eternity for the both of them.

"I..." Jessica pulled back her arm. "Thank you for bailing me out today."

And with just those words, Jessica disappeared behind the bedroom door. She pressed her back against it and tried to calm her racing heart down. The urge to hug and kiss Yuri was still strong, and it only grew stronger as she thought of those longing eyes that bore straight into her heart. She suppressed a sob, feeling twitches in her chest as her body fought hard against her will.

From the outside, a faint whisper reached her ears.

"You could have wished me a happy birthday at least, you know..."


When there was barely a minute left until midnight, the door to the bedroom suddenly opened and Jessica slowly came out from behind.

Yuri was still standing there, her disappointment made place for a hopeful smile at the sight of Jessica. The blonde replied with a gentle smile of her own, both aware of how much the other was making her heart flutter.


Jessica cups Yuri's cheeks and moved closer, angling her head up to meet Yuri's lips in a soft but magic touch. She wanted to back away but Yuri held her firmly, moving her lips against Jessica's. They ended up prolonging the kiss, melting in each other's arms until sudden gongs from a church nearby interrupted, indicating it was now past midnight.

Jessica pushed Yuri away lightly, ending the sweet kiss much to Yuri's disappointment. She couldn't help but smile as Yuri's lips chased after hers for a moment, only to meet with empty air. It wasn't until then that Yuri's eyelids moved up and their eyes met in a love-filled gaze.

The gongs stopped and Jessica stroke Yuri's cheek lightly, backing away.

"Happy belated birthday, Yuri."

Yuri smiled as Jessica walked backwards into the bedroom, their eyes lingering on each other until the blonde completely closed the door.

Yuri was left alone, a finger unconsciously pressed against her bottom lip. Her smile grew a little wider. She was still wishing for more, but at least her birthday was now complete.

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