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- Atlas Florine Claudius' POV -

We've been here for twenty minutes just waiting for Rein and Haven. They just disappeared without informing us, especially Rein. I haven't heard from her since two days ago.

"Seriously, Ats. Where is she?" Ford ask for like hundreds times now.

"I don't know, man. I haven't heard from her since two days ago." I answer him. The four of us just sitting on the couch. Nanda is here. I don't know about that guy, all I know is he's Shawn's boyfriend as I put it that way.

"Call her, text her, just do something. I'm not going to wait for them. They are wasting my time. We are here just for half an hour." Ford complains in frustrate.

"Exactly, we still have ten minutes." I said stubbornly. "I'm worried. The both of them are not here. Anything can happens out there." I continue.

"If something happened, I'm sure we'd heard about it. Don't you want to ask your brother to ask Rachel?" Ford ask, lifting his eyebrow.

"Your brother dating Rein's cousin?" Shawn ask genuinely. He looks at me for answer. Well, he got the answer. I'm not denying it. I also just recently found out about them.

"You know what? I'm gonna go and check on her." I said, getting up from the couch and just walk away. Just walking out on them.

I hurriedly walk to my car, get in the car, and drive to Rein's house. Probably I can get something from her parents. If her parents are home either, I'm not sure about that too.

She completely ignore me after the party, after I dropped her off that night. I don't know what I've done wrong in the party. I'm just letting him know his damn place. He have no place with Rein. That's about it. Does she really mad because of that?

Arriving at her house, I parked my car on the side of the road. Seeing there's no car in the driveway, I don't think anyone is home. But I still walk up to the front door and knock on the door. In hope someone's gonna answer the door and hopefully, it's Rein. But after several knock, I got no answer.

Then I walk back to my car, on the way, I pull out my phone from my pocket and send a text to my brother. I text him to meet me at the house if he's out. I don't check my phone after I texted him. I drive straight back home.

Andrew: My car now.

I wait for him in the car and I parked my car in the side road. I don't want to get our of the car, so I can easily drive off after throwing Andrew out of my car.

I look around, left to right and then I see Andrew walking out of the house with only in his boxer. Getting in the car, sitting on the messages seat, he look at me in confusion.

"What's up?" He ask.

"Do you know where Rein is?"

"Rein? I don't know. I never contacted her personally. I don't even know her personally." He answer casually.

"Then text your girlfriend. Ask her Rein's whereabouts." I demand. I may look crazy to him right now.

"Why?" He ask in confused, but pull out his phone and do as I told him to do.

"Its my business." I simply said. I don't want to spill anything to him. Because he doesn't need to know what is going on between me and Rein.

"Rein have a project today and she should be done by noon." Andrew told me, looking up from his phone. "Satisfied?"

"Good, now go." I eyed him to get out of my car. He look at me with unbelievable look.

"You're the worst." He said, hopping out of the car. I unjust ignore his comment and start my car, then drive away from my house. If she would have been done by noon, it means she's done now. I'm going back to her house and just wait. Good lucks comes in anytime.


I'm out of idea rn. But this chapter should cover it up from the next one.

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