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- Rein Hart Stormee's POV -

I arrived at the same time as Ford. Getting out of my car, I wait for him to come around my car, so we can walk together to the house.

"What happened the other night? I saw you at the party." Ford clung his hand around my shoulder as we started to walk on the pathway to the box house.

So he was there at the party and he saw me, but didn't know what's going on there.

"Nothing. I got a text from Gerald, that's all." I decided to not having a conversation about it. I wish Gerald never told me about them. I'll be find now and days ago. I had to be suffering from the emotion that I don't want to feel. Atlas to me is just a close friend, we didn't make it official.

I care for him and that's the problem.

"You sure? You can talk to me." Ford keep trying me to open up to him.

"I'm fine, Ford. Don't worry." I pat his chest twice and smile up to him.

"If you say so." He finally let it go.

We get to the box house. Ford take off his arm off me and open the door. Inside, there's Shawn and Nanda sitting on the couch together, cuddling. They are the first one to be here.

"Hey, guys." Nanda and Shawn wave at us.

I wave back at them as my respond. Then Ford and I sit together on the middle couch. There is on couch left and the only two person who hasn't come is Atlas and Haven. I know they are going to sit together considered Shawn is sitting with Nanda.

I'm glad that Shawn didn't say a word to anyone here about what happened the other night.

Atlas is the last one to come. He looked fresh out of the shower. He looked good. I am kinda checking him out, but when he turn to look at me, I look away. He noticed that the only space left is with Haven.

"Shawn." Atlas complains seeing his space is taken by Shawn's boyfriend.

"No, Atlas. I came here first, that's my advantage." He said and ignore him after that.

"Come on, dude. Just sit there, what's the matter? I'm sure Rein wouldn't mind. Right, Rein?" I look at Ford when he calls my name.

"Yeah, yeah." I answer, but didn't even looking at Atlas.

"See?" Ford speak.

"Rein?" Atlas call me, but I don't respond to him. I don't turn to look at him, but looking at Shawn. He honestly doesn't know either what I saw at the party, but maybe he did now. He understand.

"Just fucking shit down, Atlas." Ford finally losing his patience and snapped. "And because you are late. You're going first." Ford continue.

"Okay. I want Rein." He said, agreeing so fast.

As he spin the wheel, my blood suddenly boiling up. I turn to look at Haven whose been quiet not like usual, mocking me in particular.

"Knives." He announce and my inside is raging with hurt and I want to hurt him so bad. He claimed he don't like Haven, but turns out they had sex.

I get up from the couch and gather the knives in my hand. Atlas is in position, so am I. When our eyes finally meet, I only show coldness and ready to shoot.

"Come on, Rein. Ask something. We're not going to be here all night, honey." In the background I heard Shawn saying as he see me in contemplation.

"Do you want me to ask or do you want to confess yourself?" I ask him. I want to give me a choice for himself. If he wants to confess, he won't get hurt. But if he still want to dodged it, blood might spill today.

"What do I have to confess, Rein? What do you want me to tell you? He asks me back desperately like an innocent guy.

"You slept with her." I glance back to Haven and constantly, his face goes pale.

"No, Rein. I would never do that." He lied and that only make me more angry. I just want to stab him right on the heart, I don't want to just hurt him. He have the gut to lie in front of my face and everyone else's.

My eyes is already targeting where I want to shoot the knife at. I grab one knife from my hand and with so much rage in me, I throw the knife to his shoulder and it hit him on the top shoulder.

He scream as the impact when he start to feel the pain.


"What the fuck?!"

I heard some of those lines from the others. But in my ear, there's so much blur noisy that make me can't hear them clearly.

I throw the other knives to the wall behind him.

"I'm done here. I don't want to do this stupid stuff anymore. Maybe I don't want us to be friends again. I want us to stay as the way it is. My life much more free before this happened. Maybe you guys are a fool to be here as well as I am. Don't waste your time to do things that aren't meant to stay forever." I turn around and walk out of the house. This is what I think is the best for me, so I choose it.


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