❝ What is he to Hakyeon? ❞

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Taekwoon scanned the living room. It was clean and neat and calming as the warm morning sunlight shine through the curtain, definitely suit the definition of a home. He walked toward the the frame on the table. It was the picture of Hakyeon and a baby -the young Heeseok. Taekwoon smiled at how Hakyeon look did not change much since he last saw him. He eyed every part in the house, surprisingly he never saw any trace of the mother.

"You still here?" Hakyeon voice surprised Teakwoon, made him turned facing Hakyeon as he placed the small frame back on its place. "Don't you have work? You gonna be late." Hakyeon frowned.

"Nah. I don't." Taekwoon shook his head, remembering the phone call he have made to inform his day off earlier. "Oh, the company let me rest because I'm still new here." He lied.

"I see." Hakyeon nodded relieved. He went to the kitchen and prepare breakfast. "If you don't mind, you can have breakfast here. It isn't much of a special though." Hakyeon said as he boiling water and was about to prepare for the morning.

"So, how was Nemo?" Taekwoon sat himself on the chair and stared the back of the tanned man. His intense gaze made Hakyeon felt chill on his neck. "He's fine, the fever went down." Hakyeon answered as he rubbed his tanned neck.

He brought two cups of hot coffee to the table, "Really, thanks for last night." Hakyeon said as he handed the cup. Taekwoon grinned as he took the glass from Hakyeon grip, fingers slightly interact to the tanned own. "I told you, it's nothing-"

"Hakyeon hyung!" A voice outside snapped the both of them. Hakyeon cleared his throat as he avert his gaze and wiped his hand on his waist apron. "That must be him. I'm going out for awhile." He excused himself and went out. Taekwoon hummed in reply and eyed him all the way to the door.

"Hey, Hyukkie." Hakyeon greeted. "Aren't you early as always?"

"Morning hyung, here's today's pastries. Hope you like it too." Hyuk smile cheekily.

"Thanks, I always loved them. Your pastries are the best anyway."

Taekwoon was curious of the giggling and the cheerful conversation going on with whoever Hakyeon was talking to behind the door. Annoyed, Taekwoon finally decided to disturb in. He peek out from the door, sliding his hand on Hakyeon's shoulder and stare down at the blond young man. "Who is this?" Taekwoon did not remember any blond unless Ken from their teenage year and obviously the blond in front of him right now is way younger then they.

"Well, this is Hyuk. The bakery downstairs' son." Hakyeon introduced. "Hyuk, this is Taekwoon. He is..." Hakyeon paused for a second, thinking of the accurate word. "He's an old friend of mine. He's older than you, so call him hyung." Hakyeon smiled at Hyuk, knowing the younger would do weird stuff he would never expect.

"Hi Taekwoon hyung, nice to know you." Hyuk offered his hand and stared right into Taekwoon's eyes. Taekwoon accepted them, smiling. "Nice to know you too, thanks for the pastries, I think." Taekwoon assumed and let the hand go.

Hyuk blinked for awhile before smiling and said his welcome. He then excused himself to the bakery and said his goodbye.

"Look like we'll have pastries for breakfast then." Hakyeon smiled as he walk to the kitchen.

Hyuk walked down the stairs and stopped halfway. He stared at his right hand. "That look on his face.. Is definitely that." Hyuk remembered the glared Taekwoon was giving him. Hyuk knew that kind of expression. It was the glare of jealousy, exclaiming one to back off from what's theirs.

"I never saw him before, who the hell is he anyway? What is he to Hakyeon?" Hyuk hissed.

Taekwoon stayed almost half day at Hakyeon's because he was volunteering himself to help taking care of Heeseok as Hakyeon packing his scented candles in boxes. Taekwoon even offered to feed the boy and play with him with excuses he love kids. Hakyeon could not stop him, hence he let the man stay because it was also convenient for him.

"Taek-sshi.." Heeseok mumbled as he sat on Taekwoon's lap. Playing his plush toy. "Yeah? Did you say something Nemo?" Taekwoon stared the boy, he comb Heeseok's hair back with his hand, avoiding them from sticking to the cooling pad on Heeseok's temple.

"Can I take this off?" Heeseok touch on the cooling pad. "I'm fine now and I want chocolate." Heeseok facing Taekwoon, pouting. He want the chocolate Taekwoon promised him if he get well soon.

"Are you sure you okay? Don't you head still hot? Look your cheek also pinkish." Taekwoon pinched the puffy cheek.

"I'm really okay! I'm a strong boy." Heeseok hummed and nodded his head enthusiasm. "Now, I can get my chocolate right? Taek-sshi you promised."

Taekwoon grinned at the cuteness of the boy. And suddenly a giggle came from behind. Both Heeseok and Taekwoon turn to see Hakyeon, who finally done with his tasks. "Okay, let's go shopping Heeseok. Momma wanna buy some groceries too."

"Oh, Taekwoon, thanks. I'm sorry for keeping you so long. You can go back now anyway." Hakyeon said as he gave Heeseok some warm clothes.

"Ah. Ahh... Yeah." Taekwoon nodded awkwardly. He did not want to leave yet. "Are you going to buy groceries?" Taekwoon asked the obvious.

"Yeah." Hakyeon nodded as he pick his wallet and keys.

"Then, let's go together. I also want to buy some groceries for myself." Taekwoon nodded his head smiling. "After all I've promised Nemo that I'll buy his chocolate. Right Nemo?" Taekwoon lured the boy so that the parent would agree. It worked the last time he tried.

Hakyeon thought for a minute before he agreed.

"Let's go." Taekwoon grinned and took Heeseok hand into his. "Come Nemo, I'll buy you the chocolate you like."

"Yeah!" Heeseok cheered as Taekwoon lift him up, walking down the stair.

Hakyeon stayed behind, locking the door. He saw his child being all happy in Taekwoon's arms, it made his heart lurch. Hakyeon never thought to see such sight this soon.


im really sorry for late updating
and a month have passed *wtf*

im bad with dramas tbh lol

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