Chapter 27

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Things were going normal between Piyu, Sam and Rads. Though Piyu seems off sometimes, Rads and Sam were behaving like friends like before..... It means they bicker, they argue, they taunt and also they help each other.

It was one afternoon where Rads, Piyu, Sam, Priya and other Sam's staff are there in the meeting room of his office discussing about the marketing of their designs.

Piyu is working on her laptop with utmost concentration. She is working on the online companies which can be useful for marketing their products.

She heard some grumbling.....she tried to concentrate on her work.

Key word - tried.

She heard hissing.....she frowned.

She heard hushed whispers.....she ignored.

She heard stomping of foot.....she waved it off.

She heard a thud.....she couldn't ignore anymore.

She looked up and saw that the two most successful and grown up individuals who are the owners of their companies are fighting with each other like kids.

She wanted to stop them but stayed calm to see what they will do and she also didn't miss their dumbstruck and flabbergasted staff looking at their boss in awe.

" You did it?" Sam hissed.

" No you did it." Rads hissed back.

" It was you who stomped me with your foot." Sam again hissed in whisper.

" No it was you who had hit me with your elbow." Rads too whispered.

" It was you who disturbed me first." Sam said pointing his pen at her but unfortunately ink has spilled on her face.

" You !" Rads whisper yelled and smacked his head with a file.

" Hey!" Sam smacked her arm with a near by book.

" Ow!" Rads cried and threw a pen stand on him.

" Have you gone mad?" Sam whisper yelled dodging the pen stand as if nobody is not looking at them.

" You called me mad!" Rads was angry now and hit him with a file.

Sam hit back her with a file.

Rads started continuously hitting him with the file on his back while Sam was shielding himself with his hands.

" Ok...ok...stop now..." Sam cried.

" No." Rads said and continued her assault.

" Please" he pleaded.

" What do I get?" She asked demandingly.

" For now I have chocolates." He said and she stopped her hands in air listening the word chocolate.

Piyu stiffled her laugh.

" Where are they?" She asked excitingly like a kid.

" Here." He handed her some chocolates from his Blazer's pocket which he kept for his niece.

" For now these are fine but I want more." She demanded and eating the chocolates.

Hearing no response from Sam, Rads frowned and looked at him who was froze in his place looking at front. Rads followed his gaze and froze.

They looked at Piyu who sat there crossing her arms with angry look on her face. They gulped and looked to their sides. Sameer's staff was gazing them like they have seen some mad, insane and crazy people with their eyes bulging out and wide open mouths.

They looked again at Piyu who raised her eyebrows at them and trying hard not to laugh at them. They looked down ashamed and embarrassed.

" What was that?" Piyu asked in serious tone.

" He started it." " She started it."

They both blamed each other pointing their fingers at each other like kids do when they fight. They both scowled at each other and looked back at Piyu who is glaring at them.

" You both...." Piyu said pointing them " are worst than kids." She finished.

" Ms. Priya." Piyu called out.

Priya snapped out of her daze and rushed toward her.

" Yes Maam."

" You are Sameer's PA right?" Piyu asked and she nodded.

" Remind me to never work with these two idiots sitting next to each other again. I say NEVER." Piyu ordered her and Priya nodded but broke into giggles looking at her boss's pouting face at Piyu.

Sam glared at Priya which made her shut up and looked at Rads who is checking her nail polish as if nothing had happened a while back. He scoffed at her and pouted at Piyu who is looking angrily at them.

" Now, will you both mind to fix yourselves up?" Piyu asked them sternly.

" Why? What happened?" Rads asked frantically taking her mirror out of the purse and checked her reflection.

" Oh my God! What did you do to my hair and my stupid?.... Her hair is sticking out in all directions and her face has ink." Rads growled at Sam who chuckled looking at her dishelved hair and inky face.

Rads ran out of the room quickly to fix herself while Piyu gave a pointed look to Sam who was chuckling at Rads. Sam looked at Piyu and gulped and quickly went out of the room.

After they are out, Piyu looked at the whole staff who sat there blankly looking at the door.

" I know it was difficult to hold feel free." She said smiling at them and burst into fits of laughter unable to hold anymore.

Looking at her whole staff also started laughing with her.

" I have some crazy friends." She said shaking her head smiling once she stopped laughing.

" But we are going crazy too looking at our boss." Priya said.

" Why?" Piyu asked confused.

" We are working with him from 2 years since his father died.....we swear we never saw him laughing or talking or at least smiling." Priya said to her astonished.

" Yes maam, there would be always a deep frown on his forehead, coldness in his face and emptiness in his eyes. We saw his arrogance, his anger, his rudeness but we never saw him like this much happy, smiling, laughing, playing and all." Other girl named Shreya said to her.

" It is good to see him like this acting all care free and childish. Since he met you that day at your office, we have seen changes in him that we never saw in two years like all smiling and happy which also kind of creeped me out." Priya said laughing.

" And he is in his true self only when he is with his friends.....I mean when he is with you people." Another staff said smiling at her.

All this while Piyu silently sat listening to them. She felt ache in her heart listening how he was living his life before they met him.

Sameer came back and started doing his work. He looked up to see Piyu staring at him intently which made him squirm in his seat. He was thankful to Rads when she came inside the room all dolled up as Piyu's gaze was shifted on her.


" Are you okay?"

" Yeah."

" But you seem off."

" No."

" Hey what's wrong?"

" Nothing."

" Piyu!"

In the evening Piyu and Sam sat in his cabin working while Rads went home early. The words which are said by his staff are echoing in her ears which distracted her.

He came on her side and kneeled down in front of her chair.

" What happened Piyu? Something is bothering you, please tell me." He asked her concerned.

" How were you ?" She whispered.

" What?" He didn't understand.

" How were you when we left you alone, when I broke our friendship and left to New York? What all happened in your life when we weren't there with you?" She asked him looking straight into his eyes.

His expression hardened.

" We better don't talk about that." He said standing up.

" Why?" She also stood up.

" Because I don't want to." He said and turned away.

" But I want to know." She shouted.

" Why?" He shouted.

" Because I want to." She yelled.

" Fine. You wanted to know how I suffered without you in my life? You wanted to know how miserable and alone I was when no one was there? You wanted to know how I am living in hell when I don't have anyone? Listen then." He also yelled.

" When you left that day, I tried to contact you many times but you didn't talk to me. I wanted to meet you but I didn't have your address. I tried talking to Jai and Rads but they had also shut me off. I thought I should give you some space and don't disturb you until exams are over. But after exams you weren't there, I didn't even saw you at the graduation day. I tried so much to contact you but no use and I understood one thing that you hate me so much and will never forgive me. I deserve all that but I just wanted to apologise. After one miserable month, I got a call that....." He trailed off as words clogged in his throat.

Piyu looked at him who is trying hard not to cry and to suppress his pain and grief. She put her hand on his shoulder squeezing it iand assured him to continue.

" I got a call that my father is in hospital and when I went to the hospital, I saw my mother crying and my sister consoling her with tears. I was afraid to go but I went inside ICU and saw him attached to different types of wires. He hold my hand and said to take care of my mom, sister and the company. There were his last words and it was very hard to believe that he was no more." He cries looking down and Piyu let him cry as he was mugging up his emotions inside and he need to let out.

"My mom who loved him so much went into shock for few days and I on the other side didn't understand how to handle everything. One day I got a call from one of the employees that the shareholders are planning to take over the company by buying the shares that were on my name and on my father's name. The company was my father's life and I didn't want to let go that. So, I took over the company and became the CEO. I shattered all the wicked plans of the shareholders, investors and creditors who are against me. It took some time to learn everything and most important thing is that we shouldn't trust anyone in this business world. I had to become the ruthless, arrogant and rude boss to overcome all the difficulties and keep up this company. And you know I was successful, everyone in the business world fears me, they don't even try to mess with me, one look from me would shut them up." He said laughing bitterly to himself with tears in his eyes which stinged her heart.

" I was so alone Piyu. Mom was hospitalized, my sister had to move away due to her husband's business and I have no one to share my pain or my problems. I was alone, I loathed myself for the pain I caused you, I missed you all so much..... I missed you so much, I wanted a shoulder to cry on, I wanted someone who would talk to me and understand me. But there was no one....." Sam cried closing his face with his palms and Piyu cried harder than him feeling guilty.

" But I did know one thing that I deserved that, it was the punishment for me to suffer alone for what I did to you." He said looking at her with red eyes and Piyu looked at his vulnerable state with pain.

She did only one thing she could do.

She hugged him.

He went stiff at first in shock but then surprised that she hugged him and he hugged her back burying his face into her neck and cried. She allowed him to cry as much as he wants to let out all the pain and grief out of his mind and heart.

She also cried with him....she felt terrible for leaving him alone when he needed her the most. She missed him so much and she found comfort in his embrace.

He hugged her even more tightly at the thought of her leaving him again but then he smiled finding peace after long time in her embrace. He so badly  missed her, feeling her body and inhaling her sweet scent brought solace to him.

They stayed like that for sometime.

" I am here for you."

She whispered assuring him by patting his back.

" Please don't leave me again." He pleaded her with tears still hugging her tightly.

Tears welled up in her eyes again listening how broken he is and whispered the word which made him smile.

" Never."


To be Continued.........

It was an emotional chapter......

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