Chapter 50

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It was Saturday when everyone are relaxing as there is no office today. Piyu is still in her bed sleeping, Sam was working out in his Gym, Jai was preparing to go to London and about Rads guess what?..... Sleeping.

It was afternoon, when Piyu woke up. She grumbled when her bhabi made her little son laid beside Piyu. He played giggling beside Piyu by patting and poking her.

She finally woke up when Arnav slapped her on her face with his little chubby hands. She jerked up from her sleep startled because of her stinging cheek.

She got out of the shock when she saw Arnav laid on her bed and was giggling at her by throwing his arms and legs in the air. She rubbed her cheek and looking shocked at the little boy.

" You slapped me." She said to the boy who was just playing with himself not understanding what she said.

She smiled at his innocence and kissed his cheek hard.

" You hit pretty hard for your age." She pouted at him rubbing her cheek who just smiled innocently at his aunt.

Piyu heard a laugh behind and turned around to see her bhabi is laughing hard clutching her stomach with tears in her eyes.

" You looked so funny when you got up." Apoorva said laughing while picking her son from the bed.

" You did this wantedly!" Piyu shrieked.

" What would I do then? It's already afternoon and you were still sleeping." Apoorva shrugged going out.

" You could have just woken me up by calling me out." Piyu said annoyed.

Her bhabi poked her head into her room and smiled mischievously.

" But where is fun in that? " She said and disappeared from there winking at her.

" Bhabi! " She squealed and ran out of her room.

Apoorva was already downstairs and Piyu ran behind her. Piyu's mom took her grand son from her daughter in law who is laughing and running. She looked at Piyu running behind her bhabi and just shook her head smiling at their childishness.

Door bell rang but both Piyu and Apoorva didn't stop what they were doing. Sighing her mom put the baby in the crib and went to see who is on the door.

Apoorva looked here and there for Piyu who suddenly disappeared. She knows she had hidden somewhere and so carefully walked towards the living room.

Hearing the footsteps from behind the sofa Piyu giggled and got ready to scare her Bhabi. When she heard foot steps really close, she decided to get up from her hiding place that is behind the sofa.

" BOO!"

Piyu stood up from her place and shouted loudly. But what she saw made her freeze in her place with wide eyes and open mouth.

Apoorva came running towards her hearing the noise and started laughing loudly looking at the scene in front of her.

" What are you doing Piyu?"

Piyu heard and blinked her eyes with shock looking at Sameer who stood equally shocked looking at her. Piyu looked at Sam, then at her mom who is glaring her and at her Bhabi who is trying hard to control her laugh.

" What are you doing here? " Piyu muttered looking down embarrassed.

Before Sam could answer, Piyu's mom interrupted them.

" Piya....." Saying this her mom glared at her looking up and down at her attire.

That's when Piyu realized that she is still in her pyjamas with bed head and didn't even freshen up after waking up.

She went red in embarrassment.

While for Sameer, she looked even more beautiful like this. He loved her natural look especially in her pyjamas as she looked cute.

Piyu looked at her glaring mom and then at Sameer who looked amused with the whole situation, While her Bhabi is enjoying the whole scene as if it's a movie.

" I will just be back." Piyu said and ran away from there quickly hiding her red face with her hands.

Sam laughed along with Apoorva while her mother told him to take a seat.

Piyu was ready in 15 minutes and she doesn't even know how she got ready so quickly. She quickly went downstairs and heard her mom telling Sam that her father and brother went to a meeting.

She peeked standing behind a pillar. She couldn't help but gawk at his looks. He was wearing a white v neck t-shirt with full sleeves and black jeans which are giving the view of his muscular body. His hair was messy but looked very good and his breath taking smile leaves her mesmerized.

How can someone be so handsome?

She wondered standing there staring at Sam.

Apoorva who came there saw Piyu ogling at Sameer and smirked.

" Piyu, why are hiding behind a pillar? Come here." Apoorva said which made Sam and Piyu's mom look at Piyu who is peeking behind a pillar.

Piyu stood rooted embarrassed again.

" I wasn't hiding......i was just......" Piyu trailed off not finding any excuse.

" Anyways what are you doing here Sam? " She asked him coming near them to divert the topic.

" I told you right I would come and visit your home." Sam said smiling at her.

" Oh, but you didn't inform me that you were coming." She said looking pointedly at him.

" Piya! " Her mother exclaimed in a warning tone.

" I did. I messaged you but you didn't reply. I was free today, so I thought I would pay a visit." Sam explained to her.

" Oh! I didn't check my phone. I just got up." She said and looked down immediately embarrassed.

Sam laughed.

" She wouldn't have got up still if I hadn't taken such drastic step." Apoorva huffed.

" What step? " Sam asked curiously.

" Nothing!" Piyu said quickly glaring at her bhabi.

" I had made Arnav lied on her bed beside her. He while playing with himself slapped Piyu and that woke her up." Apoorva explained which made Piyu's mom stiffle her laugh.

Sam looked at Piyu who looked down embarrassed and laughed loudly.

" Shut up!" She said to him and he stopped laughing but smirked at her.

" I know that she is not a morning person and it think that's a good idea to wake up someone." Sam said grinning and Piyu stuck her tongue out.

" Anywhere Sameer, is there any special reason for your surprise visit?" Apoorva asked wiggling her eyebrows at Piyu.

" Yeah." He said looking at Piyu.

" And what is that? " She smirked at him who looked confused at her.

" I came to visit my little AJ." Sameer said smiling at them.

Piyu's mom smiled looking at him and went inside to bring him some coffee.

" Oh really! I thought you came here to meet someone special." Apoorva asked raising her brows at him sighing at Piyu.

Piyu face palmed herself.

Sameer looked down shyly and peeked at Piyu who is glaring at her bhabi.

" Umm.... I actually came to see Arnav only, I even said to Piyu also that I will come and visit him soon." Sam said clearing his throat.

" OK if you say so." Apoorva shrugged.

" Bhabi!" Piyu shrieked.

" Stop it both of you. From that time I am seeing, you both are acting like kids. What Sameer beta must have thought looking Purvi running like a kid holding a little kid in her hands and you Piya running around the house madly wearing those pyjamas." Piyu's mom huffed at both of them who looked embarrassed.

Sam bit his lip to stop himself from laughing at their expressions.

" It's Ok aunty, I don't mind." Sam said smiling at her mom who smiled back warmly at him.

" Where is my little AJ? " Sam asked to cover up their embarrassment.

Apoorva went inside and came back holding Arnav in her hands. Sameer immediately stood up taking him in his arms and kissed on his cheeks.

Arnav stared at Sam for a while who is a new person to him and finally smiled at him showing his dimples and that smile warmed Sam's heart instantly.

Piyu's mom, Apoorva and Piyu stood looking at Sameer playing with Arnav.

" Come, let's have lunch." Piyu's mom said to all of them.

" No aunty, I should be going now." Sam said standing up giving Arnav to Apoorva.

" What? You will leave without eating?" Piyu's mom exclaimed.

" Yeah we will not leave our guests without feeding them." Apoorva said.

" You just came Sammy, please stay for lunch." Piyu pleaded.

Sam looked at the three ladies who are looking at him hopefully.

" Ok." He sighed.

The three ladies faces lit up like a thousand watts bulb and that moment he decided he would do anything to see all them smile like that.

" Sammy huh?" Apoorva teased Piyu who looked at her mom who raised her brows at her.

Piyu went red blushing.

Piyu and Sam sat on the dining table while Apoorva and Piyu's mom started serving them.

" Aunty, bhabi..... You two also sit with us and eat." Sam said to them.

" No no..... We should serve our guests first." Her mom said smiling.

" But I want to eat with you all. I don't like that you two will be serving and I will just sit and eat. Please eat with us." Sam said.

Both her mom and Apoorva looked at Sam while Piyu smirked at them as no one can resist his charm.

" Ok." They said smiling at him and he smiled back at them.

They all sat and started eating.

" Wow! This is nice! " Sam exclaims eating.

" Thank you beta." Her mom said warmly.

" Sam, you go to work on Saturdays also right then why didn't you go today?" Piyu asked him while eating.

" Yeah. As I said earlier, I was free today." Sam said and turned his attention fully onto Piyu.

" And call me Sammy." He says frowning at her.

Piyu looked at him wide eyes and sighed him at her mom and bhabi. Sam looked at her and at them confused.

" Why should she call you that? " Apoorva asked curiously.

" She used to call me that from college and I like it when she calls me that." Sam said smiling at her.

Her mom and Bhabi smirked at Piyu who is blushing red now.

" Why are you looking so flushed?" Sam asked looking confused at her red face.

" Nothing." She said and gulped her food.

Soon her mom, bhabi and Sam indulged in talking about his family and other things. Piyu looked at him who has a big smile on his face while talking to her family.

She just stared at his handsome face which is adorned by his breathtaking smile. She stopped eating and sat gawking at his beautiful features with a smile on her face.

Her trance broke when Sam waved his hand before her.

" Where are you lost?" He asked her.

She looked at him, then at her mom and her bhabi who are looking at her with raised brows. Her eyes widened in realization that she has been staring at Sam in front of her family.

She covered her face with her hand and ducked down her head in embarrassment. She peeked a look at Sam who now is smirking at her. She went red in more embarrassment as he caught her staring at him.

" Don't worry, you can stare at me as much as you want..... I don't mind." He whispered to her with a teasing smile.

She looked like a tomato but doesn't know if it's because of blushing or embarrassment.

" Shut up and eat." She muttered and started eating.

Sam laughed while her mom and bhabi stiffled their laughs looking at their exchange. Piyu glared at Sam and scowled at her family who are clearly enjoying her embarrassment.

" What it is today? The official day of my embarrassment or what?" Piyu said aloud and banged her head on the table when she realized every one heard her.

Three of them laughed at her while she huffed grumpily looking away.

They doesn't even know when they finished eating their food as they sat laughing and talking.

" You guys laugh all you want. I am going to my room." Piyu said and walking away not before glaring at them.

" Can I go after her?" Sam asked her mother hesitantly.

" Of course beta." Her mother said smiling at him.

" Thank you." Saying this he ran upstairs.

Piyu's mom and Bhabi looked at each other with knowing smiles and hugged each other happily.

Sam went upstairs and looked for her room. He went towards the room where door is opened ajar and peeked inside.

He saw Piyu standing facing the wall. He crept behind her and hugged her. Piyu gasped at the sudden contact of his body to hers.

" Is my baby girl angry at me?" He whispered huskily.

" Yes." She said trying to act that she is not effected by his proximity.

" I am sorry, I was just teasing you." He said turning her to face him.

She pouted at him who just wants to kiss it away but restrained himself.

He kissed her at the corner of her mouth which made shivers run all through her body.

" You know you looked sexy in your pyjamas with bed head." He said to her who is looking down shyly.

" Stop talking about it Sammy. Please I have already embarrassed myself enough today not anymore." She groaned hiding her face with her hands.

He laughed and pulled her into his arms.

" You don't need to get embarrassed in front of me Piyu. I like to see you naturally and by the way you looked really cute especially with your shocked face when you saw me." He said hugging her tightly.

She smiled against his chest inhaling his scent.

" You smell so good." She blurted out in a daze.

Sam laughed loudly making her cover her mouth in embarrassment.

" God! I really need to stop embarrassing myself." She slapped her forehead.

" Piyu..... Piyu..... What do I do with you?" Saying this he pulled her again into his arms and kissed her forehead lovingly making her grin widely.


To be Continued.........

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