Chapter 71

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He looked at the entrance from time to time waiting for her arrival. He was never the person who is interested in business parties but he was excited for this party because he will be able to meet her.

She didn't even reply to messages and whenever he called she rejected his calls. He should have guessed it in the first place that she is not coming to the party as she was still angry on him.

The reason for her anger is......they fought.

Yes, for the first time they fought in their relationship.

Little arguments and fights are common between them but nothing was serious as this.

He cursed himself for hurting her.

He don't understand women at all.

Making friendship with his ex-girlfriend, bringing her and giving job in her own company...... what's this is called....madness or craziness.

This irked him.

She introduced Tanya as her friend to everyone. He was shocked, Rads stood dumbfounded and Jai looked at her in disbelief.

He didn't say anything before AJs but it bothered him more than he thought.

He didn't want to lose Piyu at any cost and knowing what Tanya did in the past scares him. She might have changed but still he doesn't believe anyone so quickly.

He asked Piyu to not to do this mistake of believing her but she didn't listen. They both argued about it a lot and their friends tried to stop them.

Sam looked at Piyu like she was crazy because which girlfriend fights with his boyfriend defending his ex-girlfriend.

" Upto friendship it was okay Piyu but how can you trust her with your company knowing with whom she worked earlier?" Sam asked exasperated sighing loudly.

" That's why Sammy, I offered her this job. I don't want her to work for such people who drug people and trap them. I want her to be safe and secured. And about trust, she has changed a lot Sammy.....try to give her a chance, you will know." Piyu argued.

Not able to make her understand, Sam stormed off from there angrily.

Rads and Jai, both were afraid that again because of Tanya differences may occur between Sam and Piyu.

Sam sighed thinking he should talk to her after her anger subsides. Now that he think of it, he grimaced at how he shouted at her. He didn't do it wantedly.....he fought with her because he doesn't want anything bad happening with their lives.....again.

He knows Tanya has changed but it is difficult for him to trust people and he doesn't want to take any chance or risk because it is the matter of his love, his life, his everything........his Piyu.

Just then he heard that AJ's entered to the party and just like that all the attention turned towards them. It was only Aditya who came and there was no one beside him. Aditya came straight towards Sameer while there were many people who wants to meet him first.

They both hugged each other and got involved in their business talks.

" So, you both didn't sort out your fight still?" Aditya asked smirking.

" How do you know?" Sam asked looking baffled at him.

" I know.....yesterday I saw you storming out of the office angrily." Aditya said seriously.

" It just seems like I am the angry one here.....but in reality she is the one who is angry." Sameer said huffing.

Aditya laughed out loudly making Sameer scowl at him.

" Look Sameer, be it anyone's is better we say sorry because if we leave it to them then it will take days to sort out and this little fight turns into a complicated one." Aditya advised to him smiling.

" I know! the minute I reached home yesterday, I tried to contact her but she is not at all responding. What should I do?" Sameer exclaimed.

" Oh, I think she is still angry at you." Aditya grimaced.

" I thought she would come to this party and I can talk to her but she didn't." Sameer said sadly.

" She didn't tell me if she is coming or there are 50/50 chances.....try your luck man." Aditya said smiling which made Sameer also smile.

Soon they both got engaged in talking to various people who are all too top businessmen in the country.

A beautiful woman who is dressed elegantly and seemed rich came to the group where Sameer and Aditya were talking. They all greeted her and she also got involved and in their talks. But her eyes were just on Sameer who didn't looked at her even for once.

She tried to initiate talk with him but Sameer just nodded his head smiling tightly to what she was saying but didn't paid attention to her words as his mind and soul are just revolving around one person only whom he is missing so badly.

Aditya chuckled to himself looking at how she was totally into Sameer whose body was present here but mind is somewhere else. He looked at the woman......she was beautiful and if he clearly remembers, her name is Maya and she was the one who had flirted with him also last year.

It was when he told her sternly that he was married, she backed off. He didn't blame her though, Sameer is the most eligible bachelor, most handsome man and also the top businessman in the country.

Who wouldn't want him?

He grimaced at the thought of what his sister would do if she sees this girl flirting with her fiance.

He thought of teasing her sister and sent a message to her smirking.

They had dinner and it is already time for them to go home.

Maya had proposed a business deal to Sameer and was talking to him about that only now. Sam was least interested in it but he didn't want to disrespect a woman by just cutting her off and so he was listening about her company.

In between she tried to touch him and hold his hands but Sameer maintained a proper distance with her.

" Okay, Miss Maya....we would talk later about's getting late now, I have to go now." Sameer said cutting her off and Aditya sighed in relief.

" What? It's not even 10 pm now.....please wait a little bit, I need to talk to you." She asked hopefully moving close to him on the sofa.

" No.....I have to go." Sameer immediately stood up.

" Atleast give me your number, so that I can contact you in future about the deal." She said smiling at him seductively.

Sameer looked at Aditya for help but only got a 'deal for yourself only' look from him which made him glare at him.

" Please, give me your number.....I will ask my father to contact you for the business proposal I just made." She persisted holding his hand clinging onto him.

He understood that she will not leave him until he gives her number and sighs loudly muttering an ok. She jumped happily and hugged him which made both Sameer and Aditya shock.

Sameer immediately pushed her away from him and before he could say something, he got pulled away by someone who stood between him and Maya now.

He saw a girl in white anarkali dress with black silky hair flowing down standing there between them with her back facing him like she was protecting him.

"Dare you touch him?"

He heard his angel's not just voice.....a threatening voice and he got snapped into reality that his Piyu was warning that girl Maya.

" And who are you to tell me that?" Maya asked angrily glaring at Piyu.

Sameer gritted his teeth with anger and was about to give that girl a piece of mind for talking to his life like that but Piyu beat him to that.

"Who am I? You will regret the second you know who am I." Piyu laughed it off with attitude.

Sameer just stared at her in awe as he never saw her talking to someone like that.

" Oh really! But I don't want to know who are you as you should know first who am I." She said flipping her hair back.

" Look.....I really don't want to waste my time talking to people like you who clearly don't understand if people want to talk to you or not." Piyu said sternly with a blank look on her face.

And this always scares Sameer the most as he don't like this blank look on her face without any emotion.

" Sam, Piya let's go from here." Aditya said seriously seeing the tension between them and the attention they are getting here.

" What is your problem? When he doesn't have any problem then why are you coming between us?" Maya asked glaring at her.

" I am coming between you two? Do you even know what are you saying?" Piyu chuckled.

" And talking about whether he is having any problem...." Saying this Piyu turned towards Sam who was just staring at her stupidly.

" Sammy, do you want to talk to her?" Piyu asked gritting her teeth but also was smiling at the same time.

Sam shook his head vigorously in no.

Maya was shocked looking at this......first she called him Sammy and  him just staring at her like she is the only one in the world.

Piyu smirked at Maya and before she could say anything, Piyu cut her off.

" HE. IS. MINE.......understood? HE IS  MINE.....ONLY MINE." Piyu said dangerously and Maya was stunned hearing this.

And Sameer's senses have blown away listening to what Piyu just said. A sense of proudness washed over him as he heard how she claimed him. He loved extremely her jealousy and possessiveness. She looked hot while claiming him as hers.

Aditya looked at her with open mouth as he never this side of his sister and Maya just took a step back in shock.

" Who are you?" Maya asked and Piyu smirked at her.

" My fiance and soon to be Mrs. Sameer Khanna." Sameer said proudly looking at Piyu lovingly wrapping his arm around her waist protectively.

Piyu smiled at him and Maya stood rooted in her place in shock.

" Do you want to more? Her name is Piyali Jaiswal.....the means she is the princess of AJs." Adiya said to her as a matter of fact.

And now Maya doubled over shock with wide eyes and open mouth.

Three of them chuckled at her face and turned to leave.

" This is why you should attend to these parties more often.......I don't like anyone pointing at you like that asking who are you." Aditya said seriously looking ahead.

Piyu looked at her brother and understood that he was serious, he clearly didn't like the way that lady talked to her.

" No need, I don't want some bloody eyes gawking at her wherever she goes." Sameer said seriously wrapping his arm around her waist possesively.

Piyu looked at Sameer who was glaring at a boy who was looking at her.

" are right, it's better she stays at home for her safety." Aditya said thoughtfully and narrowed his eyes at a man who was looking in their way.

Piyu rolled her eyes at them and walked fast towards the car muttering something under breath leaving them both back.

" Piyu wait!" Sam shouted.

" Bhai, shall we go?" She asked impatiently.

" Ok....wait, how did you come?" Adi asked her frowning.

" I came in a cab." She said.

" Piyu.....I want to talk to you." Sameer  said to her.

" It's already late Sammy, I have to go.....I didn't say anything to Mom while coming here.....I was in a hurry and she will get worried if I am late." She said to him.

Sam's face fell but anyways nodded at her. He wished them good night and walked towards his car which was parked on the other side.

Aditya frowned at Piyu.

" What?" She asked him confused.

" Don't you think you are overreacting? I mean you are avoiding him when he wants to sort out things between you two. It's not healthy for a relationship to avoid each other. Whatever it is talk and solve and don't tell me the reasons which you told him just now. I can talk to mom and he can drop you home." Aditya said seriously and Piyu nodded her head looking down ashamed at her behaviour.

" go to him. Through out the party he was waiting for you and was talking about you only. At last you came but you know what happened after that." Aditya said smiling at her and she walked towards the way Sameer went a while ago smiling to herself.

She went towards his car and saw him standing there leaning onto his car with a serious expression on his face. She grimaced looking at him as she was responsible for his sadness.

He turned unlocking his car and was about to open the door, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned frowning and he was surprised when he saw his life standing there smiling at him.

" Can you drop me home?" She asked smiling at him.

Sameer frowned and looked behind her. He saw Aditya speeding out of the parking lot and smiled understanding what must have happened.

" Sure.....but we need to talk before that." He said and she nodded her head.

"We can talk somewhere else." She said looking around cautiously as media won't leave a chance to post nonsense about them.

They both got into the car and drive out of the hotel. Sameer stopped the car at an isolated place where there was no one around them and turned towards Piyu.

" Look Piyu, I didn't want to hurt you.....I was just scared that I might lose you again, that's it." He said to her sincerely.

" I know Sammy......but I am sure she has changed. She wants to revive herself and start a new life. I am just helping her to do it that's it." She said to him.

" Okay.....If you say so." He sighed.

" By the way, I am sure you could handle if something happens also because I saw how you threatened Maya a while back in the hotel." He teased her and she went red.

He kissed her red blushing cheeks which made her even more blush.

" much I missed you. Never do that to me again Piyu.....if you are angry, you scold me, hit me but don't stop talking to me. It hurts like hell." He pleaded her with tears.

" I am so sorry Sammy.....I would never do that again. I myself couldn't stay away from you and when Bhai messaged me saying that a girl was giving company to you, I couldn't control myself and rushed to the hotel without even changing my dress." She   said with tears.

" What's wrong with your dress? It's fine." He frowned at her.

" You didn't see how all the girls dressed formally there at the hotel?" She asked him huffing.

" No and I don't care what they wear. You can wear anything you want and you will look pretty even in your sleepwear." He said and she blushed again.

" By the way, you looked hot when you were threatening her..... especially when you were claiming me." He teased her again making her blush harder.

" I didn't claim you." She whispered looking down shyly.

" Oh you did said....He is mine....only mine." He said huskily and she looked at him biting her lip.

" Just so you are also mine, only mine." Saying this he claimed her lips making her gasp.

She responded with love pouring into the kiss which made him kiss her more passionately.

" I Love you." He said pulling away.

" I Love you too." She said blushing.


To be Continued...........

Please share your views about the chapter.

The story is coming to an end and thank you each and everyone who all showered so much of love on the story ❤️

Thank you all for your patience too.......

Stay Tuned............

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