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Logan dropped Alexander off at his home and then left. He needed time alone to reflect. Logan couldn't understand why Gaby was so adamant about accusing Kia, especially when there was no concrete evidence against her. It made him question if Gaby had some personal connection to the real culprit that she was trying to shield. As he drove away, Logan couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this case than meets the eye, and he vowed to uncover the truth no matter what.

Logan had a crazy idea. What if Gaby's odd and violent lover, Rick, committed the murder? But what made Rick want to kill Brook?

Logan mulled over the idea, thinking back to the tense encounter he had witnessed between Gaby and Rick. Their argument had been heated, filled with shouting and wild gestures. Perhaps there was a hidden motive lurking beneath their volatile relationship, a motive that could explain why Rick would want to harm Brook.

As he pondered further, Logan's mind wandered back to the crime scene. The way Brook's lifeless body had been discovered, it seemed as though the killer had been fueled by rage and personal vendettas.

Logan knew he couldn't rely solely on speculation and gut feelings. If he wanted to crack this case wide open, he needed hard evidence and concrete proof that would point him in the right direction.

Suddenly, he remembered something. When Rick withdrew the gun from the back of his pants, Logan noticed a very striking tattoo: a crimson skull with two guns crisscrossed beneath it. Logan realized that the tattoo could potentially be a crucial piece of evidence connecting Rick to the crime. He knew that finding more information about the tattoo and its significance could help him establish a motive and lead him closer to catching the killer. Determined, Logan made a mental note to investigate further into Rick's background and any possible connections to criminal organizations or gangs associated with the tattoo. Logan decided to make a phone call and find out.

Logan made a call to Artshel Maximum Security Prison. He asked to talk with Jeremiah, the guard who had assisted him numerous times during his stay there.

Jeremiah answered the phone without knowing who he was talking to.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Jeremiah, it is me. Do you recognize me?" Logan stated.

"Yes! How are you? What do you want?" Jeremiah answered with amazement.

"I am fine. I wanted to ask you something. It's quite important. I was wondering if a tattoo of a crimson skull with two interlocking weapons underneath was tied to the mafia. It's to help a friend." Logan explained.

"Look, this tattoo is from the Manic Bunch mafia. They are a notorious and dangerous mafia known for their involvement in drug trafficking and organized crime. I hope that your friend has not become engaged with them in any manner."

"Thank you, Jeremiah. My friend is not tied to them, but he has been affected by a probable action by a member of the mafia. This information is important to me."

Logan went to the police station around lunchtime to speak with Gaby. He waited for her outside of the building. After a few minutes, Gaby appeared on her own. When Gaby spotted Logan, she grew irritated. 

'What is this guy doing here again?' she questioned herself. 

"Logan Bradford, may I know what you want?" 

"I'm pleased to see you, too. We need to talk privately," he answered. 

"I have nothing to talk to you about."

"Is this how the cops handle people? Damn. Okay, I will get to the point." Logan whispered, "I know you're protecting Brook's killer."

Logan's words hit Gaby like a punch to the gut. Her heart raced, and she felt a mix of anger and fear consume her. How could he possibly know? She had taken every precaution to keep her secret hidden. Gaby's mind raced as she frantically tried to come up with a convincing answer.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Gaby anxiously replied, looking around her to see if anyone else was listening.

Rick had gone to pick up Gaby for lunch, and upon hearing this talk, he pulled out his gun and placed it under Logan's head.

"Unless you want a bullet through your skull, I suggest you keep your mouth shut," Rick warned, his voice filled with quiet rage.

Logan's eyes widened in fear as he realized the gravity of the situation. Gaby felt a mixture of relief and unease; her secret was no longer in danger of being exposed, but she was also uncertain of what Rick's next move would be. She silently prayed that he wouldn't let his anger get the best of him and make a decision that could haunt them all.

Gaby exclaimed, scared that someone might see this scene:

"Rick, put your gun down. They can see us. We are in front of the police station."

"Okay," Rick responded, slapping Logan in the back of the head with his revolver.

Logan winced in pain as Rick's heavy blow landed on his skull. He lost consciousness. Gaby's heart raced as she watched the disturbing scene unfold before her. She knew that Rick's violent reaction could be disastrous, especially considering their vulnerable position outside the police station.

"Rick, for God's sake!" Gaby exclaimed.

Rick grabbed Logan by the shoulders and told a couple who came to check what was going on:

"He fainted unexpectedly. We are going to take him to the hospital. Do not worry."

The couple looked concerned but relieved. They left talking to one another.

Rick led Logan to his car. Gaby followed him and inquired:

"Where are you taking him?"

"To a safe location. And then he'll go to hell," he said cynically.

"Rick, no, please." Gaby pleaded.

"I'm going with him, baby. Are you coming or not?"

Gaby hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with worry. She knew she couldn't let Rick face this alone, so she made up her mind and nodded determinedly.

"I'm coming with you," she said firmly.

She couldn't let Rick kill Logan. As they drove away, she thought about the possible alternatives, holding onto the hope that Logan could change. After all, killing wasn't the solution to their problems, and Gaby was determined to find another way.

Alexander was at home, attempting to distract himself. He attempted to continue writing his story, but he was unable to focus on the sensual lives of his characters. He wanted to hear Logan's voice again. He had attained a position of great importance in his life. Alex remembered the warmth and firmness of his body as he hugged him, and he was filled with desire. Lost in his thoughts, Alexander stared blankly at the computer screen, the cursor blinking impatiently. Alexander decided to take a break from his writing. Each passing moment without Logan felt like an eternity, and the ache in his heart only grew stronger.

Alexander pulled out his smartphone and called Logan's number. But he did not respond.

Alex attempted many times over the next hour but received no response, which disturbed him. What might happen? How might he find out something? What would Logan do in his place?

He decided to make another call.

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