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Logan went to the gymnasium. It was a new gym in town with excellent facilities. He thought the amenities were excellent. Logan was impressed by the state-of-the-art equipment and spacious layout of the gymnasium. The modern design and well-maintained facilities made the workout experience even more enjoyable.

Logan looked around and saw that none of the people he was with fit Kia Timpton's description. He went to the weight machines and began exercising. As Logan started his workout, he couldn't help but notice the uplifting atmosphere that filled the gymnasium. The vibrant music, motivational quotes painted on the walls, and friendly staff members made him feel energized and motivated to push people further.

After around 15 minutes, a tall, muscular woman with short hair entered the room. She confidently walked towards the weight machines, catching Logan's attention. He wondered if she could be Kia Timpton, but decided to wait and observe before approaching her. As she effortlessly lifted heavy weights, Logan admired her strength and determination, hoping that she could be the one he was looking for.

The girl went onto the treadmill. Logan continued to watch as the girl effortlessly transitioned onto the treadmill, adjusting the speed and incline without breaking a sweat. Her focused and intense expression made it clear that she was fully committed to her workout. Logan stepped away from the weight machine and joined her on the treadmill. As they both ran side by side, Logan struck up a conversation with her:

"Hello," said Logan. "I love this gym. I'm a new user. My name is Logan, and you?"

Kia thought:

"Is this spunky coming to the gym to flirt or work out?" Kia glanced at Logan, slightly taken aback by his sudden introduction.

"Hi, guy. My name is Kia, and I enjoy this gym as well, but I'm not in a flirting mood, okay?" She answered harshly, hoping to make her boundaries clear.

Logan laughed and said:

"Okay. I simply want to make friends. A guy named Alex Kingsley recommended this gym to me. He usually comes here. What a jerk!"

Logan observed Kia's nervousness and quickly realized that his comment about Alex had struck a nerve.

She said, after a few minutes:

"I also know Alexander. I met him at the gym. He's a man of few words."

Logan said:

"He is stupid. He deserves what happened to him recently."

"What happened to Alexander? I haven't seen him here in a while," Kia inquired.

Logan laughed again.

"The bastard was going to that new club called Naked Soul."

Kia looked away. Logan continued:

"It's a club where people go wearing masks. Bullshit, in my opinion. The truth is that he was on his way to that location the other day when a masked woman attacked him while walking through a nearby park."

Kia remained silent and then asked:

"Was the injury serious?"

"No, but the bastard became quite afraid. Screw him for being an idiot." Logan replied, shaking his head in disbelief. 

Kia halted the machine to ask Logan.

"Can we go get some coffee? But we're not going to fuck afterwards, I warn you."

Logan chuckled and nodded.

"Sure, let's grab some coffee. No expectations, just a friendly hangout," he reassured her." But you don't know what you're missing," Logan stated with a wink.

Logan and Kia sat in a cafeteria near the gym. It was a small, intimate space that encouraged peaceful conversation. They ordered their coffees and settled into a cosy corner booth, enjoying the serene atmosphere. After they handed them their different coffees, Logan said:

"Alex is a disgusting man. Behind that timid guy facade is a manipulator of the worst kind."

Kia answered:

"You're correct. I approached him with the best intentions. I wanted to make friends, you know. But he rejected me; he truly deserved to be stabbed."

Logan concealed a smile. Kia has just made a big error. He didn't tell her that Alex had been stabbed. So, how was she supposed to know? Only the person who attacked him would know. And perhaps she was also the one who killed Brook.

He also recorded the entire chat. He knew it couldn't be used as proof because recording a conversation without the other person's permission was unlawful, but it may serve as a tip-off for the police to begin their investigation.

He responded:

"Yes, he deserved it."

Gaby Alvarez knew that they would have to release Alexander on probation due to a lack of sufficient evidence to arrest him. Only that witness. She knew that the witness's statement alone wouldn't be enough to arrest Alexander. She realized that they needed more evidence to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The next day, Logan went to the police station to speak with Gaby. He informed her of his inquiry and his suspicions regarding Kia Timpton. Gaby said, after carefully listening:

"You are great, Logan Bradford. What have I told you? You would let the police operate. You are not a police officer or a private investigator. Furthermore, you are aware that your actions were illegal."

"I know. Go ahead, Detective Alvarez, arrest me." Logan said, "But you know I'm helping you."

Gaby knew she wouldn't arrest Logan for that reason. Especially because she knew that he was providing her with a crucial clue and that she intended to investigate.

She stared at the handsome man in front of her and had to admit that she could see why all the women were crazy about him. She knew this based on an earlier case. The sexual tension was obvious, but she was a professional. She would not allow herself to be seduced by him. If it was what he desired, she would have to disappoint him.

'My God, what am I thinking? Am I stupid, or what?' Gaby reflected as she left those libidinous thoughts within her.

Logan looked at Gaby with amusement. He could sense the internal struggle she was facing, but he also knew that Gaby's determination and professionalism were unmatched. He decided to play along, curious to see how far she would go to maintain her composure.

"What is your decision? I'm in your hands," Logan said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Gaby took a deep breath, suppressing the temptation that threatened to overwhelm her. She replied:

"You know I won't arrest you. There are more severe issues to investigate." Gaby sighed and shook her head. "Logan, I appreciate your intentions, but you have to understand that we need to follow the proper legal procedures. We can't just take matters into our own hands. If you truly want to help, let us handle the investigation and provide any information or evidence you come across. You can go and thank you." Gaby stated.

"You are welcome. It's my pleasure to assist you." Logan replied.

Logan was intrigued by Gaby. He couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Gaby than met the eye. He suspected that she had a hidden past, a secret life that she was keeping from all or she was hiding something regarding the investigation. He had to find out more. Logan was willing to do anything to help Alexander.

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