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Logan responded to Alexander:

"Of course, tell me, what's going on?"

Alexander informed Logan of everything that had happened with Arachne. He listened intently and stated:

"I've had an idea. You must speak with this woman in person."

"Did you go insane? I don't want her to see my face." Alexander spoke up.

"This is my idea. Artshel now has a new nightclub. It's called "Naked Soul." Logan continued, "The idea is that everyone who enters the club wears a mask, concealing their true identity. This way, you can meet Arachne face-to-face without revealing your identity to her. It will be a safe and anonymous environment for both of you."

Alexander hesitated for a moment, contemplating the unconventional plan. After a brief pause, he finally replied, 

"Alright, let's do it. I give it a shot."

"Send her a message and let her know you'll be meeting her on Saturday. I'll stay near in case she becomes violent, okay?" said Logan.

Alexander sent a message to Arachne 9 and then waited.

She replied a few moments later.

'Okay. Merlin, I'm looking forward to seeing you. You'll not regret it.'

Alexander put on a golden mask that covered the entire top of his head except for his mouth. He hoped that would be enough to ensure his privacy. He knew that meeting Arachne 9 in person carried a level of risk. With his heart pounding, he took a deep breath and reminded himself:

"Just stay calm and cautious, Alexander. Let's see where this takes us."

He drove to a parking spot near Naked Soul because it was the only spot he had. He'd walk from there.

Alexander was going to leave the park when he was stopped by a masked woman, who suddenly drew out a huge knife and stabbed him.

The excruciating pain radiated through Alexander's body as he staggered back, clutching his bleeding side. The shock and confusion consumed him as he desperately tried to comprehend the unexpected turn of events. Blood seeped through his fingers, staining his clothes and the ground beneath him. Panic threatened to overwhelm him, but he fought to stay conscious, determined not to let his assailant get the better of him. Gasping for breath, he managed to muster a weak cry for help, hoping that someone nearby would come to his aid.

Alexander slumped to the ground, and the lady lunged for him again, knife in hand, but luckily, a man with his dog entered the lonely park at that moment, and the woman left.

Alexander attempted to rise from the ground, but the wound was gushing with blood. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and put it on the wound.

Logan noticed Alexander's car parked and believed he was on his way to the club. He entered the park and noticed Alexander struggling to get up from the ground in the distance. Logan dashed over quickly to assist him.

Logan became concerned when he drew closer and saw how much blood was streaming from the cut and added:

"Shit! Alexander, what happened?"

"A masked woman attacked me. She has to be Arachne."

"I need to get you to a hospital right away. This looks serious, and we need to talk to the cops. We can't do it alone." Logan replied.

Alexander nodded weakly, his face pale and marked with pain.

"I couldn't see her face clearly, but there was something about her eyes, Logan. They were filled with pure hatred," he whispered, his voice trembling.

Logan clenched his fists, anger and worry intertwining within him.

"Don't worry, Alex. We'll find her and make her pay for what she's done. But right now, let's focus on getting you the help you need." Logan said reassuringly.

As Logan helped Alexander into the car, he couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that someone was watching them. He glanced around, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger, determined to protect his friend at all costs.

Alexander went to the hospital for treatment of his injury. Fortunately, although it was a massive cut, it was not deep enough to endanger his life. As Alexander lay in the hospital bed, he couldn't shake off the haunting image of those eyes filled with pure hatred. The doctors assured him that, with proper care and rest, he would fully recover from his injury.

The police were called since the hospital had informed them about a knife attack. Gaby Alvarez was the officer in charge of the investigation. Gaby Alvarez was known for her sharp instincts and attention to detail, making her the perfect officer to lead the investigation. As she arrived at the hospital, she could sense the tension in the air. Gaby immediately began questioning hospital staff and gathering any potential leads or evidence that could help bring the attacker to justice.

Alexander told her what had transpired, and she felt the case was interesting, albeit difficult.

She was intrigued by the fact that Alexander was the legendary Merlin Savage. She'd never read any of his books, but she'd heard a lot about his famous series. She couldn't help but wonder if the attack was somehow connected to his work, and she made a mental note to delve deeper into his books and the characters he created. Gaby was determined to use her investigative skills to uncover the truth behind this mysterious and seemingly targeted attack on an author who had enchanted audiences worldwide.

"I will investigate everything with the utmost discretion, and we will find the culprit of this attack, be it this Arachne or someone else."

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