[047] Give money

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Yang Yong decided to conduct an experiment. On this day, the day before he was discharged, Tang Xinxin returned to the private world and said that he would pick up Yang Yong in the afternoon and let Yang Yong clean up the contents of the ward first.

After Yang Yong promised, Tang Xinxin left.

Waiting for Tang Xinxin to leave, Yang Yong picked up a fruit knife from the table and stretched out his finger.

As soon as Yang Yong gritted his teeth, he stroked his fingers towards him.

Then, Yang Yong quickly closed his eyes and frowned tightly.

The blood flowed from Yang Yong's fingers and fell on the floor tickingly.

Immediately after, Yang Yong "haha!" Laughed twice.

Then Yang Yong opened his eyes and looked at his fingers.

At this point, Yang Yong's fingers were no longer bleeding. The mouth was originally open, but now it has been closed. However, it was not completely healed, only the meat was closed. With the help of external force, it should be easy Open the wound.

"Haha!" Yang Yong shouted happily.

"Great! Great!"

Yang Yong was particularly happy, holding his finger high and laughing.

"My magic is finally back! Haha, finally back!"

Before that, Yang Yong only suspected that his body recovered so fast due to the power of magic, but Yang Yong was not sure.

But just now, Yang Yong did an experiment. He cut his fingers apart, and then closed his eyes to feel the magic energy in his body.

Sure enough, it made him perceive it, but it was very, very weak, and those magical energy only wandered around Yang Yong's injured fingertips.

Then Yang Yong opened his eyes and found that the wound on the fingertip was no longer bleeding, and the wound was healed, but there was still some pain. I believe that he can fully heal in less than a day.

Yang Yong's guess was true. His injury was able to recover so quickly, mainly because of the energy of magic!

However, what makes Yang Yong a bit lost is that the energy of this magic is too small and too small to be ignored, it can only be used to heal wounds, and it also heals slowly.

Therefore, Yang Yong's previous skills and the like are not used at all.

However, Yang Yong was still very happy.

"So many days, so many days, my magical energy can be counted back a bit! I believe! I will definitely follow more in the future!"

Yang Yong's face was full of smiles.

At this time, the door opened, a middle-aged man came in, and behind him were two big men with sunglasses. Looking at the posture, he knew that this was Lin Tiannan's bodyguard.

"What's back? What should I say?" Lin Tiannan walked in with a smile.

"No, I said for half a month, I can finally go home."

"Yeah." Lin Tiannan nodded with a smile: "I didn't expect that you are so fast, Yang Yong, have you forgotten our two original promises?"

"Of course not!" Yang Yong smiled. "How could I forget it? I promise you to be a bodyguard for Qing'er."

"Ehhh, just remember, that's OK, I won't bother you. Pack this first. I'll go to the private world to find you tomorrow."

Lin Tiannan said.

Yang Yong smiled and nodded: "OK!"

Then Lin Tiannan turned and left.

Yang Yong watched Lin Tiannan leave and smiled and shook his head: "Hey, next, it's in the hands of Lin Qinger's demon head. I hope my life will be better."

Yang Yong, while feeling emotions, packed up this thing.

In fact, there was nothing, just some toiletries and some guys who ate, Yang Yong quickly packed up.

When Yang Yong was about to go out, a person who made Yang Yong unexpectedly pushed in and walked in.

Baifeng, that is, Boss came in, followed by two people, but not particularly sturdy.

As soon as Bai Feng came in, Yang Yong put down his things and looked at Bai Feng with some alert.

Bai Feng walked in with a smile, and the whole person seemed a little embarrassed: "Why do you look at me like this, can't I eat it?"

"Do you want me to welcome you?"

Yang Yong smiled: "I don't let anyone play with it."

Bai Feng shook his head: "I'm here today, not to mention those to you, I just give you what you deserve."

After that, Bai Feng beckoned.

The two people behind him took two portable black boxes and placed them on Yang Yong's bed, then opened the two boxes.

It's full of banknotes! Full of hundred dollar bills! Unusually spectacular.

Yang Yong was a little surprised, looking at the boss.

Boss smiled and reached out with a finger: "This is the money I promised you, the remaining 1.5 million, a lot!"

Yang Yong looked at the banknotes on the bed, and then looked at Bai Feng, and then thought about it: "I thought that Boss had forgotten this one."

"Where and where." Boss shook his head: "How could I be a person who didn't believe me, but I really couldn't get so much money at that time, I was busy for half a month, I could n't eat or sleep well, and finally, It's over and we're rich. I'm not bringing you money. "

After that, Boss looked at Yang Yong with a smile.

Yang Yong sniffed his nose, put his mouth away, and said psychologically, if it wasn't for Lin Shu's help, maybe you already wanted to kill someone, and would give me money?

However, Yang Yong just thought about it, and he certainly wouldn't say so.

"Okay, then thank you Boss for your sincerity. In fact, I have always believed in Boss, hasn't it? From that incident, I can see how much I believe in you! Haha."

Yang Yong said ironically.

Boss Bai smiled bitterly: "Brother Yang should not ridicule me, I was unable to do anything at the time, and I hope Brother Yang can't blame me."

"How could it be." Yang Yong shook his head with a smile, but thought in his heart that if there was a chance, he would definitely kill you! Let you lie to me! Almost killed me! Grass mud horse!

"I know! Brother Yang is very generous!" Bai Feng stepped forward and patted Yang Yong's shoulder: "Yes, Brother Yang, what does Lin Tiannan have to do with you? Why haven't I heard you mention it before? He? "

Yang Yong looked at Bai Feng: "Uncle Lin and I are just a subordinate relationship."

"Oh?" Bai Feng blinked in his eyes: "Isn't that easy?"

Yang Yongyi tilted his head and spread his hands: "If you don't believe it, I can't help it."

"Haha, since Brother Yang is not willing to say, then forget it, I will not ask."

Boss smiled and took his hand away from Yang Yong.

Yang Yong also smiled and didn't speak.

"Then Brother Yang, are you going to be discharged?"

Yang Yong nodded: "Yes."

"Then we are really destined. I'll be late for a while, and I guess I won't be able to meet them."

"It's true." Yang Yong smiled bitterly.

"Walk around, I will send Brother Yang today, after all, you have so many things, and there are two boxes of money, it is not safe to go out."

Bai Feng said with a smile.

Yang Yong didn't say anything, nodded: "Come!"

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