b l o o d y b a t h r o o m

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Your POV
I've gotten along with Kathleen and she's like a little sister to me now. I have to be honest, she's actually a fun person to play with. Usually we make jokes together, watch (favorite tv show from your childhood), play some games, and meet their imaginary friend. I met an (imaginary friend= I.F) named (best friend). B/f is a nice person to me and they told me all about their experience as an I.F.
     "One, two, three, four..." I count with my hands over my eyes. Little footstep echo in the hallway as I keep counting. Then it stops. "Ready or not, here I come!" Slowly and silently, sneak around the house.
"Kathleen, what are you doing in the under Mr. Sparkles' bed?" Mum says. Yes, she is now considered my new mum. Once again, Kathleen's is like a little sister and her mum is like my mum. Anyways, I walk to the cat's bed and shout out, "FOUND YA!"
     "Awww man! Mummy, look what you did! Y/n found me!" She whines. I kinda feel bad for her but hey, we're still best buddies. After the quick game of hide and seek, she tells me to stay in the bathroom and she runs upstairs.
Huh. I wonder why I have to stay in the bathroom. I look around the bathroom and it actually is pretty nice here. 2 minutes later, stuff get pretty boring so I fly up to the rooftop and overlook the pastel pink and blue sunset washing over the landscape.

(actual photograph in my house)
     My comforting smile turns into a scornful frown as I think of my past life with Stuart. We would always go to the lake together and watch the sunset on weekend back at Crawley. Reaching for my tail, I stroke it with my fingers and sigh. But the melancholy feeling didn't last long.
     "Y/N WHERE THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU?!" Kathleen pants. Shock hit me in the head right after I heard the word 'bloody.' "I told you to stay in the BLOODY bathroom!!!"
     "KATHLEEN DE YANGA," (yes that is her name and yes she is filipino) "WE DON'T USE THE WORD 'BLOODY' IN THIS HOUSE!" I growl at her. She looks at me innocently and I look at her confuzzled. "Where did you learn that word?"
     "From Noodle."
     "So while I was gone, a noodle taught you swear words???"
     "Kathleen!!! Wait up!" A girl my age climbs up the roof. Now I'm REALLY confused.
     "You know you could've just flown through the ceiling," I point at the ground and sneak a goofy grin. The girl looks at the ground and says, "oh." She chuckles and looks at me, but the fun doesn't last that long. She gets serious and walks towards me slowly like I'm a wild animal.
     "A-are you y/n l/n?" She asks and examines me. I get really uncomfortable but I quickly nod.
     "How d-d-did you know???" I ask perplexed. She literally freaks out and does a little celebration dance while Kathleen joins. I awkwardly watch them and rub my arm.
     "YOU'RE HERE!!! ITS REALLY YOU!!!" She jumps with joy and hugs me. I hugs back with an uneasy look on my face. Kathleen joins the hug and I find it kinda funny cuz she doesn't know why we are hugging. "IM THE POLICE OFFICER THAT ARRESTED PAULA AND E/N!"
     "REALLY?!?!" I smile from cheek to cheek. The girl nods rapidly and holds out her hand to shake.
     "Yes! I'm Noodle by the way," she introduces herself. I shake Noodle's hands. "Sorry for letting Kathleen say 'bloody.'" She whispers the last word. I chuckle.
     "Haha good thing she just said it to me and not her mum," I let go of her hand. "You already know me, but I'm y/n  l/n." Noodle agrees with my first statement and sits down to watch the sunset. I join her. Kathleen climbs back into her room to do something. I honestly don't know what she's gonna do but she better not say 'bloody' to her parents. Noodle and I watch the sunset in the awkward silence until the stars appear in the navy blue sky.
     "Y/n, how is it like to be an I.F?" Noodle asks without looking at me. A sparkle of distress lights up in her eyes. I shrug and stretch my legs.
     "It's like being a big sibling. But you're not visible to your mum and dad," I sigh and get back in my position. The chilly air hits my face and through my hair. I was about to fall asleep when I heard something that shot me back to the past.
     "Oi Noodle? Whe' are yew???" A male voice cracks beside me. I look back to see a young slender man with a bundle of azure blue hair covering his right eyes. (A/n: omg just like meeee.) oh my gosh. It's really him.
      " STUART???"

hA cliffhanger.

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