AvNeil first night

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Chapter 43:

It was a time of the night, people were standing outside the Mehta house which was lighted by fairy lights and other lights.

Avneil comes out with the family and Avni turns to her family. First, Arnav keeps the hand on Avni's head and hugs her.

Arnav: take care of yourself and your family and remember if you need any help your brother is always there for you, hmm.

Avni smiles and nods. Sonia meets her.

Sonia: I will miss you.

Avni: and I will miss your tasty food.

Sonia smiles and pulls Avni's cheek. Avni smiles. Avni turns and saw Aman is crying. He looks at Avni.

Avni: Aman.

Aman hugs her and cries.

Aman: Di, please don't go.

Avni smiles but was emotional. Neil was adoring their bond. Avni breaks the hug. All were looking at them.

Avni: today is my farewell, not yours that you are crying like this.

Both families smile. Aman again hugs her. Avni smiles and rubs his hair.

Aman: Di, how will I live without you please don't go.

Aman breaks the hug.

Aman: or take me with you.

Avni: you want to come as a dowry with me.

Aman smiles while crying.

Avni: do one thing you marry Kareena and come to live with us.

Avni whispers: you will also get rid of your Hitler mother-in-law.

Aman smiles.

Aman: what Di.

Avni smiles and Aman hugs her.

Avni: take care of yourself and don't trouble anyone.

Aman: I only trouble you and you always save me now you are going then who will save me so I have to play smartly.

Avni smiles and cups his face. Neil was looking at her only he knew that what Avni did for Aman. Neil looks down. Arav comes to Neil and Neil sits on his feet. Arav was holding a paper.

Arav: Neil uncle. I asked mamma to write it. I can not write na that's why.

Neil takes that.

Neil: what is written in it?

Arav: Bua's likes and dislikes. When her mood will get sad then give her Poha she will forget everything.

Neil smiles and looks at Avni who was looking at Arav.

Arav: she is allergic to almonds and coconut so please don't give her that. You read it mamma wrote everything. And please don't scold her she is really sweet.

Neil: I promise, I will take care of her. Ok.

Arav: and bring her here on Sunday.

Neil: ok boss.

Avni can not sit because of her dress so she cups his cheek and kisses his cheek. Neil picks Arav and made him hug Avni by carrying in his arm.

Avni turns and Neela maa comes to her. Neela maa hugs her and Avni squeezed her eyes. They break the hug and Neela maa cups her face.

Nm: go, your new life is waiting for you. Neil takes care of her.

Neil blinks his eyes and nods. Avni looks at Ashish and looks down. Ashish comes forward and keeps his hand on her head. Avni clenched her dress and squeezed her eyes she was trying her level best to control her emotions. Avni took a deep breath. Neil was facing her back. Ashish hugs Avni and she hugs him back.

Ashish: All the best for your new life. I hope you will not let us down this time.

Neil was shocked. Avni was looking at Ashish. Neil did not expect that. At least not this time. Avni looks down. Neil looks at her.

Neela maa takes Avni to the car and made her sit. Neil meets Ashish, Arnav and Aman.

Neil: I promise, I will take care of her and will not give you a chance to complain.

Arnav: Neil, Avni is a little bit aggressive so please if she does some mistake please forgive her for that.

Arnav joins his hand. Neil holds them.

Neil: don't worry, I will handle everything. Trust me, I will give my 100 percent to this relationship.

They smile. Neil hugs them and goes to sit on the other side. Arav starts crying and Avni looks at him. Sonia picks him and consoles him. Neil keeps the hand on Avni's hand. Avni turns to him. Neil nods. Avni turns to see her family and the car starts.

Avneil were on the way, Neil looks at Avni.

Neil: you ok?

Avni: yes. I knew papa will say something like that. I was prepared.

Neil looks at her. Soon, they reached and Neil helped Avni to get down from the car. The Khanna family welcomes them.

Avneil were sitting in opposite direction and a bowl was kept between them.

Shweta: I, 2, 3.

She puts the ring in the bowl and Avneil starts finding it.

Shweta: come on, Tillu.

Prakash: Avni, show them your power.

Bebe: Avni, Neil, Avni, Neil.

Kareena: Bhabhi, bhabhi, bhabhi.

Maddy: come on, Neil.

Avneil smiles. Their hands are touched and they look at each other. Avni got the ring and takes that out.

Prakash and Bebe: Yeahhh.

Shweta: Tillu, what is this?

Neil makes a face. Avni smiles.

Later, Avni was sitting on the bed and the room was lighted by candles only. Avni was getting nervous. Her face was covered with vail.

Avni: if I sit here for one more minute, I will die.

Avni thinks.

Avni: I should change before Neil come. Yes.

Avni was about to get up but stop.

Avni: but what Neil thinks about me? Arggh.

Avni heard the sound of opening the door. Avni rubs her hands because of nervousness. Neil closes the door and looks at Avni he noticed her hands. Neil looks at the door and gets nervous. Neil wipes his sweat.

Neil whispers: this is so embarrassing.

Neil goes to switch on the light. Both took a deep breath as they got relief. Neil looks at Avni and thinks. Neil joins his hands and rubs them. Neil comes to Avni whose heartbeat was increasing with each passing second.

Neil in mind: what do I say to her? I forgot everything by seeing this room.

Avni in mind: what he is thinking?

Neil looks at Avni and sits. Neil took off the vail and lost to see Avni.

Neil: you are looking beautiful, Avni.

Avni remains silent. Neil looks at her hand and takes that in his hand.

Neil: Avni, I know you got married in a hurry and there are many things to know about each other and I am ready to take it slowly. Don't worry, Avni, I will not do anything without your consent. At least you know me that much, right?

Avni looks up.

Avni: I trust you, Neil but this decoration. It is making me nervous.

Neil: yaa. Me too.

Avni smiles.

Neil: Avni, I promise, I will fulfil my duties towards and will give my 100 percent to our relationship.

Avni: I also promise, Neil that I will not give you a chance to complain. I will try to fulfil my duties with honesty whether it is towards you or your family. From today, your family is my family and your problems are my problems. You will always find me with you in every situation.

Neil smiles.

Avni: I will never let you down.

Neil: I know. I trust you. I only want you to stand with me, I don't want anything else.

Avni smiles. They look at each other.

Avni was removing her jewellery and Neil comes after changing. Neil was adoring Avni her hairs were open and were still in bridal dress. She was looking breathtaking. Avni looks at Neil they pass a smile to each other. Avni was trying to remove the necklace but he stuck.

Neil: may I?

Avni looks at him and nods. Neil comes and replaces her hands. Avni shivers and feels a tickle in her stomach. Avni closes her eyes. Neil also feels attracted to her neck but he looks away. Neil removes the necklace and looks at Avni in the mirror. Avni opens her eyes and both look at each other. Avni looks down. Neil looks away. Both were feeling embarrassed.

Later, Avni comes after changing and saw Neil is standing by keeping the hands in the pocket.

Neil: Avni, ab we are husband and wife and friends also and I believe that trust is the important pillar of every relationship and we both trust each other. Right?

Avni nods.

Neil: so we can share the bed. Right?

Avni looks at him.

Neil: I mean, our marriage is arranged marriage so we can share it if, if you are comfortable then. I thought we should at least take a step to each wither and as a friend, we can do it.

Avni: you are right, Neil. I don't have any problem. I am not a narrow-minded girl and we are married so it is obvious that we have to share things, we have to take steps. From now we have to live with each other and we are going to share our life so sharing the bed is not a big thing. Don't worry, I am OK with it.

Neil smiles.

Neil: Thanks for understanding.

Avni smiles.

Avni: by the way, from where did you find it?

Neil frowns.

Neil: what?

Avni: your mind.

Neil thinks and understands that she is making fun of him. Neil gives her a look. Avni smiles.

Avni: just joking.

Neil smiles.

Avni: no but I am serious. From where you find it I really want to know.

Neil: Avniii.

Avni smiles.

Avni: ok sorry. Now, I will not tease you.

They smile by looking at each other. Neil shook his head.

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