Avni's behaviour

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Chapter 162:

It was the time of night, the stars were twinkling and flowers and plants were dancing to the music of the wind. There was silence all around and Avneil was sleeping peacefully Neav was sleeping in between them and a netted cover was upon him as he is a baby of the seventh month and still is in the incubation period so that’s why the doctor advised them to keep baby warm.

The lights were on because of Neav though they are not habitual of it but they did that so that Avni cannot feel any difficulty in seeing Neav if he woke up at night.

Suddenly, Neav starts crying and his voice cracked. Avneil were sleeping and Avni’s sleep got disturbed by Neav’s crying. Avni’s face has a frown because of the light. She opened the zip and she saw Neav is crying. Avni wipes her eyes and sat. Avni took Neav in her lap. She checked him and everything was dry.

Avni: ssshhhhh… relax, baby. Ssshhhhh… what happened, mamma’s baby is hungry, hmm.

Avni was crying.

Avni: ok, ok. Relax, mamma is feeding you. Relax. Papa is sleeping.

Neil’s sleep got disturbed and he turned his face and a frown was on his head. Neil saw Avni is sitting and Neav is on her lap. Neil sat on the bed hurriedly and his one leg was twisted up.

Neil: what happened?

Avni: relax, Neil, Neav was hungry so I am feeding him.

Neil sighed and he pinched his eyes. Neil cleaned his eyes.

Avni: you sleep, you have to go hospital tomorrow.

Neil looked at her.

Neil: do you need anything?

Avni shook her head.

Neil: ok.

Neil was sitting on the bed.

Avni: you sleep, Neil.

Neil: yeah, I am sleeping.

Avni looked at Neil but he was sitting. Neil looked at Neav. Avni makes a face.

Neav slept and Avni saw him. Avni makes Neav lay and zipped the bag. Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: now, Neav slept, you can sleep now.

Neil looked at Avni and smiled. Avni shook her head and they lay. Neil turned his face to Avni and they looked at each other.

Avni: now what happened?

Neil smiled.

Neil: I love you.

Avni smiled.

Avni: I love you too. Now sleep else you will get late for hospital tomorrow and will be sleepy the whole day in the hospital.

Neil smiled and said ok. Neil closed his eyes while smiling and Avni smiled to see him. She feels blessed that Neil is her husband who is ready to sacrifice his sleep for her. Avni recalled how she was used to making him awake when she was pregnant. Avni smiled and closed her eyes while smiling.

The next morning, Avni was sitting by carrying Neav in her lap. Avni was trying to feed medicine to Neav. Neav starts crying.

Avni: ssshhhhh... ssshhhhh… relax, relax. What happened, you are not liking it. Mamma also don’t like medicines but what can we do, we have to take them.

Neil came into the room and was coming by hearing Neav’s crying.

Neil: what happened? Why is he crying?

Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: he is not liking the taste of this syrup I am telling you that I am not going to feed him this syrup from now.

Neil sat on the bed.

Neil: Avni, what are you saying, it is for his betterment.

Avni: betterment. See, how much he is crying. Ssshhhhh… relax, baby, why are you crying like this, stop crying.

Neil moves to Avni and they tried to calm Neav and soon, Neav stopped crying and he slept. Avni sighed but Neav was sobbing while sleeping. Avni glared at Neil. Neil sighed and smiled to see Neav. Neil looked at Avni and was surprised to see her anger.

Neil: what? What did I do?

Avni: you doctor never cares about anyone.

Neil was surprised.

Neil: what?

Avni kissed Neav’s cheek and made him lay and covers him in the zipped cover. Avni did not give any reply and she wipes her eyes as her baby is in pain. The girl who was used to hiding her pain and behaving maturely now she is used to behaving childish and crying on small things but in from of her Neil only. Neil shook his head to see her. Avni got up and she goes to the washroom and Neil was looking at her. He turned his face and sighed.

Neil: now it will happen daily, Neil, your new journey has started where this mother and son will blame you for everything, sare bill tere sar per hi phatenge.

Neil sighs. Neil looked at Neav and again he looked straight. Neil thinks.

Later, Avni was sitting on the bed and Neav was on her lap. Neil went to the hospital for a round. Avni was talking with Neav who was awake.

Avni: hey, my baby, my baby, mamma's prince is in the mood of playing. Hmm.

Aman was standing at the door and smiling to see his sister happy. Aman knocked on the door and Avni looked there. Avni smiled.

Avni: Aman. Come.

Aman smiled and he came. Avni looked at Neav and Aman sat on the bed.

Avni: see, Neav, Mamu, came. Choto Mamu.

They smiled.

Aman: he is just like you.

Avni smiled to see Neav.

Aman: I am so happy for you, Di.

Avni looked at him and smiled. Avni thinks.

Avni: and I also want to be happy for you, Aman.

Aman frowns.

Avni looked at Neav.

Avni: Mamu, you didn't give me a gift so now I want a gift from you.

Aman smiled.

Aman: say, what do you both want? I am ready to give you both what you will ask.

Avni: Promise, Mamu?

Aman: han, Baba, promise.

Avni looked at Aman.

Avni: we want you to patch up with Kareena Mami.

Aman's smile faded. Avni was looking at Aman.

Avni: now, it's a limit, Aman.

Aman looked away.

Avni: I know, she did wrong but it is also true that she got punishment for it. You are not talking to her since that day so now try to forget that.

Aman: is it that much easy?

Avni: no, in fact, you can never forget it but you can live with that truth. Aman, she is sorry for her deed. She is regretting for it. Aman, she deserves a chance.

Aman thinks.

Avni: you can at least try it. Please, for once for me and Neav.

Aman: Di, Kareena has given me divorce papers.

Avni was shocked.

Aman: she also wants to go with her mother.

Avni: no, she doesn't want to go, your behaviour towards her made her take this decision.

Aman: Di, I didn't say anything to her.

Avni got angry.

Avni: of course, you didn't say her anything now but you never leave a chance to taunt her, to humiliate her so what did she do?

Aman looked down. Avni calms.

Avni: see, Aman, you and me, we both know how much you love Kareena so stop this all. You will lose her forever because of your behaviour towards her.

Aman looked at Avni.

Avni: give a try to your relationship. Stop her before it will be too late.

Aman thinks.

Avni: please.

Aman nods.

Aman: I will talk to her but I can't promise you.

Avni looked at Aman who got up and goes. Avni was looking at him. Avni thinks.

At the time of the night, Avni was sitting by carrying Neav in her lap who was sleeping. Avni was arranging his small bed. Neil entered the room and he slow down his speed to see his two lifelines. Neil smiled to see them. Avni turned her face and she smiled to see Neil.

Avni: you came.

Neil smiled.

Neil: yeah.

Neil came to them and smiled to see Neav. Neil sat on the bed.

Neil: he slept?

Avni looked at Neil then she looked at Neav and smiled.

Avni: yeah.

Neil sighed. Avni looked at Neav

Avni: tired?

Neil looked at her.

Neil: yeah. I just went for a visit but a case came and I just got busy with it.

Avni: now everything is fine?

Neil: next 24 hours are crucial. He is under observation. Let's hope for the best.

Avni nods.

Avni: hopefully, he survives.

Neil nods.

Neil: anyways, did you have your dinner?

Avni: yeah. Sorry, I wanted to wait for you but Bebe said that I should not be hungry for a long time so I had it.

Neil: you did right. Bebe was right, you should not be hungry for a long time. Starvation is not good.

Avni nods.

Avni: you get fresh till then I took your dinner.

Before Neil says, Shweta entered by carrying a tray.

Shweta: no need to go anywhere. The dinner is here.

Avneil smiled. Neil got up.

Neil: thanks, mom.

Shweta smiled.

Shweta: your welcome. I am keeping it on the table.

Neil nods.

Shweta kept the tray on the bed then she came to Avneil and gave love to Neav and Avneil by keeping her hand on their chins. Avneil was smiling and then Shweta goes. Avneil looked at each other and smiled.

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