Avni was upset

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Chapter 159:

It was the time of the day, the sun was shining brightly over the hospital and an ambulance came and stopped outside the hospital. In one of the rooms, Avni was admitted.

Neil was sitting beside Avni by side hugging her and Avni was lying in a fowler’s position.  They were smiling to remember the past.

Neil: I roamed around two hours on the empty road at midnight.

Avni smiled.

Neil: and the best part is when I came back, my wife was sleeping.

Avni smiled.

Avni: so, I was awake for an hour but then I felt tired of waiting for you and he slept. What is my mistake in it?

Neil: really?

Avni looked at him.

Avni: yes.

Neil smiled and pecked her lips. Avni smiled by lowering her head.

Neil: I love you.

Avni looked at Neil. Avni smiled.

Avni: I love you too. But I love my baby more.

Neil made a face and Avni looked at Neil. Avni smiled.

Neil: I also love my tiger more.

Avni smiled. Neil rolled his eyes. Avni pulled Neil’s cheek.

Avni: aww, my Gollu.

Neil got irritated and Avni smiled. To see Avni smiling, Neil took a sigh of relief.

It was the time of the night, Neil fed Avni with his hand and Avni also fed him. They smiled to see each other. Neil got up and goes to keep the vessel on the table. Neil came to Avni and sits beside her by side hugging her. Avni smiled and kept her head on Neil’s chest and hugs him.

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil frowns and shook his head in confusion.

Neil: for what?

Avni: you are having this tasteless soup because of me.

Neil smiled.

Neil: nothing is like this, when you feed me with your hands, I got the taste itself.

Avni smiled. Neil holds her hand and kissed it. Avni looked up at Neil who smiled to see her. Neil kissed Avni’s forehead who was just smiling by closing her eyes. Neil smiled to see her.

Neil: by the way, you did not tell me the name of our tiger.

Avni smiled.

Avni: Neav.

Neil repeats the name happily: Neav.

Neil smiled.

Neil: nice name. How did you get this name?

Avni: it is a combo of our names. NE of Neil and AV of Avni. Neav.

Neil smiled.

Neil: wow, impressive. Since when did you become this much smart?

Avni made a face. She looked at Neil.

Neil: it is the effect of living with me. Good.

Avni: I am smart since childhood.

Avni hugs him more and she closed her eyes. Neil smiled to see her. Neil kissed Avni’s hair.

Neil: I know, my wifey is smart, brave and strong. She is an all-rounder. A wonder woman.

Avni smiled. She looked up at Neil and they smiled to see each other and then Avni rests her head on Neil’s chest and closed her eyes while smiling. Neil also hugs her with both arms and closed his eyes. Avni smiled.

Some days passed, Neil and both the Khanna and the Mehta families took care of Avni. Neil also visits the baby and captures the picture and videos to show Avni. Avni craved to carry her baby but she was helpless even though Neil was feeling the same. One day, Neil and the doctor were present in Avni’s room.

Doctor: Avni is fine now, she can go home today.

Neil took a sigh of relief. Avni also smiled but something strikes her mind and she thinks. Avni looked at Neil.

Doctor: but Avni has to have proper bed rest and have to take medicine on time. Bring her for a checkup after one week.

Neil nods.

Neil: Sure, doctor.

Neil looked at Avni and smiled. Avni smiled but Neil understood that something is disturbing her.

Doctor: now, I should leave.

Neil looked at the doctor.

Neil: yeah, sure. Come, let me drop you outside.

The doctor nods and they go. Avni thinks.

Neil entered the room and he found Avni lost. Neil frowns and he comes to Avni who looked at him. Neil signed with his face what happened?

Neil: what happened?

Avni: Neil, Neav?

Neil was shocked.

Avni: Neav will also come with us, right?

Neil was shocked. He thinks.

Avni: say, Neil.

Neil looked at Avni who was looking at Neil with tearful and hopeful eyes.

Neil: Avni, ac, actualllyyy… Ne, Neav has not get discharged till now.

Avni’s heart broke.

Avni: I will not go home without my Neav.

Neil felt bad.

Neil: Avni…

Avni shook her head.

Avni: No.

Neil felt helpless.

Neil: Avni, understand, Neav is under observation. He can’t get discharged now.

Avni: I don’t know anything, I will not go without my Neav.

Neil was looking at Avni. Neil thinks.

Later, Neil and the parents of Neil and Avni’s parents were standing around the bed with Aman, Arnav and Bebe and Avni was lying on the bed. Neil was looking at Avni helplessly. Shweta smiled a fake smile.

Shweta: Avni, come on, get up, let’s go home.

Avni shook her head by looking down.

Neil was looking at Avni.

Avni: I am sorry, Mummy Ji, I will not come without my Neav.

Neil made a face.

Prakash: he will also come there soon.

Avni shook her head. Prakash felt helpless.

Bebe: Avni if you will not come then how will we do the arrangements for Neav’s welcome?

Avni: my team will handle that. I have already talked to them. They have the design and they are briefed about that.

Bebe also dropped the weapons. Neil got angry.

Neil: Avni, what is this stubbornness? You got discharged and you have to go home but this small thing is not getting into your mind. Neav, Neav, Neav. You are talking as Neav is with you. He is in the incubator and you are here still you are behaving like a child.

Avni looked away and her eyes were red and teary.

Shweta: Tillu.

Neil looked at Shweta who showed him eyes. Neil realized his mistake. Neil caught his forehead and rubs it. Neil looked at Avni. Neil leans toward Avni and holds the bed with one hand and he caressed Avni’s hair with the second hand.

Neil: I am sorry, Avni but please, try to understand, Avni, you have to go home.

Avni looked at him and tears fall from Avni’s eyes.

Avni: Neil, because of the fear of losing our child, I didn’t dare to see any dream. I was even afraid of seeing the dream of holding our baby in my arms.

Neil’s eyes filled with tears.

Avni: I have only seen one dream with open eyes and that is when our baby will come into this world then you, me and our baby in my arms, we trio will enter together in our home.

Neil and others’ eyes were teary.

Avni: don’t snatch this dream from me, please.

The tears fall from Avni’s eyes and Neil also cried and gulped. Neil touched his forehead to Avni’s forehead. Everyone looked here and there. Neil looked at Avni. Neil caressed Avni’s hair.

Neil: will you go to my condo?

Shweta: how can she go there? Who will take care of her?

Neil stands and thinks. Avni wipes her tears.

Avni: mummy Ji is right, Neil and it will be difficult for her also because I know she will daily come there to meet me.

Shweta made a face.

Avni: and you will also get divided.

Neil: then?

Avni: I don’t know.

Neil sighed and he leaned toward Avni and kept his hand on Avni’s forehead.

Neil: we have to take a decision na, love.

Avni looked down. Neela maa sighs.

Nm: I have an idea.

Neil, Avni and others looked at Neela maa.

Nm: what if we take Avni with us to our home.

Avni and Neil looked at each other.

Nm: I mean if you have no problem then I want to take Avni to our home. By doing this, Avni’s dream will also come true and Avni will also go home.

Avni: but?

Avni looked at the Khanna family. Neil stood properly.

Ashish: but what, princess?

Ashish and Neela maa followed Avni’s gaze and they looked at the Khanna family. Neil also looked at the family and then he looked at Avni.

Bebe: if you want, you can go, Avni.

Avni: no how can I go there?

Nm: why?

Avni: Neil will face difficulty. I, Neav and the hospital’s work. No. it will be hectic for him.

Neil made a face.

Neil: I will manage.

Avni shook her head.

Avni: no.

Neil: Avni, trust me, it is a perfect idea and I will also be relieved.

Avni: but.

Neil: Avni, you don’t want to put a burden on mom as you said in the morning that mom has to take care of the home, Bebe’s medicine and if you go home then her workload will increase but now, we got a way so why are you not going there?

Avni thinks and she looks at Neil.

Neil: say, yes, Avni.

Avni: ok.

Everyone smiled.

Avni: but promise me that you will take care of yourself.

Neil: I promise and now I will also go home with you two.

Avni: as if you are going now. I know you did not go home since I and Neav are here.

Everyone smiled. Neil was surprised.

Prakash: Can anything escape from our Avni's eyes? I don’t think so.

Everyone smile. Neil looked down and smiled. Avni also smiled and then Avneil looked at each other while smiling.




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