Closing the book

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Last chapter:

It was the daytime and the Khanna mansion was decorated for Neav's naming ceremony.

Everyone gathered around Neav who was in the cradle. Avneil were also standing there.

Bebe: Avni, pick Neav.

Avni nodded and she picked Neav in her arms.

Bebe: Avni, now take Neav’s name in his ear.

Avneil looked at Bebe.

Prakash: but, we also know his name.

Bebe: I know but it is ritual.

Avni: But, Bebe, it is Neav’s Bua’s right. Right?

Everyone looked at Avni.

Avni: I know that I decided Neav’s name but it is Bua’s right to select Baby’s name. Right?

Bebe nods. Avni looked at Aman and signs him to go to Kareena who was standing in the corner. Aman nods and he goes to Kareena who was crying by turning her face away. Aman felt bad and kept his hand on Kareena’s shoulder. Kareena looked up and she wiped her tears. Kareena turns.

Aman: come, Di is calling you.

Kareena: No, I am fine here. I don’t want to spoil your happiness.

Aman: come.

Kareena shook her head. Aman took out the papers from his vest as he was wearing sherwani. Aman showed the divorce papers to Kareena. Everyone was looking at them. Aman tore the papers and Avni smiled. Neil too smiled and he looked at Avni who also looked at him. They were happy. Kareena was looking at Aman.

Aman: you are not going anywhere.

Kareena was shocked.

Aman: Kareena, I cannot forget what you did and forgiving you for that is not possible for me.

Kareena looked down.

Aman: but we can try to make a new start. I can’t promise you that I will be like before with you but I will try.

Kareena: Aman…

Aman: we can talk about it later. Right now, let’s go everyone is waiting for us.

Kareena smiled and she wiped her tears. Aman and Kareena turned to all and they came. Aman smiled to see Avni who was smiling also. Everyone goes to them except Avneil.

Neil: do you think that Aman has forgiven Kareena?

Avni: no.

Neil looked down.

Avni: and he can never forgive her for that. But I know my brother, he will give his 100 per cent and one day, everything will be fine. Time is the best healer. We do not forget everything with time but learn to live with that truth.

Neil smiled and Avneil looked at each other.

Kareena and others were standing near Avneil and Avni gave Neav to Kareena. Kareena was happy. Kareena called Neav’s name in his ear.

Kareena: mamma gave you Neav name.

Kareena announced Neav’s name and everyone clapped. Avneil looked at each other while smiling then they did the photo session. Some were sitting on the couch and some were standing.

Bebe: ok, now everybody go to your room and have some rest then we have to get ready for the party.

Everyone nods.

Shweta: but, we have to clean this area before.

Avni: don’t worry, my staff will do this.

Neil: yeah, I always say but don’t know why you all forget. When an event planner is in our home then what’s the need to worry?

Avni looked at Neil and others smiled.

Avni: koi aur kuch kare ya na kare tum to mere office ke bahar tala lagwa kar rahoge.

Neil shrinks his shoulders and others laughed.

Bebe: ok, now let’s go. It is their daily work so leave them.

Avni makes a sad pout and Neil makes a face. Others smiled and goes. Avni looked at each other and smiled.

Later, Avni was getting ready for the party and Neav and Neil, both were not there. Avni was applying makeup. She applied lipstick and suppressed her lips. Avni looked herself in the mirror.

Avni's dress and look.

Avni: Hurry up, Avni, you have to make Neav ready.

Avni picked up two rings and wears them and then she wears the earrings. Avni looks at herself in the mirror.

Avni: Finally.

Avni huffs and she looked herself in the mirror.

Avni: now make Neav ready but before that clean this mess.

Avni was keeping jewellery and make-up in their boxes. Avni looked at herself in the mirror and she sats her dupatta then she picked up the boxes and she goes to the cupboard. Avni kept the boxes and she was going out of the room but her eyes fall on the wall and she stopped. Avni smiled to see them. It was not the first time, she was seeing those pictures but she was wondering how things changed in her life. She was a reserved person who always try to be alone after her sister's death. She did not even realise when Neil came into her life and now he and Neav are her everything. She couldn't believe how time passed, she felt like it is just like yesterday when she first time met Neil and Avni smiled to recall their fight on the first meeting. Avni wondered how they got married and how Neil became an important person of her life and now she can't even imagine her life without him. Many memories engulfed her and she was smiling to recall them. Indeed, they have faced many hard times and with each other's support, they passed all the hardships. Avni saw Neav’s picture with them and Neav’s picture with his feet and handprint. Avni recalled with teary eyes how much she craved for him and she got emotional to remember her lost child.

Avni was so lost in her memories that she did not realise someone's presence. Neil entered the room but he stopped to see Avni and he was wearing a white suit. Neil saw Avni and smiled. Neil thinks and he closed to door. Neil came to Avni and he looked at the picture. Neil smiled.

Neil: ase kya dekh rahi ho.

Avni looked at Neil and tears dropped from Avni's eyes. Neil panicked.

Neil: what happened, Avni?

Avni smiled and she wiped her eyes.

Avni: nothing. Just lost in memories.

Neil frowns.

Avni: I saw these pictures and suddenly I remembered how we met and all and by thinking about those things, I got emotional.

Neil: you are saying, truth?

Avni nods to see Neil. Neil smiled. Avni looked at Neil. Suddenly Avni hugs Neil by keeping her head on Neil’s chest. Neil was surprised and confused. Avni's eyes were closed.

Avni: thank you for everything.

Neil took a deep breath and smiled. Neil kissed Avni's hair.

Neil: I should say thank you to you. Thank you for coming into my life and making it beautiful.

Avni looked at Neil but she was still in Neil's arms and was also holding him.

Avni: today, I don't have words to describe my feelings. I am overwhelmed. Mere pass shabd nahi hain tumhe batane ke liye ke main tum se kitna pyaar karti hun.

Neil smiled.

Neil: lafzon se nahi labon se batao kitna pyaar karti ho.

Avni looked at Neil. Neil moved to her and Avni hits his arm. They smiled.

Avni: always a single-track mind.

They smiled. Avni turned and she saw the pictures and Neil hugs Avni from behind.

Neil: let’s cherish the moments together.

Avni smiled because she very well knew Neil.

Avni: nice trick to do the romance but right now, we have to go downstairs so...

Avni said while removing Neil's hand: leave me and let’s go.

Neil again captured her in his arms and sighed.

Neil: just a few minutes, please.

Avni dropped the weapons. Avni smiled and said OK. Neil smiled and inhaled Avni's scent and he moved to her neck. Avni squeezed her eyes and she gave him space by stretching her neck. Neil looked at Avni and he turned her to him. Neil smiled to see Avni's closed eyes and he looked at her lips. Avni opened her and she saw Neil is looking at her lips. They looked at each other and then at each other's lips. Neil moved to her and Avni closed her eyes. Neil was about to kiss Avni and he closed his eyes but they heard Bebe call Avni. Neil made a crying face and leaves Avni.

Neil: here comes the enemy of my love. They can't even let a poor husband romance with his wife. Aur phir thori dair bad laad sahab aenge. Meri to koi value hi nahi hai.

Avni hides her smile.

Bebe: Avni.

Avni looked at the door and Neil looked at Avni.

Avni: coming, Bebe.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: go.

Avni encircled her arms around Neil's neck. Neil looked at Avni's arms and then he looked at Avni.

Avni: what's the hurry, Patidev.

Neil frowned. Avni cupped Neil's face and Neil was confused. Avni moved close to him and she kissed Neil. Neil was shocked at first but then he cupped Avni's face too. They moved away and were panting.

Avni: kabhi kabhi thora late hona chalta hai.

Avni winked and Neil was smiling surprisingly.

Avni kissed Neil's cheek.

Avni: don't forget to clean this lipstick mark.

Saying this, Avni ran. Neil was looking at her. Avni opened the door and goes while smiling. Neil was happily looking at Avni.

Neil: I just love my tikhi mirchi. Ssshhhhh.

Neil smiled. Neil remembered what Avni said.

Neil: oh, clean it, before anyone comes.

Neil goes to the dressing table and smiled to see the lipstick mark on his cheek. Neil grabbed the tissue and removed it while smiling.

Later, the guests come and the Khanna family was welcoming them. They come and give gifts to Avneil and met Neav who was in the cradle. Avneil was smiling. Everybody enjoyed the party and Avneil were happy. They were talking to the guests and suddenly Neav starts crying but in people's sound, Avneil did not hear him as he was in the cradle and Bheema was standing beside him but she was looking at the people. Avni felt someone is calling her. Avni looked around.

Avni: why I am feeling that someone is calling me.

Avni thinks.

Avni: Neav?

Avni turned her face and she hurriedly goes to Neav. Neil saw her and he goes behind her. Other family members also saw them. Avni comes and she saw Neav crying badly.

Avni: Neav.

Avni picked up Neav in her arms. Neil also comes there.

Neil: what happened, Avni?

Neav was crying badly.

Avni: ssshhhh.

Bheema: sorry, in noise, I couldn't...

Neil gives her a look and others also come. Bheema looked down. Avni was trying to calm Neav.

Shweta: what happened?

Avni: the mistake is not yours, the mistake is mine. I should not leave Neav like this.

Neil looked at Avni who also looked at him and then she took Neav from there.

Prakash: What happened, Neil?

Neil: nothing. Neav was crying and you know how these mothers are. Don't know, how they understand that their child needs them.

The ladies smiled.

Shweta: it is mother's heart, you will not understand. Only a mother can understand it.

They smiled. Neil sighed and he looked in the direction where Avni goes. Neil thinks.

Neil opened the door of his room and he saw Avni is feeding Neav with the feeder bottle and Neav slept.

Neil: did he sleep?

Avni nodded by looking down. Avni kept the feeder bottle on the bed. Neav sobbed and Avneil looked at him. Avni felt guilty and Neil looked at her.

Neil: it's ok, Avni, it happens.

Avni: But I have to make sure that it will not happen again.

Neil was looking at her. He nodded.

Neil: I will also try to do that.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: what? He is my son also. I also have some responsibilities towards him.

Avni was looking at him. Neil looked away in anger and he saw Avni from the corner of his eye. Avni smiled. Neil smiled.

Avni: you very well know how to change my mind.

Neil: of course, after all, I am your husband.

Avneil smiled.

Soon, the party ends and they clicked many pictures. The Mehta family stayed there at night as per Bebe's order. The next day, they clicked many pictures with Neav and now it is part of the daily routine of the Khannas.

One day, the sun was trying to peep into Avneil's room but the thick curtains were not letting the sun rays enter but still some rays managed to light the room. The pictures were hanging on both sides of the bed. Some were of Avneil's wedding and different occasions and some were with Neav. In one picture, Avneil were holding together a five-month-old Neav and the trio were wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. King was written on Neil's shirt, Queen on Avni's and Prince was on Neav’s shirt. There were many pictures. In one picture, Avni was kissing Neav’s cheek and in one picture, Neil was sitting and Neav was sitting on his lap and Neil was holding Neav’s arm up and Neil's mouth was open as he was roaring and Neav was laughing. Some were with family.

Avneil were sleeping peacefully in their room and the sun has risen a long time ago but they were still sleeping. The naughty Neav woke up and he became eight months old today. Neav looked at Neil and he lays on Neil's arm. Neav was playing with Neil’s lips and he giggled. Avni woke up and she frowns. She wiped her eyes and smiled to see her two lives. Avni moved Neav to her and kept her hand on Neav’s stomach.

Avni: what were you doing? You were troubling papa. Hmm.

Avni rubs her nose to Neav’s nose. Neav laugh.

Avni: hmm, hmm.

Avni kissed Neav’s cheek.

Avni: my baby.

Avni kissed Neav’s forehead.

Avni: good morning.

Neil wakes up to hear them. Neil looked at them with a frown and then he smiled to see his two lifelines who were playing.

Neil: good morning.

Avni looked at Neil and smiled.

Avni: good morning.

Avni looked at Neav.

Avni: say, good morning to papa.

Neav giggled and Avneil smiled. Neil also lays on his stomach and Avneil was on both sides of Neav. They nod to see each other and kissed Neav’s cheek together. Neav laughs.

Avneil: happy eight months.

They smiled. Neil looked at Avni and kissed her cheek. Neav made a sound and kept his hand on his mouth. Avneil laughed to see him.

Neil: quiet and now close your eyes, papa wants his morning dose.

Avni widens her eyes.

Avni: Neil?

Neil: what? You know, I daily need it otherwise, I cannot be able to get up.

Avni shook her head and Neil moved toward her. Neav kept his hand on his eyes as he is trained by Neil. Neil kissed Avni and then they looked at each other and when they looked at Neav. They laughed. They became a happy family.

Later, the Khanna and the Mehta family were present in the Khanna House and Avneil cuts eight months' cake by holding Neav’s hand and everyone smiled. Avneil kissed Neav and then
fed each other and Neav made an angry face. Everyone laughed. Avni fed Neav a spoon of cereal. Everyone enjoyed with Neav who was enjoying the special treatment. They clicked the pictures.

In the night, Neav was sleeping on the bed and Avneil was standing on the balcony and Neil was hugging Avni from behind.

Neil: Avni, after Neav’s coming into our life now I feel my family complete.

Avni smiled.

Avni: me too.

Neil smiled.

Neil: thank you for completing my family.

Avni: thank you for completing me. I always felt incomplete but since when you came into my life. I feel completed.

Neil smiled and they stayed in that position and something strikes Avni's mind.

Avni: Neil?

Neil: hmm.

Avni: you called Tiger to Neav.

Neil frowns.

Neil: hmm.

Avni: Why?

Neil: because he is my son.

Avni: but you are not a tiger.

Neil: means?

Avni: means how can you be Tiger? You are my cute Gorilla na.

Neil frowns then he understands.

Neil: Avniii...

Avni smiled. She pulled Neil's cheek while Neil was hugging her from behind.

Avni: my cute Gorilla.

Neil: Tch.

Neil kept Avni's hand away.

Avni kissed Neil's cheek.

Avni: I love you, my Gorilla.

Neil made a face and then they smiled. Neil also kissed Avni's cheek.

Neil: I love you too, Mrs Gorilla.

They smiled and then they looked at the moon.

After that, they lived happily though tough times comes but they faced that with the support of each other.

The end.

Thank you.

So, here this story ends and I hope, you liked it.


When we think, that everything ended, in reality, it is the beginning. Avni thought now she will be alone, she had lost all hopes and was used to living alone and then Neil came into her life and then everything changed. Don't lose hope and try to find ways and you will get what you want with your hard work and if you don't get that then believe that something better is written in your destiny, just like Avni who got a perfect family after craving for it for years.

Thank you.









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