Dispute between Avneil last part

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Chapter 118:

It was the time of the night and there was complete silence outside the Khanna mansion.

In Avneil's room, Neil was standing by holding Avni's arms.

Avni: Neil, leave me.

Avni tries to come out of the grip but Neil tightens the grip.

Neil: no, today, I will make you open your eyes, you have to accept the truth, you have to face reality. I tried a lot to be patient with you as you are in grief, you are in trauma but now I have to do this, I have to show you the reality.

Avni was looking at him angrily.

Neil: what do you want to prove by giving pain to yourself? Hmm. Answer me.

Avni: I don't want to prove anything, just leave me.

Avni was trying to come out of his grip. Neil tightens the hold.

Neil: Really, you don't want to prove anything then what is the meaning of giving pain to yourself? You went to the office the next of coming back from the hospital, what was that? You did not do that to hurt yourself? Why are you doing this? Hmm, why? After Riya's death, you started to walk alone late at night and now after your miscarriage, again you have started to do the same. You made yourself responsible for Riya's death and now you are making yourself responsible for our child's dea...

Avni: Neil.

Avni pushed him.

Avni: don't you dare you to say that thing about my child.

Neil: that is the truth, you can't deny that.

Avni: Shut up, Neil.

Neil: truth will not change by not accepting that and the truth is that our child...

Avni shouted: Neil.

Avni turns her face.

The Khanna family was hearing them. Shweta and Prakash turn their face and Bebe slightly turn her head. Bebe turns her face and looked down at the dining table.

Neil holds Avni's arm and turns her to him.

Neil: you can not hide the truth by shouting. Accept the truth that our child is no more, it left us before coming to us.

Avni shouts, Neil.

Avni holds Neil's collar.

Avni: how dare you say that about my child? How dare you?

Neil jerks her hands away.

Neil shouts that was my child too.

Avni was looking at him shockingly. Neil was hell angry.

Neil: that was not only your child, that was my child too. I also had some dreams about it.

Neil's eyes got tears. Neil lowers his voice.

Neil: I also dreamed of our happy family. I was also waiting to see our baby, was waiting to carry our baby in my arms but all...

Neil sobs, Avni was looking at him with tearful eyes.

Neil's expressions again changed into anger.

Neil: I also have lost my child but I have accepted the truth. I accept that you are in grief but my pain is not less than yours so stop saying my child, my child, that was our child, my and your child. If you have the right to preserve its things then I also have the right to mourn for my child and you can't snatch that right from me. Got it.

Neil glared at Avni who was looking at him with soft eyes. Neil goes from there. Avni was looking at him.

Avni recalls the words" that was my child too."

Avni thinks.

Neil came downstairs, he saw his family and stopped. The Khanna family saw him. Neil looked down, here and there then he goes from there. The family was looking at him they looked at each other.

Neil was driving the car at high speed and was hell angry at Avni. Avni came after changing her dress into a nightdress by holding the towel in her hand, she was lost in her thoughts. She sat at the edge of the bed and thinks.

Song: kitni batain yaad aati hain.

They saw the flashes of their good days from the first meeting till now. Avni's eyes were moist, and Neil wiped his tears. Avni looked at the window and she kept the towel on the bed. She goes there and looked at the moon. Neil stopped the car and got down. Neil looked at the moon and walked some steps then he stopped. They remembered the good days. Neil runs the hands in his hair and holds his neck. Neil was crying. Avni thinks.

At midnight, a car stopped outside the Khanna mansion. Neil entered the mansion and he goes to the room which was downstairs. Neil was feeling low, he sat on the bed and caught his hair. Someone keeps a hand on Neil's shoulder. Neil looked up then he turned his face and saw the person.

It was Shweta. Neil's eyes filled with tears to see his mother. He got emotional. Neil turned his face to the other side and he wiped his eyes.

Neil: mom, you. You did not sleep till now.

Shweta got emotional to see him. She wipes her eyes and sits beside Neil.

Shweta: how can I sleep when I know that my son is in pain.

Neil smiled to hide his sorrow and squeezed his nose. Neil was looking down.

Neil: pain. What are you talking about? I am fine.

Shweta: Tillu, I am your mother, I know you more than you. Tillu, don't keep your pain to yourself, let that come out. Say it all whatever is in your heart. Just let out that burden from your heart. Say it all.

Neil was crying by looking down and gulps. Shweta kept her hand on Neil's shoulder.

Shweta: from whom you are hiding your tears, hmm. I am your mother, I understand what you want without your saying and you are hiding your pain from me. Me, your mother.

Neil looked at her with teary eyes and hugged her. Neil cried badly. Shweta caressed his hair while crying.

Neil: my child, mom, my child. I lost my child. I lost my everything. Everything is slipping from my hand. My and Avni's relationship, our happiness, everything. Mom, Avni, why Avni is not understanding that was my child too, I love my child too, I am also in grief. Why does she is not understanding that our grief, our pain is the same? Why?

Shweta and Neil were crying. Shweta was caressing Neil's hair. Neil tightens the hug and cried.

Shweta: everything will be fine. Time is the best healer, it will heal your wounds too.

Neil was crying. He tried to control his emotions. Neil sighs then he breaks the hug and wipes his tears with his thumb.

Shweta: give her some time, Tillu, everything will be fine. She lost her child, it will take time to be healed. Don't lose your patience.

Neil: Mom, I am ready to give her time, I am ready to wait for her to be normal. Mom, I tried to be patient with her, I tried my best to not hurt her but she, she is not ready to understand anything. I understand that she lost her bany but that was my child too, I am also in pain. My pain is not different from hers. I was also waiting for my baby, I was counting the days for my baby to come into this world. I also dreamed of carrying my baby in my arms. I also have some dreams. I...

Neil was crying.

Neil: Baby was in her womb but I, I was also emotionally attached to the baby. A mother can sense her child, can feel her child but a father also waits for his baby. Mom, I want to heal her and want to be healed by her. Mom, we both have lost our child, only we both can heal each other. Why does she is not understanding that it is a tough time of our life and we both have to become the strength of each other.

Shweta: I understand, Tillu but by fighting like this you will only lose.

Neil: mom, what should I do? Avni is giving herself pain and I can't see her in pain, I just can't.

Shweta: I know. I am just trying to say that don't lose hope. You have to calm yourself, you have to calm your heart then only you will find a way.

Neil looked at her and Shweta nodded. Neil looked down and thinks. Shweta caressed his back and hugs him from the side. Neil holds her arm and tears fall from Neil's eyes. Neil sobs.

Shweta: everything will be fine, just trust the timing of your life.

Neil closed his eyes. Someone was looking at them by Standing near the door and it was Avni, her eyes were teary. She thinks then she wipes her eyes and goes from there. Shweta was consoling Neil.

At the time of the late-night, Avneil were sleeping on the bed. Avni opens her eyes, she turns her face and faced Neil's back. Avni thinks. She sat and she saw Neil. Avni thinks.

Avni packed the bag and thinks.

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