Neil's happiness

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Chapter 47:

It was the time of the day, everyone was standing in the area of the living room.

Bebe: you sit and enjoy we have some work so we are just coming.

Avni looks at them she understands that they are giving her space.

Avni: can I help you with that?

They smile.

Shweta: no you spend time with your friend and we will manage you don't worry and yes, don't think that we are making an excuse we have to discuss the guest list of your reception.

Avni smiled and said OK.

Avni: if you need any help please do tell me.

Shweta: of course.

They went.

Avni: Ali, you have to come to my reception I will not listen to any explanation. No excuses.

Neil was shocked.

Ali: ok.

Avni: sit.

They sit. Neil also sits there.

Ali: here is your gift please accept that.

Avni looks into the bag.

Avni: it is a gift or gifts?

Ali smiles there were four gifts. Avni opened the first gift which was a branded purse. Avni liked that because it was her favourite brand.

Avni: wow. Ali, thank you so much. I wanted this bag.

Ali: that's why I gifted it to you.

Neil was not liking it. Avni touched the bag and check that. Avni opens a small gift and saw a watch.

Avni: so cute.

Avni tried that.

Avni: how is it looking?

Ali signs that looking awesome.

Avni: Neil?

Neil smiles fakely.

Neil: Nice.

Avni keeps the watch in the box and opened the third gift and saw her favourite perfume.

Ali: your favourite perfume.

Avni: you still remember that.

Ali: of course how can I forget this?

Neil rolls his eyes.

Avni inhales the smell of perfume.

Now the last gift. Avni opened that and saw the chocolates. Avni gets excited.

Avni: chocolates.

Neil was surprised to see her excitement. Avni eats the one.

Avni: Ummm.

Ali smiles.

Avni: Ali, all gifts are so good but I can't take them.

Ali: why?

Avni: these all are so expensive I...

Ali: I bought them for you and you have to accept them. These are your wedding gifts.

Avni: I know that but...

Ali: no if no but. I bought them with so much love and you are talking nonsense.

Avni looks at the gifts.

Ali: and the gift should not be returned.

Avni looks at him and the gifts.

Avni: but.

Ali: Avni... I will be angry with you.

Avni: aah, ok.

They smile and Neil looks at them.

Neil in mind: Ali know everything about Avni. He even knows about her likes and dislikes. Does he love her?

Avni and Ali were talking.

Neil: excuse me I have some work.

Avni looks at him. Neil goes. Avni thinks.

Neil comes to the room and Ali and Avni's smiling faces were roaming in his imagination. Neil runs the hand in his hair and goes to the bed. Neil throws the cushion in anger and sits on the bed. Neil rubs his face and runs the hand in his hair and holds his neck. Neil runs his hands to his mouth and rubs his lips and thinks by keeping the hand on his lips.

On the other side, Avni was sitting with Ali and thinking about Neil as he goes it alerts Avni. Avni realised the blunder which she did.

Avni in mind: oh no, in excitement I forgot that we were choosing the destination of our honeymoon. He must be hurt. How can you do that, Avni? You are so stupid.

Avni looks at Ali.

Avni comes into the room and saw Neil is sitting on the couch and looking at the laptop. Avni comes to him.

Avni: I am so sorry, Neil. In the excitement of meeting Ali, I forgot what we were doing.

Neil: it's ok, Avni I can understand.

Avni: ok, let's discuss it.

Neil: no Avni, you go to your friend. We can discuss it later.

Avni: he can wait for some time. It is more important.

Neil: Av...

Avni pulls the laptop to her.

Avni: let's discuss it.

Avni saw the destination. Neil looks at her.

Avni: this is looking good. No?

Neil smiles.

Neil: yaa.

Avni: but Mauritius was more beautiful and Zurich.

Neil: but we can choose one.

Avni pouts and looks at the laptop.

Neil: if you want we can go to both places

Avni: no we will go Mauritius.

Neil: are you sure?

Avni: yes.

Neil: ok.

Avni smiles.

Avni: now can we go to Ali? He must be waiting.

Neil's smile faded.

Neil: you go and enjoy.

Avni: no, I want you there with us, come.

Neil: but.

Avni holds his arm and gets up. Neil makes a face then he smiles and gets up. Neil was happy that she cares for him.

All were having lunch. Avni was sitting between Neil and Ali and Ali. Avni was happy because she should not need to eat in her room. Shweta passed the rice to Ali and Neil looks at his plate. They have lunch and Ali goes after that.

At the time of the night, Avneil comes to the dining area and were about to go for dinner but Neil's phone rings.

Neil: one minute.

Avni nods. Neil goes and comes back.

Neil: ab mom, there is an emergency in the hospital so I have to go.

Shweta: Tillu, what is this?

Neil: mom, understand. I will try to come back soon if possible.

Neil looks at Avni and goes. Avni was looking at him.

It was the time of 12:30 am and there was no sign of Neil. Avni was waiting for him she looks at the time.

Avni: can I call him?

Avni dialled his number and heard the sound of the car. She cuts the call and goes to see it in the window and smiles to see Neil's car.

Neil comes and saw his mother standing in the living area.

Neil: mom, I told you many times to not wait for me.

Shweta: and I told you many times that I can't sleep till I do not see you.

Neil smiles.

Shweta: but today someone else is also waiting for you.

Neil frowns and shook his hand slightly.

Shweta: your wife. Neil, now you are married you should inform her about your coming or schedules.

Neil thinks.

Neil: Sorry, mom, I will definitely do that from now.

Shweta smiles and pets Neil's cheek. Neil smiles.

Neil comes to the room and saw Avni is standing in the room.

Neil: you are still awake?

Avni: yes. You get fresh I bring you dinner.

Neil: ok.

Avni goes.

Neil: Avni was awake for me?

Neil thinks and was happy to think about that. He smiles.

Avni comes with the tray and Neil comes by wiping his hair. He saw Avni and they pass the smile to each other. Neil comes forward by looking at the tray.

Neil: you did not have dinner.

Avni shook her head. Avni goes to the couch. Neil turns.

Neil: but why?

Avni keeps the try on the couch and goes to sit. Neil was looking at her and Avni sets the tray. She picks the spoon and keeps that on the plate.

Neil: you were waiting for me.

Avni: yes.

Neil: but why?

Avni: because I am your wife.

Neil looks at her and was surprised to hear that. Avni was smiling and setting the plate and Neil was looking at her by smiling. He was happy to know about that.

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