Sad Avni

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Chapter 155:

It was the time of the evening, the birds were chirping in the sky over the hospital. The doctor was doing Avni's check-up. Doctor asked some questions to Avni.

Avni: Doctor, I want to meet my baby.

The doctor looked at her.

Doctor: you can meet your baby. Just wait for some time.

Avni was looking at her sadly.

Doctor: don't worry, your baby is fine.

Avni smiled.

The doctor talked to Nurse and then she talked to Avni.

Doctor: don't worry, you will be fine soon.

Avni smiled and the doctor too smiled and goes.

Neil and the doctor were standing in the corridor.

Doctor: Avni is fine but I can't give her permission to walk or sit at least not today. She tried to get up, right?

Neil nods.

Doctor: she should not do that but Thank God nothing serious has happened.

Neil was looking at the doctor.

Doctor: I didn't say anything to her but take care of her, she needs proper rest.

Neil nods.

Neil: ok, Doctor. Thank you.

The doctor nods and goes. Neil thinks.

Neil: this girl. Can't she sit calmly.

Neil shook his head and thinks.

Neil: if I go inside, Avni will ask me to take her to the baby.

Neil thinks and a nurse came to him.

Nurse: Doctor Neil, doctor Abhay wants to meet you.

Neil nods.

Neil: ok, I am coming.

The nurse goes and Neil looked at the door and he thinks.

It was the time of night, the moon was shining in the sky and was peeping into the hospital from the window. A door opened and Neil entered the room carrying a tray in his hands and a bowl was kept on the tray. Avni looked at the door and she saw Neil who looked up and he saw Avni is angrily looking at him. She turned her face. Neil smiled to see Avni. He came into the room.

Neil: how are you?

No reply.

Neil: the nurse said that you did not have dinner.

No reply.

Neil: if you do this then how will you get fine?

No answer.

Neil: Avni, the doctor prohibited you.

No reply.

Neil: Avni?

No use.

Neil: Avni, please.

No answer.

Neil thinks.

Neil: ok, have this soup.

Avni did not look at Neil.

Avni: I am not hungry.

Neil: Avni, if you do this then how will you get fine? You want to go home or not?

Avni turned her face to Neil.

Avni: I want to go home but with my baby and husband and here my husband is not letting me meet my baby.

Neil was looking at Avni.

Neil: Avni, the doctor has prohibited you. You can't walk at least not today.

Avni: so, wheelchairs are here, stretchers are here.

Neil was looking at her. He sighs.

Neil: ok, fine, tomorrow, I will take you there and chances are there that they took the baby here to feed it.

Avni got an alert. She got excited.

Avni: really?

Neil nods.

Avni: you are not lying?

Neil: why would I?

Avni: to feed me.

Neil smiled.

Neil: no, I am saying the truth.

Avni got happy.

Neil: and I have one more thing for you.

Avni: what?

Neil: video of our baby.

Avni widens her eyes in excitement.

Neil: and he is looking so cute.

Avni: show me.

Neil: I willl... but. On one condition.

Avni: what?

Neil: you have to finish this soup.

Avni makes a pout. Neil nods.

Neil: if you want to see the video of our baby then you have to finish this soup.

Avni makes a sad face. Neil suppressed his eyes and moved his head.

Neil: now the choice is yours.

Avni said sadly: ok.

Neil smiled.

Neil: good girl.

Avni smiled. Neil kept the tray on the side table and adjust the bed.

Neil: ok? Tell me when you feel comfortable.

Neil was adjusting the bed. Avni grins her teeth because of the pain.

Avni: enough.

Neil looked at her.

Neil: ok.

Neil moved and picked up the bowl from the tray and he sat on the bed. Neil fed Avni with his hands. They smiled.

Neil kept the bowl on the tray on the table and he wipes his hand then Neil turned to Avni who was looking at him.

Avni: Neil, video?

Neil signed her relax.

Neil: relax.

Neil took out his phone from his pocket and was coming to Avni. Neil sat beside Avni who looked at him then she looked at Neil's phone. Neil played the video then he side-hugged Avni. They saw the video of their baby who was moving his hands. Avni's eyes filled with tears and she smiled. The baby rubs his nose with his hand. Avneil chuckles.

Avni: so cute.

Neil smiled. Avneil looked at each other and then they looked at the phone. The video ends and Avni's smile faded. Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: Avniii...

Avni looked at him and makes a sad face.

Avni: you should record something.

Neil smiled.

Neil: means it is nothing?

Avni shook her head. Neil smiled.

Neil: tomorrow, I will take you there then you can see your baby as much as you want.

Avni smiled slightly.

Neil: till then watch this video.

Neil again played the video and Avneil saw the video. Avni kept her head on Neil's shoulder. Neil smiled and he kissed Avni's forehead. Avni smiled and they watch the video and again Avni got sad when the video was finished. Neil looked at Avni. Neil kept his phone in his pocket and then he looked at Avni who was looking sad. Neil thinks.

Neil: Avni?

Avni looked up at Neil.

Neil: We forgot to decide the name of the baby.

Avni: you forgot. I have decided the name of our son.

Neil was surprised.

Neil: really?

Avni said confidently: yes.

Neil: what name did you choose and when did you choose the names? You didn't tell me.

Avni: yesterday and I did not get the chance to tell you as your baby was in hurry and excited to come into this world (Avni looked at Neil) just like his father.

Neil looked at Avni and then he smiled.

Neil: his mother is not less than us.

Avni frowns and Neil pecked Avni's lip. Avni was surprised and she hits his chest. Neil hugs her more and they were smiling then Avni closed her eyes and Neil caressed her hair.

Avni: Neil?

Neil: hmm.

Avni: where is our family? Why they didn't come to meet me?

Neil: the doctor prohibited them.

Avni opened her eyes.

Avni: why?

Neil: for your safety. Any type of germ should not be near you.

Avni: then how do you come?

Neil: it is my hospital so I have a plus point.

Avni looked at Neil who also looked at her.

Avni: then why you are not using your plus point on our baby's matter?

Neil frowns.

Avni: why you are not ordering your staff to take me there?

Neil chuckles because Avni is connecting every point with the baby.

Neil: for your safety.

Avni glared at Neil who chuckles. Avni hits his arm.

Neil: OK, ok. I am not using my power. I am a doctor so I am considering cleanliness. I wash my hands and take shower before coming here and also nurses are doing their work. That's why I am allowed.

Avni was looking at him then they smiled. Avni again kept her head on Neil's chest and closed her eyes.

Avni: thank God, at least, you are here. I am missing our family.

Neil: they will come tomorrow.

Avni smiles and after a few minutes.

Avni: Neil?

Neil: hmm.

Avni: I will meet our baby tomorrow, right?

Neil smiled.

Neil: yes. Now, be a good girl and sleep.

Avni smiled and Neil caressed her hair and kissed her forehead. Soon, Avni slept.

The next morning, the sun was shining in the sky and Avni was laying on the bed of the hospital.

Avni: where did this Neil go?

Avni was irritated and desperate to meet her baby.

Avni: if today, he did not take me there then I, I...

Avni thinks.

Avni: I will see him. I will not talk to him.

Avni heard the sound of opening the door and she looked there. Avni was surprised to see.

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