Shield of Avni

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Chapter 121:

At the time of the day, the birds were flying over the Khanna mansion and inside it, Aman was standing at the door and others were looking at him. He glared at Maddy who looked down then he looked at Avni who was looking at him emotionally. Aman smiled to see her and came to them. He took blessings from Bebe and Shweta then he hugs Neil.

Neil: how are you?

Aman: fine. How are you?

Neil: good.

Aman looked at Avni then he moved to her and cupped her face. Avni holds his wrist and was crying. Aman hugs her. Avni closed her eyes and tears fall from her eyes, Aman also cried. They break the hug and Aman wipes her tears. He shook his head.

Aman: don't cry, Di, you did nothing.

Avni smiled with teary eyes. Aman turns to Maddy.

Aman: I knew, you will come here to create drama that's why I came behind you.

Maddy looked down. Avni wipes her eyes.

Avni: A, Aman, no.

Aman: no, Di, not today. Today, let me say.

Aman turns to Maddy.

Aman: what is your problem? You did not get peace by breaking my and Kareena's relationship that you came here to create a conflict.

Maddy was shocked. Avni looked at Neil who was looking at Aman, she holds Neil's arm who looked at her. Avni sighed to do something. Neil ignored her. Avni looked at Neil in irritation

Aman: what did Jiju say wrong, you were responsible for the abortion of Kareena. First, you asked her to take pills of avoiding pregnancy but when Jiju makes her understand those medicines are not good for her then you gave her your swear that she stays away from me but when your that trick didn't work and she got pregnant then you brainwashed her and made her agree for abortion.

Maddy: I did that for my daughter, she is still a kid.

Aman shouts: You killed my child.

Avni and all were shocked because Aman never shouted at anyone but they can understand his condition. Avni looked at Aman emotionally.

Aman: Kareena is not a kid, three years have passed since our wedding.

Maddy: but you both did hurry in marriage. I was against that.

Aman: that's why you were seeing alliances for her. If she was a kid according to you then why did you want her to get married and were seeing alliances at our back?

Maddy was shocked. Shweta raised one eyebrow and smirked.

Aman: do you have any answer? Hmm?

Maddy looked down. Aman also looked down.

Aman: what do I say to you when Kareena also lied to me we are husband-wife if she was not ready for the baby then she could say that to me but no she, she choose to cheat me. She, she killed my child, I even didn't know that I am going to become a father.

Aman cried, Avni keeps her hand on his shoulder and cupped his face from the side. She touched her face to his face they were crying. Everyone has tears in their eyes except Maddy. Neil wipes his eyes. Aman hugs Avni who was consoling him. Aman was fine after some time, he squeezed his nose.

Aman: and you both decided to keep that secret but the truth cannot be hidden for long. I saw the reports and got to know the truth. But whatever you did with me, I will not let you do that with my Di. You will always find me on your way.

Maddy looked at him. Avni got emotional.

Maddy: what will you do?

Aman moves to her.

Aman: don't forget that your daughter is my wife.

Maddy was shocked.

Aman: you made Di and Jiju marry for your daughter so that you can blackmail me now if you try to harm my Di or try to create problems in my Di's life then...

Avni was shocked.

Avni warned him: Aman.

Maddy: then what?

Aman: I think, you are that much sharp that you understand my sign.

Maddy was shocked. She looked at the family.

Maddy: wow, Avni, you made my family against me.

Avni was shocked. Neil shook his head.

Aman: just like you made your daughter against her family.

Maddy looked at him. She looked down. She looked at all then she goes from there in anger. Everyone was looking at her. Aman turns to Avni who was looking at him emotionally. Aman came to her. Aman cups Avni's face.

Aman: Di, don't cry, this lady doesn't deserve your tears and you know that I don't like tears in your eyes.

Avni smiled she also cups Aman's face.

Avni: you too stop crying, you look like a monkey when you cry.

They smiled with teary eyes. Neil and the Khanna family also smiled. Aman wipes his face. Aman looked at the family.

Aman: I am sorry, I interrupted your family matter actually I could not stand it when she blamed Di.

Neil came to him and holds his shoulder.

Neil: you are also a family. I understand, if I were at your place then I would have done the same.

Shweta: that was not needed. Neela Ji is not like Maddy Ji.

They smiled. Bebe glared at her. Shweta gulps.

Bebe: Maddy did wrong, Aman, you don't need to say sorry, we understand. and yes, Neil said right, you are a family.

They smiled. Aman looked at Avni who turns her face to him.

Aman and Avni were standing in Avneil's room.

Aman: Di, what did you want to talk to me about?

Avni looked at him.

Avni: Aman, I want to talk to you about you and Kareena.

Aman looked away. Avni warns him.

Avni: Aman, you will not harm Kareena.

Aman: Di, are you mad? Don't you know me? Do you really think that I can do that? I was just threatening her. That's it.

Avni smiled.

Aman: I know, I am angry with Kareena but I can't even think of harming her.

Avni smiled to think that after all the problems still, he loves Kareena. Avni thinks.

Avni: Aman, I know whatever happened is unforgivable, unforgettable but Aman, try to move on. Forgive her.

Aman: not possible, Di, not possible, she killed my child and I can never forget that. I will never forgive her.

Avni looked at him with soft eyes.

Aman: how I am living with her only I know that. I don't want any problem in my home that's why I am quiet else I don't want to see her face. I am just pretending to be happy with Kareena in front of the family but in our room, we are living like strangers. I know, whatever she did, she did in her immaturity but still, still, it hurts that she cheated on me, she killed my child, we loved each other but what did she do, she, she cheated on me. I still love her but our relationship will never be like before. Never. I am living with her for you because I know that her mother will create problems in your life, she will try to create problems between you and Jiju.

Avni smiled.

Avni: my and Neil's relationship is not that weak that it will break by someone's conspiracy.

Neil was hearing their conversation by standing at the door. He smiled to hear her.

On the other side, Maddy throws the vase on the floor and it shattered into many pieces.

Maddy: Avni, Avni, Avni. Everyone is saying only one name and that is Avni.

Maddy was panting.

Maddy: today, because of that Avni, he got insulted. Neil and Aman never talked to me in that tone but today because of that Avni, they raised their voice in front of me. I will not leave her. I will make her thrown out of the Khanna house and that's my promise to you, Avni. Neil, himself will throw you out of the house and you will not be able to do anything. Nothing.

Maddy was in hell anger.

On the other side, Avni and Aman were standing in the room.

Avni: And Aman, you, yourself admit that Kareena did that in her immaturity so forgive her and try to move on.

Aman: no, Di, It will never happen, I can never forgive her. If she has stabbed my heart then I will forgive her but she, she stabbed my back, my heart both. Once I would think about forgiving her if she would have attacked me, but she killed my child, if I forgive her then what will I say to my child. If I forgive her then my child will never forgive me, never.

Aman cries. Avni hugged him, and Aman cried by hugging her.

Aman: she killed my child, Di, she killed my child.

Aman caressed his hair.

Avni: ssshhh, calm down, everything will be fine, everything will be fine.

Neil wipes his eyes with his finger and the back of his thumb. Neil looked at the sky.

Neil in mind: I miss you, Baby.

Neil looked at them. Avni breaks the hug and wipes Aman's tears and takes him to the bed and makes him sit. She sat beside him and Aman lays his head on Avni's lap and Avni caressed his hair. He slept. Neil goes from there, he gave them alone time. Avni was caressing Aman's hair.

After some time, Neil entered the room and Avni saw him and they smiled. She makes Aman lays on the pillow and she goes to Neil. They looked at Aman.

Neil: he slept.

Avni: yeah.

Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: I am sorry, Neil, I made Aman sleep here, he...

Neil: Avniii...

Neil cupped her face.

Neil: Why are you saying sorry? I know, you both share a special bond, your relationship is not less than a mother and son and he slept in your lap because he got peace, he felt safe just like a son feels peace and safe in his mother's lap. See.

They looked at Aman.

Neil: how peacefully he is sleeping.

Avni smiled and Neil keeps Avni's head on his chest by holding Avni's face with one hand, he keeps his second hand at Avni's back and she hugs him. They smiled.

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