Storm of love

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Chapter 129:

It was the time of the morning, the birds were chirping and hovering over the Khanna mansion. The noises disturbed Neil's sleep and Avni also got up so Neil's sleep got disturbed as he was missing her warmth. Neil stirs in sleep and he lays on his back and his legs were twisted on the left side. He again turns his side and tried to touch Avni but Avni was not there. Neil moved his hand further but no use. Neil frowns and he opened his eyes slightly but shut them again because of the intensity of the light. Neil wiped his eyes and after a few attempts, he opened his eyes. Neil saw Avni is not beside him. Neil looked here and there then he sat.

Neil: where this Avni goes at this morning. She must be in the kitchen. God, this girl.

Neil ruffles his hair.

On the other side,  Avni was preparing breakfast. She goes to get the boxes by standing near the counter. Someone was looking at her. Avni comes to the stove and was cutting the onion. She feels someone is looking at her when she turns her face no one was there. Avni frowns. She shrugs off her thought and shook her head by cutting the onion then she goes to the other side to wash the tomatoes. Someone was coming to her and she was unaware of that.

Avni was busy with her work and suddenly someone hugged her from behind. Avni flinched and the tomatoes falls from the vessel on the counter and into the sink. Neil kept his chin at Avni's shoulder. Avni saw him. She took a deep breath by closing her eyes.

Avni: Neil. Neil, you scared me.

Neil: why? Who else can hug my wife like this? Anyone has the dare to touch you?

Avni smiled.

Neil: If anyone tried to touch my wife, I will kill that person.

Avni smiled, she cups Neil's cheeks with on hand and slightly shook his face.

Avni: ok my possessive Khanna.

Avni kissed his cheek. Neil smiled. Avni collects the tomatoes while smiling.

Neil: by the way, madam, what are you doing here?

Avni: I am preparing breakfast.

Neil: where is Bheema Di?

Avni: she is on leave.

Neil: oh.

Avni said while freeing herself from Neil's grip.

Avni: now leave me, I have to prepare breakfast.

Avni goes to the other side and starts peeling tomatoes. Neil came to her and hugs her from behind. Avni smiled.

Avni: did you sleep well last night?

Neil: yes, it was so peaceful. I didn't think that I will sleep but I was wrong. I had a good sleep.

Avni smiled.

Neil: and when we are together then I can sleep peacefully anywhere, in any condition.

Avni: really?

Neil: any doubt.

Avni smiled and said no. Neil smiled.

Avni was cutting the tomatoes and Neil holds Avni's hands and starts cutting the tomatoes.

Avni: Neil, what are you doing? You will cut our fingers.

Neil whispered in Avni's ear.

Neil: don't you trust me.

Avni feels a shiver in her body. She closed her eyes. Neil looked at Avni who opened her eyes.

Avni: it is not about trust, it is about care.

Neil smiled and they cut the tomato. Avni looked at Neil and smiled. Avni looked at the tomato. Avni moves to the stove and kept the cooking pan on the stove. Neil again hugged her and holds Avni's hand. Avni smiled. They stirred the spoon.

Avni: what happened, Mr Khanna, you are becoming very romantic at this very morning.

Neil smiled.

Neil: when you have an irresistible wifey then how can you control yourself.

Avni smiled. Saying this Neil kissed her ear and nuzzled Avni's ear and in her hair. Avni closed her eyes. Neil saw Avni is sweating and Neil blows at her neck.

Avni: Neil.

Neil looked at Avni and he nuzzled Avni's neck. Avni squeezed her eyes.

Avni: Neil, please.

Neil looked at her. Neil closed his eyes and tried to control himself. Neil picked Avni in a bridal style.

Avni: Neil, what are you doing?

Neil moves to the side and placed Avni on the counter. Avni looked at Neil astonishingly.

Avni: what is this?

Neil: now you sit here and I will cook.

Neil took the spatula from her.
Avni: but Neil...

Neil keeps his finger on Avni's lips.

Neil: ssshhh...

Avni looked at his finger then at him.

Neil: now you keep quiet and sit here. Already you have done a lot of work since yesterday so now you will not do anything, just will order me.

Avni makes a face. She was about to say. Neil keeps the finger on his lips.

Neil: ssshhhhh...

Neil: keep your finger on your lips.

Avni: what?

Neil: what, what? Keep your finger on your lips.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: quick.

Avni keeps the finger on her lips.

Neil: good.

Neil goes to the stove and stirs the onion which was about to burn.

Neil: Avni, now what will add in it?

Avni looked at the roof, here and there.

Neil: Avni. Avni.

Avni looked at him. She points at her, me.

Neil: who else is here? And your name is Avni, right?

Avni nods while closing her eyes and her finger was on her lips.

Neil: then tell me, what I have to do now.

Avni looked at her finger and pointed at her finger with the finger of a second hand. Avni looked at Neil.

Neil gets irritated. He keeps down the finger.

Neil: Avni, please yaar.

Avni: what? You asked me to keep quiet then how could I talk.

Neil: please, Avni, don't irritate me.

Avni smiled.

Avni: ok, ok, sorry. Now be serious.

Neil: ok, good girl.

They smiled.

Avni instructed Neil and he cooked. Neil wants Avni to taste flattened rice. Neil took the flattened rice with the spoon and blows that then Neil feeds Avni and waits for her reply. Avni was eating that and she looked at Neil who signed how is it. Avni smiled and signed awesome. Neil smiled. Avni hugs Neil.

Avni: you are the best husband of this world.

Avni kissed his cheek. Neil smiled.

They sat on the chairs and have breakfast while feeding each other.

The time flew and six months passed like this. Avneil were happy in their life and Avni also comes back to her daily routine. Maddy didn't get the chance to humiliate Avni, she tried a lot but didn't get a single reason. During these six months, Neil never gets intimate with Avni as he thought, she is not ready for that.

At the time of the night, Avni was standing near the cupboard and was finding a file, she was checking the file.

Avni: tch.

Avni closed the file and kept it in the drawer and took out another file and check that. Avni kept that in the drawer and takes out the other one and something fell from that. Avni saw that and picked up the pages. Avni saw that and was shocked to see that. It was her sonography report. Avni's eyes filled with tears. Avni opened the file and keeps the report in it then she touched the picture, and a tear falls from her eye. She turned the pages. Avni got emotional. She thinks.

Neil came into the room and he saw Avni. Neil came to her and stands behind her. He found her lost. Neil looked at the file and he understood. Neil looked at Avni who turned her face to him. Her eyes were teary. Neil gulps. They looked into each other's eyes and saw the same pain that they were going through. Neil moved back and he goes to close the door. Neil turned to Avni. Avni was looking at him. Neil came to her and he took the file from Avni and he goes behind her. Neil kept the file in the cupboard and Avni turned to him, she looked at the drawer and then at Neil. Neil closed the cupboard and looked at Avni. Neil turned to her.

Neil holds Avni's hand and takes her to the bed. Avni was looking at him. She looked at the bed then at Neil who turned to her. Neil makes Avni sit and he sat too. Neil makes Avni lay and hovers over her. Neil touched Avni's hair on her forehead. Avni closed her eyes. Neil moves his hand to Avni's cheek and caressed her cheek with his thumb cupping her face. Neil looked at Avni who opened her eyes.

Neil in mind: this is my last attempt, Avni. I don't want to give you pain anymore.

They looked into each other's eyes. Neil leans toward her and Avni closed her eyes. They had a blissful night.

Later, Neil was laying on his elbow next to Avni who was laying straight. They were covered with the duvet. Neil was playing with Avni's hair. Avni looked at Neil who smiled.

Neil: you ok?

Avni smiled and she got emotional, her eyes filled with tears. Avni hugs Neil and Neil instantly holds her back. A tear falls from Avni's eye. Neil kissed her hair. Neil thinks and Avni closed her eyes and cries. Neil also got emotional.

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