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Chapter 57:

Things can be solved by talking.

In the Khanna mansion, Avni and Neil sitting in their room. Neil looks away and Avni was looking at him.

Avni: Neil.

No response.

Avni: what do you want, Neil?

Neil: why you are asking me you did what you want. Like you always do.

Avni: Do you want me to back off from this project?

Neil: you made your mind to do it. In fact, you accepted that project and will go tomorrow then what's the point of talking about all this.

Avni: exactly, tomorrow I will go and don't know when I come back still you are angry with me.

Neil looks at her and looks away.

Avni: Neil, imagine if I left this project but what is the guarantee that I will not be threatened again. Do you give me any guarantee?

Neil looks at her.

Avni: no right? OK tell me if a patient comes to you and you get a phone call that don't treat that person and threatens you then what will you do?

Neil: Obviously, I will save that person because it is my duty.

Avni: that what I am trying to say.

Neil: what do you want to say? What do you want to prove?

Avni: I want to say that we can not sit at home because of these types of threats. Neil, rivals are everywhere and it is very common in businesses.

Neil: Avni, my duty as a doctor and your project both are different things. You can't compare them.

Avni: True but one thing is common in our profession that is commitment. We all are committed to our work and we can't do injustice with our work. I said yes to his PA and started the work then who can I back off now. It is a question of my credibility.

Neil: and what about your life? Is your work more than your life? If something happened to you then what you will do of your business.

Avni: so you mean to say that I should shut down my business.

Neil: When I said that?

Avni: you are not saying that but if every time I refused the projects then that day is not far away when a padlock will be hanging at the gate of my office.

Neil looks at her.

Neil: I want your protection that's it. You can send anyone to your place.

Avni: How can I put someone else life at risk?

Neil: and I can't put your life at risk. Rest is your choice.

Avni: nothing will happen these are useless threats, just to scare us it is not the first time when I am getting these types of threats and see I am here sitting in front of you all fine.

Neil cups her face.

Neil: try to understand, Avni, I am concerned about you.

Avni holds his hand in her hands.

Avni: trust me, Neil, nothing will happen and death is an ultimate truth we can not deny it when it has to come it will come no one can stop it then why to live in fear.

Neil was looking at her.

Avni: ok, tell me if you were at my place then what you will do?

Neil thinks.

Avni: you will do it. Right?

Neil closes his eyes and signs.

Neil: fine, go.

Avni smiles and hugs him in excitement. Neil hugs her.

Avni: thank you.

Avni came back to reality and breaks the hug. She keeps the hair strand behind her ear. Neil smiles to see her.

Neil: but.

Avni looks at him.

Avni: but what?

Neil: you will go with the security.

Avni smiles.

Avni: don't worry, papa ji already arranged that. I refused but he did not listen.

Neil smiles.

Neil: that's good.

Avni makes a face and Neil smiles. Avni was happy to see him happy.

Avni: Neil, you are not angry with me anymore, right?

Neil smiles.

Neil: no. Avni, I understand but I am concerned about you and because of that, I behaved like that.

Avni: I understand.

Neil: ok, now sleep you have a flight tomorrow.

Avni: oh yaa.

They lay and sleep by thinking about each other.

The next day, Avni meets the family outside the Khanna mansion and get in the car. Neil was sitting in the driving seat he was going to drop her at the airport.

Avneil were standing at the airport and heard the announcement.

Avni: ok bye then. Now I have to go.

Neil: take care of yourself and be alert.

Avni nods and said bye. Neil replied her and Avni goes. Neil was looking at her he sighs.

Neil comes to the room and saw their pictures on the wall and goes near the wall. Neil caresses Avni's picture. He was missing her.

Neil was sitting in the room and waiting for Avni's call.

Neil: why she did not call till now, she must have reached till now.

Neil thinks he was desperately waiting for her call. His phone rings.

Neil: Avni.

Neil picks the call.

Neil: Hello Avni, thank God, you called I was so worried. Why did you take so much time? You are ok? Security is with you, right?

Avni was sitting in the car.

Avni: Neil relax, I am fine. I reached sometimes ago and am sorry couldn't inform you because of Security and other issues. The security is with me and I am on the way home.

Neil: oh ok. What did you say? Home?

Avni: yes, Mr Rajput called and said he made arrangements for our living.

Neil: ok.

Avni: ok Neil, I will talk to you later. I am on the way.

Neil: ok.

They cut the call. Neil sighs.

At the time of the night, Avni and Neil were laying on the bed and missing each other. They caress the bedsheet.

Neil: I must say you are very brave, Avni. You are a real tigress.

Avni: I miss you, Neil. My Gorilla.

Neil: I am missing you, my tigress.

They smile. Neil's smile faded he was worried for Avni. Neil thinks.

The next day, Neil was coming downstairs by carrying a bag. The family was sitting at the dining area they were surprised to see him.

Shweta: Tillu, you are going somewhere?

Neil: yes mom, I am going to the hospital.

Neil keeps the bag on the floor and sits on the chair.

Shweta: then this bag.

Neil: oh, I am going to Jaipur today.

All were surprised.

Shweta: what?

Neil: yes mom.

Shweta: but why?

Neil: Mom, Avni's life is in danger and I can't sit here quietly. I can't wait all these days so I am going.

All were happy to see his concern but were worried also. Already they were worried for Avni now Neil is also going.

Neil had breakfast because he had talked to Avni else he did not eat.

Neil meets the family and goes. Neil was sitting on the plane. Neil smiles.

Neil: I am coming, Avni. Soon, I will be there hope you are fine.

Neil thinks.

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