NiNe - No one cares lmao

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Literally no one cares but hurricane depression has well and truly hit. Today is also my half birthday which means that in six months I will be eighteen. I'm dreading it. I should be happy since I never thought I'd see eighteen, but it just seems so final. I wish I had a different childhood but then again, don't we all? 

I'm annoyed at myself because I feel like I've completely wasted my teenage years. I went to a total of three parties. I missed so much school the Gardaí (police) were involved. I've forgotten how to speak most of my own language. My family is falling apart. And even though I have tried so fucking hard, I'm back where I was this time last year, which is not fun. 

I'm being negative and I hate it but sometimes you just want to be sad. I don't want to think about my future, I just want to concentrate on getting myself out of bed lmao 

People are literally dying and I'm here whinging. Sign petitions. Donate when you can. And say something. Even if you're wrong, because you'll learn. Saying nothing is worse. 

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