Chapter 1

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So this is my first behir short story and my sixth story. This would contain only around 10-15 parts. Not giving any introduction coz you will get to know in the story. Note that this is a simple and cute love story with no twists and obstacles.
Happy reading ❤️


Bela :

Today is my 25th birthday and I'm least interested to celebrate, but my childhood friend Vishaka whom I call as Vish is much more excited for it.. in my life if I have to say what makes me happy, it's only Vish. I know her since I was 15 and since then she is more like my sister than a bestie, and today also god knows what plans she's doing..

In such a big world I'm trying to find happiness which I'm not receiving in my home.. not that I don't like my parents and family, I love them and they love me too.. but the fact that they always failed to understand me makes me upset. Since my childhood my parents got me everything which is needed but never did they ask me if I liked that.. sometimes I feel they just do it as there responsibility but no, I very well know that they love me so much being the only child for them but I wish they could understand me and try to see things in my point of view..

I always wanted to be free from all these, so I insisted my dad to let me study in Delhi so that I can stay in hostel.. but as expected his answer was a big no, and my mom too coz she really can't stay away from me.. dad being a workaholic she's more attached to me but that doesn't stop the fights between us.. thats why I wanna run somewhere far away. I wish I can stay in Delhi coz I find peace there whenever I go, I remember all my childhood memories spent there.. yeah we were in Delhi till my schooling but later due to dad's work we had to shift to Mumbai.

Well! Being almost restricted for a lot of things I make sure that I won't get scolding from my parents but if it's written that I have to be screwed up, then what else can I do? I always Dreamt of a love marriage, the one who can understand me which I'm craving for, since years.. but yeah where I can't even to be out after 8 at night, how will I expect that my parents would accept my love.. I very well know that our entire family is against the concept of love marriage and that's why I keep myself away from guys being scared that I might fall in love with someone whome I can't be with..

But I still have faith that one day I would get such a life partner who can understand me and respects my feelings.. although my parents had already started looking matches for me, this makes me sure that I'm gonna get married before I turn an year old.

While I was thinking all these my phone rang and a wide smile crept on my face.. it was Vish of course, she had already wished me at 12 last night but this girl is way too much excited for my birthday.. I picked up the call coming out of my thoughts..

"Happy birthday darling", said Vish being very excited

"You already wished me Dumbo.. anyways thank you", I said

"Today your complete day is mine baby.. I'm not gonna let you stay alone today, after all it's your birthday today", said Vish in a demanding tone

"Haha! I already knew this, so just come over soon we shall go out, I said though I was least interested it all this now

"Well! This time you guessed it wrong, I'm already there babes", saying she directly opened the door and stepped inside..

I looked at her shocked as she was there this morning for me, this made me smile thinking that there's someone who loves me dispite everything else. She immediately came, sitting next to me she pulled me into a tight and loving hug and I too wrapped my arms around her. She backed off and kissed my cheek and showed her right cheek asking me for a kiss.. I chuckled at her antics and kissed her cheek.

"Now will you keep staring at me or have any plans to get ready?", She asked pulling her away with a sarcastic smile on her face

"Going Baba", I said and got up from the bed

I made my way to the washroom and got ready in my new dress and came out, vish looked at me with a 'o' shaped mouth, and I understood what she's gonna say.

"Yeah I'm hot, I know", I said not letting her say that

She cutely pouted and then we both chuckled at eachother. I heard a knock at the door and saw my mom coming inside.

"Happy birthday Bela", said my mom (Sarika) smiling and kissing my forehead

Thanking her I made my way to the dressing table selecting my matching earrings.

"Get ready and come fast, you both are not going anywhere till you have your breakfast", my mom tried to fake an order tapping vish's shoulder

"We will eat out na aunty", Vish said even when she knows mom won't accept for it

"I already prepared for you both and now I'm not letting you both go out unless you both have your breakfast", this time my mom actually passed an order

I chuckled looking at vish's expression.. I soon got ready and we both went to the dining area. My dad (Anurag Sharma) came from his room after getting ready for his office where he's working as an employee past many years.. so basically we are from an upper middle class family.

"Happy birthday darling", he too wished me caressing my face

Thanking him I went and sat near the dinning and saw that my mom made my favourite sandwich and aloo paratha, since I love then I ate it fast. I took my purse and left with Vish assuring my mom that we would be back before 8 in the night, and my dad too left with me simultaneously to his office.

So finally we both went out and being a simple girl we never used to do something beyond, my birthday gift was always to spend my whole day with Vish and nothing else.. and we both went out visiting our favourite places where we would get peace. It's already 5pm and I was feeling dam hungry, I looked at Vish with my puppy face and she giggled understanding what I want, this girl always understands me the best.

"Ok now no more puppy faces, we shall go to some cafe nearby", she stated controling her laugh

I instantly hugged her feeling overwhelmed to have such a bestie by my side. We reached a cafe near by and I quickly took my seat and placed my order, I slightly hit Vish on her shoulder seeing her giggling at me.

"How much will you eat Bela? We just ate our lunch a few Hours back", she said still not able to control laughing

"That's the whole point Vish, we ate a few hours back and now it's digested na", I said smiling sheepishly

Our order came and while I was having it I felt someone closing my eyes from behind, I thought for a second of who could it be.. but being an introvert I really have only a few friends whom I can count on, and one of them is Ananya, Anu.. She's my online friend whom I know through Instagram. She's indeed dam sweet and after Vish she's the only one who can read my face.. I knew it was her who did this now, I called her by her name and she frowned and came Infront of me..

"Arre Yaar how did you even know that's it me?", Anu asked me frowning

"How can I not know your touch?", I answered chuckling

"But as far as you know I wasn't in mumbai from last two days, then how can you be so sure Bela?", Seems like Anu is still not satisfied with my answer

"Now will you keep arguing or gonna wish me?", I said ignoring her question

"Oh yeah! Happy birthday babes", Anu wished me hugging

Vish and Anu are not very good friends but me being there mutual friend they too share a good bond. Vish sometimes gets jealous of Anu when I give importance to her, but then I had to convince her saying she more important to me.. well! That's true thought.

We three were chitchatting with eachother and then we started leaving.
That's when I started feeling something different... I don't know what this feeling is, but feels like something good is gonna happen today, god knows what's really happening. Shrugging my thoughts we moved towards the exit but Anu called me from behind, I turned listening to her and then, there happened something which increased my heart beat all of a sudden..

To be continued..


Sorry that mahir still haven't entered.. I hope you guys liked it.. do share your views through the comments and also do vote.

This story is my dream, ok don't laugh at it.. being a very simple story some of you might get bored but I'm trying to make it cute though. Do shower your love.

And yeah! Today is indeed a big day coz its my pearlie's birthday 🙈🙈. Hope he stay happy always! ❤️

With love
~ Srija

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