Chapter 7

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Continuing from the last part...

Mahir :

Bela asked me to drop her a little far from her house and I did the same, I waited till she went inside and assuring that she's safe I went back. I reached home and as expected yuvi bombarded me with his multiple questions.

"Will you atleast let me fresh up?", This is what I told him

"Fine go", he said being annoyed and I chuckled at him

I went to the washroom to freshen up and as soon I came out I saw yuvi sitting on my bed, this guy is seriously desperate to know.

"Now will you say Bhai?", He asked me raising his eyebrow

"Yes but shall we have our dinner before that?", I asked in a mood to irritate him

"Ok fine come", he said being irritated now

We both went to have our dinner and I wantedly was eating slowly and I could sence him glaring at me. After I ate I silently went back to my room and sat on my bed.

"Bhai please atleast say now na", he asked pleading

"Yuvi you trust me right?", I asked looking at him

"Of course Bhai, is that something to ask?", He said lovingly

"Then trust me, just tell what you feel for Vish directly.. you love her right so express it yuvi", I said keeping my hand on his shoulder

"Are you sure Bhai?", He asked me being a little worried

"Yes", I said

"Ok then as you say, I'll propose her tomorrow only Bhai", he said being excited

"That's good bro", I said hugging him

Bela :

Next morning Vish informed me that yuvi called her and asked her to come somewhere, seems like mahir also spoke to him and convinced him to express his feelings. Omg! I'm so happy, I'm waiting for Vish to come and tell me what happened. I'm in the office now and I'm trying to complete my work as soon as possible thinking to leave a little early than usual.

As though I managed to complete my work at 5pm only and immediately went to my home when I got a call from Vish.

"Bela where are you now?", She asked me directly

"I'm at home Vish, where are you?", I asked to know

"Wait, I'll be there in sometime", she said happily

"Ok come fast, I'm waiting", I said being excited

Soon she came and hugged me as tight as she could.

"Bela I'm very happy today", she said still being in the hug

"Will you tell me everything please", I said breaking the hug

She made me sit on the bed and sat beside me.

"Ok so listen, I reached the place where yuvi asked me to come.. without wasting any time he directly told that he loves me and Bela I was literally on the 9th cloud that moment.. I din't know how to reach, I went numb that moment. I finally told him that I love him too and he hugged me immediately", she said blushing

"Wow Vish, then? Then what happened?", I asked excited

"Then we were just gossiping, and you know what he told that he started feeling from me from the first time he saw me.. this made me too happy, we just spoke for sometime and he dropped me home. That's it", she said taking relief

"I'm so so happy for you Vish, congrats", I said hugging her

"Thank you Bela", she said hugging me back

"So what next?", I asked her

"I wanna say to mom and dad, you know if they know it later it might become a problem.. so it's better I say them now only", she said

"Yeah that's better, I said

"Oh hello! Even you have to come with me, if you say then I'm sure my parents would accept easily", she said demanding me

"Ok madam as you say", I said chucking to which she too giggled

I told my mom that I'm going to Vish's house and would come soon, we soon reached her house and I saw her parents sitting in living room only. Vish seems to be scared so I assured her and we both went to them.

Vish told them about her love for yuvi without any dragging and at first her parents were a bit surprised. But soon they understood and asked details about yuvi and how they met, Vish told them everything and even I assured them about yuvi. They finally accepted there marriage but told that they wants to meet there family before taking things further. Vish hugged us in happiness and I wish she always stays happy like this.

Mahir :

Yuvi told me that Vish accepted his proposal which I already know would happen. I was happy to see him happy like this. We went to our parents and yuvi openly told them his love for Vish and my mom was happy instantly. My dad was thinking for a while and then trusting yuvi he too accepted.

Yuvi got a call from Vish and automatically a smile crepts on his face. He spoke and cutting the call informed us that even vish's parents accepted him but wants to meet them once. Dad decided that we would go to Vish's house tomorrow and asked yuvi to inform Vish about the same.

I was happy that tomorrow we will go to Vish's house, coz I'm sure that Bela would also be there. I wonder how my thoughts shift to Bela whatever the topic is. I smiled seeing her effect on me.

The night passed soon as I wanted and next morning I was getting ready and looking into the mirror and checking for the last time that I look perfect.

"Bhai I'm the groom, not you", I heard yuvi giggling standing behind me

"I know that, but who knows I too may become the groom soon", I said thinking about Bela and a smile crept on my face

"Bhai don't hide it from me, tell me do you love someone?", My brother caught me

"Ok I shall tell you, but before that promise me you wouldn't talk about this to anyone and with Vish mainly", I said lifting my eyebrow

"Ok Bhai you can trust me in this, tell me who's that lucky girl?", He asked me curious to know

"Bela, I'm in love with Bela yuvi", I said hiding my blush

"Omg Bhai, she's the best choise for you.. Vish always says me about Bela, she's such a sweet girl", yuvi said being happy for me

"Yes I know, but don't think too much about it coz I love her and she don't, she hardly openes up and talks to me freely", I said sadly

"Bhai you must know that she's an introvert like Vish only, I told you na that for me too it was hard to initiate a conversation with Vish", he said keeping his hand on my shoulder

"Yes I know yuvi, I'm trying let's see.. but you don't tell this to anyone, it's just one sided as of now", I said

"Ok Bhai chill", he said giggling

Bela :

I was excited that yuvi's family would come to Vish's home, but I was thinking that I'm happy that soon Vish is gonna get married or is it because I gotta see mahir today? This feeling really confused me.

I soon got ready at vish's home only coz early morning I came here as Vish seems to be a little nervous as it's all going too fast. I relaxed her and helped her in getting ready.

Soon we heard the car sound and understood that yuvi's family had come so we quickly got ready and were waiting to go near them. I saw Mahir, and yuvi's mom, she is looking so sweet and kind.

They all sat and I caught yuvi searching for someone and obviously it's Vish but something which made me happy was mahir too was searching was someone or something, is that me? Does he also wants to see me like I have wanted to? My thoughts were disturbed when Vish mom came and asked me to bring Vish with me.

I slowly took Vish and came near the living room and I found yuvi eyes stuck on Vish while mahir was staring at me, I smiled.. no I rather blushed.

"Come here beta", Sumi aunty said to Vish

I made Vish sit beside Sumi aunty and I sat near Vish mom.

"She's Bela, Vish's childhood friend and more like a sister to her", Vish's mom said introducing me and I smiled

They were taking about the marriage and I was listening to it while in between I saw mahir stealing glances at me.

"Ok then we will talk to pandit ji and will inform you regarding this", Sumi aunty said with a smile

Finally everything went on well and soon Vish is gonna marry yuvi. They left and I hugged Vish in happiness.

To be continued...


Sorry that this part was more of yuvish love but this was important for the coming parts. Do vote and comment.

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