Chapter 2: Kill the Bounty Hunters

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Third Person Perspective:

     "For 10 years alone, I had been honing my skills as a warrior in order to prepare myself against the Empire. Nothing could be more exciting than showing what I had been training for. All the abuse, and neglect had led up to the day when I would strike down the Prime Minister and reclaim the throne for the Revolution to rise up. Nothing could be more satisfying than killing the cause of this chaos with something that can cause chaos. Speaking of which, the sword that I had retrieved from the pond, was actually an Imperial Arm, known as the Sword of Daemons. The Sword actually has a mind of it's own, and it could make the strong falter, the weak become weaker, and the mentally insane become even more insane. This Imperial Arm, since it has a mind of it's own, only chooses the worthy to be able to wield it's unstable power, and it had chosen me to become it's wielder. A challenge, yes, but not impossible, and when I had completed my training, I was then ready to take in the Empire." Wolf wore some rugged clothing he stole from an abusive noble, who raped women for his own pleasure, and killed them afterwards, but Wolf took care of that swine, and the women were set free. Word had reached out to the Capital, and now Wolf was a wanted criminal, dubbed as "The Pale Beast", known for his pale white complexion and thirst for pain and blood. Not only that, his reward for his capture either Dead or Alive was a whopping 100,000 gold pieces to whoever kills him or arrests him. Now, Wolf was fighting off some bounty hunters that had been following him back to the Capital.

    "KILL THE PALE BEAST!" One of the 10 bounty hunters shouted as they rode on horseback after Wolf, who was just on foot. He was dodging the arrows and crossbow bolts that were being fired at him by swerving through the dense forest of trees. However, one of the hunters was able to get in close for the kill, but Wolf took out the Sword of Daemons from his back, held it in a reverse hand grip before he jumped and swung at the bounty hunter, slicing his head clean off his shoulders, and making the horse rear back in fear. Wolf continued on his sprint as the bounty hunters were gaining an advantage on him; however, he turned around 180 degrees and ran back to the bounty hunters.

    "Hah! He thinks he can take us all on! What a feeble attem-" He was interrupted, for his throat had been split wide open by Wolf's sword that made short work of 3 more bounty hunters, effectively killing half of the group. Just then, Wolf threw his sword up and caught it in a javelin throwing stance before chucking it at two of the hunters, spearing them together by the sword. 

    "Three more..." Wolf said before he zoomed over to his sword, but he was blocked off by the remaining three bounty hunters.

    "Nowhere to go now Pale Beast. Give up! Or we will make you suffer!" One of them spoke, but Wolf did not respond back, all he did was stay still, which pissed off the bounty hunters.

    "Hey! Are you deaf!? I said, give u-" He couldn't finish his sentence as his head had been ripped apart by Wolf's unbelievable strength. Then Wolf retrieved his sword from the corpses before he swung wide and hard, killing both bounty hunters and the three horses that stood before him. After that exhilarating bout, Wolf sheathed his sword behind his back before he got back on the road to the capital.

    "The Capital was amazing in appearance, the colors of the buildings and flowers, the merchants; selling all kinds of goods, and the regular people around the area were friendly to say the least. However, deep within the heart of the city were the nobles and city officials, who were all scum of the earth. Nothing could be more disgusting than having to be in the presence of one of them. But I wasn't visiting the Capital to brood over the evil in the city, I was visiting, so that I could get used to the culture and the people around town since it had been over 10 years since I've had any human contact. So, I started with the nearest pub." Wolf entered the small pub that housed dozens of people here and there, but what caught his eye, were two persons. One, a blonde woman who wore close to nothing, and two, a brunette haired boy who was with her. They were talking about something that was inaudible to him, and Wolf didn't mind it either way, so he sat at the table next to the bartender. What Wolf didn't notice was the attractive woman that was sitting right next to him.

    "Hey there friend, what can I get ya?" The bartender said.

    "Something that gives a kick, but not too much of a kick." Wolf said.

    "Coming right up!" The bartender started getting to work at doing what he was good at, and that had caught the attention of the woman beside Wolf.

    "I'll have what he's having too." The woman said.

    "Of course ma'am." The bartender then got twice as much ingredients to prepare for two people, and the woman eyed Wolf up and down.

    "You look brooding. I like you." She said with a seductive smirk, but Wolf didn't know how to react to her flirt.

    "Thank you, I guess...whoever you are." The woman gasped in surprise before she spoke.

    "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Mia, it's nice to meet you." The bartender came back with their drinks and served them to them. Wolf picked up his glass, and she did the same.

    "Wolf, it's a pleasure to meet you as well." They clinked their glasses together before taking a sip of their drink. After they took a sip of their drinks, the woman decided to go to the restroom to freshen up, but when Wolf looked over to see that she was gone, he wend over to her drink and spiked it with Cyanide, which gave off no trace in the drink. Luckily, when she came back, she didn't notice a thing, but when she took another sip of her drink, she started to choke.

   "I know you're a bounty hunter, so I decided to poison you with Cyanide. You will be dead in a minute, so you better pray for a swift death." Her eyes widened before she ran out the door in fear, but she didn't go far as she passed away on the ground. Wolf took a chug of his drink before paying his bill and exiting the bar, but this caught the attention of another woman.

   "Hmmmm, I think Night Raid can make use of him..."

A/N: Hey everyone, I hope you liked this chapter, and I will see you in the next one. BYE

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